: in;', Vol. XIV. LINCOLN, NEB., DEC. 18, 1902. No. 30. ANTI-TRUST BILLS Congressman Shallenberger Explains to House Committee the Yesexueleaa Imbroglio Postal Bobberies Washington, D. C, Dec. 15, 1902. (Special Correspondence.) It is but natural that the American people are just now very much interested in the trust question, an interest born of suf fering experienced from their exac tions. A number of anti-trust bills have beep introduced in congress, one of these" by Representative Shallen berger of the Fifth Nebraska district The house committee on judiciary has been holding a series of hearing on the question, and before this committee Mr. Shallenberger was yesterday sum moned to explain the provisions of his bill, an outline of which was be fore given in these columns. The publicity feature, spoken of in" the president's message, is a promi nent factor in all these bills, and Messrs. Shallenberger and Littlefield of Maine engaged in a quite lengthy dis cussion as to the efficacy of the remedy proposed, Mr. Shallenberger taking the position that not only should publicity be given to trust management to pro tect prospective investors, but to that greater and more interested class, the whole people. In his address before the committee, Mr. Shallenberger called attention to the fact that there were at least eight distinct evils in the trust system, the three principal of which were the de struction of competition, fraudulent and overcapitalization and the favorit ism of the tariff and the railroads. He went on to explain the feature of his bill, by which he proposed to do away with these evils, and the intent of the non-partisan tariff commission to re port on the subject. A large crowd was present at the hearing, and Mr. S. was freely com plimented on the merits of his bill and his knowledge of the subject in hand. The Washington papers were all quite extended in their comments. This has not been a busy week in congress. The opponeh's of the om nibus statehood bill have taken up the time of the senate in filibustering to prevent a vote thereon, but, now that the bill has some republicans, led by Quay, to assist the democrats, there is a fair possibility of its pass age. The bill to pay the expenses of the anthracite coal commission has passed both houses; the pension, legislative, judicial and executive appropriation bills, in all of which there is a slight increase, have passed the lower house; while the immigration bill has re ceived senate approval. The death of Tom Reed is deeDlv la mented in many quarters, as he was recognized by those best capable to judge as being the ablest republican of them all. It cannot be denied that his last days were somewhat embit tered by the fact that he could not reach the goal of his ambition the presidency. He was out of harmony with the majority of his party on the Philippine question and this induced his withdrawal from public life. A comparison between the Panama and Nicaragua routes for an American isthmian canal has been made by the bureau of statistics. The total length of. the Panama route is 49.09 miles, that of the Nicaragua route is 183.66 miles. The relative cost of construct ing the canals is, Nicaragua, $189, 864,062; Panama, $144,233,358. The an nual cost of maintenance and opera tion is, Nicaragua, $3,300,000; Pana ma, $2,000,000. The annual cost of maintaining the Suez canal is about $1,300,000. An average steamer would require twelve hours to pass through the Panama canal and thirty-three hours to cross the Nicaragua. But thc sea distance between New York end San Francisco by the Nicaragua route is 498 nautical miles less than by way of Panama. Secretary Hay yesterday informed the cabinet that the Panama negotia tions had been practically completed with the exception of fixing the in creased price which Colombia is anx ious to secure for the concession. The bureau of engraving and print ing had money to burn last month and save money by burning it Forty thou sand dollars' worth of revenue stamps mixed with the regular fuel was shov eled into the furnaces every day for a month, and as a consequence the price of a ton of coal was saved every twenty-four hours Owing to the high price of anthra cite coal and the scarcity of fuel at the bureau it was tnought best to get some good out of the tons of waste stamps that represented a value of over a million dollars. This is the first time in the history of the bu reau that such a use has ever been made of condemned stamps, and tho precedent will probably be followed on futuro occasions. It is estimated that the total weight of all mail matters, exclusive of gov ernment "free," mailed during the year was 745,742,872 pounds. The actual postage revenue derived from this source was $116,728,644. Of this sum $90,950,751.72 was received for first class mail. $4,541,523.59 for second class, and $20,957,110.44 for' third and, fourth class mail. The railways these days are working Christmas (How the earth-man explained ifs significance to the man from Mars.) Tou say you ne'er saw aught like this? ' Then you certainly missed mueli, for see Tou get a taste of Heavenly bliss Under our Christmas tree. We earth folks are mighty sinners Arid our quarrels would never cease Were it not for the Christmas season, That wonderful season of peace- The very best that is in' us Conies to the surface then ; And we're only rivals as far as ice show Good will to our fellow-m en. . For once in the year we cast aside Our heart-ache and care and sorrow; Our faees assume a brighter look, Saying, "Worry, I'll meet you tomorrow." But where do we get this blessing? (I always forget you're from Mars) It's a costly gift from the Giver Who owneth and guideth the stars. Tie gave us the first Christmas j)rcsent On the Christmas day numbered one, When to this world, in unmeasured Love, lie sent His beloved Son. Anna Krumbach. Down from the Heavens they came on that evening, Heavenly messengers, Angels of light ; Bringing good news to the shepherds affr ighted Trembling in awe of the presences bright. Down from the Heavenly portals they're winging, Hark to the angels, oh hark to their singing; Throughout the world the sweet carols are ringing "Peace unto mankind; a Savior is bom." Once more the heralds announce the glad Christmas "Love rules the earth Let the people rejoice. Praise ye the Lord who is King of all na tions; Praise Him, oh