The huntsman's echo. (Wood River, Buffalo County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1860-1861, August 01, 1861, Image 1

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T 'P '71 "r
Wi fcav a 1 exce and
onnected w illrth V Echo' ' Pffloe, where', at
reasonable ratea.f will be OPJJ - .wit h no t
aess anil dlsjatch-rPotfer, But; Cr?u
Un, Bntinen and 'Ritl Carl Blank
f mil kind, Letter indj Bill fleaitm
phlett c."e. .
I . 'J. . ...
try Card oTll slief CWrdiriai.o 'ana
G!Hklefa CrtU.j;k.i
Card-board. . Ti.'iii
flaln and Feney sPapfcr ..ft Ball ; ticket I
- an uircumni . v ,,
Mourning Cards and Note' Paper. Plain.''
Cap,anMte Paper.fot Blanks, n t
TUB "HVATMA?tJ '1 . ;.
-t p,r.Jrtiiffa'lo tjount N TV,'
very Thursday MoriUenh W
WILL attend to-all pals l"1? ntf"
slon-Surveying. riatting, EngrneA.'Ing,
ul c! Jj, , i",J''J-l viui ,' fe Platte Valley--The,iromc for MIllions4-attd Highway tale Pacific. rp ;
r 7r T-n- ; ; it rt ; V nt.4-- 1 . i -r-; - 1
-f.- i
' INI TAW" ?iM)Ui "
Columnus, N. 1. ,
WILL locate I and WarrantsCollect 1
money, Pay Taxes, make out rra-emp-.
tiou or otUer Legal papea, et0 .
. alO-ly.
addle4nd Harness Makcrj t
Bboadwav, 'I; J-
Manufacture and kcips on band every tiling
1.. 1.1. !! , ui-m.
Ill u in iiiii'i i, i i a
,:;;;;iJ txiiicdl i .r-i'i. -!, . ,-i-. . -
IJ-AiiJL --
elm 4 ilA I-
ion? az'ii
doe q4ite,t21la or leasrllniert' $!().,.
Each aubaeqnent imerttoar -Jl "J! V . , Kl i
Sarne. bn. year, . - .fT.-rSS
Oa' eolnn, on. year? h l? .r '
. , .. . Mini tnnalhl. ""
Halt column. one year,'' "
';: -alx months, - -fSi
Oi tourtb,olumn,.eeyr, - , f XLf n 4i-X .
rpvvn4 (V SI1RSCR1PT1GS I .' ti.1
; -1- a , A-iUI1 v - . A
n-.-T Invariably in Advance, .-jj.f.
? nM k rr i T 1
'A " TRAD1 N& roa i- anonou. onugr,
it situated on Swtet Water River, on the
road to California.' half a mile east of In
(tependenco iRock, and five mllca east of
ihi Xcvll',(Jate, and. one of th.e most fnvoj--
able points tor traennj' on. nio r".
Potbonlor rfToll-brWee across Sweet
,Wtr Rivef, onStore,Watehouse,Kitch
en Wacksmith shop with tools; five dwel
lli.n l.niMca Brill I IV a 1 fcofralr." ' Any conUe
man mhhlpt to i-uwle will leafji f'lrUier
oftitfetflar by applyirg ow.n9rjAr,'i
Ionia Oncnaru' at tlio Uprer Noith Platte
Bridure,N. V. "J-
t t;
i? I.-; . Sign of the.. HZ ..
Omaha', N.
Lu"nibcr,I.iiitcr ! ; ,
in opeTatiori, aod Drdera for lumber
are solicited. 4Ay .aim, length c, vanty,
wilt bo cut,on short noticand very lib
eral tcrms.i' Log., wanted, for wlitclf lum
ber will be exchanged -If desired. ' "
Wood River.fN. T, April 1? IBM.' If .
(tate'ef Cincinnirti,! 0.) '
riii-sniY ao suncJEOivr'
,u .... . nl-tf. ..
en ar B tTTEUr I EI.1,
-' dkaler iw ! 5;"f
' -i ma f.i 'fti 'i
aoADWATjCOUNCi aturrs, iowa, -
Keba cMtahtly orr hand a fresh supfly
3 GrocerUa,.PrdleinS, Praia ;and Vcge
lablea, which he offers at the lowest rates.
