The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, November 20, 1902, Page 12, Image 12

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A Sale of Ostrich Feathers.
They are All Black and in Two Lots.
No. 1. 1,500 ostrich " tips, single or
in clusters of three, originally JZr
worth 50c and 75c, to be sold at. .3v
No. 2. 300 demi plumes, originally
worth $1.00 and $1.25, CAr
to be sold at.., ".
Feathers are very popular this year and usually make expensive trimming for
a hat or bonnet yet here they are for very little. It is a line that we desire to close
out immediately and to do so are willing to offer them at these surprisingly low
prices. The feathers are full and in good condition not rusty or mussed. They
would re-trim last season's hat beautifully or reduce the cost of a new one considerably.
Good Shoes at Low Prices.
Shoes that are in no way superior to our $2.50 line are often sold at other
stores at $3.00. Why pay $3.00 when you. can buy these which are offered on nar
row margins? They come in 7 different styles, heavy or thin soles, patent or kid
tips, and all widths and size9.
At ) ftO we can urni8h you win a gd shoe in
tl xp&.VVJ 8 or 9 different styles, heavy or thin
soled, patent or kid tip, low heel or medium heel.
If you have far to ride or are troubled with cold
feet, try our Wool-Lined Shoes. They will keep
your feet as warm as toast. There are two kinds. ( 1)
Broad toe: low heel: fine kid: a regular comfort shoe
$1-50. (2) This is more of a dress shoe beaver top,
patent tip, low heel $2.00.
Here are two specials well worth
investieratiner. (1) All -wool, fleeced
I InHprWPaP shirts and drawers, ribbed, at $1.25
UUUCI VYCai . each, regularly priced at $1.50. (2)
Separate pieces at 37 cents each and equal to the most
pOc garments. They are fleece lined, heavy weight, and
in mixed tans.
"We have men's Red Medicated shirts and drawers, all wool, at $1.00 a garment.
Dinrtc We never before have had such beautiful rings at these low prices.
)r They are in exact imitation of the most expensive and the average
A J and oVjC person could not tell the difference.
They are Gold Filled
and set with opals, emer
alds, pearls, garnets, ame
thysts, turquoise, and rubies.
Lincoln, Nebraska:
News of the Week
The anthracite commission of arbi
tration has visited the mines and both
parties to the controversy have filed
papers stating their claims. What
seems most astonishing is that two or
tnree of the coal barons have declared
in their papers that they will not ac
cept uie decision of the commission if
the miners organization is to be rec
ognized. That is just what might be
expected from such a gang of holy
scoundrels. They still seem to cling
to the "divine right" idea. As far as
The Independent is concerned it would
just as soon see the barons repudiate
the award of the commission as not.
This thing of trusts has to be settled
in the near future and that would be a
good way to begin it.
When the announcement is made
that the Molineux trial cost a little
over half a million of dollars and the
accused was finally acquitted, it needs
no further demonstration to prove that
criminal procedure in this country is
a travesty on common sense and a par
ody on law.
The republican party lacked more
than 25,000 of having a majority of
the legal voters of the state of Ne
braska, yet they elected their state
ticket and all the congressmen but
one. As far as The Independent is
concerned, it has a great deal higher
opinion of a populist or democrat who
gees to the polls, votes the republican
ticket and gives active support to the
trusts and extortionate tariffs, than of
the one who stays at home and does
not vote because some one does not
contribute money enough to hire a
carriage to haul him to the polls. That
sort of a creature is ten times more
despicable than the mullet head.
This time a full-blooded Hawaiian
has been elected as delegate to con
gress from those islands. He is known
as "Prince Cupid" and is a republi
can. It is probable that he knows
about as much concerning the differ
ence between a republican and a demo
crat as does the crown prince of Da
boma. Leprosy seems to be getting a strong
foot .old in many places on this conti
nent. Centers of leprosy have been
located in a dozen or more places.
Among them is a Scotch-Irish one in
Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, a
Chinese and Japanese center in Brit
ish Columbia and the Fraser river
country, and an Icelandic and Nor
wegian one about Winipeg. Cases al
so exist in Louisiana. Its growth has
been so rapid within the last few years
that it is attracting the attention of
medical men everywhere. During the
last year a Chinaman who had a pro
nounced case of leprosy and diagnosed
to be such by several eminent physi
cians, was treated at a hospital in St.
