ggW. " , .'." rwetimtr.a "' MKt Brer.a Tt0fllo County, N. T., eer Thursday Momim? tiriu $2 00 V yaaf,, It advauce for nx mouth $1 bo . ; Single eoplee JOc. t jr. r.. jonxsoit, .JOUfttOVfl Itt.IIK, , f .f . i Wood Utter, X. T., WILL attead U all call in his nrofes aln Kurf jriiif, Platting, Aaiyiiicvritif, aa. ave. n i-tr. 1E3U J iiJ Cl lLW7Ji), 1! . . f ; LlQVOllS, fcU DAT, CORK, AND OATS. "-XayeskHee tees t Fart Kearney, art th I' riAK, UTAH, A CALIFORNIA S . ' ? . t v aVBtjreats wilt Had the Ba Accommoda v Ua naoa ana waier FIIEC. If. GENOA FERRY! i TSX andervigaed bnv now In operation Aa rxcallcuf Kopa Ferry. . acres tie LOUPE FORK, stGenoa the . araaaiaf aa tha old Mormon Route. This ia tke aearent and boat rwui. add always GOOD AND DRY. Cnjaarres aa low aa at uny ferry on the elver. BUDSOK.VTELCH, FRbSTON'fc CO. . Oeaae, April i, I860. -. nletf ' fsaapartant to Emigrants w-aoora to thc GOLD TUB LOUPE' FORK FERRY, at Co- !, V. T., having Wer. transferred in- fee poeaession o( a new Company, form. ri tot tba express purpose of txUblithlii); . (f eressior, at that point, which will be tairoaM m chabcc, .a iaed ay law, and entirely free from Amy Tarnations Delays . taat ere raally to be avoid :d, ij now In eoaptet rannlar order, and in chare t ana ef the Dlreclnra of the Company. The klt ray be assured that everything will a data U ensure to thin i LOUrB FORK TF.RRY iSa pnblle patronage and suppert. Fo fwrtW information apply to Mera. ur tr a) trait)!. By rdr of .He Board. ;ratftMt.; 0. P. Hl'BFORD. r. f. : MCMAIIO.V. "T itbJKCa BLUFFS," IOWA. ' ' " " '; al-tf.' WJI ; GRIMES. M. I. rf-Mf-o (Lau'.f Claeiad, 0.) " tlfitt45 iso uvaav.os, Hilz fWffl1! B.LUFfS' 10WA al-tf. MaWSa mmd Ilarueaa Malter, ii M teiDwir, i : .' . ' COQTCtL WLLTFS, IOWA. Maawrweeates and keep ea baud rryUuDj akkliM. cl-tf. PACIFIC HOlSE.: fdVacNs aaJwari bltwn Main and Seott irMU, Council BluBs.Iow. i JODX JTOXES, . . Proprietor. Trill Hoaeia eitdated centrally to tbe lelaaa pertiea e4"theity iti apart mruts ,-k.. .-J II .... .11 ... ....I ..MUlhill, jaei H kia ao sir of epufort aud eonveni .a.' ' 1 r. -f. rMaflCCR BOOK lit XDLKY. ai... .eiKsnrsK, ! 'Oat Btaderaad Blank Book manii ttWef. (f oMail Bluiht, I own, in prepared eaccaU anything in Lis department of saineae, areaipUy and In a substantial i.tSTotjkicaAalbka , manner, ai d at Uw aveea; nl-tf. if : ''taetiif aeWer-i - w.ii.m rvicr. ' . orru'Eix v ru.EV. f&Z4t ESTATE BROKERS, ilia U Laad Warrants aad Ex- adba. " Cauael! UluOa, lows. IVTILL aUead to aalectiou ani Lora ' Vy lipa af lands la western 'owa and eTtbraske, the payment ol taxi ou lands aaa-fealdeats a:l the' eolleeliou and i(tc f .alaiiat., ... -r . t . MJknVU ECGLEJTOX. t USTICE'OF THh PEACE- AND IfOTfXY PUBLIC, City, Iowa. ; ,v;u ii iaal 4 rviwrow. ' Mica auwiM 'r ' i i V'Ctrjrfoy 4 JLWVIM. ' 1 iTWirS AT LAW, nILL pfaetln to all tbe Court la jrY WWr Iowa and Nebraska. asaM Keffa, Jaw. nl-tf. 1 - . I ' Golden JjjDue ' a. xucrisDAV. ocxoiu:ftLit 10. TES STAH OP UOPE. at BLt! A. II .10 WHS. Thtrt'i a ray of li-)it ttr U bining now. With a ieady fii-aio a-jJ a slduii glowp Ttum'h the iuDlight died in her bali awny, AnJ tlm tiiiflil cmo on with tb rhut of (Jay ; Yt,a brilliant gun iu htr crown w4 t, Aud it jlcomth on through the ibaduws yet. TU the rtarof Hope iu tbo pilgrim' With hi of liRht thi will nevr di.t. And Ulendeih on through the mii of D'S''f Through the windinicptluinalndof