N. . "Cash j)id for gralnand country
roduce. ,i;LJ!l-
JOSEPH ItUiSEL, , Proprietor
Is prepared , to entfrtanj and provide for
the comlort ftrid -wantr of the trnvultng
us., tinnti utahles. ' hat.'' eratn, ami
vegstmbleVl14; ' '' "
DliHMgH Vie pl(tl V' l-1f.
- I . ....! it
Farivhaii Sinr-io, -
' ' " Retail 4 Jobbing Merchant, , .
Have just opened a splendid Stock of
Spring ifc;Summor
GOODS Also keep a complete Stock of
' ' Dry-Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Ready-made Clothing, Hats, ;
u,'i" pap"i Boots, Shoes, Crock-.
', ' , cry, W6odcnware,eto.' "
"which he offers at the lowest figures ;
' of ary House in this market. . ; ,.
T. Caeh paid for hides find furs. ,.,
a Great Military Road' I
1..": ' - j :, ;, . -
Thc undersigned la now prepared tefn
tertair. -mid accrmmodiUe Emigrants and
travelers. Keep horssa, cattle, and furn-lt-h
grain, provisions, and oilier comforts
for the wayfure, good water and camp range
, , IJlacKsmlfliinf? ' ""
in all it" ilcpartment8--"cx and hofso-shop-
ing. Wagons repairtu, eve,, yic. ,
We have in, , our poRaession
Little by little," two pnow-fiakes said,
As itfiiy'came down on their earthy bed,
And by degrses did their numbers grow
THlthe earth was dressed with flescy snow.
Little uy' Uttle the bud unfolds,
A t? 4 fragrant spring-time onvferd rolls j
Amlthefchtldw-whd watobea it with eare,,
ges It iuirlmefi fuli blown and fair.,.,, . f-:
. 1 T H'' rr "r'n - --j-i ,
T.wte bv little a vcxtne K itrew, . .
Ai vear'afler vear passed from ltd view i '! bucf ar Hot i
Aud'at last U stood in all it .ride . ,1 A 'REVELAtlOH 'ARr,' PftoPHIOTI t.
Amid the- storms Which it well defied.
Little by lutle the corals rise, - 1 -i ,-
While the race of men growaold and dies j
And 'little .by little still f$yf?in a J
Till a lasting Isle stands in the main, .
i - i ' ' J " ' " '
Though. little by little we aecore f- -;
Knowledge mow prccic us than goldio pure
Yet, like tho eorals, we'll surely gain.
And our labor ne'er will prove in vain. a
) i ' ;' - "M Fcn-- . .
Jost down" In the meadow where will flow-
. ersgrow,'-1 1 ' ' ' ' ''"-, -
j And winds from the north whisper o'er
, the lea, .... ; , .. .. . . . ,
Where the brook murmurs softly, sadly,
-v ' and low,
. Somebody's waiting for me.
On a green mossy seat in the flowry vale,
, ' Where so oft I have played in wild clilld-
' ish glee, , . , '', "
And read till I wept o'er each strange fairy
,; tale, .:.
1 Somebody's waiting for me.
.-'.- . . '
In a low latticed arbor mossy ard old,
Half hidden by grape-vines, which clam
ber go free .nt;-i i.c:,. . : 1. j
Where shadows at noon-time their dark
! mantles fold,
"' Somebodj',8 waiting for me. '
The moonbeams are glenniing ojos ineadow. ! made to feel the ,wrijtlir BD(l iodigaa
and hill...., , . .. . , , , ion anj chastening Xiand. of, a.,Af
And oainc wiiu meir oeautv cuon tune
a parrt'
phletpublisbedt Liverpool,' in 1851,
containing A 6elec'ion from the '.t$vei
lations, translations and narrations'.'
ofVopepU mith, tli founder of Rtor
monism. The following propfiecy is
here said to have been riiatfe by Smith-,
on the 25th of.'SeDtembeml83?. In
. .:. 11 Ai . A . ,sm
wv.v.- - r--o
filni(j'iit,'.wfteiher Joe Smith w(ajium-
-AVKvsu.AT Au Lf W..,Uook tb Heaven, .0 cle.,0 Wg.9'
:..J e. . V ' ;i .1,.,. ..11, tb " AH w forgot, so blest the sight,
JosKrrf Bmitji. Vfrilyjlius ai:h the
Lord, conceniS the warg that will
shortly comefjd pass, beginning t the
rebellion of South Carolina, which will
eventually terminate id the death and
misery of many souls. Ilie da s will
come when war will bo poured out
upon 'all nations,. beginning. at that
pl .ce Vfor behoTd, the SuUthern S'tnteS
6h;dl be divided a'g.inst the' Northern
States, and the Southern" State$Twill.
