oartre at one, tad io a few fcian Iy words, elcxjaen wun cnouon, ma his fortune at jfelly'a feet. . . I'rtnr Nelle Celt marc like crvins with jof" than fcujlhing f . But a little of the. lu saucy spin was still left ia ter; sii thought she owed il to her ex tot to lurrcader too easily, and so the aaidi archly glancing Bp at Clarence, Do you know, Mr. harvard, who jc are proposing te? 1 nc heiress no high-born city belle, but only let tot see what was ft? ahl I have it - fcoV only a common country rustic" And the rose and" courtesied to him. '"For heaven's lake doq'l bring that foolish speech up eg instrnel'' he cried pass ionattly, tryisg to tke her hand. 'lhave repented it a thousand times slailj, since the unlucky moment 1 was Lelrayed into saying it. Do me ihe justice to believe I never meant to te pcrsonuL" Wall, than, I! will ssy nothing more ol that mat er. But this, only a whim vf yours. How it it. thut, having known me so long, you only new dis cover my intriu? ' ' Known joa so long!" "Yes, sill" demurely, f Knowayou?" "For eight yiprs.' ' Oood heavens!" he cried, sudden- Jy, his whole face lighting up. How Wind I have beenl Why did I not see it Wore! You are " "Cobwebs." said Nelly, taking the words out ol bis mouth, her whole face parkling wilb gle;nd she drew off nd gate another sweeping courtesy. Before she had recovered herselt, however," a pair of strong arms was found her, lor Clarence divined now that he wws loved.' Nelly, all along, had had a half-secret fear, that, when her suitor knew the past, he might not he ao willing to mury the bare footed girl as lue brilliant belle; but all this w?s bow gone. . Soon after, was a gay wedding at Et: Marks. A mouth tfter that, the bridal pair, returnig from the wedding iour, drove up to a handsome house in one of the most fashionable streets in Philadelphia. As Clarence led Nelly through the rooms, in which his per fect taste was seen everywhere, she gave Way to exclamation after excla mation of delight. At last, they' rea died a, iiny boudoir, exquisitely car peted "and curtained. A jet of gas, burning in an labster vase, diffused soft light through the room. A. so Jitsry picture hung on the walls. It was the origin.il sketch of her, taken wight year before, and now elegantly framed.- 'TW tears-gushed to Kelly's yes, and she thrwy herself into her busband's arms.1 -( : - f, 4Ah!Jvvl.Jjur,ah.ttteL . -JLSt&odj see. that pictare, sus Jets its origi. It U toojiacred a - aubject for either Nelly or Clarence to allude to. But it was only the other daj that a celebrated leader of fashion What a queer pet aame Mr. Ilar rjaaforhis beantiful bride! In aybody but a genius it would be ec centric. But you don't know how pret ty it sounds from his lips." f What is it?" ' -, .'"CobwsbsI" . p AaiJOKA. A correspondent of the Me ania .Timee, writing from Pino Alto, - Sari :-tMany fahnlous .tones have been Jofoandare on record, of the richness it this region of Arisona; and we hope theywillaoonhe realised by the brave keaVted adventurers who have undergone ao mucU hardship, ana u.-uuu - Jry TriTation and danger, conmon so ' waeditione, with a fortitude truly to t admired. The river has more wa- MrVhanthe Gila itaelf, and gold was : found for thirty tr iles up -and down the .tree. The gold is eoarse, resembling ' Try much that from the Io. J ' ifiieaumatedthat there will be work for at least thirty thousand men. All & party, sonsiating of twenty-six men, witt many more from thu. place, left immediately with provision, tools, etc., to tako .up olaims, and to commence wtfrkr - ' , , "t3T On a tertaia railway, the follow. IngintelHgeat aotioe appears : . ."Hereafter, when traias moving sa an nnosite direction are approaching each .V. liana, conductors ana etgineora will he . requested to bring their respective trains to a dead halt be- lose the points of meeting nu o fuinotto proceed till each train has passed the.other." - ' Ma, acnt Jane has been eating the honey,'' said-an observing eon. "How