ii flit' Itt'VTPititvyViTTn II'IIL1S1IE1 AT " ' 'WOOD RIVU CEXTEE, X. T. . . "ETtRT THCREDir IfORXIXO. 'inn Pet Ytar, !!::: $2 00 Independent In Every tlif na Acufrnl In IVolliing. tHUJISDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1S00. Agents For JIuntiman' Echo, authorized to re ':rc subscription and advertising, and also to receive and receipt for any rnuiiiea. If. T. Spoor, P. 31., Council Bluflj la. A. D.Jonos, Omaha, . . . . N. T. W V. Johuaon, Florence, . . Julia Beck, Columbus, ..."' 1L J- Hudson, Genoa, . . Peat Master. Fort Kearney, . . " X. Haines, Denver City, ; . J. T. .; . r tLLCTMOIlTOA! There are two candidates in our terri tory for Delegate to Congress vis. : UaiJy and Morton. Mr. Daily obtained his seat iu Congress last session, by ob taining such dt'positious from unknown nd irresponsible parties that caused tho rejection of the vote of Buffalo county, disfranchising many good, honest hard working and enterprising farmers, who, if possibloare fur better entitled U a just Representation, than less industri- yus and non-producinp denizens of towns nd cities. . Laying politics entirely aside (a com modity ire have very little use for at present in the Platte Valley), ire take it upon os to look at theso men, at their nullifications, and their ability to serve h5 lnnetitnanfa C r, t , -. 1 - wv.io.tmwjvi,, v A O.L tM, K.UUW , nyhipg of Mr. Daily, we find him to be far .'fhort of onygradoofa statesman, Hod, in fact, abont a fifth-rate lawyer who, by the closest scheming obtained Li Meat, in the llouse just in time to de- frjtt a handsome nnnrnnri'itir.n tnr T.- ; no improvements in our territory that had been earned and t miut .nx,,.x,l V, .o vv,-..M the' indefatigable energy and labor of Ota. Estabrook. f I The citizens of the Tlatte Valley feel more soniibly tho injury sustained and v ho interests of the people of the territo ry oetraveu ov inn man in tno jmnclifir " r j of hu court-. -Had be looked to the welfare of the whole Territory of the north as well as the south Platte region, we might at this day bud the means for repairing me cnpuoi ueiiOing, tec erec- . tion of a ncnitentlarv. and. nrxt. tl-.n irfcanifor bridging tho Platte, at Kear- nt-yend too Loupe Fork,' would have . yvKii iu urutf, uiu iuosi ccnuiniy op- propnuiea. ... jlbcso aro only a titho of the evil e fects of sending to Congress, a eeifiuh, slf-willcd man, both iguorant. and careless of duty a sectional partisan oCicT- only representing ouj hulf . tho w.rritory, whilst the oihir is madft to i after the loss, and tho mortificittion of delayed prosperity.' . Mr. .Morton, we have known person ally for many years. 1I came to the wrtitory, a young man,' with nothing tut toner, Tirtue, integrity, and ener gy to assist in his advunccment. lie his found them' admirably adapted w r?'r. beod among aa induitri. -urand appreoiative people. Jlis per ievrmnce and firmnptu U .!! i.m na honorable and exalted position in prosperous young territory, and ' iWz residing: : south of the Platte, tfuj; people of north have the most upuci confidence not only in hi.f abil- .lij," hot in, hw honesty and iuteritj-, tmd will elect him by "a Krge majori tj Ovr his crafty and calouluting op iiont. Voto for Norton Ly ail meaaa nud oa will not regret ii when we he fino'lmdfres acrues these streams nd iappy tloumliing : seutemnU and village .up, this. Valley" ,h -i4-. ,. , Kmcjuxo .Lands. lheTand below the Loupe, and as high Up m Columbus, are now ja watktt, und . boing rapidly entered. Un. Jowa Iloo it,. Laying Lot of land, warract ,,for his neigh- Keck abJy represented : Platte , county, in tkj last Legiblature, and jh an bouQr able," iudustnou, and euorgtio ' man, jipd wnl servh thos who entrust him with tbeir business, la Kn honest, straightforward loanner, an) at such t'hi-ges as so oco can gxumblu't. ' Cliristmaa l.ox.- it:,r- ' . (Xtie ilfiitioni found tlurtin-j ' 5 , I Cigars;'' " "'Ld:toiiiJ m)i.por.ib'e.' l-fairi 'L'iTh's j " .'rrin'.s. g,o 'oMiivdj lk(j Pfcnf ,i:jiro:VMi'.ei-; It at.' if ': JVi.l'ife ' Friend.' s i . i T:' 5 A.tlclt 'jUneuheu'liUict ao 'xpeeted ' ' ' ' ' .if'a S it ,irv useful- articles ftr ' ?.t'li.4t UMi, ;! - l ti j " Isr.ii, 5ij:af tist.ks,' frlnj C-P. A '., way ytar bjalaaw,' yostr' h4otv, w.i.1 jro.- p-irity ii.cr; Mr tills.' It! jent-r-If. 