The huntsman's echo. (Wood River, Buffalo County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1860-1861, April 25, 1861, Image 2

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stsrt TirchsiUT V0Rise.
Tcirgs Per Yar, t i i t
I i : ! $2 00
Independent lu K crj lllng
, - Acutral In Xolhincr.
..a.., -v ; Ajcnts ' ' V
For unfjman Erto, authorized to ra
eivt subscriptions and advertising, and
adee to rtceive and receipt for any moniee.
N. T. Spoor, P. M., Council Bluffs la
A. V, Jones, Umaha, . . ,
W D. Johnson, Florence, ,
John Reck, Columbas, ,
II. J Hudson, Genoa, .
Post Muster, Fort Kearney, ,
N. T.
Our Country:
Ob, our poor distracted country !
"What is bcr doom? "A house divided
gainst itself cannot stand." A family
at civil war. ' Brother seeking to subju
gate brother, or take hia heart's blood.
Kindred in battle array against kindred,
"and neigbours shouldering guns and
girding on the sword to go out and slay
t,4 Vigbbbur and friend of yesterday .
Qan sucb'bo possible ?Aye only .too
true' .11 tbli.js th beginning, in Hea
ven's name where & end ? We can
only.point to, the history of Greece find
Rome in reply, iney were
ignore powerful than,ever were wtx
Ye men in power Governors C6T-
gressmen- pause let not a hasty mis
understanding lead'our country to ruin
and ' disgrace; Soldiers Ere you aim
t the life of 'your brother, know you
are right- Lot not a false patriotism
nerve Syou to. slay your Brother.
who takes the sword shall perish by the
word." It is the extreme of idleness
to say the South.will be subjugated by
tno INortn, one nevcrwin , nuuow
wire it so, what would it be worth i
Nothing to' us. Better by far parliuCa
the Territory, assets and debts. Let
them go.- The two parts of "country ce
mented by the blood of our father- is bro
ken and never will be re-nnitsd, and on
ly in peace can each ever jagain be a
blessing to the other. No sane man but
.will with bitterness and sorrow regret
this state of affairs, butwar will never
-improve if. The South' have rights
which they claim are trodden upon.
Powder and Uad will never convince
those hot-blooded yet noble sons of the
sunny south' of the error, but plunge
nnr nnnnti v In desolation and woe.
VTrth a depleted treasury, the Korth
to protect the South to invade and
. hundreds of tribes of disaffected .Indians
whose peace we are now unable to buy,
on the frontiers ; war will desolate the
land, and anarchy, confusion .and di&-J
tress prevail. We too are a Union man
but let brotherly peace prevail at all ha-
aardr, at all cost, 'at any reasonable sa
enfice. ,
KAte and JExcHJngr flfews by
i,J,T!rnih. ''i'':'
Our dispatches are up .Saturday?
night. President Lincoln, in a nrcc
lamation, demanded troops from Ihe
ereral states tnai naa noi pat sea or
dinance of tccesdorii r
tio of population, ajnounting in ag
gregate to 75.000 men. All the South;
urn States promptly refused through
their Govcrnor.'to Turnish inen or
menns to $ght Uieir.brethren.-
The North ernend Western respon
ded promptly fo the 'call. The ex
pressed object "and r business of this
force it tat-rnaroh lo the South and re
lake anj l)uliJ, the Government prop
erty. 18th., Great excitement in New
York, a large moU parades the streets,
and com Dels all the newsnaner offices
. -j. -j---
to display the stars and stripes.
fitewarloffers. the Goyerrinient a
million of dollars. Troopssre collect
ing a dl4, BaVj ji. jillel. mik
oldiers. Men and arms are pourlo
in from nearly all th Northern Slates
The Norfolk Custom' House has
bern broken cp-.n.aod-aruis siezeo..
