The huntsman's echo. (Wood River, Buffalo County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1860-1861, February 07, 1861, Image 2

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    ' -
4 '
rt iiMiiri at
. WOOD JltVliR "CEMEK, S. T.
- evrav TnvV.i.r tonsiso.
Tenet iVr Year, ; : : f !::::: $2 00
. . . c . . t j
Independent fn Every! Itfne;
jpihtMn Xofhlnr. '
ihufstmy; FcuauAuv, r,:i86i.
rr ;nfrtnnJ fc'cfic, autherized to re-
f'lTC M.bscrirncnt ai d ' athertisirj,-, tnd
hUolo fcfr; ami receipt fjr afcy niotiica!
' 7?.' T. Spoof, IV jr., Council Bluffs I,
l. JoiitOmnha, . . . , N. T.
- w D. Johiton,.''lor!ice,. .
J'.hn Heck, Columbus, . '. . "
m.,J- Uudaoii, lienoa,. .
1'ost Muster, Foit Kron er, . , '
D. HaJiiM, DifBTtr Crtjr.'. . J
.-i - - t i i hi
CSTU errors, omissions. 4c, Lc
anst,lu the absence of the Editor, be
fiacea t tho account of the printer auJ
JM. pro Urn,- : i ; -, AlxvS,
.... ,.. , . i
A Brief Hint on the Present
. c -"' crisit. t.-. .
Itls the duly of every patriot to do as
much, as In him lies to avert the .present
impending evil wbiuh. threatens the na
loo, JEtry citizen" who has the true
Rational pricciplc within him will feel
pleasure in subscribing with heart and
bind to aid in restoring pence to his dig
traded country. It is the ihcinc of the
Frcsi throughout tha land the Pulpit
lends its Vtd, and general sympathy is
fully awnkneJ-statesmen arc holding
"conventions and the people mass meU
1 ings. la'; does it not.Betin, from re
porta, that instead of thoronglily era-h-
eating iho evil, they intend merely to, upon the surface, leaving it. to
corruptand break, fjorth . with greater
force in time totftme? concession mav
bo retfared, and in order to coccilint",
rendily grontedi-ap jneo may hi botched
up for thc-'decasion, supported only by
ho -pillar's ot'prcserit-' expediency and
a'show cf pririin'cc ; but no permanent
, pvneo can be '.established m this eulight
emed.riation bVt that which is founded
-upfln trotji and hor.orT-the. only pillars
that .will support 4hiaiioblo and W:e.hty
fabric, i-.t,. : .. . rn ' ;'
In the framing of the Constitution of
ike "country j 'executed ;as It -wan in ' the
test spirit that thcrf dwelt in earthly tnh-
ernleu, tbij cause cf the present 'evil
V w bound op therewith ; but, being in
tLo germeTt was not' known to bo of a
dajgpu3 ciar'ctcj; At lhat time near-;
Jy all were of -one hea'.t and one mind
thomrter and sjave were '.united in ano
r ; common cause, and they who held tho
- principles xf .nnii-slayery saw in tho
otrpsr of filares a friend and fellow bq
dwr ; eo .lhat -Hiotgh. Hrtn wero sown
anion,'' the wkeat- slavery witlr freedom
JpofJii'cvn'frn anficipatcd ; forhav- j
ing fpuAtial)ne compioh caiieo to the j
oba'iojng of a )fia victory, 'they ner
f(ntcrtincil .tbi 'Laught .lhat there
inA BfWanent Rational jpqacer-thcrc-ttt'wufcU
the CpEStit'atjon was frqmad
ii)go(od-..fa.ih, j( jva performed in , the
ioancyf ezptrietwe oone;ueuly, the
tuciei luf a preponderated nod tho peaco
( thacoontrjr is vtul-angered.': Emb;acr
ml- r..:...i '.
i aiid SIatery, it seems rathcir unsuited to
' the times.
. VCvs'o' tfitts" tluC posiessffj ibo' triie
. Amerlearprjcp of iibesty havctiak-'
: b oS slrtvtrjr. iut tchooslng . to retain
liberty for tnemserreg and uavcry for
..l. '''. ' -.-.. j ' '.11
iaLLc ssm'g breat, neither can the same
gorenment Lr tie same, laws defend
l9;bt f uotaii onot und fur'h, bit
ter water md sWlet &t the'sawo! time4
Tfew oestlon? naturally arises to
vliy lavcrjhould b poptiiiBefr' in "tbi
southern States, t.d the only rehsnablc
fipljination appeals .'1st L6 that( ibosa
Syitei bsje ku fillej up jy or'e)gem-j
intuoB v ft wuei), greater utt nl tban
thtfrte'rnUtfs t theref ore, '.til? i 'ppo-
tk eftming (roro ths aristocratic natians I
tf,Europe retain in grcv i4oa.ajF4r, th
- .. - . - - - - .. i - r
" niri.ut Ja iovtafry L-oai. whence tbty
ha'lc Jd n doubt but they ould
like to have' tho Irammels of royalty
grandly di.lajeJ la'their midst. Th.