praise Him, all ye who have voice " Up to Heaven's portals triumphantly winging, List to the children, oh list to their singing, Join in the carols so joyously ringing "Peace unto mankind: a Savior is born." Verna F. Barr. Money and the Taxing Power BY W. II. ASIIBY. All Rights Reserved. It gives The Independent great pleas ure to announce to its readers that ar rangements have been completed for the publication in serial form of Capt W. H. Ashby's work on political econ omy, "Money, and the Taxing Pow er." This will be published in in stallments of about two columns a week, beginning January 1, 1903, un til finished which will probabiy be some time next summer. The Inde pendent's policy will be to progress by easy stages, giving our readers no more each week than they can read conveniently and mentally digest. Well written criticisms of any position tak en by Captain Ashby will always be welcomed. ' Captain Ashby has for years been a student of political economy, and for a long time accepted without ques tion many of the so-called fundamen tals of the science. But as his inves tigations proceeded he was at times confronted with obstacles that were insurmountable and which necessi tated his taking a circuitous route, or a retracing of his steps and search for a new path. Finally he resolved to be gin at the beginning and survey his own road through the forest of politi cal economy, accepting no landmarks and blazings which did not show un mistakable evidence of authenticity under the searchlight of reason. "Mon ey, and the Taxing Power" constitutes his field notes in making this survey. In part Captain Ashby's work U iconoclastic. He has no reverence for idols simply because they have been worshipped for generations. Yet hi3 conclusions in many respects are in harmony with those of the great econ omists. Written in the clearest of English, and avoiding as far as possi ble the stilted style adopted by most writers on political economy, it can not fail to give our readers a rare treat. Tell your neighbors about this new I feature of The Independent. Let them try a three months' educational trial trip subscription. A silver dime will pay the bill. And if at the end of that time Captain Ashby's instruction has not become a necessity, it will be easy to discontinue. Don't forget the date: January 1, 1903, when the first in stallment will be printed. Begin at the beginning and don't miss a number. Uncle Sam to a finish. Postmaster General Wilson is the only postmaster general who ever con cerned himself enough about the mat ter to endeavor to secure honest weigh ing of the mails. He caught one rail way company in the act of padding the mails, and the manager of the company candidly confessed that he crowded free postage matter into the mails during the quadrienniat weigh ing period in order to get as large a weight-basis for calculation of pay ment as possible. The weight of mail matter per day ascertained by the weighing is made the basis of pay ment, in accordance with certain es tablished rules. Routes carrying mail the whole length receive from $50 per annum per mile for 200 pounds of matter daily to $200 per mile per an rium for 5,000 pounds daily. On the Pennsylvania and New York Central systems this works out to 9 cents per ton per mile, as compared with 3-10th of a cent per ton-mile paid for some freight. But this is not all the railways get for carrying mails, and padding the weights is a venial offense compared with the way. the government Is mulcted by its own act for the use of railway mail cars. These cars are all owned by the railways and the gov ernment pays for their rent as well as for transportation of the mails. This, rent is paid at the folowing rates: 40-foot car, $25 per mile per annum; 45-foot car, $30 per mile per annum; 50-foot car, $40 per mile per annum; 55 to 60-foot, $50 per mile per annum. Under these rates, for which, by the way, congress is responsible, $3, 463,916.70 was paid for the use of 622 regular cars and 154 in reserve. If the reserve cars are used half the time it costs the government $5,000 a year for each car, which is all it costs to build one. The car will last at least twenty years, and extract from the govern ment $100,000. It now costs the government about $47,000,000 a year to transport the mails by railways and steamships, in cluding the salaries of the railway postal clerks. It is a charge that un der economical and careful manage ment and some revision by congress of the postal laws, might., be cut in two. There is no excuse for a post office deficit in view of this extrava gance with the railways. . The people are clamoring for exten sion of the rural delivery mail service, and are being put off with the cry that there is no money, and yet at the same time they are keeping in power an administration that thinks nothing of squandering millions every year to convince the railroads it is worth their while to put up large contributions to aid the trusts in carrying elections for the g. o. p. The imbroglio in Venezuela is en grossing much attention just now, and if the action of the United States so far in the premises is any criterion the Monroe doctrine bids fair to go "the way of all flesh," along with the Dec laration of Independence and the constitution. The Germans have already sunk a part of the Venezuelan navy, and, with England, have blockaded Venezuelan ports, but yet have committed no overt act loking toward the exercise of sovereignty. However, it is well known that Germany has never ac cepted the Monroe doctrine in good faith, and doubtless now awaits an opportunity to step over into Brazil ian territory, which she has long cov eted, and which she thinks she may secure through collusion with England, in view of the administration's strong friendship with our mother count y. The United States is, in no sense, bound to offer an impediment in the way of the payment of honest debts, but Secretary Hay is not exercising our offices in the American way Blaine and Olney would have done to prevent European aggression. Our minister's action has tended more to give the W3rld notice that our sympathy is with the stronger nations in the con troversy. And yet. the people voted for this sort of thing! H. W. RISLE Y. Jackson (O.) Herald: The president says we have tho power to control the trusts, but he never said that he felt inclined to exercise It