The huntsman's echo. (Wood River, Buffalo County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1860-1861, November 02, 1860, Image 2

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' 4
? y
', .irrlials from t'tnrt.
On Tuesday last we wero hijrhl- rnli
"ted at a in greeting our old .fridnd Cul.
JV. W. Hooper, delegate of I'tnh Terri
tory, now bound for the federal capital.
The Cul. teamed in excellent health
spirits, and was nccompnniedby his fain
.51 nod ft largo number of misiou:iriea
for the enstorn States nnd Europe, and
thers who ciuno ilowa upon jiubiio or
privato business. Among the most prom
incnt -of tho missionaries, were l'rnf.
Orson Pratt, Ernstus Snow; and Ceo. Q.
-Cannon of ths "twolve",nnd ninny oth
ers who have been long find f.ivorihly
known, at Council Lluffs and On the
froatiers, as among tho earliest pioneers.
We hot no hesitancy in expressing our
ticarty good will, nnd kindest wishes for
the welfaro of tlicso men, though, by
many, esteemed religious fanatics, for
.such self-denial, nnd devotion to the
dictate! of their religious belief as im
pels them to leave comfortable homes,
families, and firesides, and their various
ibdastrial pursuits, and bravo the linrd-
ahips and storing in crossing the moun
tains and deserts, and traveling ou foot
and otherwise by land and by sea.
Such persevering energy nnd industry
as the display should, at least, com
mand the respect and admiration of nil
The Col. and his party started forward
yesterday morning. We wish him every
-reasonable success in obtaining the rights
-of bis constituents in Utnli-whioh, if
.bis proverbial industry, intelligence,
acumen and ability fail to achieve we
' are mistaken.
This party number between fifty and
an hundred about thirty dnys out, all
in good health and spirits. They report
no news of importance on the route.
I Harvest and health good in tho Vallies
with their attendants, penco nnd pros
perity. Advice C! runs ! ,
'The merchants, rencher'os, tr. ders,
and oituens of the upper Platte Vol
ley, will find it infinitely to their ud
van'age to look to. Omaha nnd Coun
cil Muffs at their natural ind very
bestjmarket as being fnrthe nearest
on (he frontiers, and by fur the most
advantageous, ll is now readily co;i
eeded.lhat'tbose places ore now doing
a heavier business, and ulferit'g goods
at It as, price tlian any town abow: St.
Louis, addinc difleronci in freiirhia.
. .. ' a - o
let our minus make a note ot tins.
and try, if they have not already.
tort Kearney icKoiraey tlly.
i Monday we treated ourself t) a
fljinp trip to Kearney, and vicinity.
.' Hoadi lampid by recent rain and
cbillj win J from the north nut bur,
few pilgrims -found neighbor Hoyd'
V buiiljr dispensingl is comfoits to tlicd
lieeay a new rancn iwu nines i u i .-f
P .1 H. flltA f.kP.I anil A Cll iftlAllo nl.ili
nil korell, nearly comp'e'ed. at the
.and but little water in the river.
, Drove to Kearney city, called at Sel
,' , don, fc Oo", found the door open, and
' Nfck to bum," doing the polite to a
crowd of Peakers found the "adobie
town' -of fie hovels, last spring,
grown io a place of sonic forty or fif-
J iLtieased besinesr with correspond-
K' ' dou, JS'tclioUoo .
f 'Ydungf-J'eok,
" ' r it... . f- a '
jt I fw at
and icrcral othlr lirmi have ood
uppliea. and aro doing a good busi
ness..,, Supped nnd bundled with Sel
' . dop 4r Nick,' breakfasted with that
prince' yf good cooks, Simpson, lunch-
. i d with !egenerout To 1 hot, and chat-
' . Z'J ted round with all', and by all, treat
with tauch civility and , hospi-
f " taljtj, , Mr , Talbot has both a fine
' f atw dwelling and nice store. But
y lerJiaVf Cwt-clasa block house, Clark
buibJipjtnd,woun.d a nice site fotj
' l a pf inUnMffloe; which we may soonV
improve. ueiurninj, caiieu, ai, the
ort) Jfnrf had the 'pleasure of meeting
v '.Co), lliles, one of the most sociable of
Vi"elloV; rfled wion'''Elhworih, Jh'e
telegraph operatorwhom we found he had U is better to keen no compa
for bis'iuess found V, M. Sy-' y at all. , , . v.u.i x
deiliani had in via greinbta improve
men's in his oilier-, where m.iny inter
vsling puMientims mny bo li'.d. rc
turned home in good limn for lea, and I1 n ' ' ;nu lo,,K I1,,,co 1,1 um 0,l
, , , , it r . l . 'between m. Pickle, a resideut, and a
to (ind a house-lull of tde; sant com- , ,,..,.", ,., , ,
Ifninonsc Frolsrlit.
