V ray's, where corii.'hav ai d stabling can be obtained, .distance J miles. Jaion H. Parkrr'i 0lcrl ceom imodatlona. Iljy and oosn for sale good camping ground. Lorn Tree Ranrhtby T. Marmoy, groceries, bay, corn And stabling. Oti'tli bank of the Piatt", .. Buckkoru Station by 8.i. Hay ward t (rood camplne goniml, E. D' Nurhy? groceries, - Slock ,ot any kind ktpt for twonty-fhs 1 cents per day, Pr pan. rM KAoftnakrrV i'oiiif general accommodation and good camping . 13 ground. Barnard' Rme. Hay and corn for sale, litre there it a German tttkment A largw crop rf grain wta raised the p ast year, ..d corn . rati te obtained at . Btk If Co. groef r'.cs, hay nd ceru (or sale, and food casipiiig ground. VtoriiofU JJawrA. H.tcl acenm anodaMona and tfoed camping ground 'SBrts U thf mouth of Woi4 ruer, a 4ttear atream with plenty of Timber nd good prate. M. JoicfiWry'. Wood river saw mill ; general accommodations, Xamb't &7u(fo. good camping jgrexajd. W. G. JL'rfrirfge'e food camping .gronnd and general accommodations. Miller' If Co' Hand. Potatoes, tay, corn, and general aecommoda tieui. ... I, r Moon.' uorraiie,genejaisc:oin I anodations and good ramping. . ar- Cottonwood Lave RaneJxehy Ja's I Uarkeon. Hay, corn anil tnl)liiig. aOIIKSOTV'S BAMIIK, Wood Rirtr Centre. Full Store of Good and Supplies Entertainment and Ranching Poet Office, Black-inith-nhop, grist mill etc. elc. The Hunhmon' JCcho, a weekly Jerr, it published brre. Emigrant should call here and register their at met for publication, and got the ewe. Large market garden, plenty of vegetables and fruita In their eea on, for sle, good camping, fii.e crater and wood plenty, t'otHer'a onrfce by. BdwarJ OH ear. Provisions, water and grass.. . Ptck, RoberUon If Co. Dr -goods, groceries ar.d provision, lileck-milh-shop ; pocWtamping grjund, and corn for aale, . John Eran ueneral accommoda tion, w oil, water ai.d grass. C. H. WiUon' Ratht.-erm and staMing.' Corn for aale and good ampl g. - On bank of Wood river. Boyd Brother:'-Nebraska Cenli Poet Office : groceries, good stabling it awery and blacksmlili-shop, Mcl.atn'i Ranches" Accommoda tions aud good camping ground, ty for sale. iMitltr 4 Ce' Rantke. Hay, cm, tabling and general accommoda tions. On the bai k of the Plal'.e, V- 1, at the crossing. Here the river la divided by several islands, and ia bout two Bilee in width. tnrt Vtnrmm KmiBrant s can ob- 3 9 1 Uin supplies from the sutler, ktaiuey City. It baa a popula Ifion of abodtlOO: is neatly laid off TaaLaltod contains some half-dozen kloree, H sapplics can be had here, (dcu lOaUI ' i ,t'-lit.i (fall Itfdtlt k liTcry kind of i ij t- t'.i . : leediolTegclable, fftU, Ceuuine, and trie to iwe j ? jusTnr.cr.nED At tie llora eJ-8mti fc' Co.," -i- Wood Rir Centre. . tf 1LLIA91 UtTH, PMUI I . POXEIGK, DOMESTIC ASD FA iClpllis,, Clethlnr Shirts, ' -. c-pt, ' Lrdiee' Drear Goeds, Baragea. Boanafs, Ribbon, Parasols, stc, ete.. Which he sella Cheaper thanibe cheapest for cash. Farnhmm Strut ::;.' Pwrncer Block, 7. OoasUB- tf. 4f Erly 4f Id eiiCni:!? C " ' Sale. I HAVE amall amount of the Early Field Corn, kuewu idaws." whieb, will analnra and ripen in AO daya Wi ph.idd it l-t ' u? 90tb of June, and found it ripe nd fine In good season. It ts a good, heavy gramand and boef ;d Batl-O and jk Grata ror towel's Evargret Swttt Corn, imttk'a orl tfhU. Vmftiv Adam lltsbbard 9f. ' ' ' -n UcM Variety sugar Cane Apple-pie mtlo' .jansfall varieties OardeB Sefdf IIOWARO ASaOCUTJO, ' PHILAPKLVUIA. v.. t r. . 