The huntsman's echo. (Wood River, Buffalo County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1860-1861, November 02, 1860, Image 1

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    : ii.
l'L 111.111 CO AT
WOOD itlVKlt CKNTElt. S. T
, . SVHIY tiiiuiwat iror.NtNrj.
Ofprnurni 111 liuijinuii,"
Xeufral In Hotblnff.
- - r r ' '"r -
illUWI'AV, JiOVK.MI'.KllS. ISitO.
I'uf Ihnttman't Echo, an'liomeil to re-
it Fubt-riitiOn anil advmisii'p. ami !
U t rM-eive sad rec-lil for any monies, j
N. T. Fponr. 1'. M.. Council' JihilftU. j
A. V. Jon. Oinnhii, . . . . N. T. I
W II. Julinanii. Florence, . Keck, Columbus, . . . " "
11. J- rtndsoii, Oenos, ."
Port Master, foil Kmn-rv, . . " '
1). IlaiuM, Denvsr City. . . . J. T.
Fur Sale, IW 0 (ft of uic l'ii.e killing.
lu(uirt of llir tditor. . .
Tlic Kearney Military Re
xorve. At preent, tho above subject is one-of
much intercut to the citizens ttf this re
gion, above and below, on either aide of
thn river. It xeenm that a purchase of
ten miles eaat and west, and oeTenil mile
in widib, including the . present . itc of
the fort and a portion of (irand Island'
wan'inade tf tha Pawnees, sotiRihin
lc than twenty jema ago, for 1 iniliU
tj post j at a later period, it seem, that
n addition to that purchase was made
of nearly all or the whole of t'irand Inl
and. A few years since, the amount or
area thought necegrfa;- to hold an a mili
tary reserve wa surveyed out and poaw
aet at the corner, including enough tim
ber for bair a dozen military posts.
Moantime the Government survry of the
land on tho aoutb of tho river took place,
and in aectionizin, a fraction was left
on tbe west' Bide or the Reserve line, up
on which a 'certain party "filed" and
proceeded to improve several stores
wero built, and other building and im
provement made adjoioing to the town
ot Kearney city." I'pou the informa
tion given by tho V. f. Marshal, that
geroiiieit had relinquished all claim
to. land north of the north bank of the
Platta rivor, Beveral ranches worn -tablihed,
and much money expended
about the cnosslng, on this side.
'Just now, all seems to he commotion in
regard to these several matters. Humor
U current thai those merobanta aud busi
ness men settled near, tho Reserve line
are ordered by tho commaudinK officer
' to vninqse'.' as, I'nalo Sam's nbarp
shooters want n little more land, ord
must bare tbc fraction they are oecupy
ing, and also that the ranchcros on this
aide most "absquatulato" and give tho
room they oecupy for a military stamp
ing ground and what is still more im
probable, that the commandant will
prosecute all the citizens who have, or
way, cut timber upon the whole length
and breadth of Orand Island, which, by
tlJl by, reaches from the fort away be
low the German settlement. All this is
more noi'J than probable and we do not
believe lha gentlemanly commandant,
Col. IKles, wF.l' make Invpropcr or ill
advised 'movement in this'raattrr, neither
will he disturb or distress the property
of he pioneer citizen, unless peremto
rilt'instruotod to de so by the Deport
ment. V We. live reason to believe that
the original military purchase extending
to Ihe north bank of the Platte will give
room, of ample width and length, for all
requirements and necessities or the post,
and that the department should relin-
jfIMB lum mi i'll'-
quisb any elaira to the other in behalf of
.v j tii.a Vara tn mi rr!n
n j
thfi citlxens who came here to raise grain
ana produee'other supplies both for sol
diers and emigrants, and the Grand Isl
and. Umber what they look to for
building material and (uel, and any at
tirapt, ta; debar ,tbm from this riglt
would 'nd to beavy expenses to the gov.
eramrnt Ub6t even. hope f eonvie
tionfor a srimiaal offence in taking aud
ns'rfig th timber they-nead. 1 '
r"Slngers Family Sewingllaohines
also tnachimt fOr Tailoring and Uatbor
Sswiag, at Cft Lako. Street, Chicago 1 1.1,
es a4v;riiHurawi .. . - i y
' A World or Iia ii."