'j tm.jy.i'.jli ,4!' ua.' 1 ratal Casually. . It will be recollected, that in our last, we gave out ocrtain cautions, and warn ings, against a large class of intruders upon persouul property vis : the tress passing of herds of buffalo upon our town site, and arable lands. Unfortu nately for the party conoerned, no heed was given to our ominous warnings, and tho result has been, tho fall of another aboriginal bovine that fell victim of curiosity. Walking leisurely to a point near our office he seemed to sniff an idea perhaps a good one or perhaps he took one peep for the skeleton of one of hjs kine, and thus in a reflective, design ing or calculating mood he stopped, and from under his long shaggy lashes gazed toward us stamped ovr ground, pawed up dust and earth, and then, after snuff ing tho breeze towered his bead iu a threatening mood ; we could not stand it longor, but started Sam, whs inter cepted his progress before he had done much damage to our garden, and, bang ing away "Tbe wUl-tiincd lead panuo the certain sight; Aud Death in thundor overtook Lie flight.' The flesh being secured, our t'other half, little ones, self and the balance, TlftVn lriii irt; 1 1 n r Hisnn Auui t .-. J 1 f and stew, ever since.. 1'craonal. Slaxpfb. We believe that in a form or number, we accused Ceo. Parks, & Co., of Council Bluff, of keeping any thing in their store that could be asked f r, put cigars. Upon our late visit to that place, and to that firm, we found they had crowned the climax by provid ing everything, and a fine stock of ci gars besides. We advise those wisbine to make purchases iu that line, or of any other merchandize, to call and ex amine their prices. If he can't suit you your cass is a hopeless one. Georgo is the very, prince of good fellows, and we will wager two becver skins he hasn't a twopenny clerk, or one horse porter in the establishment. An Old Pioneer. When at Council Bluffs, we met an old pioneer friend with whom vie travel ed several times across the then unin habited plain between Keokuk end Coun cil Bluffs, more than twelve years ago before, Council Bluffs had an existence, even in imagination. With a two-borse team gun and frying-pan, we plodded across those wilds alone, he killing the game, as we plied the frying-psn. Our messmate was Frank Ilall, as clever and good hearted fellow as ever breathed. He is an accomplished business man, and is now engaged as salesman withll. f. &now. may ne ana tne uouse in which he dispenses the blessings of earth be prospered. Thanks Hon. Mr. Barnard will plcaso accept our thanks for half dozen most luscious melons. He produced a fine lot of them at his rancho, the finest wo have seen . Our acknowledgements are due to C. J. Fox, of Counail Bluffs, for an elegant piece of pocket cutlery, a fine variety of which, together with everything else in the Lardwuro line he. keeps constantly on band at prices that will suit tbe most fastidious. Fox is a pleasant, obliging fellow, and sells hosts of ware to all sorts of people. We are indebted to the generous kind ness of 11. J. Hudson of Genoa, for i beautifel redslone pipe, formerly pos sessed by a chief of the Pawnees. Thanks captain, the wreaths of blue smoke from our knnekanick reminded us of our ob ligation, so to remedy the neglect, come over an J we willmoketheter' peace ; Firs; Up. In stoves and tinware, Rogers of Council Bluffs, will out-do all competitors in that line of business. Those of our friends in the Platte VaJ ley, wishing "anything in that line, should be. certain to go over and exam ine the price, character, quality, and pattern of his stoves, and ware, before purchasing. .;. , . t CwGeesamsn A Co., of Council Bluud, have the best stock of drugs Id that pi ice, and sell at the least profit as should be, they are always doing a good steady Easiness. Honesty and fair ness is tb, bt, policy in every business, and, as in this ew), wil) .always enrich its possessor., . , , ; J3?MWsr ' Frdericksotj & Jackson have a rare and .beautifully selected Stock of gpods, and aru as gentleinatily act f- fellows Loth, proprietors "and clerkiwaa on ?mets in traveling U.ou-Oftd. tailes. Their 'prices- are La- ! lottf'eompetftie-n.' James Block, Coun fvIBl '7 t vjui.n i iioiD : ii.itu too nn n r.w n... i tt . gold das. Urge or small t whv, uke. 7 T , ' ti w-f-lf Hot, itbottld vu Intend purtuiS with it tcmembcr that Messrs. lieuntze, Sroihersy of Omaha, are pay ieg th irf Ut