1, iiUiiiliiTi rtasliTT tai Vt special Eadownieat, lot tb Rorhyf of theSitkacd Diatreaae!, a.iw wt vi.uUnt anal FcldeuitC Diatesr and especWly fof tUe Cura of piaMaf . lh;8eu.I Otl:;rf '; MEDICAL ADVICa! givtn f jitla, y (L Aetikg' ftargeoa, to all who j It t UUsr. witt ay daeerlption of their 4.,) a4 ! i-Wia peiwtr, Mad- .l.av eTaAaTtklaV JhAA IfalaT M rUirVIt I IIIUUIC BeMtiaraw Kprmatrrka, and Uie tlla avfOM 6sat Organs, and the ygvr RcMaviaa ewptoyed in ina uispenaa TTt aBt U ah aQxUd U Malawi letter f 4ier, freef aarge.wo three stamps for oaUgvUI U aieeeptaVle. rl,-. n. 1. SklHin HoMcbloW let law gargeoav liawara Associauon. mo. iitkatkret,PklU4elptsi, ?- J l ( tk Direeiura. . ' I J mf- 8ets Kaaa HaAMVBLL. Pl. "cr.r.iTisMOCTm o wisMTcr.Nsiat." THElXEW VOiTk MERCERY r FORTIIC KKvV YEAR. : The Urgpst Literary Wecll; inthe Worlds Alihoiiffh.tliQ patilarcit of Ui weekly p ess (bi-iiig now in Its iwer.iy-tiuru year;. Tiik IVKW l oK wrncrT lenni wnn uio Crinml vioor of VOUlh. ai Well S wi..h tlie wllom aud dignity -of mature years. Pre senting, a it does,' the ereme rfe la rrcme of literature eliricneu wi n uio Bi.i.nnciiig k.. Kir...tu-ia r ilia irrBHt'st romancers in the world glilterini; w'th the brilliant wii au I humor of llie glikr)est pens t f Hie time abundantly garnished wi h the rarest gnms M nmivo poe oveinnwiii win iliouets tliat ureaine m.u worun m burn" from the (freat writers of tta tm inense contributoiial stitl, aud 'honored all over the country for its peifea freedom from anything calculated to-wound or re puUc the iOKt aonailivo moralist or els of people it has bc-en lor )cars t!ie Lux ury, the Tcaclirr, llie monr.or, aim mo Wrlc.Di)Ouet of Hundred of Tho tfHiids of Ame-ricsD Homes. liohent and proprietors ol nix t'.i Mercurv,'' have wade tin motto of i.a columns i "Here shall yaung Ceiu wing his eagle flight, Rich dew-drops .hakbgriom lis plniMS oi ngir.." and durinii the nreseiit yeaf(lfi61) its graud inimitsble anny of writers wh'tc iiuitiil salaries exceed the total of those paid to the Pretidrnt and Vice-Pftidtt of the I ui ttd State and Hs biilliaat coi.sttfiiutiort of litorary specialties will be materially ex tended. Tliui, oi c of th pro) r".. tots i.ew ciiKngeineiits is that of the wiltv, wags;U!i, quuzicul, yi nliiisiem, " k undent If. IU. 1 111 LiA. UU.X.. iiviuii. i , who coi.t.ibu es to t;,c "Meromy" a fcid.: rplitting s.ries of Bu'lei,ue Btographitsl Lecturts,Srn oii8, I'mkIhoii Articles, tint lolsins ol PaintiiiKs, Plnyi, htutuej elc , under the gcnrr.1l and iguific;int title oi fUlvemioiis of Diiestlcksi r 4 Har, qui i LI:.. - ,1... TimM." una - ... III llio Pictoiial Uepar;incni,ari',nr ine niMirnlficeiit illustrallims of ihut priice. ol Amo'ican nriisis, ion w. v. n-j. Throughout the resent year, th.a mag nificent and fumoi a Joiirn.il of Auur.c.ni Litrratttre will contain glorious Romances, Kk.