coll upon other nations, even the: na
tion of, as it is- oalled,
and they shall alio call upon other 'na-
tion?, in order to detend-themselves
against o'her iiatiOnsSiand '.ihus war
shall be poured out;upoa all naonB
An I it shall coine,to pi ss, atter many
days, 'sLves shall rise up against their
masters, whu shall be marshaled and
disciplined for war; and'U shall come
to pas, also, thut the remnants who
are left of the land will marshal them
selves, and shall , become exceeding
imgry, arid shall vex the Gentiles with
a sore, ve'xvtyn'p and) thosi wkh the
sword.'nnd br blocdshedj th- inliabU
tants of (he earth shall mourn ; and
vith-"faftiinf and plague; and ejarth
IqtmkeK, and the, thuurjer o( heaven,
ana uie nerce.Knu viviu ngiuumg v
shall the inliabi&iitfs oP tli 'eflrttf d
forest tree j
mighty Jod, until the -orisumption
! decreed ' hiithrnade a full end of all
Mas. J. E. BAKER, - - - Proprietor ;
,' , .0-0-0-0- ,
' . This Is a comfortable and commodious
s Public houf cr-where every com- s
" fort will be bestowed pou its ' .
1 ;r ; Guests. . r, i'-.
.' .. ' j Good Stables, . ' , :
H:.y and grain,' nnd 'Yards for Stock.
Attention paid to' the wants of Emi,
rants Unarges uu iwuviw , ,,
" I.I L.n QuT..,U -
t .:4 II.
But where they, Uke diamonds, the flower-, . v ,h,r.uR.arv ! flia. STaints.
cupsnu vy, ...j - z . , . r, c;,, Khali
Somcbodyys waiting for me.
r.d of the -blood 4fJlieJMnnT9,
' I cease to come up intp the eara of the
lial hh listens rnv footstens to hear, Trd nf Sahbaoth. from Mia earlui U
So I'll tie on my hat and has'.e o'er the . avenged of their enemies. VJire
l"a''; '"i s. " t.tfoieRtand ye id roly piaQ8,, anu ue
Far down in the arbor my childhood Ueiu no. moved, un'MAuiiHy; Of" tOi Voru
,',Wbc all the world seemsdrk,o4drear;t
''When life to nteiS all ttnulest, -! .' .'- u
"., And HoJ, bright Star bos failed Wefcoer,-;
" 'XiS. then we'll seek some qnlet nook. '-1' 1
'Neath foresf troen," by tabbling "brook, rest awllilc. thcro eck npM :r , ,
l'roin to'J and strife, frn cartbly-woes.- w
Our spirits ealni, at still of night)
When all thf world is buthed in sleep,
When out tho sky the bright stars keep,
Then homeward turn, oar souls subdued,
Ouif spirits ealraed by solitudo. ,
tvnlii nan.
n.ainins' ao-ain 1 St. Swithin I 1
that the palter of big, uncompromw
drops on the window p:.nes once more ?
Ararwe to live under an nrabrella for
the vest otour mortal stjoi urn tiiAndJ
,.,;n ontr rrrno.iniis individual answer
the important qw&ioilO jfYfca jihatt
we do with rainy aays 1
Somehow there is AM rful and m
penetrable mystery ' about rainy days;
OM maids alwava choose them to have
the toothache, and tell about the .beaux J,,
lliey'nifght hate had old bachelors
always discover; holes' fii thtr stock-'
irigs, and leaks m their S Andy bottles,
nA f n hathfl in if On entering the
water 1 was muuii im jyy- . x r
treme buoyancy ; in swimming, h i"
almost impossiWeJto ieeb fW'J'Pf'z U ti
dl... I (T...,r .,vhKtfIil'AblV''IronT- k
on such days. Children niver3al)y
catch cold, and vetMnto mischief, ba
bies. walJow thimbles and burn their
4 S'l.
trrVj.!' anil . Illauk Book majiu-
atrturer.AHieU Bluffs, J?wa, Is iirtpared
lo execute auythflig in his deparitment of
usiness, promptly, and in a substantial
nlSvorkmahhke. manneri'aiid at Uw
rices. it iio t.d atl-tf
Lower Broadway, bitween Main,nI Scott
Streets, Council Blaffs; Iow. '
JOHN JONES, - :.;J.f 9prletor.