hlibt, To thai brighter Und, that blent wtreet, Where tbe rawomcd low at Uio Savior fot. TO HELES A. BROU'.NE, Th "ftrf", Kilh lotr fhisot Ridiaiit Irum pari, .iilUd mind,. " Tihurt th. SiTlor riX" ''hin M. rmft, 1 .. ) n r ( (hr. fontrfit Tlio wrM "r "'. "i fn. and bil ' tt Miik re will ou Itit'f rill. ll.w . t thy, jx TMkVarc ' llt kullt ti.ti U,. tU7-r irwf rrtllatl, ' 1,111 y ,t4 ""th 'y' Tfc. jr Mill p'' " U" pv''"' Oo4 ; I!t.t' JnHKiiieiiU fr th tiu i leli haJ, AaHtjtt Mrejr, toS lnnrcd,tlr Irum ilita4 Tka "That krigkttr Und tnd UiM. blwt iimrt ' . Mbr. tha iwowi bow mt th. Smor i fwt," M ill bi b thii ttrth, nhcrotli. rltooD i1j'.1 m.t Aad tbo Spirit at owr Cl ju)- eotipltto Tb rif ktwai ih.ll (bin. M tk. .an Iu lu itrcnKUi, Aid th. Kinldom nf God taestmllntivd t leugth 1.0B(-louk.4 for, 'Hi ttu, kal tut mom io n "Huiu ndrUnbU dapirt -Gd f w rd ihill dar. frct.nd.ri, h. it pn-Mut profen W M trao, Shill onfoldtj, doolirod, and held up to Tiew, Tb. burden of tatia i!)ill no lougnr Jncoir-, U .il.arrurt irtriyiid, will auk. tk.slnpU kulitra. Th.a .bill God Uit b (thr,d ironnd Tb. voucm Knbteouai-t tlh. bow UUowtd tb, grouad f "Tbta ihill th. urth briag forth I la laercut, Aai Cod. our m God. wr ill lv. m UIi ptic.." . "Th. lloMinj of God ob 11 ia poopl. bill bo, Ani tb. nd. of tbooircb Hit .nUation tball Wood tir Ccatrr. I'amttB. The Uiumond Stud. At the corner of one of the streets leading to St. Giles, London, there had sat for several yearn, a withered visaced begg.-r, aeemingly six'y year old or more, who tportcd an enoi nious hunch upon bis ahouldcrs, and whose face pre.enied the nnom- loiis appear mice of marked age, though the fea ture were round and lull, and the eye of old Vincent for thus i.c bad long been known was ns bright nnd clear i us that of a person of thirty, only. Ha wa very lame, loo. lie an proacbed his sanJ at a very early hour', '. ., !.. .u .4 i.i,v I..- i i kindly. ivinrf.noat (ill late at n it-lit. for mine than a score of veara. At first, he hud been renmkaliy piinclnal in his' Coining nd going, and ibo freuen er nf that neighborhoiti would aa o.n have expected to have missed tbe -pi re of tbo tower of a morning, rain or shine, for a long period, as to hiive found theplactiof Tom Vincent vacant so sure was the bepgar to make his diurnal hult at his permitted und fa vorite corner. He wi a never obtrusive lo pnsers by and hc police tolernted him, lor Tom wa quiet and melancholy, evi dently' modest bud bumble and needy ; and (hough he wuHa'way to be found there in all kjnds of weather, yet lie took Rood care of his p.;rson. and was r. . ........ . i t..- I,, twill 1,;. ,,..-.1 and miserablr, exterior was eviiU-W8', pavement, remembering- of liis poor and wretched condition. j c. ..... a pm ... w even uuui jivicu uvi a fun (ib ,i ... i ... .V.,...,j they passed and re-passed, the pen nies, ahUjings, unci occasional crowns that were dropped, into bis incigniti cant charity-box soon amounted to a very comfortably paying income for him. ' He boarded his money, ftom the begining, and after five years be found iiiinneif able to invest a bund, some surplus, at good round interest, though nobody knew of this. Tom came and went tbo same as before. He was doing a thriving business.