-lchts, Storie Poems, oeim of Humor, Moral and Djmistic lissaya, Oriticifius, et'.., by the most noted American and En glish wnttra, who have bcon e.igitged a' viist (Xiens to write fir the Mercury. Weuav litma the following cou.iibutrlal force : n- K. VhilanJtr Doutick, P. B. .1. M. tlraiiigrr, J. Barber, F. O. C. Darby. Grace Gardner, G. Jlruold. Rev, R. M. Dew. Krd BuntUne, AV. R. Wallace, Covin May Carlton, Dr. J. . Robimon, S R. Urban, Mr: M. K- Robinton, J. ji. Patten, Rev. R. B. W:lch, . W. O. Eat on, G- Marital, Jlattie Tyng, R. U. Kevettl. O her celebrated wri'ers will also con Iributc inakiugthe "Moicu y"agreut fo cus of all th t M Ki.tertainL g, Instructive, W.lty ai d Wi.e. .On era V I 'pocial new vicar's ir-rto our read a brilliaut now uov ehvtiu, m. I ltd CATIIOMIVA ; ... or; . TUB SlfllE 1M THE WALL. L-v.V . A Tu!e f,Louiiaua ..'''v. J v' " tr pb. i ii. iiodissom. r. The opening chapters if which appeir ln!'the-iliicujy" lor Jannitry 5th, ItsCI. The 'A'cw, York Mircury'' is 6old by all iiiwiiiueM' and periodical deileis in America. To Fubscr.bors it U l'gi!lar:y maited every Sitirday morning, for $2 u earj three copies fur $:" ' P11" ,or $9; eight co; U for $12, with au ixlru .i,v frwo lo llii! ir1ter-U! of the club. S x months subs -.rip'.ion riceived. ILT Alw-aj s write rlaii ly U.e n ime or tour roi-t w.u, County and Slate. We tako the no w of allspceie-payig bauke at par. . Paymen must Invariably bo made iu d : ' ICrSpecimen Copies sci.free to an ap- plicauU. Addr ss all I tte'rs ana remit tances, po'..paid, to . CACLOWKLL, Si UTHWOBTII & Mr HITNfcY. Proprietor of the' New Yorlc Merrnry, ' 4U fH Ann Strccr, Ae.r York City. Manhood HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Just PvUislttJ, in a Sealed Envelope, On the Nature, Treatment; and B"1;C; Care of PriaMAToaaHOiA, or Seminal ivhiliiv; lierrousne-s ' CT oaunvni, . j . - - 'and luvoluiitiiry emissions, JiirfiWiflg impo- , --.1 DlivKlnal l,ujtt)A-ll. tency, ana .rnv. " r Bv ROBT. J. CULVER WELL, M. D , I I uthor oftht fUree Book," 4. I The worlrenowiie4 author, In this ad mirable L.efire, clearly proves ft W own eiperlence that the awful conseque rM of Self-abnse may be effectual y w moved without medicine and without Uan ceious surgical operallona boughs, luslru Sieuts, ring or eordials, pointing out . . . . " ., ..rliin and elfectUM, mean oi (Hv wmw w. - . . by which every auffeicr.no matter what eondltionway Is, may curel MuimI rtj-jrfy. hritalela and ranttauy. -v-Trove a been t U.ou.auds and tl.oua.uds. .. . 