price for that article Ja any bap, jlbo reputation of tboir Hon?, tot boacsty and fair dealing, Is Vjjoiii diu'.l cr ctL1. ' ' . vTuoop! JlHrrat The poles the wire th telegraph tho lightning ! The first are up, the second stretched, the third playing up on the line between St. Jo and Omaha and the people of Omaha are exulting in tho enjoyment of direct communica tion with the balance of the earth, and the rest of mankind. Dispatches from everywhere generally, and any place in particular, may be had by oalling at the oflje. y ji'Tho poles are already planted nearly half way to this place, and in two weeks ii. Is expeoted that all the poles will be up as far as Kearney, seventeen miles above here, and the laying ot tho wira soon commenced. And soon "Thought that breaths and words that barn," will glide along the wires with lightning rapidity. Yesterday Messrs Kountze and Porter called upon us whilst on their trip pro viding for vie distribution of the bal ance of the poles along the route. Come on with vour forked lightning! Strike for the Great Western ocean, tho land 1 r.t .nd jlittAitnr etnna nrt ftrrt. .M r.f rnlil and crlitterini stones and ore, To Xonsubscrlbers. For the next month wo shall distrib ute a few copies of the Echo, gratis, amonsst the citizens of the Platte Vul ley, who are cot subscribers, hoping thereby to get the paper ordered. If, in a few weeks, we do not rccetvo orders for tho paper, we shall discontinue sending it. ' "These papers we send, of course, without charge; so please read thorn, and see if you can't open your hearts to subscribe for a "Platto Valley Paper" that will do yourself and neighbors good and enhance your interest every woek. Will y Come 1 Aye, that's tho question ! Will you bring in your mites and friendly offer ings of gold, silver and precious stones, to the printer, to thp publisher of this little paper? Ho really needs a little help just now to enable him to provide paper and ink, and wherewithal to feed and pay the printer. If you have not paid, oome on and lay down your pieces, great and small, and show an honorable liberality worth patronizing, and the memory of your goodness shall be em balmed in the heart cf the Editor and your names had in worthy remembrance by his little ones, and passed to the scroll of the honorable. Come ! come ! we dont tease you every day, but we want help now, and you will certainly give it to us. Roll'm in ! the dimes. Tbe Corn Crop e are glad to learn, after special ob servation and inquiry, that our settle ments on the Platte will husk out a much better corn crop this season than was expected . On ground broken last year, the yield will be from twenty to thirty live bushels, whiht ground broke fresh this season, is little short of a total failure. -The com raised by our farm ers will range from 100 to 1000 bushels eacb. Potutoes yield excessively light, and many will be glad to get their seed e?ain. whilst others will do a little bet ter. Indian Hostility &c. - lSDEPENDnSCE, Aug. 13 The Santa Fe mail arrived this after noon. Business is dull, and apprehen sions of a general Indian war prevail in every niina. Hatche's rancne had been threatened, and help from Fort Union was asked. About four hundred Camancbes were Drowlincr about in the vicinity. Bent's Fort, to which the troops had sent sixteen Indian prisoners, was in vaded by the Kiowos, and so great was the danger that the prisoners were re leased. Bknt sent a messenger to Pawnee Fork and he was followed by the Indians, shot twice, upearea in tnree places. scalped and left for dead, cStrange to say, he recovered his cousciousnes, got up, w i' Iked thirty miles, and waj doing well at last accounts. v 11 .rner's train was attacked by the In dians. the provisions taken, and about one hundred and thirteen cattle ruu oil. Harper is endeavoring to get bis wagons in with the remainder of tne cattle. He is freighted with wool A man named Henry was killed by lightning last week at the mail station on tie Arkansas. A woman was also killed at Bluff Creek. On Thursday a violent storm overtook Hobbs' train, turned over.broe wagons. and blew the bed of another some dis tance.. - J ! .1 Two companies are at Smoky lull Fork. Captain &turets is following hard after the Indians ou fresh trains. Some apprehension is folt about tbo ast out-going and in-coming i mails. Tbey will need escorts. More