j r 4 Ik . ihw44MilM M4Ma-JN 'illilT 111 isSatOlilHIHI litllJI-.- . p T Spring it Summer jFoi H83fl. JUST ARRIVED AT McEATII,IlItOTIIEItS&CO. Farkham Street, Omaha 5 (Between 13A and 14A Streets.) Where may at' all times be found one of The largest ad best selected tcks of Dry Goods and GROCERIES Wist, or f Missouri Riria: Consisting ia part of DrcM Goods, PiinU, Bareges, De tains, Healy-male Clothing, lea, X3offSt. Sugar, Crockery. Hardware Carpets, Bouts and blioe. IU 'Japs, etc. uUL (Sutevuor to J. II. I'ord.) s!a cttfl K fit 51 1 DEALER IN rugs, .BledbinBS, .Oils, Paints, Brushes, Varnish, Window Glass etc-, etc. i$km ATobacco. SICK Of THC farnkam fy Corner of 13A Strut, "yjrrAHA, X. i Prescriptions carrully compound ed by an experienced Druggist. Having sold my entire stock to Mr. A. D. Jonen, I cheerfully ecommmid him to in former patrons. J. H. FORI). 1 3 nl-tf. DLffiIIE ' JRANDIES.WINESdVWHISKIES, Just Received A I the Nebraska Drug House, Farn ham street direct from Boston and Pitts burgha complete assortment of Choice liquors, consisting, in part, of the follow iag brands t A SE1GNETTE choice article. MNKT. CASTILLO N &.CO., do. do. - CHAMPAGNE, -.-do. do. HE17DSICK, Champagno Winn. PURE JUICE, Port do. voryfine. MADERIAaud SHERRY dfe. I also-ofTcr for-sale a very superior ar tic of Overholt's Old wheat and rye Whisky, eight years old fine Old Bour bon, in bottles, genuine, which I offer for ale at law rates, and warrant ns represent 1 ' A.O.JONES, nl-tf- buciiaxax iiorss. SHELL CREEK. If you ivold like good accomodations, ! trarm atabks, good, sweet hay and sound " . JUrn for your stock, atop at Toncray'a U Will net oniy uive you vamo iui juui The undersigned is now prepared teen terulr. and arcowiuodate Emigrants am! traverlora. Keep horses, cattle, and furn ish grain, provisions, and other comforts for the wayfare, good water and camp range niacHuiullliIng io all Its departments ox and horse-shoe-iug. Wagons repaired, etc., etc. 1,10-tf. t . HIRAM UUSHNELL llome for the Weary. V . money, but strive by strict attention to our wants, to make your stay agieeable. Ar"'! nl-tf- NELSON TONCRAY 'F BELOW COLUMBUS, ON THE II ' I t ' Great Military Road. ' K Cleveland House, J.Ei fcFiKOrtTII, Proprietors. VUii la a larre and commodious public boas two miles sbava Columbus, and near the Upper I erry where every atten tion will tie paid tome want! or ins guests. iiood stil'es and stock rsrds on the prem ises, and hay and grata when required. koois and uoara tor smsn rsmnios. Charge as oJsrate as at any Houss s the Uvad al tf. WM. KIORKEE, (Union Mews, Corner of Vo.ige and llth Slrettt, Omaha, A. T. Is prepared to accommodate visitors, boarders, and the traveling public gene rally, with food, lodging and all the com forts of a home. The table will be spread with the best the market afforda, and ev ery attention 111 be paid to hla guests. PECK, ROBERTSON, & Co., WHOLESALE Jt RETAIL. Outfitting Merchants, KEARNEY CITY. N, T. Dealers in Dry-Goods, Groceries Grain, and Provision. 411 . . Bools. onoes, Hate Caps, And evorythlng required in UiRt line by either EMIGRANT OR CITIZEN- ALSO, A ,t innnlv of all neoesarv articles kept At PECK'S RANCHE, Wood River. 15 miles East of F rt Kearney. IN PRICES, They are determined not to be UNDERSOLD by any firm In this region. tf. n t SELDON, McGlVERX Sf 20. Sign of th AMERICAN FLAG ! Two miles west of Tort Kearney, n the Great Mili tary Road to Pike's Peak Utah and .CALIFORNIA. I)KALR9 151 Groceries, Provisions, Dry-Goods, Indian- Goodif Liquors, Corn, Oats and Hay, .0-0 0- ' M &u? Ranch Can be found the largest, and best KORRALLS, and Stabling, west of the Missouri rhrer. Wood and Water Free. r.2tf. COLUMBUS, N. T. RICKLEY, & CO., Hsve lately opeued a Variety Store, at the Old Stand of the New York Store con sMin of most every article In trad that either the farmer, Settler or Emigrant maj want, to supply his wants or complete his outfit, and will sell most artirlesns low as the same can be bought west of the Mis souri Rivet, and by prompt attention and fair dealings hope to receive a good share of tba public patronage, TCall and see our stock and prices tbeietar. Coun try produce bought and exchanged. Also live slocfc-ibought, sold