1 ... lUrrtl. VOll Hmi nuurr era. r i'l 44 u. i; " v j in 'i.rj i.t'iH nf.lt 1 :' 1 Ilk i 1 1 1 . e Vi'l JESSE SU0E9AliEU'8 be : n at Or '..lit STATION, -us f aheMkcr,i Poiut tit atLr. abotb "MM taut." -0-0-0. Emm Har. Grain- asi Supplica. q4 Stablea aud Hotel accommodations. VfoA, aratef and r'ass, abumlaaU pU. J.LU. toaelpt of iwo !.; "X by ddreag Dr.Cil.J. C E, El T Bvwcrr. New V.rk.'PoatOlhe. box 4,3fcC J. 8NIDKR ifcCO;, MEHI'UANTS 4 TRADERS- s'. jonxsovs RAxrnn, Wood Rivcrfcntrc, Nebraska, Hss constanlly a full anppy of . Provisions, tT Gr?ceries, Dry-goods, Medic'.nes, JJijuors nd Cigars. And all scanner of Sup pliea for Settlers and - - Emigrants'. - " ' More Goods I - Hetter Good 1 1 Clirajer Goods tlmn eer ! ! I Essence of Life! Esuence of Life ! I A sure Remedy I For Cholera, A sure Remedy ! ! For Cholera, Dlrirrlicna,. m Dianiiwi, Summer Compluint-t, Ciimnirr CompUiuls, ' ." " Cholera Morbus,, Cholera MorbuglV Cholics, Cholics, itc, etc. WARRANTED TO ( IJRE !l WARRANTED TO CURE til - Sold by SMOCK. & CO., JOHNSON'S UANCHE, Wood River Cen'.ro. iirn Remedy for Faint nes. Coi c'm. c. Persons sutfeiing from Cold, and wi Unstantly ease the tootuauie. m . e . I. ,..1.1 hn without lf. aud ..... . . a ,.1'lan klVH ValUlblO HVeS ciiii;it"-o ij,t v.. ... bv having it along. Tnit;ALL-HEALING B.iiA, ' Only SO Cents, ) At Wood River Centre.' Cu rcsJjCo nslii" I n- Cures.Cougiia! f.-iiies UroacliillS x Cures'llia'casea of Litcrraud I.ungs! 11 AUROWS, MIL. I..A11I, . Co., BANKERS. AND DEALERS IM G O L D D U S'.T! OMAHA, .... NEBRASKA. -0-0-0-0- Will pay the highest price in Cush foi GOLD DUST ; or, if desired, receive the same oh commission, hJvuiic iig SEVEN-EIGHTHS of its ' value, and the balance up on return of the Assay receipt payable at the coun ter or in New ' York Exchange, sont " V ' to auy part ef ilie United Slat. 'A small comiiilsiiorl ' only will be charged for attending;-rH B'nik Buildmss, Faruh&m tire t. South G.tj;GloHa!l! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL pCALGHS IN READY MADE CLOTIUKG AND GENT'S FUIlNIsillNG GOODS, FARNIUM STREET, (Opposite Lacay It McCormick's) ' ; .o-o-o-o- . Goods made to orller oi the abvitest notice. Cabh paid for kides and furs. . ulO-tf. A. XOUNTZK. II. K0DKTZB . K01XTZE, BROTHERS ' OMAHA CITY, . .. NEBRASKA, ?BUT GOLD nDUST fri Klrt Pllir.FS - Miuers will consult their iutereat, not to sell their Dust, either I - ( t. .. n. i .a lfira - en .rvi'iii""""" " tn","'- -calling on the above firm. Dreft S.ld on ilia principal Cities iu Land warrants, and "ftrritorial war. rantj bought aud sold. nl5-TE. - m m 3, .B. Hw)a!BD. .BUCltllORN RANCIlB AND feTAGE STATION F0RTT-6IX MIl ABOVl C01VV, A5D Forty-eight belpwWood' RLfe' Cen- ter. . Oa tU isojuyi Far Trave1ejQ0la6bimft' and Cprral. .lla jtndMrajt ulmayt on hanl. ... L fLO. IL mk It'Ids andeavora to i - .1 ai-nninmndatiou on the r aiioio iuw w- a. . . llnost reasonable toTm, 'vJ tff ensure i patronage. Cull and judge for yourselves. I u21-tf m i Elkhonn Bridge, IV. T. ; - The undersigned announces to the frT-J rtnTMbllc l"at pteparea, Cominudious Establishment, to provide Tor the comfort of any number of guesta With good tlablM,.hay and grain, be ia also prepared to provide, in a comfortable manner, for a large number of stock. ,,1-tf . L. P. JENKS. PLATTE VALLEY HOUSE, ' Tlvte mite above North Jiend N.T. n. tilt A II AM, -r- Proprietor. Accommodationa for the want and ne cecfilios of the