do yes know, ny dear?" aiked.the M-. ftontshed mother. '' 'Cause 1 heard fath er T he wanted to tip the honey from Jkey lips," responded the youth. Effects ws lnaPfiyou hetjv fTle only U a grsat sttn who can lst tb applaos i the aval titude aid mpr iaMlt lndepeodeat of its farori. jrTA taS dwn Xast thig poetically yiruaea his wifsj fn U katbsad. ta u X JyU an7,. ft i-'r ' Sis W fot M akiH vat 4ay. pf Uf ani!r any on ?.4 tjr, Ug iua S- ' a m M I m ' 4' i Irlah earrhn drlTr mad a rerr Ispuy aud eharseterUtis rplf. tiie hr dr ' A gentlemsa h rcljNl te I'itl W obU-to "walk f ! P fjii.ti, Way yaur houur lopg bt ajijt, bn Ui by i a tirbt f tioe nk tM MnB)r f B .n S K j p o a j. S g . r!!Hs mum i 3 B-5 s ?Sre Sg SS 2 02 S-o 0 J .1 ? 8 t" JctJ-S.p- c ' b " S - - 3 '-I " E. J o "5 M f a Mac kS 'b lo.w 5iHl?ri:llfn?'sf55 1 -TB' r1 ? - ( m 9 Is i-I 2 S s S- x si " a- r. ? 5 v a 3 ? a. e 2' B. t; "pi o V-o i 2.S H-i'-B fJ5 ? :.fs s-tC tu- fifi ?S i -e"" g trm 2-S.e o v, -o r aS I B-g c8 7 B hJ'5 0 5'; s S"S- . -, m 5 g E 5 - cc,f;..i, c ' ? ft ? ee 2 ,Cr e o . - - z r w I tr. a . I tre Mr. Crocker, Wood River; Charle Sannders, Genoa Late 33"-wi3 ! City Hotel," One mile East of Ellhorn Bridge on the hill, whr the tnusqueto troubles neither man nor baait is mow lopplied with ev erything for the comfort of Uie torveler and his tea. Ko paini will be spared te mkke all who faror this establuhment comforlable and happy. Uoed stabling and room for wagons in the barn, soda good well of water, dug purposely for stock plan ty of waWr, and good grasi. Freh bay, corn and oau on Land. : ('Cakes, Pioi, Crackers and Bread. CHARGES MADE LIGHT ! W. Q. Robinson, n!4-tf. . J. Htmas. ' CU&TI9, BROTHERS, 1J omah! city) n. t. f ... HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. - t . ;. -o-o-o-o. 1 Cash Capital $1,500,000 ; SURPLUS $500,000, ' THE J homestead;- BY EVERY SAFEGUARD I i' " .0-0-0- I - ' Men toll, work, slave, nay almost sin, to support their families perform almost ev ry judicions aet for thsr welfare and hap piness,' EXCEPT INSURE- It lat tie commoa otnissloa of lhemajorityevr lookiog the dangsrs of the f ature in tbe se. curity of the present. To remedy this fault only requires seriously thinking on the s ub ject. .Wisdom and thrift wiil alwsj s elect to adopt the conservative principle of In sursnee, to avert the unhappy consequenc es of such "silrgt and arrow s of outrareous foiU" as arc produced so frequently by tbe blasting visitations of fire to our homes. 3.J a Corraspondenca attended to SHOE '1U1KW114D UOJI&jfc-J -... ROBERT TT1LLIAM3 fc tOilals ttis present method of informing the trav line smblla, that thhave staHsTi3, at u WliMatn4 Ranet,'' aPallonT Btoffs, an rsteAsWe Sraltb-sbop, where any work M that Una will be executed ea the sbertest possible aaties, in a workmaallke raannsr, f.nA st reasouable and lioMBt prices. .They hsvs also ?onnaeUd with their shop, a trading post, what -alt nanher 6f sup plies may be bad . CettU, rsfs, snnles, and wewa,f b&nght, solH tr eiFhsngeii ai.d, boms and acowodJtC(ii tn-illy, f uiaished tbj Uvl-.r' . . .f r.I'Tt e 2 s- ? e r e o ? e i d s 3 CIKIISAPEIHL Than any other House West of the - o - o - o - NEBRASKA TWO MILES WIST WHOLESALE 4- RETAIL Dealers li HDry-Rods. Groceries, BACO., MEAL, CC1X.Y, OATS, HAY, aC We keep constantly on hand the largcsfand host assorted Stock ef Goods tver kcA on tl Plains, which we will sell cheaper than anj ' - oilier HoafC west of the Missouri river. e have -good. Camping grounds in the rear of our "Store, where Emigrants will be SUPrtlED WITH WOOD AND WATER, PrOO Of CtLiXTSG ! o-o o - We hare purennsed . . , . the interest c.f Dr. Henry ,of the late firm of Morrow,- Rankin and - Henry, and having just corap'eted our New Store, frame building, to by 70 feet, directly' opposite Jack Morrow's old adobe store, we are prepared to oner grtster inducements te Pika's ! LN THE Fresh (Roods, and ILower THA5 ANT OTHER HOUSE. TTEST OF'TnE'lflSSOUni: Dr. Henry will remain