notions .which ought 'to bayo decreased
and $oper.rcu. iroin aifiog wiem nave
increased aai, bpes; jstcrod bv inany pf
them, and truo American principles uavc
pecr Uktn deep root within their minds
.thtfr lovcfof te.onr.cbiBj baa pro
4d 'lolf-importanco, idlones and Un
unsalable deiir to luxuriate Id- pJcas
urtjbpin In a free epuntry they fol
.Jovr thei; owp rCQirso,' pot considoring
it 9 righi'i it otftrs, ; The eontition of
tUWrot lui'e'oineitio k!aTc,W truly
benefitel by his connection with the
people of this nrttbrit but,ns they nrc
capnbje f obeying a iniral law, there
ouglit to bo ft natioal law by which they
ought, to, bo govCindi-bound to their
duties and at th fame time be under
government protection, and have unin
terrupted access to tho proper aulhoi-t-ties
to seek redress in case of need. No
doubt thcrB are very many hum.iiic slave
owners, but, it is well known, they nre
not a .so(son.c je scarcely huwian)
bcnco,it U that tbo, public, niarts of the
seuihern States very much resemble, on
ly more so, tho of Turkey, and o'.hur
heathen nations who trudo in huiuun
lite,! The fact is thnt tho negro is look
ad upon by some as the farmer looks up
on his stock, without distinguUhing that
tho one is Cnpuble of becoming morally
responsible, and the other is not. Tho
negro is evidently adapted fr nothing
but servitude, but they ought to be, in
nil caei, used as. human beings.
Should the Southern States secede,
the probability is, that th?y will eventu
ally return to the Union one by one, anJ
adopt free instead of slave labor, njd
thus slavery will die out of the land.
There will be grtat danger if the
southern Slates should sever themselves
from the Union, that the sable rae wiil
feel that they have an advantage in tho
movement, as they wonid not have so
grijiit a power to contend with, and tuny
rise In revolution, make f .wrfal h if oe
and perhaps free themselves &uo'u an
occurrence is uot altogether iinpos.'i'ole
It is hoped ly every one who wishes well
to his coui.iry that such a calamity even
as disunion may be averted, much more
that un intextiuc war may never take
place, and that the peace of the nation,
instead of being only patched up for the
present emergency, may be Cimly foun
ded on the immoveable basis of integrity
and truth. ,. ;.
Though these .are trying times, yet,
dcuh(lcs the oi deal will prova benefici
al. That high wisdom and independent
spirit (f tho nation will bo -called into
requisition, and tin? true American tha
aeter duclared in the hour of need, when
it is Hoped it will bo proven that there
U ' balm in Utlcad" auJ also "a physi
cian t'aarc."
IVumfi' VAR!Lms.Therc is little
stirring nt the present time, even - hunt
ing seems to have taken a temporary re
cess ; a calm often precedes a storm, so
it may be'supposed that a buy time is
coming. Our quietness is now and then
interrupted by small companies from tho
Peaks? nd sometimes a. team traveling
up; An extra pf the Western Stage Co.
passed down loaded lately, the regular
coach is generally well filled. Roads are
very hard upon wheeled vehicleJ. Tho
mantle of snow that last fell dacrcases
very slowly, here and there patches of
tbsroad 'are seen. Slcibig is slightly
patronized. Meetings for dfncinfc', &c.,
are few and far between, ladians have
not been seen down hero s:ncc last suai
mer. JJext looked for as the
beginning of un enlivening tinu, vhco
the qnyetness of wiBtcr will have dinrp
peared and gono into tho newly dijcovcr
ed gtnbr State of 'Forgetful ness. Ilors.
es anflt cattle that "have been wintering
ou arc looking well, and will be, found
ready .or werk whsn wanted- " Small
game show tracks in the snow, and it Is
presumed they would iiko to sye the
snow leave, and if so they: have a num
ber of sympatliizers. 1 Days, . geuerally
are pMiy light a "very cold north
wind visited here last Week, lasted two
U.iys) it bas'p'n'sicd away nnd tho fine
calm' has 'again' returned. A'lettpr rfl
Reived front the mouVains, repoils tliit
tho winter up, to ;lhe on'lof -Vcc-cmbCT
was particularly tb autiful, streams not
frje over, : II.eaJih.geuei-l!y gooJ.r-.
