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About The huntsman's echo. (Wood River, Buffalo County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1860-1861 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1861)
v - ... f " 0 - ' J. 1 JOD.TfOUU. we DRve an' ecller,t and extenstv ABVEKETISI.Vti RUES. . ' uemeeted with th "Echo"Offie. where,t Oijqtire,12lineor!,lU.rU$10 Each aubaequent Ina rtinn. """'"oil rttH, wui be donn with ri- M Same, on year, - .. six month, . On column, on Tear,' - ' . aae oupatcn fntltrt, JfUls, Circn mrs, Business and FieiW; Cards, Blanks fa kinds,' Letter and Bill Heads, Pam- 10 C "J 09 7 OS 43 aioa 41 M 3Cs). SC9 ISA Xt. ..f X i ' pMlSlft. Ift. 3?Card ef all sixes Chromatic and ,. drill Bordered Card. Card-board. . fbla uJ Fancy Paper for Ball ticket nd Circular , . Marnig Cards aad Note Taper, Plain. Cap, and Letter Paper, for Blank. ' J5"Vfc Plain. Gilt, or in Colors. ixmonioa, . . ' thre month, . . . . Half column, one year, - " six month, .- . Oi. fourth column, one year, ' " ix months, - , - . . u thrM month. - TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTS! J The Platte Talley.The Home for Millions and Highway to the Paciflc. VOL.1. WOOD RIVER CENTRE, BUFFALO CO., N. T., APRIL 25, 1861. NO. 26. On Copy, one year. ... " lx month, ... Invariably In Advance. lit --Trill niiiiMM - . i i - " - - ...... 1 Tin "Himbtian'sliho" ia ruiLitiiE Al Want . Ruffal rniinln M T iwry Thursday Morning term $2 00 V Mr, a advance for ix month $1 60 fliagts cople 10c. J. E. JOHNSON, J. II. WAGNER, jonxsoxs ranche, Wood Hirer, IV. T., WILL attend to all call in hi profes sion Surveying, Platting, Engineering, a. As. nl-tf. DCaLEKS Iff LIQUORS, . HAY, CORN, AVD OATS. Tw aailes wit of Fort Kearney, on the PIKE'S PEAK, UTAH, k CALIFORNIA ROAD. Eaalgrant will find tb Br Aeeommoda Hen 'fi woa ana water FREE. M. it. If, P. DODGE, Butttstor to Baldwin tf Dodge, BARKER 4 DEALER IX EXCHANGE, Collection made at current rater of Ex chance; Exchange on all the principal Cili in the Union Bought and fold, Gold Dust Bought, Land Warrant Bought and Id, a' .id Entered on Tim. Council Bluff, Icwa, B-tf. JJOIIW RECK, NOTARY PWlBUO'i.: '' LAND f C0LLE6T1HG JCENT, CelumWui, N. T.' WILL Uat I and Warrant. Collect . aaocey, l'ay Taxe, make out Pr-ep-yxttNi er otkr Legal paper, tc, . I0-ly. t ' .WMrVO- W. O. JAIIX. - -1CK A JAMES, AltryatLV,.Coneil Blaffa.Iowa- ul-tf. Mm. J. L BAKER, rroprleor. , .0-0-8.0-Thllaeoiffrtblear,d eommodiou Piblle houte v.h-i etfry taa fcrt wlil t bsruowed pj it ; GotllU. k. - fliod Stabl, and Yard fr Stock. AUentlon rd to th want of Eml .r.i.a Char!rea a modarate a ,V i w.j. 4. u. PACiriciioirsE. twr Broadway, between Main and Sott Itrtet, Council aiun, ow. jailN JONES. . - - .Proprietor THIS Uobm i lluUd centrally to th bvatsf portioa of theeity it apartmeuts Brce and welt ventilated, and every '''"C about It ha a sir of comfort aui cojirtm eaee. PIONEER ROOK lilMDERY. BOOK Binder sad Blank Book manu il -Bluffs. Iowa, i prepared b ewecut anything in hi department of eineal, promptly, aaa ia a luoiumui al woihmanlske nannr, and at lew j&s. Mrricc. w.B.nwiiT, OFFICER rilVEY. 