The huntsman's echo. (Wood River, Buffalo County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1860-1861, May 02, 1861, Image 1

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    " . r " v x ' . .-,
. . i ... ... ... , i x. JLK '' .. f
........... .. ... . ' ' x ' . .
We lis v an excellent nid extensive
eonnecjed withlH t Echo" Office, where, at
reasonable rtM,-Ill bo don Willi neat
ness an! dhpatqli-.f'oeei", ?, Circt
, Bntuirt and Vinlliwz Canl; Blank
f oM kin&sf Letter and Bill Iicai, Pant
- ' .fiMWiftc. tsr., , .. ' ;
OngViar,I2lh)aor leM,llH9trUotI0 .
Each aubsrqiwtit inarrtion, 9f
fcame, oi,ft-r, . . . s.. 0 Off
Ix Diouilm. t-
7 00
On eoluhin, on year,
" aixmontba;
tbtea moiithf,
Half column, one tear,
U , U alv ntnrllia
- - ,...75 09
. . ' 45 OUa
. V 43 00
ICinli of all fixes Chromatic an4
Gilt Bordered Cards.'
, . "' '"' Card-board.' '
. Plain and Fancy' Fn" for BaTi tirliei
The Platte Taller The Home M lflllion-'-And ttlghivay to the PaciAe.
Oi. fourth column, oncyear, ' 2300'
. v r MU uirctisani . 1
- Mmirni'f Card and Note Tuper, Plain. J
Cap,andLetterFiper,for Blanks. j
gyjobtl'Irin.-Uilt. or in Color. 1 1
writ' . ; " t i - - nirre rnnnuin,
VOL.1. WOOD BIVER CENTRE, BUFFALO CO, H.T.," MAY 2, 1861. NO. 27. 1:
, , A j.iL.i . ' . . j Invariably in Advanc.'
(hrr fnnhtlia. .4 t Illli
$2 Oft
" 1 " . HI
1 VMn fiivm.'Biiffate
l1mrlftv Mnrnitif-
r. in advance for ix inonlha $1 50
" Singla copira'.JOr.
w v
... J.JU.H-A?ri:it, -
Tood nirer. ft. T.,
For ; 1811,
WILL attend Joall'calts In IHb
luii Surveying, Platting, Knjnn
JLc. &c.
Two 'nfilta weat of Fort Kearney, on the
i ' ROAD.
Hnitrrania will find tb
lin (TiT Wood
Farnuam Strxkt, Ouaba j
(Between 13A ani MM Srref.)
Where may at all time's be found ono of
The ILargcst
l(or ab striven ber f ricf to tmothre
Tean fell on the enowy pg)
To a daughter writen tlio mother, ,
rU ber bum to cheer her .
Weary then with looking lostlnK,
Weeke Mil week I pa.w Fftdly by .1.
AH lb putt to memory brongSbt
Doping oa, but no reply, . ,v rf t
Till at laxt there eomei a leltert
. her own, eke trace there "
Itetter had dieil far better ' '
"Gone away and not known where."
From her home itoij tb ocean
Hloltcd with repentant tear,
Tritei the daughter htr emotion,
How ihc tum to early yean;
Praya that beav'n may bleak ber mother,
Telia ber f ber wedded joy.
How ab left fur ber another
6nda the picture of her boy,
Then ahe waita to be forgiven,
Till another year haa fled; :
Bark ber letter, torn and riven,
Comes, and on it written 'Dead."
and beat aelected atoeka of
,., W. P. DODGE, '. ,
Sutceaer to Baldwin If Dul'er
Celleilidtiiwadeat enrrent rales of Kx
chanpe; Exchange on all the principal
Cities In the Union Bought and Bold. Cold
Oust Bvu-lit, Land Warrwits Bougbt and
finld, aad Kntered on Time.
Council BlnfTs, Iowa. : . . a'-ir.
t . joiiw reck,;
--''a' -'. - .
4 coLLEensc jckzt,
i&VsrHDiy Goods and
. I : I ' f..ll
' Westov tiix Mi8!oubi Rivbs :
Constating io part
of Drcis Goods, 1'iinta, 13rge, De-
Lnins, UcHiy-inaue Clothing, lea,
CoflV, Sugar, Crockery, Hardware,
Carpets. Hoots and Shoes, Hats and
Caps. etc. nl-if.
