14 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT 11 I'll I i I If t V May tell you that your case is Incurable, that medical science Is on able to help yon, that all yon can expect 11 tfDf7 irJf."t5 that no advertised article or remedy or prescription can do you any good. Well, let hLffl think so. He is certainly Btitled to l opinion, lou need not think so unless you vrisb to. Do yon wish to? . . , , . . i,..--,4M4nM ITIany people whose testimony appears on this page and in the books and pamphlets issued by theTheo. , N31 OompaHT were ic-a that their cases were hopeless, helpless. Impossible, incurable, yet-read their testimony. Many were told that o advertised meaicina could cure them, yefr-read their testimony. Many were told that they had but a few short years-some but ninths to lire, yejeaia their testimony. All we ask is your investigation and at our expense, regardless of what you may have fceen told or what yonr trouDie may be. There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in the doctor's philosophy, and Vltse-re Is one f tnem. its composition is one of nature's secrets not a trade secret Its formation an enigma to the scientist, its action a puzzle to tne meaicat student, its power a boon to the afflicted. Bead oar special oirer to readers of this paper and give nature s remedy a trial at our risa. rn f furiosi rvn rv can BEtnza tn n sv i? jgZ? MEDICAL SCIENCE has failed to Improve upon or even equalthe remedies found in a free state in healing mineral springs. Pbysl- ovir.iiv n cl oIdesf and tne newes and learned, acknowledge this to be a fact and when they encounter a disease which is not amenable to the action of drugs, they pack the patient off to Carlsbad, Saratoga, Baden, there to drink the waters which con tain the essential properties for the restoration of health and the patient returns fresh, healthy, in mind and body. If the patients can not afford the trip, and few but the wealthy can, they must continue to suffer, as the waters deteriorate rapidly, and when transported lau to produce the desired results. A LETTER TO THE THBO. NOEL COMPANY, CHICAflO, Seringa heal ftjvggjg VnlTnSeta concentrated, a natural God-made remedy for the relief and cure of the ills with which man is afflicted. Why continue to suffer when thla natural curing and healing Ore, nature's remedy, can be had for the asking, when you can have A HEALING MINERAL SPRING AT YOUR DOOR. WHAT VITJR-OKE IS... Vltoe-Ore is a natural, hard, adamantine rock-like substance mineral ORE-mlned from the ground like gold and silver, In the neighborhood of a once powerful but now extinct mineral spring. It requires about twenty years for oxidization by exposure to the air, when it slacks down like lime and is then of medicinal value. It contains in part free Iron, free sulphur and free magnesium, three properties which are most essential for the retention of health in the human system, and one package one ounce of the OliE when mixed with a quart of wat er will equal in medicinal strength and curative value 800 gallons of the most powerful mineral water drunk fresh at the springs, it is a geological discovery, to which there is nothing added or taken from. It is the marvel or the century for curing such diseases as BheuniatlHiu, Bright' Disease, Blood Poisoning, Ileart Trouble, Diphtheria, Catarrh, and Throat Affections, Liver, Kidney and Bladder Ailments, Dropsy, Stomach and Female Disorders, Malarial Fever, La Grippe, Nervous Prostration and General Debility, as thousands testify, and as no one, accepting this offer and writing for a pack age, will deny after using. HEAD OLll SPECIAL OFFICII : Personal to Independent Subscribers and Readers. " We will send to every subscriber or reader of this paper or worthy person recommended by a subscriber or reader, a full-sized One Dollar package of VITiE-OKIS, by mail, postpaid, sufficient for one month's treatment, to be paid for within one montn 8 time arter receipt, 11 tne reaaer can trutniuiiy say mas ils use uas uuhb mm ur uci- uiuio wui me dopes of quacks or good doctors or patent medicines he or she has ever used. Bead this over again carefully,- and understand that we ask our pay only when It has done you good, and not before. We take all the risk; you have nothing to lose. If it, does not benelit you, you pay us nothing. We do not offer to send you a free sample to last three or four days, nor to send you a medicine which w'll cure you with four or five drops, but we do offer to send you a regular 81.00 package of the most powerful natural medi cine known to the civilized world, without one cent of risk to you. We offer to give you thirty days to try the medicine, thirty daysto see results before you need pay us one cent, and you do not pay the one cent unless you do see the results. We lea ve it to your honesty to pay us. We know that when this month's treatment of Vitae-Ore has put you on the road to a cure, you will be more than willing to pay. Vitas-Ore has cured more chronic, obstinate, pronounced-incurable cases than any other known meaicine, and will reach every case with a more rapid and powerful curative action than any medicine, treatment or combination M medicines, which it Is possible to procure. TITE-OHE WILL 1)0 THE SAME FOR YOU as It has for