The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, November 06, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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100 MIL 8.
We Guarantee
A nuaint colonial design and we could not furnish
you a better finished, better style parlor piece at any
A J -J 1 11 J
price, r ancy xurnea spinuics anu lege, wen mautJ,
braced and piano polished. Seat is uphol d7 CA
stered in colonial tapestry; price vlavU
Send for Our Free Catalogue.
Everything to furnish a homa, and we guarantee
; every piece we sell. Money refunded if you are not
1 1 18-1 1 26 N Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Furniture, Carpet, Drapery, Queensware, Hardware
before: you buy.
Lincoln. Neb.
Weight With Reducto'
Reduce your (at and be refined. Heflne your
. fat and be reduced. "Redacto" Is a perfectly
harmless vegetaole compound endorsed by
thousands of physicians and people who have
' tried It. We send you the Formula, you make
"Keducto" at home If you desire, you know
full well the ingredients and therefore need
have no fear of evil effects, bend $1.00 for re
ceipt and inrtructlons everything mailed in
plain envelope. Address
Ginseng Chemical Go,,
3701 S. JefUrson At., St. Louis, Mo
Do You ttant a
Genuine Bargain
Hundreds of Upright Pianos
. .a. n. in.inH RtAinwavi Kntb. Fisehara.
aupoMa or one r ' . '
tkguishd from now MB A M f If Ur' rt
'.i.ikhk R5 SlUlfl tl)Andfti6S.ifin
toTtrament 1190, - - " fall, ,ql to many
ftOOpiuoi. Unntlily prmii eepl.
9. Writ foe lilt ud prtieulri. To n.k. r. iarinf.
f iUM wutuM M nprMenUd. lllutrted Piano Book rrM.
WorM'i Utf mit Iowlm; wlk Irwythlae known In Mm.
Nye & Buchanan Co.,
Best possible service in all depart
ments. Write or wire us for markets
or other information.
Long distance Telephone 2305
Best Lew Priced Hottl n the City.
$1.00 par day and up.
Hotel Walton
The Portland Oregonian, under the
heading, "Spoiling Bryan's Hot Air,"
"Now comes Theodore Roose
velt, president of the United
States, and orders the army re
duced at once to 56,930 enlisted
men, the minimum authorized by
There was never a worse fake prac
ticed on mullet head voters than that
order just before an election. It fur
nished the republican spell-binders
more hot air than Bryan ever emitted
in all his life. The fact was that the
army was below the minimum num
ber before the order was issued. For
months, as all the reports of officers
commanding military departments
show, the enlisted men had been de
serting "by the hundreds and notwith
standing that bill boards of the cities
were covered with posters of the re
cruiting officers, they cou.ld not in
duce enough young men to enlist to
fill the vacancies. It is the farmer
boys who have always done the fight
ing and they have no liking for im
The question may be considered one
of the things of the past, but The In
dependent wishes to say that the re
cent decision of the supreme court re
fusing to issue a writ of mandamus
against the board of equalization to
compel it to raise the assessment oi
the railroads of the state was not only
sound in law, but was in direct line
with the populist position concerning
tho power of the courts. Of late years
the courts have been extending their
jurisdiction in every direction and The
Independent has often predicted that
the time would come, if that tendency
was not checked, when they would be
issuing mandatory orders to legisla
tures and governors. In this instance
the court stood by the old principles.
Notwithstanding the assertions in the
republican papers, the Missouri court
took the same position. Where the
law confers discretion on an officer, the
discretion is to be exercised by that
officer and not by the court
The millions of money given over to
the bankers by Secretary Shaw with
out interest is not his money. It is
money belonging to the whole people
of the United States. So we have this
condition. The people turn over to the
bankers hundreds of millions with
out interest and then go and borrow
their own money from the bankers at
high rates of Interest. If that is not
"idiocy, what is it?
RP1 III 1 A It 1L . A.A.
j i ug editor wisaea to can luc atiea-
tion of the readers to an article In
another column printed under the
head, "Forty Years a Republican."
During the last few years hundreds of
old men have written similar letters
to The Independent ' There can be
no doubt that thousands upon thou
sands of men who were republicans
when Lincoln was elected and for some
years after Lincoln's death haYe left
the party and joined themselves to
the reform forces. The editor of The
Independent is one of them himself.
But the republicans have more than
made good the loss to their party from
the desertion of these men who be
lieved in the Declaration of Indepen
dence, by importation of ignorant
swarms from southern Europe and
other places, who are simply con
trolled and voted as the bosses direct
They have not been able to do that
with the more intelligent immigrants
from northern Europe, though they
have captured many of them.