Ob the 1 7th the Governor of yir
ginia jssaed a proclamation recoi.i,
irghe jadpendeDo oL the South.
crn Coftfdereey- -.Virginia has pass.
d '-an owjBBni-flfitceiajqq, by a
large msjorityj XJreat rejoicing ell
orer he S(Mfft.5,1t,5 -S'J-3 - iu9-A-proclim
ition has been issued to
conrene the Legislature of Kentuck),
on the S7h iust. In Pittsburg, post
er on the li iap post '-Death
to traitors." Intense excitement pre
rails. ; t.- :
At Erie, Pa., sn the I7tbj nn awful
cta8lrophe occurred on Hnchnnan
farm, where 100 we!Uare in opera
tion. The gns from a rpou'ing well
exploded, took Are itA killed seven
men. The wel!s are all on fire. -
l9ih,'Great excitement'at Washing
tonclerks of Departments were
drummed into service miliiaire. At
Baltimore the rails, were torn up and
the troops assau'ted by an armed .mob
as ihey pr,ssed through the ci'y. It is
reported that the Southern tnopsre
marching upon Washington.
Near 3,000,000 of the Southern
Confederate lo..n hasbeen taken.
I, COO men from Rhode Island under
Gov. Spr;igue, has inarched to Wash
ington. Maatial Law proclaimtd'in
Baltimore. Civil war his commenced (he Union men and secession
ists. Twelve lives'were lost of the Mas
sachusetts regiment, and the cars
were pelted with stores as they left
seven citizens were killed. . The ars
enals ana nrmory at Harper's Ftrry
with 1 5,000 8(ani of arms ere in ru
ins. Lku'. Jones, who was in com
mand, fired the pi operty, and escaped
to Ilagersiotin.
.Tennessee is an unit for the Socth.
The R. R. bridges leading south
from Washington ere burnt down
A R. R. bridge three miles north of
Baltimore, and those between Balti
aore and Havre Do Grace, art also
burnt. R R Companies refuse to
take any troops" by Ualt:mcre. It is
reporifd that Gen. Scoit rnd Mfljor
Andersen have resigacd their commis
iions. Very)many nisignations in the
army ni navy hay 8 taken place. a
mon? whom is thu mv.maf!. No
soldier ..'fi received bto eervice until
he has taken.ths'oath of fidelity. Jt
is anticipated that martial law will
soon be declared. ' .'
' The 15,000,000, lofin of the conffcl1
e'rate States is already more than sub
scribed. Pres. Jeff; Davis is report
ed ts having gone to the head of bis
forces. ; ' ' -..' " .
Editor Home I
We have, really get home again after
an absence of near four months, a fact
we forgot to mention in former number ;
and glad we are to see our beautiful
prairie home, and breathe the pure ex
hilerating breath of verdure and flowers,
take our accustomed rambles, and catch
the wary fish from the purling stream b
fore our door. , Since leaving this favor
ite spot last fall, we have assumed sev
eral characters, and have done various
and sundry matters aud things too nu
merous to mention. Among others how
ever, we will name the fact that we were
so simple as to claim oar seat in the Re
publican Legislature Of Nebraska, and
were beatan back by a little Dutchman
only about half our size. We think wo
roust have labored under temporary aber
ration at mind at . the time, and the next
two moves prored it to our satisfaction;
viz: first we tried to cross the , broad
prairies between here and Omaha in a
fierce snow'stoim and nearly perished,
and finally being etuck half way'. The
next worst thing was to suppose wo' could
'swap'f with the Pawnees without more
than the profits stolen. -We tried it be
came an Indian: trader goi cleaned out,
and returned to our, old tripod, a wiser,
and, we think, better man. In the short
time since our arrival, besides our -editorial
labors, corresponding by mail, with,
at least, a hundred persons,-making a
visit to Kearney, with a little help, plant
ed four, acre olf garden, and added to
our domieil room 12x30, besides vari
ous email work such as lookipg after the
cows, pigs, ao. Thus much for editori
al usefulness away in the west, and as
we are getting slightly tired,' w hereby
advertise foV an outdoort partner, who
dont drink, smoko or chew, can work all
day at every business frora, the hair
spring of a watch up to feeding pigs and
piekeng millstones, , turning grindstone
when it rains, -preaching on. Sundays,
and doing up all the editor's hard fight
ing. He should be a small &ier and bo
able and willing to pay iiii. board figu.
