The huntsman's echo. (Wood River, Buffalo County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1860-1861, February 21, 1861, Image 1

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' .Ton-Tronu . . "
IT nsre an"1 exe'elltnt and -esttbslre
; -",yi&3 2?AT5iKnr :
eennertcd with Hi a'Eeho'' Office, whrc,at
reaseftibla r".e; e trill be'dono with neat
ants aa dl -pitch PoUr, Jiill, CArcu
, Bir and VUl'inr Cord, lilak
all If litis, Letter and Bill Ileait, Pom
f 1 . . pklett tfC ee '
ryCwd cf sll - Chromatis and
"Gill Bordered Cards. .
i -f'- . card-boerl: '
C o r -r. ... -
Oie aqnare,l21inea or less, Insertion
Each subsequent Insertion, , 69
Same, one year, ... ... . -""- 'woo
" aix months,.' i. . 73a
One. column, vne year, 75 Of
vli S
" aix montiis, . ( 45
three mcnthaj , . . 55 C8
Half column, m yntr, . 49 CO
fix mOntfts,-. .35 00
Oi. foortti column, otieyear, '230
L :i t '
Th Platte Tftlley Tk Horue for Millions--and IIia?iTay to the Pacific.
.:fUla Mi Fancy Paper .for Ball tickets
i r . i t
" . six. monies,. . ll bt.
I - Ana itiinlhi.' .;IIM
, i j , , inu vncuin
"Monrtg Cards tnd kote Paper.TUia.
Opaiid Letter P per, for Blanks.
yy6 roii. Gilt., or in Coor. .
-'-terms op stJBiscRirrios trrrr?
One Copy, one year. V I0
aix momiia, - ,r- --y I
Invariably in Ad ranee. "
: ' '..,.. , : : . ' r .- . ; : :
VOL 1. -WOOD RIVER CENTRE, BUFFALO CO,', N. T., FEB, 21, 186L ' NO, 24,
If I
1 THE 411U.T!4.IAN'S ECHO" ,
' ts roat.ifrti
f T7er6 flivrt. Buffalo County, N. T.,
TnT Thursday Monit.ip terrue $2 00
year, I advance for tit months $1 60
Single toplee 10c. ' T ,
j. v.. Jonso3f,
. . , J. ii. wAtiNF.n, ...
, JOII.: OX H liAXtHE,
... Wood River, H. T.,
" It'lLL attend to all calls io hia profes-
a!an Vurfeyirg, riattinj,
. nl-lf.
Twa milta weat of Fort Kearney, on the
, " ROAD.
CAiffranta will find the Bnar Aecommoda
Uu J" Wood , and water
1 j-;
' ... ,N. P. DODGE,
CxrtMor o iJiWtcii fDoJgt,
Ciflee'.lonKinadeat crrent ratea of Ex
rhanj; Kxchaneeon all the principal
ttits In the Union Bmijtlit and Sold. Gold
Uut Bought, Land Warraata Bought and
Id, aod Entered on Time.
Comheil Bluffs, Icwa. '
ColumVus, N. T.
ITfLt locae I and Warrants. Collt
met J, l'ay Taxes, make out Prs-smp
t tieati oiber Lepal pspr, etd ''
; r.lo-ly.
s.w asiio.
w. e. jam as
PTlTfl a! A JAMES.
AtiTyatLaw,Coancil Blaffa.Iowa-
lias, J. I .BAKER, - - - - rroprietor.
. '; .0-0-8-0-
. TMvU a eomfortable and eommnd!oa
, Public houre wtatfe every esm- '
fart will be letred ita
. , , Guests.
. . .. .Gacd Stables,,
flay and jra'm, nnd Yards far Stock.
; Atentin paid to the wanta of F.rnl
Brants Chart's as moaemis as
it .l.
couia us aiKu-
lxmt Broadway, between Main and Scott
! Streets, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
JOfl JOXE$, - - Proprietor.
