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About The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1902)
THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. KIN The Great Remedy For Cornstalk Disease In Cattle and Hordes It diaolves, neutralizes and destroys the poison from smut or dust; prevents all animals from becoming affected by it. For particulars write E. E. BRUCE & CO., Sole Agents for U. 5. A. OflAHA, NEB. FREE TO STOCKMEN Fill out blank below and mail to Evans-Snider-Boel Co., So. Omaha, Neb., and get a weight book and market report for the winter. Name P. O. What Feeding. How Many.. GEORGE FRED WILLIAMS lie Wakes up and Bids Deflaace to Demo cratic Plutocrat Say. He was Be trayed and Tricked That the next triumph for reform Is to come from the eastern states no one who has been watching the course of events there can for a moment doubt The triumph in Rhode Island is only an indication of what can be done there with the right kind of can didates, and platforms that embody the Ideals of the great common people. With the right kind of a candidate and the Williams platform, which was printed some time ago in The Inde pendent, Massachusetts would have lined up alongside of Rhode Island. Mr. George Fred Williams has issued a manifesto to the people of Massa chusetts and begins the next campaign right now. Conditions in the eastern states are entirely different from what they are in the west They are ex periencing there the full fruition of corporation rule. Ninety-nine men out of every hundred in Massachusetts, so the statisticians say, are wage workers. In that list what are called "salaried" men are included. There is no difference between them and what are ordinarily termed "wage-workers" except that they receive higher wages. The cost of living has increased more than 50 per cent and wages have in creased hardly at all. So, as one of the great dailies there recently re marked, "it is hard times for the most of us." Meantime the privileged few and the trusts laugh and grow fat, which -will be the result everywhere in time unless there is a change in gov ernmental policies. The manifesto of Mr. Williams is as follows: "Permit me to announce my return to active work in politics, and my rea sons and purposes. "Last year at the democratic state convention my temporary withdrawal from political work was joined with a promise that whenever the principles for which the Massachusetts democ racy ha . stood since 1806 seemed to me to be endangered I should return to the defense of those principles. Last summer William A. Gaston and Charles S. Hamlin were contending for the governorship nomination. Neither was loyal to the party in 189G. but to my friends they gave oft-repeated assuranes that they did not countenance any change in the man agement or policy of the party. To me personally, Josiah Quincy gave these assurances from Mr. Gaston, after con sultation with him. Believing that I was dealiug with honorable men. and that the party principles were in no wise involved, I remained neutral and Inactive in the contest for the nomina tion. "Mr. Hamlin proved faithful. Mr. Gaston secured a majority of the dele gates, and in the first moment of vic tory proved false. Secure in a ma jority obtained by misrepresentation. com AT COST SAVE DEALER'S PROFITS WRITE FOR PARTICULARS GREGORY THE COAL MAN 1044 O Street Lincoln, febr. he refused to allow the national demo cratic plafotrm to be mentioned in the resolutions, and deliberately repudiat ed the three cardinal planks of ad vanced democracy, namely, direct leg islation, public ownership of public utilities, and the protest against gov ernment by injunction. These cardi nal planks have not yet been rejected by the democratic voters of Massa chusetts, and I return to active ser vice in order to undo, so far as possi ble, the mischief to which my faith in faithless men has contributed. Next year will furnish an open contest, in which deceit will not avail. "It is a serious misfortune, for which I take my full share of respon sibility, that at the very time when the people, oppressed by monopoly and extortion, turned to the democracy for relief, the party In Massachusetts should have selected for its chief nom ination the one man in the state who ought to have been rejected. "The West End Railroad company has been the greatest corrupter of leg islatures in our state; its successor, the Boston Elevated Railroad com pany, captained by William A. Gaston, last year held up the legislature of Massachusetts and secured outrageous privileges in the streets of Boston which were only defeated by the veto of a brave republican governor. Mr. Gaston personally solicited legislators and secured even democrats to take from the people of Boston the right to approve or disapprove at the polls a vast expenditure of their own mon ey. Mr. Gaston stands as the chief offender in the state against the demo cratic principles of local self-government and the direct vote of the peo ple. The selection of such a man as democratic leader was a political farce. "In his canvass, instead of appeal ing to the people upon principles, he has, in small rooms, preached registra tion and naturalization, and poured money into the itching palms of the politicians. He and his methods are representative of all to which true democracy is opposed. The result was not unexpected; indeed, it was fore told. Mr. Gaston has succeeded in doing the one dreaded thing, namely, building up a powerful radical oppo sition to the democracy, giving to the socialist i the balance of power in the state, a vote approaching 10 per cent of the total vote cast. If next year the democracy, with a strong progres sive program, can demonstrate that this vote was