We wouldn't have it 8pjst-tl for
... .1 .. !..... t ..r
A InOlTif nl iliHi we nir.-iui i min'i ,n
ehunse a miser stows away, or the .
, . , , . ,...i. 1
professional bepgar wears evuehes.
,,nd t,ture,l garments to obtain-bnl ()n our o,n nnJ (1nt ftf Mr
a cliangi- r animate ol jvcts, a iliatige j gu,)sCrJ1,(.r!, ,in,i ndvertisors' necount wc
of men und things. The niovfmeiit!,. defiilcMion.but for those who
to anil (Mil the new mining region i ,.,. slow, and don't di tluir part, hon
an pni"ina. Tliousamls and tens cf ! rmly. toward the regular issue of the pa
thousends are passing down with ' jut. we don't earo a lig. If tho people
i i ,V., ,w,.L-, i,. mill 1 o!'t!'.'' I'latto Valley, and those otherwise
emp iinnun " -
i . i,i r,;n,T
lesia poor, biuitf anil judeJ, cursing,
, , , i i . .1
1....1 1..-L- iU ilieni lo thai
IOC " 1
country, whilst many, even thousand ;
are liHsteninji towards the mines with
opinions and accounls wholly at van-,
aiice with the other class." bolh hav-ij
be n over M country. iU"ny:w.-Pt soinetiung jor noiiung nut ve,
"H .... -
who wrnt out with bih hopes, l.rm.iio want uios,, who nr.- ueoiMuieu y j
Willi. T.I..I -"'i " "I
R,ul head erect, are now return-!
' .5,1. .,i,.rin s.en. almost be-in-
i i --n - - - i ' "
iheir way home whilst oihers ure
porting nags ot m !". -
long and heavy, and hie care ers m
'expenses. ,
From careful observ lun it is sp-1
parent first, that v .-ily too many ;
went out to the mines last sea-on '
,1 ilmt thrre is a vasi amount of ,
ri-ti.i..ii ...... .... - .
. i Urliv Momi-
UlC binning . j j
. ... i ii. i
lams but that n tKe!' ",UUI 1 uu
... .1 . ...... ure unable:
it third, that some n. i re .uOi . ,
o make a decent lmug m any cot n-,
ry, nn-1 slK.uld stay at home M,,,,er i
he gu: J tliaar-hip of lh.-ir 'rt'h,'rs
or wives. And lastly. many !
v.1,. t,.n I- Ti- to undfer-
w lio are capuui . 1 vw .. .
take, to remove those moiimnius ioi
the wealth ill e y contain.
... ii ,- i . ,i
Wi 1. Uiisis a worm o; ciihii. . ."'-"".) .........., -, ,
i mi n.l work i.ssuiuously ling those inibdiewous bu.Talo out of ;
those whopooiitaiidwoiW..ououiy, .,Kmm. i
make their pockela full. Jv.ery man,.
was not bom lucky nd a I have not j
.t... c.o i ,t!oi und incliiiidiois some
llll - - i
r'o forward, some batk soiu ar 'i
hope: some give up in dc'p.ttr 'oiiie
" l 1... I
fetric'i and some grow poor, a-.""
, T-f. t
ITiKll" ior Oiei'Sltilon :
. .... . i I.. .1... ' wirpl
m .
W annul aonoi. mc - ,
is laid between Fort Kearney and j
Omaha. ;
Mr. Ell8W0rtii, the genili'man ""( ly io become acquainted wtu tho Uis
is to keep the office at Kc irtu.-y. hiw : grU0( f ,il manner i" which near an bun
the oflio! there ! dr,.d votes were cast at Wyoming, by
in rcaJiness. r.n.l soon the lightning-
in, r.nd soon me ji-i...s-
tonrued messen-er will give instan-
, i. ,,w. f,nm the ocean in U.e
t-two-tliirds the distance .cross!
tb. American continent. Over ihf
""ituu" ..v.. -
. ; . :i. ..t .1,. Knn !,... liPfn
iiunarett innes u.
erected this .'tasou, and but three ui-
visions remain to Denver, to bti.h.
and then away to the Tacilic.
cheers for the V&dc Tel.grnph and
Railroad, and a hundred to the tnier -
misini? men who shall make
names frmotis by building them.