." THIS Uonaeis situated centrally to the
basis" portion cf theeity it apartiwnts
large aud well TentlUted, and erery liiug
cbeui U has aa tir of comfort and cenvetii-
- B01C Binder and Blauk Book manu-
rturcf, Councl Bluffs, law, is prepared
tcefute anything 'n drpirtment of
nsiness, p-orapU, and In a substantial
A wofkninlike snsnaer, and at Uw
Teit tterriccK. , w.w.v rcscT.
orricEii i'hset.
.a4 Boeisrt U tand Warrants an Xx.
Couacil BlaCs, lows,
WILLattendto selectiou and Loca
tion of lands In western Iowa and
Webrasks, tbo psymeiit of tai-s on lands
B-rildent a.-id the . collection and
itaance of claims.
If yen -oOd liVe Rood aeeomodationa,
wfem rtall's. pood, sweet hav and sound
iswru for your stoc!:, stop at Toncrsy's.
ffe i!l' not only eive yon valuo for j-oiir
sos'Y, but atifye by strict attention to
nr watits, Vo wake ycurstsy sgieesbU
'H$iocERies tJtomioys,
fLb Vcns'.antly on banl a fresh prly
aa arM'rtXi Pltli. Grala and Vege.
Uate,wb! he oflPre atUie lowest raws.
. V. B. 9ah pld f r eraln aud eownTy
dti, , , l ti-.
Fall and Winter
Fop 18,
. FAK2ia4U Stit,Omaba;
(Between 13A and Wh Sirteli )
Where may at all timet be found one of
TIic ILargcst
1 and best selected stocks ef
Dry , Goods and
' Wmsto tbi Musocu Ritii :
Ooniting in ptrt
of Dress Goods, Print. Berfgfi, De
Lains, Reajy-mie Clothintr, Tea,
Coffte, Sugar, Crockery, Hardware,
Carpets, Doots and Bhoei, IIts and
Cap, tte. r.l-if.
rxrnkm St. Corner of 13A Slrul
ilex or tub
7ho!ss2l3 end Retail
Yines & Liquors.
tobacco sxerr a cigars,
Rrocerie &
Great Military Road.
The undersigned ia now prepared teen
teriajr. anq ace.mmoiiate t.mi;rantn ani
traverlera. Keen horses, cattle, and furn
Uh frrain, provisions, and other romforta
for the waytare,(;ood water andcampraiige
In all lis departments ox and horse-shoe
ing. Wagons repaired, etc., etc.
Rnssel Farm,
twitbw suns rssr or columbps, en
JOSEPH HU8SEL, Proprietor
Is prepared to cntrtaiu and provide for
the comfort and want of the traveling
public. Good stable, hay, grain, and
CiTiJaji'lorgef the flti. nl-tf.
Lumber, Lambert
ia operation, and orders lor lumbar
tr solicited. Any a'ce, JenjjtU or .variety
will be cut on short notice, and vorir lib.
erkl terms. Iee wanted, far which lum
ber wt:l beeichangeJ if desired.
Wpoi Rlvsr, V. T., Oetober 6, W. U
t would be young -but not for ckarma.
Of Joys whiek years 'can trace, ,
Not for the witchinglpells tbat lie
In beauteous farm end fee ;
Bat for the winning cbild-Iike truit,
. The ardent lore of truth, '
The innoeence that brightest shLne
Cpou the brow of youth.
' I would be eloqneat but, oh! ' 1
Tbat thrilling powur I'd ute, '
Te right Ute wreogs of safTering Mi,a ,.
And hidden light diffuse.
X would be great but not for fame,
That liTelh but a day,
And while we list, its flattering speech
Is raniihiog away. -I
would be rich to bring to light
The hidden gems ef earth, ''
Which warmed by friendship', genial glow,
Would prove of priceless worth. .
I wonld be lored but not for wealth,
Or beauty's winniug smile;
For these can wake no antwsriag chord .
Within my heart the whilo.
I would be lored for spirit, pare,
For loveliness ef soul,
For over thcte the coming years
Can nerer hare control.
