V Aiy's, wlisi cm, hay a::tl stabling can be obtained, Uistjtice 4 mile. . -Jason H. Parktr't-t-lhttM aecom i . tnodatlons. A Hiy a ad ntn for liila; gjort camping ground, Zone 2re iiunrAf b T. Mirmoj, groceries, hay, corn and stabling, On the bank of the Plntt. .Buckhorn Station by 8. G, Hay. ward j grmd t.jmpln? ground," , , E. D- Hurley' t groceries, Stock of any kindkpt fcr twenty-five cent per df y, per span.' SAormefccr Point gnenl ' accommodation and good camping ground. Gurnard' Ranchc. llay and cor.i for Sale. ; Hera- thcra Is a German settlement' ' A !nigo crop of grain was raised ttys past year, and corn, c.tj be obtained st , I 'E. tf- Buck $ Co. feroccr:e,'bayl rr.d corn for Bale, a-r.d good casipln jround. t : y- . ' Crocker' Ranche. Il.itel accom modations and pood camping ground This is the niouih of Woo 4 river, a clear alream with plenty of Timber and good grass. M. TownsUy.Wcoi river saw null 5 general accommodations, Lamb'i Station. good, camping groujd. ' . ." ' W. G. Eldridgc's Jood. camping ground and general acromoodatons. Miller' If CV Ranch:, Potatoes, bay, corn, and general aeeomineda- 11011.1. , " P Moore, Corralle, goneral ac':om moMations and good camping. - 19 1 8 a cprt onmooa l.a wn Kancne uyjas JkekSon:1 Hay, corn and ataliling. JOISIVSO.VS ItAiYCIIK,1 Woo River- Centre. Full Store of Good and Supplies Entertainment andRnnclring Poat Olfice,-Black- :' ainitb-iliopr griL,railI l(veiC.. . The Huntsman's Echo, a weekly paper, is published tier-. " Emigrant nhould call hre and register their names for publication, vnd got tho news. Large nfarket garden, plenty ' -of vegetables and f;uil.i in their soa don. for (ale, rood camping., fine wa er and woo J plenty, - - Cobbler'' Ranche by Edward Oli ver, Provisions, water and grans. Peck', Tfoi r(in fy CcDry-roodg, groceries fcnd provisions. Blacksmith-shop f'good camping-ground, and corn for Bale, John Evans. General acrommoJa lions, woo J, Mtr ve dd .graafcO '."" C. II- Wilson's Ranthe. Farm and subling. Corn for sale end good esmpi.g.) Orfbanlc cf.Weod rivjr. Eoji JJi-ilhir.-f-Kolra.k Centre Post Office : groceries, fcood stabiing Brewery ana blacksmith-shop, ,. , McLain't Ranche.--'-'kttoaMa.-f ions and good cainping ground, bay for sale. . ' r . ' r. . ; . i Miller If Co' ifanr.'it. Hay, corn, stabling and general accommoda tions, ,,0n,th6bi.k of th PlaUc,. attbe crossii g. Here the river is. ditrfded bf. several Jislands," and la abnnt two miles in width: - v - Fort Kearney Emigrants can ob tain eupplies trom the au'.lor, Kearney City. Ib baa a ppnla tion of about 200 ; ii ne.it! luidclf 4 a; 3 v .V. , V and contains sorri nnlf-dozoti stores, screrai blacksmilh-stiopj e'.c.,abuu v The Oeatliof U'arrtn. On the d y of ihut u r.r.i nr.ljle en- 12 en t at 13tft:la;rf IIJI t, i h itn rt J o -eph WarrcflhtheV t.ithovpa1m of Hfo, joined tUo Amcrin ranks r.s a Tolupiecr. "Tell rJo xviirb pztl l uk&," aid ha addresftrng Genvrl runam "On the redfiubifV-fraa tl.ufply; "ycu will lhej.0 La cpyvred.V ,,0... 