laly. 'z."jr:, f.'-t
i ; rT".
iTA : train from Denver 'passed
down yesterday to fi eight-back three
hundred bushels of potatoes, for which'
the owner wou!J hare been willing to
baVe paidi 2 per hushel jf that amount
could have been obtained here. ar
merses wJiaX we have lost! Bet
ter stirlirely tbiseaoa l .-t .
TjiJTattl, River Revlon.r
The following questions liate been
asked ns through mail, and we Cod iho
Echo .the most , corvenient medium
through which to reply, thus saving the
labor of or score of letters'. v
Isyour locality healthy? w " '
As much so ns any region in the Uni
ted States, as there is no prevailing dis
ease,, and at the present, not a sick per
son we know of in the whole region.
"How long since the first settlement?"
, Dr. C. A. Ilein-y built the first house
in this settlement less than three J cars
What is the quality of the eoil ?-
. A brown sandy loam, very fertilo and
exceedingly eusy of cultivation ; with
6ubstratu of clay five feet thick, and
eight fcefsandvthen youjstriks the wa
ter in gravel.
"Ilavo you good water ? "
As fine, cool, nnd clear from wells 12
to 15 feet deep, ns was ever tasted. Al
so fine clear creeks, with quick cur
rents and sand and gravel beds.
'Doyou produce good crops there? "
Yes. ' Corn, wheat, aa, rye, barley,
potatoes, and all sorts of vegetables and
roots grow to perfection. For melons
and other vines, the fruit is almost
spontaneous ; we nevsr saw so sweet
grown. .. Corn, wheat or other grains are
produced equal in crop to Icwa or. Illi
nois. ';
"Howl ong are your winters? "
"We have about three mccths cold
weather, of icn not snow enuugh for
sleighing in winter. Our stock that is
not worked are turned out nnd'ret their
own living and havebeen fed nothing
fcr the two winters we have been aere.
"What are thechanes forsetlers? " ' ;
First rcte. Thereare thousands of
the finest farm claims all nround'us,
Korth nnd South. Timber enough for
all practical or necessary purposes for a
large population. .
"Have you water power?" '
Yes. Wood Rivor will afford an nver-
nge of a mill site every mile, for Cf'y
miles up and uown.
"Have you any mills ? "
One saw mill 18 miles below. Lum
ber per "One horse" grist
ml",' here, 'il'ere will be mills irectid
as soon as peonage will pay.
"What facilities tCT 80k growing?
Firstjrate no better anyKhero.
"Wbai will wild grass turn oft 10 Ue
From 2 to 5 tons, as per quality.
" "What are our markets aad mice of
grain? " ' " ' ,'
. The 'vast emigration going up this
valley is not one tenth fiuppu" bcp Ji
and we are oly 17 miles from Ft KeVney
and 19 from Kearney City.- Everything
is high Corn $1,25 to $2,50. Hour
$5,00 to $7,03.-; Potatoes $2,00. But
ter 25 cte. Eggs 25 fits, per dozen, and
almost every thing we produce, in pro
portion. ' -
"What kinds of timber have you? "
Cottonwood, Elm, Ash, Haokberry,
Box-elder and Oak.
"What kinds of wild fruit ? "
We have abundance of the finest of
Plums, Grapes, , Gooseberries, Black
Currants, Choko Cherries end Sand
"Do you raise tamo fruits ? "
We have growing, Apple, Peach, En
glish Gooseberry, Currants, Raspberries
and Strawberries, set out last year.
