TBS MORROW OF THE BATTLE. The Angel of death swept o'er thn plain, Xesl taoasand 'mong the deed wen lain f ra thoasend braves the nation's pride, Jtsposed beneath ltt shade wide. ' Whvs is that noble, bright array, f hat marched ia pride bnt yesterday, Wttb preoeing steeds and garments bright, Ant arraor glittering in the light?' ""Beheld tba Mattered fragments ! see The price that's paid for victory! -' Aad paid for whatf An empty name A oenu.neror'e transient shadowy fame! Hera tost met boat, a numeroiis throng , The clash resounded far aloe Tba eudleae In" Where warrii stood AXauadad at tba scene of blood. A ad hr prottibcsosi tba gmnnd, Li, sword end hdweta strewn around. . 'Here lies the gallant s,hd that bora lU g alletit rider uow ne more. Hare joa'ai In all ita native bloom, '. Has found the warrior' early tomb; A a.) there, old ags, long used to war, Has fled to deck Death ( triumph car. The vsUmre bangs around the place, Wpcre heroes lull Death's eold embrace, The ravenous wolf was prowling sigh, -With haggard look and eager eye. Brighlbopes were crushed, and Mnj abreast That beats at hnme with fear oppressed, VWttl heave swfieaJtt' th tidioi nd- -j. ." The tidings W. . - Alest 0 War, 1r thy ddif . . j t,, mmrbmuft fears, the widrsr s weeds! " a bU(.di thus, with Murage true, '- ( , t lio nth is wiihbtld, or jusliee 4u', " . . . . ,Jif rather should tbey ot Dr yield, , 'Ji'te glory uf the battle-field!. v ', ." F this mankind will joyous rain KMtd antbrm's to the nation'! prais. '' Mb! beaten on, tbon promised time, - -Whirr altt'js world from clime toelinie, ihall cease to boar of war's alarms, 'or wake by clarion 'a voice to arm. "JUT" A sotemporary marvels at the 'hefcomenur of myaiids of flies get tivg upon- the telegraphic wires, on a . recent occasion ; but if be will ob err closely, he will probably find i wss just after an arrival, when the wlrea were conven ing the prices of tuaraod molasses. Kulph WbIcIo Emerson, lec turing in New York, net his audience .agape by dec-lamp that "we eat pus, drink ptis, tread on gas, and are gas.' 'Then it's a gresit sliame," cried a cal culating Yankee, ; "that gas is so dear.'. .. f--"!Jy ilett Julia," s-id one trrttj girl to another, ccn jon make 4i p jour tnnid to marry that odiou Mr,Sniff?" "Why, my dear," re j'lieid Ju ia, "I believe I could take iim aU t pinch J' -( - - - . : ; QrA schoolmaster", in a Weetefftr ilJage, where the cusIohi of 'board ing roand" prevails; received police from a Dutch matron Jb.at she would ' ent him, but couldn't sleep hina.'J ! will doubtless, be careful Dot to venture williinlier leach. - JOT Typographical erroraeome in odd aome'imts The ether day there was an aonoaoeement of, entbusiastie de monstrations at a political gathering, which lead thus "the air wast rent with the tnouts of r three thousand jieople- - . v- jMTUe "ureat.i-asterH" is now "ail the coV in New York. - She lies at the wharf, where the officers are Cftlnif? money by opening ite mam zuolh reaael to the f srutinr of the public, at 60 cents a hed. 'lhey siftsr hsye Great Eastern lager beer Creat i,astrn huts, and ladies. ,i?"Tbe;rr6ST-Pulpit and Tet ticotthe1.hree ruling powers of the world. 