at our Store, where he will be pleased to see his' friends and customers, uatil his departure for the Vines. Reaasobcr the plae. Kearney City, foea.) May 15,1860. HURFORD & BROTHER, DEALERS IN Hardware Agricultural Implements fe jsrrisrTJXTQr goobs. .0 - 00 Havs eonstantlv en hand, a very heavy etoek of all kinds of Coeds In thrlr line to which they invite the attention ef the pullie. Tbsy keep on band the Very Best Makes oC.Plows of all kinds '"' - WHICH THEY WARRANT. ' , ftonUg Milli. CuHirttorta GrtiiOadUsa JUapnt ud Movin, ui Culti vatsr's Ueth.' Iron lash, Shovels, - White Lesd, " Painu, Turpentine,- v And, in short, all goods neeessarv o Supply the ' Fariaer, BlteksmUh, Carp enter, fainter, Hboeraaker, aad all eihers. " We cordially invite an examination rf our stock. gT'Our Hardware Rtore Is mi o?gtas Street, and our Agricultural Waithouae, so Fourteenth ctrst, Omaha Omaha, N. T., June 2, 1800. ' alO-ly W..H. iBi3MSO!., A5D V ' -i.-- t'X TI1Z BEST GOOD AND AN Dealer la Dry-Ood,,;, 0 : V . . Boots and Shoes. . i . VVr .- (IT 'TV" f Farmtere. , ,'.'.:.;! a Aaa.vSDW veia:u5, jeppuf, an . Lower Broadway, '; ' . t. j Tht blffUst1 Warlet Prios psjd o - o - o - o - o - TERRITORY, r roar xnairir. iltiV'-and .C astsisss WAY OT. , - 0 - 0 - 0 - I Kafls, Glsss, . rieks, . Llosad Oil, . , . Tsroljh, Jsssn, J3 : J Faaey sad Drs-Gfodi, Ut'l i i end Csps: Uueenswjr, : I . v.r Hardware, , ,'.: ,r ; Ceiacll pofa,"ora. for Qffl$ Vnf-tJ Fl4Wf . (( '.. ' , ,r 1 ,i.-i B. It. PKMM, 8. WARKItt. J. T. BALDWIN. . K.ttC2CS. PEGflAU, VARNE3, CO y WliOI.ES ALE AND RETAIL DEALERS m, v Hardware !oots. hoes5 Mats5 Dap5 rnOPRIETORS OP FLOUR nttO 3" TIIEIGHTIKG TO THE MINES aed Intermedints Prints," ea " " ' Good Terras." TRAINS start from COUNCIL BLUVK3. BALDWlk, PEGRAM, CO , Denver City. ' ' rt-t'. ? Platte River Ferry, UOUTH OF THE CACHE LX TOUDRE R1VEK ioni t. Ears eitabliihed a FI?E r.orr FF.RRTacrae the 5uth mm at the above-named Pointwhere tmirunis csa be erftSMri without detrntinn. Aid rII I'.mirxnts auj 'i'rain, whs -ih (eAvclb sand on the guu'.h rUUr, will rroa th uma to the North fid", at the Salt Like Crossing (woa'.li rf Lid;o Poll Creek), thme by Joua Smith's trail, on which they will find good grins, wood, sad water,, at no .luoi farther tMn fit nil'cf ufnn. with no aud o i the r ijt. and a saving of SEVKNTY-FIVE MILKS in distance !e tlie :i;r.i. , of the Cache La Poudre Kiver ; which tuaxes (his the shnrcst sr.4 bsst route, yet discovered, to the mines in-i E.TJi'frants will str. tiiae, at)ck and money by this route, to which we invite the alters Of ALL TRAVELlTvS TO TKE KANSAS AND HIURAfX.'. ' ; " f mtth's Ri cn-s, 3!o'h of tbe Cache La April SP, 1C60. no. 5, riioiMX i!i.o(ii,iPi'rn nnoinwir, t couiciii BLUFFS iqwa; . WHOLESALE A.VZ RETAIL VEALER W DEI .GOODS.MD GROCERIES.- Iocly-ixLeaoCotlaJjci5; , BOOTS & SHOES, LIQUORS 3cQ;, lUtpeetfully direct th4 attention ef Pvrchuert, to hi . . tMKXS,VABIXDAKDSLnQAyT6XOCXrOBJ,nI S ? 0 ) i : ! i ..... t. ' Which has been seleeM la the Eastern Ci'Jee wjtb ejteeisl refers ne ti tbV wests ef this market. . ' ' ' lfy tuierlmtt of . . , Fancy Dress Goods Cloths & Sheetiig? , fjeatt axd rsrcT : a:ocEniE3 ; cooTi AJfii' tHostai'f ! . 100JJ AVJD ITATIOlf CRT, lE0yi8J05l; ilV40Sf , MVC ; v - ' ' To TfnVtT T orcro anil f?AmTloto v 0,I ys r aJwthy . .. . r... v Miners OutflUiiigr M aoods. TatWTS'ANDfFEKT CLOfH. MINER'S PICKS AND-8H0Tfei 1 .. KUGL CURED HAM3, PMOKED 8AU3AGIS A. , ' - 20,000 BUSHELS Of CORN, 2.000- -i. -.'.''a ' i We will net stop to theyj are saMsfaeiory i i to osy anything about price, for we have every day areef the ry t4heae woi d buniuesswM us. -, BiMo; ol . Ci, wt . r aay, t&M we can offer estte tiiaueeanwiu t rurebase ct us-"' '-'Tm-'-r--"-'- -" . - i cotnrrT mloduck TAnjf ' ... ;4 ' . t.-) 4-tfj 3 ' "! Queensware, TOR SALE, fc TUT UP MtTU, A vo JOHN SMITH k CO., retire River, K. T. .1-. J . I I . . ia4 wwmiijwtui , .V. t sf ( : . ... .. vk excbanob roi ooons.'- ' -4" '' a : ' '-.. i v.