inter ruptions will occur. Settlers la Kansas Territory, in view of the land tales and failure of crops, most ooanaon weir ciaima, nut u.nag money to enter their lands. Recent rums hive have revived things ery( inttch h. SI Herald, Aug. lb. , PsAiais Crxei. A now citizen named Gaulej, has commenced a reach over en Prairie Creak, There t room tVre f0r quite num. ber of excellent fara., vi'h a fair share o? tiiiwtr. Western Stage Co. Mall to DenverService Coraintn ced I The people ot tho Pike's Peak mining district, together with all concerned, and tbe rest of mankind, will bo ple.ised to learn, that after being swindled, goug ed, imposed upon, and literally robbed in tbo matter of mail facilities and ser vice by that arch-monoply, Jones, Bus eel, & Co., for near two years, the peo ple ot tho mining section nre now pro vided by the Department, at American rates a mail from Omaha, by this place and Fort Kearney, once oweek and back. The Western Stago' Company the most accommodating, punctual and re liable, in the mail service has the con tract, and have already sent out one mail. In the hands of this company, the people of tho mining districts may ex pect to bo faithfully and faiTly served, and prsceiigers put through in tho fchart est possible time. f.rcat Ilacc t Mr. Editor : I notice in your paper, of tho Cth iust., an account of a visit had by the Pawnees from a party of Chey- - o 1 .. . . I t cqoub, uu oaiuruuy me i.ungi.,in wnicu the Pawnees avo them a warm recep tion, killing two, &o. It is to be much regretted that the U. S. troops, who had arrived only the day before, and had camped somo distance from, and out ot sight of, the point of attack, were not sooner awaro of their presence. Had they known it in time, but few of the Cheycnncs could have escaped. This however, is not tho only opportunity they have bad of disylaying the speed of their horses. On Wednesday morning the 5th inst., Judgo Gillis, learning that a largo party of Sioux and Choyennes were in the neighborhood, with a party consisting of twelve Indians and two Whites, started out to search for the foe After searching prairie, gulch and bluff, they reached a point on the Loupe Fork, about twenty miles above the agency and were making preparations to feed and water, when the Indians reported the rapid approach of two larre bodies of Sioux. ' Notwithstanding all the 'efforts of the Judge to keep his Indian solders on the ground (one of them, a half -breed, says "zo dam Sioux, he horse run like hell.") Tbey broke and fled, and he, with his two white companions, thought it best to follow their example, and it is said some "tall walking" was done They never pulled line for twelve miles, and were chased eight by a party, as it subsequently proved, of U. S. dra goons, under Lieut. Berry, who were out on a like excursion, and who, liko the Judgu's party did them, took bis for Sioux. Tbe Judge, it is said, claims that Pawnee horses, when chased by U. S. troops, can outrun Sioux stock. It is said that the U. S. troops will be stationed on the Reserve for some timo This will serve to add some life and in- erest to this neighborhood. It Is the opinion of all that their presence, and the success of tho Pawnees on Saturday last, will prove a check to further vis its from these hostile Indians, although numbers are reported to be now in the neighborhood. Yours truly, BONES. Platte Co. September 7th, 18G0. (We are under obligation to the U S. Express Messenger, for late papers and other favors. This line, though so lately put into operation, seems to be doing a fair business under tbe charge of so gentlemenly superintendent and messenger. ("Another troop ef Infantry, with four baggage and commissary wagons, passed down tawards Genoa this morn ing, for the protection of the Pawnees. Another band of their enemies lately went down. We have little doubt but tbe horses and mules advertised to-dsy, are the ones stampeded and lost from Messrs. Hooper A Eldridge's merchant train.' - S?"From the best we can learn, the rascally horse-thief, Bunce,has escaped Better kerp out oi this region, for the halter awaits bim. . Weather occasionally cool, with wind and some rain. No frost yet. . Dammui lewi. A letter from Bey rout dated July 15, say s t "Matters got worse and worse the one party becoming daily more. frjbtenedaand the otler, hour Iv more Insolent, until