VniJ ,.. THE' HUNTSMAN'S ECHO. -l ' lLHLISIIEO AT WOOD'HIVER CKXTER, K a-r-vlK T. jk T. .,. -. """ trtRT TnrnsPAT Moiwsn. , lerm- Per V : . r i i t t I 2 00 Independent In E erjtuing i.. Neutral In .otlilng. ' THfirsfcAY, SEPTEMBER. 6. J8. For HvnlrMitn'r Echo', authorized to re ceive scbscripiions and ' advertising, and also to revive and receipt for any monies. 'K T.Fpo o,; T. M:, Council Bluff-,. Ia. 'A: D. one, Omaha, i . . N. T. Wt D. Johnson, Florence, i John; Kck, Columbus, , IL J- Hudson. Genoa. . .. " ' I'ost Master, Fort Kearney, . . t. Haines, Denver City J . . . T. .v-S'NEW POST OFFICE. ,. i rtat Ofllra liu bees) entapliehei at 11ti4 place.' lo ba called Wood River.'' . Tlili'wifl be a great convenience to us, htiil insuy of our neighbors. ' ' Z !',;VVOM " and l'p. . Tbaf the tulk, when you tbuuee to gel down, dou't lie there and snivel, but get up, crawl up, walk up, trot up, run Hp, roll np tumble up, crowd up, and even, if necessary,' climb up anyway no you are up again. ' We are again up not, however, in the scale of worldly fain, but up Wood River," and here in ar sanctum, making a few notes to fill nyacant column or two for the Echo, as wc have escaped annihilation from the V"kte which, by the by, is a wonder ful piipcr, but, of late, not half so inter wsjing na wa hoped to find it newly-wed eortecpondent gone East to rusticate and miupcrate, and fighting editor, absent. .ranvutntiori ail ipent,iin(l Blaster sober- eti-Jirought'to' V knowledge of eora6 to,.!. ';.':. j..... 7 j uum, lire rcununN,U0UQlIC5S, 'ij drori'ino t"e'foilai so ya't 'oilually. seized of late, and . traliantly wielded, and fer so carefully avoidin" a rvso meeting with. ua: -through our ugtfened stay at Council BluffZ,'" , &.Yf remark, ntdfal; itctUd, e.--. ie who in brave whrm th tnejny is at a 'dftnefl shouldn't akulk J.t hia an- -firOauh t -t hereby bang a' t-Jic.' : ' -, ' f .Mliadale.Tia CouujirBlunYand .CJiAMhti we arrtred here. S.iU .time to regale upon a prjCuelon of roost uuuwo, we came up the Platte Val lo we. were nleaAwl tn .!.: . the peon'le were going for - loKTi : Cropa aeenicd iangnishingand nuch injured. vA. ice ahower foil on Saturday. '.At Cleveland, our cood v" twvrn preiientea ua with hair a dozen (rhe melons, of which he lias an abundance of the Terr finest. (?'iie rascla have visltod his patch un, ,4K r eover. of darkness land destroyed m.DJniay tbeir ahadows dwindle !)- i UuproTements are eoinir on thro'. , out . tie Valley, The .Telegraph line U progrefiamg, and the poles and wire are ajong yearly the wbolo route, and . poic; set a part of the way. " t ' ii ,'cll, we must drTuVthis oIatter. an.1 gi and make hay'while the! sen ahinea, 4 Pr,Par,t give our readers, .in a 1 ,liir.' Bw$ ; freahr-JiTe tlmitea from the Atlantie. C'an'l stand It!,. :.. httklik ore again continually eomin about our farm, ranche and ofBee, both trtng ui by eating our vegetable, crop ping the , (last genyralJy ; and not being able ' t,tn'l it longer, , we sent 'the boys" - ' and P9 I, out to drive them away j this resulted in prostrating the earcaasea of na aa ;aoga and wole are icarce n. uaM w oreakiast, dine and sup ; freia thelv flwfc ,-ince 0uf tnpll- w atan't try toand Jv..and give timely ; notice tht the 0f fira,arnM W,U be , a common tning ln bl peck of woods, 'S" uales thcae Wullrghtful looking creatures desist from peaig into? our - oifiw?, and i'm-fomnomnrt ourrinfo. i . , r V. s. rxprcHU Coiupani' L ' ' A jurougoiuo indefatigable efor f Mr. fcbepard, Div. Superintendan,;of the U. S.Kxpress Company, the line' of their opcratian has'bom' cxtenlVeatward 'to Kearney, affording' a safe' "and con . venicot mode of traiMtt to every pari of " iheXwob or all articles- antrusted'to their are. f roni the eBorgy1 which ha t:kiT chawtetized ' this 'Company wo in ay safely concl udt that, they , will, vra 1 ' s.xU:ud their opemiions to Denver. A,t preHonthotv?r thov will uuita at ruey ritk ihau Joseph and Dm Ei press Co. i r ..awine ...cH.Mr.. AVe, till thaatten. i of j).