Louis by a new system and after a few
months was discharged as cured,
showing no signs of the disease what
ever. This was so stated in all the
newspapers and if true, it is undoubt
edly the first case of leprosy that was
ever cured. Modern improvements in
transportation of freight and human
beings and "expansion" threaten us
with all the most terrible epidemic
diseases of the Orient. That there
nave been several genuine cases of the
bubonic plague In San Francisco is no
longer denied. These Asiatic colonies
of ours may yet make us ray a more
terrible price for them than ever yet
entered into the craniums of the imperialists.
It continues to be persistently de
clared that there are inexhaustible
hard coal beds in Arkansas. They
say that it is genuine anthracite and
burns without smoke, although a little
softer than the Pennsylvania kind.
If it is true, why in the name of com
mon sense do they not send some of it
up this way. But the fact is that the
great dailies are such persistent and
outrageous liars that no one will be
lieve the story until they begin to see
a few train loads of that Arkansas
hard coal rolling along the rails over
these plains.
Recently forty-nine cases of "Win
chester rifles and carbines and 150 oth
ers not boxed were found in an old
building in New York. An inquiry re
sulted in discovering that they be
longed to the government and had
been placed there for the purpose of
arming the police in the draft riots
forty years ago and forgotten. That
is the story that the New York dail
ies tell, but they lie so no one out here
knows whether it is true or not
At the beginning of the investiga
tion by the arbitration commission,
John Mitchell found himself faced by
the greatest array of lawyers that ever
assembled in a case in the state of
Pennsylvania. There were 24 of them,
and they began their badgering at the
very outset. Lawyers skilled in con
cocting questions, to- which if an an
swer of either yes or no is given, the
witness can be accused of falsifying
were they to bring all their skill to
bear upon the miner. And these law
yers do this for money. The profes
sion of the law has degenerated more
than any other except it may be the
clergy. They will do anything for
money. A cross examination that
would tend to bring out the truth
from an unwilling witness is an en
tirely different thing from one that is
intended to irritate and insult a wit
ness for the express purposes of cov
ering up the truth. A lawyer that con
ducts a case in that way is about as
despicable a creature as exists. The
coal barons have millions. They can
hire the best legal talent, talent that
is wholly prostituted to the vilest
Professor Jenks, one of the literary
gentlemen that plutocracy keeps in its
service, has made his report on the
Philippines. He advocates the impor
tation of Chinese into that already
overpopulated country. While Luzon
is more thickly populated than any of
the states in the union, he says that
there is a dearth of labor there. Are
the Filipinos all plutocrats and rich
enough to live without work? Among
the millions there ought to be enough
who would be willing to work to sup
ply the labor market. Or do the Fili
pinos want wages enough to get a
share of the products of labor suffic
ient to live respectable lives and so
the carpet-bag exploiters desire to im
port coolies so that their profits may
be larger?
The "lily white" republicans of the
south did not make much of a show
i-i the late election. In Louisiana
they did not average 500 to the candi
date, while in Alabama they did verv
little better. The day of their total
extinction is not far off.
The papers state that Congressman
William F. Rhea of the Ninth congres
sional district of Virginia has posi
tively declined to accept a certificate
of election from the state board of
canvassers on account of some voters
having been thrown out which were
cast for his opponents. He says in a
public letter: "I believe that the votes
at the two precincts of Pattison and
Mendota properly belong to my op
ponent, and would probably elect him
and entitle him to the certificate. Thus
believing, if a certificate of election
were issued to me by the state board
of canvassers, based upon the exclu
sion of the precincts mentioned, I
would decline to accept it" In this
At all tfnig stores. 25 Dates 25c.
age of political corruption, when the
dominant party proclaims that "all is
fair in politics," such action deserves
to Mr. Rhea before the public as
a model for all men who have escaped
the almost universal depravity and
degeneration of modern times. But'
what will such men as Quay and Gor
man think of a man of that kind?
President Eliot of Harvard college
has joined the godly Baer and de
clares that the "scab" is the modern
hero. The scab and the strike-breaker
is used by plutocracy to destroy labor
unions. They bring the scab forward
to fight their battles for them and if
1 3 is the modern hero, then labor or
ganization is wrong. Laborers should
never strike, and always be content
with such wages as capitalists are
pleased to give them. Establish that
as a principle and industrial progress
wouxd stop. Capitalists would pay no
more than enough for the laborer to
subsist upon and propagate his species.
Then what would become of the mar
ket for the goods produced by the cap
italist? Who would there be to buy
them? If there is such a thing as ab
solute economic idiots, some of these
university presidents and professors
head the list
Some of the editors of republican
dailies are saying that Secretary Shaw
went around the country like a com
mon hired stump speaker and that it
is the first time a member of the pres
ident's cabinet ever so demeaned him
self. The reason of those things, they
say, is because they have heard the