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About The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1902)
8 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. nf.MZr 1iJnnJtl4 AMERICAN MILLIONAIRES. Vr Uivtu t ThA essential viiImHtv rtf thA Arnpr- Eincoln; tltbraska. ican millionaires has often been de- - OrY In TKn T A AriAn A ant XT.NTr 1i A LIBERTY BUILDING. 1328 0 STREET. llterary of England and the continent are giving their opinion of Entered according to Act ol .Congress at tne 1 ... . . , ... " . Portoffice at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-clas. tDem and " coincides With that SO of- maii matter. ten expressed in tnese columns. A little while ago, Ouida told the public PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. what she thought about them and now fourteenth YEAR. Marie (joreill has written a long maga- i zine article in which she gives a full $1.00 PER YEAR expression of her views concerning these creatures. She calls Morgan a ... a greedy octopus, stretching out his Imoney with news agencies, postmasters, etc, nanas to grab everything on eartn. I.. I 1 fl,.,. Tli fr.mi.ntla I OU forert or remi. a d'trent amount than was (1Pri, , , lorgci v. I "Tno macaco Vioai rf Ho rnoo-i a left with them, and the subscriber fails to get . . 1 , ,e 1 Tl - strewing free libraries all over the proper erect. surface of the country as if . they Address an comniBincauuus, u muc . i drafts, money orders, etc, payable to , , BO many lollipops thrown Tho nhraska Indtvtndtnt. a.OLUW,uu' f.1' w.i - , fn nw thA nppnunrs nf his rtnin? T irtrnln Woh . . .0 - with rwinn-lArl wnnHor anH rlori. sion. "With manv of the more inde pendently thinking classes the millionaire Carnegie's money, Ditched at the public, savors of a patronage which they resent and of an ostentation which they curt ly call swagger. Of the geenral mass of American millionaires she speaks as follows "Wealth in excess, wealth in chunks, wealth in great, awkward, unbecoming dabs, is plastered as it were by the merest haphazard toss of fortune s dice on tne DacKS of uncultured and illiterate Amer icans, who, bowed down like asses beneath their golden burden, are asininely ignorant. In very few cases does immense weaitn go hand in hand with refinement, re serve or dignity. Millionaires are for the most part ill-mannered, illiterate and singularly uninter esting in conversation. If there is one thing more than all others that the editor of The Inde pendent despises, it is the common run of millionaires. In years past he has met a few of them in a social way and if there was anything that 'they could talk about except how they 'ruined' some man or some clique on. the stock exchange, or in the manip ulation of some railroad or other cor poration, he could never get them to discuss the subject. Intellectually and morally, they are the lowest, grade of the population of this country aside from the newly imported common la borers. They have gathered their millions by bribing legislatures, man ipulating congressmen and courts, se curing special privileges, purchasing Anonymous communications will not be noticed. Rejected manuscripts win noi ok returned. Some of the doctors have discovered the microbe of bliss and say that it is conveyed in the rapturous kiss. Tom Johnson believes in arguments of force as well as in forcible argu ments. He slapped a fellow's face who called him a liar. When the corporations want to elect a disreputable scoundrel to office they advertise him as a man of unimpeach able integrity and every mullet head believes the statement. Sarah Bernhardt has at last forgiven Germany for annexing Alsace and Lo- raine and done what she declared she never would do, appeared in a play in Berlin. Kaiser William can now re duce his army one-half without danger. A federal court in making a decision in favor of the Western Union said It would establish a precedent, for no case like it had ever been adjudicate d before and then it called news "pre- communicativeness." That settles it. One driver of a devil wagon in New York has had justice done him. He was sent to the penitentiary for six months. The automobilist amused himself by running back and forth across the track in front of a trolley car. The result was that 22 persons were seriously injured. elections and deceiving and robbing . . thpir competitors an 'change. Such a , Large business failures are occurring r cmPe A w with astonishing frequency for an era W"A .tor vMoh fn of prosperity. The report from the . 