1 be nrst spreads knowledge, the rec-ona mora i, aid ttc last con eidc-rably. ; ; T .' W. He -m ha marries' lady for her line tee'h. will be ) kely to find J)im- aeif bienr . iWrT0 61 "P 'Conflipt of egee,' ask two rTl beauties hovr old they are. .V, , . , ..: ; ' HOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS A PHCENIX BITTERS. THF-Sil MEDICfNES hava now beea tje tae public for a perica sf Thlr ' ty lfear; and during thattiwe have main . tsined a high character tn almost every ,v pari of the tilobe, for their extraordinary Mid uamediats power rf res'.oxlot; perfect ' Jmaltato parsons surTuriBs; nndcr nearly iwy kind of dlaeaaa tov waicU tbs human raiaeia liaUe-..l .';.- r i rr "ij . The followli f ara among lbs distressing variety ol hiynaa disease tn whicfe.tjaa ? . TIGBTAELE'LIFEUEPXCIES are well Vapwa ia be iafalliblav , Zyf3lr ty IhercogUy'. rleioslng ih trst aad second stowacha, and erei, irm a flaw of pars heal'Jjy bile, iastead of hm atsU sod acrid kind i FiatuUnry, Less of sppetita, Iwast-bure, headache, renlessneM, UL TEMPER, anxiety Uo jorr, aad melanriioly, which are the fen ral symptcois of Dyspepsia, will vaoisb as a aataral coaMquence of ita care. CoftwV ' ty cleansing the whole ieBgtJi of tbs latsstfnM with a solvent pro veas, al VJtiiotlt. yiolsncet all violent r-e leave tbs bowels aoaiiva within 'days. ' ' '.. . r,vt f all liia.'l, restoring ths ' - J te a regular circulation, through tbe est parspiration ia such cs, and thorough soI'Xim of U la'esttoai ..lioa ia othrs, The Life Medicines bare been knowAt to cure Rheumatism, peraianently, In three weeks, and Gout, in hslf that tlino. by re moving local inflammation from the mus cle and ligament! from (he joints. Dropsies ( all kinds, by freeing; and strengthening the kidneys and bladdery they operate most delightfully on these important organs, and tience have evir been found a certain remedy for Gravel Also Worms by dislodging front the turning ofthe bowels the slimy matter to which these creatines adhere. Srvrvy, Ulcers, and Inveterate Sores, Dy tlie perfect purity which flie Life Medicines give te the blood, aud all tile oumors. . . Scorbutic Ervptiont and Bad Complex Ions, by their alternate cfl'ect upon 'the fluids that feed the skin, and the morbid state of hich occasions all eruptive com' plaints, sallnw, cloudy, and all disngreca' hie complexions. The use of these pills for a verv short time, will tffoct an rntire c.ire of Salt Rheurn, and a striking improvement in the cifMruess or. me skin. Uomuion LoiUitain Infl nenza wul.always be cured by one uose or oy ivo in tne worst rases. FiUf The orlgiiial proprietor of these Mcdieines, was cured ot piles of 35 yean staixilng, by the rise of the Life Medicines alone. Trier and jSgue.-For this scourge cf the Weeterrt counlry, the medicine w II he fa and a M,-rnrrSy rtid eeruimeniedy OthT feiidicines leave th i system subject tn a retsirnof the disease a cure by Ihsee raortieiries is permanent Try tAw'Be Sat ifcfied.anJ fiCired I ; " f DlltGu Fevtri end Liver CotnpUintt. Rearral, Debilitr, Loss of Aprolle, and biaeaeee of Females, tax Medicine? have freenvsed with the mast benflK'al rults In caes of Uiis description : Kiu);'s Evil, and Scrofula, in its worst fornn, yields to the rr.ild, yet powerful action f t ihceere- i markahle medicines. ight-sweats, Ner vous Debility, Nervous Complaints of All kinds, Palpi-atim of the heart. Painter's Colic, are speedily cured. MrrcnriuZ Disease. Persons . hose con stitutions have become Impaired by Hie in judicious use ot Mercury, will find these medicines a perfvet cure, as ihey never fail to eradicate from the eystein all the effects of Mercury, it finitely sooner than fhfl most powerf J i jtrep.irnUO'is of Sarna parilla. Trrpand and sold bv W. B. MOFFAT, 335, Broadway, New York For sale by all Druggists. A. J, WILLf AM3. I1ENBT (PRINCEB. WIMLIAMS, SPRINGER, & CO., Fort Lui ton, N. T. .. . WiiY Ranche Stock on more favorable terms than at y tluir retponttbit firm in the country. Stick and mercliandise boiicht and sold at all times on favorable serins. .. . , , . u7-tf- - - . ' n tioicBiue a ilrMil lfeaiers UX it Pry-Coeds, , : , "' . -t ; '. , ; ' Oroeenast 1 - ,1, 4 . . ' Liquors, ate, et. c Com, Oats Meal, etc., ate. Casta paid for Hides & Furs. Colarahus, N. T. n?-tf. CII ARI.CS IHJTTEKFIEI.n, ) ....... DEALER IS GROCERIES k PROVISIONS, , SaOADWaT, COUNCIL BLisra, IOWA, Keebs eenstantly on hand a fresh snpyly Groceries, Provieions, (Train and Vege table!, which he offers at the lowest rates. . H. 8. Cash paid for grain and country produce. nl-tf. Milton Rogers. lTIIOI.ESAI.E A'SO RETAIL Dealer in all varieties of ... , Aad MANUFACTURED of . Tin, Copper and ! SHEET IRON WARE. Sign of the COOK. StOve, tTPFEB BB.0AJ1WAY, CouacU Blaffs, Iowa ALARUM and complete assortment of toves,T.i, Sheet Iron, Biv. SDd Ja oaned Ware, Also a area at, l Iheet Iron Stoves afl Camp FuriiVfor tnilffrants croesing th? i'lains, always on band and forsale cheap fur cash. Juneymifciy t I'm Afloat! I'm Afloat! LOUPE FORK FERR T. BOAT A'ilOY! The CoTumbus Ferrr ComnanT hava raw la operation, and in good, running order, JWO I IK.8X CLASS RorE TZRRIZ3 across the Loups Fork, one at the oli Co. (nmbus Croaaiup, and another near Clave land Honae- where til' y hare first-xataand eommolios boats, and careful banda that frill set teams over from bank to bank with rapidity ssd safty, avoldirg all such dif tcuUiea as has been heretofore eaperiene ed. These ferries are dincily on ths North I'lalte rout, where the roada ar 1mi and well bridged. Vint camp i ronnd, Puuiber, and grass. Charges as follows t y Two horse or ox tsams, each, tl 53 All other stock, per head, to . COLUMBUS TCCTY CO. . Columbus, K. T-f Apr I r.l-tf IIURFORD DEALERS IN Hardwarc--Agricultural Implements & JTJSTTJSTCZc GrOOBS, -0-0-0-0-0-0- , r - Have const.intlv on hand, a vfry heavy stock nf all kinds of Goods In thplr line to which they invite the sltention of the public. Thoy keep on hand the Very Best Mokes of Plows of oil-kinds W31ICII THEY WARItAKT. J ) f . Tanaing Mills, CuiUvators, Grain Cradles, reapers an J Mowers, and Iron,'" Sash Shovel", White Lead, Taints, Turnr-ntine, And, in short, all porrN nere"S.irv to supply Farnrr, CLcksmlth, Crpentrr, Painter, Shovmnker, si.a air theri. cordially Invite an examination, of on Douglas Sfret,flnd rjur AiicuJturjl Ojsaha, S. T., June 2, I860. XO. 5, TIIOI.MX CLOCK, LPrEIt miOAIUVAV, COUNCIL BliUFFa IOWA. WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL IfEJlLER LV DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, 37iortcly-ix!.;nca.o.Clotlalx5S, BOOTS & SHOES, LIQUORS &C. Respectfully directs the attention of Purchasers, to his IMMENSE, VARIED AXI ELEGAST STOCK FOUTIIK SPHIIIC- m SITKllaSP. TSiDE Which has been selected in the Eastern Cities with sj.eei.il reference to ths ' - wantsof this market. .; My atsartmet of Fancy Dress Goods Cloths & Shcctingrs; . nEATir D FAXCT IKOtEMIESnOOTS A!VD tsIIOEtf. 