They stood the winter wall and look
fine. ; , . . , , ;
"Are Indians troublesome? "
: "Not at all. We , seldom see one and
they aro always peaceful civil and (juiet,
but great beggars, . , . , . ,
"What wild game have you ? ". "
We have multitudes, Buffalo, Ante
lope and wild fowl, tq say nothing of
the river bank being lined with. Beaver
nnd Ott-cr,' the prairies with wolves and
occasionally a herd of elk. " - - '
"What is the geography of the coun
try ? " ,. :i . ' ; .
On the North side of Platte, from the
Loupe Fork up for near ibO miles, there
is a wide bottom or plain of from 5 to
SO .juUes ,wid?. traversed by . several
creeks and streamt, jiearly all of which
is perfeeyy arable and fino and exceed
ingly fertile, f aooms atraost a porfoct
level,. And covered with grass
Just opposite to us is Grand Island,
some 50 miles long, and covered with
timber. ( From Wood River average dis
tance from the timber, vend Platte,) is
3 miles. Oak grows about twenty miles
above on Wood River, r Upon the whole,
we think this is ths gardes- of Nebraska,
and will be the most important Agri
cultural district in the Territory.. The
eye never looked but npon a more lovely
landscape ; a carriage was itiever1' driven"
over finer roads ; a plow was ( never run
in more excellent soil. : Aside from
this, the best of water, the purest of air1,
and . the .entire bealthfulness is. coo
sidermtion enough. 'r .'
' ;', , . siViix. ' ' '
t t i j. r
I From what we lu ar by fliose pass
ing down, we doubt whether any Si-
oux have gone to-figlbt'he "pawnees.
''" Running the Masheen f -
Wo learn that Elder Shinn is, ngnin
wull and stirring about in bis uMur en
terprising manner. 'Preaches forenoon
visits among cmigrnnta after .-dining,
Cgurosip in 'evening runs his boat and
paddles his own can6eiall the week and
swaps horses) Saturday evening ; is a
great friend to "Shinn's Ferry," nnd at
no time forgets to speak in its pfniso.
That's right, we do like nn enterprising
man, but hope Brother Shinn will forget
to tell nny wrong stories about tho north
Platte route. 'Tell the truth Brother, if
it don't happen to put a dollar in your
pocket, nnd then we'shalT have"-some
hopes of meeting you in paradise one of
theso davs. , Go on, Brother Shinn, we
like to soo a stirring man make money,
but not at the expense of the truth. Don't
any the Tlatte is high nnd difficult nt
Kearney, for it isn't.. Don't say wo havo
not abundance of provisioi s for man nnd
beast on this routo 5 for we have. There,
Elder, begin right ahd then go ahead and
we will pray for your success and won't
charge you a cent for this advertisement.
' -
Cicai-uey C'itjv
We visited this thriving place a few
days since,' and was pleased to see the
continued progress iir that enterprising
place. We were kindly, welcomed and
entcrtained'by our old friends Mr. Youn
t o
and Dr. Henry", who ore really making
valuable and useful improvements nnd
seemed doing a good business, not only
in the line of trade, but in tho way of en
tertaining the traveling public. - "The
light stocks of goods showed unmistaka
bly for their winter trade. New supplies
were just incoming, nnd as there are six
or eight stores the" supplies will be abun
dant and comp'jtitioa sufficient to bring
prices tohe lowest point.. Wd wish our
neighbors up the way every success and
would modestly suggest to a few, who
do not seem to know the fact, that largo
fortunes aro often made by advertising
liberally and doing business in a straight
forward manner. Emigrants, see adver
tisements of the most reliable and safe
Houses to deal with, in thjs issue.
1 m--m
Go by flie lYorlh IMaMe Route.