- His location was the best in town, and ! he made (he most of his opportunity. lie bad a wife and 01 e third -at home.' liis daughter was well educat ed, and had been taught from infancy never to ask tr answer queaiions re pardinghir parent, whose orenpat'on she ically knew nothing of. Tom Vin cent was un assumed name ; m bo Jy su.pectfd hi.ii, ai'd he might have l,i,.f.rl nf t-t wpll-L-nnwn rt. fill doomsday, nnd none would have been J ti. I,., it w.11 ,,h..,np,l u,n- hit scheme of deception, and so well did he continue lo carry out bis ob jects. , Among his regular benef.tcfors and there were mtrny, of the people who passed his conery daily there was ene person who bad long been friendly (i old Tom. H was a you1 g merchant.' who came and went to and from bis busiuu every morning, and j who scnrcelj' aver pii l t!ut icgar I ttii icu wiihi u' derofcitin ' ia Tom a box lO'iic Mivr cnan.'e. Iin t.nino vrna iMoflimef. ' 11 was b trarleiaiT, in tli drjyo'-.da line, nud he acfmtjd from Hie otitx'ot o have taktn (i hwy to old Vincent., Wliilo a yoiinjr tltrk, even, h liad Ictn alwaya mindful of the poor ol't litinchab ck, anil a lie ynt to be bi tter off in own p cai.iary circumotincc!, b Li carno m re ibra! tluu vvtr, drop ! t a , I'lug his daily Kliil!ii'R or liulf-cro.v ii or ictum- itity the box, t M lit! went !, tmd ftlw.iyA' with & checrim! woid ; lo Toin 4N a pseJ. 1 j ,he mtliniime Tom's means 1)h:1 j, nnd lie had pot together !, rt,ry , sumt which he bad j invited to L't ofl''! ill bis rei.l , ... li: . rnm;'v w,re tlomieibd in a r"rnote part of the town, and be vis i id tliein i.uoe t r twire a iuek. only, ti r nHny A lonpand wemy yer. Al Itnuflh Ire became . 1;n regular in his 'i appearance t l.i nccutoined finer, I arriving much- later in ilir mtrnii p I 'ban uxnnl, find di-p'Hti" i irLirr at niiht; Ihtn a J.y woubl pas itb ! out Tom'a making bis appearance at all, a very atrnnce f ircunisimce in the estimation of those wbi bud known his reiiliirity lunj j bnuiiy, be rami: bill twice or tbrke n work, and wia lilninly iror tlecH'pit and miserable and sickly than ever. T.i those who bad seen and observed eld Vincenl tbe longest, it wit that tbo bi-g-fnr tvua r-ipidly failing in btu'lb, an I it wa thought that be would noon be misled from bin poal fimilly, nxl fur ever. Tom wa very ol i and -Keiikly, l.i me 'lid worn out, and tic nmueruu Iric-nd of the needy rami . i'ciea'(i 'beir daily favors, for it whs i iiiri that be wou'd r.oi t i ed their cluir a great while Icng'r, at host. Mr. Worliiiifr bad lately pfssei. Tom's locale, but tbe bejar observed I that he dropped only a lew hu'po ce I in tho lit le box, then n penny or two. (then nothipg for a whole week. A j las, he went by upon the other '!: of the way, I hia w; a a' queer nrraage ment, tlio 'ghl Tom. Wl at b id lie done t offend him ? What bad l.ap pened to caue the udltu change m his friend's habit nnd bis long contin ued favor ? Tom could not imagine why he was thas remiss. Ono day, l!r. Mortimer ' crossed (ever, however, ui uppeU a lull-crown I in tho boxand halted. -How tre you. Turn V ho said . -tool J, tir, poorly," responded the bejrgar. "You havn't been here of late io regularly a befori," added Mr. Mor timer. "What's the ni .iter?" No' fowell as formerly and get ting old, master," said Tom. "As poor as ever, too?" Aa poor n ever," renp:nded Tom. Mortimer st uted, a moment after ward. EuJdeidy, pazsd for an ins' ant upon Tom's partiHlly exposed itbirt boiiotii.anl thin went ou ab m bis bushes. The beggar soon alierwnrds secured his little