hundreds of readers of this paper, if you will give it atrial. Send UlA.min niiiij I'V ltitu PAHitt run, nu for a l.oo package at our risk. You have nothing to lose. If the medi cine does not benefit you, write us so and there Is no harm done. We want no one's money whom Vita-Ore can not benefit. Can anything be more fair ? What sensible person, no matter how prejudiced he or she may be, who desires a cure and is willing to pay for it, would hesitate to try Vltte-Ore on this libera 1 oiler ? One package is usually sufficient to cure ordinary cases ; two or three for chronic, obstinate cases. Ve mean just what we say in this announcement, and will do just as we agree. Write to day for a package at our risk and expense, giving your age and ailments, and mention this paper, so we may know that you are entitled to this liberal offer. ?This offer will challenge the attention and consideration, and afterward the gratitude of every llvingnerson who desires better health or who suffers pains, ills, and diseases which have defied the medical world and grown worse with age. We care not for your skepticism, but ask only your investigation, and at our expense, regardless of what ills you have, by sending to us for a package. Bead the testimony of a few of the thousands Vltro-Ore has cured and Send for a $1.00 Package at our risk. You have nothing to lose. Theo. Noel Company, Chicago. Rheumatism Address THEO. NOEL OOIlPANY,lnd&ent Vitas- Vitae-Ore will cure Bheumatlsm, even in chronic, diagnosed as incurable cases. Lini ments and plasters are but a makeshift. Alka lies and the remedies that are almost invari ably prescribed, fail to cure because they weaken the digestion, irri tating the delicate lining of the stomach, thus impairing instead of building up the system. Vitae-Ore is absorbed into the blood, neut ra izing the acid secretions, rendering them harmless for evil, and gradually eliminates them from the system, The thin acid blood Is made pure and rich, nourishes and soothes the irritated nerve issues, cools the hot, throbbing muscles, dissolves the hard, calcare ous matter ihat bus collected in the joh ts, and it passes out of the system. Cures with Vitae-Ore are permanent and lasting. Mount Holly Springs, Pa. I have used Vitae-Ore for Rheumatism, which disease I had bo bad that I could not get out of bed. I used doctors' medicines, W tUeT did mo no good, I used but two packages of Vitso-Ore and it cured me Effectually and permanently, as it is now more than two years since my cure. It is worth its weight in gold for Rheumatism and Lumbago, and will do for these diseases what doctors cannot. David Lightner. Pawnee Okla I have used VitsB-Ore and was cured by it of Inflammatory Rheumatism 'of nine years' standing ; have recommended wore than one nun dred neople to use Vitw-Ore and know of many cures which It has made here abouts. I gladly recommeud it to ail sufferers. Wm. Bowen. Springfield, Mo.-I was attacked with Fever, and when the Fever was broken up. Rheumatism settled in my left knee so badly I was hardly able to wk excipto crutches. I saw an advertisement of Vit-0re and sent for some. Before one package was entirely used I discarded -the crutches and took to a '! re i JJfJ? for anothor package, used it and am happy to state that I now walk Se earto Tman frefTOmrheumitic affections. I honestly believe it to be the ht mediclmon earth for most of the Uls flesh is heir to. This was two years S i toe had no return of the trouble, and am willing to have this pub hlhed for me tenent suffering humanity. Everyone herethat hasused Vit Ore speaks very highly hi its pnUse.-Jeremiah W. Butler. 2300 Springfield ave. Vltse-Ore contains as its constituent parts elements which supply to the stomach those vital forces necessary tlon of food. Taken after meals, the food is digestea .before is nas t me to sour and ferment. It gives to the stomach what it lacks when inTdteeased condition, thoroughly cleanses the intestines, removes Kl irregularities, and invigorates and stimulates all parts to aper-formam-e of the proper functions, makes your food feed you, the body, with rich flowing, red blood, builds up strength in muscle and nerve tissue causesa health v normal action in the secretory and excretory organs and gives that feeling of relief and comfort so desired by all. Ottawa. Kas -I have been bothered for a number of years with what some of thetert doctors of Kansas City pronounced Neuralgia of the Stomach or Sr ,Twnwi- for which they and others treated me. but gave me no relief. ?rv?u8iP '. iVonmienced taking Vit-Ore and in all that time have tt?an Kears I cim honestly recommend V.-O. to any one suffering with Stomach Trouble. Jos. D.Jones. ...,., T vnnville Tenn.-I can say that your Vltm-Ore has been of great benefit to 7 fact hM done me more good than all the medicines I have token in the mst rears My stom-hh.is not troubled me since I have been taking this rem edv I wiil recommend it to every one suffering with stomach trouble. At pres. til I arable to Sit anything and give V.-O. all the credit.