The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, November 06, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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...Thaoksgiving Bay..;
will soon be here, but people who trade with us have something to be thankful for all the year 'round. We deal
fairly with them we save them money and give them the very best possible values for the prices we charge.
These are not empty words they are facts. Look at these prices and then come in and let us "show you." When
we say "you" we mean people -who have never traded with us. Those who have traded with us don't wait for a
second invitation they come early and often. .
Reduction on Fleeced Wrappers
89c Wrappers at -78c
?h00 Wrappers at --87c
1.25 Wrappers at $1 10
1.50 Wrappers at ... . 1 29
We Sell Shawls, Single and Doubl
Sirgle Shawls, assorted colors, 67ix67i at $2.00, 12.25,
S2.50and $3 25
cuble Shawls in black, gray and "brown at $4.00,
H.50, 15.00 and Q 5Q
Iloavy Beaver Shawls in gray, black and brown, at
$2.50, 3.00, $4.r0;'$5.00 and G 00
Here is Your Chance to get a Stylish
and Good Quality Jacket at
We have 32 Ladies 27 in. Garments of Kersey or Beaver cloths, with mercerized lining
and some with silk lining, in red, brown, tan and black, sizes from 32 to 40, C h IY1
worth up to $7.50, which will go at VT'iO I
We will i ive a special discount on our regular line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's
garments during this sale.
Dressing Sacks
Made of Eiderdown, nicely trimmed with silk braid, in
purple, red, blue and gray at the following special prices
65b 87c $129 and $174
s 1 ill
Bargains in Domestics
Apron Ginghams, fast colors and good patterns,
special price per yd 4 34c
12ic quality Ticking in fancy stripes, this week
per yd .T 10c
Outing Flannels in light and dark colors, regu- -
lar 6c value, per yd . . . .' 4 34c
1000 yds Unbleached Canton Flannel, regular
5c value, at 3 34c
Portiere Curtains
in Chenille and Tapestry at the following low prices
Per pair.. $2 50 $3 50 $3 75 $4 75
Ladies' Outing Flannel Gowns,
Special values at. . 45c 54c 89c
French Flannelette is a soft cotton cloth and is an
exact imitation of French Flannel. We have
a lot of new patterns, regular 18c value, this
week, per yd 14LO
Golf Gloves & Mittens
We have a very nice assortment and splendid values of Ladies'
Golf Gloves at
50c 65c 75o 65c
Misses Golf Gloves at . 25c an 40c
Ladies' Wool Mittens at J5c 25c 35c an( 50c
Children's Wool Mittens at. .10c 15o 20c 25c and 35c
Our line of Underwear for men, "women and children com
prises a large variety of the best makes of the fall and winter
Ludies' Jersey ribbed vests and pants, regular 25c value,
this week 22c
Ladies' tine Jersey ribbed vests and pants, 50c value, sale
price each 43c
Ladies' natural wool vests and pants, .regular 75c value,
sale price 65 C
Children's elastic ribbed vests and pants, a good tjuality,
for size 10, 10c; 18. 124c; 20, 15c; 22, 17Jc; 24, 20c; 20, 22ic;
28, 25c; 30, 27ic; 32, 30c, and 34 32 l2c
Boy's seal lined nhirts and drawers, good and heavy, regu
lar price 50c, this week, each 39c
40 doz. Men's Camels Hair Shirts and drawers, regular 40c
values, sale price each 33 C
50 doz. Men's extra heavy fleeced shirts and drawers, 50c
values, this week, each 43 C
A splendid line of Men's wool shirts and drawers at the fol
lowing special prices C7c, 89c, $1.12 and $1 26
1 i
11 I t l rami
m iMsA . MSI
We have some very
sensible and comfort
able cloth Leggins for
Ladies' and Children's
wear. For the Ladies
we have the Jersey
Cloth. Leggins that
afford great protec
tion to the feet and
ankles. Very inex
pensive when the
comfort they afford is
considered. For the
Children we have
Jersey Cloth and
Corduroy Leggins.
They are a great pro
tection to the feet and
legs of the little people
on their way to and
from school.