-ru;.!Js t of euii loy-iient trj lid ,i, l!u-.,.,..iit rf til Frt fiei;g Msetftae CorIon Arrrste4. . .lame A. Gordon, who fled frem Den Ter some time ainee, was arrested re cent It, two hundered miles aouth-west of LcATenwoi tb, and is clesely confined in Leavenworth jail awaiting his trial for murder. He was captured by the sheriff of Arapahoe Co., Mr. Middaugh, an energetic officer i who came down with the Express coach, and headed off the prisoner who had taken the Arkansas route., He sent back a letter to a citizen of Denver, which' fell into the hands of the Bheriff, and led to the discovery of his Movements, destination and sub sequent arrest. It is said that he quiet ly surrendered and has made no attempt to escape. We can but regret that one eo young, and, by nature, happily endow ed, should bo thus led to crime, infamy and a shortened existence by intemper ance and uncontrollable passion. Oh, alcohol! Crime, the result of thy power is legion ! . . . T , At Ills Old Trlt'kB ! Hill of the Harmon to. Flag, has resuscitated, got a new Cilice, and open cd out new series of Hags first, nuiu ber received. WilUnm means to bo an orderly and clever fellow and a good Democrat, yet, lie has a happy, though odd wuv of pokinz straws at us, and commences in first issue. Take care! Vtilliam. "tro. tin no more !" or your flag may be i .truck, and the Hill in Tour neighborhood get tumbled and lev elled. Wo re a peaceable, quiet, lone man abounding in good morals, and hard work.' (See Rvgle) and shan't allow our Vieighbors (?) even to insinuate naughty things against us at least, if truthfulness or respectability is possessed, or even claimed. Look out, Spiudlf-sbanLa 1 or we may get after you, but, V.eep your Flag waving and your loudvpt horn tooting ; and aa you know something of fencing, rail at those woiilly Lincolnites up there. "Flax thata out this fall, and we forgive you Personal. Our old friend, Dr. Farner, of Coun cil Bluffs, spent a few days with us last week, enroute "for the Peak." We had a general and collective goou time chasing pleasure and killing time and buffalo. Doo. goes out with F. Gcesa. man, and a stock of drags, with the in tention of opening a drug Btore in Den ver. We wish them the fulness of good luck i for thev deaerve it. Doc. F. is one of the most jovial and companion able fellows in nature, and knows how to enjoy all the vicissitudes of life to the moat superlative advantage, and ia one of the best surgeons, and practical phy sicians in the West. i In our absence, our ranche was favor ed by a visit from our amiable, ener getic neighbors over at Genoa, Major Gillis and aons the first-named, agent for the Pawnee Indians. ' . The major and his friends were a few days rusticating in the sports . of the chose, and were abundantly successful It seems that the major'sdemand for troops to protect the Pawnees from the rapacity of the Sioux, has been endorsed at bead-quarters, and already a detach mcnt of horse and foot have gone over. ' ' , TueTelecranh. i VX Workmen' are busily engaged in put ting up poles for the telegraph between Omaha an4 f ort Kearney. Most, if not all, of the wire baa been distributed at convenient points, and will doubtless be finished in the courso of two weeks. The wires are rapidly being stretched between Omaha ana at. Joseph, and when completed, we will be able to fur nish our readers with Eastern news con- vcjed to us by flaahes of lightning. J More Indiaji a Trouble amoni i ne rawneei, quite a "skriuv mage" Two Kioux killed. Oa Saturday last, a small War-party of Cheyennea, numbering 30, made a descent upon the Pawnee vi Utge, for the purpose of Ukinf bj a cmp-de-fooin, any number of tha ponies of the. Pawnees The at tacked party gave tt alarm the other V party retreated witheut any ponlea, boHjongiDg to "Dog belly's" party, on the pursued. i; Two' of the