J r'r 'A - I. i Vfi V ' t i' .1 t ed daughter;, II was enabled by hi future euccesa to repay Li father-in inw'a loan, principal anJ interest, and kit itcrtt he religiously kept from the lmr it ws nativ known to hit. ; "Old Tom" wnt firmly tni'Hd from Me poit f hut ndne iaveryowna Mo timer eM Mr. E'ton' knew' whatever Scdtmeof bio. 7. And while tLe peo pU wl-.: remembered, the brpgnr (tor m time), were wondering If he. hadn't ben' murdered er tlrowned, pei-hape, -TeOy .Tlncent' ' WaH ' enjoj ing his cWfotti at home rotilented with hie r(, e-bd JbPPJ witlt bi pltasaat fain ily. ' .'. . .: ,.!, i r AVTUO. if Hur KBL. ,Xbd eetaert net in ubr gnlf $..", 4 1 tn'millow cloak of wrt'i!la ' ' ' y Thine are no melancholy (kits, ; . Xer hastca flowirt, pal aed.sad; ' ,;- Bet like an emperor, triumphing, ;! Wit gorgeeo lobes of Tyriaa dyes, -"' full Plush of fragrant blossoming, ' iaad glowing purpl, canopies. "'' - 'fun . i;" - . t . ' ; i Bow ealt ye thi the season's fail, ffbat seems the pageant of the year ? , ' Bleber had brli-hterfar thah all " -; " ' Tie a otn p that spring and tamw.tr wear; Xd falls tb wnilero light of day ' On rock end treem end winding shot; toft woody beaks and granite gray WitVbr cloud f are enrtaned o'er. Tho wida, eWewter sleeping li M lteaW & aTaa&g't wu.gi of gold, Aad oa their gta ay breast the sit lk baak their tninrted bnnf unfold. Tar bl tb taagled wooJ, tho' prtfund );c- .Xtrewa with faUn lcav that lie 1 lit eriaMoa arpeti all around ; Beacata a brlauoa canopy. ' t.-. , . r . ( ... .i . -1 Tt iloptnj inn, wiU arrowt bright, Pircf the furtit'l waring maitej 4 anirere Items wrapt in light, i. floatiag rdb ofroiy baie. Ch, Aatnaa 1 thoa art bcre a king 4ad roaad thy tbfoa tiie emiliug hoar 'i thoiuand fragrant tribatei iring, "' " Of fold fraiU an4lnhing flvwer. KOFFATS LIFE FILLS 4 PHCENIX BITTERS. THESE .MKDICIKES le note been belot lite jHiblic for a ported ef Thit r Year, ar.d during that time Lave main Uined high cbrctr in almo.t every part of the Globe, for their .extraordinary and immediate power of tee'.orirg perteet healtti to paraoae iuffei.'ng m.dtr nearly very kind of dieease to which the hnmau frame ia liable. ,'r. . . ' . The following are among the dttrresiing eartey cf liuaiaa diaeaaes in Which the VJTAP'WFE MEDICINES - are well kmown to be infallible. Jfymviia. by thoroughly cleanslnj tie and '-iVcqcd atonwflad Wat lug a flow of Tnr healthy bilenetrid of ta: atalr!Ai axiU kind ' JPefuenry, IM1 of eppetlt, heartbaro, headache, relleesr4, llh TEMFEB, anxiety lan geitr a4 meUneboly, which are the gen 11 lyioptoroi ef Dyepeifi. will vanish aa a nataral consequence of iti cure. Cojtfr! by cUanng.llie whole length oirttl lntetlftefwith aaotvent pro e, and without violence; all vipleut wrged leave the owelt eoative within twdy."';," '' - ., veeete'f U 'kladi," by1 reatorinit -the Vcd U a reftiler Circulation; tbrengh the ' rreeTf pexepirarton In inch case, and tie rnerevgh aohrtlon of all inteetinai cb trueUon in there ' ' ' The life Medicine hare been known to enr lihearoatiam, pernanentty.