j TabfeTof bletanct " ..4 Omaha t Kearney City. V rppllloa, B Barnuta'a, . t feat D., . 4 rreiri Creek, -10 f4' Ranch, X J diction Ranch, 11 A hern Bridge ,7 Parker,, 0 pmon., .: i-oae Tre, .. 4 iTtta Ben. , J ,1ft Uuckheta Station. 1 bam'. " ' t Hill', - ' 1 1 1 Creek, T Sbeaiaakei', rnarre . . io 1 Wood Rivet, 7 10 Umb'1, v . t 4 Mlller'a 4 1 Moor t. a. ooo Rivta CiNTKt, fRancbe. Stor. intlng Office, Pot Office, nod Black- ..;. S M.ller'e, ' 1 2 ' 4 Fort Kearney. 9 7 Kearney City, - - S i mill ;' 1 taiin-euoa;, ,. Lai', 7l 1 I 7 Wkit ITWtTlODT Wam J THE FAMILY DOCTOR: .YrUf timet umtiitt, eeeify eb lei., r (A car umh ia mil TIM. BOE150R 11ERNY TAYLOR. o-o-o-o. Ta-If ow to attend upon tli tlrk an now to cook lor tneui -kow to prepare Drink, Pout tie 4c , and bow to guard agalntt infection fivra Cohla cioua iiaiie. Da Tea Of the vriou diseaee of Children, and five the beat aad aimpleet mode of treat ment during Toelhlug.Coneul-iiia,Vai-cination,Wbooplug-cough, Meaelei,LC. ,tle Tea The tymptomi of Croup, Cholera, Infantum, Uolic, Di arrl eat, Worm, Scald Head Kiit-worn. Gbickrn-noe. Aci ''"i- arid givea feu the Lett rente- I f diea far their cur ' mr ti.. .. ... c i JVViif i w ti ) iniiiviiia vi rrvrrinu . - - I iit ., 2f. anu jhiioui, i ouow, 'i Typbiie, Scarlet and other re- trt and rlva nn th haal t and aluieieet remedie foi f ttilreure. , Tafia Y The evmtomi of Influenza, Coinuiwptlon, Dyapeaiia, AtLna, roney, Oout, Kueu i a ti an. Lu m bag a, Ery i pel a a, .c. and Rivet eu tne icei rtmediea for their cure. The eymptoma ef Cholera Merhue. Malignant Cbaiera, rsall-pox,l)vinry, Cramp, Uiaeatee ef the JJlalder, Kid atte and Lifer and the beat taraailiaa far their tarr. Tb aymptPina of riarljr, jaamna.nturaigia.Apiopiexjr Paraleia, Uie tariouit rileeaa- at or tke mroat, ictm, cat and Era and the beat trmt- ' ,coiumbus;k. t. BICKLETf 4t CO., Hare latclj opraad a Variety F tore, at the vim v tu iiiw aorK oiore eou- ai(ln of aaoet eeerjr article ia trade that either the fanner. Settler or Emigrant ma) want.ttf atJpalt hi want or eaapiete hi outfit, and will aell aaort articleea low aa the earn eaa be bought went of the Mi eeuri Rirei, and by prompt alteation aad fair deaiinjra hope lo reaetre a food abar of tke ptibllo patronage, fyCII aad a our aiocn ana pncea tbaiatar. Cvan try prodaee bough: and eichtnged. Alt aiww uuufuv, Soia ana excuangea. Lumber t Bin of Lumber tawed to order an ahort notice, aad aleo ahail alar ay a keep a good aupply on band. n7-tf. nURFOIlDtfc BROTHER, ' DEALERS IN Hardware Agricultural Implements cfe , '. r-O-O-O-O-O- " uHZf 91 b'n1' n',rT k ft' " k'n' ' Good In their Una to which I hey invite (be attention of ti publie. They keep on Land the Very Best 3Iakes of Plows of all kinds WHICH THEY WARRANT. -V Fanning If ilia, Cultlvatora, Grata Cradlea, JUapera and Mewere, aad . CulUvatar'a tetlb. Iran in S.?.firt5-'5;ao?.3. St yo Bg' i . f. a- P o r'L i Z 1 ' j;.sri3i3i:sfaiS B3re5. 