and exchanged. ' JLumber! Kills cf Lumber sawed to order on short notice, and also shall always keep a good supply on hand. n7-tf. Elkhorn Bridge. McIVcal House The above bonse, situate at the Elk. horn Bridge, is now implied with every ihing to make man and beast comfortable. No psina will be spared to make all who favor this establishment with their patron age, satisfied and at home. Charge aa moderate as the most calculating oould ex pect' Good stabling hay and grata al ways on hand. nl-tf. PJlSB'O lPak lr(0U3. Elkhoru Ilrldge, X.T. The undersigned announces to the trav ellug public that he is prepared, at his Commodious Establishment, to provide for the comfort of any number of guests With good stables, hay and grain, be la also piepared to provide, in a comfortable uianuer, for a large number of stock. nl-tf L. F. JENKS. JACOD EUNST, )actafl331) and MACHINIST. COLUMBUS, XT. -0.0- Atwuya ready to attend to horse- ahoelng, repairing wagons, and all sorts of work in his line. First rat o-framt and ahoelng cattle don on toe suorvesi nouoe. Remember Ola SBOttO tW4TS atapv. n-; tab3i 1 have an extensive Vegetable Garden at Wood River Centre, and have now ready for tale , all the EARLIEST VARIETIES OF ROOTS AND VE3ETABLES. Orders from the Fort, and ele- irhtre, promptly attended to. J. E. JOHNSON. DOWN WITH MONOPOLY 1 1 An End to Humbug I Fom the superior facilities poasessed by the GENOA FERRY CO. ! I They are prepared to Ferry Emigrants across the LOUP FORK AT 50 cents Per Team I I Satisfaction guarranteed to all ouf pat rons, H. J. HUDSON, nolltf Sec'y of Comp'y. Barnum's Ranch, CRYSTAL BROOK, One mile from Columbus Ferry, JV. T. GUT C. BARNOM Proprietor. -0-0-0- G00D STABLES. GRAIN SUP' PLIES, VEGETABLES. ETC., ETC. Best of hotel accommodations, and every attention paid to the con fort of Guests. n4. HENDERSON'S ISLAND RAN CH--0-0-0-0- The nronrletor of this superior Ranch e having, at a heavy expense, added to its already unsurpassed advantages tor stock, ia now prepared to ranch any quantity of atock, of ail kinds. His distance from the city renders his herd safe from loss, and fives him a wider range for stock than can e had elsewhere. Having a No. 1 ranch, auperior corrells and trusty herders, he flatters himself capable of giving eutire satisfaction to all who may lavormm witn their nalronuee- This ranche being at a point where the great "Colirado and Golden City wagon road" crosses, ccntaiim 320 acres, well timbered and grassed, and ia at the same time the most centrally located in the coun try, being fifteen miles from Denver, and nineteen rrom lioiuen out. au sioc guarantied againat loss, save from death, The proprietor ha also erected a wars bouse for the reception and storage of goods on commissiron, or otherwise. JNO. D. HENDERSON. t7. tf. 6H.IXXEIVS STATION. J. SKINNER, Proprietor, 12 miles from Shell Creek, and 10 miles from Columbus, Keeps hay, grain , and supplies produce ml nrnvisimift. The wants of man and beast supplied good camping places and rass convenient in-u- FREDERICKSON & JACKSON WHOLESALE A kETJLlZ. AND DEALERS IN Staple and Fancy Dry and Dreaa Goods, Boots. Shoes, Hats, -1 Cars, Cutlery, Hardware, Crockery , Groceries, Provisions, Liquors, Grain, and Prodoce. . FOR EMIGRANTS, Put up on th Shortest Notice, and at the LOWEST FIGURES. Cssb paid for grain and country pro luce. Lumber I Lumber I NEW Saw Mill ! ON WOOD RIVER. The undersigns announce to the citi zens of the Platte Valley that they hav ow nearly completed a aaw mill on Wood River, near th Lowor Cressir g between Lambs SLd Crockers which they hope to 1 ave in operation by the 25th of June. Orders for Lumber solicited, T WITCH EL 4t SADLER, P. O. REED, SPRING CREEK STATION, " SEVEN MILES East of Elkhern Bridga.N. T., ' Is prepared to accommodate th travel ing public with Entertainment, fer man and beast good stables, bay and grain. Stock wintered, and provisions andsup ptit kept ea band. aT-tf. W. Ma IB(D(Blli93(DB3, AND ILowest THE BEST STOCK. Dealer In Dry Goods, Fancy and Dree Goods, Boots and Shoes' Hats and Caps, Crockery and Queenswars, Furniture, Hardware, Tobacco, Liquors, And general Outfitting, Jobbing and Retail Lower Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Th