In this issue we insert a table of distan
ces from Omaha to Kearney city, in
which we have not named one fourth of
ihe ranches or'stopping places, where
accommodations are prepared for travel
ers, in tact on this north Platte route
one is seldoni out of siht of a farm
house, storo,'.tradicg-poit or shop,' mak
ing competition, so great in ail branches
of demand that the purchaser is cure to
be bupplied in all his wants at prices but
a trifle hizhcr than at Omaha, adding the
freight, ' These are facts, any one will
readily perceive on traveling the road. !
The road above the Loupe Fori is of
the very firi.'- quality and ferry in fine or
der. The riatte .t Kearney is n6w very
low,and no trouble to 5ke loads direetly
across, and no probability o a rise bo
fore first of July. Let emigrants turn d
der.f ear to the lying rumors that the
Platte is high, difficult or impassable. '
IT IS NOT SO! ;- " "
Buffalo and antelope nre now plenty
above in the bluffs. "Our boys' came
in on Friday last, having killed five buf
falo, three antelope and one mink. We
have been regaling upon the tender juicy
steaks and cutlets ever since, which makes
us sometimes feel a penchunt for bellow
ing. Mr.: Miller was up a few days pre
vious, and brought down six sturdy fel
lows, and we are indebted t his gener
osity for a nice tender leg of an aborigi
nal ox. We'll have to raise a small
priced hoy to keep the varmints off our
garden. . V" .. . ' . .. ;
Now is the time for sporting, and tho
harvest for your meat.
!.- 7 : . " .'
..' . . Personal, -t
Last week B. R. Pcgram, of Council
Blufis, called upon as on his way to Den
ver, and ' Messrs. Cepsaman and, J. B.
Blake, of the same place, passed down
for home. Friend Dan Smith, from his
ranch'o above, passed rjp'lani week with
goods and provisions for his ranch e.
Dan is decidedly one of the best fellows
on the road. ' ' " , ' , " '
Enleprlslng--Very I' .
, We have a delightful country here,
but some of the 'settlers will have to
tell of their own .enterprise,- for we
can't ( but will just add by way it P.
S., that from our office we can see the
dwellings' of 'five farmers "who take
neither tin F.r.lin anrajiyjolhet paper.
We would -like some ,mor intelligent,
enterprisiog.appreciative, reading set
tlers;1 " ' ! u.;,i '
' - ' '
' !!! 5 : .. - , ...
Ef fyy settler ln( the' Territory
should Tik .the 'N!a;.fkf Farmer,
publisl.ed at 1 Brownsville. Thank to
the ' EdMF fur 'a package el vuvicu
rare' ''seed'?.; . ' ' ' "
Harper's Magazliie.-
Few or no periodicals can compare
wilh this Monthly, for ffihily reitding.
The Harper Brothers spare no expense to.
make their mflgnz ne' a family necessity,
nnd in fact they fully eucoecd.1
" They employ the b est authors, nrtists
nnd nrtiznns, nnd give more mntter, nnd
better, thnn nny publishers on thp globo
for tba snmo money. Their illustrations
nnd cuts are humerus nnd artistic, and
the matter of so varied a chnractor that
it cannot fail to be appreciated by every
body thit reads. Subscription $3.
Two copies $5, fivo copies $10.
"-Besides th:s,the Harper Brothers pub
lish nn Illustrated Weekly Paper which
is a gem in its, wny, nnd rapidly geining
public tkvflrl .Evcryublic'Or, impor
tant event is illustrated, nnd all of -the
news o the, day- faithfully fcrjorded.
The forr. s cdnvenient for preservation
or binding, nnd in a yenr makes several
large, beautiful volumes that would adr
orn any library.. We will f orf ai-ft Bubr
scriptions free of charge.
CSodey'H Kady's Ilook.
