1 h I h i JUESYES 79 "'V8 MVSS TEES AT BOMB." STARHJ. tW I'vo weadared JV, say heart' aot hare, . TU still la ov far distent bom t . . . I Alt! LM . t it. I A J J ..tvae 7 oiuaa wua we lovaa ana mr, Thoegb pleasant th icnn when I roto j 'hov.gh pleas ant tb voices that greet me, , Yet r can they stiik th heart chords, - And vibrate inch manic, more sweetly. As then .echoed lov in kind words. As Mum .echoed lore in kind word. Teoagb. thousand! were read to lore me, '- The Jaegth ef my days wonld mm drear, ft theagbte of 4h angeled eb-iye me, With those that I aarthlv hold oar, .."aeeo effaced from y fond recolloetion rd regret my long earth 1 stay, VaeJd J not my present affection Commingle with that far away, Commingle with that far away. Bow weetiy acme Toices, how pleasant, . Ra-ecao the one that hare flown, I ailing the put with the preeent, . Place memory h'gb on her throne; (nek marie eould I hare to blase me, ,.,Tbea neTer woald I eeem alonei l b past then would fondly cartas me, - ' ' The preeent would be all my own, ' The preeent wonld be all my own. MEMS, VB&t, TEICEL, ITttARSOS!" Tia midnight I Low, an on wh grieves. He dark Etphrete murmur by, 'J he p'w tree rcars'fcer giant lea re Uaauiverlng to the solemn eky. Th Star- light tremble M it falls Ou Bat!' gey and gorgeous tower, And ell unholy mirth enthralls ller nal, fond and fleeting;!, urs. The date' rich treasure glowing drop, Aad flash tb flood wherein they lavej 'Xko flower, with red lips, blushing (loop To kiaa. In love, their mirror-wave Eat in the regal towers, high, Tea tkoueand ahiftlng torches hine l b brat are .there, and beauty's eye Beam brighter than the crystal win. Aroapd Eclebasxar's banquet board, Aoand Belshazxar's impious throne, la lingering lines the mystic light .Bapgs beautiful on arch and dome; Bat, lo ! what means that sudden pause t Tia not th yoHve pledge I hear That biasing glare that overawe The tauqaet midway iu career ! Behold.! npou the sbrinkihg sight Empyresl lightnings wrap the wall, Caibodylng in their lurid light , B.lg Heaven's decree for Babel's fall. ,0 yes proud flag that bangs so high. Tit, morn ne snare its light shall shed y TV Medea ere shouting "victory !" ' Ajd anlgbty Babylon ia dead I ; -Tmait hot I Boeioa! A week jot two ago, four creditors started from Boston in the iamo train of ears, for tto porpoM of attacbin? (be property f asertain debtor in Farmiogton, BauM. tie owed eacb ona separately. Mid each wara suspicious of the ob jaat fit the other, but dared not mj a word, about it. So they rode cqaainUoces alL talking opon every thinf ezoept that which tbey had most M heart. VThcn they arrived at the ' depot at Farmington, which waa three ailea from where the debtor did busi. peas, they found nothing but a solitary eb, towards which they all rushed. Three trot ia and refused admittance f the lourth, and the c&b started. Tha fourth run after and mounted on th outside with the driver. He ask J the driver if he wanted to sell bis iWrat. JIa replied that he did not, Jlaat ho Was not worth more than $50, Jrat he wonld not sell him for that. U aaked him H be would take 9100 for hi, Xes, ' aaid he. The fourth pta quickly paid over the money, took tu reins and backed ihe fab up to back slipped it from the bar pt$, and tipped it up so that the) door ticiifi not ba opened, and jumped up jon the horse's back and rode off, the "insider" looking out of the wiudow, l9 rode to lawyer'e and got a writ juade aad served, jand hi debt ee eurad. sbd got back to the hotel just ,asath '-insiders" came up puffing and - aNO-wiox, . The cabman bought back ior fat f 60. The 'sold" men offered lo py tbat sum if the fortu mu ie, wbo found property suffici ftnt to pay iiis own debt,' would not tell of it ia Boston. A y.aakee trick wUin?Tl ; .' - v' 3H frog -is aaid to have bean k:! od i Texas, which measured 18 incites aerots the ihouldert and t loos;. Qood news for frog