'HKAL ESTATE BROKERS, imi Wtrs I. Land Varraat aa Xx. ' Couacll Bluf, Iw. WILL attend to aalectioa and Loea. tioaofUndtln weatern Iowa and Ifcbraika, th payment of taxes tand ' n-residenta a:id ; th collection aad Heaac of claim. B ECU All AM IIOViE. SHELL CREEK. If ya woM like good aeeomodatioas. rem atable. tod, sweet kav and ouad rn for your tock, stos at Toneray's H will only " Iu ,a ,or 7 sBoney, bus strive by strict attention to tf wasU, Uaoake yonrstay gjeeable all'. . , FEWON TONCRAY ; CUiELES DCTTBRFIELP, ;viv-t 99m I ... . tttocEMiKi ft fjtorisioirs, BaoAowiT, eoojrott BLvrra, xows, fXeeb otafUnlly bsnd a freb p;ly Oroere, ProUfln, Orsia and Vg Bble. wbia he eJTera at lb Jo west rUa. a. tS ft. aaJano aa mw Bill. Spring & Summer For 18SU5I ' JUST ARRIVED AT M EG EATII, BROTHERS ItCO Farnhau Stxt,Omaba ; (Beiwtm 13A and Hih Struts.) Where may at all time be found on of The largest and best selected atock f Dry Goods and GROCERIES WsT or tub Missouri R.tir: . Consisting in part of Dress Goods, Print. Ikrrges, De- Lams, Ken ly-maJe Llotbinir, lea, Coffee, Sugar, Crockery, Hardware, Carpets, Boots and blioes, li.t and Caps, etc ul-tf. For Sale, XX ntuatrd Wa'.cr Kiter, ou U:e road to Califon.ia, half a mil cast of Iu dependency Rock, Miid ne mile fast of the Devil'aCute, and one of the most I a vol atile pointa fur trading on the rol. Said Poet coiiaimaof a Toll-t.riitge across Bwre Water River, one Store, Wnrehouse,Kiich en, BUckamith ohup ith tools ; five dwel ling and two corrals. Any gentle man wishing to .urch!ie will learn furtliet Caiticularit by apply ii. .to the owner, Mi. oii Otenard at the Up: r North Piatt BriJge,N. T. Sign of the 1 1 JjS 1 R CSv li kvsy TOOTEE'g DLOCU, Fabkham Stbcet, Omaha, N. T., RttU If Jobbing Merchant, Have jvist opened a aplendid Stock of Spring Summer GOODS Also keep a complete Stock of Dry-Good. Groceries, Hardware, Ready-made Clothing, Hat, Caps, Boot, Shoe, Crock ery. Wooden ware, etc. which he offer at tb lowest figure", of asy House in this market. Caab paid for hides and fars. . nlO-Jy BELOW COLUMBUS, ON THE Great Military Road. Tb undersigned is bow prepared ten tertain and accommodate Emigrant and tra verier. Keep horses, eat tic, and furn lab grain, provisions, and other comfort for the wayfar, good water and earnp rang . Dlacksmllhluaj la all ft dprteuta oi and horse-shoe-tag. Wagon repaired, etc., etc. BlO-tf. HIRAM BUSHHILL Russel Farm, raiaTKsx milbs bast of cotm, sa? THE MILITARY ROAB. ' JOSEPH RUSSEL, Proprietor I prepared to entertain and provld for tb comfort and wants of tbs tMveJing pobpe. Good stable, bay, grain, and vegetable. i faf Don't forget plaet. ' ' ' al-tf. . Lumber, Eninberl ., . THE WOOD RIVER MILL IS NO V In operation', and order for lumber ara aolicited. Aay aise, length or variety will be cut ob short notice, aud very lib' rat Unna. . Log watittd, for which lum ber will Mfirnangei It dealreU. TOWNbLET fc SADDLER. Wood Rlvsr, K. T., April 1, 1S61. f THE KITCHEN BELLE. All ball the March of Intellect, That star eh of mind bo power eaa ttep, ,, A ad pleaa'd we mark tby form erect, Thou aaiden of the pail and mop. We fine upon the wilh delight, Aad Uiten to thy Bote bewitehiaf ; Each, when three century' take their flight, .Will b the hsaaty of tke kitchen. Oh, it i oomieal enengb, To sketch the period that i comlag. - And trace a lump of kitchen taff, L'pon a' grand pian (traaiBiing. r Etar ef th ipitl whose anbnrnhair . Is wcar'd with soch delightful braiding, Do play at sight some lively air Subllmer than Mozart or Iladyn. Fair nymph, tby ruby lipe unclose. And treat us with a canzonet, Soft as a southern gale that blows, t'pon the fragrant violet "Lawk, sir, you takes me nnawares, I ain't at all in woice for singing ; And them there wulgar folks up-stairs, The