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About The huntsman's echo. (Wood River, Buffalo County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1860-1861 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1861)
-rf-trrslru r ---i-cr.'ir-'"1iSf.; ZZ f- "11 )ii iTt 1 : ! ."V ' C yff -kave, an eieelleot. end ettesslvi on&aeted with th .'Echo'' Office, where,e mieOabte rates, fIll be done with heat- ,', Butinttt and Fuitinf Card. Blank Af U kind, ZHr d -Bit AW, . ... , - . V"C4r.s of all tlm Ckromaii Mi Cllt Bordered Cards. 1 ' Card-board. 1 lata aa4 Fane? Papa for Sail tlr kebe and Circular -. ' Stfoarniftff Cards and Note ?, Plain. 1 Cap, and Letter Faner , for Blanks. i y c fUi. tri".. or i Colors. TklS llUNT8MAM'S'CCIIO" ii rcLUBt Jt trW Sfrrkt BafTalt Coanty, K. T., eery "niuradwy Morning Urma $i 00 V is adrance for aix montba $1 60 Single coplea 10c. ' J. E. JOHSOT, h' j.n.'wAONEn, . . .'WoodBirer, If . T., ' WILL, attend to all ealla in hia -profei-ln SarveylDj, Tlaltlnt, Enchiwing. ' ' ' UQUORS, l HIT, CpBN, AND OATS. Two mlltt writ of Fort Learney, on the rilFS ?AK,UTAH, A CALIFORNIA ' ' - ROAD. flranta will flud the Beit Acomno4a , Lii y Wood ajid waUr FREE. 4. K. r. DOD6E, SmtaitT fo aUwIw flr Poigt, BASHER A DFALSR 3 EXCHAKGP, rlelleetlontiDadeat carrentratee of hx i.t...... Vfrhiniin all the nrinclpa fuiMm in th Union B'uieht and old. Gold I.tll.f in v.. c s " ft" ' . i;n i bouziii, uu 114, ad EntMt en Time. Ceauell BlufTi, Icwa B'tf - NOTARY .FUSUOi ' XJXD COLLZCTINQ AG EXT, v. Colnmhui, N. T. ''TTILl. Weato Land Warranto, olltel V enoy, Fay TaTea,mek,eutl're-p- . . . ... i t. ., nIO-ly. rue a. a. iaae. I putnt inVR. facoyeaLaw,OoancilB:air.Iowa nl-f. 1 1 AmscaJ) triors). V. OOLUBiSM8W.Ta .. Ifao. 1. C. BAUER, - - Froprletoe. . -0-0-0-0-TM la a oomfortahle and eomraodloe ' Feblie touie-where etery cem " fcrt will beotowdpo He Cnaato. " ,' , Hood Stftblca, IUy an! ftaifi, aod Tarda for fltoek. 'Attentloa paid to the wanta of i fTanto Charijea as moderate aa rnl.I ha asked if. rACIFIC IlOlhE. lvt Broadway, between Main and Scott Itreeta, Council Bluffa, Iowa. JtII! JO!ES, - .lrprleter. THIS House i ailuaUd centrally to in Iaeee portion cuinecny iw """'";' . ...n nlltif. aud eTerrtblna: aarfo at It has aa air of comfort aud eneni- rtONEEEl POOH. UIIVDERT. . ' WW. r7.- KOVaOT, BOOK Binder and Blank Book mana tur, Council Blaffs, (owe, it prepared e execute anything in hia department of askiese, promptly, and ia a substantial ad wofkiuenlik.0 maeuer, and at lew ' ' 'J ; '! v.- Bl-tf. I -; i , .. ., nseMAttfrricKa. ' w.B.M.tvtir. officer v rrsEY. ; !Jtriu rjrr brokers, , axi BIeri taad "Wairaats a&4 Zx. aui. : .. . rCoaaoil Bluffs, Iowa, i ;; T WILLattepdto aoUctioa and Loca tion of lands in western Iowa and aTehraska.tbe payment ot taieo on land 1 Moa-residents and the oeUecUaa and ..Mto.Be of elaljos, . . . . VirCnAIVArT IIOEBE, SHELL CREEK, tt j Woald like good aecoesodutione. vtn etsble,cood, awatt h.r and sotiiid ..- ang for your B"MJf P oncraya.- H will not only tire you ralue for your r.vio to wake yourstay agieeabl. , KELSpN TOjrCRAY. tllini.tfl DrTTERFIEM, i t '- . ;. ' DSALStt I awiTrotraoJi j.yr", lir;V reeks crnetantly n band freeri supply Uiecros, Porionf, firaiar and Vef lablo, which bo oMVre at the lowl rale. 1L iS. piMlofffr! and ehtry rdttoa. f1 THE Itf the VOL.1. WOOD RIVER CENTRE, BUFFALO CO., N. T., FEB. Fall and Winter For 18(8, .