' -. i Columbus, N. T.':
WILL loeate I sad Warrants. Collect'
aaoney, Pay Taxes, muke out Pre-emp-eion
t tar fcel paper, eto., etc
-,r -'liKly.-.-r . ? i i
- - ' ' ' ' 1 r - ' -
a. w
PR It. K A J A MF.8,
. C. JftKKS
1 .'-I
For Sale,
ATRAD1VG POST and Toll Bridg,
situated on Svvet Water Kiver, ou ll-e
road to California, half a mil east of In-depen:k-nco
Rock, and five anilea eat of
the Devil's Cute, and one of the most favor
' I aide points fur trading on the road, b'atd
I Font cotmlntsof a Toll-bridge across .Sweet
.' i Water River, oue Store, Wreboua,KiUb
cn, Uiacksmilli bliopaitli loola; fivedwel
i ling bouses and two corrals. Any gcntle-
.'man tfl tliiiiR to purchase will loarn furtbei
aitioulars by'll the owner, Mr.
tu..yp:er AO.tU riallo
AlUraeya at Law, Council B:TiIowa ,o-i
- oi-vr. Uriil'C .. i.
Mas. J. E. BAKER r - Propietor.
,T . -o-o-c-o-
This ia a comfortable and eommodioaa
Public hourc where every cm
rert will be betovrcd icu il
f i tiuests.
: dedittuUes,
Uay and jr5n, and Yards for Slocl.
Attention paid to the wants of I-mi
saraaU Charge as moderate a
Sign of the , . ...
eauld 'k aaJted'
Lower Broadway', between Main and Scott
Streets, Council' Blufl'a, Iowa. -.
JOIl; JOXES- -: ': I'roprletor.
THIS Hooseis atiuated centrally to the
amslaias portioa of iWecity iu aperimeiit
, Lars; and well ventilated, and evtsry hing
about tt haaaa air ofonjfort aud convrni
nee. "I-tf.
WIBD. IT. Kifu'iK, j
BOOK' Biuder aud Blank Book msnn-j
aeturTi Council BIuITh, Iowa, is prepared
J execute auytlilng in bis deprtin. nt of !
nsinesH, p'omllly; and la a militant io I I
d worltmauUka manner, and at liw'
afcea. nl-tf. I
FiasHAii Srarrr,- Omaha, N. T.
Retail tf Jobbing Merchant,
Have just opened a sjdeudid Stock of
Spring Summer
GOODS Also keen a complete Stock of
Dry-Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Ready-made Clothinp, lists,
Caps, Boots, Shoes, Crock
ery. Wooden ware, etc. '
which he offers at the loweat figures
of aay iiouae in this market.
,V Cath paid for hides -and fan.
TiieMAsarrieta. - . w.u.m rear v.
'at Dealer la Xaad. ' Warrants ana x-
'iMBBgt. . ..
.. Council Bluffs, lews.
WILL attend to selection and Loca
tion of lands in western Iowa and
Webraska. the payment of taxes oa lands
nan-residents aiid the collection and
Rtjaacs of claims. ,
Great Military Road.
The undersigned is now prepared tesn
lertan: and accmmoilate Emigrants and
traverlera. JCeep horses, cattle, and furn
lt irrain. provisiona. and other comforts
j for the way fare, good water and eamp range
I iiiucKsnillulna;
J in all its departments ox and horse-sboe-
ing. Wagons repsired, etc, etc.
af awaa Jh. A 1 tVa sVAAjf at e Aawarul I Iab
wrarm stables, road, sweet hsyaudeouiJ
, eearn forour stock, stop atToucray'a.
Wo will, not only give you value for your
money, bnl strive by atrlct attention to
yaw wnta, to make your stay agiecablo
al-U , ,Y i . JTattSON TONCRAY
raaorwAV, coinrotL BLvrrs, tows,
nCeeas constantly on' hand a fresh a up fly
sa Graaerles, Provisions, Grala aad Vege
bibles, which he affers at the lowest ratas.
S. B. Cash paid for grain and county
rodure. al-af.
Russel Farm,
JOSEPH Ill'SSEL, Proprietor
Is prepared to entertain and provide 'for
the comfort and wants of the traveling
public. Good sUblea, bay, graia, and
Don't forget tKt place. , nl-tf.
Lumber, Jjimberl
4ll OPeratiov. aad ard.ra Jnr lumher
are solieflcd. . Any slse. leorthr varintv
will bo cut oa abort notice, and very lib.
erii Ufuiii. wga want td, for which lum
ber will be exebauged Itkleslred.