plnguay kitchen bell are ringing. Ay, ring away, Fjain't a fool, Oh, Tbo' sometimes treated worse than dirt Pooh ! I shan't leave my inusie stool. Till I have praetis'd this concerto. "Yes, if I stirs before, I'm wrong; And then I'll try, by way of closing, A very fashionable song . . A trifle of my own composing." Am "Those evening belle." That kitchen bell, that kitchen bell, Wexes me more than tongue caa tell ; It taunts me with the bed-roome slopp'd With plates unwash'd and floors unmopp'd. And still it rings from morn till night, Till I ara fidgeted outright; And if my mietress treats me to, About bcr business she shall go. Then let the noisy bell ring oa, Till we have cut, and she is gone; And otber maids may sit and tell, How much they bate that kitchen boll. An Eccentric Millionaire. Amoog the subscribers to Suda n's mngniicrnt work en On.MioIo- bon ey, the subscription price of which was $1,000 a copy .appeared Ibe name of John Jacob Astor. During ihe process of the work. Ibe prosecution f which was exceeomriy fjpensiye Mr. Audubon, of course, called upon cveral of bis subscribers for payment. It so happened that' Mr. Astor (prob ably that he might not be troubled about small matters) was not applied to before the delivery of tha letter crcsi ard piaici. iuen, uowcrrr m t . TM . l Audcbon asked lor ms tnousana aoi lars, but he was put off with one ex cuse nfier another. . . t . i Ab, Mr. M. Audubon," would ibe owner of millions observe, '-you have come at a lad time ; money is very scarce; I've nothing in bank; I have invested all mi funds.'' At length, Tor the six'h tim, Ai dubon called on Astor for bis thousand dollars. A a he was ushered into the presence, be found William B Astor the son i converting with. his father. No sooner did the rich mu see the man of art, tb;m be began ; "Ah, M. Audubon, so you have come again after your money. Hard limes, M. Audubon ,' money vsrv scarce." . But just then, catching an enquiring look from his son, he chang ed bis ti ne, 'However, 11. Audubon. I suppose we mut con'rive to let yu hive om of your money, if possible. William." he added, calling io his son, who bad walked into an adjoining par lor, "hare we any money at all m bank?" 'Yea. father" replied the son. sup ptaieg that he waa asking an earnest question, penmen io u mey u been talking about when the Ornithol ogist at first earoe in, "we ' have two hundred and seventy thousand dollars in the Bank of. New York, seventy thousand dollass in the City Bank, ninety thousand dollars in the Mer ehanl'a, ninety-eight thousand in the Xlecbanio's, eighty three Hiou " That'll do, lha '11 do," exclaimed John Jaoob interrupting him : "It teems that William can jfive you a cheque for your money." A Moment of IlOrror, ' Tor twenty-three yeara old Jake Will-rd had cultivated the soil in Baldwin Couilt. and dfawn therefrom support for him ielf and wife. He U childless. lNot loi g sgo, Jake wetl in search ot a m'usirg t)ow. lli route Ud hhn through sn old wo'B-oul patch of clsy land, ol about six acres in ex ten', m til centre of which was a well, twenty-five or lhirlT feet deep, that at some time, probably bud fur iiisbed the inmates of a dtlapidaird hou near by with water. In pasting oy mis spot an in wina arirted Jake s i ile" form Ins bead, and maliciously wauc'I u to tne edge or the well and in it tumbled. Now Jak had always practised th virtue economy, HBO he immediately ei uum rfcoTenng 'ne lost nat. ile ran Id the well, and finding it was dry at tie bottom1 lie uncoiled the rope wbicli lie hod bronchi for the purpose or cBp'nniitf the ttn.nt cow, and After fcveral altempta io eatcb the hat with a nooae, be concluded to save time by going down into the well himself. To arcdmpliu this, be made fa.