at last, on Sun day. August 8, when t!ie Cliristisns came out of their various churches, a mob of tuoslem lads were busy in the street making crosses in chalk on the grtiind, and then stamping and spit! ling 'on tb sacred emblem. But so utterly . downhearted were the. chris tian that ihy did not even complain to the authorities of this wanton in suK All' they did-was 'to confine lhrm-lvc .still more strictly within their houee for the rest of the Ujr- What must, then, hare been their at tonishment on the Monday morning to, e these same lads, ho had made and tpt upen the crce.ts on vht pre viout dtf, sweeping the streets of the Chris Un quartei, in rhftis, by. or.lerotthe Turkish head tf .tolicn. They nt once supposed that ihh ord r must have been given for tbe very purpose of exciting a riot, and they were not mistaken. At two r. m. ome three hundred of the lwnt Moslems l Dura 'scu rushed, urmed, into the Chiistian quarter, crying nut 'slay the dogs of Christians 1' and im mediately the work of plunder, burn ing and murder commenced. Ach met Pacha, Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief of the place a iidd-marthal in the Sultan's rmy wat at once informed of what had tak en place. But although he had at bis disposal some 800 regular troops and several field pieces, not a man nor o gun did he move. He never showed himself in the streets, nor took any steps wliuiever to stop the massacre, declaring the old story ol Hasbeyia, Rasheyia, Dheirel-Kamar and Sidon that he had not troops enough tu do any good, TUX MA88ACRI. It adds "Tho Russian Consulate was almost the first house attacked, and nil thoe Chris' ians who did not take refuge with the famous Algerine chief, Abtl-el-Kader (who has behav ed most nobly throughout the busi ness), were murdered at once. But. ahliotigh the nffair might have been stopped with the greatest ease before daik un the Monday, after that hour ti e mub increased in numbers every minute. Late in the evening about three hundred soldiers were sent to put a step to the outrage, but very shortly joined in the plundering, such as did not do so actually used their arms to massacre the Chrisiians. The whole Christian quarter which in cludes some of the finest palaces to be found in the empire was soon one mass of flames ; and for this there is the positive authority of n Europe an eye wi'ness, who was hiding in the neighborhood all that fearlul night s the Christians tried to escape from (he flames they were thrust back on the burning piles by the bayonets of the Turkish regular troops. Howev er, when we recollect that one of the military chiefs who commn'led ut Damascus was Osman Beg, the mis creant who but three weeks previous ly had delivered up at Hasbeyia up wards of 1500 Christians to be roassa creed by the Druses, ell wonder at the conduct of tbe military ceases at once. When our last advices from Damas cus left that place, the whole Chris tian quarter had been utterly destroy ed. Four thousand Christens had taken refuge in the house of Abd-el Kader, who defended then against all comers. Three thousand had taken refuge in the castle under the Pacha, and several hundred in the English consulate, which, as yet being situ ated in the Moslem quarter of the town had been respected. Upward of two thousand Christians, it was calculated, had been murdered, all in cold blood, and the estimated loss of properly, money, valuables, etc., was 810,000,000. TAliEN IP, Pawneb Risksve, September 6th, i860. Editor Echo. A psrty of Pawaees, who had gone out without my knowledge, cams in lait night with 17 mules and five horses. All the mils and one of th horses prove to belong to the united States. Hie 1h er four horse are supposed to have been taken between this and Fort Kearnay,and to belong to white people. The owners fey applying to m, piovintr property, and paying for this advertisement, will recov er tbe same. Very respeetf ailv, Your obed't servant, J. L. GILLIS, nl5-tf. (7. 8. Indian Agent. A. KOUNTtC. H. KOUNTSf K0CNTZE, BROTHERS, UANILER8, OMAHA CITY, . . . ... NEBRASKA, . scv GOLD DUST At BIO PRICES. Ulnars will consult their interest, not to aell their Dust, either , en .commission or otherwise, Deior calling on the above firm. Drafts Sold on th principal Cities In THE UK ION. Land warrants, and Territorial war rants bought and old. ' nltt-tf. HARROWS, MILLARD, U Co., .BANKERS. iNB DEALERS IN : G 0 L D D U S T! OMAHA, . . '. .'