aggressors wi 'lOfk iM.t , occurred about twenty Blain, and the remainder pursued for twea ty miles. , Thedetachmantof aoldiera from Kearney bad just arrived, and encamped at some liatance, bi t hastily with Major Gillis joined the chase, but could not get near enongh to have a talk. , , lu their hot haU tlie Cheyennea left be- hiot is a boety for the Pawnees some 8 or 10 ponks, aad any quantity of juoccaains, Hibea, and came quipag. ', rrnfc Leslie' 1 . If ye. would read the moat InUreatlag, the raciest, fuunleat.and beet f periodi eala, aend fo JFrak, bim.elf an artist pfcoarsoigpictorui, 1M get p with niore skllT a bcaoty lftoM ftf any 'o'hiscomjxtersi ',' . y , ' Ills Mag'aln is beaivglth piBUrial eocfintiog, d bis Pulg4 f Fun wi eaius ycur1 fcitttwa lifiy oif i), laughing. )(ipL .DujT.Thoa who are teturniei with any mt preelous. arjif!, will do well W call upn iJ-jow MiUrd, fvia hm-r Tbey pay e4 ifipe f Ji j lilvrrtiss q Uiy EIUTOIIIAI COHKlSrOV- EtusDALX, Iowa. Aug. 18, 1860. Dfar Echt s Wa are one agaia at our old home" amid tha hills and vallies of our favorite Ellisdale, and after att absence ' of near three months, again, for a few days, erjoylne the asaoclalio n of frienda and tha joyous romping) of our "'little ones.'' We were five days in our downward trip, had a pleasant time, and saw mauy of the readers of the Echo. On the 15th we attended the Democratic Territorial Convention; and assisted in the nomination for Delegate to Congress, J. S. Morton, a msn that will geta large ma jority of the votes of the freemen of Ne braska, over the man. Daily, who defeatea the approprlatiotie aaksJ for, and which we would Have obtained, for bridging tne two great rivers on tha principal thorough fare in our Infant, yet highly favored Ter. ritory, and for other nacessltiea. We learn of many who anticipate be coming aettlera lu the great Valley of the Platte, aoon. Crop m tin region are HKeiv to prove heavier than waa hoped. Wheat waa sel dom belter, yet, the yield small corn a ad grass will b light say, half a crop. We found both ferriea on tne ioup Fork in eaecllent order, ana roaae as nn a could ba. We hope our citizena of JJiiE- falo county will keep the wild herds off their crops, for all will he wanted at a good price. , . D ... ..1 . m a .ntarnrlainff W WOllia Oggeofc l nvi" b Tankee, to take faat horsee and a dozen men and go and feteh in a herd of a Tew thousand buffalo the tender, juicy fiesh, wonld fetch a good price in these markets. We anticipate atarting bock to our new t . In m tartf Ist'l. IIUIIIO all s a w -j - . . TM.- ..llamnrit enfl eninUHIOSlIl Mobton was high, aad Ratification Meet lags are being held mid the boom and roar of canaon, and ahouts for "Morton 40 The Uwiqn." ti' EDITOR. ; (Sharp Practice I At the Shaving Saloon of our old friend. Bob Russrl, on Upper Broadway, Counoil Bluffs, one gets a clean face and . inan fltinvA nf all suDcrfiuous beard t vivhu a and bristles, and just one dime for noth ing 1 Bob knows kow to do it, and his darkey is an artist truly ! Whatj d'ye think He'll shove you for nothing, And give y' a drink ? : A WPCCK UB lliuiau m "' Some two weeks since, an application . . .1 rl r.t Vnr was maue 10 me vomiuuuucr v . Kearney, for help to assist in repelling the Indians, (Sioux, Cheyennea audKio: was) who had been committing great out rages upon settlers about two hundred miles west of the Fort, robbing them to a great extent. The answer returned to the applicants, was, that "at that time men could not be spared from the Fort, and it was with regret that the common der must leave the settlers to their own resources.". The Iudiaus had actually beseiged and ransacked one or two large stores in that section rather a bad state ot things certainly. But, I have the pleasure to relate, that on Tuesday morning last, a little after sunrise, a company of 57 men passed through tnis place on their way to Fort Kearney, they were a fine, robust, and