The huntsman's echo. (Wood River, Buffalo County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1860-1861, September 27, 1860, Image 2

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    I I.S .ll
i '
"" ' ' ' -iff" i
. s.rrar nttMsii aoaswo.
TarTirT8 j : i i t t : t M
Independent In Everytll
: neutral in Kotbln.
Foil Fujlatk to Oowoatss.
, liemrmbtr,
Crr.ifsa, the SrEASino, beie, en Monday
tkU and kttht turn, tat indicate what o ff r Mieton on elceliea day.
J Order your Tickets!
We ae rr-rfy to print tickets on hort
Yotlrr, iil fill mry order seeompeoied with
the rh.' ?.i 5,P0 per hundred.
Fvr AWsstaVs f. au barized to
's s-ibcriirtions and advertising,
and also x t:el and receipt for any monies,
"N.'T. Spoor, T. M., Croncil Bluff la.
,- . D. Jnues. Omnhs, ... N.
t . - . . ti
4ck.i lta, Columbus, . .
r!. J Huiiion, 0-noa, .
. I'nur JVI-usier, Foit Kwey, .
I). IiaiiM-, Denar City. . .
J. T.
, F.r Sain. llW let pE u.ce 1'L.e siding.
luqtiirx or ihe edit jr.
Com, a i-lutty at M cects per bosUl
U U'ouu f..ver Ceuue.
Pnbllc Meeting.
AVa sMi it annoudced in tha NeUros
kiuu, thiit J. S. Mv.btos will py our
' s ul nirnt a risit, end Teuk to our citi
shw n he afternoon of tho first day of
OciolK-r. 2Lc Siteting will be in front
t f op-r o(Si--, ar.d we Lope to soa a full
ji:toitdjiicj froui very part of our Bettle
ifnt, a jnattrr iutcresting to every set
tler wilt bo treated upon diseussud, and
SJinarctevl by rendy und taltiitod pek-
r On tlio 30th of ihia month, in ths af
i -'. tcrnftMi, there will also be public speuk
w . iuj at Keuruy city. ' Mr. AlonroJ is a
' Mi-y'pithy Lnd aM speaker, and will
,-.d7Ty fed interest all who Lear him.
on aUcsldes, fnd let ns, hear
fb4i,.tjoo oiststda 'world is" about. v'
w jt " 1 :
. ; , , Troubles at Denver.
The greed for gidd, buving drawn
Aunsnnds of idle and disnkiiuite men to
the iie W ElJurudu: b!ooJli6ds, tht;fu,
. ab.TTifi iTni all" sorts f crimes ftru
ia iMinscotiencva... ,
i j lt s reported thut several nsty and
vpontaueoiu . ezccuuoiis , huv recently
taken plaoo in and about Denver, upon
jvuties ' charged with horse-stealing.
t.ittle attention appears to ba given to
forma cf Law, or chsnce for the enl
prlt to rtbvt liinaelf suilticss.'- The po
have become tauddmed by their luss
t:e, und irrituttd by the wrongs tlwy bays
offered; and now, uoo to the luckless
jnajj that Mis under the ban of their cen
sure. FwrJ, of Council Bluffs was
luken froia the Kxpros coeb pa the
light of the 4:h, by a band of armed
,rJ Ui8guised men, and what has been
i.U fu.t is not, at tko present writing,
uown. itiny have flown in h3te, to
jfcVoid tbe appearance of traubie. Wit
.ltesct in tbu casd if Gordon, )are gone
Alo va.: , Dr.K.inneUy could no: befound
atid will not itppccr va the trial. f .'
J j 'rr . Jlot eJLSorsea Stolen f
J t' ri'cartely a week fosses but we bear of
; n&r or leas Uiefu . oyiuiciueJ upon
korse, mul.;s or horned stock.
. - iwt a few diiys ago gentlemen stop
jd wiih' is wti hi a fine hursa amof
fntm him, whilst asleep, fur an old '
poirfy. vj una travel ana uoso waica
the tJ&us wes finally caught and horse
recovered, and the party passed down for
.Omidia with the thief, but a few night
si use four fine horses were stolen from
fceibbor Parker, ftftT miles below. In
the la train, James L. Sharp
lit a pair of fine horses by some of .the
Jight-tiagerifd gantry that hovered about
. Camp floyd. Siveral other thefts rc-rt-ntly
eonimitted havo come to our no
tice, but filled to gain tho particulars.
