The huntsman's echo. (Wood River, Buffalo County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1860-1861, February 21, 1861, Image 2
. Mir ,r.T., hi' i -c . a uui THE HUNTSMAN'S ECHO. ' TVt DI,ISIIEI AT WOTjD RIVER CEJ.TEF, N, T. ItIM TrPT BOB-UNO. Terms i'rr Year, I i i I i l I i l t l $3 V0 w lalciBdcat I JVrutral 1 Ever thin v--Xttthlnir. THURSDAY, rEBRUASVJI, .1861. Agents For Vio, auihariscd to r- lve ecfesrriptiaiis and advertising, and ! t raceive and receipt fur any monies. X. T. Spoor, P. M.. Council Bluff U A. D. Joiits, Omaha, . . . . IS. T. ' W 1). Johnson, florence, . Juhn Keek, Columbus, . . " U. J- Hudson, Genoa, . . 2'oat Master. Foil Kearney, . . " D. Lain, i)uvr City, . . J. it i T. ' tSfAll errors, . omissions, Ac, Ac. Sauet, in tbs absence of the Editor, be . placed to the account of the printer and 4. pro Urn, an ami. Weather. . icbruary, in this region, hitherto, has worn the garb of winter, carrying out the fashions to the extrtme-'-snow cov ering our prairies, ice immensely thick the rivers, and lately, for two or three days, a storm from' tho north has added Jauch to the already cold times. Prifts sf snow are formed into fine conic heaps And banks of the same with curved feath er edo of finest texture, defying imita tion by the art of man; and, it seems that winter, in order to give us a token as a remembrancer, before taking its fin J departure has kindly exerted itself to produce so much seasonable magnifi cence. Notwithstanding that for a few days, heavy clouds, nnd.miste from dri a snow, bas Aid tne unOjBsftmaijj trMa our viewai, , mantie w ao KirusaallT bright, onen at- jet, that glorioas luminary wm j w Hy shiw a a a itaivuo iu .Msg deprived of diffusing gladness fccre iu benign rays are appreciated, totals forth at the present time with the vir of spring, and causes the frost and now of winter to' shed a lustre around, toveloping a our trees and ahrubberies its erystciiiatioB of incomparable splen ob The weather is now calm and beau ilful, and we may expect an early spring, and. It i poped, fruitful summer wppearancc justify such expectations. It will be pleasant to get a sight once more of the growing grass, herds of cat- , tie feeding, trees budding, plowed ground Mautified with growing fruit and flow ra, antelope and buffalo becoming fam iliar, enlivening the prairies with their presence. And above all will it afford great pleasure to have shq union perma nently restored between our Editor and its sanctum. It is thought that this region is first fate for frowing wheat, mm! as to its adaptation for raising sheep thero can h nor question. ' TrtMtJU ttttamrh: Southern sew is given nearly verb tun, comment is unnecessary. It might M remarked that it is certainly very a Iran-? that any Government should al low itaelf to be trifled with ns docs this -tertenuoent at tho present time. The 4frSh Hint at New Orleans is taken 44WMiuf It lbs "Government" of . iii . . I munaiana, nP4 wf9 W msiom tiousc. i urreader of forts; and to Warn the who! nn United States Cutter bos been uirDderd' to the authorities of Alaba na, Vi'Lit will take place next! It would not Hip surprising if a petition should b forwaritd bv the American Congress t the Government of those Vghty (at Unol am i decidedly vary skk,' there are faint symptoms of Incurable consumption. Statesmen are Trj baity, nd compromises -come tumb- I ig in on overbite etner i U wii oon 1 beesi what they will all amount M. y sound Government and solid f tho inberlunoe of our Country. lOWaLOn lost Thursday night, arrived thus r by Ug! from Pepver, and tailed at our office, our esteemed rind, Tho. Gibson Esq. of 'th pen w JL if. Herald, . who, like editor generally, was on bis way down to get supplies for hi office.. Ue was in