eater. It tie above Is true it was decidedly big fro t if not true it ia A hig 1 ; so it'e big either way, - 1 . HOFFAT'S U7Z TILLS dt PHC2NIX BlTTPRft THESE MEDJCTNZS hava ew hea beroie tka nubile for a erIod ef Thir ty Yer. aad during that tiiw have mat tr4 'a high ebaraeur in almost every part of lAe t-lobe, r uiwrnuii"; Lad twitjiiat9 poerer f restoring perfect fWt rros suflarlog under nearly evwyktedof diaeasafo which tbshumaa aARKa isl alii hi a Tfnawinf r mmoi i stress log vcaTeiEtx: utx medicjnf.3 f, wl JmewB te V UfalUtle. , The Lift Medicine hsvebeen known to cure KhcuinatUm, permanently, in three weeks, and Gout. In half that time, by re moving local Inflammation from the maa elea and ligament from the joints. Pnpriti of all kind, ' by freeing and strengthening the kidneys and bladder; lory operate most ueugnuuuy on mese important organs, and hence have ever been found a certain remedy for Gravel. Alio Worm, by dislodging from the turning ef the bowel the slimy matter tn which these creatuiea adhere. Scurry, Ulcers, and Inveterate Sorea, by the perfect purity which (heae Life Medicines glv te the blood, and all the humors. T' " " ' ' 5cer6(ic Eruption and Bad Complex ionn, by their alternate effect upon the fluid that feed the skin, and the morbid etate of which occasion all eruptive com plaint, sallow, cloudy, sad all disagreea ble complexion. The uee of these pills for a verv short time, will effect an entire eure of Salt Rheum, and a striking improvement in the clearness of the akin. Common ColdS and Influenza will.alwaya be cured by one dose or by two in the wont cases. Puts' Th original proprietor of these Medieines. was cured of piles of 39 Years standing, by the use of the Life Medicines alonx. . , Fmrr and .Jeut.FQT this scource of the Western country, theee medicine w 11 ne round a are, speedy and certain remedy Other medicines leave th ) tvatem subject to a retarnof the disease a cure by these medicines is permanent Try thtm, Be Sat isfied, and Be Cured 1 BUiou Ftvtr and Liver Comvlaint. General Debility, Loss of Appetite, and Diseases of Females, th Medicines have been used with the most beneficial result in eases of this dessriptlont King's Evil, ana scroiuia, in us worst rorms, yieias to the mild, yet powerful action of those re markable medicines. Night-sweats, Ne vous Debility. Nervous Complaint of sll kinds, Palpitation of the heart, Painter's Colic, axe speedily cured.' Mercurial Diseates. Person who con stitution have become Impaired by the In judicious use of Mercury, will find these medicines a perrect enre, as iney never fail to eradicate from the system, all the effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparations of Sarsa parilla. Prepared and sold by W.B.MOFFAT, 335, Broadway, New York For sale by all Druggists. S. J. WILLI4MS. rmsy irai.fota. TTiaiMAMSa 8PRIXCER, &, CO., sEoroli.ia.nta Fort Lupton, N. T. Will Rancbe Stock on more favorable terms than any other Ttrpontiblt firm in the country. Stock and merchandise bought and sold at sll times on favorable jerms. , . . . . u7-tf . F. C3. EEOMElrt, . !..-. Wholesale a Retail Dealers b . ' ' Drrcood, ".;;';,.:;.:; Groceries, Provisions, ' ' '' '' Bacon, . . , , , . ; Liquors, ete., ea. ' i T, - , Con, - s ----Oats, ! Meal, steete. - : Caib paid for nidesj X Fan. ! Colamhu, N. T. V .' aS-tf. ' CnARLES BUTTEIiriELD, SZ&LCB I ! GROCERIES k PROVISIONS, j seoadwat, couKCit SLurrs, IOWA, Keebs eenstantly on hand a fresh supply oe Groceries, Provisions, Grain and Vege table, which be offers at the lowest rata. N. B. Cash paid for gTaln and country produce. tu-u. .Milton Rogers. VTnOLESALE AJVD RETAIL Dealer ia all varieties of v . . ST (0 V IB , ; And MANUFACTURER of Tin, Copper and j fiHEET IRON WARE.: ' ' ! .....,..., Sign of the., OOOJi 0tOvo, i : - , ' . : , i - . TTPTZ3. BEOADWAT. CounejlBHiffs.Tsws A LARGE and complet acsortment of toves. Tit, thett Iron, Bras, and Japaned