lively looking troop, and tbongh not arrayed in gorge ous plumes, they doubtless possessed the true National feeling and principle The Rights of Man, and Liberty, or, you know what I The commanding offi cer, Lieutenant W. G. Robinson, of the 2d Infantry, a most gentlemanly young man, halted at our office and seemed not a little entertained at finding a printing office on this "distant prairie." This, he (said, was his first trip out here, he bad 1 brought his troop iron. Jeffersoa Barracks and that they were for a re inforcement to the carnson of fort Kearney, but that be, himself, should re- turn forthwith. Tho inhabitants of this region will learn with pleasure of this reinforcement at the Fort. Lieut. Robinson alio furnished en Hem of news, the Import of wbicb, was, that a Mrs ller, who, with ber husband was on the way to "The Peak,", was shot through with an arrow, by an Indian be- miles above O'Fallon's bluffs, where ahe is now lying in a very critical condition. It baa since been ascertained that Mr. Her bad bought a mule of the Indians, for which be paid them fifteen dollars they went on their journey, the mule being harnessed and forming part of their team. Tha Indians in the mean time repented of their bargain, pursued, and overtook them at tha above-named place, and demanded t? have the mull given back to them, their demand not being attended to they proceeded to bead tha team and possess themselves of the' mule, when Mrs Her jumped out of the wagon and resisted them and was shot through as stated above. . in irading witn Indians, the " Wbiics" ou;;ht to aot fair and honorable, and pot anate a property of them; ' bavo of ten Seen w'.;W regret, that ,,the main object of the Whites hon they eome in contact with Indian-, l to "swop, swop' or, ja olbur word, Umtl all they cjin out of them for little or nothing. The In dians are quite aware of it, hence a bad feeling is engendered ; truly, "tho love of money is the root of all . evil." As poople become wiser, and value truth and honor doubtless, evils of every kind will be far less prevalent. On the same day (Tuesday) passed down, from Tort Kearney, on their way to Genoa, (the Pawnee Reserve,) a troop of dragoons under the command of Lieu tenant Berry they were all well mount ed and equipped, and seemed ready for very effeotive service. An addition to this force is soon to be made, sufficient to protect the settlers, and Pawnees from the Sioux and their allies. Accom panying the nbove was a small divi sion of Infantry, numbering twenty men, under the command of Lieutenant Bond, they all seemed in fine order, well up to their duty and their presence at their destination, will doubtless soarelbebel- ligerant Indians, and speedily restore quiet and confidence to the injured set tlers. pRrrrix. Wuoi River .August 30. Pike's Peak Kcwa. From the Denver Herald, of tho 1 1th inst., we copy the following items of news : Dr. Morrison had been exhibiting a cabbage, raised by himself, ou his ranch .1 : l .1 . i t wiruu mill's ueiuw mc i-iij, which weigll- ed nine pounds, was thirty-seven inches : : n f . : : i l. t. iu vui-uiuicicuvc, una muu llicncs Iljgn. The M. E. Church, South, are build ing a a new brick meeting-house on the west side of Cherry Creek, near the He raid office. An actor by the nnmo of John Lan gri6ho has rented Apollo Hall and in tends opening a theatre in it about the 1st of September. The contract for carrying the U. S. Mail, onco a week, from Fort Kearney to Denver 400 miles, is again adver tised bv Postmaster Holt Hriir nt Kr. Joseph having failed to fulfil his con tract wiiu me government. A correspondent of the Herald writes as follows, of Clear Creek mining : The Clear Creek quartz leuds are at tracting the aUeution of mill owners. The fuet of the richness of Clear Creek quartz ia now beyond dispute. We an ticipate some fine things in leads. Another ore has been discovered which we think is silver and copper