Flourvery plentiful at Denver 'and in
the mountains- Very extensir . prep
arations fof mining operations ntt-6fii.-.
son. ' '
Spcoial uispatchoH Jrouy Vunh
injrton Jan. ZJHi, to mo LiBitnaati pa-
; Tie Scpao devoted all 'tfi' scision fn-
daV to the' jdiinderitlori. 'or 'the fuctno
R. I. Irillbut did not piiss it.. 'At lai
tha' ill had sunderr.onV; so in. my il hi nr.
es as ta-materially rotiirU. tit passage
la tb:JJouf,(i Inttend of fubam ,thiriy
corw)rnto)s,a pririnul'y provided, onu
ku'nd;ed And sixieci hvo beou suoeuta-!
ted, ropwenting. aU tbc 'Sf yet re
maining In the tTnion, 'tbo Southern-
route was repaired in th TUI Hiougn ttto
scoksi-iojri-tr Soulhwesterri fifties was
ijred at omeiength. at an argument
aiiust such rrteBtiwrt." ;. , . ;; ; v-t. !
; : T"r" : r- attfirpt was recent jr made
"ii t' V i'i? Vf yiclcr PmauMf J by Mm
infuria'ed fna let upon he oec-sioii
tf the re;w of tin t.4id'initu tro.j,
at Ksplci'.' , . . '.
reeint dii-pitoh from-Waidi.
lngton. snjri that Lieut, Ifcrie l)as fhfiW
lcBge4 Oeii, lliuney to ''uiW taj popi
bat" arid ijniuhe GpncVal fiiis nccipl.
oi. Th csuse'of q iarrel oriiaatvd
in Oregon sevenil years agt.
Why is a mau that tivicf liVc
tb teptrfiu or a Ulp
Aai-acauti L.
btt sscoai mat.
Summary ol'IVcn.
V ' " St., Jani 23, p.'at
Th following inttlligeicc from Wnsh
ington, Jan. 27th was received nils SLon:
Th'ftiumor was rife h re to-u -fi
Oeiieru tu'eii ri i- rt.i'4'; row
ronou rtlativi; tf J0 ius on
by si-coeiioM invaders, iiiun causes him
ntU'.-h ansitty.
.ladie lUiiM'iorj V.hp dispatahfd
( ilu kjoii'.Iiein Stales by Virginia, to
I'lJuoe them t-" keep tlie iteaee, tele
i;vai'!H lhat "i" thi! llrooklva uu
inr Pi iisacoU his iuiumuh will provo
f ailnrc. ' . -
A ('i'pateh to S ;ivit'rs Crittenden anJ
Powell svs the LegiLlature of Kentucky
his af p outed John J'JU, J. tir J(?lay,
Mr. Uailrie, ox-(Jot'k MioruhjaiJ and
WiexlifT'-, comr.usMiirfrs to proeeul to
rl'ashiiigtfjn n tl.e 4tb uf T'l hruarv'.' v:
Tho.finind Jury , Imve. )n.iIo jVree
prscnni''tit f-f ix-Soe'y 1 yu .ffrst,
for m'il-idmii.i!r in f-.Toe ; -second,
for eomptiiJi'V ih'th" abstraction-of
bond? ; third,' f r cu.-pir-ci ujintiit tin
Government.. . I" n .pcc e-:t- that iho
iifiitjttn'Ci'j wiil br t'-'.-iy f-.r Ufj uclioti
of tho Jury tl-moi.row.
The fallowing son.':it;n "jiif nt0--,,un-der if Jan. 27tli, up: -..trt- ii
New Yurk Iioraid finii it 'li;i ;u
1 leant fivw a jiefitlcmvi win h-ni an
inti'iviiw '.v.tb Mr I.ini'i-in. at Si-rini-
l'eld, within f.:ie pas, we.-k, tint tbi lac
Kli ill Ii:.'' I II. 'fl Ullii l.-j
expreSRi"! h!iu!f .is t'i)lis: "1 will
miH'-'V ileatit bf'.-re I iil consent, or-will
adti.tamy friends to consent, to.nnycon
eeiion or C'.-iiiiiroiui-jO whieh iouks liko
buying the privilege of taking pvissensiim
of the forts of this Govciiinit nt, to
wLich it has a Consiituiional right, be
ciiuse, Whiitever I might think of the
merit of the various propositions before
tAn2ress. I should regard concession, in
the cf metmccs, ilu destruction if
Government itself, nnd ihi consent on all
hands that our system shall be brought
down to a level with tho disorganized
cate of afnirshi Mexico j but this thing
wiil herunfter !, as it is now, in ih
haud-( of thi people, and if they des're
to call u convention to remove any gricv
ntiee eompbuned of, or to give ' n4w
guaranties for the prrmnnnnec of vesttd
rights, it is not min3 to o'poso.J' -A
In this conversation Mr. l-int'oln rrsaeil
no obpijiion 10 tLc U irder itiitc or Kt4t
ir ilgu's propositions as a futuri basis.sf
sgiteiiji'iit,if t'.i j l"pub'ic!tr.s as it p,riy
deiri. it.
The nnst irtn?e excitement eslsts in
certain Congressional circlns, in conse
fiii'iice of klij fact leaking tint tint' the
ilowaid Seb-ct Oommitleo his riosilive
jvidet.eo bifnni it of a conspiracy exhtt-
m2 in tnis city and viemitv to overthrow
the Government in whieh curtain prom
inent oILciais and citizens af Washing
ton and elsewhere figure. . ,
Si'BsycriELn, III., Jan.. 23.