traveling public. Good stables, hay, and train, also , niacksmitliiiig in all its department ox and horse-shoeing. Wagona repaired, etc., etc. nlO-ly. Wiolesale a Retail Dealers in Dry-Goods, ' (iroofnos, . Provisions, , , l!acon, ' Liquors, etc., eta. Iljiy, -Com, Oats, Meal, etc., etc. C'asli paid for IIIiIch &. Furs. Colamhus, N. T. 3-tf. ' Elkhorn Ilridge. WcIVcal House. Th above house, situate at the Elk horn Bridge, it- now anpplied w ith every i hi ne to make man and beast comfortable. Vaiiiiub will hp mm red to make alt who n - .... favor this establishment with their patron age, satisfied and at home. Charge as mnat r a 1 1-ii la t i hit could C X- 1IUU 1 O ' w r. ' - O pecf-? Good stabling hay and grau al- ways gn nana. . - r - ,. JACOD. ERKST,' , loolisw-lSij anil f K PHINTST. COLUMBUS. - ' - - - r y- T, . .. . .; -0-0- '. u ' Atwuys rearty to attend to horse bhoeing, repairing wagons, and all sorts of work .... in hid linft. Kifrtt rate ox fr?me and shoeing cattle done on llie saortesi nonce. Jieiiitnuin mi IllJttO Al.WV'g READY. 1.4-1; WM. FLORKEE, Corner of Dodge and, loth Street, Omalia,JT-T. Ts prepared to accommodate visitors, hoarders, and the traveling public gene rally, with fosd, lodging and all the com forts of a home.'- The t abic will be spread with the best the market attorus, anu ev I I : .! LI. a ery attention " ill oe paiu io uia gumia. FREDERICKSfWJ & JACItSON, WHOLESALE RETAIL . : , J ANO DBALKR8 I Staple and Fancy Dry aud Dress Cod, Boots. Shoes, ,. - Hats, Gate, . i . ... Cutlery.' ' ' Hardware, Crockery V' Groceries, Provisions, Liquors, Grain, and Produce. FOR . EilIIGKAWTS, Put up on the Shortest Notice, and at the LOWEST FIGURES. Cash paid for grain and country pro luce. n7-tf 1 1. G- REED. . EPRING tCREEK , STATION, SEVEN MILES East of Elkhorn Bi idga.'N. T., Is prepared to accommodate the travel ing public with Entertainment, fcr man ... i S... aneui atables. hsv and Brain. Stock wintered, nod provisions and sup plies kept on oana. ' ; - '- STATION " AND RANCH!?, Two miles above LONE TREE STATION, Keep, alwys o hand, Uj and Grain. GOOD BTAISLIM.'. JN6 REJtDY ' HOSTLERS. Also hotel accommodationa, and every lux ury and comion inai care aim at tentlon can prodnee, pro--vldad for the Guesta. If vou appreciate Honva anJ Ease, stop ' 1 at irLLS 3.S. 'M t i tf. w 'Weinfcagea cV Hornbostcl. WnoLXSAta and Retail Dealers in r.n.ria lit. joi-a. fruits. citrars.etC No IM north aecoud street, S, LouJ o. a ni if. ' Home for llie Weary. Cleveland Ilausrc, J.E. .wr.XORTIln Proprietors. VUt,a:i a Iiim mnd rnmmodiona nubile bouse two miles above Columbus, and near the upper r erry wnere every auen- tlnn uill nalil In llin wants of the ffueata. Good stablea and stock yards on the prem ises, ana ny ana train wnn icijaiiw. Room and Board for small families. Charges as moderate as at any House on the Koad- til-tf. gKIKXER'i STATION. J. SKINNER Troprielor, 12 miles from Rh II Creek, and 1U miles from commons, Keens hay, grain, and supplies produce and provisions. The wants of man and beast supplied good ramping places aua