I wsul J be good oh ! yes, and then
The earth wetJd all be bright, .
' And life would sees oae pleasMS dreess-
Of pore,; BmU:d Se.igut:r:
And when the semmons earns, "Depart! .
For this is not your resv".- r
I'd gently Uy me down to eleep, ; , .', ,
Te wake among the bltit. '
Take from mo, then, the spell of yonth,
And talent, if yon will j
Be eloquence, as now, unknown,
Andjrre&tne-, stranger lull;
Let riobei plnme their wibgs and fly
In their cspriciou, mood j
Let no kiad words of lore be mine,
But oh ! Ut oe be gooi.
st cie. a. aicis.
Vet he whe puts en friendship's gniee
To flatter to your face, '
' And says you are both just and U,
A paragon ef grace.
Kot he who comes when fortune smiles, ..
To rerel at your board; . '
And thus "lbs idle hours" bsgvile,
While riches you afford.' "
Kot he who comes with- solemn strains
And toll) what others de;
Aad of bis fellow-man complains
Beware, he talks of yoa. ,
Kot bs who says a snare ts laid
"I'll toll yon if you choose :"
Ofsueh a friend lam afraid;
- A rajKsw doih bring good news.
But he who loves you still the seme.
In sickness ss iu health;
'Ti he who merits friendship's asms,
Ia poverty er wealth.
And he who tries te hide yoer faults,
And bids you strive to uend;
Who in kin-loess doth your wrongs assault,
lie truly is your friend.
' A Good Josb. A loafer; while
slopping at a tavern up eoun ry, utd
to Itungc Aout thu b r and drink
oilier people' liquor. Not a glass
could le le'it alono lor a mim-ni, but
he would slip up, nud drink its con
tenia. One day a 8f.e driver came
in, an I calle d fur a atitf horn of bran
dy toddy. Jehu immediately played
posum bv leaving his brandy while
he sUpped lo the door. The bait took.
On returning he saw "Li pi .ss empty,
and exclaimed, with nil the diabolic
horror he cau'd nQ'ect,
- "Unndy and I'pium enough to kill
forty men! . Who drunk that piaeu?"
stasamered the loafer, ready
to yield up tb ghost witli.aiTrig'it,,
"You're b dead man!" eatd lie dri
ver. 'Wlat shall I do?" fcj8ir.ched Ihe
other, who thought liintsijf 9. g nu
su ker.
"Down wiili pint of lamp o I, or
you're a dead man in three minute!"
answered the wicked driver. ' And
d jwn went the lamp oil, and up came
the brandy and opium, together with
his breakfast. The joke waa told, and
he has never drunk other people's If
rjuor since.- .-",'
dyQuWp says that women who insist
on the pririlcijes should exhibit the qual
ities of their sex. She Vbo shovs the
impudence of the rowdy, has na right
to expect the deference whiob is duu to
a lady In short, if a woman forgot tbo
dalicacy of bor. sx, no gcotloujau .is
bound to remcinher it for hor,
False happiness renders raen stern
and proud, und tint happiness is never
oouaumnicfticd. Trus happiness .rondrr
them kind "nd sensible, and that hsppi
ues is always shared.
The Legend of Starved ttocZi. !
in lie :itr est, where 'it bro-vl
'i , a
ntilinj prairies stre'eh nvay in Lil
lowy utidul i i "i s is here bil-:, ruuun
laittnus cliiHt rUe nbrnptly to the nurc
skjr, cro'vnf fl wiili . ail uts nl c
di'r nut t si r lrm the luad v ttrsof
nuvigH ion on ile 1 1 inoi jivcr, unJ
towciibg up from the bunk of Ih
etr.atu rise "Start J R.;ck.'