It is now positively pettled that -Mr.
Lincoln will depart for Washington on
tho 1 lib of Ftbrinrv. lie will pto bj.nce
via Lftfayette to Irir.iannpoiis ; where ho
will roceirolhe hospitalities of tho Indi
ana Legislature. 'J'hance bo will p'ro.
ceed by way of Cincinnati, Cleveland) '
Columbus, "Coff-ilo, and AlVnny to ITar
risburg, nn-1 thence direct to llal'imor,'
and ttic federal Capital. Jtut the tour,
to New York and rbiludelphia is . not
impossible. . Araug intents for special,
tr uns- itlJ ,t.ho v. ay , through cro.teing
n ude, no Military eecort wiil be ncepptv
ed. T'io c-itirc ioiirny is expected to
be initio inside t'f ten di.ys. i. v '
. . Waqoi:.'cton, Jan. S.:',,'
Sc.v.tTS. ifr. Seward pre?mtvJ a p
titioa from the cit'zens i.f New Yoi;k,
remonstrating aga"nst any l'sjrisiation,
or .'giving any p:-otrction to slavery in"
the Torn tones. AIo, a petition of
Tdd c'i'izcus f New York, praying for
8onio adjustineni of the Uilficultics. .' '
?!:. DonIas introduced a Mil nmon-"
diiiory of thenct of '1753. nr.i ths act of
1S30, in ndation to i igiiiw tiaves.
Mr. ' Gwln presented the mVmoi inl of
Dr. Robe, Secretary of the Puoitio KaiU
road onvntion. hold in' California in
1958-9, trunsuuuir.g ihe proceedings, of J.
the oonvcntioii, iimi tju priition i'.MKing.
for the parage ol tito- IVciac Khiiroau
bill. - ' " , " '
.... . i ' i .
' Numerous petitious wero iiitioJ'iod
in favor of tho Crittcnd.-a Kc:olutions,
and asking for a settlernci.t of - cxiallng
dilllcul :ied.
; Ilocsr.. Mr P.iee Present d tho peti
tion of 4,3bU -citizens of Ltoston, of vari-liou.-t
polttiiavt opinions, usktii.: for a
pescieiui BdjttstoKttt of our imuoii-l dif;
BVJM...' :.:'::!-: ' ' . . -
'. -Mr, Groit' iiioved a suspeniipn 1 tlu
rq)cs (O.tato plli j Sci.tito' tajcfidtnent
ta-jho Uaiia pUlw!ueii passed by ii-7
ngiiihit P t)io Kansas bill, passed
botb llou its' of Congress. ', ' "
, On inatio'n of Mr, Stm'.oa; the Ilonse,
under a Euspen non of rules, passed tho
bill for move VffeAu.Uly opgiijiiiir'tho
mfKtin (if tho District cf Columbia j-by
119 againstvii. with, uiack Tpptoitija
f rm DclUporrtU. , 1 v itH 'J'y -!.
t'iistii'tCTfivj Feb'.
Senatc. The President'slicssagcws
taken up. " - ' s ' . '
Mr. Latham made'a Union' speot!b:'J
The consideration of 'thoWssaM was
postponed till Aloti l-ty. :'"
The Fxecutiyo and Judicial nrpronn.
ation bill famer.d.d) pitted. .
IIoriE. Feb. 1 Mr. Sherman,' from
tho Committee o Way a nnd Meaus,!
ported a bill to au:hrio iho I'jvsident
t- borraw $25 ,':D),W) previous to tho
ftrst gf July, thi paipoo of jejeemr
'.)K.itC4Ufy.a"tes. '' i'l -r.l'
Ciiiqaqo. .Gov. Yas boa appointed
St-nhcn . Lotsn. t'.uwvus Ai Kooroer,
ei-Gov..WoQj', - lii Cook, and T. J, l
iurner, CQinmisioners to ine conven
tion to bo held ut Washington on ihe 4iu
inst. Gm. A, lvoerneV has decliued tho
"Ppoin'mcnt. rojiuer oas wen
. . . . . . ... . I
appotniva tu tiis s.uu, - .
Vujngton Jan. 30.
SxyATEt'i'-The Pacific fJHroad - biii
Ousnnnji r.nd psssed-r-yeas 37, nays 14.
The iliil t(j orgatiije tho (Territory 'of
.Ipffrison was considered and amended.
LhPiiginj: thertamio Jdnhol
1- vdiizbotthoSejiat6LJ3joi:rned.
UOi., O'J.U. ill. i ittiu
fore iho llouie a letter from Mr. Cobb,
stinnir thnt he had reived a eenied
copy of ihi secession ujiJiu ince of M:-
The Speaker presented the proceedings
the Democratic Stnto Convention of
t ef
Ohio, in favor of a settlement of our diH
fieuMrli Kulicr bV the IVuder Statosor.