goid ftlib ani epiriU r ports things going m a maittjtAA- will uitM tm tnnw pvw fnu. mmj n long ponupu to 'orth to the laouiring publitf tbjall sratM n tning m tut iutercstlpg : '"f p41w v.jMrstirif at fed woald rfoenait tth faclrlis t' ,i JJw; tbrsijh U11 PLtW Va!ly.J Editorial Correspondence PWNtE RlSIRVt February 18, CI. Dtat iiAo As 1 occasional! catch a faint reverberation of your note up and. down thi valley, I hastily add a crap to he niusie by way of variations, t left Omaha for my favorite home on Wood Hirer, near three weeks sine, an J before reaching the Elkhorn encountered the wont storm I have experienced this winter. Drove in," or rather, got drove in, at Read's Ranche No. 1,, where we took a thaw oat, and partook of the landlord's generous hospitality, only to be worse frosen next day but finally reached "the bridge," and put up at Mo Noil's, who took kindly cure of our crea ture wants, and brought us again to life. Weather appearing better, nut dny we plurgod through the untrodden snow, but could not reach that scaly town of Fremont, where thero are but three per sons of enough intelligence to road news pnpers, and tho reigning merchant cr t't get enough business ta advertise. Still, ther was a "lot" in the place who keeps a hotel and a good bouse; "Nye," on (ho eoroer -cut we could not make it, and had to take oar chances in a log cabin where the wind whistled through the chinks as if angered at the attempted ob structions. The kindness of the occu pants made same amend, however, for the suffering. Ntxt day, met many teams, and fuund a slight track, made a point above Nor'h Bend, nud packed our selves with a lot of dead-tuadt (pork), in a house occupied and owned by a pair of ''lone men"--lpt "four in a bed and two in the middle," or rather, tried to. Next day, made a point within eighteen miles of Columbus, and put np at Thom as', a whole-souled and obliging Scotch- er, whose excellent fauily made us as comfortable as possible for several days whilst the storm spent tho weight of U fury. Luckily, we escaped without maiming by frost, yet this was wore than "our boys" did, for their feet ahowcg; the great danger of tijkintfej prairie storms. Afcfvainly waiting some days lot fa vorable indication!), without success, I took the stage for Columbus, leaving the teams to get bock to tho rivei. The ho tel at Culumbus is well conducted, and is a comfortable and pleasant home for the traveler. Ilere 1 learned of a train of freight having started from PlaUs mouth for Denver, on the south side; finding the distance too great between stations, that lour horses were frosen to death, and two men very nearly so. What remained of tho U&ia eauta otot to this side. ' We also learned that two men named Peter Marie and William Thomas came near perishing on the worst night or tne storm. They came to a place on the Fapplllon, called "Tay lor's," and kept by a pair of selfish, heartless creatures! who would neither sell these men hay for their stock, nor let then tie to the fence, and sleep in the shelter of the house; tho consequence was, in th endeavor to reach itced's, on Spring Creek, both were badly frosen. I have heard mush of these "Taylors" and they seem to be very exacting, selfish, and even barbarous and unfeeliag. One thing is certain they are very odious to travelers, and get no customers when people can avoid it. to coi, After spending a week very cemforta bly with Mrs. Baker, at Columbus I was favored with a tleigh-ride, In a regular old fulionod cutter, with Mr. McUvath, cf Omaha, and enjoyed the twenty mires on th ice very much, not having got in even once, arriving at Genoa in good tiia to look for supper, etc. was com- fortably cared for by friend Hudson k- k - : i . . ti a wurumg, jju tisji