Wood River, K. T., April I, IP6I. tf
Moved by a soft s'rain or rausie, a
man will.sometim turn bis face up
ward, and look as though a paradise
were opening above htm. Opposite a
striking picture a nrnoider will be
come as a statue, jjui a man sunu-
in with his back to the wail, feasting
his eye upon a worl-house, is, indeed
an odd. sight, i uus, nowever, a man
stood, and was he engaged one
evening, many years ago.
It was Biambiestone Work house
which was so singularly an object of
pleasant contemplation. The New
Poor-Law had been enacted, ana Mr.
Jones, subsequently Relieving Officer
was quite a younp man, and bad just
been appointed Overseer.- He. was
cominz on me nignt in question, to
visit the "House, when the person
first mentioned addressed mm.
'Well, Mr. Jones, making ycur usu
al visit? Gi.ii'g to see, John Daupt
Among the rest of the poor devils, eh ?
Ae was always uemenuu now ne-a
uncommonly Daunted, I take it. Ha I
The tone of Mr. Jonea' rep!v was
civil, and nothing beyond. .
."Yes, sir; my customary visit, as
a w 1
you say. lou are almost as regular
ns I am."
'True ; I like to come and look at
the horrid, dreary walls. ,; There's
something in the sight of those slips
of windows which please, 0!d Jeri
cho I why, it's like a furnace ou'. here
to-night. What must it be in ths rooms
with such windows as those ? But
(ell me how is Daunt ? 1) inj by
this time, I should think I"
Mr. Jones shrug of ducusl was not
obaervable in the partial uaikness.
"Yes, he's dying. Mr. Mayner.-
Butaxruse me. Good-night. I'm be
hind time." And he hurried away.
Mr. Mayncr knocked the asbca
from his cigar, replaced it in his mouth
and sauntered away likewise.
To be efTemmite to be weak in
feeling nnd resolve one shrinks from
that n.ttion, as picturing something so
poor and mean. But to be bold and
strong, end moved by tfie spirit of a
fiend, is awful. John Daunt was an
humble, shrinking creature from his
boyhood, and, from his boyhood Ralph
uayner was an unscrupulous, deter
mined villian. How these two men
came to love the same woman is a
mystery; but only one could have her.
Lilcn Leslie becume the wife of Jolm
For Daunt actually ran nway with
ucr. ii lor one single instani. in.itie
course ol this dark etory, I can alio
myself to smile, it must be at the tho
ught of this enterprise on the part of
such a man at UaunU But be was
urged to it by despair. He knew that
Ellen's parents were well-riish fdrcing
her into a marriage with his rival.
ie knew that rival's character well.
tbere was no time to be lost.' The
pair went away by moonlicrht. and
were married. . A year afterward JEI-
en Daunt gave birth to a ton, and
As time rolled on additional trou
bles fell upon Daunt. A fatality teem
ed te hang over all he undertook.
Ie had settled near lirainbleston as a
small farmer. For some years be just
managed to live ; but an unseen iullu
enee was perpetually dodging around
him, damaging his character and cred
it, indisposing people (o deal with him
and causing uiin lost in various ways.
nougn be knew it not Kaipb May.
ner was busy, wnen that snonster
heard of the elopement he said; with
great oath, "I'll never ieave him till
' ve crushed him. I" And bringiog his
scute' intellect and unswerving tWtU-to
bear, backed by meant aad influence,
which he possessed to some extenl.
he so environed John Daunt with nets
tnd pit'al's. that, although it was the
work of years, il was a work done
mot effectually at last. John Daunt,
otc night, took his boy's hand, anting
"God help us. Sydney 1 Your father
is penniless and friendless.
Ay ; there wss not a single person
uko came forward with ti e smallest
wS A brirf strurglr, and then poor
John and his bey were received into
Bambleston Work-house.
Ralph Mayner heard the news. He
had married some years before, and
had one child a daughter. He was
now a widower.
It was a very hot summer. May-
ner came wl h his little Ctrl to Braru-
blesfon and took apartments oa'side
he town, where the views were pret
fv stid the air salubrious. Mavnrr
then made acquaintance with the
work-house tfnxial, learned all pnrtie
ttlars in regard to Daunt, and did not
hesitate to avow his hatred ( gainst him
although he did not communicate the
Dead ! there was the end. John
Dnunt died very shortly after his ad
mission into the work-house. R-lph
Mayner lind fulfilled hi oath ; lie had
crushed his rival ; hit power was en-
ed now.