TtllS Houne is situated centrally to the
business portion of tb(oity-.ts dpartmemts
Urs and welHrwtHatod, awd-evcry hlug
about .Ityiae an air oeuioiuj vy
r,EE4A,nf'. a;co, ,;rl
Tim io&ri tat"(Jtt Wciftc Vouti.
Drn'ga',,,ii It.d
Msdiolnea i-ot 4 lit
11. . n.lir I . .
r18 pnt BrusUssit "
; v " ,' oils, .-' " a ,
". o' .,Vwnihei,..n .
, Turpentlue, ... ... .
Uye-stulT.,;.-,-; ...jt . y v--Glass,
" , .
jlasaware. H..;cii.4 ik.:ivl
A superior oualltj mH,nJ f"
chewing tobacco, cigars, bcotcli
and Mocoby kuutta. ; ii-
' ' Goods and peiwery.tol-
let articles. axtracU, colognes,
-J l-.iUt mil fanrv. soaps.
lolr.iiail. and tooth brushes. A full and
coin pleto assortment of (1'
T w: , p. S." ktEED,1 :'
(Xast of-Elkho'ru' Bridge, N. T., " '
Is prepared to BccomnioJate tho travel-
wRh' KnterTainnienc. - rer mau
riii . 1 .i.l.t.ui liflL nnil irrnln.
and' oeasc k-u v"'.M"J -r-
Sfor.k wintered, aud nroviiiions and sup-
. t u 1-..- ... ... -,
plies kept on
Spring & Summer
I- ' AMUAMSTMiT.'pliiuWr- '
; ( JSttwtcn.X Zlh.'fijd '4th Streett.)
WTiers may at all times bd found one f
j Jk( st i j;i
;nc t ' ii'.;.! 11 s . .
it' .and best tlfict4 Pckf of.:! , ' ,
' ! fil I
1 .
i.WwV ov ', tub Missouat Rvx ? ' 1
, ,1"' Consisting jn part " ,:
of Dre'ii Goods,' Prints, Herfgea, De
Lain Realv-made Qothinif, ;. Tea,
CoITkc. Sugar, Crockery,' Hardware,
Carpets, boots' Dud Shoes, Hut and
Caps. etc. iil-lf-
' Somebody's waiting for me.
Clas.I Kll7.,.BKTir.
' ' a umI"wHLEtj
A little- while and every fear, ,
, That, o'er the perfect day ....,
Fii.igs shadows dark and drear, ;i
' Shall pass like miBts away ; .
The secret tear, the anxious sigh, , v' j
" Shill pa-iuto a sinilo s ,
lime changes to eternity ,
We only wail awhile.
A little whi!o and every charm,
, , That steal away the heart,. . ....
Aud earthly joys that warm, : tS:r,
And lure as from our prt, . i : . )
' Sliall cease our heavenly view to dim , j
Tle world thall nof, beguile ,
0 irevea-fal hful thoughts from nun
' " Who bade us wait a lit le while
t A l'.ttle, while,; and all arouud
The eaith the sea, and ayrt J
Tlie sunny light and saviul -mury.
i :.' . Ot Nature's minstrelsy,.. . -,i lr
Shall be as they had never b en ;,,
. . . 1. 1 :i
; I. 'And we, so wean aim, "... ,;
; j Be creatures of 4 brighter scene , I
. 1.11. 'J " ' 1
Wa only wan 11. no wuu--.
J ; ;" i THE,' teW HEART, ' ;
; Iluna't! hurrtth), for.hiugbing love J'"
A flg for those who' sigh . '
Hurrah 1 burrub I fr tho' bounding bjjjt,
.The bright audparkllnsr' eye!-
' Tlteru'i eare'cnoirgh to darken ctill '!
Lite's Rath where'er we roaut;
, , Let molapcholy brood not 'r ! t- . '1,
' " The festive beard at hoieq, ,. . ,
t( Hurrah, ,,, .