This rare, beautiful nnd superior work
of nrt is, ai ununl, ahead of all compc
titloVi1:f t'imfei ' Our bble'iii grnoecl with
tho May number, fragrant with Cowers,
musical .ns the song- of birds; 'S'nd a
grateful as tho yerdure of. Fpring unri
valled ia elegnnco and unsurpassed In
the finest touches of- art." Its platis, p;t
terns, nnd woodcuts nre numerous and
bdoutifyil, ndrtho .fiolidinnltiv by' the"
best author"; of owr -. If mfprises
us that nny should think to dispense with
the companionfchip'of so elegnnt nnd in
teresting nn nppepdago to iho home cir
cle. Our better-half would demond'n
Bill of eparatiod did tf full to be found
on our tabla.
; For XJodoy's. Lady's Book and. i'(7io
one year $4. ;; Otherwise iJ3 -per. yc4r.
Clubs of ton $20, of a little Icsj. See
terms in prospectus. - : ' ?
Pctersoii's ?Iarazine.
We ere in tho receipt of this popular
magazine for M:iy. "rctertion,.j" nlrcli
dy has a chculiition 'of 'nearly 100,000,
and for its illustration of art and benuty
it would bo difficult to excel it. . One
volume contaies about 1,000 pages of
double column reading; "overtwo dozen
fine engravings, and any amount of Ber
lin, crotchet nnd embrotdery patterus,
and near one hundred, wood .engravings.
Only think, of getting all this for $2.
Its stories ohd novelettes are by ihe best
authors and writers j its fashions the la
test and prettiest, end its general enn
tenis the meat interesting of any of its
competitors for public favor. ' : '
Subscribe and save a dollar. To clubs
it is three copies for $5, or eight copies
for 10, nnd some fine engravings for
ths getter up oC the club,- , . ' ,
Aaarees u. J. ivtetson," 3Ud" Cnestnnt
Street, Philadelphia. Specimens sent
gratis - - .
- ,- . , . . r :t";r
Frank .c8iica Mffgrailner
This is a f?r, tVe. bou
doir" tn0 centre table, r, uven thJ farm
house,' and delights both the 'ryes "and
understating. . -.Leslie, js.notl nly an
artist and autior himself, but Jib ns se
cured the best talent in our country, that
makes his periodicals rM only,dpsjrbIe
but unexo'eptiormble; J A'1 - ! v
What present couid be more accepta
ble to the mother, the wife', the bieter"; or
the friend than a volume 'of this charm
ing periodical r - .. i
Leslie's Jllaslraleti Ncitfpnjirrhn be
come a necessity, and finds its way to the
homes of, civilizatson , throughout xur
country, and nothing could make amend
for its loss, or fill its place. Its circu
lation is really wonderful, nnd still no
r?onder, for it deserves a plaoe.!.A.vcry
home. We henrtily recommend iHo the
favorof our( readers and friend nod will
with pleasure forward th; subscriptions.
Subscription price for t'.nglo ccpics, $3.
W e Avoulb cal! the attention of- onj"
readers to- (he advertisement in tins
issue, ct Mr fiuinard, in tvliich be
offers for aalf'hir 'trading ,?jjpstA toll
bridge and other impr'ovementiiv. The
locality is one' of the best , and to any
wishing to enter into a lucrative bus
iness we can recommend it as a real
ly good Investment. t t f 5-1
' (r The charges oi oJUpatches frym
di. xx) vis io rvrL,tveafoey,r9,ivo eiui
rs (or the firV ten vords, aud fiftenij
crius lor racii nuniiiuiui tuiu, uia-
patches: for jCalUrnia byt.;l'iBV-Ex.
press,-of ten werdwill be- sent tfi
reel to San' Francisco in about' six days
from St. Louis for 96 4b, and pro
portionate increaso for those of a great
er length.
jfarOovernbr Morton,' of ',
is in r)otsioB of information from
til ports of the Et.itQ, ' iudluXiCj(i.,iV.