1,V UOUlaS aim triui'nui-ii (Mini, nun
ctipfoialty fwvor tho coiling oi a JSaiiun
al Convention.
A metsngc from the President announ
cing his signuttirff to tile Knnans billo i
cioncd suppressed applauso by He'pub
lieaus. . f . - i ,
The principal part of the day was
consnmed in th-j discussion of the rf 'p'rt
of the Coiuuiittt-O of ,31, without oriiv
ing nt a coneiiiiion. -1' 1 '' '
N i.-hviilc, Tenn , Jan. 50
.y,'.wi' ihc recommendation
of tho Governor, ttiat cemmismoners l e
yeit to Montgomery, th'v.Lagislaturn to
! ilnv inftruoicd thoir commissioners to go
to YajlliS'IgtOtl. r - - . 7
. . . st .1
-St. l.oirts. Jan. oi f. (
Privnte accounts state that Alex. II.
Stephens pressed for the provis
ional l'rtsiueM oi me ouuuu-iii v,uuitu-
era".v, to oor.cii'ate cunsmiiiiu-ji
The friends of tho Pacific Kaiirond
bill, judging from tho votcof tho Seuate,
feel eaiiauiiic of the President's ap
proval. AmerdiiKtU are ytUo be ac
ted upon by. the llouic.- " . ' ;
It is rumored "that there Is' a' serious
disagreement between Gcnoint Scott and
th.V President, touching-" reecnt move
ments at r.Oi l Monroe tlio President cs
pressing mueh annojanc-j ut turning the
guns ot the tfortrcssinUitd.
The Commander of: tho Brooklyn is
ordered. to lay off Fort Pickens after
landing urpli"est and if he.seps nn nt
ihV fortress, to hind his
aitiilery nun nnd brii g the fbip's guusj
to bear on the torces. - -
Intense anxiety exists pt tb AVbite
House to hear from Pensitoolu, as a col
lision ii strong'y apprehended;
It is understood that tbo -messenger
from South 'Carolina -bring the resolu
tion pissed by tha South Carolina Leg
islature, demanding tha surrender of H.
Smnptcr. - Col. Haync wiil present the
demand to the PrcslJunt ; and if refused
an attack will be inada on Fort Snmpter.
The whole M.itsi;ehusctt delegation,
except Sumner, unite in urging thi send
ing of dolegr.tcs to the liorder Stato Con
ference, i " ' - ' ' . '; ' '
Private advices from the South, re
ceived to-night,, ind catc lhat there will
bo a figlit in less tnan inirty uours.
(doubtful.) c. . i , ; . .
Captain Meigs, cmnmnnding the Fort
tt Tortngas, informs tho goverftment
thatlio is suiacicnlly ra-inforccd to re
pel any attack. ; ,' ,' .r ' :.
Col. Judge, CommtRMoncr from Ala
hninA. has urrived with rower 'to nego
tiate for the Federal property ,3ituatcd
in that State, including arscnajs, ions,
T"rs Ornr.d Jury found thrco cases
against Bailey f or larc. y, one joint in.
diclmert ngwnst Uuilcy tnd Kussell,
throo indictments nguiutt H ussvl I for re
ceiving b'ujlui boii'Is, nnd one joint in-
diotnteut ugainst Iiailey, Jlussew, ana
Floyd for conspiracy to ceirauu tuo
Government.' ; ,- -
" I.v'ntAViroLts, Feb. 2.'
Tbo Governor, vt-sterday, appointojl
Hon. C. 1. Smith, P. A. IlarckleJam, u
S. Orth, F. AW )lns, and ii. t.
Stoughton, tvadains-
ton. ,
' r . '-DeiroiT. Teb. 2.",
fn'tti.? SL'tiftlc: v'tsterdav. a ifesolu'tion
authorizing the Crovemor to appoint five
commissioners- to Washington, was. re
jected. Ayes fifseon, Nays sixteen.. -
. .. Frafcfort, ly. Feb. 2. -
Tlie Sr.'bas pas'td by a vote of 25 to
17, risk's Kesotittton appealing w douiu
ftnieit to atop in their revolutiiHi, protett
i ig sgaiiit t !c!cral coercion, aad rosolvmg
.'Bt vit x lb.: I gfsla' aMoitrr,cd on tbo
i tl la-.t., Jt'llU 10 tEO B-1U1 OC ijir-i, w
Lear th rf;.)iiBts i our sister Utiles, to
oor application to Cougns,.to FU
t;o;.alcosvealwn.J.! :, v......