3erS?a3r &ah, aiboreta, White Lead, Pahita, Turpentine, KaiU rick a, Llneead Oil, . Varniib, apan, a- ' .!M', ,n ,uort 8ola aeeeteary lo aupply the t rarmer, Blatktailtb, Carpenter, Painter, Shoemaker andall albtra. W eordlally invit an examination of or"etock. " KTO ir Hardware Store la Siiill if 5-,lfV--n5 "' ASr,cu,tuf' Warrhouee, lu r.urte.nth Street, Omab" Vmava, W. T., June 2, 1800. ' bjq.j V. Di JOHNSON I c '' Tetp Taa n if"" l1 "-mmt diet fur their care 'TeMTeu Tb Teu The atniptoma of Epilepty JauNdlce, Pilet, Ruptare, Du et or iu iteari, tiainor rhare, Venrea4 Dieeaie and Hydiopttobia and glee tb bet reinedlea for their cure. filki Teu Tha bt at and aitnplett treat- ate nt far wound, urokeu Beaea, J)i location, Snrain Lock law. rem Sore, wim w.lllme. Ulcer, tVhitloire fiurua and Bolle, acurry, mTii!. .. . - - - - i w.v.ii,, ' Vila Teu Of the varioua dieetiet pa- eulitr tor woueu, and giver th bait and aimpleet rem lee for their cure, together with many nimble biuta foi braartlon uf tiia health. fee work Te written In plain language , frera medic! terma, ao aa to be ailj eratord, won lie iimn recipe in ear yeu Aiany tlmea the coat of the k. It la prinitd In a clerr n4 -per. trtnEt. ano win mm mnwutu t jiur su lfa, neatly oeuno anu paid, oo tint off I CO. 91,000 AlKAItttiM made ny en- priting men eeery where, in aeiiing the or wora .ana our iuuuiuih. , u uco liberal. - . , feincl copiea af tha Book, or for W to, aeenta, Uu ethr information, if or addreta retrain crwi i , uiimn, 1 No. C17 Sanaom 8.reet,i1)ila.elpia. iff mmmipiii Bisrf.i?IEiif!Kff USTa, 1". Dft lr III ftlaiklA aHl Va...... iM!....t. Llqnor.IKruit, Oandie. Cenfectlonerie. UleiM. Imev nnla Va..L. Knll.. I...-. elry, Toy and a Ihoutaud.aud lao "knia khax. eliickru-fmin'a. .'--ir.. .l forth : which ha offere for aa le on the mot eaty and reaeonable term aa Le it determined to cl out Connlete OLtfita fur mlrratila. tnf tin with tre and dixnateh. an.l full aiiiUfa.. tiou guaranteed kl-tf. MOFFAT'S ClfflEAPEDHS. . ' ' . ....... ' 2 .:.r - Than any other House West of the MlggOUJUail ! : 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- ) La two wrut wiir NEBRASKA TERRITORT, WHOLESALE RETAIL Dealera ia f0f tliWir. sino noaa, 16 rallea aboee Columbu. and 3 mile be law Uenea Terry, KortU a!Je of the Liuue Fork. Trarelera can be accommodated here on eery reaion'bl teriut, VufTalo rol.c, tanned bidet, meccaain, ana amaii niuea, xor ai. 1 ho mot approved Patent Medicine. t ... 11, LiiiiiuifJiiM, viia, uiirpcti, m.Q n great aariety. - Aleo Cattle medicine. Agent for Curtl' Alodicia and Xlul . - . ..in 1- tra Mr, CrosW. Wwi P,fvri Charle (Vlinson's Ranche, fansons Ranche, Waai Rleer Centra, We4 Rivar CeaUe 1 ; 0ODUtmt eyf fit tUtU Put-.fi 6a aaat ar wt, ' . ff or ia tha bt I ' toai alaaaU raatl ' "' .r - Try IUI at an aVaaty Wd, iad labia p)Uaa apreed, . tiaak tltof 'e k raal 4 abed, . yaaiVjIt! . itrnnuii ik T.U. faeeVtd. Swanata TfaU f.CUsfad. CURTIS, BROTHERS, ! ' OMAHA CITY, N. T. I- ( u ' HIRTFORD, CONNECTICUT. 0-0-0-0. Caah Capital .... $l,aoo,oo SURPLUS 500,000, THE IIOr.jESTEAD BY EVERT SAFEGUARD I 0-0-0- ' Men tall, work, alaee, nay alnaet aln, te aupport their famillea perfoern airaoil ev ery judkier aet for their watfnrn and hep piueao. . ElCePT INHERE. It ia tie cemraen omlsaion of tha majority ever lookiag th daagera af the fatura ia tki aa. aurity af tha preeeat To remedy tbla fault only reouiree aeriaualy thinking on tbeeub- tect. W ledeat and thrift will alwa t a elect J . . L . , . 