-. .i ; JUST ARRIVED AT McGEATII, BROTHERS k. CO Fakmham Siaxr, Omaua ; (Bdwten 134 and Hi Struii.) Where may at all tiaaei be found one of The ILargest and best aalected ateeka of Dry Goods and GROCERIES VYht'ov tbi Miasovu Rim : Consifltlog ia pari of Dreis Goods, Prints, Bereges, De Lains, Ready-made Clothing, Tea, Coffso, Sugar, Crockery, Hardware, Carpets, Roots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. etc. nl-if. a. (D, mm, Famham St. Corner of 13A 5reft, CITY O1 OMAIU, NEBRASKA. ... SX6 OT TIl GOLDEN MORTAR. .TThdbssls and Retail axaDattxatw rnxTS, oils, DiE-sTrrrs Wines & Liquors. TOBACCO. SSUFF it CIGARS, (Groceries & Stationary. n22-lf. RELOW COLUMBUS, ON THE v , . Grtat Military Road. . . " The vndersigned Is now prepared teSn' tertalr and accommodate Emfprantu am! trarerlers. Keep horses: cattle, and furn- ib grain, protisiom, and other comforts for the wayfare, rood water and eamprang ' 1 Dlacktmlthlns; la all Its departments ox and horse-stool in;. Wagons repaired, etc, etc..' ' alO-tf 8IRAM BTISHITZXX'.,' Rnssel Farm, TtltlTBSN MILKS IAST Or OOLCMSVS. SM THS MILITARY ROAD. JOSEPH RCSSEE, Proprietor - ..:' , j Is prepared to entertain and provide for the comfort and- wants of the traveling public. Good Stables. ha- rraln . in!i ... ' r m F fefetabjesj ,..... .'. LtiBber, Lnmbcrl ' - : i 5 .j . t, : .'i . . . miTE WOODRlVRtl MILT. I Kftw X in orrition, and orders' for lumber are solicited. Any else, length or variety will be cut on abort notioe, ami very lib- bet wii( be escbaofeJ if i.-ird.. TOWNSLEY at, 8ADDLP!B Wood Rim, X, T., Oetober B, tf MBIIIS Platte) TalleyTkfj lions e fair Millions and filch it sty 4otb Pacific. :"COB1YEnS. v "Hist! look here." : V The speaker was one ofiwo young men, wlw had come up to the inottn tains, on a pedestrian and sketching ex pedition, from Philadelphia, As he spoke, he laid bis hand oil his compa nion's arm. Thtipersoa tie addreteed, looked and saw a little girl, about ten years (JJ, advancing along en old blackberry path. Rhe was brown as a berry, from expoanre to the sun, and her feet and arm were bare; but there wnt a grace about her, as she eatne (ripping for ward, thai a princess might have en Tied, Just la front of her, a spider had spun his trap across Ihe pa'h, and, ns the young man spoke, he slightly stooped her h?ad, and raising her bands, pushed the cobwebs aBide. It was this artless, natural movement, which completed the picture. ' l slioulU like to paiai ner,- saia no who had spoken. What! love nt first sight?" pnswer- ea his companion, uuguing. iu thitik of the fastidious Clarence losing his heart to a sunburnt fairy. You are eighteen, and she about ten oh! you ciin afford to wait " . . . fj his conversation uaa oeen carrisa on in -whispers. The child, still ad vancing, had, by tins lime, come oppo site to the two young men. i)a seeing them, she stopped, and stared curious ly at them, aa a young deer, that hai never been huued, may ue suppose-i to stop and regard ihe first stranger that enters tlie forest. Her bright speaking face, as she thus stood, grace fully arrested, was not less beautiful- in us way, man ner nine ngurc, -My dear," said the Ust speaker "would tou like to be rande into a pic- lure? My friend here is a painter, and will give you a dollar, if you will let hint sketch you." The child looked from the speaker to his friend. Something, in the latter's face, seemed to restore the natural confidence, which the free-and easy air - of the other had for the moment, shaken. She drew coyly up to him as if for protection. "1 bare read of pictures," eaid she. grting up into his lace, "but I nctcr saw one. Js u a real picture oi me you will make?" The artless, appealing manner of the child went to the young man'a heart. He would as eoon hare joined in ban tering her as in bantering a sister. He took ner hand, as he replied, 'I will make rs good a picture of you as I can if you will let me. A picture like one of these." - And he opened his portfolio, which contnined various sketches, i "Oh! how beautifuU" cried the child. It was evident that a new world was opened to her. She gased breathless ly, at sketch after sketch, till the last had been examined, and then heaved a deep sigh. "1'lease sir," she said, timidly, at last, '-will you give me my picture when you have painted u?" "rto. interposed me otner young man, ' b t we win give you a dollar." She