- in three weeki, and Gout, In half that tiaae, by re nov'ng local ioflawrnatlon from the nana clue and ligamente from the joints. lfAii it 'ill ktnda, hr freeing and etreagitieaiaf fhe kidneya'and Wadrter they eparate tnoerMightfaUy oa three ieeyiilUBt Drgaaa, 'aad nenee have ever Iew4 certain remedy for . Crave), - Ale) WaM, by .dldging from , the turning ef the howele the elimy natter to which theee ereatu.e adhere. "Jcwriy, Ulcere, and Inveterate Eoree, uvtiexi' ana Bad Cotnpli tone, by their alt errata effect open the flalde tha feed to ikln, and the morbid etate of phial) 9evfi't U eraptive) com laiaU.eallew, cloudy, aad all diaagreea bee enoleiHenev r; -.. f , iL4 of.tUti pitla iorb eetw aheA time, will effect an entire eore of Halt EbjliiJta.iluiJgl)roriw!n61i lb Uwraeee ef the akin. Oomuon Celda and I efluemiewQl.elweybeeJd by oaeoee by two ia the woret eaaea. , If edletoee, waa cured ot ledletoee. waa cured ot pile of 3i year a taadl aieiv toadlog, by the vie pi the Life Medicine DkSMutt emrryi tbendcinwir11 be fraada4Kte,te!y and certain rsmedy Otikoe muter brkva'tH eystenr eebject retwf ihe dieae ' cart be theee teeAcJiiec te per iratntrr-Jy lAem, it Bat 7 IhQ perteet puri'J wnlcO fbeae Lire MadUioet rtre te the blood, and all (he h.nJorW: M . ; ;,j AeVfteUtr Zruvtini' fcnl Bad Complo. HURFORD DEALEHS IN Hardware Agricultural Implciiicnts & -o-o-o-o-o-c- Hav canntntllr on band, a vry heavy tnck rf nil kindj ff Gov1 la 1hM. line t which ihey invi'e tho attrniion of the public. Thiy kcip ou Land tlu Very Best Makes of Plows of all kinds . ... WHICH THEY WARRANT. Kannlag Mill, Cultivator, Crain . : CulUvattr' Iron, Saah. Ehorl. , .- i Uhite Lead, ' Paint, Ttirpentle, And, in hort, all pood-. rarv ?o irpply the Farmer, BUtkemiiti, Carpei.ter, Painter, ShotTnaker, and all n'.here." We eordially invite an examination of onr trcV. gyOur Hardware' Store is . on Dougla Strn-t. and oi:r A'llcultural Warehouse, on foaitcor.th Street, Onmlia. Cuxuk, ft". T., Juu 2, lfM. nlO 1- XO. 5, vrilOtMX BLtlt CQVRCUj I' : f Wholesale kxo i i DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, LIQUORS &C. ' ' R$pectfuliJ dirtcls the attention vf Purcluvmrs, to hit . .I..-...-" IMilKXSn, VAHIED AX1 KLKQAJfT STOCK TC'liTIIE ' SrHinc- m mm : . Which hat been aalected In the Eastern Citi with pedal referaace to the I' ' .;..-.;; .