mixed . it is very near the color of lead, and very heavy. A vein was struck neat tho aur face that was eight inches thick. We presume the ore will soon be tested. The Council Bluffs Nonpareil publish es a lengthy and able letter from L. M. Douglas, formerly of tnat city, dated July 29th. The well-known character of Mr. Deuulaa is such as to inspire con fidence in whatever he writes, we would gladly publish his whole letter if our spaco would permit, but must content oursclf with making only a few quota tions. ! hardly dare stake my reputation for veracity, by telling you that men are making money everywhere In the gold mines spreading over this Rocky Moun tain country: but, nevertheless, such is the case, and will be for years to come ; some are making money, others are not, for the reason that they are too easily discouraged. Our company have been busily at work for the last two months, in one claim here, without making i xpenses ; but now the dark cloud begins to disappear. What was once a doubt, is so no longer. Now all are light-hearted and full of hope, that a week ago looked down-cast, and were down-hearted. We have found dirt that will pay from ten cents to one dollar to the pan, (most of it is of the ten oent kind, however,) and getting bet ter all the time. On the claim next above the one we ore on, they are taking out from one hundred to two hundred and fifty dollars a day, and it is getting better all the time. On the one below, they are doing fully aa well. 1 cannot except any claim in the upper port of theeulch that ia not dnin well, nt then, it is hard work to get the trold out ui vucui, ana mat uon t sun all that COme here! SO thev malra tli imn.i that they have very urgent business at home and, by the time they get across the broad prairies to ho Big Muddy, thty Come to the conclusion that. it. i alt a "humbug1 anyhow. " rew gulches are being discovered al most every day, and some pretty rich ones, judging from report; it being the only means i have of taliin .n.l),inn about them, as I have not been to them, and don't think 1 shall irfl. I hairs plenty to do at home. The Rocky Mountain AWs of Aurust the 8tb, states that from the first of Mav to the first of August, there bad been hipped by express, on freight, a little over $186,000, in gold dust. Estimated in the bands of piusenger and in drafts, over a half a million. The Mountain City correspondant of tha Newt, under date of August 6th, says t "Since I wrote von last. thr tin ( transnired verr munh of intratin etr important matters throughout tho min ing sections through which I have been traversing. I find tha quarts mills are not all fully fixed for permanent opera tion yet and, ao faraa 1 could find out, they are not yet in a situation to ena ble me to attempt to give you a satisfac tory list of items or statistics for a week or wo bonce. , There are ' perhaps Over one, hundred mills her now, but not more than twenty-five of them may be aid to bo In a "crushing condition and these not quite iifctori)y settled in their system of operations., i In Greg ory's Diggings there are six or more mills ucw doing very well making from $150 to $280 per 24 hours run sonio more and some less. The Rock Island mill appdar to be getting along very successfully, as well as several others, which I sbail not specify at present awaiting future statistics. Shearer & Co'a mill, on Chase's gulch, has made an extra big yield this week. W. M. Todd, Esq., who carries on a largo saw mill and shingle machine' arrangement on Chase's gulch, remarked to me yes terday morning that Shearer & Go's mill bad made the biggost run during the past few days of any mill or any run hore thus for. From the size and ap poaranco of tho amount of. amalgum at their cleaning up, it was conciderod there must have been over a thonsnnd dollars in the pile. It may turn out much less and it may not but good judges supposed there was an extra heavy yield, for