5 1V i n ..,.5 BOOKS 4HD6TAI103JtaT,ItQVlWOifB; 1 I8:yeryiaie ! illiners Outfitting Goods, TENTS AND TF.NT CLOTHS. MINER'S PICKS AND 8HOVELS CsAiAR CURED HAMS, SMOKED SAl!SACE fcC 2U.UU0 LU-iHKI,s OK CORN, 2.0(JO k tSACKS OF FLOUR. 4.QOO B-ulsjoIs- of Oats. -O-0-O'O-O-O-O-O-O-O ....... We will not stop to say anything about prices, for we have every dav proof tlmt tiiey are satmfacory to those who d busies wall us. to one aiid ell. we would respecti'nlly say, ti at we can old - bifrr in.lucemi-i.ta to purchase cf us than any other House in Western luwa. COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKIIN JN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Call"&.see our Stools.- nl-tf. B. R. PEGRAM. J. H. WARNER. PEGRAM, WHOLESALE AND 1LETAIL DEALERS IN SDry-S-opdS) -rocierie9 ' 'f S ' " i Hardware, Quecnswaro, ; PR0PRIET0K3 OF ' FLO LB. A FEED r0R gw FREIGHTING TO TIIK MINESafXnUTWiiTTii.rs7oo' Oood Tf ran. ; TRAINS start from dOtf.VOIL DL.UFF9. . ,. ' :.. RALDWJN, PEORAM, CO, DnvrCi!y. . al-tf. :. t BROTHER, Cultivater's loeth. , . , ' Nails, C!n3s, Picks, ' -fjrseed (al, ' . V rrii ili, . Japan., j . - ivt t"ck. f!"0-ir Hardwire S'rre is VVarrhoi:ae, on routteei.Ji Sticet, Omaha. nlO-Jy $M Completer J. T. BALDWIN. a, M. DODGE. :WARNE8, & GO SALS, k TUT UP . - F. C ELS 1.11 A, A, (O. Two doors East of tht Pacific House, COUiNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEAL ERS IN DriiRa, Medicines, Cheu.icala, f l'aicts, Taint Brushes, Oils, . , Varnishes, Turpentine, Dye-stutTs, 1 Glass, . lilassware, j A iiii-rior quality of sraekiti)? nd h:in( triiiacco, cisrn, Scotch und Mecoby siiuOh.. . Kv ry , variety of Fancy ' ... - ; Goods and perfumery, toi let articles, exti flits, cblrgnes,- '. pimndes, toilet and fancy si;ip, bair, nail, and tootb brnshes A full ai:d complete assortment of STATWXEIIY; JOIIXSO.VS ItAXCIlE, WOOD RIVER CENTRE. c;i iiiiiiits:. A pond Corn Mill is now In operation, and ready for corn snd burkwliea-', at Johnson'. Ranche, Wood River Centre. Corn in the ear ground likewise. Blatktmithitig. Do you wsnt your horses it oxer, shod, or Anything d tie in the above line, go to Jnliii.oii'a Ranche, where you can be serv ed mi the Bhortest notice aiid in the brst manr.tr. I'vti'i tuinmnit, Wc want but little here below I" Goml art'OHiinodntlen for man and beast are now p-fpyred nf. Jr.liiiBow's. Upper Crncsi ig of Wold River Hat. train, aua stabling, plenty, end charcn !ov, Kinisf!-;a?8 Snd selth'M enn get supplies of pntH'oi-s, groceries, liquors, provisions, chith iijr and many ne; snry articles, Ht pricpft a shade higher than sold on tl.e Missouri River. If you want, anything, cll theie ni.d your w.mts may be satisl'ac torily supplied with artich'sof alsiost ev ery vsrietr to be had at JohiiBc's Store Wood River Cvntrs. 'or Sule. A tiant Cob-mil), John soli's Runche. Aleo a lireaking Plow, r.l-tf. STATION AND RANCHE, Two miles nbavc -... .. "' LONE. TliKE STATION, , .- a .