'I came not to be covcrtd.' retrirB cd Warren ; "t?!! Sj'wlj,l fchiilkbe in most dangehl(!arr2(JT4-ttH rir4 yhert the action will ba jlie li:,Uc8t.'' At the ineietirW tin Commute of fiarety, prviioua to (he battle, bis tricmls , varnesi slrovo to ilissunde Lim froraTizpoiinsltis' peraori' , "I know tlicre io danojcr," . replied W. rren, "tut who doca not think it Bweet to dit for his countrj?" When Col. Presoctt trave the order torttrt at;-Warren's slftjarato cour-1 cd last ii the redoubt, nnd was slowly rf treating, -when a Briiuh Officer -cal led' 'on' h'm to ' surrender.' Warren proudly his face to fact to thefoe re ceived a fatal shot in tf:e forehead, and 1'dl dead irv the- trenel.s. , , .. . i d&arly l icltl seed Coin 'for IinLVE'TaSAll.mol:ri of. the Earl Field Corn, known as the "Early Adams," which will mature and ripen in iO days We planted it lnat year on the 2mij.fltJjinej.and foumd it ripe and fine in good season. It ft a Kood", heavy grain and produces well. Apply soon, r t . f j: jMoN., rorATOESfriafi etli.v U Ul Jciimson's Rakciic. nate and Choica Seeds and Jraiiroe,r. T .ff. Stow el' s rwrr, Spe Cbjn, l Ntnlth's Early Whit, ' j:rly Adam V Hubbard Squash, ii eat Variety' sugar Cane. Orange watcrmlo, itii'u-. - and ull varletiesGardeu Seeds t resu and nice. 110 WARD ASSUCUliOiVir PHILADELPHIA. A TUr.vUnt Institution establlkbad bv specis 'ttHlowmentfdr ther Kelisf of tbs Sick nd Distressed arHieted with Virulent and "Fpideroloy DiMises, and specially for tb -Cur: of Diseases Of the Bexoal Organs. 1 ' ' . MED10AL' ADVICE riven g atlsby lbs Aetiar 6arre. to" all who an. fly by lettJerl'Witb'tr; description' of ti.eiir aoDdiilonSfeoeeopScrl.tiakMs'af WU, o.,) and IS tastes f xtrems peortf,-Md-' Jc!ds furnished freeof thargeS" VaraabM Itevorts onvassdnataxrhwi, had JUtiu ts- ttsej o? tbs Sexual Organ, sod oa ta Htsy RutuH employed to the pisptjsM -telopes, frs of cbargs. two r three stamps for postage win pt ooepiaws. Address. Dr. J. BUillin Ifouebtaa. ' A at ing Sorwon,' Howard Association. Vo. 2 ' South Ninth Street, Phtbidetphia, Xt.' JJy eras t ei us Aiecvori. -- Tt p. IlsatrwfU., Trt. G.9.Tiicmii,tS. si I. STAR OF TIIR PRESS. 4 - . . ,- .. . - . - .". t l'atTi! moi'ths or wtsrsTCEKSt-at.' ' TnE new voFk rierccry . FOR THE YEAR. The Largest Literary Weikly in ih Worlds Alilioush the patriarch of ' the treeklv ' press (bein now in its twerity-third year, ins ivkw j ork mircust terms with the fire and vigor of youih, as well as with the wisdom and dignity of mature years. Pre senting, as it does, the crem de la creme of literature -enriched wun tns entrancinr miiBler-pieces or tlia ereatest romancers In tho world-t-gtittering w'th tlis brilliant wit and humor of the slit meat rens of the time abundantly garnished1 wl'h the rarest gems' er native poeV"-verrowing witu ,'lliouclil tlint breathe ana words tnat burn'' from the creat writers of its l:n mouse contributorial stiff, aud honored all OT'or the country for its perfect freedom from an v thin;; calculated to wound or re- pilsellie most sensitive moralist or das of people it has been for years tho Lux. ury, the Teacher, the Monitor, and tne Welcome Ouet of Hundreds of rbounnds of American Homes. The publishers and proprietors of th? I 'New York Mcrcsry.' have made the motto cf its columns i .,. "Here sliall yeur.g Ceiius wing his eagle tltglit, - . Rich dew-drops shaking from bis plumes cf light." and (liirlngilicpre?ent year (1861) its grand inimitable army of writers wh' ga united salaries exceed the total of those paid to (he President niiVice- f resident rt Hit uni ted State and Us brilliant constellation of lltorary specialties will be materially ex tended. Thus, ona of tb' proprietors r.sw encasements io that of tho witty, waftsrish, qui.'