mill successes, thus far. The scores of rasters everywhere in o'peration appear to be paying well so far as 1 can ascertain. Mulo mills, ras ters, and small crashers aro multiplying s thick as toads in Egypt. From tho 31ue River correspondent we learn that tho Georgia rulch as yet takes the pre mium, though the Humbug 1 1 is near its equal j the rest are just being opened out and promise quite Mattering. There is now in the Georgia and Humbug gulches some fortv sluices and toms running daily, which yield on an average $20 a dny'per man. Two men took out in one day last week $310 ; another claim presented its proprietors with a $53 nug get of pure gold. The gold is generally coarse and heavier than any 1 nave ever seen in the Rocky Mountains ; the taking oot of nuggets. weighing from two to tou dollars is of a daily occurrence- I S1 i bumilos iiuauio. I ' Two Lufliilos have been captured this week in our immediate neighborhood, und at Kearney, it seems, they almost come into the town. The driver of the "Express" from Denvoi, I am told, was compelled to bring his teum to a walk ing pace, near Kearney, because of tho buffalo thronging tho road. They give some intimation of being inclined to a closer acquaintance with the settlers; and well they may, considering with what assiduity and attention they are of ten sought for by them. ' Whilst nt ihfrcaso this morning, a lit tle after sunrise, my attention was at tracted by the growling of oso of our dogs, close to the office door, and on looking out to ascertain the cause, there, about thirty rods distant, was a buffalo taking a gentle walk across our town site, I announced him to tho "boys," who were immediately on the alert, took their guns and came out to salute friend buffalo, but from some cause known to himself .be speedily made a retrograde move, and was soon out of (h)arm's way. Typo. Indians. We learn that a few days rgo some COO warriors of the hioux and Cheyennea were at Fort Kearney, on their way to flax out their friend the Pawnees. As they will unexpectedly find some of Uacls Sara'f boye there, ready to "talk'' to them in earnest, it ia more than probable they will go back disappointed. They passed down a few milea north of us. 'f- CaASSHorritBs. Ve"regret to learn that clouds of grewihepperaj migrating South, have for aeveral days beendoirgcodsider able damage at sou e ot the rancbas above. All have left now we believe. " Game uiId'Frult. -. . Since our letura we have taken time for on short ramble ''among the elms,' to see a bountiful supply of the rick brown clus ters of grapes large, juicy and aweet, tho' in a state of nature. -.. Of plums, we never saw so large, or quality better, growing wild, and they aeem to be abundant, we enjoyed them to a 'fulneaa." Wa were not a little surprised at the un mUtakable marks of numerous beaver,trees and brush cut off wl h their teeth, and thtir paths and alldea and dams are all aloba: Wood River think we will send li.r traps and turn trapper, aa accomplish-! ment only iscanr, ana men, we oenev we knoweverytbiHg in useful industry A (TsTThs firm of Muir at. Hammond, tha has bean doing business at Junction Ranche baa been dissolved by mutual agreement. Marmoy, at "Lone Tree Ranche,'' Is prepared to cater to tha wants of every body on the road, and is ever attentive and and obliging. IIAUHOWg, MILLAR D, is. Co., BANKERS. AND DEALERS IN GOLD DUST! OMAHA, . . . , . NEBRASKA. -, -0-0-0-0- , Will pay tha highest price in Cash for , GOLD DUST or, if desired, receive i tha earn commission, advanc ing KEVEN-EIGHTHS of its value, and tha balance up on return of the Aasay '' receipt pay ab'e at the coun- -." ter, or In "Ksw .York Exchange, sent ... to any part ef the United .. " St a tee. A a mall commission ' only will bs charged for attending . - . - to lbs buslaaaa. Baak BvlMiaf, r&rahara lire', louth iae. nl4-tf. "',. ' ' Notice V . Is hereby given, that tb Firm b ret of ore eiinttnr and doing; buauiaas undar tha style of .Talbot fc. Ktyd, Is this day by mutual content dissolved,. 