velnnterr c6rj:iitjvS6 ate being formed
tvfryylrfe,'ai;d thAl 30,000 men can
be rfclidd'en to resr-oti;! to r.n esi'JJ to
heir swripe jn dwfrbdirig tU NVii j:i
t Flag. , v; ....... ". -L
.-.-'!. . THE BE'T
.. nrscsiFTion bt Tub . '
nouteC'antplugPfnccSt Hancls
i' et Ktc Etc. '
Condensed rom
Ouidtf to the Gold
Collins' EmlfrrsnMt of the Rocky
Council IMiirTsVlowa,
Is situated on the evst side of the Mis
sou'l River. It prsressts some of the flr,
eotbuildlogs west of St Louis. Two Rail
rosil, one from Chicago, and the other Hit
Platte Country fiailrusd, biing a cent I nil
Ation of the UanrrW r.i:d St. Josef h Jtsl!
road, will, when completed, make this their
Wertsrn terminns. A "isree" portion cf last
year's emlgratiom pussed through Lers.
. Omaha, N'ehracka Tenltory, U 'tiistt4
on the west sid of tht Miesoiirl Kivvr,
about twenty miles above where Ui P)Mt
empties in'o the, Missouri. Ik is eminent
ly designed as a' great outfitting point
Stean.bonts ply between here and St. Jo
seph, running in connection with ihe.IIan
nibal and St. Josepn Railroad thus bring,
lug her in direct connection with the Kv
A railroad will soon bo corrrpjfted bctwec:i
Cliicsgo and Council jiluffa, and rapid pro
gress is b-li JT made with the St. Jcfirph at d
Council Bhrfli Railroad, thus givlr's Omaha
superior- raKnot'J and rivsr Aciiitluj.
From Omaha tfie road to Fort- Kearney
Is thickly, settled with thrjity. farmers.
liny, torn and provisions can be pur
cn the road at reasonabie prices.- -
Tuble of Distances' from Omaha Ciy
t .. .-; to Venter. '
I n1!! vin,'ji tnl(.9 b '
stai ti annnallv for Hie Cold Fields. .
of t'.ie Rocky M hta ins. The slo- '
iigt, crrfk i r"Yrs nns wsU brid
Kid briwecn this citr "d t't. Kear.
i.ey I is thickly sctth-a for tuo .
mi'Ua. The liu'.nibil and iSt J-. s-ph
Rui' have n lint of packets riii:
i.liip beUWer-i Rf. J. srpli ur.d this city-v
thnn fici iutlr jt Kasltru travel. -;. .;
The followii k Ifab'e dees l ol g'vs
ths liumrsof a'l lUnchej orrlherout irersly tV.oe that have arcmr.
inodatioi.a fe-r cmigrai ts, and those'
that have inada ealeila lions' Lo-tneet
the wunta of the vmigraticn, s tbry
are the inos-t rclinb.e ranrhe oii the
route, ea.iravls K'd o'.l.eru da
we it Ui pamp ns co .rei.iii t to t-i mil'bte. , " '4 ' " '
J.iUlt Fappiilon ' Witrtid grsss.
Puppillun.-Water and grs.. '
Reed' Ranrh'. . y f 'hay tni '
Bla'ulh f j water I d gTiSS and good' s
J' ', Jlvnir. Iy. corn, and poad General accon modartuna.
KlkllOI U V y. A "m"'" !
ILei.l her : goodarcmm' daliy! furv J
emigrHiits nud at ck can ba riblai iej
dt Hie Ci y Hotel, kept tiy JJr., liylj.
Inscn and Aln .Ii hr.
Hriiigtport. SiiUated rn theJE;k.
horn tiivtt, we mi frm. liUcr.i
city : snveral slo as and Isrga ftauje-,
tnent.. Jboee wialiing ocntnp Le,.-
for the niht, can fiuA gosJ ace: m
uiodalioiia for lliewkelTta, and axcrl-
leal t-jbling,for their stock, at th
McNcal Hons and Pika'a VtV
Houses Haaty of wood, jrajKand
gr.; From here a log- pratrla la
cro-ied, occsaionaJAy piijjf stir
la po.ids
Fremont -y"k lar;t Mltlairant: im.
eral storey, eter - -! i.