I' wi1: a-e of dara try e'.one. hull
v;itfd wiili cl.i.tiL: rin wild t nnd
trr m , rj-m m .Id UiUpida!le, rtiicoi frudl times, at.ds
buried in the tirap ry nlnch Ipn
liaro won ii aroun i it aucl LrjM-n
pareia oi stun: i ceaars ai,u nrsud.r,d; Mill ihib' ginuio sh dowa
irovva ibnat.-iii iKly uputt the da it Wert flanff n., nl0 back-ground ;
avcniurer wuv u uij;. euuiu its
perpmuicular j u b, on iho oupoti
aide Irooi ;ne rrtr, ts itvetiieu, u..
you mskf. a circuit of the b s of the
cliff; anil htie, l who would Ri iti
he biln 8t eltvati. n of the Ilock, '
can i scud-
There ii n fusiitive t ie, o mm m-
rA iny the eveat hic'i g thu w l I
clilf strange a n:tme, cumw iou
to U9 (m liicse ea iy inn- t wiu n the
redniJin was sole hrd ol rock ai d fi
ver Miid roU'n piuiiiii -i-a I flo record
of the! vtueniiee yi the Indian race,
hich ,w woulI w wejvo anew,
) ' JT'n r ft! t vrh IsgihJi- of
- Long1 year g. the braVe'su,!..0'
bte Ineitn Chiel, Oion JeSul r ot a
poweriui tie i ilii.biiing thf region
adjoining that upon tlio liii't is, raw
and loved the tent t mnMen. Uili,
daughter of his 1 iy 1 chieltai".
Oronee was y-ung i n l i:rdte 5 at
his belt hung the sc lps of a hnn red
of his toes, whom he h d tt:ain u the
ba'tle fray ; hi arm was Miong. his
eye keeu m the inuuutuiii e gle'a, nJ
m i.i the chute cuu d ttiing
down the fleet deer or, turco panthtc
lo mrely as he. . . . .
Ul. u waa young nnd I air,, with ejes ,
like the evening star, and dusky locks :
like the gadieru g adrs 1 f night." Ile'r r v ''i'ie red deer left browsing in iu
heart went put t the" brave P IJeiit'y'covertt und c .me dowif 10 drink
rorjee's ind wlun lie tolj her that Yh'B ek'urwaters belox, but no morsel
hi wigwara Wris spread with ihe to.'t-1 0t" venison- c ul I pass their tips uo
est furs, 1 nd aked her to 9'mre it." su-1 dr, p 0 tbat cool water lave their par
yirig he would, lor h?r, chabe ;Iw d-r! ehed swollen tongues,
and bring down thr strong eagle in j The deer lapped up tha crystal It
his fl'ght then she turned Irom her quid of the nvcr biiuUed. me coi
stern lather's hdge and wvut with 'he j Lreez., and then, catching a glim c
young chieftain. . . ' iu the waters of the dusky tig'u.vs Iht
Jfepowf: mtdscd Lis daughter from his j ting tj nn I fro en the rocu above, toi
loJge. . When Le cume 1 aek ut s; 1 j lit I tta high 'heir untKrs und tiaried a
from the toils i i the h 'f e, she p an, ! way to the greenwoods t gain ; the
not forth to m el him ; when ho re blight watels Uancid onward bentaih
turned from the battle field, or tin-1
deadly ambush, exuhii'g m v eto y,
(he came not lor ill to Mug wi h'his
braves the war-Hongo l errace. 'J'li-;
daughtei of a ch eftiun was in the
gwam of his deadhebl lof. lie Coul I
not brook ihe insult ? and gaining
his boll, fleet w.iniors nb.nit him u
round the ciuncil lire, 'old h in the
wron? he had suffered, and bula
them follow Irm for levtngJ.