turned on the speaker, M L'o the hand she had been holJing, and drew hersolf up with sudden haughtiness. "I don t want your dollar," she said wi'h proud delicacy. , bhe was tuininsr to escape, when the artist recovering her hand, said, sooth. "flever mind him, my ceur. . iwin paint two pictures, ani give you one. Uome wul that doT ' Reassured, the child took the posi tion indicated to her, and Clarence Hurvard, for that was the young ait isi's name, began rapidly painting. Before noon, two hasty sketches, In oil, were finished. , , . '. " , ' There,'' be eaid drawing a long breath, "you have been as, quiet u$ a little mouse; and I'm a thousand ifiiVes obliged to you. Take that home'and he handed her the sketch, 'nd may bo, tome of these days, you'll think of him who cave' it o you." : - . VThat I will, all my life long' art lenly said the child, gesing rapturous ly on her new possession, with an en tbusiasm, partly born of the artist-soul within her, nnd partly the result, of a child's pride in what is iu own especial property, .. .r ., fc .. ., . Oht.yes,'! interposed - the -niter youtb. "you'll promise to be hi wif some divy, won't yon. Miss Cobwebs?" . The ettiU Veytji flashed aa she tut ncd oii the tpenkcr, , Her institct. from the ii rat, had. made her d'slike this sneering man. She l.'.z pretty foot, and relortod, aaqcily,' ' "I'll nevj-r be yours at any rat, .yon old snapping turtle,". aminos if ej;poo ting to hare her ears boxed, ifoawght, she darted aray, disappearing, rapid ly, down the path whence sh; .carnc: Clarence Harvard broke into a mer ry laugh, in wl ich. "after a moment of anger, his companion joined him.' ."You deserved ii ri;hlv," said Cta rence. "It's a capi nl nicknami loo. I ha1l cull you nolhin? else,- after this thansnsppirg turtle.'. ' ' 4,llang the jado! ' was ths reply. Uni won 10 n t -think sue was so amart. Hot what a shrew she'll make ( ijitv the clod-hopper th marries; e:.e a nennccit nun om t an peace, and sii.d linn to au early grave. Nothing more was sai I, for at thnl moment, a dinner horn sounded, nnd the vounar men roso to return to the road side inn, where they had stopped the night Wore. Their lime w.ts lim i'ed.' and lhal evening, knapsack on back; they were miles away from the scene of the niorntDf. A week l ter they were both home in tho city, CI a rence Lard at work perfecting himself in art, and his companion delving at Coke and Uuckstone. '. Years passed. Clarence Harvard had risen to be an artist of eminence., His pictures were the fjjhi n: he was the fashion himself, Occasionftlly, ns he turned over Lis oldr sketches, lie would, come upon Cobwebs,", as hit was accustomed, laughingly, to call the sketch of the child; nnl then for a moment, ho would wonder what had become of the original; but, except on these rare occasions, he never even thought of her. . Kut sj with the child herself. Kel lie Bray was a poor orphan, the daugh ter of a poor gentleman, who, after her father's death, had bet n adopted by a maternal uncle, living o: a wild, up. land farm among the Alleghanies. Her childhood, from her earliest re collection, had been spent amid the drudgery of a farm. This rude, but free life had given her the springy Btep aud ruddy cheek, which had attracted the young artist's attention, but it had failed to satisfy the higher aspirations oi her nature, aspirations wnich lud been burn in her blood, and which came of generations of antecedent culture. , The firt occasion on which these higher impulses had found congenial food was when she had met the young aitist. She carried her sketch home, and w ould never part with it. His re fined, intellectual face haunted all her day dream j From that hour a new element entered into her life; she be came conscious that there were other people, beside the dull, plodding ones with whom her lot had been cast; she aspired lo rise to-tfee-level of such; all her leisure