7',J hi7dPn . J social intercourse cannot be hidden. commercial agencies uji imi cciv v. o,o . ... . Carnesie is no better than the rest or as follows: "Business failures in the uuneieib United States for the week ending them. From - unrequited to 1 and the Thursday. October 30, number 194, as blood of Homestead he gathered his against 194 last week, 172 in this week millions last year, 165 in 1900, 174 in 1899 and It is impossible that men, the ener- last year, ioo in j.jjvw, ai m 1.00 j aw aa m in k The next day aTter this Us ot.w-' report was made up there were a very large number of very heavy failures in lumber and other lines. The platform of the liberal demo cratic party of New York would re ceive the unanimous vote of any pop ulist convention ever held in Nebras ka. We don't care anything for names, but if the leaders of that party keep up its " organization and come to the next populist national convention pre senting those principles as their po litical belief, they will be admitted with a whoop and hurrah equal to that which followed the adoption of the first populist platform at Omaha in getting dollars in such uncounted numbers that they cannot even ex pend or give away their incomes, should be anything else than the sor did creatures that they are. And these men run the govern ment of the United States. THE HARVESTER TRUST. When this trust was organizing un der the plea that it was philanthropi cal in its purposes and would reduce the cost of machinery to the farmers, The Independent called attention to articles to that effect that were being printed in the plutocratic, trust-ad vocating republican papers. The Phil adelDhia Record now announces that The fact that the ship builders have "harvester trust prices are to be ad orders for snips that will keep them vanced 25 per cent, so that farmers busy for mere than two years ahead who have hitherto paid ior a mi- nnf that some of them are refusing chine must hereafter pay ai tne orders shows most convincingly that same time, the managing force of the that Mark Hanna-Frye ship subsidy trust is to be so reduced ana reorgan was one of the rankest attempts to ized that not less than $500,000 a year flppA tho nublic for the benefit of a will be saved by this process aione. V- I I . fpw millionaires that devotees of spe- By such simple devices tnis new m niai rriileces ever attempted in the dustrial combination expects to ODtam v x Ampriran congress and there have huge dividends cn its $65,000,000 of been some things of that character liberally watered capital sto-K. put through that made the world wonder. This large increase in the already exorbitant prices that the firms work- ng in unison have been able to charge the farmer will be a severe tax upon them. Thousands of them vote the republican ticket while the adminis tration does nothing to enforce the aw. The combination of the different firms in re.i.aint of trade and for the purpose of controlling prices was open and notorious, and a more flagrant violation of existing law than Hill's merger or the beef trust Yet the ad ministration has done nothing and will do nothing, as long as the mullet heads walk up to the polls and vote the republican ticket, for that is sim ply a request to "please rob us some more." The 'trusts are not so much to blame in this matter as the voters, and men would spend their breath to bet ter advantage in denouncing the fool voters than in denouncing the trusts. UP AGAINVT A WALL Frank C: Vandelip, vice president of Rockefeller's National City bank of New York, made a speech the other night before about 200 financiers in which he talked in the same vein that The Independent has been talking for several months about the inflation of credits and watering stocks. Of course he did not use the plain English that The Independent does, but it amounted to the same thing. The fact is" that they have got the last foot of gas into the balloon that Shaw and all the rest of them could manufacture and they all know it. The only hope is now to et the thing down easy. The way he put it was thus: "We have the choice of one of two things: Either to practice wise discretion or to go on bor rowing of the future until we are brought up against a wall." He also repeated what Bryan has often called attention to, namely, we have had a series of good crops while there have been great deficiencies abroad. He even hinted that that was the cause of better times instead of the simple reason that the republican par ty was in power. That was rank trea son to Mark Hanna and he ought to be hung for it, when we consider the great favors that have been conferred upon his bank, such as in the sale of the old New York custom house, mil lions of deposits from the government and in other ways by Mark Hanna and his party. But perhaps Mr. Vandelip thinks those things were paid for in contributions to Mark's corruption fund and all that is a closed incident Mr. Vandelip went from a position . J 1 A 1 A in tne treasury aeparimeni siraigm to a place in Rockefeller's big bank. He followed the precedents of the last twenty years. First a place in the treasury department and after serving Wall street there, then"on to New York to a place in some bank or trust company. Mrs. George Vanderbilt has issued orders that all of her male servants shall lift their hats when they come into the