.gical, whimsical, world renowned, and pungent ' Q. K. PHILANDER D0E3TICKS, P. B., who contributes to the "Mercury" a tide- splitting sries of Builesque Biogrsphiesl Lecturen, Sermons, Fashion Articles, Urit icisres of Paintings, Plays, Slatoes, etc , under the gcteral and significant title Of ."Ulvsrslaas ot Doeslicks ; -or Haiirijui.i Hits at ths Times." - i In the Pictorial Department appear the nmgniiiceiit illustrations of that prir.ca cf American aftiats, Felix O. C. Dhrlcy. Throughout the present year, this mag nificent and famous Journal of American Literature will contain glorious Romances. Sketches, Stories, Poems; oems of Humor, Moral and Domestic Assays, Uriticiems, etc., by the most noted American and En glish' writers, who have been engaged a! vast expense la write for the Mercury. We may nam: tho following conlributvrb force : Q- K. rhilanti;r Loestkki, P. B. A. M. Grainger, J. lixrbcr, 1 O. C. Darley, Grace Gardner, G Arnold, Rev, R. M. D ten. Jied liunlline, ,W. R. H'allaca, Cousin May Carlton, Dr. J. H.'Robinsdn, S. R. Urban, Mrs. M. E. Robinson, J. A. Patten, Rev. R. B. Welch, W. O. Eat on, G' marital, Jlattie ' Jyng, - R. II. Newell. O.her celebrated wrl'ers will also con tribute makinthe "Meicmy" a great fo- nis of all tli t Is biitertatning, Instructive, Vitty and W lie. Our ociul jixw. vkar s cirrto our read ers lsa .bi'jinut new novellette, eiiil lid CATI50I.1X.1; or, " Ws rcE im trx WAti.; -i - 'T , V A'TiU of .Louiskaa The cpening chapturs of which appear la the Sj-rcuryM ftr Jnnary 6th, lcCI. The "A'ew Yo k ilircury'' is sold by all newsmen ' and periodical dcilcrs in America. To subscrbijrs it is rgulr'y mailed every Stt irday morning, for $2 a year; thrts copies for $3 ; six eojiies for $Jj eight copi for $12, with arl extra copy free to the getter-up of the club. Six months subs :ription rtceived. 0AIw) b write pliii.ly the came of your Post-cftice, County and State. We take th notes of all specie-payikg banks at par. Payment must Invariably ba made in lTnce. ICTSpecimen Cepies -eenffree to all ap plicants. Addr es all I ttrrs and remit tances, post-paid, to CAUtDWELI'. SOUTIIWOBTH & WHlTifET. Proprietor of tht Hew York Mtreury, 46 48 Ann Strce", A'e w York City. Manhood, COW LOST, H0Y7 RESTORED. ;! Pvblished, in a Sealed Envelope, On lbs Nature, Treatment,- CurS Of SrERMATOBRIIIXA, and. Radica. or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervousness and Jitvoluotaty einisslonsindurtny impo- tency, and Mcntat ana rnysxai incopactry. By BOBT. J. CULVERWELL, M. D., gutter oi "tGreen Booh," 4. TI.V nr1dJrflr,owiikllauthor. in this ad- rnlrable Ltetnre, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequen ces of Self-abuse may be eiiectuany re moved siithout medicine and without dan gerous surgical operations bougiis, instru ments, lingi or oordiala, ppinting out a mode of core at onca certain and