merely a democratic protest against plutocratic control of the democratic party, we may hope still to stand for ultimate victory. If Mr. Gaston runs again, the socialist vote will be doubled, and the progres sive elements will abandon the democ racy for good. "There was an unparalleled oppor tunity for our party in the late can vass. A powerful feeling of disgust prevailed against trust-breeding repub licanism, and there was a strong de fection against the candidacv of Mr. Bates. Had not all democratic prin ciples been belied by Mr. Gaston's nomination on a flimsy, hypocritical platform, we might have prevailed this year in the state. It was done in uiiode island by an alliance witn the labor vote, and the nomination of a radical democrat, but we, with our cor poration candidate, have succeeded this year in acquiring thousands of re publican votes, which came to Mr. Gaston because he was more accept able to some republicans than their own nominee. Such recruits not only lend no strength to the democratic party, but will desert it at the very moment when our party becomes truly loyal to the people's interests. Wo have had enough of treason in late years. "It la now apparent that Mr. Gas ton's candidacy is part of the scheme of reorganization which proposes to restore the democratic party to the control of the tory element, which for bo many years, by the purchase of nominations and conventions, made the party a poor second to the repub lican organization. Mr. Gaston is a type of these forces; by the lavish use of money he believes that the service of the democratic party can be turned from the people to himself and the corporate interests for which he stands. He is of the kind which deems Juggling with tariff schedules to con stitute democracy. The great social protest which thundered forth from Chicago and Kansas City is as dis tasteful to him as it is to the republi cans. His policy cannot be distin guished from republicanism, except in details. "It was with such politics that I foolishly attempted to create harmony In the party interests, only to be be trayed at the first available moment I now ask support for an uncompromis ing war upon such politics and such politicians. "In tne spring of 1904 it is to be de termined whether this sham democ racy is to prevail, or whether the stur dy spirit of 1896 is to dominate the national convention. Those who have stood so valiantly in this state for the progressive democracy of Bryan must be in control of the organization in 1904, and must have the honors of vic tory. I am eager to act again with the loyal democrats of the state to keep the organization out of the hands of the trimmers, hypocrites and bood lers, who would make our party to serve capital and betray the people. We have not yet failed in this state when the Issue was squarely made with the voters of the party; nor can we be disarmed by a single act of trickery. "In our state, the three issues above described, namely, direct legislation, public ownership of public utilities, and restriction upon the power of in junction, are the real democratic is sues. To this should be added an ef fective law against corrupt practices. By what form of organization these principles can best be advanced must be determined after careful consulta tion among those who are willing to undertake the contest; but I desire herewith to invite all friends of these principles to the formation of an or ganization designed to advance them, and I herewith announce my purpose of appealing to the democrats of the state to reverse in the caucuses next year the verdict of the last state con vention. From those who desire to act with such an organization, I invite im mediate correspondence and co-operation." As an offset to William's manifesto, Colonel Gaston has invited all the democratic candidates on the state ticket and for congress to dine with, X. Jl. 1 A 1 aim ac me swen Aigouqum CiUD la Boston. When Gaston and his sup porters get together they will lay plana to wreck the democratic party some more. Small Ranch I have for sale 640 acres of land nearly all the very finest hay land to be found anywhere, and the balance pasture. Part can be fanned if de sired. Hay of excellent quality. No better chance anywhere for a man wanting a small ranch. J. A. DONOHOE, O'Neill, Neb. Inalienable Editor Independent: Every honest lawyer in the land will heartily in dorse your very able article, "Abso lute Ownership," in the issue of Octo ber 30, 1902. The right of eminent domain is inalienable. Yours for truth and right FRANCIS LEANDER KING. Worcester, Mass. ROY'S DRUG STORE 104 Horlh Hill St We say "Roy's" drug store as a matter of fact it is EVERYBODY'S drug store almost Roy only con ducts It, buys and keeps to sell -he goods, and meet and force competition. Our patrons do the rest We want to remind you of seasonable goods, viz:, Garden Seeds, Conditi - Powders, Lice Killer3, B. B. Poison, Kalsomine, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, etc. We make a specialty of all kinds of Stock and Poultry Foods, etc. Don't miss us. Rovs' 0 4 No lOfli LINCOLN, NEB. Special Half Fare Excursioi To Lincoln on Thanksgiving Day. A good chance to come in and buy your complete winter outfit of Shoes and Clothing. Our stock was never so large or attractive. If you can't come don't delay sending for our winter catalogue and samples of men's and boys' wear. You will find that it beats Hick's Almanac for reliability and will show you plainly how to save a snug sum of hard cash on your winter purchases. We hope to see you in person or hear from you through the mail. You will find it to your advantage to trade with us. a M AVER BROS. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. iVTvY.'AY.V