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About The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1902)
f Hi w THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. 'J HE DON'T LIKE HARDY. The Proposition to Have the Federal Sol diers Shoot Down the Anthracite Coal Miner Excites HU Wrath. Editor Independent: I see in Har dy's Column an article that I dis agree with most emphatically. He seems to think that King George Baer ought to be able to use the state troops to suppress the strikers so that anybody that they could get to work for them, experienced or not, could fill their places; which would be very dan gerous. We have a law that the men must have two years' experience. Had it not been for this safeguard the strikers could not have won, but the green hands would have caused terri ble accidents, as I am informed coal mining is a most hazardous occupa tion. I think this Mr. Hardy must be a friend to the trusts. Every time I come across this item it riles me and I cut it out to send to you and hope to never see it again or anything like it in your paper. I scarcely have time to vent my feel ings of disapproval of this item and hate to let it go as it is. I wish to ask you if you approve the sense of the ar ticle. I would like to have your opin ion on it. He puts me in mind of Gen eral Gobin's order, "Shoot to kill." I am a carpenter by trade and always wanted fair wages and I think any one of reasonable thinking capacity can tell that the coal barons take all they can get out of the men, paying them barely enough to keep soul and body togetner. Now since the strike is over, they will reimburse themselves for loss by charging 50 cents extra on every ton of coal. Who will do any thing to make up the loss to the men who sacrificed everything so that fu ture generations might have a fair to earn a livelihood? I would like to see this Mr. Hardy to ask what he meant by offering the sugges tion to get out the United States army to shoot down a set of workingmen whose cause was as just as was the cnuse of the thirteen colonies wnen they issued that grand document, the srlorious Declaration of Independence. The heroes of that famous struggle never reaped their financial reward, but look what they left to us. And so it will be with after generations of the coal miners. After the settlement of this gigantic struggle their descend ants will have some chance to get their rights. These men will never receive much personal financial benefit for their struggle, but their descendants will. It ever was so and ever will be so to the end of time. With all my effort I feel that I have not made my meaning as clear as I would like to have it. I will repeat, that to see such an item in your paper is too much for me and so entirely at Variance with the general sentiment of The Independent. J. C. YINGST. Harrisburg, Fa. (The item referred to was as fol lows: "There is one thing that state gov ernments are neglecting and that is the protection of free laborers who want to work in the coal mines or anywhere else. If the state of Penn sylvania cannot do it the government should call home the standing army in the Philippines and place the men on guard at the different mines, with guns loaded with bullets, and protect the men who want to work. This is y.t a pretentious free country and one man has no right to prevent another man from working at honest labor." The editor of The Independent wishes to say to Mr. Yingst that the old readers of this paper, and espe cially those in this state, know Mr. Hardy, who is a very old man and long a resident here, and make al lowances for the bad breaks that he sometimes makes. The Independent never stands responsible for what he, or any other of its correspondents say, but believes that it is good policy to let every man have his say as far as it is possible. Mr. Yingst will find some of about the worst economic rot ever printed in this issue of The Inde pendent, but it will start people to thinking and keep them interested. It will do just what this item from Hardy has done, bring forth from the readers of the paper some such splendid writ ing as appears in Mr. Yingst's own let ter. The Independent does not re member of having seen anywhere a better answer to this infernal pluto cratic idea than appears in Mr. Yingst's reply. Ed. Ind.) honors, are a vegetarian religious sect, non-resident, clean, hard workers, and among whom crime is unknown. For a century they have been most horri ble persecuted in Russia because they would not recognize or attend the ser vices of the Greek Catholic church, which is the state church of that em pire. By the aid of Tolstoi and some other philanthropists they were able to emmigrate to Canada. There they have built many little villages and have been prosperous and