io too nescrv aUon-rHjfned with lioilins, who ha a choice stock of Indian mereltandii, and is a true type of an enterprisinr, dashing kind of Wcftern business' man. The Pawnee were nearly all .gathered in their village hundreds of the Jodges ct which were in sight. Took tea with Major Gillies, cgent for the JPawpee, a man deeply trodden into th mist of years, still the personification isf urbanity aad sociability, and sew men bar more fully honored th charg entrusted, not only 444 444 waM:u-eaxe oyer me raw- nees and their monetary and social in terests, but in his fidelity to the govern ment. Jatne attack mad lst summer opo h-o Indiana by tit ioux, Mr. Gil;; was among the very first to shoul der hi gun and rush to th rescue, and at out time be wad a More of bioux warrior trot avay-lively. lender ni ntnagmeut th Pawnee have now one of th last steam mill in the Territory, in successful pperation their gralar ry is On of the largest gnd most judiciously constructed we har sejr dom teen, and tit 9 thrasher, rper, and farm implements bav been selected with judgment. The farming is very successfully con (Jueted by the elder son of Mr. Gillia, and the thrift, neatness, and abundant rop 'piled' abound, givs i&ple evldeus of his entire competence in &at de partment. TAWMI rtlLAGg. Tho Fawnees numbor at present about 4,000 souls bnd a fraction over, find wLcn ''at home," live ia a claiter of huts built with crotches and poles, cov ered, top and fides, with willow, find then with grass and dirt, Riving the Ap pearance at a littls of an im mense collection of 'potnto holos," all of a circular and oral shape. The en trance is through a prurigo walled with earth, the hole in th; c.-n.e at top seems both for window an'. chimney, tho tiro Icing built in the centre rtnd nlon the sidculiule nnnrtmctits are divided off from the uuia room by par tition of willow, :-uh, or t'ng ; sums of thcra boinj i;4.!y und liilily C'n btructcd an 1 ultogeth r tl.s loJgt aro quite roomy n-d cowf'.nuble, ami p ih is ire(ju:i;.:j t;.3 uoo Jj ji two -w fjiuiUm- la tbefo viliai;? thcr; Is U'J regularity of btrce'.;, vrtJV?, or alleys, but cac'u tiuii'Js in rnil:cr a promicou ous luar.nor, huvirg no o4her Ciivejoan a view to taste and convenience. DIVISIONS Or TH TUIBt. The tribe is divided into five bands, each being uuier n special chief or lend er ; and the whole confederate being un der one 'principal chief. Each "baxid" havn theL- habitation separate snl .dis tinct from tho other, three bands living in villages adjoining, and all compos ins one village, the other two inviilngcs borne little dituuue. There is frequent ly somo considerable rivalry between the several bands, in fighting, hauling aud other sports, end not unfrequently one baud commit theft upon th effects cf another. HORSES. At present the Pawnees have several thousand horse, but the hard witter, the lort-lonyue and other diseases bavo re duced the number very jratv'rhlii j bua- dreda JteTVicd this winter, and llio Ul and and shores of the Loupe from the mouth to this place are strewed with ihj carcases of the dead. Very frequ-nU ly they have more horses thun the pop ulation of tho tribe will number. Tne horses arc small, and generally live out upon tho dry grass all winter ; when snows are so deep as 10 aisaoie mem from getting the gran, Cottonwood trees are cut down and the horses subsist up on the bark. Very few of thend appre ciate the value or use of corn, ond will refute to oat it when it is put before them. They valuo their aorses at from 30 to $60. K,, , .. bCBsistayca. . .: The tribe usuallv take two general hunt per year, when they all old and young, great and email 'abandon their villages, and go to a buffalo range with tb:ir skin lodges, and often remain many