-The!tIau witli ' Cripl'Sfil
' Hand"
Was along here a few days a(ro-he
littfe band-bill in l.U t ocki-t and
r. .. i .
man naned : . Mo . . c b -
lieve who leads the. Chiunen 1,4
Mammon across the Platte for a dol -
, M.t..ur.bita aoiece. preaching on
iJl-ai'l1'-111 - , J- - - - tJ
Cmlnii frrv.i. Lceoft fatt horses and!
, - tmntr T.ifiih. ' Tt ll him to
look out for tne mi.'n with the game
hand! . 1
v.w. , IN ilt it f
, In spite of -.he drought, we
l;.i..'.i Mir np. lv.broke uarden, a(
. . -u.; inph.n
lew aajB ago, " .
weighing 33lbs. We also grew a rad-
n inrhea in circumlerenee, a oeet
i.ii w ... f
1 34 inch"t. long, a turnip 27 inches
I - . 1 l.u, lrwiirttrirxt loo
BivKuu,iu - o v
..Aiinii 1 1 . 1 1 1 iiLiici . . v. - -
numerous to mention
We also mens
ured one weatherfield onion from the
seed Ibis season sown in May, nd
measuring 15 inches in circumference.
So much for ..u and , this barrm
country I J
" Iiifornitttlon Wanted
Of f,be! wbereabouu ol XV. Y. Fox.
It would b greatly to liis advontage
if we Lear satisfactorily "from liim in a
ttrj ihort time. EDITOR.
i ' . 1 t C ' 5 1 ' ' '. ' '
IV o ;mm?i:itig I
For two wn-ks wo have Icon una'-l's t.. !
r.t niit nn Usu.w f tfu-AVni (i!use wlivJ
..... ,
w uve failed to pet PnP.T though -r-
uvrcd in time, am even now come ou.
wild a "'ti lsnr''
, . , . i
mli rc.-ti.d wish to havo a paper kept np
, ., , , i ,
to watidi ami defend their ntereits, let
.1 ......i . .....I 1 ...v lin 1
ha;.c if f tll,T CflnH nfford to sup-
,l,.voted to their home in-'
t,.rost,, we can't a.Tord to li'nd bolh brains
)n0ney to curry it on. AVc don't
. ... , ... i.r
our publication to come up like white
,u"'' anU n"'P
September 2-1, 1 SCO.
yJiU)r Kcho.
!i:ar Sir Unclosed, p-lcase find four
dollars for two copies of the .mo for
YU.irone C01iy for mxt U11J the
o;hl,r t0 u lMbS otiow.
j 1)IVC j;(.n receiving tho Echo from
tl.p couiiri.aicement of its publication,
mill mi w.l uiu I uleased with it. that 1 i
. , , ,
nt . ,1 vii i,hi it. A our advocacy ol
' -
tlK.tlm North I'latto Route to the gold
(tran M thoT liro in .
li;t.licil;ai. from my own porsonai ;
kuowlw) s) 8,lould cotomen,i the circu-i
);it;()u ol:',1,. .;,1( t0 (.vcry inhabitant of j
, VI v ,, ; tl ; viohiitv. i
i i i i .i i. . ... n..;i.i.....i......i i
i muui jr(nuun iisiijiuui iitinuui yuu j
;;,;s f:lij? ,, u hunting excursion cs-j
n-einia nii.-lf a good idiot, I shall ;
.i.... ...i r... ..c;i., ...... ;n l-onn. !
nrj,uJl.f:uji Trickery
in ,,rjrr ,0 attract attention from their
own rascalitv, the Jtepublicans have long ;
; finco bo 'im to shout, "Fraud ! Fraud- j
!i.!.i.f rnlnsO nn tin. nnrtnf lliA I)
i i
jiacy." This is, and ever Lns been their j
. l,.,.i ,.l,.,P(.n ,.n tuna man will'
liuk.uv.v ...'k. ' "
....... ..
pretpiid to believe it because tuey say so.