( one end of the ropo to n stump bard by, and wos soon on his way down (he well. it is a r.iet, of which Jake was no ess obviou than the reader hereof. that Ned Hells was in the delapitat- ed building aforesHid, and that no old Dnod norse, wi n a bell rn bis neck, wbicli bad been turned ont to die, waa azry Kn2tng within a sbort distance of the well. The devil himself, rr some other wicked spirit, put it inio Ned's cra nium to have a lilt 'e fun : so be quiet ly slipped up to the old horse, unbuc kled the strati, and approaibed with slow atd measured "ting a-ling to the edge of the well. "Daog the old blind horse 1" said Juke, "he's enmin this way, sure, and aint got no more sense nor to fall in here. Whoa, Ball 1" But the continued approach of the "ling-a ling" said, just as plainly as words, that old Ball wouldn't "whoH." Bf sides, o'd Jake was at the bottom, resting before trying to shin it up the rope. "Great Jerusalem t" said be, "the old cuss will be a-lop o' me before I dm say Jack Robinson. Wboa, dang ye, wlal' Just then Ned drew up to the edge of the well, and wilh his foot kicked a litilt; dn into it. "Oh! Lord!" exclaimed Jake, fall ing on bis knees at tbe bit om of the well ; ''I'm gone up now! VYhon I Now I Jay me down to sleep Whoa I Ball I pray the Lord my soul to VVJiotI now Oh, Liord have mercy uu IUO ..... Ned could hold in no longer; and fearing that J ke might suffer- from his fright he revealed himself. ': Probably Ned didn't make . tricks with the heels toward that well. May bo old Jake wasn't up to the top of it in short order. ' May-be not.- I don't know. Rut I know that if Jake finds out who sent you this, it will be the last squib you'll pt out of me. An AfTectlne; story. Tbe followin account of a heartren ding iacumsnane we extract from an exchange. . We once saw a young man in lOac gazing at the ry heavens, wi'h a t in I tW nd J, of pistols in the oth- er. e JMUeavortd to attract nis at lOtion by .ing S a T in a paper we held in our jEy, relating to a young man in that of ibe country who left home in a st8 ot derangemtn".. He dropped Uie t and pitIs from his 2TZ3T, with the ! "It is I of whom U read : I left my home before my friends knew of my design. I had sO tho M3T ot a girl who bad refused 2 lisnen 2 me, but smiled B9ingly upon another. I ed madly from the house uttering a wild I to the god of love, ( Qpid. ) and without repleing to the ? i of my friends, cune here with this t nd of pi'tol 2 pu'a . stop 2 my XislOce. My case is without a in this . . 4Qluda and 4beerance R required under such a perplXing circumstance. 03r It is the practice among waggish priniers, when a "green 'ua ' enters tbe office, to play jokea on mm oy sanding him on an errand to neighbor ing office for something he would not find, and he returns with some stiange artiole or other, thinking that, in prin ter a phruse, be bas got what re was lent for. ' A joke bf this kind waa la tely perpetrated in a neighboring town, A boy who was rather '-verdant went to learn the printing business, and one of the journeymen, loving sport, sent him one day with a dih to a certain editor, to borrow "a gill of editorial." The editor, understanding the game, returpe l a