1 aaapi w conaerraiiea principle or in aura nee, to avert tbe nubappy conaequeac- a mt auil 4allln9a and arVAtata f aiiff mm vmm. faet iae'' are produced a frequently by tha blading viaitat'ou of ir to our bora, al, CofMiaondeacaatUadedUtf, rymMTmittvr TUTE&UA Vend Rja &1U4. o vita, iivirt, iowa.-': t1 ard9da7 rift ia T,toi4'i i i very IUatS.af Mt?a a f Tfge'able, f rb, Ct-Ue, aoJ V t aata JVST R2CEITEO ' At tkaltaeaaf 2iot a. Co., WbwJRor Can We. I. N. SlWieCIl . CO FARMERS' FAMILY MACIIINB, ' . mum rat okit rcarsot Lock it Kelt Thai la ma4e. Tbia recent luveution it detlgned oipratrJy for tba aie af 'FARMERS' FAMILIES. It ia adapted te tew both COARSE AND FINE FABRICS To the nUett perfection. -IT HEMS FELLS TUCKS 4 GATHERS. Oh TAILORING SEWING MACHINES HAVI NO RIVAL. ' At tb rereat iaeat!gat!a ef Tai lore In Paila, aa t which Sewlag Machina waa bait a. - daptad t tbuir oaa, it waa un: al teuely decided la avoi of th Stager Machine. Every Machine bt WARRANTED TO GIVE PER FECT SATISFACTION, 0 MONET REFUNDED. 8a4 lot ctraaUr sad aataplec f iu wk. I 3J. SINCEIl da CO. It C. Ci ATI S, Agent, CS Laka ttrcet, Caatcugw, Illln'a. Draft, wttk arUra ff MeL!nea, way be fuiwaried try tifmu r Mail. LIFE TILLS 4 PH02NIX BITTERS. THESE MEDICINES har now beea beloia tbe public fur period ef Thli- v "u unring mat lime nave main tallied a high charucur in almoet every part of the Olobe, r their extraordinary and inime'liBta nownrr.f n ,rii, r...r..i healt! to fiou aufi'erlng u-idir nearly "-'J 'wwi uic .0 which tne iiuman irauia 11 liable. Tlie foHowlnir are ainonc iha ll.r..in. vi.... . 1 11 ... .. a .. j vk uuuku uiara m wuicu lb VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES r well knewn (0 be lafallible. Dveoenafa. br tlinrniioklv -l.i th Aral aud aecond atomacli, and crat Ingaflow of pare healthy bile, Imirad t.f th atale and acrid kind; Flatulency, j'pomo, neariMiin, iieRdaclie. r.llt.l.nai.. IT r Tt'MOlT) ' . - -.iju . uiui i.n, anair.iy laii eolir. and melaur.hnlv. ahi-h in tha .... eral aymptoina of Dytf e; aia, will vaniib a a naiural coneeq ience of itt cut. Cottivtnett, by cleaneiag tha whole icuBui vi uicinieiiine wiuiatoivent pro ea, and without violence; all violent itinera i,if e ina uowcia coallva wiihia . v - two da) i. livtn or a'l kind, by restoring the bloed to a rrtnilar elroulatioa. throavh tha 1 rceeit of pertpiration in aucb eaeee, and lue inorotiru aoiutlon or ail Intaatiaai r.h. truction in other lD)ry-(Rood, (S-roceries, Provisions, Uqubrs, OAconr. meal, conur, oati, hat, ac ,? ir 1 U,n' whlch w wil1 ebeaper tha an Uitrllott w. of the Mitaouri river. Wa k.n good Camiiios: ground in the rear of r Btere, whero Ent'irTanta will b SUPPLIED WITH WOOD AND WATJCR Wa bate piircoarj the intcraat of Dr. Henry, of th lata firm of Morrovrt Kaakio and lienrv. and havimr (. . j .. .. lack Irlf'. .d- U;,;,,",?' by 70 'eet' dir'!t' 'PPOiMta ck Cvrow ojd -adoba aiore.-w arc oreparetLjto otfer ar Pike's Peak, Utah d Sslibia IN THE WAY OF The Life Mwiicinaa ba.