box, and returned to bis humble lodging, iu n dingy court, blfi uiilu westward. "That couldn't h.'ive been a gem - I : I i- ii .r.. i "?l " , . ' ""rc'' . Mnrhrtiir f f liirncolr t.m ha fitifrtiT i iUVib)Hil wv -e--4.eee at iiuilltu -toruoier io nimseii, i.s , ' ,,' accidentally. wiiut ii - i 'u iu. l iiuirnt a srinepse oi in io.n mcent s ho m . r . i a, , , isom.' "It was showy though, nu 1 nr tistically act. It could not havo heeu a diamond, and yet it w;is very bril liant. What is ibis old bepgnr doing with a crystal, even, in his shir'-bo-soin? ' continued Mortimer, to hinj stdf, Astonished. . Can it be that Tom is a deceiver, like the rest ? I must see to this," added Mortimer, shrewd ly. ''I, nviist see to this. He may liuve found, it, nnd perhaps may not know iu value. It insy be el.isa. We mas knoilihutoryl' ni.J Mortimer cui.iiquco n :wrjn 1111 esiaoipu in- ut. which was now in the hands of his creditors, for (he trr.der-man had latterly been unfortunate, end his l name, unluckily I ad just appeared in the Eankmpt's U 'telle," among the failures of the day. When the early friend of Tom re turned next day, ho missed old Vin cent from hi pot. and not till three utet ward$ did, the beggar again. . t he chance u on beggar again. . Ha enra up. de posited n f mill co'u in hit box, bu' saw more of the breast-pin. Tom was in rags, his bunch was as big ns evi'Ti ho s'ooped more inouu ful'y (ban uu 1, antj ho locked th same miaerahle object that be hud seemed, lo Mr. Mortimer, for hilt a accr" of years before.' "Hard times, Tom,' said Mc'.iwer t the boggnr. "Vrry, nir ju4 live, all ol, u. nnd tnnta ail. tieie a n note a cen tlernan left wi'me yfaterd y evening for you," continued Tom, aa Morti mtr was nivvins oo Tbej tell ie you've betn uulort'natc, too, of late, Jlortiint r took the 1 tier, llmiikcd To;. i, nnd bin ried to liU' rooms to read it. 1 It rend i a folfows : ' ' If .Mr. Mitrtimer will cnll nt Bank Irte. tioho, No. C0, n f-u' o'clock. ou Tl nrediiv, l e will hear a.ifnetbiDi' '.here to Ins prrstnt olrttiiiae. The letur wat without is?nalure, bnt. the loc tii n tvi i ref.pectrtble, and tbe ajipo n cd hour, during daylight. )! rt nier rieponded lo tbiacnll with, ut heitntion ; and at early futir o' tb k hi fund biinie!f befcra n band' iome dwelling, in Hank Street. lie mounted th ione ctepa, rang the bi ll, presented l ii cad. and was ushered by a aervani into a be; ulMiilly furnish ed apiirimerit,' wbtre he was reqnea ed tosiiA moment, when the pmpriutor of i lie houfe would wait on him. ' All this perrormante was inexplica ble to i he ytaing man, put be was ti lifted fit-in bis denbis, partially, by the mir-mee of a lSni .looking, gentle manly ninn, wlmni he bad never1 seea before, and who sNl : '''' ' ' Mr. Kdw.ird Mor'.imrr, I believe 1" "Ye, ir," said the o;her, "your j ervant, fir." "M ike yourself at home hrre, Mr. Mor imei,"saiil the gcii'lcnian; kindly.' 