happy with no one to molest or make them afraid. Now there is no good affection, prin ciple or policy which, if carried to an extreme, will not become injurious or even a vice or a crime. Even love, the purest of affections, can be Carried to such an extreme .that it is hurtful. This is what happened to Doukhobors. They were vegetarians, at first from necessity, for a long series of years while in Russia they could not earn by the hardest work more than 3 cents a day and with that sum they could not buy meat So they lived on the cheapest grains. Then vegetarianism became an article of their religious faith. They carried this doctrine to such an extreme that lately they re fused to use animals for work, saying that it was sinful to make the poor dumb beasts labor for them. Then they took a sudden idea that they should start out on a march to convert the world. They abandoned their homes, turned all their domestic ani mals loose on the prairies and men, women and children started off on a march, not knowing whither they were going:' The women and children suf fered terribly and many of the sick were carried by others on stretchers. Finally the Canadian government took a hand in the matter. The police were sent out and gathered up all the live stock that had been abandoned and other property that would go to waste and sold it and accumulated a fund of more than $30,000. At last as the wanderers entered a town the author ities took charge of the women and children and provided for them, tell ing uie men that they could go on. 1'hey made no resistance. The Cana dian government says that it will see to it that these poor, crazed people do not suffer When the $30,000 are exhausted it will provide more. What the end of this religious fanaticism will be no one can foretell. News of the Week One thing that has attracted the at tention of the people of Canada and the United States during the week is the strange conduct of the inhabitants of theRussian settlements of the do minion. These people, called Douk- Among last Sunday's cable dis patches was this: "One'of the shock ing sights of London and the other big cities of England and Scotland is the number of drunken women to be seen in the streets, especially on Saturday night. As many women as men are to be seen in the saloons of the poorer quarters of the cities." Ella Wheeler Wilcox says that not long since the wife of an American millionaire whose name is constantly in the papers on both sides of the ocean went Into a New York store drunk and behaved in such a beastly manner that she dis gusted the proprietor and clerks alike. This worship of gold and the miserable moral wretches who have accumulated millions will in the end bring upon this and other nations as severe retri butions as ever did chattel slavery. Aside from this demoralization by drink the American woman is showing marks of degeneration in another and more dangerous way. There are three great American actresses drawing im mense crowds in Chicago and New York Mrs. Leslie Carter, Mrs. Patrick Campbell and Mrs. Fiske. The plays that they are presenting are "Du Bar ry," "Iris," "The Joy of Living," and "Magdala." This last play is based upon tne following passage from St. John: "And the Scribes and the Pharisees brought unto Him a woman taken in adultery, and when they had set her in the midst they said unto Him: Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act." All the other plays are based upon the same theme. The actresses in defending themselves say that only those sort of plays will draw an audience that - Match I j B0SS wsYMuwfjtf j i Stiffened GOLD A ' Watch Cases 'J ere guaranteed for25 years. Few 1 I , Sr solid gold cases will last that I 1 long without wearing too thin. I to safely protect ti works. If s - you want a watch case for pro- I I , taction, durability and beauty, f S get the Hoss with the key. , X1 stone trade-mark stamped 1 S t inside. Send for booklet. J J THE KEYSTONE JSPmmm, V WATCH CASE CO., J j HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props.. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Walding, kinnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo. O Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, Price, 75c per bottle! ' 'Sold by all drug gists. Testimonials free. " Hall's Family Pills are the best. will fill a theatre. All this goes to show that the concentration of wealth and the worship of money Is prpducing exactly the same effect upon the pop ulation that it did in the most disgust ing period of the Roman empire and the sensuous days of Cleopatra and Marc Anthony. Atnnne the Mammonites of New York, money enters the most sacred and holy relations of life. The mil lionaires when their daughters are to be married hire beautiful women for so much a head to