presence of her one year old child. What sort of American citizens do the menials make who submit to and obey such orders as that? They all have votes. The principle of the referendum is a part of every free government and none ever did or can exist without it. The capitalistic class has always feared the people, and men like Hamil ton threw every obstruction in the way of exercising that right that they pos sibly could, but they did not even at tempt to abolish it. The veto power of executives and the difficulties thrown around the amendment of con stitutions, were the plans that they adopted to prevent the desires of the people being made effective. Another plan, and most disastrous of all, were life terms for judges. Yet back of it all lies the power of the people at last, for the constitutioncan be amended, though what was thought were almost insurmountable difficulties were thrown In the way. All the states rec ognized the right of referendum in a more direct way and while the people have been slow to exercise it, it is there. BACK TO JEFFERSON. . The politicians may drive the peo ple for awhile away from the prin ciples of Jefferson, but in the end, when they find disaster impending, they come back to them. The party that Jefferson founded was led farther and farther away, until in the time of Lincoln, in his letter to Mayor Prince, he declared that it had fought itself into the clothes of the other par ty. Lincoln brought his followers back to the Declaration of Indepen dence and other Jeffersonian doctrines and actually adopted the first name of Jefferson's party, that of republican. Now again there are thousands of men in the republican party, after It has wandered far and wide from Lincoln and Jeffersonian principles, demand ing that it shall come back to Jefferson again. Jefferson was the father of the prin ciple of reciprocity, and in this age when men are looking for relief in every direction from the exactions of tariff-protected trusts they once more go back to Jefferson and find in his teachings the way of relief. No one ever more explicitly enunciated it than did the author of the Declaration of Independence. These are his words: "Some nations, not yet ripe for free commerce, in all its extent, might still be willing to modify its restrictions and regulations for us in proportion to the advantages which an intercourse with us might offer. Particularly, they may concur with us in reciprocat ing the duties to be levied on each side, or in compensating any ex cess of duty by equivalent ad vantages of another nature." There you have the doctrine of rec iprocity as advocated by the two last republican presidents and some thou sands of the rank and file of the re publican party. Necessity has driven them to the doctrines of Jefferson for relief. But these two presidents and their following make up but a small part of that party. The men who con trol the purse strings are all against them. There is no hope of the mass or any great part of the leadership of the party ever going back to Jefferson. The tariff grafters, the trusts and the privileged corporations will continue to control the republican party for years to come. Jeffersonian democracy, Lincoln re publicanism and "populism are all one and the same thing and when these different organizations all join to gether and vote the same ticket we shall have Jeffersonian government again. LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY. The editor of The Independent re ceived a letter just before the election inviting him to come to New York and "give the assistance of his pen and voice to the upbuilding of the lib eral democratic party" of that state.; The editor replied that he was as "lib eral" as any man ought to be and as "democratic" as Thomas Jefferson, but as populism was simply Jeffersonian democracy, he was eminently satisfied with his present party relations. How ever, if there was anything that he could do to help the liberal democratic parly of New York to down the Hill gang of reorganizers, he would be only too glad to do it The organization of what is called the "liberal democratic party in New York, is exactly the same sort of a movement as the formation of the farmers' alliance which finally resulted in the formation of the peo ple's Independent party. At that time in the west we always said that the two old parties were as alike as two peas in a pod and that no reform leg islation could be got from either of them. So we organized a new party" just as they have under the same cir cumstances done in New York. In the west, however, the new party was composed for the most part of republi cans, while in New York they seem to be democrats. The Independent extends greeting to the liberal democrats of New York and advises them by all means, even now that the election is over, to strengthen and maintain their organi zation. Without an organization their, protest will have no force whatever.