-Wiiiteof tlii market, i My worlmtt of s-' Fancy . Ircss CSoods CJotlis & SUecthags- I PJEATjr AXD r .CY ! C.ROCEICIKS ; IfOOTS JMD 8IIOCS, j , , BOOKS STATZOSStT, KTOVISIOUS; IITXQOttB, &5 , 4C, ; ; ; Winers Outfittinsr Gooils. ' TENTS' AND'TEXT CLTrKS. MIXER'S PICKS AND SHOVELS ' ' , EUGVR CURED HA.M5, S.J()KKI SAU.SACiL &.C. ;' .' ' -20,000 BU4IIBLH OF CORN, S.OOO :V" sacks of klouk. - -LOOip' J3-o.sol$3 'of pafs. i " ''-J -o-o-ooo-o-o-o-OtO ' - We Will rot top to ay anything ebont price, fr we hare overy rfar proof thit f y araautiafactory to.jhote who dOihuf Lies -with u. But to one at d il, wi wouldreapectfully eay, ti.nt we can o!lr kttur. inducemmiU to puriliae cf m .'V.V. .j..thaa -any other, llouee iu Western Iowa, . V ' I ' . ' . ' ' ,-n. , POUTOY JR0?UCJE5 TAK.IIN . IX EXCHANGE FOB GOODS.'" J ctll db see otxr..'-Stoo33L B. . fXGkAit i J. TL tTASNEB. PEGRAM, VARMES. & GO r H 'i jrjjojisAtaS a)6 kill all dealers pi . ; . Hardware V. .I - ...::iL';ii"i:i:, v r PROPHIETOR3 0?;,. -,f, & BROTH ill, Cradle, rtenpers and Mon-tr, and teeth. - Kail, C!asi, Pick, I.lr.need Oil, Vnri.i b, Jtpan, tt, MTlIIt I-'2JOAtnVAY, IOWA. ret.hl ve.iler jx L IRA XXl BiLDWIX.' Q. M. DODGE. 9 .5 Queensware I". GXCS.l!H.l, &. CO. Tiro toon Lf o the racific Ilouie, COUM'IL BLUITS, IOWA WHOLESALE AIsD RETAIL DEAL ERS1N . .!'.- C. . 1 i ifii., Crx ii icali, l'jiiiif, I'.iiiit Bruthel. O.li, Vaii.ia'te, Tnr iti le, I)y-i'.uila, tji.iaaA'ate. A u;r!or qu!iy of tinsliirg nud cheiig t ii.;c.( cigars, Scotch . a.id Jl' tiil.y aiiU.lt). IV vatli tj' of'Fancy . GioIh a i periuineiy, toi let atuciee -xtiait.'t culrgu , ptninoen, ttuttft a lit ioinj impi, hair, tuiil.'u.'ui tuo ;h brnoiic A full and ioui;ltt4 afibuiluieut of STATW.XEKYiZ. JOII.SO.'S UA.NCXIC, WOOD R1VKR CENTRE. Ctlutllns:. ' - A good Corn Mill i im ia rprrstiuri. nod ii-mly fyr cjiii unl ! !((i., t Jjhiisor.N RanrNe, Wood Rir C..Uc. Com in tho ear eroai.d liitewiav. ' Blucktmit'iing. . Do yon want yo:ir luj ' it ov.u ao'l, or auyMjiae d Mi in Hi aluue iHh , to Juhutou'n Kancho, vhre yon can be rrv eJ on (he shortest notice and in Ui br' maimer. , .EnferfliiiMlrnf. .. ., 'We want butlitllohure below i' Good Bfcom:nolat:n for mn and bf fro now prepared .at Jolii.aoii'j. L'ppvr Croraing of Wood River iUy, crjiiu, sud stabling, plenty, arm cl;ir?,i' lo.v. iiniijjran'.s and neltlrr can gft tipp!i if fnlrttoi. groecne, lienor, proriio,i, cloth ng and maiiv ni;r.ry rtiiie. ul price a shade l.ilier than aolJ on the MiNfuri llinr. I you want anvtl:int, cll there and your vanl mty i- A'iifc. toiily mipphed with articin of almont er ery variety to bo ha-i nl Johno..' Store Wood River Centre. For Sde. A riant Cub-mill. f John eon'a Ranche. AUo a 3r-ukn j; Plow, nl-tf. STATION AND RANCHE, . Two ioUb above ; , LONE TREE STATION, Keep, alvvay on l.&nd, Uiy and Grain. GOOD STABLLN'O. JXD HEADY HOSTLERS. Alio hotel accommodation, and every lux ury and comfort that care, and at- teution can prtnlnce. pro vided lor til liiet. If von apDreuia'.e Home aiid Eaae.ttop ' at HiLL'S ' o3. ' : i , tf. t !' at SHOE .I'lSfii WISiD ROBERT WILLIAUS CO, lake the prit-Biil luet-liodOk liitnriuiii); the tr.iv o.r. tr paUiio, .flint ihvy have eittnliliKbed, a.".WJ l.m,' Kai.cli," OTalhm Bluffs an extendi.'