Wars, Also a treat variety ol Sheet Iron Stoves and Cats furniture, roi emigrants crossing tbs Plain, always oe baud and for as Is cheap for cash. Juns9thl859tf , Vta Afloat t I'm Afloat 1. v ' LOUPE FORK FERRY. M BOAT iVHOy !;; ' Tbs Columbus Frry Company be v new la operation, and U goodrunnisg order TWO FIRST CLASS ROPE FERRIES xrosa ths Loops Tork, on at the oi Co lunibu Crossing, apd another near Cleve land Hons where thnr t firt-rau and commodious boau, sna careful hands tbat will set teams over from bans. u tuV with rapidity and safety, avoiding all t4rh it ficulUes as has been heretofore sprln ed. These ferries iara directly ou tua North Platte route, where the roade are Ana and wsli bridged. Fas camp (.round. UmUer, aad grass. Charges as follow i u Two berss or ox teams, sash, oO AU ether stock, per head, y ,irj 4,9 COLUMBUS FERJlV CO. .mn ... HURFORD & DEALERS IN ' - - Hardwarc--Agricultural Implements ife -0-0-0-0-0-0- Have eonstantly on band, a very heavy stock of all kinds of Goods in their line to which they invite the attention of the public. They keep on hand the VeryBest Makes of WHICH THEY Fanning Mills, Cultivators, Grain Cultivater's teeth. Iron Sash. Shovels, Whit Lead, PainU, Turpentine, And, in short, all goods neceseary (o supply the Farmer, Blacksmith, Carpenter, Painter, 8hoemaker, and all others. We cordially invite an examination of our stock. (??"0ur Hardware Store is on Douglas Street, and our Agricultural Warehouse, on Fourteenth Street, Omaha. Omaha, N. T., June 2, 1860. nlO-ly " ' IfO. 5, rilOENlX D LOCK j EFPElt BROADWAY, r COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA. ' - ; ' WHOLESALE AJVD RETAIL DEALER Vf DRYiGOOBS MD GROCERIES BOOTS &; SHOES, LIQUORS &C. Rupectfully direct the attention of Purchaser, to hit IMMENSE, VARIED AND ELEGANT STOCK FOR TUB ?RIlTGr A1TD mm TRADE. VThich has been selected in the Eastern Cities with special referanceto the wants of this market. - ' -',.'' My attortmtt of Fancy Dress Goods HEATV , A!D FA9TCT GROCERIES BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOM AXD STATI0VZ2T, PROVISIONS; UUQ0B.S, AO , AO., Is Very Large and Complete. ' Miners Outfitting Goods. TCNT8 AND5TENT CLOTHS. MINER'S PICKS3AND SHOVELS . . SUGAR CURED HAMS, SMOKED SAUSAGE A.C. - 20,000 BUSHELS OF CORN, 2.000 SACKS OF FLOUR. ' C -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 . , W will not stop to say anything about prices, for we have every dav proof that they are satisfactory to thoae who do business with us. But to one and all, we would respectfully say, that we can offer better inducement to purchase cf us ' . - than any other House in Western Iowa. "V v COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKHN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. - Call tSo see our Stools- t. . PKGSAU. Jf JL WAR2TZR. 3. T. BALDWIN. O. If, DODOS. ''PEMAM, WARfJES, h CO., : .! 'WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IS , - ; ;U 04 Hardware; Queemware, Cootffjy Shoes, .ii i ia j .. ' i .'..' . pROPEiEToas or u i i I) tht J '!" i!. '...(;'. v ; l ) it'.' ' ' ; U : l ii vr , . 'j rf,..l r-i ; . i -' ' ' ' ... I'.- - . 'i. FLOUR At FEED FOR I". r ..I 4. i 'tZT yBEtQIITING TO THE Oood Terma. TRAINS sUrt;rrow;C0UN0Jt I n A niFTV wVYXeT V SJ SL. rT I lexabtsvesS BROTHER, V Plows of all kinds WARRANT. Cradles, Resperssad Mowers, sad Nail. Glass, Picks, Linseed Oil, Varnijh, Japan, Cloths & Sheetings; Mats, Caps, - j .. - m .U'i..! ' t ? . BALE, k PUT UP MINES and InefrpeCUl Ppinti4 on il , ' r ' t - a a . 1 I .law. - r . , i i ,.;.- - - r. Gl EES AM AX, At CO. Tteo door Bait of the Pacific IIovh, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEAL ERS IN Dmge. Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Paint Brushes, Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, Uye-stutld, Glass, Glassware. A scperior quality of smeldng sud chewing tobscco, cigars, Scotch and Mocoby snufls. Evry variety of Fancy Goods and perfumery, toi let articles, extracts, colognes, nomades. toilet and fancy soars. hair, nail, and tooth brushes. A lull and complete assortment or STATIONERY; i JOHNSON'S RAXCIIE, WOOD RIVER CENTRE. Grinding, A good Corn Mill is now In operation, and ready fur corn and buckwheat, at Johnson's Ranche, Wood Rivrr Centre. Corn In the ear ground likewise. Black tmithing. Do you want your horses or oxen shod, or anything d'-ne in the above line, go to Johnftou'e Rancbe, where you can be aerv ed on the shortest notice and in the best manner. Entertainment. We want but little here below l' Good accommodation for man and beast are now prepared at Johnson's. Upper Crossing ot wood tuver Hay, grain, ana stabling, plenty, and charges low. Emigrants and settlers can get supplies of potatoes, groceries, liquors, provisions, cloth ug and many necessary articles. at prices a snade nigner tnan oia on we Missouri River. . If you want anything, call there and your want may be satisfac torily aupplied with srticlesof almost ev ery variety to be had at Johnson's Store Wood River Centre. ; . For Sale. A giant Cob-mill, at John son's Ranche. Also a Breaking Plow, nl-lf. 3E3CTT iT-VsQ STATION AND RANCHE, Two miles abore LONE TREE STVION, Keeps, slwsys on band, Hay and Graia. OOOD STABLING, JND READY HOSTLERS, Also bote! accommodstions, and every lux ury and comfort that care and at tention can prodnce, pro vided for the Guests. If you appreciate Home and Ease, stop at H'LL3 o3. If. SHOE THE WILD HOUSE X ROBERT WILLIAMS k CO. take the present method of informing the trav eline public, that tb7 have established, -f "William' Ranch." O'Fallon Bluffs, sn extensive Smith-shop, where eny work in tnai line win oe executed on iu auwKii possible notice, in a workmanlike manner, and at . reasouable ami honest price. Tbey have also connected with their shop, - t,.Jin. ium) u.tiar all manner of bud- plies may be had Cattle, horees, mules, ..J urorrna lumrrhf. Bold. Or eXchaUSTSd and, borne aad accomo4atious generally, furniabed tns traveler ' w. Di jounson. Dealer in SUpl and Fancy Groceries, Liquors.,Fruits, Candies, Confectioneries, Uigsrs, f ancy uooos,iaiiKeovwwp,--elry, l'oys-p-nd a thousand and two ''knix b... .f.i.l-i.fivin. atrtraa and Be- forth s" which he offers for sale on the mos' easy and reasonable terms as ba is determined to cbiee out Conpleta outfits for emigranU, put up, 1 J . .J ..II lia i. a. with ear ana aispevu, uu tun - . I. . n 1 tlon rnarentecB' - 50,000 Copies already SIdJ EVERYBODY'S LAWYER COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS, BY FRANK CROSBY, Of the Philadelphia Ban ' . ax.li. v. tfnm trt draw DD Partner .i.in p.nara and rives fenersl forms for Agreements Of all kiads VUis or saie, miw a t-illA,ia. It Tslla ysa How t 4 raw up Bepds a.d wn. -Affidavits. Pow ers of Attorney,' NeUsa and ' . Bills OI CXCuaog, av-wi.a and Releasee... . ,i. wr Th. i. for the Collection ii ii. iviis 'cfpeU w,th th- stutes of Limitation, and amount and r I kind of property Eempt",m !' , Evacniioo la every 8lte. ItT.UsT.9 Howte make an Aaalgsj. Composition with Creditors; and the Insolvent Laws ef ' ' 'i i every State. , It TelU You The Legal relations exlet ine between Ouardlea aad Ward, Master snd Appren tfce.and Landlord and Tenant. it Tells Yob What constitutes Libel and Slander, and the Law as to Carriage Dower, the Wife's ' Right in Property, Divorce and Alimony. It fell You The Law for Mechanic' Liens In every State, and the Naturalization Laws of tbiar country, and how to comply with the same. It Tells Yon The Lsw concerning Pea sioss and how to obtain one, and the Pre-emption Laws t Public Lands. It Tells Yoa The Law for Patents, wltfc mode ot proceedure in ootsin ing one, with Interfeieiicea, Asslgumeat' ad Tabli of Fees- It Tells You How to make yoar Will, and how to Administer te aa Estate, with tbt law and the t