We w oull adviae tha'awners of stock to
keep a close wa'-cb, and rops a few of
the gacg when they csn eateb'sta, '
Aurora lforelias.
We neter' look upon this wonderful
plunciuepa cf tlio Northern Lights,"
but w'yh wonder and pleasure at this
iokvjstica!:y gnnd tlLfploy of fire-v7rks
of infinity. No phili.sophur, astronomer
. r M.holiLT, has jet bees tilt to salve
tlit umtery nf hi ecuse. We think that
wTcr b'Jorc iu one reason have we sci
'itj rrpewtO.1 h1 often) rnafe
grniij anJ auMime. - ;
.Returning Army. I
There' are multitudes ot Peakera"
who have "peaked Jnto ths mines and
peaked out,' dally passing our door,
and ye doubt sot many .art passing
down on the other side. ' A great por
tion of thnt seem In excessive hast to
sco MmiM from tb great number of
straight coat tails passing- the owners
of which don't favor us with even a
"good bye.M -
Since iht Elephant has been .seen,
and price of admission paid many seem
to think with the poet, that between
themselves and the gold mines "distance
lends enchantment to the view or like
the verdant Importation from the green
Isle, who went Out hunting, and seeing
a beautiful bird upon a marsh tree, sfcat
his eyes anl blazcdaway, then running
to the foot ot the troe, pounced upon a
big green frog, remarking 'FaU, an'
ye're net half so purty a birds as ye war
befor 1 shot the foders all off wid ye !"
Ana! "Such is Life 1 .
Oar Tabl. , . ' .
Godey's for Ootober is brfra ns, and
one of the most interesting iNos., we ever
opened. We cannot conceive how peo
ple content themselves without this fa
; vorite. Were we a wife ws would ask
for divorce Sf our lord (f) refused as Go
djv's. " ' ' 4
Harper's Monthly is a choice literary
feast, solid yet sparkling ever touching
some chord that vibrates to a new sonnd.
Frank Leslie's Illustrated is always
interesting to young, middle-aged and
old; speaking to both the eye and ear.
His Weekly is unrivalled in pictorial
literature. i . ;
Harper's Weekly is becoming a great
favorite with the people, and well it
may advancing freia good to hotter,
and best ! The illustrations are life-like
and speak to the senses. ' ' ' 1
Phil. Sat. Evening Tostls a welcome
visi:or,and every family should be post
ed in its contents. ..
V will forward subscriptions for the
above for sny of our friends al club
rates.' '
i mm
"Over tne Way."
On Sunday, with our family, we took
a "flying trip" across the beautiful bot
tom between this and the inviting groves
of Prairie creek, sotos six miles distant.
Thsre we found an old acquaintance from
SpririsueW Ul.,'named Gauley, digging,
fencing and buiidins in a most industri
ana and enterprising manner. We found
grepes and pi urn j and saw several erds J
of 'antelope wblcb suspenaoa gwsing
and Bed at oar approach. . The day was
fine and we had a pleasant ride and en
joyod ourselves 'wonderfully. . r
Summer Continue.
'''Weather delightful; and moonlight
nights charminz indeed : IS frost as
yet to injuro anything but cucumber and
melon vines.' Our tomatoes, potatoes,
and other vegetables grow daily more
verdant and profuse, and late corn is
ripening, and potataes making rspidlv.
i , i ; ' '
Morecnipt ' ;
Wc learn that the Siou t Co.! have
again beeo down on the "war-path" and
had another jbruth with the Pawnees, in
which they lost fpuren and several
woanded whilst th JPawees lost
and four wounded. " The former mad a
Km in front of tho troops, and will not
be likely to visit that region soon again.
Conic Alonff ..; j
Slxfsmillas hav:ifcen added to pnr
n-Awtnr settlement, within the last few
dars, let them come ! on there is
room for a
r r i
CThe poles for the telegraph as far
as Fort Kearney are bow being hauled
up, and within' a Wk they will be stand
ing in perpendicular positien.- Let the
lightning ylayf whes af eared?
(j-The ferry; acteae the .riter at
Omaha is ihe heat wgolaUd and irelr..