. . NEBRASKA. ' -O-0-0-O-. ' " " Will pay tb highest pric in Caah for GOLD DUaTj or, if desired, receive 'the sara om commission, ad vane ; , lug HEVEN-E1G11TH8 of iu ' aU, dtb balance up- ' on return of the Assay ' receipt psyab's ! :,. ' " at tb coun- i a i " v ter, or in l"e ; , York Exchange, ae-nt t any prtf th Unltd 'V " iftaU. A small comuiUslon t only will b charged for attending V , .to ila kuein.. Baak Boildiafa, rarakara Strt't, loath aide. ( nt4.tf. Ase-m for J. I. Curtla H9di? ciucs. John Holland, Kearnay City, ' lieth A Uo Fort Kearney. Johnsjft A Ct., Wood River Ototr. ' 7 - Mr. Orocktr. Vood lliv. Cfasrlas gsnaie, Cat IMK TREE RANCIIE. 8. jV MARMOT bavins; purchased tb abb Ranche, announces o Hs traveling Tommunirv, that be will spare no pains to make his ranch the most desirablo n the MiHtary RoiA He to saaklns; EXTENSIVE AUDITIONS Tfte Irons -J stablln?, so that amp! accommodations-can be ensured. The loeatioi is the most deairable for Camping, being ten miles ahov the futer" section of the Genoa Perry road and" half-way between Colnrabos tad Wood River Centre. Groceries, Drugs, Cortf, Oats, Always on hand. (ty Board' tf K Vff or Week. Stock wintered, as low as at any Rancho on tbo Kead. All who are desirous of fee hug st hra', put up st th "LONE TREE," wher ev ery accommodation can be had' nlO-tf. TL-Cito Nows ! City Hotel, One mile East of Elkhoro Bridge on tb hilt, where the musqueto treubles neither man nor beast is now supplied with v erything for the comfort of tbe tarveler tad hi lei u.. No pains will b spared to make all who favor this establishment comfortable and happy. Good subline; and room for wagona in the barn, and a good well of water, dug purposely for stock plenty of water, and good graas. Frenh hay, coon and oat on hand. (fjr'Cake,sPiee, Crackers and Bread. CHARGES MADE LIGHT! W. G. Rosimson, aU-tf. J. Hvus. To Person," out of Employment. VGEVTS WANTED to sell the Erie Sewing Machine. We will give a Commission, cf wages at $40 per month, and expanses paid. This is a new Ma chine, and so simple in its conlruelion that a child of ten years can tear to op erate it by half an hour's initructten. It is equal tu any Family 9ejs)& Vchin) in us, and tbe price is but$tj2j Persons wishing an Agency will vddresa J. N. BoTL.ik Secretary Erie Sewing Machine C8aSo"(, 6w. Milam, Qgio. Qlj Glolhing Kal! OHIAIIAoiX.T. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BKALXaS I If ready-made cloth j g And- . GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS,' FJRNH4M STREET, (Opposite Lay fc McCormlck's) -0-0-0-0- Good made to order oi the sbcrtasttioUc. Cash paid for hides and furs. ulO-tf. 3VE. TOOTLE, : Sign cf the TOOTLE'S CLOCfl, Paaif hak 8tt, . . . . . Omaha, N. T. Retail 4 Jobbing Merchant, Have just opened a splendid Block tf Spring & Summer GOODS Atso keep a complete Stock of Dry-Goods, Groceries, Hardware, .. Ready-mads Clothing, Htts, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Crock- ery. Wooden ware, etc. which be offers at tbe lowest figures of aty House in this market. , ftST Cash paid for bidet and furs. . nt0-ly PLATTE VALLEY HOUSE. . Thru mile above North Bend If. T. R. GRAHAM, .... Iropt fetor. Accommodation for tb want tod ao eeasltiss ot the traveling public.' Good stables, bay, and train, .' r nitvckimirlilnK In all fit department os sod horse. ho ing. Wegoos repaired, etc., etc. - - nl0-ly. - - . HOWARD ASSOCIATION. ; ', PHILADELPHIA " A Beneveleot Institution eMabli.beJ by, pecial Endow man t, for the iteliaf oi the Sick and Distresaed, afflicud with ' ! VUuUnt audi Fpldemic Disana, and . I i' eapecially for tbe Cur of Dieasf I ' tb Sejual Organs. ' MEDICAL ADVICB given rati, by o iha Aclinir Surreoo. to all who ap ply by letter, with a doriptloo of thair ondiiion, (age, occupatlcn, habits ft life, ao.,) and to eaaet of xtraa poverty, Med- kin furnUhad free or ensrga. vsni:s lteaerta on Sixrmatorrscai, sua Other dl. eaaes o! tho Seiual Orgaaa, and U New BsMtDiti ompioyea m ine vup to va ry, sent to the afflict la satd latter tu lona. fre of ehsret. two or thro sunpt for pottage will acceptable. , , , : AdJreas.Dr. J. 8klllia Uoogbloo. Act ing 8rgean, Howard Associatioo, Ho. t uuth Nlath Street, P1illlrlpbit. Fa. 2v order ot tb Directors. 1 . . -, , Eta o. HrusrwKit, Tr , Cso. rCHii, Bc. alt.