picture of a donkey. The first one finding himself rather "come over," set his wits to work to think how be should be even with thh o'hor. At last he c l'ed the lad and told him to go and tell the editor that "it wa edi'orial which he wanted, and not tbe editor!" . Mrs. Catherine Ooery died in Vien na, Aus.rli, on th 23d uit.,ged 119 years, ; ' PARTING, When fond affection's spell bath cast - Its Web around the heart, Bow truly sad it is at last To bo obliged t part. How sad to catch the smothered sigh, To See Uie trting tear ' That dims thtendr, loviug eye Of tboj we hold most dear. What, when the heart of friendship knits, Caa be more keenly felt Thaa some rude stroke of Fate which splits The link Time ne'er catfuelt f Ala! of every oarthly wo, Felt by the human heart, Me thinks it isthe greatest blow ' From those we love, to part Table of Distance From Omaha U Kearney City. rao.M omaha to Lit r-appillon, 8Barnam's, 2 4 frame Crfelc, io Reed? Ranch, Elkhorn Bridge Fremont, North Bend, Graham', Shell Creek, Busline!!, RusaH'e, Muiie's, Columbus, Frrv, 3 Jnnelion Ranche, 15 J7! Parker,, 8 14 Loo Tree, 4 15 Buckhorn Station, 1 3 Hill', 1 7 'Shoeroitkei's, 8 3 Barnard's , 10 1 Wood I Irer, . 7 10 Lamb's, 2 4 Miller's 4 1 ' Moore's, 9 Wood Rivia Centbb, (Ranche, Store, Priutirg Office, Post Office, aud Black- UIIVll-DUVJ, J, :.v. Peck', Bovd'g, 3 Miller's, 4 Fort Kearney, 7 Kearney City, McLaiu'a, Excitiko Gold Stort. Tlie Denver Mountaineer tells an exciting go'd sto ry about a party of Indians, who sold qunnuty ot gold nuggets to tur. Pfeifter, Indian agent at Taos. A Mexican, a oplain among them for twenty years, sAid they obtained tbe gold at (he head waters of the " Oila, and rolled an I pounded it into bullets, some of which were produced. Kit Carson took tbe matter in band and got the Mexican to go with him as guide to tne place, unless mere is some mistake about the matter, Kit will probably return a rich man. , . Col. Stunner. . - ; A Reminiscence. This gallant officer' lately Ihe com pamon of Mr. Lincoln in his journey to Washington, is devoid of fear, ' 11 does not know, indeed, what the word means. He was born to thut sort of thing ; and his speciality through life has been killing Indian on the fron tier. We rememder an instance illustra tive of this quality in Col Sumner. In the summer of 1855 he was sent to Europe on a special mission connected wiih tbe War department, and made at tbe same time bearer of Dispathes to our Legation at Madrid, by Gov. Marcy, our then Secretary of State. Col. Sumner a dispatches referred to the Black Warrior affair, and Col. Summer proceeded at once to deliver them to Mr. Boule, our minister.' . Tbe Col. waa presented, of course, to the Queen of Spain, and suid some handsome things to her Majesty, which Mr. Soule'a ready wit and oily tongne made .ery sparkling in the translation from EKgH81 t0 Spanish. The Queen was stiuck. We would not be deemed extravagant by these knowing tho parties, and remember ing the tall, handsome person and sol dierly addrOes, and the susceptibility of Her Majesty, to ssy the Queen was tmitlen. , ; That snme afternoon the Col. recei ved a poliie note from her Majesty, inviting him to a little supper, in ibe gardens of the Palace, to which only her intimate friends and associates were admitted. ' , ' u Ah ! Ibis la a compliment a high honor," said Mr.Soule.' Well, air," responded tbe Col., "at what hour precisely shall I go!" "But you will not go," said Mr. Boule. Why