elfectusl, by which every sufforcr.no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal to any addrees, post void, oi the receipt of two postage stamps by addreismg Dr.OH. J. C. KLINE, 1 Bower, New York. PostOflice box 4,bfc6. m '; ESSE SHOEMAKER'S i sr1 )1tii''iiTfOVl'i irii o Snmakers Peint, tax mit$ aaoTS "loni tas." Keeps Jlay, Grain, and Supplies. Good Stables and Botel accommodations. First-ate plaes te ' ; . ' oamjp. ; Wood, water and grass, abuadast. nl-tf. J. SNIDER & CO., MEKUIIANTS'TliADERS. r s joaxsox's nAx nr, , ' Wood RiTcrCcnUi, 1 Nebraska. Hns constsnlly a full supply of ; f'. Provlslous, Groceries,'' Dry-goods, Medicines, Liquors and Cigars. And all mnnner of Sap. plies for Settlers and y ... . Emigrants. . More Goods I t Better Goods ! ! 'Cheaper Goods than ever ! ! I Essence of Life ! A sure Remedy ) For Choiera, Diarrhoea, Escence of Life I ! A sure Remedy ! I For Cholera, Dinrrhtca, Summer Complaints, Summer Complaints, . Cholera Morbus, .. Cholera Morbus, Chofics, Cholics, etc. etc. WARRANTED TO CURE IP WARRANTED TO CURE ill Sold by S.'.lDEnjAt. CO., JOHNSON'S RANCHE, Wood River Centre. It is also a Sovereign Remedy for Faint- ness, Uoiijr is, c. ; rersons euueringrrom Cold, nnd wi l iustantly ease the tootuache. XV o family Bbould bo without it,, ana Emigrants may .often save valuable lives by baring it along. (D3Dsax)aT3H2 Tu t' A LL-H EALING Balsam, '.. .; Only GO Cents, . ,. . , At Wood River Centre. CureslConsumptionlt CureslCotiglts! ' -CureslBroncliitiS t CuresDlseases ofj '. LirciEand Lungs! rJAHUOU S, 3SIL1LAKI, & Co., " ' EAfilERS.' AND DEAtERSlK GOLD D US ,T! OMAHA NEBRASKA. -0-0-0-0- V ill pay the highest price in Cash foi GOLD DUST ; or, if desired,: receive . the same oh commission', advanC- 1 ii:g SEVEN-EIGHTHS of its value, and the balance up'- on return of the Assay ' receipt payab'e 1 at the coun- ' - '-..-: ter, or In New York Exchargs, se?.t 1 . X t any part ef the United -i -'States. A small commission , " enly will be charged for attending ' to .the buslaess.--- v. ; 3ank EailiJinjs, rttm'jtm Btre t, 8outa Elde. nl4-lf. litj Sblhing H :;. ::iOAIASIA,N.T. "WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL i DBA LESS IK , ready-made clotiiikg' K e -.. AND : GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, ! FARNHAM STREET, ' (Opposite Lacey & McCormlck's) -0-0-0-0- Gords rnsde to order oi tbs shcrtegt notice. , . (.'ash paid for hides and furs. , nlO-tf. , A. KODNTSC. H. XOUNTIl KOUNTZE, BROTHERS, 'BAKkehs; OMAHA CITY, . . . ... . NEBRASKA, v-OT V ! GOLD-DUST AT BIQ PRICES.' ' Miners will consult their inlervst, not to sail their Dust, either cn commission or otherwise, before calling on the above firm. Drafts fceld on the principal Cities la ; THE UNION. Land warrants, and Territorial war. rants, bougbt and sold, nl5-tf. BUCKIIORN IANCHE AND STAGE STATION. ORTT-Bir MILES ABOVE fcOLUUBUs', A WD ,vorty-eight bulow Wood Rirer Cen ter., On the North Platte route. ' . - . ENTEsTTAD NMEiW ' Fsr Travelers Good 6 tabling and Corral. Hay and Grain always on hand. S. G. II. will make it bis endeavors to aSbtd the best of accommodation on the most reasonable terms, and thus ensure patronage. Call and judge for vourselyes. . k -2Mf- ' Elkiiurn Bridge, N.T.