Tbestuloly frrm, the haughty brow,
- Tko cold niiOe.t'e '(ftr5, !- '
. Hf a"' the'slSvoH that worship them,
1'he pomp they .eannot suaro t . ,K
' But the smiles that past the roy lipff r
TUe look of artless flee, .
I' 'That Sl tho warm aud cheerful hearty
1 0, that's the love fowoo! ' ' " ' " " '
... Hurrah I fe..
coroner, s
' l:A,l W n kIiiIm nf
jury pa, wttif k.wx . , I 7"
"Death by hanaing round a ru
jyA.woman who rectntlv had her
butter seized by the clerk of the mar
ket! for abort weight, g .ve as a reason,
thut lh cow from whh h tho butter
was made, was 1 subjuct to 'a cramp,
and that caused this . dtcr to bhrink
in weigh' I ' i k
j 1 1 I I ' 1 1 1. ni.ih In
eome ; lor Denoia u coum:, iv
siiiLh the Lord. Am'-n."
" The war becm in South Carqlina,lf
Insurrections of slaves are already
dreaded., Famine will ceriiiyVffljct
some Southern commuhities. The in
terference of Great Britain, on account
of the wimt of cotton, is not Improba
ble, if the war is protrnctekf!.In, the
miantime, a jrenerid "wur -in Jarepe
appears to be jliam'uieiit: 1 , IlaVe we
not hd a propliet among us Phil
adelphia Sunday Mercury. " -
Liim itubi I'i aivs A -
fir.grers.nd v
nrrivewith carpet baa:
And, moreoveribusbands tat at home
fromHtW office' o,eletV.A4f
.ti...n.livU wnotrlhrr fxor4l
backward and forward in the"creak
iest chair in the home, and .flattening,
their noses against tbe window-glass-,
wlulelJieVy; wonder andlbiy Jif it is go
mg to faui hii fate ail ... Th"
nKnti'angelic luoibfM?dabu!PSie.nuisan;
cei little abort of -tha famiS-pax on
rainy daysj. They invariably 6ad out
hat the bimncy smokes, and that the
chijfenj are badly brought up," on
these rjecasinns Nerer know, such
t, U discoveries on a sunny any, in ouir me 1
ir rann A nave . bu. r'iii t-ccvum
streak abdut thowrftiidliVo jjasn'il)
U.'f la cum in fit rikft throuch to the sur-
face in rainy weather I v
We wonder liovC uh r. sna jr o-f
otwhich piUotytIlfi u !,.i)id Mr,
1. .mt .
A Tits iv TH i tiiitfSiA. A Syri
nn correspondent litd. Jem
lalem. Apd send We crap fn
his note hook., . Arnonff.orner
Visited was thej'Dead Sea, the aspect!
of which, he ays.js very peetiiiar,
the lake being nemm? f T ,7 v'-ri f f 5-5
tall mountains. The beach', hlf hi
ale. half sand,' waK coterea wn :r,i ovi ia
good deal of decayed TeRelabley mat
ter.'and ote could '(pick dp grear
quantities of a sort -of black .stone not
coal, which, when fabbed,
together, gave forth 'a a'rongulphjir- , 9
ous smell. It is a ' Curious ..fact .tliat., w.wt
when we were approaching the sea,
andHvhile yet at -sorof, distanpe, the -
Kreese that blew from.jt TWTW my
hands and face. lmoste iikya, &
.! o I nmnncr Ihe TOSt, ueitr
10 AZlAlftt-
i .i a
Jheoxious natare rf;lh waur,,rov :i . ff
.'kfn.nii, anA ears, smarting Add
tJW illVH'U w
burning irtgWiuuy, ana o ";iy"
.r hnl nsarlv as much. My
hair wai1 literally gldf d ' logether tori . 7 a AZt
some days afterwards. Sentinel.
TAUIiisra Timely Warning".
V A'wrUer inhrNewi Vorll -eTXaK
of .Thursday last gives publio cur
rencVtaMhonghts which lhousahd - s
of the citizens ot tnai Fsevmuum u t
now good reason to seriously entertain.
isitors ftPnr thr. cpuatrj Lnenf U a part of War taeto .J H
arpet ba3s and trunkal 1 see frotr, he-published proceed.
N. select that' rArlicnlar opporlunity
of going liehiissyfng ab?tH frith 'his
'Jianda In! Ills sockets 'strfy, thoutfli f
in8 f the Union Defence Committee,
irAo-day's cily'ppers.halit Uo1TMilXSX
tion has been unanimously adopted by . . .
tDrt,'oalIingthetlentlonoftheGeB- '-
eral Ghvernm'eW 10 the nec0ssUjrof 4 r.