7'he buttings la future will be carrUd oa by Messrs, Talbot 4f tfarru. wno respectfully aollcit public fa vor f TSoir stock is wJasaof tod and rices, as tow as ruy eoyld especf or ask. auayviiy, deplamDsr- 1st, iy.ov - lone; tree', kaXciie. 8. J. MA.RMOY having purchased the abova Ranch, announces to the traveling cbmmnnily, that he will tpare no pains to make his ranche the moit desirable on the Military Road. He Is making . EXTENSIVE ADDITIONS The house and stabln?. ao that ample accommodations con oe ensured. , The location is the most desirable for Camping, being ten milos above the iuler section of the Gei.oa Ferry road and half-way between Colnmbus and Wood River Centre. Grocii, ... . Drugs, Corn, . ., - Outs, . "V. Always on hand, y Board by tlti Day or Week. Stock wintered, as low. as at any Ilancheon the Road. All who are desirous of fueling at home, put up at tha "LONB TREE," where ev - cry accommodation can be had - nlO-tf. . .. City Hotel; One mile East of Elkhorn Bridge on tho hill, where the musquelo troubles neither man nor beast is now supplied with ev erything for the comfort of the larveler and his tea if.. No pains will be spared to make all who fvnr this eAtfthlishment comfortable and happy. Good stabling aud riom for wagon in the barn, and a good well of water, dug purposely for stock plenty of water, and good gram. Frenh hay, corn and oats on hand. (3"Cakes, Pies Crackers and Bread. CHARGES MADE LIGHT! f. W. O. Robinson, n!4- J. Hvma. To Persoimout of Employment. A GEiYTS WANTED to soil the Eric Marliiiie. We will five .1 Commission, tr wages i t $40 per month, and expanses paid. This is a new Ma chine, ana so simple in us tmuunui that a child of ten years can learn to op erate it by half an Iiour'a instructicu. It is equal to any Family Sewing Machine in use, P nd the price is but $15 Persons wishing an Agency will address J. N. BoVLAN, Secretary Eric Sewing Machine Company, 6w. Mii.a, Ouio. Gitj Glcthing K2 Mat i OMAHA, NaT UKAI.r.BS IN READY. MADE CLOTMFG" AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, FARNIUM STREET, , (Opposite Laceysc. McCormick's , -o-o-o-o. . ' Goods made to order oi the shirt tut notice. Cash paid for hides and furs. nlO-tf. M. TOOTLE, Sign of the -TOOTLE'S BLOCK, Farniuk Sibeft, Omaha, N. T. Retail If Jobbing Merchant, Have just opened a splendid ' Stock cf Spring & Summer COODS Also keep a complete Stork of Dry-Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Ready-made Clothing, Hats, " Caps, Boots, Shoes, Crock- " ery. Woodenware, etc. ' which he offera at the lowest fitfurea ; of asy Houae in this market.' (Ji?" Cash paid for hides and fure. ' nlO-ly ; - - PLATTE VALLEY HOUSE. Three mile aiovt North Bend N. T. It. Git All Airl, Proprietor. Accommodations for the wants and a. cessitlea of the traveling public. . Good etables. hay, end uraiu, also. , Ulackansitliluc. ; .. In all Its departments ox and horse-shoe ing. Wagons repaired,., etc. nlO-ly. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. - a n..-.,.l. In.lltnilnn established bv the 8ick and Dietresaad, afflicted wi'h Virulent and Epidemic Diaeaeea, and" especially for the Cure of Diseases of ' the Sexual Organs. " f TITEDICAL ADVICE given grails, by IV I .1.. a..;n- Rnrpnn. to all vhn in. ply Dy leuer, - r-- conditions (aga, ocrupatlcn, habita of life. . I.l. a HaaArinriAn .f tl.. im ao.,) anu in o i'vo, men. ....i.haJ On at rharve. ValnahU 1GIUV m --: Jteports au Spermat5rrnB4, and other dia eases o! the Sexual Orrana, and on the V aw Kjcmbdies empioyeu in mo uipcua- ropes, free of ebarga. two or three stain ps for postage will be accept alia,. i Addrens.Dr. J.'Ekilliu H.onghton, Act. III DijwwnawvfBii-i iikvri 4.1 U 4? .South Ninth glrMt. I'hiladeh-hicr, Va. By order f the Dirctoml 1 & , ji lfn a I war a P.a sush wm i aw w a- avy r C-o.'Ffcuit.D,Sc. . ,- - i