!) Smi li-hl.np, fur any woik in t!ut l'n.e will l exi-ciited on he ehortest pogt(e o jii-e, in. a workmanlike maimer, and kt rauible atl hnnct jilicri. 'lliey iir.ve tlno nnr.erted with tlifir ehop. tiadii e panti wker- all manner of eujt 4ie ui) be hH n Cattle, horvvt, amlei, r.dwaiiotiK, l-onit, olil, or exclwnped -and. home ud acooinodatioue generally; (uniUhei tjie iruv) r nl7-U, A;0r'J0HNSdIJi;; F'Kirenoe;' D?al'r ii Stajle rnd Fwicy Groceries, Liquor. Pi uid, Obi.diei, Coi'icciioiiei-test U.jire, Fancy tnodi,Va.ik N.itK, J '.li, 'i'oye -od a ihuam and t'o "knix ki.A, ciiifc'kru-txii.'b, e.cit:at iibd te lo tiui1' wi.ich He oiici4 lor 1 ai ie oa the nio.i' eajy aid reu.o.abl ta,iu fa L i, U.u:ri ud to cl . our. , , . . Coojlu.e o lli e for mJ;jri.ti put tip, wioi ete. and dUpaich, aud f-4 satiafue tivii g ;arai t'td-. : , ol-lf. ,: 19,0'j j C-iiaj airsAjy Sold f tVERYBODY'S LAWIEB :1 aD i t (i COUNSELLOR IN "CUSINESS. . BY fRJiKK CBOSBT, . t 1 LT ' ' '"' Composl'.inn wl-h Creditor, "j ' knd tho iAeolv.'nt tJawa ef. "' . 'etery Slate-. ". '. It'Tell You Tlie L-gul relation ealit-. Irn bntwetn Uuardirti ) aud Ma-il, Mnntet and Appreai. tlOM,p. ni) Landlord and 'lenaiit,. It Tell You Wlm; icmttiiati- Libel and.,. Sl-r .U-r. imf th- Law aa'te. ' Ma'T lower, the Wife'e, ' Kiir'it to 1'iopejt), D;fvrsw. aiitl Ahmo.iV. " ' V. It Tells Ycu 'lie Lav foV ' Mchblt luti.i iii every tflalt aii Hi , fa'erMliativu Lawatf tbia. i oi iiti y, ai:d hov to comply VI. Ii tlui tamei . ' - fii It Tell You 'J to Ltw cotcert.lfjg. Pr ;oti i.u hov lo obUiH ou, n il the Pre-etr,ptren Lawe tat, ' l'nlilie L.iiid. i t ,1t It Tel! Yon 1 he Ltw for Patent, with - mode of rocetdure in obtain-, iig oi. r, with lolerfcreneeev Aiiigi:wDta and iTalle,f Fee 4 It Tf lis Yon How to mai cbT Witt,7 and how to Adminieter t aa Eute, with Ue bw and. th; reqniremeuta thereoila every Stale. " It Tell You llie mrai.lr.g-.eCabw'La. Firm in Keiir,t re, and ex plain to l lb LL'iiltive,f , Execntive and Jodicirtf POw. ' era of both the. Ce 041 Mi State Uoverhiisti. . , It Telia You Bow to keeei ofil it Law," by ahowing how t itfM yeoe, btihiuv lffinlly, (hlue,.Me in,, a va.t anioui.t of rroperlj and vexaii&d tltljjaaOtr," by its tiiOfl) conautftidn.f'yif; Sirclo copies will be ent bp wtail, pnehu ae paid. o Er. ry.arnH,,, Every JVU-c-iinnio, Eveiv Man of Hu;mosii, kit'TifV rrjWy in ' krry'' St.tn''u'6'Te4fli1f? $1 d0.4.r, in law i.iUirf hinlit.g i;,4A 9'it S3.0O tt i ear oai h:nad hyg , trp,l.iiiif; rten where, in Uini ike . above or ,r ii.ducviii.ta'tV Wir aaeSl ar very. liboral.. .1 .ii;; -jr nw.vi F(;r iltlSle .pie of 111 Eook,t .Of, ff . t"rni 19 xt'iit., e t!i i. In r iuloraiaiiva, apply i". or l triw !!'1 V'i'1 ! d ' JOriX 1. rCTTElk;PbReheT. : 6iJ i.a;i.4m f qi.iif hy. !f WHAT 1.VWITH Jtf WaKT ft'' . K-in.nu 2Jl tit w Till; r AillLY I0;T0JI:.v,!v'.t ; Coniuiatkg utnpit r0Htt4t'f4ft!y ek- ' fMy;wr..'