D-y af:er day, night uiter night,
sawtbein on tlw trail ut. the fl in;
enemy, RU'ded turely by the. heave e
ul'OiJ ind the forebt wilds b
Westward the stai o:' n'ghi led t' eir
fi otsteps: and weetward the sunbeams
revea ing br ken bl.rubs. mid tramp
led leaves and mosses in the la' gl d
wild wood, gave tukn tbat they were
on the trail. ,
And weblward, too fled Omnee and
hia braves ; flei ing for li'e, and what
was dearer than life iuelf tn the
young chief, the tafe'y of hi hetov
ed ; and on the fourth aay, the eagle
gate 01 the fugitives saw the waving
pJuoies ol thenx pnrseera in the' d -tutC1.
liefote; iheui, ioj Lo!d ktil
bi the LugH. rock 011 the hf'i .k I
the' iiiintiis behind ihem. came the
enraged foilier, wi;h the fi rce w r
riors of lis tiib'.' ' Ujio 1 the wind
floati d,tlcir wild'criea of venge. nce,
and dancii g, tyer 10. nr, c me thosi
e gle plytui. ' " "
The pursued chief, with lis dusky
maiden und a small ban;', of fr.uhftd
Jb'l weri fled tn tho rocky fortress--to
the tower of Hieiigtii wl.i.h rose
pricipitously 11 the r p. th. ' ' ; - '
' 0", on, cutne the puruers, with
wild fchouta" Mid u eai ihl tJLs-won,
on, and nearer J et, until they f aclietl
the baf J U'e clitf. an I then .lngj ic
a loul wur. r.g, they ru he t swiaU
up die narrow, a'tep ptir - '
' l'ut the young ohei t In's nrjai wan
lrong aid Jiis arrows swift rurc.
and his braves resolved t tig'.t to th.
death ; 0, one utter another, as il:
hid almost gained the summit of'.th't
o'liF,' were-their enemies pierao.l b)
ihe unerrlp' sir fts f the arclitr a
bi vttrund u:l buk lit' I amid ,hi.
tompsnions Lclow. And 'h n 1 hi in
iu tfvU tttimpt, with lulf their bauu
me ?urvitr r cl tea in u.i k, surfied
r nb
i.roiind ' ihe b8e and with'? a '
len fitttcu nnd lnviiibre d .trrfri'iia
tion, awitiKl-.tli.lii'yfriiig drtliot
tlieir ncl m , oil lh inoumy,-atvii e
lor iths r' . ' : . . , .
I'ny. ut.vr tlT H e red tnn rose in
the or i jut," wlieeled across the burn ntf
lienvins Mow y i.j tl.e western It r ton
ut mid-d.iy 'flioguij down acorc'hing
bi ins. nu I at twi ighf throwing lun;j
"a1"' rin'tJ siiarlows over water, for
est, -iiruW'nlw ft irie ; bul to ihosa
uft tlie fi irfi c'liirriti se-lief c rne.
. biil.tiio widieriiu sun learn All
. tt,Jon lhcnif &,ylu.. (p their very life
. K Uftp.r Ibo i pallin; dai kni09 of
iliu :u-y tli idoAacr ei i g c'06er and
i loser about their heart. They were
And there,' U the very base ef the
ruck. Mlei t a id inim ivab'c a the lira
which sl.roudrd theio 1'roru the berce
t-ruys, ml that impldo ble chidluin
bunounUcd by his warriors. Neither
j ove ,cercv. or nity entered h.s flinty
; Ut,Hrt. .His bitterest foe had stuleii
hi f ire-t flower hid only cNild, the
d .ul:i. r cf a race of kings, had ki t
his wigwam for that of the ent-niy.
' Vengeance upon them both the bit
ter foe, the less duhter1
White, wan, and ema idled, they
wtndere - about on the. beetling brow
ot ttretUU. uk ghosts iroin ne far
fou httuwioff- ground of their rave.
iavrou wArrii.' w-h? h4 ugf qaail .d
i;1 ih,, dtresC e'atrt eotiiba uua
; tn,.k down like reeds telure il.4LT'h
of fain ne. Braves whir would b.v?
in derision at the' arroir1 of
eojipi: g knife, now felt a fiercer, keen1-
er pun,;, Ih'iu pomonen siia l or nier
' riiei loniahawb ever inflieted.