arass convenient- m-n- PECK, ROBERTSON, & Co., WHOLESALE d RETAIL. Ou&g lsrchanls, KEARNEY CITY. H. T. Dealers in Dry-GooJ, Groceries, Grain, and I'rovisions. Boots. - Shoas, Hats, Caps, Anrt evorything required in tlidt line by either EMIGRANT OR CITIZEN' ALSO, M.ax.1 annr.1 vf O IL. nAAMaHPtf rf lfmm Rw 1 I I J ta ui.1 vn.iiy j a . w m kept at PEOK'S RANCIlE, Wood River, 10 miles cast oi r rv nearncy, IN PRICES, They are determined not to oe UNDERSOLD by any firm in thla region. -n.4 tf. Milton Roffers. WHOLESALE AJVD aETAIlJ Dealer in all varieties or And MANUFACTURER of Tin, Copper anil SHEET IRON WARE. Sign of the UPPEB BK0ADWAT, Council Bluffs, Iowa a i.iunKinil rnimili'te assortment ol A toves. Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, and JapAned Ware, Also a great variety ol oneev iron stoves anu iiuii urmiuic, wi emigrants crossing the Plains, always on band and for sale cheap for cash. -JuueUlh I85tf tf JAMES K. ISII, & CO.. . OMA0A CUT, K. T. J.pothscaries,Chsfflisls o xt r AND r) r..n.r aAtiir i rail from Durchas tn furnish All articles iu their line, of a qulity nd at sush prices that cannot re excelled in any city west of the Mississippi. O'... nllrela new. and laid In from Hit best Importing Houses in the .0-0-0-0-0- e ' . COUNTRY PHYSICiASS ASD FAMILIES May rely on having thtir or ders filled promptly and carefully, and at aa low rates aa at boy other House. Physicians Preacrlpliona Corefully Pre pared. H.-U. SELDON, MoGlVERN cV O. Sign of the , AMERICAN FLAG ! Two mUe west of Fort Kearney, on the Great M1U-. taryRoadto IPJUke'slPcaK Utaliand- CALIFORIVIA. ' Groceries, . 1 Provisions, Dry-Goods, Indian- Goods, Liquors, v. .. , , . , Corn, . , Oats ana . , -0-0-0- ' IF N Can b.e found tUe largest, ani best -' '.'' '' v -' ';' ; '. t KQRRALLS, . ;; and filabling, west of Uis Missouri river. . . Wo jd and Water Fra . : .. p-tfc .: - curb 1 : . SICIl IIS ADAGIir-' : ; ' : cure ''-"' Nervous Hcaflach. : .' cure : '. ; ' . By the use of these Tills the periodic at tacks of Kervdua er 8ick Headache may ' be prevented! and if taken at the com mencement of an attack immtc'Ute relief from pain and aicknesa will be ob'ained. They seldom fail In removing Nausea a I4daha I. m hlrk fainalaa a ra ailhiacV. ' They ait gently upon the bowels re moving Costivenese. For Literary Men, Students, Dolicate . Females, and all persons of sedentary hah Its, they are valuable aa Laxative, Int' proving the appetite, givhig tf ne and virf- or IO lue oigasuve organa, mmti ravmiiig the natviral elasticity and strength to tlie . whole at stem. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long investigation and carefully con ducted experiment-, tirvlr.g been la . man years, durl.ig which lime they have , prevented and relieved a vast amount of nalnanH auffrrtn from Headache, whether oricinaliuj in the nervous S) stam er froas ' deranged state or me aumacn. They are entirely vegetable ia their eoin-a poaition, and may be taken at ll time with perfect safety without makiag ai.y chauee of fiet, and the absence of any agreeaoie iiste