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About The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1902)
10 THE NEBRASKA. INDEPENDENT, IS HE A DEMAGOGUE? Several republican leaders continue to declare that the panic of '93 was caused by the victory of the. democ racy. The democracy took charge of all branches of the government on March 4, 18D3. Within a few weeks the panic was in full force.. Every republican leader and newspaper that i3 in that party today, then declared that the cause of the hard times was the coinage of silver and that the Sherman act under which the coinage was done must be repealed and the coinage of silver stopped. They de clared, one and all, that the Sherman act was the sole cause of the distress. But the Sherman act was a republican measure and Cleveland was in no way responsible for it The distress, ac cording to every authority in the re publican party at that time was caused by an act passed by a republican con gress and for which every republican congressman voted. After that, all the republican senators and represen tatives In congress who are in public life today in that party, joined Cleve land, advocated and voted for the pol icy which he recommended, succeeded in their efforts and then followed four years of the greatest distress that this country has ever known. Now Senator Hoar, and other leaders of the republican party, are saying the same thing. Senator Hoar declares: "The men who proposed rag money to get rid of the burden of the national debt, and Dr. Bryan's financial policies to cure the hard times which President Cleveland had brought on, are filling the yellow journals with their adver tisements now." It was not Cleveland who brought on the hard times, though he adder to their severity ,and the relief from them has come from adopting the prescription of "Dr. Bryan" and coin ing more silver than was ever coined in the same length of time before, then adding to that an enormous quan tity of "rag money" issued 'by the na tional banks.' It seems incomprehensible that .Sen ator Hoar does "not know'how much silver has been coined since 189G and how much "rag money" the national banks have issued. He certainly does not, for if he does, the above state ment with all that it infers, would brand him as a demagogue. "FACILITATE" Imperialism has created some new terms and there will have to be a revi sion of the dictionaries. An "appur tenance" now means a man without a country, governed by a commission ap pointed by the president, and who was bought for $2.50 cash down. Jus tice Brown is responsible for that "Facilitate now means 10 aDoiisn a tariff duty without the consent of con gress or any other nation on earth. When hard coal began to be imported, the customs officers collected 67 cents a ton duty on it The secretary of ; the treasury issued an order to "facili tate" the" importation of coal. Since that day no duty has been collected on anthracite coal, no matter how much it lacked having "92 per cent carbon." ' The secretary of the treasury is re sponsible for this bit of imperialism. He abolishes duties according to his ' own sweet will. In any constitutitnal government he would be impeached for an act like that But as this is no , longer a constitutional government, ' nothing will be done about it ' If any attempt were" made to bring the secre tary tp account for this, then up would rise Justice Brown and declare that the constitution did not follow the tariff.' From this on, "facilitate" means to abolish a tariff. The Independent hopes that there will be a lot of "facilitating"-done. THERE ARE OTHERS .."An .Old Democrat" writes to the editor that ."the pops needn't howl so Joud. about traitors m tneir. party. We democrats have had ten traitors Where you have had one." After that he goes on to enumerate .(hem, begin ning with Cleveland. lie. says' that It was democratic traitors of the supreme court that made Imperialism possible. If the democratic judges had been true to the doctrines of Jefferson that there would have been a majority against imperialism. When the demo crats held all branches of the govern ment, traitors like Gorman killed all tariff reform. Democratic traitors killed the income tax after it had passed both branches of congress. He declares that the populists, while they have suffered in this regard, have nev er had anything to endure that com pares with the work of the traitors in the democratic party. A NATION Or GAMBLERS There is more gambling now done each and every day of the year than was done in any ten years before the republican party demoralized the peo ple of the United States and judges fined boys for playing craps in an al ley, while millions were bet on the stock exchange and boards of trade and the betters protected , by the courts and police power of the cities, states and nation. This sort of gambling has spread all over the nation. Farmers and merchants, mechanics and farm employes engage in it in every little town. The millions of money thus employed are beyond computation. When disaster portends, even the treasury of the United States rushes to the aid of the gamblers to prevent losses so heavy that thgy would pre cipitate a panic. The government and the courts foster and protect gambling. The nation is given over to it as no nation ever was before. Against this tendency the populist party has al ways protested and still protests. The gambling on the boards of trade not only demoralizes and ruins many thousands who engage in it, but is a detriment to every honest farmer whose products are there traded in rid the prices affected by the bets made on the rise and fall of prices. CiET MONEY FOR IT The kind of economic education thai the readers of the great dailies get can be inferred from the following paragraph from the Boston Adver tiser: "We call it the 40-cent dollar, because we are disposed to be charitable; but, in fact, the latest London quotations make its bul lion value precisely 39 cents. We are willing to give the advo cates of 16 to 1 the benefit of a pc sible doubt whether, since yes terday, the white metal may not have risen a fraction of a point At latest quotations, the ratio be tween silver and gold is just about 40 to 1." The ratio entered into the discus sion of the money question during the last two presidential campaigns from the fact