With lorests all st'ouud ihem, where
herdj of dew lointd Iree with the
; nver. beneath,., where the silver trout
, glimmered through its w..ters,' wi h
n.;Ck of fowl soar
u)eV Werc starving!
above them,
w t;i a will mocking freedom, a they
(j. nt down the.r despaiiing eyes . and
ll ere, below, sat. those dark, stem
vjui'i ;!".-, gr.w atid immovable. Oul
it w..s hoiiible! .
And then Ulah, the Indian maiden
c inie to lite of the precipice,
und with her lung-, ruvt n hiir stream
ing Yiki the folds of a rent burner up
on tlu wiud, bent- over Mid pleauo-;
with aon t tg gestutee end JraO'c
entiealies to her sue, wh'JCU shit sa.y
tur. far b. low. ..
But never a tone of tenderness, u
wo il of forgiveness, or a tokeu of re-,
cono lintion, we fit up from that proud,
inxulted IJu had thcbou the lit
Ui m' revet ge.
Uiy by day that rfo mied band thin,
n.d iwu)v till 1.1 ieiigtli uudj alone
reigned conqueror upon the Mtmmit of
tut clid'. Uay by .dav lb 7 waited ;
and, -I last a l wai 8 iil. N ighoitly
lorms wandered feebly about, no wail
ing voice broKti the silence. N ne of
n,n I .ted band ave one of the b -bie-
warrior,' escaped ; t.nJ he, de
ling in the sha les oi' night to a
s!tclvinz protection a: ill tar nbuVe the
iier, fling himself' down into the
ruhmg -WaU.r, ' faithful
biuaw awaited him m her light birch
en 0 mod and received him a he ioso.
Then paddling silently down the riv
er, and Iheiioe o the -Uur-, they 4r
led fleetly into .! dark, dne lore'st,
and tli ns escaped to tell their triba the
dreadful tale. . ,
Wbejj t,U H4 it'i'l, nJ forms were
r.o" more Been moving about on tho
sn ninit of the dill, thoUvengrd chief and hi band ascended . The lju
Jiaii's wrath waa appeased--!.! ve(i
geiutce had indeed been terrible.
litre .hey luy'upoii tho grey roik,
ih 83 wasted, bkelo'pu-'ike warriors,
a l stark and Biff; and ihere. tOJ, tho
ludiau m-tidcD had bt rvedto deith
n thu aims of her lovor ; her white
iaoo, oh, so J'earful to look uponl-her
ioix j, streaming hair aliko Act bridal
I'l'cii and shrouut - . . ;
And now, it is said, full oft by tho
pale irt.Minliht are seen wan, ghostly
uguris plidiug to and fto on the chit,
with dark p umu flat,ing upon the
nilit wind i wd ivcr iuJ BU0;. UiB
rpectr .I forms of the Indian' maidea
mid hrr dusky warrit-r-Iover, st.mcf;
opotf the' brink ttnd'fa iow'wailiei
voices ehsntthfir deintr'-dirge'cre they
go af r to d'e)l together iu the Great
Spirit's hunting-grounds.
An 1 lime rum 'The L'gend of
Starved Hockr'" "
1 1 r
- - TIic I'DKiicoefl.irul. "
' I confess that increasing years br frig
with them nn'inffeBsii;? respect for
men wbo do,"not succpcd'in life, ,a
the words rtrc. commonly used Hea
ven' is 'said to be r place for 'those
who' have not succeeded ut6n earth :
and it ts surely true that celestial gfa
res 'o not thrive iu the hot blaze, 0
worldly prosperity. HI success some
times arrives from a superabundance)
of qnatities in themselves good from"
a eunsciene too sensitive, a taste too
romantic, a modesty, too retiring. I
will not eo so far as to say, with a li
ving poet, that "the world knows no
thing of its greatest men ;" but ther'
are forms of goodness, or at least ot
excellence, which "die and make so
"ijjii :" there are "martyrs that miss.
the palm but not the stake ; there uro,
iieroes without the laurel, conquerors.
wiiDoui me inumpn. juuiara. ,
Mrs. Swlsshelm on Cablet.
In a Is to . issue of her paper, Mr.'