But he would see (he funeral.
One fine, warm morning tbey l.iid
Eoor John Uaunl in Ins grave in
Tamblestone churchyard. One mour
ner followed him his boy. Sidney,
who was about twelve years of age. -Yet
mar-be more sorrow attnded
the funeral than has oftentimes been
present when score, of sombre faces
have formed a dismal croup round a
prave-side. The ceremony over, the
officials departed, leaving the weep
ing boy to follow when he pleated.
Tbere had bern,gazing nt fha spec
tacle throughout the hard hearted
Ralph Mayner, and his pretty, peculiar-faced,
genilelookin daughter,
some six years old I fancy even
Ralph expeiienced an unusual emo
tion when the ceremony was over.
He must have felt that now, indeed,
the tragedy of ''John Danni and his
Foe" was fully played out. At all
events, hit eye-lids drooped, and he
let co his clu'd't hand. On being re
leased, the Utile girl trotted away to
Sidney Daunt, who was lust leaving.
"Poor boy I" she said, gently, giv
intr htm a sixpence. "Don t cry
He taotioned her away, and would
not take the money.
'Do take it," urged the tiny majd
en ; '"I have plenty.
Juf t then waking fro n his reverie
Ralph Mayner witnessed with ex
treme surprise and anger, the comma'
'nicaton passing between the children.
He ran to the spot, caught bis little
girl with one hand, and, with the oth
er, seized Sidney's cap, and flung it
over the church yard wall. ' Now, fir
several minutes past, there had been
leaning over that will, watching the
.... : . i i . t
parties, a reEpecumiy-auirea, ncariy,
nealihy-facedTman, on the unfavorable
side of sixty. I may as well say, at
once, that this person was a London
tradesman, who had been staying in
Bratnblestone a fortnight and was re
turning next day. He was an eccen
tric being, had not a relative . in the
world, but. as compensation, had plen
ty of money. Sidney's cap had .opt
touched the ground before he wat by
Mayner't side, shaking in his face a
robust tut that male Kalph shrink
' ' You're a brute, and a beast, and
a vile scaramouch I" cried the indig
nant tradesman. "If I hod my will,
you, should break atone all day, and
aleep on thistles all night; "he added ;
and then, turning bit back on the as
tonished Mayner, the curious old gen
tleman seised Sidney by the hand,
hurried him out of the church-yard,
and then bade him "tell him all about
iUn ' - : ' -
Thut enjoined, the boy communica
ted the entire history of hit woes and
those of hit deceased father.
Would you come with me to Lon
don T inquired hit newly-found friend,
when he bad done.
"Gladly," wat the answer. , ,
Without further discussion the two
went to the work-bouse. Applica
tion wat made for leave to remove
the boy, which, after the usual forms,
was granted ; aud very . quickly the
tradesman and bit charge were on
their wav to London. It was e Uncr.
iomr while before Brambleotow asam
heard jftSidney Daunt, f
My dear Sir.'
infvrupled the law
ihe ending of the first part of this s'o-
ry had brought grey luirs to Ralph vcr. "there really fi no money.- I
Mayner, and with them anxieties TOid'Tdon't think I could souct ee out a
Iroublea which bore bartf upon him. ty-pound nhte to save mj' own fa her..
He had sneculotcd and Let-n unsuc. i f.nm hntikrunte.' - ?'::.'
ctssful.and now, with broken heahh j HuroDli! eruntcd i?a!n!, it will
and soured temper, he found himself j bother ine" " ' "
witn a rioud of !imculties hanging o- Crawhtr a only reply - was t " put "
ver him; He was not n poor man ev- his hands in his Dockets, and look.'
en now, but he had become involved i more benevolent tl.rfti before. . '
'How's Miss" Annie ?"' he asked, , '
after a pause. ' '' ' -
An expression rep' across his icb
which Caw.-dier did not obavrve.
the ' war, when did yodlSfe g
m aranety of sthetnes. eo inte'lwin-
ed, that unless he could keep them nil
healthily afloat, the whole would col
lap.o and'ruin him. That ifloiimv is
sue stared him awkwardly in the face
at this very time. A period of
al ond great pressure had arincn. Ev
ery body was trying to borrow nobo
dy seemed willing to lend. Ralplf1
wanted a eouple or thousand pounds.
Wanted it 1 he must have it.' It
wat a life and death matter to him
he would he ruined without it. In a
a a
rcw cays acceptances to that smoiint
- i,y inc wt,
young Lucerne last ?" be inquired.