weeks, lu the summer bunt they mak "jerked mcat''and 'Lodge skins." Ia lh fall er winter ha at, ccmar.encing i October c-r November, they ma rbes, fu:s, tanntd skins, and diied meat. Hi ti'lbes have Uh a ficli of conslJerable teut nar lir vi'.Lrc wLerc the lata is al lotted off to each f-inHy, sad ceDsUarable q iautui of coi u and btau are grown. With these and a liiilt fl wr end scger .c. they mai-ae to ilie t-ut a:. !crab1e eiU tence naictUue f all fcu, and ag-lu utarv. sd. I belivet!iey ire auanij! ice.ivlng from the U. 3. Go-ri.uvnt, un aui-.U el $40,OoO, iu eiuh aul i.etesj.iej, 1.1V.10: isT la 1 or. U The feoikieo arv Uw woitl: g-lxvs of tne hive ILey d g up the eoil, reie and catfc tt up the crb;s, c .t timtr, tiid tuil-J th Wg, piwk v.oej sua ws-U-r, cu, ine tb bab;s, ctrry i: the LurcU; tan.tiie th skiim, fc;.d male the relJ 8'il Csts iaa. The lord$, of ti e other seX,rclt. by lb five or iu U iliu.Ic, kill tbegjine, and their eaemies, aui'Uo the slealinK and most of th anting, wear the most ornament, and play the dandy, in llieU way,' Je scratch. They trs of a tail, and atbletle figure, as stnlht as on airow, and as proud ns a lo.-4, wbiUt tbi rq:uws are cr;t, stooping, poorly ciaa, mmr nt uoiliJ. rursatiess 'children. aoduBe very aged are soiixtia-e left bcblad, er by the wayUe to r4'U 8 uJw: f On February the th, a team ' hefongfbg to a Mr- Tun(, was drowned by breafcitfjt through the ie ca the Loupe.. The rd has atoee bea broken and traveled op ta old rout. Th Indians have rseeived their aniiufiy.'ind their' vantf " la their wsallh Lj quit l-licroa, 61 tuany part with their papudie" verr reltctantly. Judge Gillis and family ft Pd to depart for th at shortly, I am at prasept doi a lilt! "swsppiKg" with th Indians rather au uphill Losiim howevr. -I est clos, as 1 bav customen in sbap f oae big ludiaa and b: three : Chutby suuaws, wtoo want a sack ( riur wHh sugar, conV,S4lt," oda and' ndy, gratis. Then tby v.ljl upon th proviiono-had provided fr yonr ea iing fortnight' "grub I" 41 Atu Im th hm EDITOA. IU snpw that cover our section of country ex tend ply K twenty-five mile abov Kearney eity. . .X.. ,n -' Tlie Kearnrv City pirMh'tii ere laHnj It tbiir rt ck f r Ccjigran. Telegraphic .. Washington, Sen-ATI, Feb. 2d. Mr. Chandler pre sented a petition pf oititnns bf Michigan, asking the Senate 1st To ascertain whether we have a Government de fneto ; lidty that if so, measures be taken for the upprehensiou of till persons picscnt. ing thviDsulvcs at tho scut of Government under the pretence of being commUnion er3 front independent Government?, on the charge of treason. 3d That meas ures bo taken to protect tho archives of CoTcinincnt. 4lU That forts still in 1 the possession of the Government at the fcou'h, be properly supplied with men. 5th That u sueiuul number of vessels bo placed in Southern ports to protect coui incrco and collect tho revenue. '1 he pest route bill from the House, with tho overland mail amendment was taken up. Mr. iiale was in favor of the overland maij, but thought if this route was adopt cJ, la'.tji'heid 1 cute ought to bo suspen ded. . The bill was ordered printed, and post pano'l. The bill to organize a government for Iddhn, was taken up, and udjourned. Iloisx, r eb. 2d. Mr. Sherman called up tbe bill authorising the i'residmit nt uny time before the first of July, to bor row on the creJit of tho United St to not exceeding $25,300,000 ; certificates to l issued tor not less than $1,000 cou pons payable semi-annually with inter eit, and'tbo faith o the United States to be pledged for the payment yf ii. teres t and principal. Mr. Phelps offered a substitute that the third scctiou of ihu act of J-lo, lbjO, providing for the redemption of iho Treasury notes, b n;:di&ed so as to em power tne Secretary of tbe Treasury to uogoiiatc the balance of the loan not la ken under that net on the most favorable terms, instead of restriciing negotiations of the loan ut not less than pav, and af ter notice of ten inst. ad of thirty day. Mr. Phelps said that Mr.Mornl's tariff l.:il ..1' i '! ::!'