-Mrs. T. O. McMahon. say your case is incurable. Give Vltse-Ore a trial first; it his cured others and will surely cure you. Remember, it is different from any other remedy in the world. It is not is uiuucua i Kitr,.. viopHh n n Rwitfinfid dope. but is as superior to sucn aecociions as me "5"- low candle. You cannot lose by accepting our offer. Catarrh Stomach Trouble Vltte-Ore will positively cure catarrh of any organ or part of the body, used in the manner pre scribed in our printed directions. It is a natural astringent, nossessine Qualities as such which it seems impossible to duplicate in any manufactured or artificial product and immediately allays all inflammation, stops all morbid or irregular action on the membrane, eradicates all catarrhal conditions and places each organ in a natural, normal, healthy condition, so as to faithfully perform its individual function, thus restoring the entire system to a state of perfect health. ScufHetOwn, Ky. Vitte-Ore has cured me of Rheumatism, Kidney Trouble, Conffh, Sore Throat and Catarrh of the Bowels. I have taken V.-O. six months. It seems to heal all complaints. Jacob Hix. Central Lake, Mich. I have been very low with Catarrh of the Stomach Bowels and Bladder. I could not walk without a cane. My stomach would fill with gas and was in such misery that I could hardly breathe. After a short treatment with V.-O. I have laid aside my cane and am much better than I havo been for the past three years. W. H. Stoddard, Box 27. Estabutehie, Miss. I suffered for three years with Catarrh of the Bladder, Bowel Disorders and Kidney Trouble, which troubled me so badly that I scarcely got a night's sleep. Four of the best doctors in this neighborhood failed to cura me. Five dollars' worth of Vitre-Ore did me more good than all the drugs I have ever taken, and also cured my leg of a sore which the doctors said was Blood Poison and had failed to cure. I can recommend V.-O. from a personal test. Warren Mott. Chronic constipation may oe relieved, bu never cured by cathartic remedies. Drastio cathartics, to purge the bowels, are of little) value and do Injury by forcing the intestines) to action by an artificial stimulation, which cannot be other than retro active in its effects. A cure can be brought about only by a thorough renovation and strengthening of the stomach and intestines, tno placing of the same in a norma), natural, healthy, strong condition. Vitae-Ore cures constipation as it cures diarrhoea, by eradicating the disturbing or obstructing causes. Brockville, Fla. I have tried Vitae-Ore and know that it has the virtaa claimed for it, as it relieved mo of Constipation that had fallowed me for forty, five years, and for which I tried many remedies, but none gave me any perma nent relief except Vitae-Ore. J. 0. Smith. Wateeka.Ill.-I cannot praise V.-O. too highly, especially when I consider how it cured me of Constipation. I have never seen its equaL B. F. Hathaway. Constipation Kidney Trouble Don't Vitae-Ore has cured thousands of old chronic cases of diabetes, has brought relief to case after case where patients m . J 1 1 1 -. .1 - .. A . 1 I presence Oi gravei, anu nas cureu uuuurBuu t cases oi ongui't Disease, where the patient had lost all hope. Tallassee, Ala. My family physician. Dr. Jas. T. Ruskin, says that V.-O. has prolonged my life and he thinks It a wonderful discovery. I had Kidney and Bladder Trouble and Rheumatism. It benefited when all else failed. I have been taking it for tho past five years at Irregular times and would not be without it. Mrs. EUie Gauntt. Dido, Va. I was taken ill with Gravel last January and would have died but for Vitae-Ore. Your advertisement persuaded me that It would help me, so I took it and after nine dones the stone was passed. 1 cannot praise Vitae-Ore highly enough. Joseph F. Mercer. Thomasville, Ga. Vitae-Ore has done more for myself and others than anything which I have ever used. It has entirely freed me of B right's Diseasa and Rheumatism, from which I suffered greatly : in fact, I felt that my time on earth was short. Vitae-Oro is tbe best thing that I have found and I havo practiced medicine since 1869. J. B. Watkins, M. D. CHICAGO, ILL. Brother H. T. Wilson of the Gage County Herald takes fusion papers to task because they published those bul letins "issued under authority of the railrond of Nebraska." There is some merit in his contention, but the fact is that populists and democrats do not give their own papers the support they deserve, and if an editor were to ex clude every paying advertisement which might have effect on the politi cal views of hjs readers well, he might go hungry at times. Most of the farmers seemingly cared nothing about the tax question. They are willing to pay more than their share in order that Mark Hanna will con tinue to let it rain in Nebraska, They will help pay from half a million to a million dollars this year that the rail road stockholders ought to pay, and a like amount next year and the year after but what do they care so Ion? as Mark lets them raise good crops? John a. Barker of the Franklin Sen tinel says that in Franklin county alone over 400 taxpayers voted to "let well enough alone" by staying at home on election day. In view of the way, Franklin county has had the worst of it in the matter of railroad taxes since 1889, this is, to say the least, surprising. The Independent regrets to note that R. D. Sutherland was defeated for county attorney down in Nuckolls losing by only 43.