hours were spent in study ing: gradually, throuzh her influence, her uncle's household grew more or less refined; and finally, her uncle him self becaae bwbitiou for Nelly, and as he had no children, consented, at hia wife's vntrtaty, to send the young girl to a first class boarding school. , At eighteen the. bare footed rustic, whom the young nriht had sketched, had dawned ift . a beautiful and ac compli he J woman, who afier having carried off the highest prizes at school, was the l.elle of the oounJy town, near which her uncle's possessions lay. That unolo had betn growing rich, like1 most prudent farmers, partly from the rise in vJua of laud s, utid partly from the Judkioui inwtmenl oT l i vings. . But in spite of many suitors, Nelly had i.ever yet seen a face, that appeared to her h lf s. handsome as the niHn'y ono of the young artist, whose kind, peptic words and manner, eight years be ' ore, had lived in btr memory ever since. Oiten after a brilllnnt company, where alio had been qiiecn of the evening, she found her self wondering, in her chamber, if she should ever see that, face, again! ,'. ' ' , ''Are you 'going to the ball, next week?" Bidd vne . of Nellie's frit nda to her.1 They say . it ia to be the most splendid affair we have ever had.! My brother tells me that Mr. Mowbray, tln eloquent young lawyer from. Phil adelphia, who is in the great will case here, U to be present." , , "I expect to go,'' was . Ihe. answer, 'But Mr. Mowbray boing there won't be tn induceuieii'.." m..',... , 'Oh! you are so beamifulyo'ii, caa afford U be indiflVrorl. Rat all tlu other girls arc dying at the very luoua . Tho bull can.3 eff, rud was superb. Mr. Mowbray was there, toj"'wiih uHifa laurel. The "reat wiii caH'," Which had agitated the country iVr to many month , lml been com-ludc-d that'ierv Uv. i nd beon' dtiided ' hi favor it hi client. xt situh npe en ........ I .... I . ....'..'.:... as .ur, -ion'r-. . ii w t r a.y j .dmiUeii. nad i yi-i.e n U Ml i .4 J r)i, court l.i'Ue I m .tlf ... i ri guinent Ut! w.'r.i i ; .IT CJ' ECHO. 7, 1861. WO. 23. J so that they had given a verdict with out leaving the box. Ihe young law yer at that b .ll. was like a hero fresh from the battle-titld. A hundred f.iir eyes followed hii form, a hundred fair bo'oras beatquicker as he approached. Bui he saw only otie'iu nil that bril liant assembly and it was Nelly. Her graceful form, her intelligent face, her style and beau y, nrrestcd him, the nn meat he entered; he saw. that she had no peer in the room; and he devo ted himself to her, almost exclusively, throughout the evening. Nor iiad Nelly ever shone bo brilliant ly. She coul.l not bat feel that it win a great compliment, to be thus singled out from umong so many, j But she had another motive for t-xerttng her self to shine. At the very first glance, she recognized, in Mr. Mowbray, the companion of the artist who had sketch ed her eight years back, ia hopes to hear something of his friend,, she turned the conversation upon art, the city, childhood, a:d every; bing else 'hat she thought might be suggestive; but in vain. She could not bo more definite, bec3U3e she wished to conceal her own identity, for it was evident M. Mowbray did not know her; be sides her natural delicacy shrank from inquiring abou a perfect stranger. The next day, as soon as etiquette allowed, Mr, Mowbray was seen dri ving up to the farm. Nellv appeared, beautifully attired in a neat morning diets, and looking so fresh and spark ling, in spite of the late hour! of the night befcre, that it eou!d hardly be conbideied fltttery, when her visi'or assured her that she looked lovelier (ban her loveliest rose. . Mr Mowbray was full of 'egrets nt the cruel fate, which be said, compel led him to return to the city. .He could not conceal his joy, when Nelly's aunt, inadvertently, and to Nelly's se cret annoyance, let out the fact, that, in the Tall, JNelly was to pay a vis;t to au old school-mate in l mijueipnia, Miss Maiy Stanley "Ah' indeed,' cried the visitor, and his face flushed with pleasure. 