renucrs 11 easy v uuuu.i. ; ter them to children. . ' , , : . BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! The genuine hare five signatures of Hen ; ry (). Spalding on each Bx. i Sold by Druggists and all other Dealers ' in Medicines. A Box will be seat by load prepaid, en the receipt f the price, ,Z5Cent. All orders should be addressed to ' IfEXRV f . SPALDlt, 4S,Cedar ttrcet, xeyv orL THE FOLLOWING ENDORSEMENT ' of PA13MB'5 CEPHALIC PILLS ILL CaSVIKCE ALL WHO BUVTEIt FR W. HF.ATI A'P.HP. v BB'ifaaarmaBaBj. t - . . ' - " TIIAJ A. , SPEEDY A.ND SURE CURE V ' .... IS WITHINTHRIR REAOH. ; ; . As tbes4 Teatimnoials were unsolicited.! by Mr. 5p1ding, they afford nqstlwi- ahla nroo if the effi :aer ef t'iis truly acU . I entific discovery. lLr..nn;iia Hnl.n . F.h-5. -1 841 ' ' ' Mr. Spalding: -Sir I have tried your, ' . .'tn." .J till.. .A -illllh. . epuaiic ruia, nu a . - - I wlnt you to aend roe two dollars wortU ... Lmore. ' - ' - Patter tneso are lor tue m iguoon, v whom I gave few out' of tlie tirat box I ' got from j on. "' '-, 11 Send the Pills by mail and ebllg v ni . Youreb't Servaat '. ' Jambs Kchsibbx. , ,i - .... .. t ., - Haverford, Pa., Feb. 6, 1881. Xlr Snal.lincri Kir -I ariih Vone S-ad me one more box of your Cephalic PU'.S, tj I : .1 .T . J1 Liantl r.uii . nave recei.vu - , , them. . Years Respcctfnlly, - ; IIaxw Attn Mowhocr.' Sprace Creek. Huatington Co., Pa ( Jei.arv 18. ltWl. H. C. Snalditiori Sir You will DleaaeC Send me iwe vi yvui wjihuw : Kami tliain iuimedia'eiy- ' Respecuuiij luara, . . .. J NO. B. Siaiom.. pgr have used one beat of your Pills. and find them excellent. - ' Belle Vernon.vOhio, Jan. I6,.186l.f ii. ( Knalillnir. Kna. : Plesae find enclosed 25 cents, for wkich aeud ix.n other box of your Oephal c PilU. They are truly the beat Pill I have ever trlei, , , Direct a. dtoim. r. . x. 11.11. V. ' ft Beverly, Mass., Dec. 11. 1S80. H. C Snaldlng, Ete.. I wtih rof some . circulars or larxe show lilla, to bring your Cerhallc Pills, more parllenlarly lfere my customers, iryou nave nyioin5 . kind, please aend te me. . One of my ttomer, who la suhject to sever sick headache (usually lastinr tw days,) was eured of a a attack lu one hoar by your Pills, which I sent her W. B. W.LfcSj 4 o-arA ainvle battle of SraLDiHo's laa rAaxa Gma will say tea times HscoJi -I annually. SPALDING'SPREPARED GtU2 . SPALDING'S PREPARED Qt-UE I 8PALDINCS PREPARED GLUE ATI TUB PlKCKt. ECONOMY. jwiisrATUii. yA stitoii is Tina savas MHt.t4-i Aa accrdenta will happen, even 9 welt legulated families, it is very desirable ' to have s6mechap and coaveoient way fr repaiilng Furniture, Toys, Crock ery c. meets a su b emergenlUa, and as buse i hold can affotd ta be without J. It U al- ways ready, and up to tlie shfki navnt. lit if EKT HOCSI.' . N. B. A brush 'accoinpanlea aacb bottle -Price, 15 cents. 9A:r I No. 4S, Cxoa Sreel,'ew.Yd;k.,, OADTOIN. i I would caution all persacs lo examine befors puwhaiing, and aea tuat th full (7- " r ALDia pasr abbo a fcli Ci Is on the outside wrsprer i an joera ar swindling counUtfcU. t fM9. FIMH fcP, On. I.