.j0 j)ee0111(, convinced of tho-shameless
jTostitution of the bahot-bo?:, one lias
the e.tizens of that don ( negro thicvcb
... v.w. wo . - .
t labor, in Iowa, ibis is to paipauio j
oarage thu; even tho R,pubhca,,H j
, .,. !,.. , lh fnw tn iittoinnt
,Uo. m uppeMMat.e Vabey. OU vote.,
'Llx votes wor.'ct. C'ouu odluc" "lee,cd ia K"Ur"ey "
. . . i .v.
j when, in iiict, uic census ius mi.-
u3l ti,,, legal voters in the township.
Late from t'tnb.
A r i . trtunnrt . Tw 1 -
wlunU of Council bluffs, but
; of Vtox'f n.lh Wltll Lis family,
s oli their wav to PhiUdel-
,,!,; . The Col. appeared tiushin health'
I i4"J in "Wx "l'1' '""'"'g heen lugn.j i
' proKpeM in worldly i.llUi:s iu that re-1
; gion. , J
..y- Mibsequeutly. Captain A. J j
Smith, from Salt 1-nke eiiy, diroet, casi,
ftUo b,,.u .faking it conn t
, QUl thfr0j w;tj, th0 saiutg, and is to rc-
j tufn wJth froi p-ut early in tho M'n?-
TIll.v ,,,n0I.. hwivr crot,, of wheat and
illlj Mrun n.ii.j .vj .
olivr rrain, ,md perioral health, peace
nnd prosperity prevaihug. A ith the-
' latter party some little difficulty occur-
littler party some mile oiuicunj uu'-
! n-d with li'iiliaiis, ov the road. A large
I ..-...,:..,. ",nu niw.rniiriiiTiieJ
COlllJlslliy o uui.r.iuiii.i'tr, I
. . . . e.i.i.Mnl
1 by this delegate to Congress, Captain
by tho delegate lo t-ongre
y ()i
.quarter, of tbe 21 Infantry
i the 19tb inst., for Fort
r .i ii j Miino
, r.-i.n. s. Miles.
i j pal lie i.viirn.i ti . - - -
t.0Jumn'nd-ing lue r,.lmciii; Rieut .Ceo.
i . .? 1.. . T.'.niit .1. P.
, ii. 1; iiir.rii.H. .11 u. uv. v
1 7 - V '
Hawkins; Itegimer.t 2d Infantry ; the
non-commissioned Stair, Rand and sov-
en Recruits.
. . ... !
SoaciicnJ Neighbors Moores, soven
miles below us, are doing a street" thing
in tho way of manufacturing a consider
able quantity of molasses, from the Chi
nese sugar-cune. Wc wero favored with
a Cagon, very fine and clear, resembling
strained kouey. Tity our farmers did
not more generally ra'.jo tL'n crpp., r
IIHlititi y Mim iiK ills. '
I . ........ -J . ' . . . W . . . - . I .
Ccol. Miles, Into of Jefferson Rarracks.
M i . i tin.-in rnininnn.i nt k'nni-nnv
., ,,
wn i it i i ii in ii n ii b I Ui i in i
L'ht uuwiUi him a first c'lass
, t
bund of musicians. ) j
LI1U 01 milSICianS.
j iiu vv luvniui iiv outuuucu n b u inie '
for the protection of the Pawnees, leave I
that temporary post on tho first of No- j
vemher. AW "tho citizen laborers, me- I
chanics, and sters employed in the ,
service- at tho Tort, Imvo been d'ircl.atged i
end soldiers in regular f ervieo substitit-1
ted in their stead-carrying out an order'
from the War Department.
The I'ny-inostcr was up last week and I
disbursed to tho soldiers six month's !
M'i.-t i .ii in ti,.v !
l i j i114nt.
lt rq,ortcd tlmt ti,e vjiout and Chty-'
cnnp(, nPC .collecting in great number!") at !
or n0iir o'tullon's Jiluns , intending to
.. " . .
g,ve the l'awnees "lits."