. ' , 1 . j -.;Bal lir.ore, Fb, 2, -
A tan mceti"g call- of tbokt la fiv'T
ol the S,aL1 was. held
(o nicht and was nerllV;veiubW.- I
Me'.w. Morrfs, Teakl. Waltace, and JLA
jvj. HcLpae, aiuiressru mr iiiciii.
nn& wet patcd, denouncing Hie coarse
f Govv Jlitk in refusing to rU a conren
lion, itenim? Iris authority to aenddete.
giitcs to the -city cj&nv. ntioii, t ti et dOe
Bales io the fate-4)oaVM Ion IC-giva ex
iFsion to tho.viewa cf Marylaud, m the
pttssnt cllt 't i : ; t-.t-- i.S
. .r. , , i
The fdfno-w Pemb-rio t 'Hl t-MW
re"nce (MisV., Kb dit cu the slt of that
terrible hvis;htort ha, cost ' n.eariy taf-
saTJ'Jon.1 It ''' conimtncc 'iuanlng shls
wivv ; yiw'j !li?'Vf0 'ft-i
,,aM.V:!. ii nl I L- 'f .1 Lsd.l !
. f IthotJgk: r. gliftf -1 VV'-H Louisiana ,a.Vrfov4 to ut ofhe
Union, be is a eenrtirf.n (or rclectjoti o
tbanBte-.Wr.lix Jjars afwrflioji-ftf
f MaccinsBsl l! J mu wLA
Gv.-Picicens of Foili Caroliftaj having
a valance of ' $3,000 dar.U blm, aa lite
MlaUtu tJ KditM.aBto wntjinii b
for a few ilt j s ago. The Df jMiriuie Bt ad
j-isfed ha ae'eoants by aerdiag hlui a tlralt
en the. Charleston sub-treasury, tba uiouty
vliicft his b'n sensed by that State. " .-'
. .j ; ti. -. r
Ttc'rort of art imaginary dangnr
is tha r hadi u to overlook a real one.
A"iu WOngwo fee
bitn i when you hoi.r him speak you
know, liia n cu.
!.J ! I 1.1...
riom iho llluc lllvcr ?Ilncs.
irm tbo forteniiouuuuf cf t'uC-.Zt. Xcws.
,i i iueobgu yjuwr.j wan. join,
i Mining D proseeated,ith v1or. nnd a
ttjtiorityJonhbjclaiB's wtrked hr paying
weil, wlnie sonTe arc paying largely.
"at tittio is tlono in llunibng Guleli for
wjnt of waler-t-what Iw ,uro. working,
iire usiug hand rockers, somo ot them
yielding to $.'0 per d-y. Tho dis
covery claim on Georgia Gulch is pay
mg two to fourouncrs per day one li'tlf
day la rMJ t'.wiiiing up Siu 'Mjjst of. the
oi.iiias! in i iur j vi.joiii. r.i worsen,
some of them paving $100 to !?
tialcna Gulch Is nttraeting considcrnH
blc attention, and is juodoubtedly as rich
it glilcli.r Jbero is in,lh nirmnttitns.;
Arrfjtl4rty men uro atwoik3ntho
guleli and arc doing well. A fctil) nug
get was recently tnk"n iut by Thompson
ii Co., from No. 3 below, and 400
was ta&nTrOVo IKo,' 4 i.bcloVnnd about
six f eM-.f-quare' 'of .' dirt 376., was the
yield of about the satm; amount of dirt
frcr'. 5 above., worked by Morgan &
Co.. 'Throe days run from Noj.wu1 rc
speciivdy r.O," $72,. and .$j4, working
but fiveor six hours per day.
French Gulch has been tho Fccno of
some little excitenuni. oi late ir. claim
jumping, two or three districts h.tvc been
juu.jud, and nevr crgautsiticBS formod.
- oai one Laadrpd to ono humlrtd nnd
fifty neii nvc at Work In thc'guleh, niort
of them building cabins, cutting tail
ditches; nnd doing otber preparatory work
to claim opening; whilo ,ihe work .is
pu.-hed on in the clnlms opened 'In the
tall indicates a satisfactory yield to tho
owners.- A1 run of two and u hnlf Irours,
by Prown i Co., six feet from tho sur
face, with no signs of bud rock, yielded
$17. ; The gutch is about ten jpi lei lonjr,
with a largo number oT leads crowing it,
nnd tlioso iicquainled with the gulch pre
dict a bir;er yield of gold the icoming
season than was taken from California
Gulch the past season. Our leads, finL
pnrtlnnlitrly those in the y-Cinity of hpd
erossitg' rrencn uuten are well wortnv
the attention of mill men.
Ttc J-iuiyln, Ilibcrla, Xorton, Wilion.
Grrmair, Wehbsr, 1 ros?ect anil Citledouia
Iracis. all prosjert weil. and abound In py
rites cf i'or, while tae B irlumr. HoLiry,
liupe, CMcsga and Carry leads are eoi.-vid-ted
rich in fiiver. Sixteu or e Rhfcen
in. n ar- t worii In the iMirer's District.