not?' These Spaniards are very much excited about this Cuban business; J hate us Americans, and if you go near the Palace after tight, yoo will be watched, I ollowed and assassinated. I dare not do such a thing." ' Mr.Soule," responded Col. PW ner, with tmphasis, "wAsn a pretty woman invites me Jo a tujper, I go, atsasination or no attautination. : The Col. was i'S g od as his word At th proper lime he, lucked his awnnl under his arm, and drove a- way. He appeared t ext morning lo breakfast, in nla usmi gooa neaiiu and spirits- Such men ara seldom, atsaatiinated. ' ' Bu tisis at five and dauhtors too. K.EGAE NOTICES. NOTICE is bereby given, that In a ess wherein H. Jothnck is plalntitf. and B. D. ' Woodward, defendent, on the 7th ('ay of February, 1801 an order of attachmeLtfo;, the sum of $10 25 ha been issued by FreoV , Hedde, Probate Judee of Hall Couutv. agaiaat the dofend-nt. ' ,( Grand Island City, Hall Co. N. T.,FeU, rnary 16th, 1B61. . II. JOEIINCK, ritff. NOTICE ia herehy given, that in a caea wherein George ttcbuiis is plaintilf, and it. B. Woodwaru, deleudent, oa th 7th -day of February, le61 order of aUtwhrneat for tbe aum of $77 50, b a been iaaned br Fred. Hedde, Probate Judge of Hall Co., against tli J ropertj of saia defendant. Grand Island City, Hall Co., N. T.. Feb ruary lClh, 18(51. O. SCHULTZ. NOTIO E is hereby given, that in a casa : w herein Cbriktiau Menck is plaintiff, and . B. B. Woodward, defeudent, en the 7th day of February, 1(361 an order of attachment . for the sum of &i5 Ml has bten- issued by , Fred. Hedde, Probata Judge of Hall Coun- . ty, against th property of said defendent. ' Uiand Ulai.d Ckv. Hall Co.. K. X.. Feb ruary 16th, 1801. C. MKNCK, Fltg. HOT1C E is hereby eiven.that in a case wherein 1 heodore Nagel i plaintifT, ai d B. B.Woodward, defer.dent. on th 7ih day of February, It1!!! an older of attachment for tlie sum of $47 CO ha been issued by Fred. Hedde, Piobate Judge of Hall Coun- ty, against tb property ot said defendenW timid Ib.'and City, Hall Co., N. T.. Fh ruary 18th, ISol. T. NAG EL, Pltffi NOTICE is bereby given, that In a caso wherein Mirks Stelck is plaintir, aud fi. B. Woodward, defendent, on th 7th day of February, 1861 u order of atuchm for tho sum of $18 00 ha been issued by -Fred Heddii, Piobate Judce of Hall Coun. ty, against the property of said dfendent. Grand Island City. Hall Co.. N. T.. Feb ruary 16th, 1861. M. STELCK, Pltff. Johnson's Ranche, Johnson's Ranche, Wood River Centre. Wood River Centra : G 0 OD Plaet to Stop t TintPlac to Pttt mpt ' PUasantlPlaet io Slay t Go aaet er wt, . Here ia the best Good place to rest ! Try it It For man an easy bed, And table plenteous spread, For stoek there's krasl ahed. Nearby it I Garden feeds ! -Fvesk Seeds It Ererr Un4.o( feeds of Tege tables, Fresh, Genuine, end ttmt "!'' ' JUST RECEfVKD At ta Stors of.Smpaa AlCo., Wood Rir Centm RANCIII50I Stock Fed, Horded, Benght, Sold or Eiehanged. EMTERTAl.XMEJTff For TRATELEBS. , JOHNSON'S RAHCHl,' 4 . Wood Rivr Ceatra. TFIELIA!rI RUTH, nxAwanr FOBCIGS, DOMESTIC AID F1SCY . Cloth, ! - ' ' ' Clthtnc,u .1' i- -. vir.- .'- " L' uats. -' 4 f Cap's 11 m 1 Lrdlea' Dress 6oU. Bsrasss, Boaaats, Ribbn. raraaols, t. t.. Which bs e!U Ganger tnaa tbs cUaa for cash. , FarnAm&rett . . . . PinmrBlot , m1, 3 ' .J'-OSMiailiaVi 9. i t. tA,;., . n. n. WILLIAMS. : ATOKNEY AT WW. , j : See In Sseond Story Justs', Kki , Council JJlufl, 1m w., - . :, . ;Bl-tf. if A i i 4 V 111 roiMf. .?.... 1 0.