. t',1 nn.l the bill irportcd from the Committee of Ways and Means, 25 millions ; thus ma king 46 millions, when lucre is an unex bauhtd buLcce cf 14 millions und' r tho act of June, of which be desired the Gov erKiafllt ta avail itself without unneces sary delay. Mr. Sherman approved the amendment The loan proposed was $25,000,000. Ho supposed it would rettle up the accounts ol Hits Aaminisiration; as mere wus bo money and little revenue, they would be obliged to resort to the credit of the Gov ernment. Mr. Hibdman offered the pro iso that no part of the loan shoulabo used to maintain forces, to n.aku war on States which may have seceded. Mr. Shaman refused any such amend ment. Mr. Garnett, considering that the Mor ril tu riff bill cravidefur a loan, of twen ty- one millions, b considered the bill designed for wur purpose. Mr. MillUon moved to striko from Mr. Phelps' substitute, the words "the pro ceeds of said loan may be applied to di ohargo' current expenses of the Govern' ment atrreed to : 12G to 42. Mr. Pnclps' substitute wuj rejected 52 against IVi. The bill us originally reported paescd 144 against 40. The opposition coming from the Pem oernticside. Mr. Wasbboutne, of 111., moved to pro ceed with the consideration of the Sen ate's resolution, providing for a joint committee to count the votes lor Presi dent and Vice President, and potify per sons of their election, Messrs. Washburn, Adrian, Ely,' An derson and Crnig, were appointed an such committee on tbe part of tbe House. Mr. Corwin gave notice that he would move to close debate on the report of the Committee of tbirty-ibrec, on Thursday. Mr. Sickles suggested that a vote should not bo taken till after the assembling of the Union Convention. Mr. Corwin would be governed by cir cumstances in that particular. SEN Art, Feb. 4. Numerous petitions wen presented relative to the crisis. Mr. Wilson presented a resolution of iutjuiry relative to tbe seisure of tbe lirttiicuMint at New Orleans. Objections tela made, it was laid over. Mr. nlideil sent to te reaa ny tbe clerk th ordinance of secession paused by Louisiana. The message wa postponed till to moJTOW. ' The bill to provide for the Gaverqmcnt of Idaho was taken up, and Green' a-niondinent--vbariging the boundary was adopted. On motion of Mr. Wilson, the name was cnan4U to ueiorauo. vni passed. Mr. Pearce. from the committee on fi nanen, reported a loan bill, which was laodo tbe special oraer xor to-morrow. Mr. Higlcr offered a resolution to ad mit commissioners of thu Stales to th floor of the Senate laid oyer. Adjourngd. . St. Louis, Feb. 4. The following dispatches from Wash ington, are of data i eb Sd t - The Assistant treasurer nt New Orle. an refuses to give up the coin and bul lion in the firapch Mint, to the order of Secretary Pii, on the ground that the branch Mint ha been taken possession of by tbe State of Louisiana.. On. the receipt of this news thi morning, the President called an extraordinary session of tho Cabinet, and the whole subject was cunsmcjeq. It I understood that Senator Benjamin and Slidell were (ant'for, to know if they were aware of this transaotion. I Th"e Government telegraphed to the collector and treasurer to kpow tbe facts connected with the seisure. - Lieut. Hall' departure for South Car olina with official dispatches, bo beeq postponed for the present. A salute was fired, to-day, at th Na tional Armory, for th admission of Kansas iuto the Union. Tc