( ; -The Ulfilereiirnpd aiinnniir. In ilia tro. tiUif .pnj)lli hat.he U , prepared,, at his Commodious Estabfisbmenf, to provide ior iue comiort oi any nntnoer or guests trim cona siaDies, nav ana train, ne la alo pieparod te provide, in a comfortable manner, for a large number of stock. PLATTE VALLEY HOUSE,' , Three milt abovt Worth Bend N.T. it. GnAUA9I, --.-. Proprietor. Accommodations for the wants and ne cesHiliee of the traveling public. Good stables, hay, and grain, also . Blaeksmitliinr In atl its departments ox and herse-shoe ing. Wagons repaired, etc., sic. nlO-ly. ;F.'iQ.-3EOHEIr1,l', "Wholesale a Retail Dealers la Dry-Goods, Urocenes,- Provisions, Bacon. Liquors, etc., ete. , Ilay Corn, 1 V Oats, " ' , , . t Meal, etc., etc. Cash paid for Hides &. Furs. Colmhus, IT. T.r. . ' - n3-tf. . - -, EEZthorn Brtd The above honsc, situate at the Elk- horn Bridie, is now supplied with every- htiiZ to make man and beast comfortable, No pains will be spared to make all who favor this establishment with their patron age- satisfied and at home. Charges as moderat e as tae most calculating could ex pect' Good stabling bay and graia al- ways oa nana. ai-tr. JACOB ERJTST, s) m t . and " MACHINIST, COLUMBUS, - - - - - XT. v r .-o-o- - Always ' Veady to attend to horse- snoeing, repairing wagons, and all sorts of work in his line. First rate ox-fr? me and shoeing cattle done on tne snortest notice, uemember his motto ALWAYS BEADY. n4-l) 1 W. FLORKEE, 1 Corner of Dodge and ISA' Streets, ' r . ' . : - - A Is prepared to accommodate visitors, boarders, and tne traveling public gene rally, with food, lodging and all the com forts of a home. ; The table will be spread with the best tne rnarlcet anords, and ev ery attention - 111 be paid te bis guest. FKEDERICItSOM & JACKSON WHOLESALE A BETAlL ANO DEALERS IN ' Staple and Fancy Dry and Dress Geods, Boots. - . -' - . .' Shoes, Hats, - - . . Cars, . Cutlery, . ... . Hardware, Crockery,. - Groceries, .!;. ,s ' Provisions, . , ,-, -t Liquors, Grain, and Produce. FOR E3IEG11A1TTS, Put vp on the Shortest Notice, and at the LOWEST FIGURES. Cash paid for grain and country preluee. n-u- v.'":p.'0. reed, SPRING 'CREEfC. SJATION, SIVEN MILES East of Elkhorn JrJdge.Jt, X Is prepared te accommodate the travel- Iner public with Entertainment, for man and beast-good stables, bay and grain. Brock wintered, and pro Visions andsup- plies kept on band. . . .. n7-tf. HII il'sS AND 1 L TIANCHJ STATION Two milea above ; ... LONE TREE STATION, Keeps, always on band, Ilay and Grain, ' GOOD STABLING, AND " 'READY : HOSTLERS. Also hotel accommodations, and eyery lux ury aud eomrort mat care ana at tention can prodnce. pre- ,v " vldad for the Guests. ' If veu appreciate Home and Kase, stop ; ' ' at HILL'S n3. , ; . ; if. ' " VTeinhagen 4c IKvrnboslel. Wholisa and Retail Dealers In Fanev Groceries, licaors.frnits, eigars.ebe Me 19ii north sseond street, tt. Loele o. Bl-tf. Cleveland House, J.E.&Ff XOUTII, rroprietorr Tills la aarge and commodious public house two miles above Columbifs, sod near the Upper Perry where every atten tion will tie naid to the wants of the mini a. Good stables and stock vsrds on the ure ra ises, and hay and grain when required. ttoom ana coara tor small lamiiies. , Champs as moderate as at anr Hauao en Uie Koad- bl-lf. j. . - - SKI.WF.n'S STATION. J SKINNER, . . .'