Y I'pprr FliitJc Co
The Flection on. Tuesday last, in our
county, went off as quietly and pleasant
ly as wc erer witnessed. Forty-two
votes were cast, thirty-nino of which Mr.
Morton received, and tho other three
were given to J. P. Daily. Our humble
seif received the largest number of votes
for Representative of tho Hale county
ltonrv J'eck was elected I'ro-
, , , ,
hate Juuzc.
J. II. Wagner, Joiepli Hull
... T, ,. i
and'Jhomas Page, County Commission-,
CM. y. ,. Uunn. Sueriir. h. Vaual-:
,tvnP) Coronor. J. K. lioyd and J. II. j
Wagner, Justices of th.j Pence. .1. F.
Royd, Treasurer and lUiau-r. Fdwi.rd. j
HulT. County Clerk. J'. 11. ;uim and
.inlm r.nim. i''iiiit:ili!es null our leiirti- I
ed self, Siipcriuteiidani of Coinmoii
Wc did not see oni drunk .n or lmis-
terous man through ihe d..y, i.nd we en
iorcd tbe fuluws of Deu.ocraiiel.aruo
joyed the fulucss of Democratic liario-
n v and union.
So much for BuCTalo county and 1km i
tmlnulriiiiK. ni.iii'i t nl . :init deuioeriiLie i
. " " " J J I
........ 4 ,
Law-and-Union-loviug sovereigns,
Kkar.vev Coi;.vTr.-At Kearney cit
--v -
Morton and one for Dally. At the pre-
i"i... r..... r.,' ur ....I , , . l hits.
,liu uuiluui v . . ' ' . i ''.'
Ilcu Ai.o Col-M v,
F"or Morion, i'J, S. J. Daily, 0.
For Morton, Daily, 3.
Total, " II J, " a.
1 s.1 ii.r -iiniile fCn tun Wood
lu w j, v-
Spnryrs) Morton receiv.d "Q insjoj
..U1!lki Mld ,p Mor
... ....
Probato JudgfC, John Talbot,
Representative, Miles C'. Seldou,
Shcriir, John liutler,
t.'ommissioners, uneertainj
Treiisurer'John Yoiing,
Clerk, W. W. Wilson,
Register of Deeds, John Holland.
We learn from Messrs. Seldon and
.Mark that everything vent off perfectly
(1)ljr Itlllj peaceful through the day. -
We arc gr-a Jy obnged to our fr.cndr
Uamm-d and Moore., lor a
! - Wettt l.untit.g eK
Ule 1 .
jcursion. .
I These gentlemen make . lose hot,
1 .L.v, Vnmir their Lranii-. ,. Thev
never forget tbo editor in buinano nd
... 1.1! f ... lli,.!r lIiiii).
relisiws goou unnj;. ' -..
j ow!!i or tr ju t,e cliase, ever
I .. . .
- - - 1 ' " J
x t-t ii,i i.ii'
Neighbor Lloyd has placed u tin
3 .
der special obligations for sweet favor
of half-doxcn delicious WHter-melons.;
.t... lost of the Feakon. v e I
opened out and feasted upon die sixth
yeatereen. V
U1H ltlY 11. v.
Another Debt raid!,
A man tiamcd McGuire ws.
recently found suspended to the end
of a rope otlacbed to the limb of a
tree ot Council Bluffs. ' It U said ttat
Pbil was a great financier in counter
feit money, other peoples' horse, and
goods, but it i. all over now with him.
There are a few in this Valley that
net-is serving ia the sams way. y .
niuit ioa i.i.r.c. i i.i v
t withstanding t'uo Republican pr
- m .
Notwithstanding t'uo republican press
in tbc territory claim a general and pc-
in tbc territory claim a eenorul and pc-
n i
cirtl victory through f.o ' territory, wiv
rinc tl,nt stubborn facts' will yet prove!
"l"" nuuum n nil. j- .'"
to them thiit thvv arc defeated routed-'-
borsc, foot and patrol and that they
Tct bo convinced, nofr'only of tho
election of a Democrat lo. delegate but
!,mt L(,lh branches of jho Territorial
Lfgietnturo will, be Democratic.. Tho
minority party. cannot, with any reason,
uppO' l"t the county canvassers of
)toc county will gire credit to nMrlst
hundred votes, returned from a precinct
t!l,at cant legally count ovtej tiitiy 'Jt
thev do. nobodv else has such an ida.