Blue- river, uver.igii g J.8 to 10 per lia.v
to tliu: man. Hume Lo or timi v inea are
wlnlcri-ig 1 1 Gold R ui.f.U malcin;; wags.
l aeic nrs no' .aoout lour liUmired hi'd cii side ot tlie r-i;i, and the immlerj
ddl'v ir.ercufiug by those 'rtturuh'g from
trevallrr. "'
There sctmr. to bo liitle dai gcr of our
HltrTiii at pr;sen noine twenty oats ol
j r-jvibioiis jivit):;.coioe lu litlis liit two
week,' and twelve or fifteen 'mnre on tho
way, which, a ided to the t'.oek ,a!rr?Jy on
hand, has reduced the prirc so that fi vi rip
it as cheap hero n-w as in l!io vuiley.
Flour is hellii'S'ati $15,- and oiher gooJs bi
proportirii. 1 be snow is frain (tires t
tour f-rt deep in the. gulches and cn th
hill sides, aui from tix to cilit f-;et on
the range.
From Tar rj all -Mines.
IlA3m.TOjr, SouTii Pakk Jan24r
The miners; 4 n' rjfncrnVthin5,-iare
doing wtllj considering the many dis
advantages under which they labor
searciiy 6( vaTcr,ds'ptli of .tHcnow,
ic. Georgia, Frchcli, ond'trMena
gulches are xpected tojiel! go'den
ht.rvets iq the ping. -Frtrcli Gulch
i con'idtire.U nnd jus fy loo, 'in mj
opinion, the riclivstt discqviry i'i the I
Sou hern mires, not excepting the fu
mous G.'orgia Gulch, which ha prov
ed the richest, so far.
A new discovery bos recently been
msdc'?djlho vitfinity; of ' Califorpia
Gulch, whioli is raid to be very rich
five cents to the pan, two feet from tha
top. Jit is ialle'd Ualifomla- Flat.
, We have Mclv befrd good news
from sotnet of 7onr Silver i-culej, Jin'd'
..' t wcVwt-t.Ln:
ironi goo.i nuniorry. ino j miuuir
has been tested in Uacinc. Wis., and
averaged.. 81.500. to lb .ton. Hhe
Quulnry S2.400, tbn Mt J5trlii)g
f3,8O0. ihe lilock Mountains, ly
i'u acd Wilson wre Icjjfcijnd jiell
ed rich'y.
i Ap.Teii.ts. mill cotcpany of
Missouri city, in the Mountains, hading
their rsupply ot -wter' ficoro the" . djto!i
i-i . " i '.i j - r.
liaeiy to mil inem Jinuuvoaton cm
by having thelrmill Stopped, set to work
initnediatcly to find the. machinery and
the workucn requisite tQaecotapiisU tho
tusk of boring .an artesian wci;., - : . . .
AfUr cneouttcrins isanv diCcultles
and ilisappointmctits tboir object was at
tost necQQjpU&iiou, a well kos oreu ana
unamp'.o supply of wafer, nbt'ainsd for
all pfaotior.1 purnoseiyat a J)cpl of one
bundled and twelve Jeci below the apr
fao and afucost brabbut six dollars to
the foot, or six hundred and fifty dollars
I . . 1 IL.ll . ,
or iuo jou
proCtublc ln'lh d tBart that qf; Hbjtbcr
mill company, woo msieau oi puiuuicu';
jiig at ouce'upon an artesian well, cx
ticiifl'td' aboht far' 1iunrlred,'do!lnrs in
ao construction of--'diteh which has
irBvdivisaua,Jin(l rtwoibUBlMl.' tpotn'J
cn another which supplies them With
plenty of water,' but for whieh tbey ar
! . r r. . . .,1. - ' .
10 pny ciiy uuiiura per niouiu, nt ivug
as they continue to ate It.- ''
From what has already bet J done,' It
is rcasohublo tt eonoludo that water
i9 obtained, end that deep artcsUn
borings will ' Le entirely successful, in
tho moumsjji gulches, and nit- hq mills
suppliod from an unfailing source with
uuiuient wirtfir for theji purposes, r t 'T
Another 1 will ;eompcr.y .in Missouri
oity has oorarocnocd boring an artesian
weil in their nil I, they have doseended
to tha depth of eighty feet, land at last
accounts were progression finoiy.'-i-JJ. M-
Froai tho Cv.-r.pondopH.,4 hslt. if. IK-rIl.
,f Vrom btilli C lear Creek.
T bo1 tvptvther in "this vicinity h
on very pJcBvutC taVU. -jc. lasltfw
dftyi; 01 dol shows himself lun
few lipurs in .tha day, AnJ .then dbca
not appear to Iiavo trie trine warmth
tliat h'iiii!!tcit9wrjn!rW." "Tar
tics iiave been shreii'gcn tlis lar ll
the, winter, vmil ihn 7th of ibis month,
nnd some of flie'ra liave tundc it pay
pretij jwcll.Last s'cason ' the water
on the her hindered thv ciiocrs from
Ttrorkin to ihe bedrock Bcrossrtb oW
chrinV?!, i-jl?u (his .winter fcvl
shafts have beep sunlf, ftt'id I under
stand that they gethi pay? Several
ludcs.pre; Ictn; rpened hereabouts
and some comparatively .rich ones.