Dj4 intitutIon ot the kind On 'tis Mis
souri river above St. 'Loiils. - We are
indebted to"the members of tbivt-CoEp'y
for generous expressione lowara ns,
Come, Down vrlttt the Dime I
A littlm tteaey arw(a4 fhea,'
Another word to "our patrons.' The
time rapidly approaches wbeti It trill be
too late to obtain paper, jrkj and other
mabwiais la ,cj iu jbety ieswuv.uj(.
If our sabaoriaert 44 fdvertiseni arc
satisfied with the course we are purjuiag
and like the cJko,aad wish t keep it
going, there Is box ooa way to . e ttr
vis : let ns have, and tpat imeseaiaMiy,
alittle Cssff. ' 0 U
Subscribers will remember thtt our
termt are in aivtmt$t and we have been
patient with oar delinquent subscribers
but cannot veil be so longer; for ve
mast have ihe means to ro - on. Vilj
our advtrt'islag patrons sepd ns In the
hlf'ys pay, nore or lees as their
eiroumsUasqc dictate. , We need the
money at w, ar-.d ahall ttmember .those
who. are paaetsai to htlp ot alous-
Come on! VTho s(Hki fist I
Numotrr of loadf bl Cedar pol hart
gon above, for the telegraph. ! These
arc to be put op and the wire stfttcbed
in a few weeks, j "' t; '
Lalt week we received the 5ftfiWoft
containing Telegraphic news from N. 0.
N. York and St. John's, only four days
old from thcrAtlaUs.;1Wc. cali, that
coming up to the soratoh t
ri , . oar House jl
'Besides editing the Echpt 'tilling our
little farm, grinding grists for ths neigh
bors, selling sugar, tape andV pills wo
are also prepared to rutertaiu lhOite wbe
may wish to call upon us, intfi e best
manner tn our power. "Our cwin", is
quite comfortable, and our board spread
with as many comforts as a limited
market will offer Our stables arc warm
and safe, ear hay fine, and good com la
plenty. Like docks- .
Od wbl aaotksr wheal mast trlvs.
Affairs, by dllipot Uaor only, tanv."
Selllna: Lower. -
We here- take liberty of inf orniinr,
set tl its, citizens emigrants, and travel I
ersthat the store at our ranohe is nowu
welt supplied with almost every necesss -
ry and comfort required bj all manner,
and tastes, of purchasers. Ths assort
ment will be kept complete, and prices
reasonable, for our long-wsy-in-land lo-
cation, and lower than heretofore.
Grain, provisions, groceries, , medi
a . i
shoes, clothing, etc.
Banche at the Ford.
Some energetic fellow, wide awake to
the chances of making money, hns oom
men cod opening a ranche at the Kearney
crossing, on this side, by building a sod
house karrell, stables, it.
We trust it is not the fault of this
gentleman that many emicrsnts are
turned out vf tbek way, and off the mil
itary road, to follow the trail down the
A. . . a .
Platte. Honesty is a jewel, boys 1 don't
pan wun ner sne is Doner loan goiui
. I 1 I a. . . . 1 I J
. Lnacloae , i ,
We are indebted te J. . Boyd, Esq.
for presenting ns with the largest and
finest watermelon we have eeen this sea-
son, which grew amid a multitude, large,
ripe and delicious. Mr. Boyd has a most
delightful and eligitts farm, seven miles
above comfortable buildings, several
nunarea acres xenpea, ana sear two nun- f into, is also a great district for stock
drcd in crops a pleasant and aa agree-1 raising. ' lion. VV. ijrosby keeps a aouit
ble lady and a pretty baby. , He enght
M he a happy fellow t
Tarmlntst" 7
Last week upon .two occasions, from
our ' office,, w witnessed tne playful
pranks of several antelope, and again a
sprightly red fox came ap near the en
closure, but cut and run when towter.
ein'a in sitrht s ' a nice race thev had and
both made time, tnt revnard the best.
-j .k i. -i.t.. -.1
" ivl '"i' w..
hove in eight and played around on ths
prairie at a cafe distance the, same
chaps prahahly, . that made i 'a tender
r x .... J' '..-' ,,,
meal, from a good-sued calf of. our.
that had barn running out.. Tne but
fa! o have taken our cauion, and,, for
two weeks have not troubled us, or as-
noyed our printer, putting perisd t.
the sports of the cAass in this eecffait
which has no paralld tot game, giving
our iMatina-$ticlc a little rest, and eat-
' Tl' A J. , l... KA4
turrraLo. vrur para en ot taie aw i
b-n molestd bv thesa bur It creatures.
and, well tbej have kepi their distance,
for we have had our gun greased, ano
borrowed per neighbor's dog,. . There are
still great aumbers.ei. them across the
river and we intend going over m a few
tiT w mmmtV vur wiu.vrv mi.-..
Who's inf ' i
nrcrmxi..-Pedflsri. marketing wag-1
j . V-... ...r. ka Mtratinn
one and bocksters ewarm the emigraUon
rtiadj,i4.Ar4.eJjMitJ, lth
Omaha prices. It mast be egoeedingly
tight times below, when mm will spend
Oho time aadnseof Un. U haal
. . . . - - . . I
1. A..J .Mm tTAtO HAtKlW Koat IaI
nil mi pritdt iVj ought it ftp boat I
' - . . ' . I
ITSTk. tomble disaster oeorred te thr I
aienner -mmiv .IKia,'- vi uw imm owvw 1
rierliee, fept.7h,sh was raa tato bjj
tha Senear. '-itagtista," snq in iwsnvyi
auus sank In 100 feet weter, eairytot
: !Sr., boiaa a.r SflO basosnl
k-I.M, ... I
1 , ' . rresa m imarss sts , 1,
a . m.t I
"Hoys Aflaw" The Hoe. Wm.ILlOadeompanyweattoTquervills.where
Hooper, Elder u. -. Cannon, ana uen.
U. a. El dridge erri ved 1 n this city from
the Eartcrn btateeon Monday afteraooa,
in vigorous htaltn and in excellent spi- j
rite. .' Also,' A. Moffat, J. Lamb, W.
Denials, J. Lewie, and T. Adams the
tatter-Msttleauin leaving U MiUervilts.
Ihelrst eomcanv of imaaigrant ax-
rived the afunooa of Thursday last,
1 hare were 160 persons, and 30 wsgons.
mostly draws ty van. They warn 72
aajrs in croesing ws piains vbcis
were id excellent order on their arrival,
and oumy throoghoat, prosperous. . ;
1.,". " ." r". ' :
twHnf rmtxs too m 4 be retaieed by the pplc h Mtila 1
(of duet). iVr.. J ,i3 Ult, ij lAsberaaa. '. 4 -T.u-.Vt vrr U1
CTTremllaeol Dsssret Atoe And
JtfAf itnrf, ub to the 22J U t we
gieaa the following iums of Utah news.
The crops thronjhout the, territory
were uncommonly promisisg.
Htin H. W." Hooper DeU-gMc, hati ar
rived, and his services fully eudorscd.
Messrs. Eldrtfge and Cannow, had also
safely arrived as bad also thf trst im. :
migration oompany. Weather was una
and trade dull. A Mr. John Smith, i
ast Kanyon, tram sanstroko dast - his
reason tot a panoa ana wacderea awav
to the mounting, but had been found
and was recovering.'- Tho distillery at
ProvA, belonging to Messrs Thompson A
Wilson, was burned about the 19th. A
man named C. Williams, living at Union
from aberration of mind, wandered into
the mountains, and after two months ab
sence, and when all hope of his still be
ing alive had vanished, he came home
restored to reason, but physically a mere
skeleton. He had subsisted upon insects
and leaves of shrubs, and had rabbled
- J and suffered much. At Santa Clara, in
I southern Utah, there is a nourishing sot-
tlement. Sugcr-cane, cotton, and most
6f the' tropical fruit are grown thero to
1 perfection. Two men named Isaacs and
Walsh, were amsted at llennefers on
1 the Weber, having in their possession
twelve of Colt's revolvers, which they
had stolen from Price's train.
I Nesr Camp Floyd on ths 33d alt., a msa
1 named Lewi Mechao was shot wh list rid
I I. . ..i 1 m a . a
took effect la his Iff
Aa estsasivs eosl field has been aiseov.
j ered nesr ths Weber, between Echo ksa.
yoa and Chalk creek.
The detachment of dragoons, uodet com
mand of Mdjor Hows, stationed at Fort
Hall, have h n ordered to Camp Floyd. ,
A boy named York was kills d In Preve,
on the night of Sunday ths 19th, whilst
' pilfering melons from toe girdeu of a man
named Witts-
Sontiiersi Utah.