Six wi cks back." ; ,
"Then you don't, know what's oc
rnrrpd?" "
'Eh ? No. ; No hing bndI liopf.-;
to Lucerne;' for he I a nic younjf
How plenty of money", and a g"tHl
client." ;;.
lie's abp:it mnk.rg !combodv s
would eome due. If thev were dis- Uoad ku.sbniid." suid Halidi. sL'i.ili-
honored, Ralph would be" utterly pres. ; cantly. - --; . -, ; . : -,-tra'ed.
What I" cried , trawher: "Yots
And yet he had tried in every quar- don't mean m it is lit going to mar "
fer nnd failed. ILlph frightened his ! ry our dear young lady 1 ' - "" "
kind, loving daughter, Annie hei Ralph nodded ( A great vagabond
looked at times so strn, and become I as Ralph.) -. ;..
so likle in his humor. ' j I'm astounded ? All settled f" f
They sat together one even'ng. i Kvery thing." - 'i ' . :
"I am going lo London to iuotuw,"' llumj h I l.m ri'lit ftUd. A riitl
said Ralph, abruptly. ! business for me,- too. l.thall haver
'To morrow, papa," and so unwell Lucerne hero shortly, no doubt, about, ,
as you ore !' . Me set lemct.t. 11a i H;i ! But. stay,
Yes, Annie; you lnow that I'm I'm'; forgetting jour own particular
on the brink .of ruiu."-." ; . ma'ter.V ? . X ' ' T
'Oh, my dear father." j Oh. if t'.ere i not fifty pountfs'lc-'
There, pray dont cry. I hute crying, be had " Ralph was becimiingi caU!
D....l .1. ..!,! " k A .1..... r.L.-l-- ' -. '1 -l .,,.-.;:-:
ni.i n... i i ...... i i
exactly how the case fitand . Bills
for two thousand pounds will come
due in the course of a day or two.
I hey must be taken up, or we must
go out of the country. ,J. have no mo
ney, available, and no ono will lend
me any. The only chance is in seeing
Crawsber, the solicitor. . He has re
fused by letter ; but I t'uink if I could
see him he would alter his mind." "
"But, dear' papa,, even should he
refuse, surely we need not leave Eng.
land. If the people who hold these
)PABT H. , ,:
TwiWTT Teart. In that period
round changes, both for good.apd evil,
coma to past. Twenty yeart from
securities will only give you time, you
will pay tliem." -.
Ralph laughed, grimly. - r
"Perhaps they might, under ordi
nary circumstances, Annie ; but llere
is one small unforluna'e feature about
these bill, which will interfere. - C..n
you guest it ? ' a . .
"Not in the least, papa." . , .'
I forged tbem.",
A little tcrenm and a deadly faint-
ness were the result of this communi
cation. " r
There now, Annie, don't. let us
have - no heroics, hysterics, or any
thing of the kind. Listen I There
is no reason why you shonld deem
Jour lamer worse man ne really i.
f ever there was a palliation for for
the act I hnve jnentioned, it is here.
The people owed me money, and
would neither pay me nor give me
their acceptances- I was shockiiig'y
fretBed, and at length made the bills,
f I can .find money to what is called
retire' (hem in a couple of days, all
will be well. If I cannot,' I must
run away. If they catch me, they
will transport me for life, .
Kalph said ibis in a janntv wav.
with his back to the fire, and his arms
under his coat tails.-. Annie tat pale
and shjvering, .. ;.: ,,, t.'..'1
"So. Annte. the , first thincr in the
morning, you'll paek up as much as
you c-n without srtating wonderment
in the houe. and we'll eo together to
gether lo London. Now, my candle,
please, and we'll to bed. ,Ktst me.
Annie. Blest my heart 'he silly
thing it ail in a quurer, and ber lips
and cheekt are cold ae ice. You must
get over these school girl : shakings,
Annie. . our xatner never.remembers
being a boy. At ytjprge yqu iuldJ
uv iwokvi ww nuiui. .
To London Uiey went. They found
aDartmentt is a not verv livelv locali
ty Salisbery Street, in the. Strand.
To Crawsher, the oolicitof, straight
way repaired Mr. Mayner.' 7 ' '
Ab, Ir. Mayner, bow .d'ye do ?
cried Craesher, b.uqyantly, extending
hit hand. Staying. in jpwn, ebP
For very ahort time," replied
Ralph. "I wrote you the other day."