.irfhenini? AheC defences of KewS U
tYork City,ThiU,ajstepin the right!lAT0
riirpr.imn. nnci H cannot yo
moment too fioono"Amo8t every day 4J
seems to strengthen; ma . prooaony no
that we shall hattf1 tf 'VraT with- Ureax.,!t
Britain, and potHblftMifo'? f8 u
withfnthe next sixmpih?-,,:'?'
unscrupulous and ambkiotta monarch;
ioal powers have no special, attach
ment for our free insfyuronsi-ahd th
recent exoirttffent fftbe MorrflJ, tetifr
'Tilrth virluallv exclude 'from Ant' ,.-,
tnnrket'many Wis hf British goods) -
has excited, much b tter prejuaioeg-a.
,ifnst us.j Supera!dedttr':'t1'i,.tltt5.
Englhh and French wovernmenw ro
nTrtrosl'comDelled to have Ihe cottOtiT
People didn't; weftrikelslinrthose
days, did they? lid he count the
number of fickslrt the hold, and tell
TiU wif' thev would'nt last until the
shuwei".w(ts dverf Hfntesi nKGhtii Ztl
little more economical xibuUsigtjHie,
' ('f)i n BaiDCEK OM thk Plaiks A
oAfN.VVe give the follo'wio from
the Riick v Mountaia Jtfmtoi llylH i
v Capt. James Bridjter, nrrived, krtt
this morning by coach, and will pro
cred at once to-1ay-ont- nnd-ioeat
after "the
i, J Deirer 'An! ibnl horthwst1 Ih-uMfflsaW ec
!.. '.. i-. a..(o.f:cji'!nb:. Ladies )l
-If" ..'I ortdger. paS uwrg iu jJWBC-innr
well-known pioneer came. 50 tins coun
irvi forty years ago 1 Bt2K"W(tiW Hen
ry'a expedition.' Biirl Vterwafds' witli
utilette: anJ was of Weaver's 'party
coats, to see'irihe".pornes
ranjtes and ugs were naciy 110m
outT'liidn't the whole family wish
he would " paddle off" somewhere
. . a van . -. .
a while 1 hy nas noi som
etuated an account of (the
onomy in the ArkfT;'f u
f vou re leropled tpjMUm-
bU-atllhe meddling iAUspagition of
jSQUJS (.souses, "wrrew rain -weuwHM
reudftrs t out of Jjf au?
togtid tkeir:repetijiie.'3ei!is3
towafiust remembwiltat Mr8Koah's
husband was
a hundr
, An exohanga gives tlio
of lhe erdick.r a receut coroner.s
y pn a. m
briii tion :
1 iiuirLic.
..,1,011 li d went on to Salt ""Lhka m
that winter; snppn'ng 'it certainly to
be the Gulf of Oalifornif er'the Paci-'
fie Ocean. The Captain says Uy
found p6ld everywhere in this.-country
4n those dayi but hought it;un?
worthy of their aoticc ta rain'e for-it,
as beaver then worth 88 -per pound),
was the beet flaying gold they wanted
to min fr in the creeks and rivtr.
Fort Bridger takers iu name from this
feiuieniuu, wvu uu .v"--j
1 11 -, "T T-4-.'"l --,
. llicxxARiifjLK Ciiaoks. Hie 'CI
veUnd Via indealer says ihe last obll
of the President upon Ohio lor trops
has worked some remarkable
formation in that citv. Wen whA net
er compli-ihed of any tiling' beMra, are
rapidly Terging towards aetJifed iftEr
m iv. and so manv mrve oeeoma, snu
denly nearsighted as to ye ate au un
nMiaJ activity in the apertaela market,
Men. considered' nbla-tadied lereto-:
lore are attackoolM'kkJHmanas-Jtn4
limn ttldng-4n a manner i"U harrow
ing to the feelings, hi lair dw. has
, beeif discontinued ia'anany jrwlancei
Ir.,i 1ttVs never, before) iuspaeted i o
hnytlng but jet i.blakaawe pjettjng,
rrnidlv.ii. lifl . a'x
"Jemmy a got
httiiJItiierwai't for
U1VV Uill 3
e wcVdo not bbj"t it a
fashioned'- liottheslet ccj
Vi .11. U nice, 11 ,yuu nave
steep rooieu irrreuv-i m, i
y pur okWet ters, with ji perpeju-
tuiiei of rin-drops playiDw over
tfead 1 it is convenient taanetm.'pptiiu
the jlelspidated old clothes, for there
U no dangertf;laiM hm'mtih
fashionable neighbors, who dont know
' . ... . 1 . ?i ... .1.. 1 :
fhata pncii means rps,i
to,xick up,a'l the. dropped stitches of
bur 'burned, overburdened live.' o
a v. a .