I iniRUVUI AlllCf W. A. Witt.,
thmt ha. -.x- -i-iud th
I ... -
settlements south, of Fillmore, sua that
everything in that region shows a teuor-
al state of prosperity. From him we
have gathered Ue toliowm itvu of
news! (
Pinto Creek settlement possesses su
perior raisin facilities, and lartru hern
I of cattle are kept there, caietty beionzinz
w persons who reside below the rim ot
An tiaiw Lusiae. in
iimi,iinlUnK ... ....i..- .....
'.TZ: ST , S!
htitter.aad nhae. U. HaadaW.siamah
of sheep are said to be as good as any in
th. temtery This part vf the tern wry
is toe high for success! ol and Drofimbia
cultivation and is Valuable cniefly for
Mr. W. Hamblin has lately erected
three good log hoases on the banta C'lo-
Ira rivuri thirty miles south-west of flam,
blin'e Kanchhis object in settlinc there
Pt teach the luuians
I a,w M their own living. Aside
( thsiwf um itr nf .1.
the stream, this may safely be set down
as one of the most desert-like pieces of
tTJ" i tfril!: u '
' Jacob's Twist, through a magnificent
jmpMabv when
Elder bmith and company passed. The
kanyon is so narrow in places that a
wut?a. rcelJ P" between its
,1.7; brins th" r.
Santa Clara, wtlicJl f(Jlti,e
j spot in the whole soatheraountry.
' snere wee in a very
I'ha whent harvoat ns awar ai m
I.L ...... ..... m.. " V.
im ima oi juiy. ite crop was said to
e anusaauv irvoa.
kooo. .ieuuli trees three
years Ola were Heavily laden with fruit.
nr. uoage, wno appears to bars been
the most enterprising lu tne business,
hss a eonsiderable vsriet v of fruit trees
and vines in hie orchard.! lie has done
much tor the settlements south by im
porting .several thousand euttinrs from
California, and it U to be hoped that the
brethren will . improve . the opportunity
asu set vat Kvou orvoarus.
.Iwo meetings were held under the
le" ox vac aonvawoQas, on tne Jtftn,
,4 by Eld's Smiths!
lWloton, and Lewis. -X. :i..4J. i .77
Oa the following day the company vis
itede small but fiourishing settlement
",7. "'V. r"
? jaawnvti ar saw weaanwaw w amgaa miu
... .a ... . -
tort (h ert-vinj, where the eitiieu
rriDoeu uio ieura aovj aaa la tbs
. ,w. f.wtkram K. .11 .
mm nuauir, . ... - ,, , -v .
A large grist mill is In progress of
.u.v wu, Va ut gra
,"'PP'; - , , 1
. ""a-ogiosi pave
1 naitenns? nresoecie ror eon.,
,". i .1. . ' 1
gwr-eane, and, is eken, far ereryihin
! that grows in that southern oasis., -.'
U. aH
. S t mf S . I. an. . .
oataroav ia nil.: Aidsr Smlta
mej remainea ever ounaav ana preach
led to f he people., Many of the citiiens
kr Grafton and Ylrren oitica vara l.'.t.
teodanae.and good epirit prevailed,
Fort IlarmrV is kainr al
acaount of th difiealty vf getting Water
to it in the winter season, and tfee In.
habitants nernoM seuliaa at ska aMk
f lasarrajrwe4 bbringe of Ash creeks.
The amount of labor expended in mak
jng - w'ater-di tehee, building fsaccs, forts.
nousaa, narns, nas sot bees leae
tjuta 10,000. Elder t. II. Urovee ie
taking charge al JUsarrab Creek We
ssdersUadiliatthenanellarmony will
The party attended the belebrstion of
ma scam otwuiy at weunreity, ana u. a.
iimith delivered stt extbmhorantous ad
Uresis. On the ith Hi made a political
p?cch nt Parowan, oh which occasion
the pi.-yplp celebrated the entrance of the
rioniLts into these values.
The inhabitants of the thriving settle
ment of I'nrowan have enclosed a new
Hold of I GOO acres of good tillable land ;
mid, in consequence of tho vast amount
of labor necessary to be done in the new
field, their crops will be rather light
tms season.