-' ' Keeps, alwsys ftii U&ud, Ilsy and Grain, T .tD , JiEjtLX UQSTLEllK A!s lwfel arriyumndsMoiiStand every lux , ,ry end cwjiTflrt tli.it care and al' jj ' ietdiuUieaaiipwlneeV'proJ " "' vided lor the Oucsts. If you appretia'.e Home and Ease, stop at II LVS p3. - . tf. ORERT WILLIAMS U CO. fake the preaent method of inforniiui" the trav elin? public, that thuy hate rHtaldiwhed at 'Vi'liam' Ranch," O'FjIlon Rluifan txteiiive Sin Ph-shon, where anv work tbat line will be executed on the shorten possible notice, in a workmanlike manner mul ut reasonable ami Honest prices.. The v have also onnectrd with tlieir sh a trailing pout, where sll manner of sup plies may tie had1 uat'ie, norses, oiuies and wagons, bought, sold, or echnged and, dome aud accomodatious generally furniKlied ttie traveler lil-lf 8 m JUiillUfiUi Florence. DcaTr In Staile "and Fancy Groceries Liquors. I' luiir, Oandiea, Co .rt'ctioueries, tMLutH, r .uicy uuodi, s;ikee Notions, Jw di f, I'ovr un l a thousand and two "ki.lx kr.ax, rliickeu-fixin's, elcttias and s lo tnK:" wiiirii be oilers for sale on the u.ii easy ai.d itaoi.nhle terms as he is Ufcterrul it d to cl ne out. ' Complete o tfi's for emigrants, put up, Willi Sole snd disptttcli, and lull aiiiiatae tion enarant' -A' nl-if. 33,3 09 Copies already Sold I EVERYBODY'S LAWYER COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS, BY FRANK CROSBT, Of tht Philadelphia Bar. HTVils Yo H to draw np Partner. ' shipPapers and gives Reneral 'forms for A(Teraents of all r kinds, JJills of Sale, Leases l .' . r-etitlona. - ti Tdle Yon How to draw up Bonds and Ik Taw mortje-M, Aflidaviu, Pow - ers of Attorney, Netes and Bills of Exchange, lUeeipls 'snd Releases. U tells You , Tho Laws for the Collection ' of Dtbta, WHU the Sietutes of Limitation, aud amount and kind of property Exempt from " ectioo in every State. TtT.UsYo How to maks an Asslrn meut properly, lib forms f er ' Composition wT.h Creditors, and the Insolvent Laws ef every State. . -'v It Tells You The Legal relations exist ing betw een ' liusrdirn and ward, Master and Appren- I tlre.and Landlordand Tenant. It Tells Yon What constitutes Libel aud PUnd'r, snd the Lsw as to itfarrlase Dower, the Wife's Right in Tropeity, DivorcV ai d Alimonv. m j tf rll Vnu Tli f jiur fne Mebnif Liens in every Slate, and tne . Naturalization Laws of this ' country, and how. to comply With the same. J it It Tells You Ihe Lhw concerning Pen sions and how to obtain oue, and the rre-cnptiou Laws to riiDiic L,anus. - a It Tills You The Law for Palents, vtlth 1 tlilirle nf nrnpM.itnp in rthl a t n. H ing one, with Interferences, Assis;utiirnts and Table of , Fer' It Tells You How to make your Will, and how to Administer to an Estate, with tht law and the requirements thereof in every Slnte. It Telia You The meat.ing of the Law Forms in general use, and es plains to you the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Pow ers of both the General and Slate Goveinuients. It Telle You How to keep out of Law, by showing bow to de your business legally, thus vavinf; a vant amount, of property, snd vexations litigation, by its tiincl coiisiilia'iiou. Sircle copies will ho seut by luall.poit. age paid, to Erery Farmer,' Every Ms- . chanic, Eveiv Man of Business, and Ev erjliody in Every State, on rcceij't of $1 10. or, in law styltt of binding at $1 H. $1,000 a year can be made by ea-terpii-iii iii'-n t er) w bsre. iu selii tba above work, as our inducements t alt suck ' ar- very libnral. For single copies of