highest Market Pricepaid for grain and Country produce. OTIEAP1EIHL Than any other House West of the .00 - 0 - 0 - 0 NEBRASKA TERRITORY, WHOLESALE Sr RETAIL Dealers in TWO MILES WEST ry(Kood5 BACONt HEAL., CORN, OATS, HAY, &C. We keep constantly on hand the largest and best assorted Stock of Goods ever kept on the Plains, which we will sell cheaper than any other House west of the Missouri river. We have good Camping grounds ia the rear of our Store, where Emigrants will be SUPPLIED WITH WOOD AND WATER u u u -We have purennsed the interest of Dr. Henry, of the late firm of Morrow, Rankin and Henry, and having just completed our New Store, frame building, 20 by 70 feet, directly opposite Jack Morrow's old adobe store, we are prepared to offer greater inducements to Fifes Peak Iftah and California IN THE Fresh (broods, pimcies THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE Dr. Henry will remain at our Store, mends and customers, until nia departure rorth Mines. Remember the plsce. Kearney City, fu4-6m. May 15,1860. 5flw (Ftoxrt Sh Mum I7 Platte River Ferry, MOUTH OF 'THE CACHE JOHN S. SMITII, k CO., Hsve eitablished a FINE ROPE FERRY across th South Platto at the above-named Point where Emigrant can be eressed without detention. And all Emigrants and Trains, who wish to sav the sand on th South Platte, will cross the sam to the North aide, at th Salt Lake Crossing (mouth of Lodg Poll Creak), thence by John Smith's trail, on which they will find good trass, wood, and water, at no plsoe further than iaht mllei apart, with no send 03 th route, and a saving of SEVENTY-FIVE MILES in distance to the mouth of the Cache La Poudr River 1 which make tbta th shortest and beat route, yet discovered, to the mines and Emigrants will save time, stock and money by thla route, to which we invite th attention. OF ALL TRAVELERS TO THE KANSAS AND NI8KASKA Gold '. Mines. JOHN SMITH A 00.. Smith's Ravchi, y , Mouth or tta Cache La PoJrf Hirer, ' N". T. AprU 29, 1860. ' " ' 'll-Sa, Prices I OOODI AND All n7-tf. - 0 - 0 - 0 - or roRT xxARNir. (Groceries, WAY OF and ILower WEST OF THE MISSOURI. where he will be pleased to see hla old LE POUDRE RIVER. (B 8 S3 5 3 " ft2 - o5ms.si5' o-l 2 S-.i loT a as .2 a 5 1 i sv i?i.'&5-Sr5.i8i5itft'-5. 2. S o j? S JTeS CT 1 fl 5 3 i-. is t i a l-?e ff 5 pS, p. J - . m it 7 t n t " ., CURTIS, BROTHERS, v OMAHA CITY, N. T. ; ' 1 1 'HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. 1 -0-0-0-0- . ' " , Casta Capital .... $ 1,500,000 SURPLUS $500,000, ' , THE HOMESTEAD BY EVERY SAFEGUARD i i ; 1 .0-0-0- Men toll, work, slave, nay almost tin, to support their families perform almost er ery judicions aet for their welfare and hap piness, EXCEPT INSURE. It is t, common omission of the majority verJ looking the dangers of the fature in the se curity 0 the present. ; To remedy this fault only requires seriously thinking on the sub ject. Wisdom and thrift wiil alwaj s elect to adopt th conaervative principle of In surance, to avert th unhappy consequene-' ea of such "slings and arrowa of outrageous' fortune" as are produced ao frequently by the blaating visitat'onaof fir to our homes. n3. ' Correspondence attended to. tV THIBTEEX MILES BAST Of COLrSCB. THE MILITARY ROAD. ' , .' JOSEPH ftUSSEL, Proprietor Is prepared to entertain and 'provide for the comfort and wants of the- traveling' public. Good stables, bay, grain, aaX vegetaoiea. ...s ...,.,,.,.,,,.H 23T Don't forget ihtflacu nl-tf. WILLIAM RUTH, DEALER 151 J ' ul FOREIGS, DOMESTIC M9 FJ1SCY . , , P3, I. Cloths, . . j . , Clothing. . stuns, , , . ' . Heta, , . ' - n' in , . r-p . . ..... .. 1, jt T ! Lrdie' Dress Goods, Baragaa, Bonnet, t Ribbons ParaMls, cto. etr. : r Whicb be selU Cheaper than th cheapest, for cash. Farnham Street . . ; . Pionr Block.: , nT. Omaha. tf. JESSE SMOEMAKEIl'a . v ' RANOIHS 'A ' EMflQilAiMrj STATION, thoomajcr's Plt "4 ' tan kttLES ao -um essst.' .1 '1 , , -0-0-0- a tvaana liar. Drain, and ttniinliM.' ' ' ' , - --r - - - - c - v ij Gd Stablea and RoUl aeceamlatia , rirst-rat place t - - i . . . camp. . ' Wsod, water and crtsa, abiieiaaC . M, i : u K i .f Jl 1 i i; -A- "1 i .1 li i t hit f 1 ir ,1 1 t n 1 .-i-.i 'I1 n M 1 iJ x i, . 4 1 V' r V j 7 ", 7