Swisshelm devotes quite a space to ther
''treatment of babies," in which she x
hibits much of the woman, however ma
suline Bbe has shown hersolf to be la
other respects She assumes,' as true
tba startling fact that half the childrea'
H-rty die before they are a jear old;'
and rK'ttlsetoea out of twenty die fromf '
cold arid hungbfJji'n-Titial pojjoTs '
ing." Sha . deelarea . thaTTC! )!t'J'1'
treatod on the same principle tbjSeiyl
ute larmcrs apply iu toe rearing eitiiIr
lambs, goslings, &o.--iI they were Xt '
warm and fed well, they; would thrive s
live and grow well. Un the subjeci of '
warmth, she says : -, ',-. ? -
Keep tho baby warm ! "WarmihJs lifft
Gold is death. We think it unnatural,
to have their little bald heads bare be
iieve that tho air on the scalp is a eon-
slant and dangerous stimulant to -the
brain believe that nature, in her effort,
to keep the head warm, sends too" muck
blood to tho head ; and that this is1 'tn
fruitful cause of the dropsies of tbef
brain, brain fevers, etc., which carry
so many children. If it were right and
proper to have the scalp exposed to the.
air, nature would not have so clothed the)
human head, and until the natural cor-'
ering comes, an artificial substitutes
should ba supplied; but upon this point.
we u.o noi nope 10 inuuence any no,, .
Dutch babies wear caps"; and bow
could any lady of taste hare hor .baby,
look like a Dutch baby ? Just so ; ani
Dutch babies generally live, laugh ant,,
grow fat, for they arc "smothered in flan
"els" nnd feathers,' and kept all" in' "'a
sweat." Dutch mothors do not-keq
their babies fr model-artist exhibitions,
Tiiey cover tbent up, keep them. warns ,
nn1 quiet, and raise n wonderful' num
ber of sturdy .boys nud girls. , We treat
ed our baby on the Dutch plan, and new
er lost a night's sleep with her.1 " "
A baby siwuld never be laid down W
sleep, summer or winter, without hartngj
someibini warmed by a fire and put iixt
its crib, on which it should be lain, 'and ,
carefully tucked up. In winter, in An 4
ordinary sitting room, there should-b'
thick blanket, double and well warmed,
between it and tha bed ; the body hasn't, ,
heat to sparo to warm all' tho bddih
nronnd it every time it want a nap, anl 1
it should be so warm whilo sleeping aat
to be all in aglow. -Jl'his.sMrosy bleep,'"j
and from it a baby will gcnorally wiK
up crowing and hmghing, whilo a'Mue,.
cold sloep suoh as mast' babies hiVe,
make one cross and fret tub ;. .' -t .s s
(SAn elephant connected with a ae
nagerte wiuvtcjing at JNerwalk, Con., got
out of tho barn, notlotig sincej by break.
i pg down the doors, passed across a field,
walkod off with a g, went to A houite,,
aud rapped on tbo window, sending th
family rlyin out of tlja door' through '
fright, and then helped himself to a heap 1
of apples in tha yard. Vis keeper an i
ficared, and the huge animal quietly foKv'
owed him to his quarters, full of pippins.
- . mm m ' - -
Bb Fib. ;The wind and the.waVeV
may beat against a rock, planted. jn
troubled sea, but il remains unmoved .
Be yoa like that rocS. yonn niin.'---
Vice oiiy entice, and th sonranf '
cup raiy invite.. Biiyare, stand fim-
Iy at yuur post. -Let your principle"!
shine forth unobscu'ed.-. There j gi--
ry iu the thought that yon have ria- .
tv.d temptation and 00 iquered. -,"ottr.
bright ffnip!e. will be to "the ,woiJ4t
what the libi-ho ise is lo the marine ,j ,
upon thu sea'thtre. It will fuiJo,
hundred to. the harbor of vftUe anl
safety. ' ' - "
irTbB Btithor always the tnosrs-
p cc'nted is he Vh ia lh ad to Vf
pit ewtj,
V . ; ,
i ..