the Book, or for i terms to uteri's, with other information, ( apply to, or address JOIIX V. TOTTER, Publisher.' No tilYSaiisoin Street, Pbitadelptua. .' WHAT EVKRVBODT VfAKTS ! THE FAMILY DOOTOE: . . Coriiatnfn simple remoJiei, tatily fb latnrii, for the curt of 4um tW all forms. sr PROFESSOR HENRY S.TAYLOR -0-0-0-0- . It Tells Vou How to attend upon ths sick and how to cook for thu Low to prepare Drlr.ks, Peal It Tells You Children, and Low to prepurc Urlr.ks, foul- p tices Ac , uud how to .Rusrd fj against infection frjm Cocta- 1 gious Diseases. ' I Of the various diseases ef J r rii tlie best I and simplest i I mode of treat- 1 mehi cnnjicr TerihiuR.Coiitfnl- . v.f .. sioiis.Yaecinntion.Wboopiti cuiu.lk, Measles, .c, I -V It Tells you I lie symptoms or urou. Cholera, Iui'aiituio Colie. Di j 9 iiifri.m. rin.i-t'v.v.lToiA.i ana glss sou the best rei . dies tor beir cure. -. It Tells You The symptpmsofFevsran c A ffrnfj-xiid Ullldus, YollowA Typlu.s, Scarlet and other Fe-j vers and givss you the beet and simplest remedies fr ' their cure. ..-, -It Telle You The symtoms of Ir.fl3t.a, Cftiisnniption, Dyapefsia, Asthma, Dropsy, (bmt. Rhea matisin,Liiuibago,r) sipslas, Ave. and gives yen the bret .oni.lir, ffr thpip r.ure . . -V It Tells You The symptoms of Cbelera ' ' WoiI.Mis. waiiKnannjnoieia, i 8mail-pox.DyenU)ry,Cramp, Diseases of ths Bladder, Kid nejs and.Liver aud tks bavt remedies for their cure. It Tolls Vou Tlio sjmptems of PIrnrisy, iluinps.Neuralgia Apiopleay faritiysis, tne arioun aeas- , es of the Throat, Teeth, Bar and Eye and tbe bst rsioe- 'j dies for tlieir cure. Tells You The Bymptoms or ispiiepsy Jaundice, Piles, Rupture, Die-y eases of the Heart, nojmos . rbn-e. Venereal Disease Sa4 Hydrophobia and gives tbe best, remedies for tlieir cure. It Tells You The best and simplest treat ment for Wounds, Brckea ,) - Bones, Dirlocaliuns, Spraia ? T ...Ifiau. Vivr &ira. 'White SwtliirgSj Ulceis, Whitlosre ' Ti.il. . Rn.iaa ftnj . S-crcfuls 1 It Tills You Of the various diseases ps- , euliar to Women, and Rirss ' n ' the best and simplest reme- A J dies for their cure, tagetber ' ..1. ..... m.Ih.1.1. 1. ',ttim 9m 1 preservation of the bee IU. A The wora is written jn pl.tiu languaa tree from medical turns, so as to be Ax "J understood, while its simple recipes nsy ft sot n save you many times the cost of the f bock. It i printed in a clear and epn tyijei isilluatratca wnn sppropitsia -giavii'g. and will be forwarded toyonr So dress, neetlv bound and postsgs j aid, ea receipt of $1 Gf. ... 91 OOO A EAIt an be mads Yjr ea. terpruing men everywhere, in selling the above woi k tnd our inducements te aU suck are very liheraL . Vnr aini'le roniea rf the Boolr. trfti ; terms to s rents, aith other informatlowM mud or address afi'SBxl r.,rui a sen, ovuenvr. No. 017 .Sansom S.reetj'i'tiiladthia, Job VTork. : (.-, xj Cards first hundred or lets, $QO Each additional hundred ' 309 Worked hvUt sides, half abovs rrtcf addes". mita. sheet 100 or less, iTrtCh additional hundred, Jjf eheel 100 or less, lch-'addltloosl hundred, ' J0 i ICO isbet 100 or less, . ; .i.i Full sheet poaters 100 or less, Each additional bondrsd, . . 'v .U fl (Xv' Blanks per quire, Hi- . j t . v i a Prmiing Letter Hsds, juri Hesss tni ' Envelopes, 100 or less, . ft J " Kscn enui'i'-'n! n'incr"o, j w t c1 i i ; i