Messrs. Cotlington b Co., are finking
a shaft on lie GciiciaiTuylor lode, andi
have reached the pyrites of iron, whtcb-
prospect tvtl! Clear Creejcjs bound
to be the great mining c-iuntry,aftcf m
liltlo while; Ire7.d) parties are tear
ing dowp tficir rallU in the vicinity of
Gregory, and. . moving them hero t.
this ncihborhoodL where ihey enn get
'ood, mill privileges. iWhevc-aro tl
mills'iri" Gregory'atd thonfcit'.hboriny
gulches going to J5ttht ir fufcl from,
in two years; from; this tiuie ? Th
-imbernow, for-rnilc around is all
chopped off", wletc lust pprtrg the
inountaint wtre thickly covered with $
if. ' Iff n few years- wood "cannot be
had;fr Joye, or -monpy..Qn Cleat
Crci k is the place t j 1 Jiate, nnd 1 trust
it wiR not asc to tun fo'tbc South.T
louali r.M the "louth'ern States should. '
0 gire a;e a homo In thj fsr 'ci'tant Tfi.'t
W'Ueu ear.h iu her Xtuty'spl lirluro Is lrt
-' 8td' ' - s
yhcD wouiilandt r-rjit9a merrr cijd fw
Ad wili fler re bli"ia:ng o'ir rairi an J
, --.- . a
1 Ioto tliy brcid prkirtis, 1,t cUif w'.cuinj '
itrcini. ' . v , .
Whin soft o'er tho UiijV'bpt! thi ftioon potrt
li"jr.1.ams; - r r ,
Or wh'.a tie Tiogi r.tig rsy iDn'.Itt foil
I'hiiiujlTtKyaJiaJy graver, -aa tLy ltaf ballf.
0, a livclifr tigkt tbo cyo batU vit'or icon
.it ini.-u rmi i't lu wt ubb ucikui -j m . -.1
tiBr Mieiireciet: e: oiru' 10 u;iri-iuw
Arc fiitti'05 tnd kaiug troa: spray lu ire.
0 yosj 'tis a fairy IprtilU fMirio terra;
With its carpet of gr;n,nd iUglittoritij- difntp
Where tbc timid Jeer bounut, j'.aibibme tad fni
O, aprtlri tfji ilo boaio.for"ui, J
it'Sumpler 1 three andr'tfts
miles from' Charleston, one- and tk
miles frem Fort 'itouUrie, ihs f m
mile to the necrest land, one and 3-"v
milja toiFo't J)hn8..n,and two "and lie
mi!e "to ("as'le Fi; lnj --The Jatt
named fort is one mile from tho town.
and Fort Johnson ia two andth mi'ec
from ihe tbw.ri. h? mcaiure,menla
are correct, hqing tattqrt ram. the lust
stfrVyi'madjfby the United .6t'.A
coast survey.' ' " !
- - -: f t r mi
' "' ' - . ... :t -. ,-
A feliet y that xoats-pvin, gi'eaw'
tro ible centent. m
. The greatest truths are the sinYpleti,.
o are ihe greatest men. ' ;
G' 'llja heart; withhn o"dcj
bat he never heurs words wi;Lout'lh
heart.' -; ' '"' .
Rtmember that the burn n cons'
tntton is onMhtt-canai-d-Junndtjd.
by .n two thirda vote. . . , , t
There Ire few tfefeetfc' fa ur Yiaturc
so "larinpr as riot 'to be veiled -by pd-'
litenrSrnftS frbtf J breeding; " '
, In nil our calamities and efl'ctioos,
i.'pjay sere ss a comfort to enow
nj WU9408CS anymmg nna,ge;s.
; JMrnt-fa fervid imagination, hivlnjc
great naipmand.of langiagp) and also
ent'iutiasm of ebaraoter, almost inva
riably bvfclc'surjeor Jechflr(
Can anyttlnfcit!y-ietinirJ Kttle
wbicu n Liieiaar.t wun eiarnsj cous.a
ntrenovs vArothoao anvs Uttlctibud
irnr sJund' sysun of -spiritual -mors.
liiV : -. '
Mv i '--is v;. r. if ,..-,,
' A vriter' lms eompartd worldly.
mendthips to our shadow, ana a toi
ler comparison -wat nvrr madrfor
while we walk in the ennshinc it it if Its,
tn ui, but the incmeut wu enter the
shade it departs,; . .WJ
' Suc,cc, iu lB-cbin lYeaorc depra
dant Upon the capabilities of the mat
ter for leaching, than upon bis teeh
nichal acq"rromeut. .Tcachiog powfeT:
is cot viway associated with snpenof
taUn) pr 6Cuiriacnii
t 'A