Elder Smith expresses himsolf highly
tl eased with the imbrdrementt made in
leaver county since his last visit and
was much gratified by having seen the
excellent crops of wheat that have been
raised there this year. . He estimates that
the inhabitants of Heaver city will have,
at least, 20,000 bushels of whent, and
those of Minerville upwards of 5,000 bos.
. We are glad to be able to announee
that settlements have been made in
Round Valley and at Cora Creek also '
thst Mr. C. Willden nod sons are about I
to establish a settlement on Covo Creek.
These settlements will be of great ad-
vantaceto travelers, especialiv in tho
winter season, as they will provids shel
. . " . , ,
ter and save them from the unpleasant
and somewhat danger jus - practice of
camping out in mid winter. Daertt
Stwi Any. 22. "
More Indlatn difficulties on the
Central Iloute.
" Bv tha mail carrier who rrirrA hrr
on Sunday morning, we are informed
that as Mr. Wm. Rogers was coining in
from tho west, with an escort of several
soldiers,' he camped in Spring Valley
oyer night, snd was attacked bv Indians.
who fired on them, without, however,
doing any damage exeept wounding one
of the soldiers' horses with an arrow.
We have also been favored by Major
Egan with the perusal vf several com
munications received by the Express yes
terday morning from persons at iJeep
Greek, and other points on the C. and 8.
L. mail line, from which we learn that
on the 11th met., about 200. Indians
came to the station at Kgan kanyon and
demanded some powder and iea4 of the
men in charge of the station, which they
refused to let them have, as a matter of
course. They then wanted some provi
sions, and the tarn tare them ts sacks
or flour and soino sugar and cotl'ee. One
of the men then started oat after the an
imals kept at that place, when the Indi
ans told them that be could not g and
that thi-y mould tuke Care of the animals
themselves, and commenced singing and
hallooing at . great rate.
At that. instant Lieut. Weed, with
twentv-tive soldiers came up, and at
tacked the lndisnn, who returned the
fire, aounding three mtn, including cor
poral Mitchell, who, it was thought,
wftuld recovrr, but the other two were
I ....:.i..rVt i..i.if..l. Th in.iun. fl.rl
without drivinz otf any of ths stock
' About the Mainu tiiue six vr eight lo
dians went to where some men were
mowing near Deep Creek, and ordered
ttfia away, but went olf without molest
ing them further. They came back next
morning, when lour sola. ers, who bad
secreted themselves in a wsgon, fired on
them, wounding two, mortally as sup
posed; the others Ced.
. At about six o'clock on the morning
of the 12th, the next day after the at
tack at Kgan's kanyon, the Indian made
an attack on bbeu creek station, id
first intimation thnt the men bad of the
proximitv of tho Indiana was a shower
of balls thins about theiu, but fortunate
ly no one was killed or wounded. ' They
instantly took shelter in tne bouse.'
There were two parties of Indisns, one
or which suirounded tho bouse, crawl
ing tip as near as they could without be
ing sees and kept up an incessant fire for
about an bour witeout wounding any 01
the men ; but they had the mortidcaiton
of seeing their stock drove off without
the means of preventing it. There was
one mule in the corral at which they fired
some fifteen shots, only one ball taking
effect. , .
Fortunately in about an bour after the
attack wae commenced, Lieut, need ar
rived with his command, front Ruby, and
attacked the Indians,' killing seventeen
of them, as reported, and wounding etb
ers, and thus relieved tho men from the
perilous position in which they were
piaceu. " -
: ; The same dsv there were four other
Indians reported to have been tinea in
Shell Creek kanvon. by throe soldiers
who earns in from Round Valley by the
Western Express.-atteicrW Aevs, Aug 10
1 , , . Cood Crotelng. ,
At the GENOA FERRT, Teams sro
Crosd St FirTY CENTS per wsgor
fve delays ar difBcar.v or wsie ar jnic-
A. aoesTis.
OMAHA C1TT, . y . . - WERASKA,
.1 I.U
rtftiin nusT
aw urn pbices. . Minara will consult
their interest, net te salt their Dust, either
on commission or otaerwue, oaier
eslliug en the sbovs firm. Drsfts -Bold
en the princlpsl Cities in
Land warrants, and Tarritorial war.
rsnts bought and sold, . nlS-tf.
TAkEBf t?P. ;'
i.l 't.r .:. ; Pawntn Rassara,' '
r.Aiinr rm a .art of Pawasas, who
la last night wt 11 males aad flvsbsrses.