'I heurd of vour misfortwrie, recently. j and I h;ivw si ni for 3-011. to see. what may be dot e for jour pecuniary relief. Tint i our dinuer-hummons, sir will you j in ust" " '' ' ' ' '' ' Mr. Mortimer tha'keJ his strantre f fiit I'd. nd they both ptsncd into 'the dming-riom. ; " I hi is p-:y wife Mrs. Elton, iind my d iiilitfr, Oeorget'e Mr. Morti mer." s i I the gt ntlemafl, preseniing the ymr e nu gr.icioiibly, to his fxin ly ; a'i ( ti e i cwly-miide ucquain tnncts s;t' dun to the ii . cushion of a fplcrnbd rt pa-t, lit which' (be ladv of Air. I'l'.on pre ivied w'th a 'grace he hail never s: en rXctHed.' : ' - When-the -loth n ut removed from the tahle. -wine pUced before them, th lndie rttiie l, and Air. KIton thus addres'fd the bankrupt young iner ch nt. ... ... ."Mr. Mortimer.i to what cjreura- !ancc yoa are.jnsj now, indebted (or lhis interview, and what mar,, per-, haps, follow i it matters not at this moment for me to explain 5 .you shall be duly adt'Med of all that is require yon rhould know;' but at tha outset, 1 m itt ak that you yield me jour coulidec.ce. und believe that- while. 1 promise to be your friend,' 1 will at the Hume time propose no impertinent queries. ft least in my own judgement, legard'ng your flhiirs. : Do we under s'Kiid each jotluiv now, sir f"t , . j T have no wish, my dear sir, iior am 1. in a pnr ion jiii now (ii 1 were reer so w, dip:iseil, to pruc ict (iecettion, Mr. Llton. Vouarenware of ruv prsi;iit pecuniary (rouble ? "iusacllr mid that I why J sent for you. , Do you remember me ?" "No, sir." "Look i gain," sriid Ellon. 1 ciiiioi, recollect, sir, that we hav ever met," responded Mortimer,, examining the gentleruaeJ'a - features crefuliy. Well, lhn " continued his host, I knew ydur fither very well; and i a he is dead and you have no friend to whom you enn now conveniently turn for advice and aid, I have' as turned to invi e you here, and to make you apro)Osal." "You are very kind sir and I am in a position to appreciate your liber ality, most certainly." ' Mow much money do you owe, Mortimer? ' ' ; 'Six thousand four hundred pounds s:r. ' ' - -'All toll?" Yes, sir, six thousand in round numbers''' ' "-' ' ' What have you to pay It with ?"' Ebteen hun ird pounds, value in my stock of goods and cash in hand and about two thousand pounds in deb's and securities.' ' "You are twenty-five hundred pnun ! behindhand then," tuid Air. "You are light, sir." Are you nn i ried, Mr. Mortimer t "Nu. 'ir no !" exclaimed Morti mer wi'h a piirtml smile. No, air, my eiidiune cannot brand, me With uny tx rrtvagance as this. I im frt" and unencumbered in this re. Ft co." : ;' "II. ve 5 ou no intentions in tb&t dl rec ion V ' ' '.' None, I essure yott tir,'. "You will accept a loan of me, will j von liof, Ur. Mortimer,-'oS , five ptjux iiiounanu pounus 1 j 1 1. 'I W ould di m gladly ; but Tnally sir, ibis is rotjrely unexprctrd iaJL lit not. a f hilling'. Value.that.l can offer vou by Way of security' . v' - "Did I ask you fr tacur itj V rt'A Khan, mildly; i U "No, ns sir, yon did not-l3at iris common, rV'u are aware, underautTI circum--' ' r 1 i 1 .ill i Tfes,' yes," fcpKevIEntonrntTj rnnlirif. film t 'ii,f" iiA Imrr of the presenf Casit ar 4y Vrteara common you ste ; aud if yea possre sed the ecurity you allui'e ai, yt-u wou'd have no iliiHculty iii rblair,it.g the money you niay iee4, Qy,wuc Thus thtre, won'd.lye no taej"it in my purpose. . I. want no ai.curily, 1 ani desircus to Hit jou. ' Wili ym ac cept tha offer ? ' With !1 my heart, sir. and I will labor hard to return jt . jow 'wiK good round interest when (he cla'wia that now darken my prapeU-akaJ have passed aw iyA' . t . i f. Enough 1 belifweyoiiare 1 and reliubla. " Exense prJ nJon?eViU A friend if yeur Vr rih'?r f'n'i'au who presumes .'upon.