eqiiiremente thereof ia every" Sfte. r It Telle You lTe meat.ing f the LaW FormO n general use, and ex plains v o you the Legislative Execntf eand Judicial Pow era of both the Genera) aad Rtara Rovek'nments. It Tells You How to ae.ep out of Law, by showing how to no yoav business legall)', thus saving a vast amount fit property, and vexatious litigation, bf its titselj consultation. nhoHv in tverv $1 00, or, in law etyle of binding at $1 8. $1,000 a year can.be made by terprising men everywhere. In selling tata above worv.a our inaucemeuia v u are very liberal. For single copies of the Book, er tea terms to agents, with other informal! oa, spply to, or address JOHN. K. POTTER, Pnbllshe. t No. olTSansom Street, PhiladelpaJaw WHAT KVKBTBODT WANTS I THE FAMILY DOOTOBc Containing limplt rtmeiiu, eatily V taintd, for the cure ef iiite alt formi. ...... ; . i , PROFESSOR HENRY S. TAYLOR V. -0-0-0-0- It Tells You How to attend upon the eek JL . - . 1 - . nuu now 10 cuoa lor w. how to prepare Drinks, PoaW. ticea Ave , and how to guass, against infection from Contev Cious Diseaaea. It Tells You Of the various diseases est . ' . Children, and gives toe aee and simplest mods of lraa ment during Teethiug.CoaTeA-sions,Vaccination,WheopiafcV- FAnrli. M.aal.a k f It Tells You The symptoms of Crenp, iruoiers, inian.um, vouv. v arrhota, Worms, Scald Head Ringworm, Ohlcken-pox, Aet. and give you th best rno- Aimm fnr Kalr lira. It Tells You The symptoms of Fever and . . i n-i i V . 1 1 ljue, ana niuou. leuvw, Typhus, Scarlet and other Fe ters and gives you ths beet and simplest remedies for fha.fr altts It Tells Yea Ths symtoma of Inflesnta,. Consumption, vyipvpaia. Asthma, Dropsy, Oout, Rhew matlsm,Lumcsgo,ErysipeVa.. etc. and give yoa the beet . nmuli.. fnr their eure. It Tells You The symptoms of CbeUaa jnoroue. hukiw'''-'", 8mall-pox,Dy en tery , Crama, Diseases of the Bladder, Kid neys and Liver and the bee s.m.4i.a 9nr thalr rnra. .VU. W. .w. www It Telia You The symptoms of Plearhrfc Paralysis, ths arioun dlseaav es of the Throat, Teeth, Eat and Eye and the best rsase - allaa fnr Lhalr cure. I: Tells You The symptoms of Epilepsy jaunaice, ru jvum,., eases of the Heart, Hcsmoa rhage, Venereal Disease and Hydrophobia and gives (bw haf twmadlaa for their etvto. It Tells Yoa The best and simplest treat ment I or nouuua, ui.n. Bones, Dislocations, Sprat Lockjaw, Fver Sore, vThrea Swellings, Ulcers, Whitlow Boili, byrvy, Bnraa aaat Scrofula It Tells Ysu Of tbs rarloua diseases p sulisr to Women, and give the best and simplest rent dies for their curs, togstber with many valuable bluts tasr preservation of the health. The work is written in plain Uaguavas free from medicsl terms, so as to bs Um understood, while its simple recipes saety soon save you many times ths cost of th. book. It s printsd in a clear and apea j- iii...ss.aau with tirvnrAniiat mw eravings, and will bs forwarded to yonx aeV dress, nestly bound and postage paid, a. receipt or iw. '.' . . 1 OOO A VEAtt cas be made bjr terprising men everywhere, ia selling teas above woikud our Indi5emtita W ail are very liberal. , ,' .' ' - For singls copies of the Book, a fet terms to agenU, 1th other iaformatMSa, apply or address '... , JO MS t POTTER, FubUshet, . .. , No. ;f Saasom SeHinaiadl4i, lob VToriu Cards first hundred or less, toff Each additional hosdred fvt Worksd both sides, kali above prieo added. ,.' t Dilla.. U heet WO ot Uee, 1 ).. ' lo !aeh addltionai hundred,, , ., ., IJ V! nh.t 100 or Us. - '4M STach additloaal huiidiad, l . . J heet 100 or lees, 4 Vm pii additional hundred ' I Single copies will be sent by roalJ, post age paid, to Ercry Farmer, Every Me chanic, Every Man of Business, and Ev state, on reretpi an Full sheet posterslM or loss. ' 0t Ksch widitionai baadrsd, (O Blanks per qulrs, ' 1 Printing Letter Heads, Bill HeaeVl aad Enralopes, 100 or less, 10ft additaoaai bvadred, HO 1 )ii ClabslJT.4Ara A . ! i.