All the m tiles and eae tk horses prava
haul arima aaa rltaai.t Bl V IM "lcul-l
to belsagtatko United B . "
sr four harass sra surpaeoa w cv h
taken bet-.vsen this an Foit ltearaay,a!a
t. k.i.... t. i.iu bm.d1s. Tbs owners.
by enplyiar
psylaglsr this, will reeev
sr ths isme. Vry wspecUallv,
- A f n learooao isarraai,
ll-tf. V. MUaAgtaU
Omaha, . , . . Nebraska.
Wlll pay lh highesv price in Cash for
GOLD DUsT or, if desired, receive
the same on commission, advanc
ing HEVEW-ElGHTlfS of its
value, and the balance up
on return of the Assey
receipt payab'e
at ths conn
. ter, or in New
, York Exchange, tent
te sny psrt tf (he United
filete. A small eommlsticir
- . only will be charged for attending
to the business.'
Baak Saildiaca, raraham Itrs't. ioutll
ie. alt-tf.
a j.
MARMOY bavlnr nttrchssed thsr
above Ranche, announces to ths traveling;
i'omTZ 'f"r! 1l!.PBLn?.
.l'. . .... ... i r
to maiKR ni rsucno
most deeirabls
on tha Militsry
Road. '
He' Is making
The house aad stsblinf, so that. ample
accommodations can be ensured. , .
Tbs location is the most desirable for
Csmping, being ten miles above the inter
section of the Uwa Ferry road and
half-way between and Wood.
River Centre.,
' ' Cora,
1 Oats, 1 "
' Hay,
Always on ha ad.' BosH by tha Dsv "
r Week. Sloes wintered, ns low
ss at any Ksnchson tha Road.
All who are desirous of feeling at home,
put up at the "LONE TREE," whsis v
ary accommodation oan be had
IllO-tf. .
City Hotel,
One mile East of F.Ik born Bridge on tl'
lii) I, whrre tlie mustjueto troubles neither
man nor least is now supplied with ev
erything tor the comfort of tuetarveler and
his tesit.. No psins wilt, be spared "t
make all who fvor this establishment
cemfnrtsble aid hippy. Wood stabling
and room for wagous in the barn, and a
good well ef wir, dug purporely for
stock plan ty f wntrr, and good grass.
Frtsh bay, cum aud oats u hand.
jyCkn, kSes fracksrs and Flresd.
. ,v . " W. O. Robimso" .,
nU-tf. ' J. Hvmas.
,l arsLtas ix :.
and1' "v'x
(Opposite Laesy A McCormlck's)
-0-0-0-0- ' ' '
Goods made to order 01 the sh-rtest notice.
Cash paid for hides aad furs. nlO-tf.
'1 1
Sign of tha
Fabnhah fiiarrf, Omaha, X. T..
Jittuil 4 Jolling UertSant,
Hsvt just opened a splsndld Stock ef
Spring dSu aiiner
nnnnIAlia Iraan a eomnlrfa RlAek ar
Dry-Coeds, Crecsries.Hsr.lwsra,
... : Ready-mod Clothing, lists,. ,.
Caps, Boots, 8hoes,Craek
' ' ery.'Woodnware,tc: ' ' V
which he offers at the lowest ngirts
p t asy House m this mirket. .
',' ' 7" Csh pal for bidss aad fers. -
A Si I
. Tares mil alovt North Jtowf Jf.T,
B. (aRAUABf , - rfoprfctor.
:Aeeommodatlous for the wstts and se
eesaities of the traveling public at.
Good stables, bay, and grain, also
Dlmckssttltblnc '
In all its detriments ex sod horse-shss
ing. Wsgons rspausd,etc, ete. r
To re r sous out of Easploymenf.
ACtiVTS WANTED to sell the Erl
Sewing Mschlns. We wUI give a
Commission, r wsgss at $10 cr mantb.
and espsnses paid. 'This is a new Ms-
chins, and so simple la its construct..,
that a child st fn years can ieara 10 si
rata It t half a a
bears lostructiea.
Isesuslwany Fsmily 8ew1nr MsctWi.o
In use, srd the pries is but glt t
Fersoiis wishing an Agency will iddreao
f. N. Bovuif,
gssrstsry Kris Sewing Mseblue Camiwsy,
lw,- - . . Milas, Oaio
s -