THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. 13 Passenger Rates According to the Interstate com merce commission's system of group ing the railways of the United States for statistical purposes, Nebraska lies in Group VIL, along with Wyoming and Montana; the north one-third of Colorado, being all north of a line drawn east and west through the state beginning at a point a few miles south of the southern, line of Nebraska; and all of the two Dakotas lying west of the Missouri river. The entire re ported mileage under operation in this group for the year ending June 30, 1900, was 11,069.78 miles, and Nebras ka alonj had over 5,700 miles, or more than half. in handling the passenger traffic of this group, 218 passenger locomotives and 888 passenger . coaches were employed- The passenger trains, averag ing four coaches to the locomotive, traveled all told 10,535,554 miles in the year, and in that time carried 5, 100,194 passengers. Each .train aver aged 39 passengers, or about 10 to the coach, and each traveler journeyed on the average 91.48 miles. The railroads received an average of $2.13 and a frac tion, from each passenger, carried, or 2.315 cents a mile. An average pas senger train earned $1.20 for each mile it traveled, which produced in the year $1,273.55 for each mile of line In Hhe group. - - It is evident that passenger traffic in this group is far from dense, when we consider that a locomotive and four coaches must coTer over ten million miles In a year to carry five million passengers less than a hundred miles each. It is also- evident that with pas senger rates lowered and put on a scientific basis,, the passenger traffic could be increased greatly. The av erage man cannot afford many trips at an average cost of $2.13. Owing to the transcontinental traffic of the Union Pacific and other roads in this group the average journey is away : bove that In the whole United States 27.8 miles, although the trains are nearly as well filled: 39 in Group VII. as against 41 in the whole country. During the ' year 41,323 passengers passed over each mile of line in Group VII., which was equivalent to carry ing 457,441,462 passengers one mile. The enormous waste of equipment is best understood when we realize that, counting Sundays and all, about 13,700 persons were traveling in Group VIL e ih day. There was a passenger loco motive to haul each 63 passengers, and a coach to seat each 15; and the total earnings for the day amounted to about $29,075. 1 Suppose we count that one-half the equipment is not in use while the other half is. Let us make a flat fare of 25 cents per trip regardless of dis tance and figure on the possibilities. Assuming that each coach will seat 50 persons, the 444 coaches would carry 22,200 persons at one time and have some vacant seats left. Allow eighty miles for the average journey (it would probably be much less) and, running 20 miles an hour the trains would cover 480 miles a day, the coaches emptying about 6 times in 24 hours. Thus, 133,200 passengers could be handled in a day, producing a rev enue of over $33,000, with practically no additional expense. What applies to Group VII. will ap ply with even greater force to Nebras ka. The legislature could prescribe a 25-cent fare for all distances within the state, and the law would stand the test of constitutionality in the United States courts because it would pro duce greater net revenues than under the present system. It would shorten the average journey, because so many more persons would travel three to six stations, willingly paying a quar ter where they will not pay 60 cents to $1.50. One can send a letter to Montreal or San Francisco for the same postage as to Havelook, but the great mass of letters are sent short distances just the same. If railroad fare were free to San Francisco, mil lions of persons would not go be cause there are other expenses be sides railroad fare. Of course, it is not to be expected that the present legislature will adopt any scheme apparently so revolution ary in character, but the idea is worth discussing nevertheless. It applies just as well to freight shipments, which we expect to discuss at another time. Those who wish to study the question should read "A General Freight and Passenger Post," by James L. Cawles (G. P. Putnam's Sons. 27 W. 23rd St., New York). J. W. Shepperson, of Casper, Wyo.. had In a consignment of sheep to Nye & Buchanan Co. of South Omaha last week, which topped the market. Mr. Shepperson expresses himself as high ly pleased with the treatment and ser vice he received, and did not find the market as bad as he had expected from reports. Opening of Holiday Season. Larger Stock, Greater Variety and Better Selections Than We have Ever Shown Before. MOST INTERESTING is our store at this season. Every Department is full and com plete. Assortments are greater and selections are better than we have ever shown before. In all departments aside from our regular stock, we show goods especially pur chased for the Holiday Trade. We are the largest importers of Dolls, Toys and Games in the west, importing direct from European markets Dolls, Dolls Heads, Toys, Games and Christmas Goods. We 4 show many wonderful Mechanical Toys, such as Walking Dolls, Dancing Animals, Automobiles, Steamboats, Locomotives, Flying Machines, Etc. We have all the popular and new Parlor Games, Magic Lanterns, Etc. Jewelry in an immense assortment which is unequalled in point of variety, quality and artistic taste in selections. Art Goods Elegant Embroidered Pillows, Pillow Tops, Cushions and Linen Pieces. Lace Toi let Sets in Pillow Shams and Doilies. Burnt Leather Goods, Work Bags, Laundry Bags, Etc. Glass and Chinaware in sets or separate pieces. Dainty Japanese Ware, Fancy Lamps, Etc. Books AH the new popular and standard works. Large line of Juvenile and Presentation Books. Stationery Box or ream Correspondence Paper in the latest shapes or tints, and handsome Boi Paper put up expressly for Holiday Trade. Notions Perfume bv bottle or ounce. Ladies Toilet Articles, Hair Brushes, Combs, Etc. Ladies' and Children's Shoes, always in the latest styles and of the best manufacture. All kinds of warm lined Shoes, . -- - t , r XA T OMl or Slippers anc Wool Shawls, Robes. Dress Shirts, CnrReta and Glnves- with napkins to match, in sets or by the yard. Fancy Towels, Counterpanes, and plain and fancy White Goods. Carpets, Kugs, Draperies, Lace Curtains, and Curtain ana cnaae materials oi aii smuB uy me vru. Furs, especially bought for Christmas trade, in Jackets, Collarettes, Scarfs, Muffs, Children's Sets and Fur Trimmings, Ladies and Misses Cloaks, Jackets, Suits, Dress Skirts, Waists, Dressing Sacques and Robes. Silk or Wool Dres& Patterns, Velvet, Silk or Wool Dress Goods, Fancy Silk and Wool Waistings. Our Mail Order Department is the most modern equipped department of it kind in the state, having all the latest and best appliances for prompt and rapid work. You will find it a satisfactory to buy through it as to buy over our counters. 