that the ratio determined the number of dollars that could be coined from any given amount of silver. If the ratio was 16 to 1 a certain number could be coined. If the ratio was 32 to 1, only half the number could be coined from the same weight of sil ver. It was the "quantity theory" that was under discussion. The Bryan democrats and populists adopted the theory a3 expressed by John Stuart Mill and the republicans denied that the "quantity" of money had anything to do with its value. The fact is that all the silver that is mined is still coined into money except what goes into the arts and manufacture. There is no considerable amount of silver bullion anywhere. The republicans still coin it by the ton in this country at the ratio of 16 to 1 and in Europe it is coined at the ratio of 15 to 1 and 15 to 1. Six hundred millions of silver dol lars coined at the ratio of 16 to 1 are in circulation in the United States, ami the republicans are coining mil lions more ot them at the same ratio. These f liver dollars, coined at the m ill AIDS 10 THANKSGIVING It won't be hard tot' anyone to find reasons for giving ' thank this year. However, there are aids to the peace and comfort of your mind that are very valuable and many of them are to be found right in this clothing store. Going to the old home in an Armstrong $10.00 overcoat or ulster insures comfort on the way and a stylish appearance that is personally pleasing. Sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner with yourself clad in one of those Armstrong stylish 810.00 suits is calculated to give ycu a comfortable frame of mind that is very helpful to digestion. With an Armstrong hat on. the hall tree, and a pair . of Arm strong gloves in your pocket, and Armstrong underwear next your body and Armstrong linens and furnishings adorning your .person you are going to be in a thoroughly proper condition to eDjoy Thanks giving to the very limit. One of your personal reasons forgiving thanks would be the money you save when you buy your clothing here. Armstrong Clothing: Go. 1221, 1223, 122 5, 1227 O St, Lincoln, Nek ESS ratio of 16 to 1, are the foundation of the present prosperity. Take them out of the money of the United States and there would be a panic beside which the days of Cleveland soup houses would be a paradise of heaven ly prosperity. If the Boston Advertiser has any "10-cent silver dollars," as hard up as The Independent is with the putting up of thi j Liberty Building it will take a few thousand of them and pay for them in "one hundred-cent gold dol lars." It could easily manage to get the moLiy for a speculation like that. The fact Is that the editor of the Boston Advertiser and all other edi tors of that brand are innate scoun drels, and know that they lie when they talk about 50 or 40-cent silver dollars. Their depravity is the de pravity of satan and is as black as the midnight of hell. They write such stuff in the interest of the trust and tariff robbers and because they get money for doing it. CONSERVATIVE BRYAN The absolute and contemptible fail ure of the democratic party in those states where the reorganizers ruled is attracting attention everywhere. Look at the states of Connecticut, Wiscon sin, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania and contrast the result with what the democracy did under the leadership of Bryan. Now, what was called the radicalism of Bryan, has become con servatism. The question now forcing itself into American politics beyond hope of dodging passes under the gen eral description of the labor problem. It is a question, in the last analysis, of Intrusting the industrial concerns of all, together with the award among all of the net product, to the man agers of concentrated capital fast pos sessing themselves of widespread mo nopolistic privileges, or substituting for privileges, wherever they appear, public control or ownership. The man who gets control of the democratic or ganization and marches into the breach as did the republican party un der Lincoln, will be the hero of a new revolution. The day of the old moss backs has passed. Call it the labor question or the trust question, which you please, it has to be met by radical measures. But can the old democratic party rise to the occasion or will it go the way of the old whig party hSBSplgr . There is no -whiskey the O ILER'SCagr equal of a pure malt whiskey and y ILER'S PURE MALT I r3ol ' in absolutely 'the finest, 1 HfSSggTOl - mellowest and-anost -. , 0 H$5tt52Sl - Ughtful whiskey in the m iyk DirtlfiSrj Om iha WHISKEY i in DTD r A I I AM W rits for P-rt rate Price List t H.CASPER CO. WINSTON, N. C FAT TO FAT People weeightw?th Reducto' Keduce your fat and be refined. Kefine your fat and be reduced. "Keducto" Is a perfectly harmless vegetable compound endorsed by thousands of physicians and people who have tried It. We send you the Formula, you make "Keducto" at home If you desire, you know full well the Ingredients and therefore need have no fear of evil effects, send $1.00 for re ceipt and instructions everything mailed in plain envelope. Address Ginseng Chemical Co., 3 701 S. Jeflerson Av., St. Uali Mo. PIANO Do You Want a Genuine Bargain Hundred! of Upright Piano returned from renting to b disposed of at one. They include Steiaways, Knabei, Fls -hers. Sterling! and other well knnwn makci. Many cannot he dis tinguished from new wm B ffbk B PI 7et " sr offered at a great disoount. ( flT9 BTll PJ?a Upright a low a 1100. Also beau- E R I H J tiful New I p ri;hUt13S,136, g jj ! j0 end 165. A instrument at $390, fully equal to many 406 pianoi. Monthly payment accepted. Freight only about (6. Write tor lilt and particular. Ton make a great laying. Fiaoo warranted a represented. Illustrated Piano Book Free. LYON & HEALY IOO Adams 8t.t CHICACO. World' largest marie koese; seU Brery thing known In Hui which died of compromises? If it does attempt "like a wounded snake to drag its slow length along," there is a party ready and willing to take hold of these questions along radical lines. It requires no change in its platform or leadership. It is not a large party, but every man in the ranks has kept his powder dry and is ready for the fray. The year 1904 will telj the tale. The whole world of business wor ships one god only, and at no other shrine does any member of it bow. That god is money.