look at the paat. (imj: weave' plan
the future. Jl we had. 0 fiuey wea
ther, ourherls never would .sp up
at the i5hl uf ' blue ') IPs of sky, and
mellow bunts of utsj4mV A thing
considered,' we'll try to get along with
the rain, and if there comes a very
sAnkinc natteriiiir. a-'"ufTatmjr'time,
we will think of M:r VW ,a4 tat offie
ihfttikful I MR'. G. tV. yVvi.I.V. 1 .Um-n. 1
!Aivnni.i ha-iihtAined bv fair
and s peaceful Tttorumerce', the blmtoSei. JvWK.
that they ,wii npcjuireu,.
en at the expense anu uuu "
Already do British' sliips begin" td run
live' 'WockadKfi Southern ports, and
4 L J a. a ul n 1 u tin r
Britain,; as seems noW 'most probable ,; . , a
oureitr is bv nomeans secmetRgainpt. jr
attacks from her powerful navy. i;.nn$ a
if France should league with 4??.,il
would require all our watchfulae
and strength upward. joaine uauang-.
ing blows which wiW b awed at our
commerce adour cities upon llw sett
baard. JUI U,'-the!refoTe,stak' oua .
sei from prdduct and'oui rear awn
befall prepared Toirwh4tvcr contiu Tt
gncTe's may arisef.-r-Ji2 5is;i
I The acmi-reoogniuow nnwt 5
Queen s proclamation fcivei to tne rvtc'3
il, Slates, seem to affordJappr-m-tj
Uions that the fears abor-expres.
"mav be realized-.- ' ..I' Jo
hol!sr Class ot'Vluifcsfa.l
L.The. Washington correspondept.'"ft
the New York Express hits off tbVftf-"
fidb-seekers that infest the Capital at
1 1
iouows , ..'..iM it
I4t stems very unreasonable to ex
pect all ,to volunteer their srvites'-irt
ihejwftr' arttf The "GoTrlment. AIJ
our taste are"; w alike, Joroe,, wi1, f
t5 aerva 4heirenniry in. one depairi , 0
meidand ' others '' U aaoihec;- .tThu ..f.,?
R.iArv'of 'Uie Treasnrv' inual 1 . '!
itliA1 nf IIih riAl of irirt '
hie party t-for alreaJ)V--lI J
:, ' a t
well aatis
rAemhera of
. - . 1" " :.i
up to 1 oaiuruay, were emui
iwdfiJed away M6,O00 tpHaatikinaisaJ
for p8ttiona under uoveranaeaisuu"
Treasury tiepariaaenna m .u
fat offiiet. ToVxped that ihesagea
tlemen, after- hkvteg ! tenleil ; Vti ir?
fry Thtt rtkib'ui-fif'.f XJiita thAK !
raia in respectio Hub ful!owln
- y 1
If. 'dtVrtiu mnolf ad
clam shells up the alley, wflfc: a4l
for a horse.' . 'The deur Utle relloa
what a genius he will make ; but gel
it we are going to have'eompany, and
must rrf some ft-h for dinner." "
Ii'tive raj M Dad on lor wttisny,
buti llistisaippi river .w(er, 'diluted
itba rVe ot Aolarxa wiA ARAVCt
Orychnine, itfry pood AukuaJa
lor Cinctiina'tl afJeof hlfl'tVe
havo bet nviepriveiL 7 .1
der theii seryioe to Uen, cott is sun' ,, ..t, -1 j
ply redkcwouA. Jr.
r If H Uiose M5.00Q waull go into f
4beWy;wottldnnth war be hauled I
eo&h i tskci -hi t 1 aeihboi , it , , .
IreeaWora fo. X 'ohselret'ist' all J 4