appear as brides maids. The usual fee is $100 and a gift of the beautiful dress that is worn upon the occasion. At several recent weddings a long string of these sort of bridesmaids have appeared. It Is announced in the papers that Morgan's recent trip west was for the purpose of forming a 3ft coal trust. As Mark Hanna controls one of these large fields. Morgan ran his special train Into Cleveland and held a sev eral hours' conference with him. Ev prvthinsr in the United States will be soon trustified and. Morgan and Mark Hanna wfll boss the world. In the Molineux trial in New York the handwriting experts have again made a spectacle of themselves. One set swear that certain documents were written by Molineux and the other set swear just as positively that they were not. It is about time that the courts sat down on the whole crew. There has never been an important case yet where the same thing did not occur. Such testimony is utterly worthless. Florida had the auietest Hection In the whole United States. There was but one ticket in the field. A heavy snow storm was reported from western Texas last Sundav. The Texans are bound not to be forgotten. General Dewot started from London for South Africa last Saturday. A large crowd that had assembled to see him off cheered most heartily. What they call "ladrones" have been waging very active war in the Phil ipines lately and especially near to and around Manila. "The war is over." While Genpral Dpwet has eone back to South Africa. General Botha has written a letter to Mr. Van Vlisslngon of Chicago that ho will visit America as was originally Intended. Arbitration seems to be in the air all over the world. The French coal operators have concluded to arbitrate with their miners. This strike was of vast proportions and threatened very disastrous results. The Johannesburg chamber of mines has presented a formal protest to the British government against the pro posed tax on them to help pay the cost of the Boer war. They brought on the war and it Is really poetic justice that they should now be forced to pay the greater part of the expenses. Smallpox has been reported from several cities and towns during the Inst week In Iowa and other states. That Is what the doctors said would happen this fall and winter. It Is reported that there Is a defec tion In the Catholic church In the Philippines. One riot has already oc curred. This Independent church movement Is being watched closely by the government. The extent of the .de fection from the church of Rome, is not known, but It is Caimefl .hat a majority of the native clergy' sym pathize with the movement. When yon drink whiskey drink good whiskey, an good whiskey is eood for you aud bud whiskey is bad for you. ILER'S PURE MALT Is prescribed by physicians who know that a fine malt whiskey is the only right and proper whiskey to drink and that Iter's leads them, all in purity, taste and general ex cellence. It has been on the market for thirty years and is growing in popu larity every day. WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLERY, OMAHA, NEB. ROY'S DRUG STORE 104 North in' St. We say "Roy's" drug store as matter of fact it i3 EVERYBODY'S drug store almost. Roy only cou-v, ducts It, buys and keeps to sell Jtid goods, and meet and force competition. Our patrons do the rest We want W remind you of seasonable goods, vlz:i Garden Seeds, Conditi - Powders, Lice Killers, B. B. Poison, Kalsomine, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, etc. We make a specialty of all kinds of Stock and Poultry Foods, etc. Don't miss us. Roys' 104 No I Oth FOUR PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS FROM OMAHA L TO T CALIFORNIA WITH CHOICE OF ROUTES. These excursions leave Qmaha eY ery Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 4:25 p. m., in Pullman Tourlht Sleeping Cars. The cars are accompanied all the way by conductors skilled in the servir-eof excursion par 1Kb. The;-Unio's!.'ifle Is the onl Mri? from Omaha running four excur sionj to California every week. These excursions can be , joined at ary point en route. For full information call on or ad dress, E. B. SLOSSON, Agent, Lincoln, NebL CHEAP RATES FOR HOMESEEKERS : : : The Rock Island System announces a new series of Homeseekers' Excur sion rates. November 4 and 18, the Rock Island" System will sell round trip tickets to points in Oklahoma. Indian Territory, New Mexico and Texas at one are plus $2 for the round trip. Return limit 21 days. Stopovers allowed. If you are contemplating a change of location or want to buy land where it Is good and cheap, these excursions offer the .best possible opportunity. See the nearest Rock Island ticket agent and get full information or ap piyr to . . L. M. ALLEN, G.R.A., Chicago. F. H. BARNES, C. P. A. " ' Lincoln, Neb.