Our old ncighboi, from Harrison Co.,
Iowa, Samuel Kirklnnd, passed down
from Denver, a few days sinae, with his
pockets well lined with Dust, lie says
he met eighteen .hundrod and thirty
freight wngons, nil heavily loaded, be
tween Denver nnd J'ort Kearney, nnd
many hud on from five to six thousand
to the wagon. All tho better for citi-
zens nnd miners there giub will
e leap
?2 irii5-.
We were thai rued on several
mornings laa weik with the illusory
lakes, loies's, is,nds, cuMles and de-
,. , , i , ...
lighllul rwulseaiica presented bv some
... , ' ,;
peculiar law oi it iiecuon, or opieai
laney. We never s;tw anythmg hall
so bewiiching in na'uro-lhe streams,
bills, lawn", inlands nnd giovea, seetn.
ed multiplied to infinity and brought
almost within our reach.
Since our last i'bsuc our nendToois
have bad rare sport in cr.pturiug game.
One party went out nnd took six buf
falo the boys who went on our nc-
count brought in a buffalo, an ante-
lope and a badger. Messrs. Barnard,, nnd others took six buffalo,
and a party from Kearney city trot of
tu.keys. buff.tlo and antelope, all they
could bring in. Our boys have been
loing u heavy business in wolves, rac-
coons iind large feathered game, inso-; feilow, with a scaly caudal appendage
much that wo have been feustinir dnilySftni1 webbed, lect, and ono otter, lie
upon the flesh of wild bensls and birds. ' ,1".n't c!",r" tho "'8ing,whh theft, but
AnteW in abundance may be found
1 ,1. ,1 1 1 ,, . .
back iu the hills and on the plains,
and myriads of buffalo over towards
it,.. l!,l.l!.. !
iiiv j"4- iiviii m via
Tho thing is did, and the bristling tel
egraph poles stand erect through the
main street of Wood Itiver Centre, giv
ing an intelligent nnd business air to the
surroundings as we gaze cast and west
Hlong the lines, and the thickening poles
I become less in size us tho distance in-
creasi-fi, nnd tho eye fails to discover
either end of tho wonder. The boys who j
arc attending to this matter nro a lively J
wide-uwakc and pleasant set of fellows,
They camped for two days near our of-fii!-,
most of them democrats and jrood
LJouglits men. They will arrive at Omn-
ha, this week, and finish laying" tho j
wire, back, by this time. ' j
' rifftt JIirti8i.
The Telcprrnpii wire broke netir the
crossing on Wood River, in the late
cold storm. , '
Kearney is now in comnXinlcation
with Omaha and the eastern world.
imd we expect the boys are , .talking" I
alon the line to-day.
'jL't'legTUitir Offices.
At present thero aro to bo but threo
ofiices on this division ono at Omaha,
ono at Columbus, and one at Fort Kenr-
nev, besides these, there aro to bo "test-
ing atations," at Fremont, Parker's and
Wood Rivor Centre We hopo to havo
an offico established hero in the spring.
!Vor(li Platte Route.
. This road is favored with tho travel of
the greatest portion of tho returning em
igration, who seem . nstoniibcd at the ,
great difference in favor of this routo. j
Resides this, a vast deal of trade, up tho I
Valley, that has heretofore gono south-;
ward for supplies, are now going to
Council Bluffs and Omaha, as a far su- j
perior market. Wo have conversed with j
many traders upon this subject, who i
freely admit the truth of our assertion, I
that Omaha and Council Bluff offered
tho best market above St. Louis, cither
for buyin
Our outside
wronc this time Purdonei. 1
Weather quite cool and occasionally
stormy get in your potatoes.
j It is a fair step toward, happiness
tn l virtue to delight in .tho company
of cood. men. aud where .these cannot
Marbiku ad Divokcko In a Wjskk.
- j l'1''' pooplo of Kearney city havo been
- j cwiderably amused of late, by an union
who, after a honey moon of a week's du-
'ration, separated ; nnd it is now under
;stooJ tmu tlie matrimonial conjunction
; hM ,,l,('n dissolved by a "I'lke's Teak
, divorce.'J ,,-,..
J JCew Hanciik. Wo learn that a ranch
; has been started by somebody at the
- function of the Utah With the Tike's
J J'cnk Iload, about 12 miles above, but as
: tho owner don't ndvertiso or subscribe,
nobody knows twilling about him.
bo! i. ' T ' "... Z7 ,t
, ltuD'alo and Klk being scarce just iffiw
j in this region, the sporting Wkoyx have
; turned their uttention to wolves, beaver,
. otter, &c.