- - ' . '' '' TI n"" ' , i ! b t,iauIo hue ' ,T J 't Iu ftirvef' PROFESSOR HE"vRY i 4jtttJ)2 54?.1P i -O-O-u-O-i!' e'hiilll ia It Telia Vau ' Ili.w lOM'.etdwphitdUmVtjtltJ , aod hww to ei'Ml; or thev how to 'pre berc Dlln'kW. AkW tTll Yo and e'mpieii! itioi'otl AeJ iet'urjiiJeVhiaXflro,,vjVT,l sioim,V ai'CiMntirtn,Vt iiopiMie eoiiih. MKleJi'- lt Wj It Telle. Yea The , sjinutoiee.ol Csee t, Ch(.lrj, Inlni.t-.im Colie.Xi- v tie As , ul lj..wj 4kee4ia agiinet iuf,riiilia Cot- I Of lb. varjeM b-ear-M . Ciiildrrn, and gire the be4 I rrl.o.i, Worm. RcJJL lAsS. ' Kiiitrwordt, CtlfWrwJl ,'aV r and KKe tou A,4M die for their evra. , ta It Telh Y The nnptorti,Of Ber'efial11 ' . ; Ague, at.d iHkeHW:;yWloJi Typhi., Scarlet nd other fen ver uimI giveii"yotf 'th tyweej" , . . and , rin.i,l.t reiadifr. ifitj tfi'-lr cure. .' ,. ; It Tell You Tn etntrem of Inf a,! 'J: . Coneawpmm, v., Dfepeaatoe , Ai'.hui j, Uropsy, Uuut. Kliea niattHni.Lumoatfoyeipelaai.'i ' s i ": d ReSjVouriU.beet., leriiftditt- for their curt. It Tell You The eymptjlii ii KJhelAraJ . , . . , , Moib'i. JilaJicpaat Ciiei, h.rr.all-pox lyiiurr.Crniv -A . DieiaseSXif'.bdlBladderlUwi , i.t) iuj IJver and t) bee rihedue for' tkeflfeare.'" ' It Telle Yoa Tti evmpxmu f FtieiieyV alumpt'furalgia At"plf.. ' - ParfJia,tnarlll. dnaal,' ; as of (he Throat TreUf; laj.-. " " !" oweTor their eore.''1 ""JlrJ and Eye and th beet ra Telia You The evmttenN ( XfllePWi , , Jauudie. 1'itei, Kuplar,lke- , '. .eeee ' of 'ibl. 'BeMTt,' IMnMM ; j ;. '. . j r'iie VM.r;vMea..eii,i- ' Wt' I tt Telia You ,Th u- ! tJWf Ti"T,"f J1" .. 1 ". - : f ' nil, .et..tit i aia--aa::ee.. aVrcfota; j, ,..,,' It Tel! Yon , Or tl taVf.fe JUliai.ee pe-''' '. eSthbr t4i'M'eiiMia,Ad ) lb beafv and .aiwipleet , ' , ' ' . trie fertbeif tiiU ityiktl j.' ' ) 1,'t . with ay Tbbh'hWMeJ- i . . oreservation ef tM health.. a l' 1 e a. Th.' work tawtUten'id rtm iatk2aki' JT free trem bediral Ure. aaaa-fo N,aA,4V uiiderstooiwhiU lu ipl rflje Mr ' eocn eive' yoi riiiJ Amea.ihe witef W ' ,r, ; book. It I priiilne1 :a;a;af n4, fm , . lypet ie 11 loutd. with appropriate -. , graving, and Will be 4otWami(4MelaeVt jf I Sreei, neatly bound d,rOeM Ukki f. ' , receipt of $1 CO. , , . 1 ., . - I i OOO A v it All tadU fted tiUaH i! terprbiaj wa vetyWefe, . !' !, 1 abor work ,aud our indu ai aiTt . are very liberal ,.il;.l.:;- l lknif .: . . . i 1 1 .k. . - m' . i r er aifigif epte w p aw i, a term to agebta, ith')tbr laliJib, j ' apply or addrwe t i o'.. .tsfili .W - f , lo. IT Uo &.reet,A JertelWa ' ' 1..J f Hftai a, V 1 V i If : .:. " . - 5 - ef