JVy Jote'fiye tf Cots'oiij pro,
nr etors,.' fitters! arcnmincilaiiv'us.
Th.Urgeai aubla between thnata
ajsid Dai.ver. '
' Vultry IIovttBy Margaret Turn
er ' YV. S. Comp'. station ; food ko. .
tel acC9m:nodatioi. j etiblif, coru
and hay for sale. ' ' k
A'ortti Bend.
. RancfteW. II. Ely, proprietor
i tunc uii.y noMlt Ov K. fjra.
banj. Hay, corn, stsblins'. blck
amithirp. wo-d, water and nnn. ; ji .
Buchanan Hon ebf trTofrcray,
Word, water aud grasi j (fatVa np. k
ins gri und, hay corn far salt. 7 j
Alexander Jlbirtton keeps hay and
ejra for-Mb), 'stabling t od esrgp-
inf frouad.- pne mile west ef Sicll t
creek. - . . ", 'i "'
Junction "Ranchc by . h.
JJ.aJjnfTj ccn'rrjceommndiitr,na ,r ttr-
.inltraott id attfelt. Mere 1;' .'?; r
bUChlT"'th hws--hr a'" kinds vt i
Wgvii -i.bklfing' tun be dona on ..
ah :t '. iiotle Wod war aaJ i '
grai, ' ' . - -.' .,-
Jjstph.r.iivtJ't.jpev't-ot woi,
wait 7 and grass Ar'eotninot!ons' ' ' - a
for einlrai.H and. stack,-, . V 7 1
Pcttr, itlturit kf s fori sis hay eotn,
nial,ilinirandf.o.atoei good camp-TV - i,
in j ground and good rod, , .',13
L'olitiuuna is siumted on U''e",,,
north side of Uie, Loupo'oj k. Fff-, m t
ry c-rsses here. Thoss wishing ta tt&
rt-pleuiah their outfitifl-Snyparticq-
lar, ca do so at the stor oil'. C.
Becter,' who keeps a general' as
Bortmentof rorojie LikewtaA
will he.found here, th offiep f tb if.
Weateru, Stage Cpmpany, .and the
Post Office t'good etabling, bay Ind"''
corn for sale. Messrs, jtlckey V J--"
Co oai the sonth side of the road
lso"ke.e a good assortinent bf tr- -J1
erythine necessary for ths emigrant j J '
also, alj li fnda of meat for sUa at " ' 5
the American Hotel, kapt by ft. O: "
Baker, travelers can regale ehra''i
aelves with a good nual of victuals,.
a coaiioAaoie ia, ana gooa sLtDhng-
for a toe It, at moderatt prices. This ,
is the Wy p. Cq. tatlon. JBy
ence tdJvM X rry.9a.nPry ' advs-
tieement, em if rants can thers'tso
rata o( ioi, f., - ..f,. f'..eTt
After , roangtb oup wk '
wy, the nnxfMo,.A'f .r, - , , .
jvv 4 Vrnm't -JUy -nd; corn
iping ground,-, r ,..-, . j5"
rairulruk.haAbytl. Knil? U
Jey nood aceomuiodations for oni-
grant and stock. - Cfak.ia .
Lridged. .. jq
Jamet OttnmingiJ-ZRj 8. Coi Jt 4175
, Baktr'$ Junction RanchsSiga of
ihe "Red Whits and Blue. fciora j
toed rtttHi ft td aauiping greojtd..
JU-reJa whore tho read freuj Oenea'
J rrry ttrikiS the Hatu,; .iA-r 4t
; ThoFie v,i3ljiDgoroby way of Of
r.oa wlljrot ers tbe rlvar et c
iiHiDus. cut seep vj&tnt horLb, iMiw-:i
; tjr
if - Cl
: V..
J I ey aro tt ul gathering on Vox Llctr,
pr ir. l.un rpi to fitrlck Mur" .'--M