.'.Proprietor," 12 miles from ShMt CreeVand 10 miles from Columbus, '. Keens hay, grnin . and snnnlies nrOdiice nn provisions. - ins, wants of man and beast supplied good camping places and pr l uiivpiiii-Ht . n7-tr PECK, ROBERTSON, it Co.," WHOLESALE & RETAIL.' s iw. KEARNEY CITY.If. T. Dealers in ' Groceries, Dry-Goods, Grain, and rProvisions. Boots, Shoes, Caps, - Hats, And evorythine required la thst line by either " EMIGRANT OR CITIZEN- ; ' ALSO, A. rood sunrtlr of all neearv rli-1oa kept at PEOK'S RANCH E, . Wood River, v io muss jaast oi r r rt Kearney, -IN PRICES, They are determined not to be ' - UNDERSOLD : ' by anr firm in this rezion. 4 V. Milton Rogers. WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL Dealer in all varieties of Aid MANUFACTURER of ; Tin, Copper aud . SHEET IRON WARE. - t Sign ef tbs OOOJ3L StOve, XTPPES BROADWAY, Council Bluffs, Iowa A LARGE and complete assortment oi toves. Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass. ' and Japaned Ware, Also a creat variety of Sheet Iron Stoves and Camp Furniture, for emigrants crossing the Plains, always . on hand and for sale cheap for cash. juneatn 100a tr JAMES K. ISII, &, CO.. - OMAHA CITT, 17. T. 3: AND Respectfully solicit a call from purchas- irs, and pledge themselves to furnish all articles In their line, of a quality and at such prices that cannot r-e excelled in any city west of the Mississippi. Tne stock is entirely new, and laid in from tbs best Importing Houses in the Eastern Cities. J -o-o-o-o-o-. ' -; r COIISTRY PHYSICIANS ASD. FAMILIES 4' May rely on having their or- -ders filled promptly and carefully- and at as low rates as at any other .-.-.; House. -L , Physicians Prescriptions Corefully Pre pared. i-it. - 6ELD0N, McGIVERN "r CO. u:.':i 3 Sign of the AMERICAN: FLA6 ! Two miles west of Fort Kearney, ,iv .to .Great, Milit i,y,..l tary Road to "wrTat" ' Q "Tfi Ti P grfi ciM -fal. ' AJIJU.'AV S3-J4.iAi CALIFORNIA. , 9XAUCBS UT ; . ' '. .'' n Vt t X groceries, , , Provision s, - !-. ii Dry-Goods, Indian Goads, Liquors, i , ,-f, : , . Corn, ' ., Oats and i r Hay, . . l 4-0-0 Can be found the largest; and eet .KORRALLS, . . and f tabling, west of tho Missouri rim. Woad and Water Free. usrehant polhs Itaria ImporTftYitlXo Emigrants ... .:jCOLp8HEfJk THE LOUPE FORK J?RRT; atCo lurobus, V. having been traniferred in to the possession of a new Cpmpanyform ed for.the express purpose f eaUblishlng a safe crossing at that point, which will be ' CNirottM in CHAtGCp-,,". as fixed" by law, and entirely Jree from Any Tezaliona Delays that are really to be avoid sd, is nW in complete rnnning vroer, sna hi cnarge or one of the Directors of theCompsnyA The public may be assured that evprvtbing will be dene to ensure to this v " " LOUPE FORK FERRy-v the public patronage ano support. Fot further information spp'.y to Messrs. ur ford If Brother. By order of the Bonrd. nl-tr o. p. HUKrOKU. HENDERSON'S ISLAND RANCH- -0-0-0-0- v :T Tlie proprietor of tbis sntierior Ranch e. having, at a heavy expense, added to its already unsurpassed sdvantagus for stock; i. n n in nrnn.rnil 1. nnha Bnu nunntrf.v na stock, of all kinds. His distance from the city renders his hard-safe from loss, and gives mm a wiaer range ior eioric man can be had elsewhere. Having a No. 1 ranch, sunerior corrells and trusty . herders, he flatters himself capable of giving entire eatistaciion to an wuo may myor uim uu their patronttge' ' "'.' 