Buy now while the assortment is complete
96 pair Men's Suspenders idlSE ifh No. 60 Fancy Brocaded
Regular Price 20c Jlt AN D Itllp Ribbon, Assorted Colors,
Sale Price 12c .f. wJ!im Special Price peryard 21c
Three men dead, according to re
publican fatality. Bryan was killed
by his precinct going republican, so,
as a matter of course, Roosevelt is
dead for the place where he voted
went democratic; so of Mickey, his
precinct went democratic. Both of
those men are under a heavier per cent
democratic than ever Bryan was of
republican per cent. What medicine
will bring them to life again?
There are over 300,000 persons em
ployed by our government under the
head of civil service, which means for
life. The money paid them amounts
to over $130,000,000 each year.
The courts have just decided that
Porto Ricans are not citizens of this
If praying is sectarian and worship,
then the supreme court decision will
kick out the chaplain of our state leg
islature and when the United States
court renders a similar decision con
gress and the army will have to get
along without chaplains.
A Swede girl worked for us six or
eight years. She had laid by several
hundred dollars and last fall she con
cluded to go back to Sweden. She had
no relatives in this country. She came
alone and was not afraid to go back
alone. She did not call it a visit, but
was going back to stay. We told her
she would be sick for home and come
back. After about six months she did
come back and brought a sister and
two other girls with her. We asked
her why she did not stay and work in
Sweden. She said that $27 a year was
the highest wages paid for girls and
they had to work half of the time in
the summer in the field planting, pull
ing weeds and harvesting crops. She
said: "My sister and I together are
receiving $8 a week doing the house
work for one family and we are living
much better. Over there it is brown
bread and vegetables, seldom ever any
meat, butter, sugar, tea or coffee."
Foreigners are the ones to strike for
higher wages.
We would like some one to tell us
the moral difference between Univer
sity football games, pirze fights, bull
fights and cock lights. In the first
game, boys are sometimes killed; in
the second men; in the third bulls
and men, and in the last roosters are
sometimes killed. Is there any differ
ence in betting on boys or on horses,
or roosters. Ball games have seemed
to crowd out intellectual and moral
public debates in our university. Boys
used to run races in olden times.
They had seven state tickets in the
state of New ork this year repub
lican, democrat, prohibition, social la
bor, social democrat, liberal democrat
and Greater New York democrat If
Hill's ticket is elected it means that
Cleveland will nominate him for pres
ident next time or Hill will nominate
It beats all how afraid of the com
mon people the leading republicans
are. They do not dare to call a con
stitutional convention either national
or state because the work of such con
vention would have to be voted on by
the people. They know that a consti
tution made on the republican line
would be voted down. We remember
when a constitution was killed in this
state because it provided for taxing
meeting houses, grave yards and tomb
stones. They want a tariff commis
sion so members of congress will not
be held responsible.
The churches of Beatrice have taken
quite a decided stand against the su
preme court decision against teaching
Bible morals in public schools. The
ten commandments would come under
the head of sectarianism. Judges with
different notions will undoubtedly be
elected next time. The day of moral
justice has gone by with many of our
people. H. W. HARDY.
Badly flis taken.
Editor Independent: The fact is
that people in this section have an
idea that western and southern papers
are no good, consequently they are
hard to convince. You are aware that
the democratic party in this state
steers clear of the Kansas City plat
form man. It is a shame not to rec
ognize Mr. Bry?n's manly efforts in
the support of honest government. Of
course it pleases the republicans, for
the democrats not to indorse that plat
form for they very much liked to see
Mr. Bryan snubbed. I hope to live to
see the day that Mr. Bryan will be
president of these United States and
make Rome howl so far as the trusts
are concerned.
You will hear from me again in a
few days. I am trying to do a little
educational work with The Indepen
dent. I am loaning out all my own
copies. ALBERT J. ALLEN.
Salisbury, Md.
Revolting Slavery.
Conditions of child labor in factories
are inhuman and revolting in other
directions besides the merely physical.
In many establishments, in direct vio
lation of both city and state laws, men,
women, boys and girls mingle pro
miscuously in dressing rooms, and as
a natural result morals and modesty
are hopelessly blunted. In these places
whatever trace of fine feeling may ex
ist when the little victim first begins
the road that leads to broken health
and mental hopelessness is entirely
killed in a very short while Factory
Inspector Davies states that in his
opinion fully 50 per cent of the Chi
cago factories where large numbers of
children are employed have no separ
ate .lavatory accommodations for the