-. calling ihimaelf your Iriend is beiow-aud lias just in limated a desire Ufaea you. 1 will, send biln' hpo am'ue jou'dr it' mo mrnt while I arrapjeJ.'our other' mai lers. With tl:e .words Mr..JIIuu dijappfnred. . .lr , .A.lew moments afier.wards a chtrep- ing noise ja he..rdjn,th bnli.and M..r timer W. S ai-toni-hrd n't a-int. hj o'oor open nnd lo' ljelKiM J(Wtat!eriiix garments; the crii'oiieeand thihuhch-' ed form of ohl.Tcm Vinent,1flife:r"Ui'e, room where he sat. ," h !.-. ih.w ..1 "Hallo 1" exclaimed Mcfrftmcrj'sAir- prised.. 1. "Why-j T-m,. how aoi yw manage Ao get up theso long vairs V'A , "Mr. Morti ntr, I'nilgirtd l.aeei you. VoitVe in good. coinp'ny;,l)PR . Mr, Elton's one o' jtny best friend,. -r- ' I've known him I've known"(Mr'. $1- ton, no w,' hiln .in j 'shine, summer .an-i win'er, these flve-and-lbrty years"; and" lie'a aMers iaken gooif car Vine. ' I ' never want liny thing- vvheri hi eeuh't".' aid me. - Ile'ea nice gooJ mitn--wTbert'' is he ?" asked Tom. ti t v 1 vite-.i He Jias) ju"t ppetl out, bat WiH '. " soon n-iurn-i) ,Vb are uosria the box, Tom ypuj und J.hYou,- tak t"l tf?t B?u-8 ' 1 We," Mr. J-Jton is Jun about to . saye j . t . A; ' t I - T f 11 um jcbuuinijr uiagrace py loaning or giving me money enough to'pay nj't' debts with. I am-t,th'l.''momnV a; ' banKrub'i Tom . What dov-v6vi (Ain'k of that-?'-; ' '' nv.'f ."I've heard tfcrrie tiaysfp.'l4 said Tom. "But you've log ; '' good friend to me, at all ovenw aaiif ;. I could have saved you ia wy.mtf.i-L.t would gladl v ihave done o., ...iipja,,., see hsre, Mr. .Mortimer, (takings , small ornament from his bosom) We' a matter thi.t's a precious littfx' use 'id" the like o me. I LoUght;it'cheap 6f a" man who was in dim res iroine Hm -l ago and I'll make vou a pr'ejient of ft to yemeinber me by ; I shan't go to the old corner no more. V ,u ; ;-.!. .! JVo V aid Mortinjei, perplexed 1 again.: .:. i , n.a' : ! t r:.u To,' replied the beggar,: -'I'va ffati. through, vou see ; take, jtha,liloa4 ,t stud and here's a check op, tka J3an!c.,j of, England, for . sjx tUouaand pflmi4j,t which! promised you.", , , . ' When instantly throwing' aside h'ii' crutches and doffing the .brpgar's 'Wijf "l and dress and false bunch,1 Mr. E;!tv!pYu' , hie hitherto strange fJor.d,and'new.J-', found benefactor, stood befoe fcinj 1 '' . Tha presentation 6f' tha 'diaraorrd .1 stud at first aslouaded , Mrtirsr though it called IO. hitx mind th; (act tbvt be hud seen a ainiilar jewel pun wittingly exposed in (be beggars, o'iV . stm a . lew days previousv Heiorai',., he now htd,time to look iq'o the' d. , tails of this nivsie'rv. the 'robea ' iinil ' disguiso of old Tom VFnce'nt had1 be"ett ", thrown aside and' he- saw-letore him ' his fiiend the beggar but ' tliil thi-' respectable Mr; Eh oil of Bank Strati SollO. " ' " "'. '1' h."-i li'ft .ili'.lntf.n- , In : ibis disguise .Tom YiticenA .lroln v nccumuU'ed.his monay., ,U rmsftTi,w bered the cominu l kindness, and pba-t., . tity pl Mr. .Mortimer, and when. lor-, ' , tune .ceabed to' s'mila Vn him, a1 h L'-cains 1" involved, ' the beggar' wfjorat' ' be' had 'ao ofua aided; 'crfie tilusf t'M his timely resistance." J ' ; Mortimer aeeeptefl''thef iiftbdrJii's' etui and the abick. iWMh eie lake he immediately paid bra dabis andtHvsr . ratiged i-.nt w fas the utara-, lie auMr? t ceeiled in business .and bsrf-aa.,., hpnored, nad ih r.i;t, inchaqi, and in, t Wv year tfjerafurlie, w ard;, hrppily to UnfGfXngMlt J-lwo,.4iUrv btuaf.eor' beautiful to4 aacanrjiliiii.. Concluded on fourth pa ft. fg