Commissioners from New York, Ohio, PeiMvivania, Kon lucky, North Carolina, Virginia and Indiana, have sr rird here, nud ara toht lat rchani-1 ing views. Ono additional body bf Federal troops has arrived here, and thia morning' train brought arms and munition of war. . An official copy of the Louisiana ordi nance of secession has been received ; and the delegation from that State in Con gress,, with tho exception of Mr. llaulig ny. will probably withdraw from further rieJibcrntionn in Congress to morrow. II is tho only , one from the seceding States who has taken part in tho pro ceedingi since tho several ordinances of secession is passed. The names of all tho members of the House from the seceding States continue to be called when voting. Gov. Fairbanks has appointed tho fol lowinggentleraeii asConiraiosioners fiom tho State of Vermont, to meet similar Conventions of othor States, on Feb. 1th: Ex-Gov. II. Hall, Lieut. Gov. L. Under wood, Gen. II. II. Itaxter, Hon. L. A. Crittenden and Hon. II. D. Harrii. Gov. Goodwin, of New Hampshire, har arppic'od Amos Tuck, Amos Fowler ond Levi Chamberlain, Cominuisioners to repreaeat New Hampshire, at the Washington Convention. ine Convention room has been closed to niemuer 01 mo press, nna tney arc not to be ndmittud until a vote of the convention has been taken on tho ques tion of admission after the organization. Tho Virginia delegation is desirous that the proceedings hliall bo ccnJucted with clotcd doors to tho press and public. A committee of secessionist arc berc from Maryland, to protect uzainst the admission of tho delegates from that Siatc. A dispatch from It. B. Rhett states that the Montgomery Conrcfi will meet to-morrow and adjourn over till the Bor der State conference has adjourned .This is cor.oidcrcd a hopeful sign. Jacob Thompson testified before tbe Special Committee, that various plans c' the secessionists bad been discussed in his presence, and sometimes at his house, by the lending men, and others of less prominence, which contemplated, first, the seizure of the Capital, second, the means of preventing the counting tho Presidential vote, and third, resistance to Mr. Lincoln's inauguration. He ctr.tes that he regarded theso proposiuont ns foolish and criminal, ond believed they had lately been abandoned, and all efforts concentrated toward separate Etato ac tion, which bo justified and Approved. His policy would lead to the minio rc Fults, by different means. Tho facts bhow that the Government is unable to get any pf its orders South, unless sent by special meeseucrs. j The disnateh sent bv Seorctarv Dix. to II. Jones, cpecirti ng nt of the Treasury Pepartmcnt, now at N. Orlean, was stopped, on tho 2'Jtb, at Montgomery, Al abama, by order of the Governor of that State, who took the message and for ward! it to tbe Governor of Louiuiana, thus preventing tbe arrest of the notori ous traitor, Captain Brushwood. The following is copy of Gen. Pix's dispatch 1 - Washington, Jan. 23. Tell Lieut Caldwell to arrest Captain Brushwood : assums coxmand of the cutter McClelland, nnl obey orders I givo through you. If Csrt. Bruhhwnod after arrest undenake to interfere with the command of the cutter, Lieut. Cald well will consider him a mutineer, and treat Jiim accordingly. If be attempts to haul down the American flag shoot him en tbe spot. Signed, Jf.IIN A. PIX, Secretary of -.he' Treasury. The Washington correspondent of tbe New York Times telegraphs on ihe2d as follows : Col. Havne's communication to the President was completed and de livered at a late hoar last night.. In it the demand is made for the surrendtr-of the forts. First, on the ground of emi nent domain in a sovereign ; and 2d, on the ground of th right of the sovereign to condemn-to the public ue uny