1 Leggings. Ladies' Furnishings in Muslin Underwear, lancy uress aprons, usee, ouk. or Handkerchiefs, Laces, Collars, Ties and Fans. Gents' Furnishings Smoking Jackets, JNight Underwear, Gloves, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Mufflers, buspenders, ancy Hosiery, jm. Corsets of everv Donular make. Kid. wool or silk Gloves or Mittens. Table linen 5end for Samples. Lincoln, Neb. Mention This Paper. Good Roads With the extension of rural free de livery the question of good roads grows amazingly. "To the rapid and economical exten sion of rural mail delivery," says Mar tin Dodge of the agricultural depart ment, "only one obstacle worthy of consideration presents itself, but that obstacle is of such a nature as to greatly affect its practicability and economy. 'iais is the present condition of our country roads. "Without question one of the first great movements toward the economi cal free rural delivery of the mails should be the construction of passa ble roads. This is already evident from the fact that some of the mail delivery routes have had to be aban doned on account of bad roads. "The circumstance that over six mil lion dollars was appropriated by our last congress largely to be buried in our muddy roads in the delivery of our rural mails, while only the small sum of ?iu,000 was last year devoted to meeting the road problem, indi cates the great need of education re garding the present necessity and de mand for vigorous and intelligent road work. "As much of these large appropria tions for rural mail delivery could be saved if we had good roads, it is ob vious that an amount equal to a con siderable portion of these sums could be spent to goou advantage in edu cating the people in the work of im proving our country roads, and thus forever close a large drain on our na tional cash box. "In view of these facts could not a minion or more be spent to the best possible' advantage by the national government in constructing a section of brick track road near each county seat throughout the country as an ob ject lesson in each county in the most advanced methods of road construc tion?" Poor roads in the United States are costing the people annually the enor mous sum of $650,000,000, which is a tax of more than seven dollars a year for every man, woman and child, avers Mr. Dodge, who is director of the bureau of public road inquiries, of the department of agriculture, in Wash ington. He advocates the construction of brick track roads with convict la bor. As a result of the good road move ment which has been largely stimu lated by the efforts of the department of agriculture, the road question is at present receiving a remarkable de gree of active interest, as indicated, for instance, by a movement in the state of New York for bonding this state for $80,000,000 to build country roads. This is wholly in line with a bill be fore the last national congress by Mr. Otey of Virginia, for $100,000,000 for the same purposes. Mr. Otey declares: "In view of our willingly having spent $400,000,000 on the Philippines it is time to do some thing tangible for our own people. "This is especially true," comments Mr. Dodge, "in view of the fact that we are continually paying an avoidable mud tax of more than $650,000,000 each year for the privilege of driving over our dusty and muddy roads. This enormous expense is better compre hended by saying it equals a tax of more than $7 each year for every man and woman and child in this country." possessed before that change. "One hundred years ago the weaver owned his loom, the shoemaker his bench. The instruments of production have been swept into the possession of the quickest, strongest and most unscrupulous men, who know how to take advantage of the marvelous op portunities of the modern era. There is literally nothing left In the work ingmen and women but their hands and the power of association. "Men like President Eliot and Rev. Dr. Hillis, who expressed the same sentiments as President Eliot, how ever honest they may be, are holding the hands of the defenseless masses, while capitalism robs them of the only thing they have left union." The Heroic "Scab" Henry D. Lloyd, who is acting as one of President Mitchell's attorneys for the presentation of the strike case before the commissioners, spoke in re ply to the denunciation of union labor by President Eliot of Harvard. Mr. Lloyd is the author of "Wealth Against Commonwealth," and "Country With out Strikes" and has given much study to labor conditions. He said: "The strike breaker or scab is in our day precisely the same kind of 'good type of American hero' as the New England loyalist was in his day when he did his best to ruin the struggls of his fellow-colonists for indepen dence. "The trade union movement is a movement for the independence of the working people, who are the only real people. It is one of the greatest dem ocratic movements In history, an emancipation unique in the ages, be cause it Is self-emancipation. The working people of the world during the last century have been chased by what Toynbee called the industrial revolution out of the possession of an economic independence which they Drunkards Cured Secretly Any Lady Can do it at Home Costs Nothing to Try A new tasteless discovery which can be given in tea, coffee or food. Heartily endorsed by OUR PAPA DON'T DRINK ANY MORE. W. C. T. U. and all temperance workers. Itdoea its work so silently and surely that while the devoted wife, sister or daughter looks on, the drunkard is reclaimed even against his will and without his knowledge. Send your name and address to Dr. J. W. Hainan, 2lt Glenn Bid?., Cincinnati, O., and he will mail a trial package of Golden Specific free to show how easily it is to cure drunkards with this remedy. Best Lew Prlcd Hotal n tht City, RATES, $1.00 par day and up. Hotel Walton tlKCOLN. Ka,