There will be many thousands of
dollars of expenses to pay for the ar
bitration committee appointed by the
president A great many people are
asking where the money is to come
from. None of the men on that com
mission will work without a salary
unless it is Bishop Spaulding. Carrol
D. Wright has a big salary from the
government as labor commissioner
and as this work is right in the line
of his official duties, he is provided
for. It is probable that the president
will ask congress to make an appro
priation. That will make it arbitra
tion by the authority of the United
States government. It will be seen
that Teddy can do some things with
out law and there are other things
which he says he can't do, although
he has a law to back him that is,
he can't prosecute the coal barons un
der the criminal section of the Sher
man act. r
The "money that the government has
given to bankers without interest to
hold and loan out during the last four
years would have built a government
railroad clear across the continent,
That would have settled the freight
and passenger rate question and there
would be no further need of interstate
commerce commissions or merger
suits. Besides lowering the rates to a
just and equitable basis the govern
ment could then have a revenue suffic
ient to pay all its expenses without
any tariffs or any internal revenue
taxes. There would be fewer million
aires and more prosperity and happi
ness among the people. But it seems
that a majority of the people don't
want any such happy conditions to
prevail. If they did they would all
vote for the establishment of populist
Nebraska is God's own country, and
there is nothing like it for the longev
ity of its inhabitants. Neither balmy
southern California nor the flower-cov
ered south can compare with it for the
large number of happy, energetic old
people that can be found in almost
any community In the state. Out in
York county the other day there was a
little party for old people and sixty
nine citizens of that town assembled to
enjoy the evening, ranging between the
ages of 70 and 85 years, and all their
names and ages were printed in loca
papers. Another young lady sent a
poem which was written on her 94th
birthday. The rythm and rhyme was
perfect and its literary quality far
above what passes for poetry in many
of the great dailies.
The increase and reduction of the
internal revenue tax has been a mine
of gold for the trusts. It is said that
the tobacco trust has already made
millions by that-operation. When the
tax was raised from 6;,to 12 per cent,
the trust raised prices accordingly and
besides that, cut down the size or
weight of Its packages. Now that the
tax has Tor some time been reduced
to the old rate, the trust is still sell-
ng the reduced packages at the price
It fixed when the full tax was levied.
he retail dealers say that they are
going to bring a suit against the trust
under the Sherman act
If the trust should succeed in elect-
ng one of their . managers president
of the United States, he might follow
out his natural instincts and buy up
South America or- sell . us at $2.50 a
head some European monarchy, just
as we bought the Filipinos at that
price. A president certainly has just
as good a right to sell the inhabitants
of this country at $2.50 per head as
he had to buy subjects of the Spanish
king at that price.
The Paris courts do not have the
respect and profound reverence for
American millionaires that they ought
to have. The other (Jay one of them"
sentenced W. K. Vanderbilt, jr., to two
days in jail and to pay a fine of ten
rancs for speeding his devil wagon
over the streets of that city faster
than the law allowed. But young Van
derbilt had fled and was convicted on
default. He will have to keen out of
aris after this or serve his sentence.
The British have finished their Pa
cific cable and the first message sent
over it was to King Edward, October
31. The time of a message from Lon
don to Australia is five minutes and
100 words a minute can be sent.
There is a cattle feeder out in the
state who has one steer which he says
eats everything in sight and never
gains a pound. He calls him a "mullet
head.", ,
There is no use in trying to deny it
This is the greatest era of prosperity
that the world ever experienced for
the trusts -and large capitalists.
To m ake cows pay, use Sharpies Cream Separator
Book"ilusiness Dairying" & Cat.270 free W. Chester. t a
Yields Readily to Proper Treatment
with Dr. Mitchell's Lump
Jaw Cure
The best remedy for the cure of
lumpy jaw in cattle is that discovered
by Dr. Mitchell. It removes the tumor
without leaving an unsightly scar.
Cattle undergoing treatment by it do
not fall away in flesh.
It is easily applied without throw
ing the animal and one application is
sufficient unless in bad cases of long
And moreover it is the cheapest way
of curing lump jaw as one bottle is
enough for four to six head of ordi
nary cases.
Higgason's Hog Cholera Cure
is best used as a preventive of hog
cholera, but is very effective as a
cure for this most destructive disease.
We believe every farmer who raises
hogs should have a can of the
on his premises, ready for use imme
diately when the disease first makes its
appearance in the herd.
In addition to being a preventive
and cure for hog cholera, it is a sure
It is also a good conditioner and keeps
hogs healthy and thriving. For lull
particulars address
Marshalltown, Iowa.
Ask your dealer for them. Mfgd. by