prop erty necessary for its own protection and independence, by paving therefor a fair compensation. Col. Hayno contends that the question should be considered as one involving property aione; a sucn tt could be ea ily arranged. He says further, that he is instructed to assure the President that ary uUempt 10 reinzoree, win d considered as avcla ratoryofwar. Tho cabinet was iq session to-day on un euutuiuuivation. Tho President has azain countermand ed orders of Gen. Sojtt, for Additional troops here. Au buietf of the nary just from Pen sacola, suto that great insubordination exists among the volunteer troops, and some 01 mom were aispcrsing and return ing homo disgusted. New York. Fb. 4:h. We hare late and important news from the Horn Squadron. - On the 10th of January, the Cottmander-in-Chief of the Oeet received orders through Col. Piekcns at Washington, to immediately scud to Florida, the U. J. Steam Frigate Pow hattan, the Sabine, and tbe cornette fct. Louis. A sham boat battlo was soon af ter improvised, off Sacrifice, when tbe usual routine of action was gene through wnn., a critical examination or tne po sition of tbe squadron, demonstrating the fact that every ship was short of provi sions, and that it would bo madne.s to send them on a probably hostile mission in such a stato. Tho laiprossion prevail extensively that tbe vessel would go to Havunna for provisions, and obey tue in structions of Mr. Touccy. Serious disatfcotlon existed amoncr some of tho officer of the Powhatten, wnen ner destination became known to them. The tint and third Lieutenant, und Purser, immediately tendered their resignation but the Captain, while eou diUonally acoepting them, refused to al low them to return to the steamer. . Tho most intense exeitcment existed In the squadron j and It wa necessary to issue an order prohibiting all officers, sailor and mariner from conveying political vr nni movemanta in thoir iettr, a 1 h on.. I.I t. I I . I Vat hingtoo ' c'orrcon donoe intimate that Fort Somptef ha been re-inforcod by th steamer Brook lyn, which landed upward of 300 troop at the fort by mean of tow boat, with muffled oa-. A rumor is current that Fort Sumptef has been attacked. There has been no dispatche from Major Anderson for three days.. It is said that tho Virginia Commis sioner to tho Border States' Convention will offer the first thin; to-morrow, resolution deprccatirg force toward e ceding States.' If this is toted down, tho Southern State will secede. Col. Hardee, of tho Army, ha resigned his commUsieu. Nw York. reS. . Ths store ship Supply has aritv' from Pcnsseola with th wirts and children of tbe ifxei s at Warrington avy Yard. . ' R'port savs a resolllion will ba intro duced Into the Ho is on the 7.h ta rera! th law ibbkiDK New Orleans ths port of ntr,aud providing for the collection pf rev. t at lb BjoutU cf the Mississippi. San Franeis:e, Jao. 19. The election of Sweater it th Assem bly oa thi 17th, wae effected by eillllon between it' j ublicaus and Dor.glas Pa0 crsts. The OovBrnor'g me s(e was dellvarsa on the l&th. Tha rincipal feature wa strong grouf.d (uf the pre.-rvatloa of tas Union, and opposition ta a Pacific Kep'u. lie under any circumstances. He urge petitioiiirg of Centre is to niter the taitaa Dcundarv of CViforata, so as to Uk la ths Wa-hue silver region. The recn t r.f ti State Treasury dur ing ths puat )ear exeed xpuliturs by Tlie lett ri from Congressmen Scott wad B.rcb, advocuting a Pacific Itrpublie. ro piiblitlisd in all lexting pap rs,aad svi. ly di-noui.csd. Only li t or three ebs'-ere cuintry pjprrs drl'ud cr scu-e .thr f the lr.Ur. R.soli.t'ons hV b'rn 1'itrod. eed la 1L0 t?:istc deilaring Cahfuraias fidelity tq thn Union, ai.U oppoil on tJ the secession of any blv. which it it br:ed will pass b th ll.u-i ty la-'ifa S . Lnuis., Feb. S. The fallow! g repo; t com t bsafl lait night 1 .. . New Cleans, Feb I. Th Mi. t and C.aiom Hiiise? vir it ly t?l-u pt-irl.i uC yaiUrd by i au:b ritiej uf Louisiana- ' Tcday Hie old. iAls take eatJt of sAke under ths o:ii.ialictf. - Tiit.