1 am so delighted. I have the honor to know Miss Stanley. You will be quits at home in her set," he added, bowing to Nelly, ''for it is, by common con sent, the most cultivated in the city. Nelly bowed coldly. Her old di- truct in the speaker had revived again Through all the polish ot Ins imn- ner, sue recognized me tame sneering spirit, which believed in nothing true or good, from which Bhe had shrunk instinctively when a child. During the interview, she was civil, but no more. She eould not, h wever, avoid being beautiful; and so Mr Mowbray went away, more in love than ever. A few months later found JNelly do miciled, for the winter, in Philadel phia. Hardly had she changed her travelling dress, when her friend came into her chamber. I want you to look your prettiest, to night," said Miss Stanley, 'for I expect a crowd of beaux, nnd, among them, Mr Mowbray, the eloquent rounif lawyer, and Mr. Harvard. . The former claims to, have met you, and raves everywhere of your beauty. The titer, who is the great nrtist. and very critical, laughs at his friend's enthu siasm, and says he d bet you re only common rustic, with cheeks like peo nies. So I wish you to convert the leretic' . "Only a common rus ic," sntd Nel-, ly to herself, haughtily, - she. resolved to be as beautiful A3 possible. Per haps too, there war a half-formed re solve to. bring the offender at her feet, in revenge'.' '' ' "" A great surprise . awaited her, When she entered the drawing room that evening, J he firsj stranger; she saw was the identical Ciarenoe. who had painted her as a bare toted li-tie girl; nnd then, for the first time, it fished upon her that tM was ihe great ar list who had spoken so coniempiuuti v ly of her charms. ' Her notion proved correct, for Miss Stanley, immediately advancing, presented the Btrangcd to her as Mr. Harvard. , A plane into bis face reassured Nelly of his identi ty, and that he had not rt-oognized Jier; ant then the 'turned awayvfter 'a haughty courtesy, to reoslve the eager felic:tation of Mr. Mnwbray.' ' ' , The)c"wer conflicting feelings' at war in hei bosom tha.t ev.ning. i Al her old romance, about Clarence was waircd upon ;y tier inniijoaiion as, a. belie, nt Jiu blighting remarks and i.t his present indiifvi once. Pur 'he had iuu is no attempt to improve hi Intro duction. but: left hrr. entirely Jo tlid 0.,.wl or oiiior ucux, i r"n nmt a I. a . ft r . jjio "g wnm wm nir.-Jiour y Piqued nn 1 excited, Niiiy Mweie turf oejuu; ut in n umi, LV" in ihe evening, !:o coaie'atej,' ' JIT e 1DVEKETISIXC C1TSS. W3aequare,12inrtorlenrillrtioatlCO: fcaeb subsequent Insertion, t9 Same, one year, - - .. V JOIO tlx months, " 1 -- - '7 f0 . One column, one tear,' ' -75 00 six months. - 45 91) ' tbr raowrhav'. 3jOO Hstf column, cue year, ' 43 ) H 0ix monthi, ,. . 350 0. fourth column. one year, - 25 C9 " six tionlb, CO ." three month a, .15 0Ji TERMS HV SUBSCWPTI03 : " One var, .... , SiC9 sar, r it months, - litt Inrtah4y ta aYdvaace. Stanley's request, to piny and ing.. She first dashed off some brilliant walleest then played bite of m fern o perav, and, at last. et Mr. Mowbray solicitation, aang several ballsda. Few persons bad such a sympathetic yoie'e, and Clarence, who was passionately fond of music, drew near faacineted-; . After singing, :"And are ye sure the news is true?''vBonoie Dundee,".and others, which had betn sked. Car, Cla rence 8aidK -. . . I-. "And may L too, ask f f cay favwr i t?" ' : . ' - ;' r Certainly , aha nsw?red, with the lcat bit of hauteur, " What ia it?', "Ohl too ead. neihsroot for eo gay company: 'The Land of the Leal.' I ? U li .rdly-darc hope you'll content. ' - -, It was her favorite hlao, and her. ' ! voice slightly trembled ne. she begani. . , From this, or sotas other causey she j - ' i , sang the words, m even she kd UttK j ' f . er sung them before; .and, when she ' ; finished, her eves were full of team.T ".' She would have given much to navc5 seen Clarence's face, but she could nct$ trust herself to look up; and pir ly U. conceal her emotion, partly by a Bud-4 den imp&lse, she struck iata the 'tnisf rare of "II Trovatore." Nolwdy therei had ever before realized the full trage dy of (hat sa'ddest, yet most beautiful dirge. Even the sellish heart of.Mr-f Mowbray was affected. When the last, chord had died away, he was the first, to speak, end was profuse ia thanks. ' : But Clarence said nothing. Nelly,, at last looking toward him, saw (hat' his ever had been dim as well as hcrl own." She felt that hia silence was liter moat eloqumt . of compliments, and-, from that hour forgive htm having c 1 led her a "common rustic," ? . . 1 ' Clarence swi became a constant yW- sit r at Mr. Stanley's. always ; found Mr. Mowbray there betore turn,, who endeavoured in every way to mo nopolizc Nelly's attention. Reserved , if not absolutely haughty. Clarence left.- (he held generally to, Ms rival; ar.a xiciiv, 11. 'it iuuiiiau , m mm ,uuivi(iM tempted to affect a degree of gay i ety in Air. moworny a company, wuicu.t., she was far from feeling. Occasionally ; however, Clarence would insert his equtl right to s'nane the society pf Mis?) Stauley'i guest, snd at such times, hia j eloquent talk soon eclipsed that of even, the brilliant advocate. AJtf e'7 t!i&.( in her secret heart, it was Rukin'a, gainst Voltaire. And the more CI j rence engaged in these conversations. ; the more he felt, thut, for the firsts time in his life, he had met one who understood hica. I ,'.. One morning, the footman earae.iiji '. to tho little panelled boudoir, where -Nelly and ber friend were sitting, say ing that Mr, Mowbray was in the pat4 lor, and solicited a private -interyuw, , with the former, Nelly rose at bnec. j for she foreboded what was coming, ( j and was'only too glad to have this e-r-' j ': ly opportunity of stopping attentlrini l which had become unendurable to her ," Mr. Mowbray,, w a evident! cm ' , barraeaed, an unusual thing tor hm,. But he rallied; end came directly to ' , the purpose of his visit, which" was, 1 Nelly . had suspected, to tender her las' s heart and hand. II was proceeding; j in a strain ot high-flmu eomplaent.-i when Nelly aaid. with an iroaiierij; , I wave of the hard, ".- .uU - 0 ; Sparerae, ir. .You did aeA alwaj'o .; talk so " ' " ' '" , He looUd-hlB twUtt4rlr KrjV i. : : 'kfjiiv tear neo I antwered fhv tW ' same question whjca. you now al , He coloured up to thwtepler. ''i; surely tfo 'Jnt)t1dcserVel,,; I.e s.aJ,' be mnde X jestTof. i 'j-miI Neither do I teak a JeU l 700WCIT Do you not J ,: til"; " I never aa w you till thin aummey; ! "You Bfcw r el0'bt years ago",. Ty and' a. friend l7 were on a pedestrian, , j tour.j , You met a little, bse-footetL I girl, whom your friend made a' snatch . ..f m-.;t u'ltn'm- rou friil imt k.'-' nicknamed." . And rising hV padc ti now reeoguiied. - am Cobwebs, k your service aif.' j r.'r. -. tuJ.aii The diaoomfitted suitor never forgot ; the look f disdain with wbioh Nelly i ' c.iurtesied to him.- . Hi 'mirtifleatiois , ; was not lessened, ,wlin. on .leaving. the house, he met .' Clarence "(.orl lliu door-s'eps. He trit'd, in vain,' to jis-' suuae'an indifferent psneet, but he'Telt ' I that he had failed and that hia t!v!il" I .suspected his rejection. - ' L ' - ' i"--'", Nelly could not avoid lAugbtag at i ' (lie erect-fallen look of tier old enemy, : -Her whold manner etanged, ho. ; : ever when C reo entered. Zristead of the trii mphant, sucy lormetklpr,.' ili9 boeame tho cjuscioas, Jr'nliri 1 -pru!tn. Clareatjis, w!o had elnge3 "m forj yet dreaded, this interview," tooi'! Continue I pftourf A'pugv, 'A ' " , t 5 'M'i i i,';, 'VX i h .1 T r "j l 1:1 i i i.i V . i: t v ; h 0 ,f iff ft ii .. . n iV h