, ni-ht rectnlb', boys from
Perdues camp caught, with trails, two
, , . . ,
wolves nnd ono lino largo beaver. One
j wof oo
qencd and ni.ule nlT with his
jtrnp whi .t tho ()th(.r ftW(lit(1 r(,,uits.
i which between guns, clubs nnd dogs,
I proved disadvantageous to his narrow
: circumstances. The other being charged
with the larceny of the trap, was pur-sued
by the losing party, and soon hunted
own, and between tho jaws of tho trap
nnd dogs he was soon devoured by the
jaws of death, so we won't jaw anymore
about the matter. The bejiver was line
j nnd fat, and the captor, no doubt, fenst-
i cj sumptuously oil its huge tail and juicy
I Kl!sh- A n,Sht 1,ltci" '" (ho
" 13 mm w,,;n "e 90" i " eaten a
- . t . , ,
f,,r a wolf, but soon captured tho rogue,
i and now ilis adorns an out-build-
, in.'. Ho has also exhibited, as tronhie.
j ,
the legs of several beaver, nnd ono huge
in,I,k" J.aia nave maao money hy
1 nailing iui iiiui iu ueiu luoiji uui. LfucKM.
. 1 , '
gceso and cranes nro becoming more I
common. Vant brought in a strin"; of!
the former, a short time since. Ante-
lopo are still abundant over ubout Prai
rie creek, but tho buffalo begin to make
south ; and those who expend to sport
with this largo game this season had
better bo about it soon.
(JTho mcdioine' compounded and
sold by L. Curtis have been so long
used, that their virtue nnd healing quali
ties aro conceded to be almost niiracu-
lous. This is owing to their speed in
making a permanent euro in the great
variety of diseases for which they are1
recommended. Yon can scarcely find n
settlement in tho State whero Curtis'
Mamalukc Liniment is not used for all
afflictions where a remedy of the kind is
needed. His compound Syrup of Sassa-
fras snrpnsses all remedies intended to
act on Lung diseases, coughs, consump
tions, tc. Seo the advertisement, and
buy no medicines that have not tho
name of J. L. Curtis on tho wrappers.
ftV-See new advertisement of Towns-
i lev & Saddler. Thov have iust the nr-
ticlc every settler needs to keep off tho
dirt, dnst and cold-.-viz-.-lumber. And
tirt-y aro selling at. prices lower than
we expected they could afford it. They
Qfts"vo liberal patronage lor tneir en
BJ- . '
We start below on Friday lor paper
anLmln - 0L1
frFavorites are like sun-di:ds : no
one looks on them if they nre in the
shade. Serve'rn right ; they should
choose justice, and not favoriiism
that belongs to slaves, net to the free.
Sign of tfyt
Fabnhaii stbbct,
0auiu,'N. T.,
Retail Is Jelling Merchant,
Have just opened a splendid Stock of
pnug & Summer
iCOODS Also keep a complete Stock 'ofj.
Drr-Oouds, uroeeties, Hardware,
Read y -m u tie Clolbine, lints,
VC"F ' 7 i
ery. Woodenware, etc. r '':
which he oll'ois at the lowest figures
.. of asy House in this market.
fry Cath paid for h'ulci and furs.
tfnna. Rnntft. Shnpu. (!rnf.u.
.JL In (iperation, and orders for lumber
nre soliciied. Any size, length or VHiinty
will bu cut on Hliurt not cu, and very lib
cr;il term. Lj wanted, for which lulu
bcr will be exchanged If desired.
Wood River, iV. T., October 8, 1SG0. if
i. m. six; Si. r;o'S
mii thk osi.i rtsrttT
Lock Mitcli
Thai is made.
This recent invention is designed
expressly for the use of
It is adapted to sew both '
To the nicest perfection.
At the recent
, investigation of Tsi '.
lors in Pal is, as to which .
flwiug Machine was best a
dapted to their use, it wasunsni- , -f"ously
decided in fsvor of the Sluger
Every Machine is
Send for a circular and samples of its work.
1 31. SINGER & CO.
R.C GATES, Agent,
GG Lake Street '
Chicago, IIHn'g.
Trafts, wHli orders for Machine, may
be forwarded by Express or llaiU, -
T.lkE tl.
PaWJCF.B RE5KRVB, Cth, 18C0,
EUlor Echo. A prtrty of rawnces, who
had gone out without my knowledge, came
In last night with 17 mules and flvehorses.