-aka.n cure lilieumatiaui, permanently. In three week, and Oout, in half that time, by re- niOV nir local inflammation (mm tl. . . clee and ligament from the jolutt. VrontilM af all t inula. tv fr.in. ..J a'.rtngtiieiiiiig the kidney and bladder 1 thrv onerata moat daliititfu 11 v . i.... iuiporunt organ, ao l none have erer been found a certain remedy for Gravel. AlfO Vrormt. bv iIiloliln frnm tha turning af th botrcie the aliiny matter t- urhlrh thaaa Scurvy, Ulcei, and Inveterate SoretJ or in pnieci purity wiiloll rhe Lire Medictnea t;li to the blood, and all tne liunsort. Scmrbutie Krunlinmi and Rait rnmnl.i. lone, by the.'r alternate ellect upon the fluiiJi that lei-d the tkln, and the marbld etale of Ithieh oueaalotia all arnnllva ram. plaint, aallnw. cloudv. and all dlaaara.a. bl complexion. Tb ue of these Dill for a verv ihart time, will iffuct aa entire cure of Salt l(iium, and a atrikine imnroveiuent le the cleruea of tbe akin. Uommon Cold and Influenza n ill,alwayt ba cured by one do or by two in the worat caiea. The original proprietor of the Medielnea, wat cured of pilet of 35 yeara aiaiMiing, oy the uae or Uie lAIm Medicine alone. Ftutr and ue. For tbia eeeurge of tb Western country, thee medicine w'll be fouud a aafe. anecdv and eartain ramadv. Other niediciue leave tin iviteru aubject .oa rriarnoi tiieoiaeaae a cure oy tneie Mcdieinet la permauent Try tkem, fie sat Ufied.and It Cured i General Debility, Loa of Apa tite, aud X m a m . a I viasaae or aaiuaice, tne iuedicmea nave been ueea witn in matt beneficial ruli In run III tlila .l.a-rlnl Iai. , t t. aad Scrofula, in I'.a wura: formi, yield to uie ninu, ye. powenm action rl liiaie re mark abl mdicinea, H iKbt-wtt ner- haii. tl.kilitv. Ifartpnua Pimim!.!.., nl all kiada, palpuatkn of tb heart. Patuter ...n- . . l 1 1 . 1 vuiic, ar tpmmauj ura j. . , ilercmriiU Ditu.--Ptrtene who con- tl'ntiin. ! KwAma Irnnalrail k. Id. la. jttuicioue aior wercury, win nna mtie 11 .t.... . -..... ..... .. t. .u ..... fail to eradicate fra tne eytteiu, all the rflVcti of Mircury, innnitely aeonar than tb meet pewerfut preparation of Sarin rariUa. Prepared and eold by w.B. MOfFAT, 335, Broadway, New York Per il by all DrugUta. Taa.ALL-HEALINO Bauaa. Only OO Cant, " At VTaod Riwr Catr. Carta Coninmptlao.I Cure CoMstit ' Citrvinroachliist Curt- DJieaae of Liver a aid Lungtl Fresh (Roody, and ILowei ' ''-'' THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE WEST 07 THE MISSOURI. O l-m.Ja. May l,lMo. WO. ft, P1IOE1VIX DLOCK, UPPEB DnOADTTAT, COUJVCII BLUFFSd IOWA. WHOLESALE A AT RE TML hEALER ijf DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES ioady-jaao.a caotiaixa. a, BOOTS & SHOES, LIQUORS &C XttptetuUy dlrtctt th attention of Purtha$tr$, to hit IMMEXgK, VARIED AND TL0 AKT STOCK FOR TKI Which ha bn alctd ia tb Eattern Cltie with (Metal reft raaia utL ''' f ' wanta ef tbia market. " h"hmii Afy aeeerimef of " Fancy Dress Goods Cloths Slice tinnop xiEArr artd rA-tCY :.oceities;booto ard t0H BOOKS AKO STATXOKXftY, FaOYISIO-ti IWQOmj, fl AC, Is Very Large and Complete, Miners Outfitting Goods, TENTS AND TENT CL3THS, MINER'S FICLS AND BIIOTILa kUUAR CURED 11 A Ma, eMUtD aACA6 aL RUahaiW 0 CU. tjtm BACKS OF FLOU. , t . t OOO Bucola or Ocito 4)-0-0-0w0-0-0.0.0 .. i r , W wilt net atop tola v aaytklBg abMit price, foe m haw aar mJ tka the i 4bafatVy Uw! V. tTwlTO wwidtjailjf y, h.M w Mr bHtaf ladMa-aMlaaufavaaakfTai lu auy aUe Uae... U WMiiH 1T ' ' WK TRY FROEUCE TAEUN IN EZCHA1K38 FOR 00QC3, i i. -rw " -v...