1 "1 Tbis ranche being at a point where- Uie nest "Ceitrado and Golden City wagon road" crosses, ccntainn 320 acres, well-, timbered and grassed, end is at the earn time the most cer. trail y located in thecoun- try, being fifteen miles from Denver, and ninetsen from Golden .City... All slojci; guarantied against loss, save from death. tf The proprietor has also erected a ware-, hou3e for the reception and storage. of goods on commisstron, sr otherwise.- " i - jno. dhenderson; 1 ' tl, - '- ': ! r -.i:i.'.tf.f f I. J. MCBIAUOW. - q.; ;i ph vsib'ii AU &BR&M,l 1 COUNClL-BLUFFlbwA.''''1 ": ' nl-tf.'" : WM. S. CRIMES. M. . , .a (Late ef Cinetnnati, Oi) ; ' ' '!0 PHYSICIAN AWD StiiCEOJr, 'w J COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. '. v; laddie and Hnrneas Maker, i - !--.: r - r:-ff."3 .. Bboabwat, ... . . COUHCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. Manufactures and keeps en hand everytaia t;, bis line. t " 1 ''?'"' WHAT ETBITSODT WAKlrf 1 THE FAMILY DOCTOR: tamed, Jor rse curt oj autats ,s ' ' all form'' "'- --w .-. - :' ... ..'i. :i i. : ?,:: 0,f BY ." . :- " ; . y PROFESSOR HER Y S. T AYLOR JC S. ,:, . .0-0-0-0- :' .; It Tells Ton .- How to attend upon the slick; and how to cook for thenv, ..' i how to prepare Drinks, Pool-- tlces tc, and how to guard against infection from Coalai ""' cious Diseases.; . " ' " It Tells Tou Of the various diseases of Children, and gives the best and simplest mode , of treat-: ment during Teethiug.ConyaL. Bions,Vaccination,Wboopiu. coueh, Measles, 4.c. " 1 It Tells Teu Tbe symptoms of Croop, Cholera, Infantum, Colic, DK.. arrhaa, Worms,- Scald Head , Ringworm, Chicken-pox, &c . and gives yon the best rejoo--4 : dies for their cure. - - - It Tells Tou The symptoms of Fever sad ... Ague, and Bilious, Yollow, . ' Typhus, Scarlet and other Fe ' lyers and gives you the best , ' and simplest remedies foe I It Tel Is You The symtoms of Infleenza, Uonsnmption, uyspepsia, . '' Asthma, Dropsy, Gout, Rneu-- . . matism,Lumbago,Eryalpelaa.x &.C. and gives' you the , beat :j ; .. .remedies for their cure. N. . It Tells Tou. The symptoms of Cholera.. ' Morbus. Malignant unoiern,1 ' Bmall-pox,Dysentory,Oramn,': Diseases of the Bladder, Kid--; neys and Liver--and the rtt remedies for their core. It Tells Tou The aymptoms -of 'Pleurisy T. uamps,jNeuraJgtatApiepiexr;4 . - .' L Paralysis, tbe varioun dlseas-: esor tne inroat, leetnj.AB. . - , and Eye and tbe best rcwe-" OUes lor tneir cure. ies ror tneir cure. .-.' Tbe symptoms of Epilepsy aundice. Piles, Rupture, Di., ases of ihe Heart, Hasmo-r I: Tells You Tbe syi : .-. . Jaundice. tit J.i.' ; i-.. . V.niiraiil HlaMa. wrxh 1 Hydrophobia-end 'gives too f .- it,-: beat reaaedlee. Jor thoir enre. It Tells Tou The best and simplest treat- f - meni lot v ounas, croaea :':'.'-. 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