Yet, and 1 replied. ! should have
been delighted, Tou.know. but, bless
Lme.Just at this,mciment, we, i Lon
don, are oo f inn m rum i - and
Crawsher rubbed hit hands slowly,
and his fae wat. radiant with smiles',
"WU, thertae.U Uua' .eaid Ulpb
rl abcMall be very glad of pint money
if you ean in 'any way. manage it.
Ho great maUer, of ejursa ; but ftiT
just at tUU lime ' -
my friend...! know slto'jl
said to. but. he sea , St
Oh. we'l. never mtnJ ih it ; we
must ppe, yu kuovv."- I ve a tlienf.
the protegr. of an old trin!eman, whw 1
has la ely died 1 ltd left him n heap of .
money- He'll want : to see Vou him
self, for he's father a funny customer ,
But come here the firstling in the .f
morning, n.l J tbre . say we. shM
manage it.. Oood-by r,' Good-by f
"I think we fthull be aide to go btcl;
to Bramblestoiie'iafe 'as. uniti'An-'i
nie." sai 1 Ralp1i;wwhefi" he hi- re
turned to his duuS'iter.' ' " : r-iijyu'i m
Thank fled, p:-j ! r u-A-.-j fl " "
"There's no doubt, he'll . du it -j
hink,' muttered Ralph to limelf., 1
jit s running it rather close, though. ,
I must have, the muney to-morrow."
Surly the next morning Ralph was
with Cn.wsher. X" ' .' '
Well . said tjie , liitterl my mnn is '
in Ihe other rooni." -
. 'Can I have the money at once
asked Ralph, with barely concealed
anxiety, ,;i .-.-. vyVr
"He II give jCu we cheque in in is
for he
lie walked - to lhe door of an inaer '
room, and opened it. '" ' ; ' 1 "
"Walk in, Mr. D iunt. ;Wlll vnu -i
be kind enouh ? "Mr; -Dmiit. Vlr.! '
Mayner. ' Mr. Mayner Eh ! -Blesi
me 1 whftl'a wrong T" iv'; .:i-nS n-"!
"Nothing,"' so 'far as' Sidney Daunts
was coneernod.for Hie ,lawj-erv' com- ,
munica'ioa had revealed ,to 4iim
(though he,; had said no" Ling' iojbo
lawyer), to whom, he v. s nkd-Vi ,
lend , but , Ralph "fell .backf sayjn,"
hlfily, V.'V-l ;'.' ' '
''Hmuv we een 'aachtlwr before
SiWy; ' ' ' - .-
V'l a" SidncyDatiat." was the re-r
ply. ' "Twenty, year etnpe you' and .
I were in IJrRinblestiiiie.Uiurciijanl.'
Nay, don't 'iutna way', I Mr; Maynejr..,
Le, that .sad-jtory drcp. ' I Jiave no
desire fqrwhatjpen call revenge Vpu,
want a coiip'e of thousapd pounds '
there ia the check." '
'And do you thin.k " he,it'ered, in
a hoarse voice, "that I am "become a
weak,,cry baby tliiff l'ke John Daunt:
your father ? '' Oh ! this is beautiful 1 '
Here Is'a'scsne I Here is ChtUtian
vengeance I ' Sin 11 I ge en tuy kpee
aad weep over you, young . man 1. .
Shall I beg a blessing on yuu, and en-
trtjtt ; past ? Hark '
ire, now ! I would be torn limb from
irob , first I 1 'Sooner llian take' that
check I'd burn' myself bit by bit in' .
yonder .fire. " I hate you I You hare .
your trinmplr, you white-' faced school
girl ; but tt shaft go no furthers Ereii ,
uqw Ralph Mayner can despise yoii '
from-' the bottom of bis oul, and can
furl it You a lasting defiance."' '-.-
. . . a .a
Ana ho rushed from ine room - into ,
the tlreei'.'Matf and desperate. : ,
Many liours had passed, end Aanie 1
hadJwcotne uneasy ,on aeeoiipt.of bv., ;
father's lengthened kbaenoe. iTowurfi., ,
af)ernqBi jw4Qiijfttyo seek tih " ' t j.
at-MrCpU'sTrvr't ofiTor,. which she . ' ' '
knew te ,beii . GrayV Ion. , IWog - i'
quife ,un tcquainted witk London, it U ' .
npt st'asrc'ihat ahe lost ber way, anH
ClncfuM on fourth Jagt. ,