Now, let those illeirftl votes be set,
ftR,Jo a,lJ ()top 1,118 elected a fuJLMtJor
both IIoUio HnJ Coanril, and this will
ciui.iaiiouii.juV vm
In rega d to.election of I)eWatr the
j Republicans claim near one, bupdred
majority for Daily, but what do "facts1
and figures show? From the most cor-
rect dates, official and othcjwif ej we1;
havo the following results:
Morton's Majoritiis. ,i .
L'Kiinqui County jlJ2j-f,
Dnkouh .
Port ' 40
Douglas " lS '' '
Sarpy . tt W' "
Pbift'e " 4 ' ,;
... . . . i 1- jaiM
Jin liardson " '.'l'-,!. irt
.Tones ' ' 2t
R.11T..I0 ' r;ir-';-.
Kearney " .08, .' C ,H
Shorter " ' l','',K
Pnwnni' County
( I !'.'
T.V' -'l .
ii .i r J J
25 t
J4, -!.
2 i.SfJ
J, .
!. --t .
.ir i w '; 4 1
t l.'IV ' '
I )nd'"
Cedar 44
' . . . 1 ; i : ' . :.fi4
Morton's majority'' ' ' il'Tt
By thn iilep:il vijie in fjroming tliei
c.inyiiser,' if thoy do their dutv-j-'wSU
lessen the Republican yo.tefoinw seven-
tv or an hundred, whivh will civs Mr-
fon a proud ami ovtTwlielimmiiV'ttT't'J
o which, in reality ho lias after tbe Ta
bor (Iowa; votes aro thrown out.
. . ' .
. J u r ri a g i n 'i ll rvA.V9
For and in b;half of Uuffalo county-
we claim the colors to li .w&rtl o(b
,4Uanner Lounty ot rerjrasita,, .
; We have good reason to believ that
Cuflalo conn'y gave the largest number.
of Democratic votes, In proportion to-
the nume of totes cast v1 :
For J.lS. Morton. !! I
" S. ;. Daily
" J. P. Daily 3
Total number of .rotes givetR 42
Democratic !
Kepublioan - - -ii-
For Nobody i -i :? . 'i A.1 3
What say the "Banner' Commit
"Isn't our ling Uior5r' ') And,.beu.
shall we oallT for it V - , 9 . J. fT .
i:litor' '4'vtblo .4
Felcrson, lor Novemlierl Wewwd-
b anil bVn'u ti f nl" Cook' 'it la.
and a supert
nlate nrayipg'The first :
Pun's4' is done to adiiiiratiuu, and i. '
I smoiiir the verv beM We tvtt IpvHT'
i ttc-. The fashion-plates nd p."
....... tn. lu ullif I llu. IloolL fcl.-li
u. .' v ' -- y- . -
j ue'.liir'u doirable and IfcdispensiJbfjJ
I T.'..,. ,.,,r . ,Y.. rurt tvj will lake:
v ' " --'- -
I . . .. r. . . dl T.1I
I suujcupii' n i "rwii
; ond forwurd the tnitey.- no
-nli, inr ha uw") -j
. (1J yMM by ttotrioftj
j,itch y., . per yoiit.-
v. ,tw i..i mora or lrtsl DP
Dickens' works, und everybody; kaowi
that Dickens u an author, erther,n.u-
tiori or fac t, is not excelled. Tbl. 1. a
most delicious feast of literature- and
humor. We al'wuysnid tdtolrlUitkJni.
Gody's Lady'. I5ook for KovjmulM
before us, wUh its twoongjavings', tt.
fashion-plates, its, p.tterj.,d c01e,
"of other embellishment andits be.uty,
excellcpcepd .vreitness? mftiX
tion of all a lady W& iTi fo er
centre-table. ; Vbo .cyald i JJ -flona
without ill : ' J -,f -Ltn .f.Hir
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