All the mules ami one of the horses prove
to be bin? to t he United States, 'llieolli
er four liorsea nre supposed to tava been
taken between this and Fort Kearnay.and
to belon' to white people. Tho ownrs,
y anplyiiijj to me, proving property, and
payinj; lor tnis advertisement, win recov
er the same. Very respectfully, .
YoUr obed't servant,
nl5-tf. ' U. S Indian Agent.
r,irce milei above North Bend N.T.
R. GRAHAM, - Proprietor.
AccninmfedttUoiis for tho wants and no
cehsltiea of the traveling puouc.
Cood stables, hay, and grain, also
in all its departments ox aud horse-shoe-inc.
Waeona repaired, etc., ate.
' buciianan House, ;
If you wo'ld like good accomodations,
warm stables, good, sweet hav and sound
corn for your stock, stop at Toneray'a.
Ha will not only give you value for your
money, but strive by atrict attention to
your wants, to make your stay egieeable.
Keebs censtantly on band a fresh supply
os Groceries, Provisions, Grain and Vege.
tables, which he oilers at the lowest rates.
N. B.t;ab. pas tor gram ano country
YiooH Crossing.
At the" GEXO'A FERRY, Teams art'
Oroswd at FIFTY CENTS xr wnjrofi-C
No dulay or difflcul'.v of w ater or qniekV
Horses Stolen;
IN the month of July, two 3 roluablt'
MARKS WW atnlun fwim th S'uK.
scribor, traelisg on tho Utuh road- ..
north sido of tho TJatte, near Ash,
low. One, a dark bay, large and fine,.?."
or 8 yeftra old the wther a sorrel with
white spot in tho forehead,- 9 or JO if oner
oid well buit and a natural paow 'und
u lino saddle animal. . r
Any person- who will deliver-, these r
animals to J. K. Johnson, or J. 1.7 Sharp
sball bo hundsouioly rewarded.
. JjNfcs Siuarr"
More Horses Stolen.
UROM Liberty Farm, Lcman's Ranche,
Sept. .4th, one brwwn horse, 5 years
old, branded on left hip ; oeorrel horse
6 years old, white feet and some white
on the face, and a- hard bunch abomt .the
size of a list, on cejitro of nose just be
low the eye; also an iron-grey "mars
mule, branded L L, on the left hip. 1
Any ono giving information, leading
to their recovery, shall b'e liberally ye
warded. ...... L. Luiiux. ,
A. KOO.VMlt.
AT BIO PRICES. Miners will consatt
thtir interest, not to sell tlfoir Dust, tither
on commiHKiou or oiuerwiae, ueiora
calling on the above lirni". " Drafts
3d la on the principal Cities iu
Land warrants, and Territorial, war.
rants bought and aold. . . tnli-tf.
G 0 L DD lIS Tf
OMAHA t "'.",. . NEBEASKA.
Will pay the highest price in Cah for'
GOLD DUST or, if desired, leceiv
the snme oh coinmipnion', advanr- '
ing SEVEN-EIGHTHS of ft " . '
value, aud the balance Op. ' '
, on return of the Assay'
receipt payab'e ' ' " 1 '
at toe coun-; '
tcr, or In New ',' 1
" York Exchange: sent "
. 'fr-
tp any part ef the llnlted ' ' -States.
A 'smalt commission"' V'
only will be charged for attsndlnf
to ib bugiuess.
Bank Buildings, Furnham fitre'f, uth
Bide. hlt-lf.
' ' : : r if i
S. J. MARMOY having purchased th'a;
above Ranche, announces to thU traveliDZ
communiiy, that he will apara ao pains',
to make his' ranche the 'most desirabU
on the Military KoaaV lis Is making;
The- house and stabliip, so that ample
accommodations can be ensured. J.
The location is fthe nost desirable for
Camping, being ten milns above the luterv
section . of the. Genoa . Ferry road aud ,
half-way between Colnmbu aad Wood,
River Cetare. ; '
Groceries, . .,..; . t ,
vats, ,,.., . ,,
Always on hand. fJS" Board by lb Oaf
or . Wae, t Mock wlutorvd, na.low ,
as at anr Itsucbaou tha RumA. .
All who are desirous of fae'.lnf at boma.
put op at tha "LONE TREE,'! wkara Sf-
ry accommodation caa be bad '"V
in i
;. ,.,f. tl i pcalsbs m ;" '
' i i, f. c. w , .! 'r
' " 11 AND li X1 .i '" '
, (Opposite Lactyfc McCorlak,'s
..4 .-avt'i i().0-0-l0
Goods made to order or the ibtrVVnottc?
Cash paid for hides aud furs. nlO-tL