-o am ll iuij rsp irts th it fight's j has omiLn c?d r.t Ptnsicla. i.i c.u)nt.e of ihu Biooklvn tijl.i!,- to land tro;,a Tliera is re Ikj.u lur the repiit, V t it is,iivl matci ly AUbtmfana. Krb 2d. id tltu C'w.iVeiitiM ta-ds, a rcsu!a:ia:i !o etallih a stmidtug af-nf was nude I'io sp: cial ord-r for Tueaday, , A ickuslu i .ii C 'uf r.injf ci it'alIfj 011 p.rMi:s rc:ding i 1 th ai m ths day of :h- p .fin,c of ih ! sr sion, wa rleir-d. , 't ha eut'ar Iwii Coss waa svrreaikttd t? tbe Alabama auiho.lties at Mobile, to day. 1'eS. S. Tli Ci'Stam B u st waa opassd yce'erday ui.derfj wf 1. ulsi 11 a. A mnior rea.hed -La city aljht that the cuitvtitiuii of 'lci tne evdl- t,ano) seca.isi-io ty iJl 10 6. Taascn i.a.nt f Luuiaj Tfl wit tbe ' Soil'ib. n Cn'eiarary, ia rcpeat d be largely in ih. a.e..dnit. Wnfbirg'.en, Tti. i. The Vlrjtni eonf renco reusMiatUd this m.riii:g. Ths proee' lugs were oned with prayer by Ker. Dr. UwrSey. A rrs .iutioik was aloj I'd ihnt'.b ealir tsxiun b? held with clos-d dcx r. It Wilt b ini.iul 1 to a report af the ft t- c. i;:i-. Rat.igh, N. c rw . Th Hons, to-ia, paasid unit laaly a resolu ioa dtel.rt.' mat iu caaa free filiation rails, North Carolina goes la wltb ths other Slavs States. The Lrei!atu e will probably a.'joarj, to await result of lha WbUg o u i tion. . . - New Yorlc, feV5 A special A'bany diipatch totks HrU ays ti verner Morgaa rc ived a dispatch irora Uovernor B own, of Corgis, ing the iinm.tlii.ta nV.o.atiuu uf rnnaka a ' iiied 011 board the s:eawer MonttoellJ. The Governor baa cot yt replwd. isMATt After tlie rresea'a ten cl n. msroua petitions cn thv crUis, tua freaii enl' mtsssge coum p. ' A ui'.sg: was rtc ived from ft Pre rfsiit. tri.uiitinr from ihe Ujve'rnor of Kentucky rs duiia-.sapp'yiiig toCoiigreaa . te eall a contcrr.ivu to pttseht ameaUBSat to the Catikati n. Tiio Pr sidsi.t -U it aTorded him a great pb-es'ir) t psrCorw this l ity b fall toti iiueut that Coiifre.s would aet wl h ear, fut eji.aidera'ijn of wbhh th rsolui er e;.t Hoi by their p.ilriotio innt, aa will as t!ieir Imperttnca of ths ab;-l--laid on the table. - .... The deficiency bill was taken up. The remainder of tha session wa eaa sumei in tha ciaeiissiou of the bill t SuS-. pend postal service in sccsdlng Sistt, anH uson the report of th CoiuM.iU if 33, wi bout any action - , Tbe House adjoined. Wafh!ngtn,Tl. 1 fanar. Nra paU'iuen wmr , seated for ih CriUenden .and othar prom:sas( aad also agaiust any concessions ' or compromise. Mr. Wilson, from the mmU'.mm mill- 4rys0airs, rep 'tad a bill for th better orcmisition of ine minita or tn of Columbia laid ever. Mr Douglas movsd ta reeoasider ta vota 04 the passage of ths bill orcaoiaine the Territory of Colorado. A love uncusatoB eitsui, an in me tion was rnucted. The 1're.iJent's meuige w takan up. Mr. Goir&x eallod un IU bill ta snspaj.i mail sarvica in secedii ff tftstes, which wa pjsaed by 121 to Si. 'ihe consideration of tb re part of th comn-.l'ts f S3 was rasumed. Fab. 7- Numerous crta. petition war ?'?' ... were densely .crowded to-day. Amei.f tb pacta'. were lb eoiaiuUalOBcr ta th peace convention. ' Feb. 8. Th realguallcn of Cptata fv grabsss hss btca accapwd. From the Peace Con vcttf !-. Wasblgta Feb' 6. At interest now centers in th Naca CnveiUn, a it l now tirnicd her. Pre Ideal Tjlsr, on Ukirg his t a f resident of the Convention, lues aa 1o- queut address. ' ' Much feeliug wss msnlfrsted by th ;oiv viu'.loa' duriuj hi remsrl: and t tan.