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About The huntsman's echo. (Wood River, Buffalo County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1860-1861 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1860)
For tbe Echo. I CHIDLVC r t. a. j. Cease, my dear, 'bat cv" chiding, If thou wouhlst thy child reclaim f. : t peek In love and mora confiding, 5 Hal to harshly call it nareo :' ' Children's hearts will always mow, ; , TV he they hear lha word of lota. -.'.:,'' " ! Wouldst thott win thy child from em r, Bar tho darling's heart from l ain t Ceate to cpeak la wrath, rr terror . Kevrvwill Its ways restrain : ,. , ".To restore an erring child , Let your speech be firm and snild. Asgry looks will make it fearful, . . While Its heart ith grief will hurst Then with lore approach it cheerful, Learn It in your smile's to trust ! Thon it fears will pass away,' Vhilo It lores tho words yon say. " Oft It may with grief he hearing, Painful errors not Us own, Bitter words and frowns, bewaro thon, , Left it turn to woep alone: ; Xever chide a fretful child, Loving words will make U mild. 7ood River Centre, June 7, 1860. XarThe following directions to vortsmen on the management of fire arms are pninieu, anu 10 wc )uijju I. In carrvine a eun oyer the shoul der on full cock, be sure to point tht mnxEla at Tour friend's toes, for fear at hlowinn- his brains out. 2. (iuupowder should be carried in a flask, or if looe in the pocket, kmiM I.e mixed -with matches. As a rule, no sportsman should smoke. 3. Before blowinc down one barrel of a eun. see that the other is not loa ded. To ascertain this, look inside, anri let elf a can witn your toe. 4. The practice of drying powder discouraged, as a great man accidents ba?o happened from it. 6. Always shut jour eyes before you fire. . 6. NeveT carry a loaded gun at full eock horizontally, when a fritnd is waliirg before you, unless you are sure of hia corduroys. 7. If a bird rises between two uports men, in a direct line, both should not fire at once. ft If a crack should be obseryed in fiTr m nr 111 a 11 - T0r barrel, tie it firmly around with a . m . L ...111 ni.I.II peice 01 surmg, wuiuu vi .v.. accidents. Echo adds: 9. Fhould ft become necessary to draw a load from the barrel of yonr . goB.put the brieh into the fire, and hold the barrel by the muzzle, it will po out itself. 10. It is a good idea to let a barrel . ..- Inside, sometime t for -then when you shoot it off, it will be likely to kill at both ends. 1 1. The best way to try the qualif L r powder, is to lay half a pound upon a smooth surface, and then take a coal Mow it with your mouth till it goes off ; then you will be sat isfied. 12. When you go out hunting with a friend, be sure to wear buffalo over coats, and wolf-skin caps, then shoot 4Try-thmg you see, that looks hairy 12. When you handle a gun, al ways take it by the muzzle, and pull ' towards you, especially if it is loaded and a cap 00. The latter should be . i i:.i K mm. aiwaTi. ween a kuu t turn up. An amateur gardener end joker nt tn aeedman in town the other dai . for some seeds for the "pie plant, which be bsd advertised, requesting iust six parcels of the custard pie seed, and two of the mince pie. The seedman pronptly sent him half a do gen goose eggs, and two blinb puppies. The humorous gentleman admitted that the joke was rather against him. $y A witty auctioneer ws trying to sell in old band-organ, To that end be wee grinding out the music, and the crowd, in, sport, began . to throw nt pennies, when a Uanay sian- a monkey." "My good fellow," re plied the auctioner, "so I had ; step light up bere," The dandy vanished. Subscriber writes to a Weslern ed itor, " I dont want your little paper any longer," To whick the editor replied: " X wouldn't mske it any longer, if 70c did its preseut length suits me ery well. ' : ; 1 V ' , f - ,MMary, why did you. kiss your hand to the young gentleman opposite, this' morning, said a careful phrent to bis blooming dmgbter. . -Why, the fellow bad the impu dence to threw a kiss clear aaroas the treet to me, and of oourse; I threw it back, indtgnantfy .' Teu siouldq't hare had me.eacourag hixn, by keeping it, WOUld TOU v ,.,. 4,,, t. Suipieioua paternal reUtire is con vinced 4ibVdrw n vcnaons in. ference. i n. fLtiell what tho, as .who $Qfltf IMPYON U&MQUEi TI I.I.I A ills, fclMUX.FR, It tO., Of the above veil-known Handle (which is situated on the South Platte Rivet, 2S miles North of Denver City) would rc sbectfully inform their old Iriendsyand the public generallyf Jaat lh.y wave'Ttntted and improves! tli srne,-flnd nre now pre pared to Ranche any amount of horses, mules, aim oxen ; and from tneir long ex perience in the business flatter1 themselves that they can give satisfaction, vv c n$ve a larpi BtoCK r hofrsew, timet .ihi osen, to kHt trade t9 rrfe Ern'jirartT, arid atfaTl times will be prepared to purchase all kinds of stock tor cash in nand. in con nection with our Ranche, wc have a good stock of Provisions, Groceries, Liquors, and Outfitting Oom'.s, for which we ore tiof to be under suhl in the' country, and for Reference we refer to ourpatrons generally Williams, brai.NGLR Al to. n7-tf. jame.?h.isii,&co.. oirin ciif, K. t." Apoinssariss. AND ,1 1 s Si Respectfully solicit'a call from purhas fr'.and pledge thenisflVps'to fnrnisli all articles in their line, of a quality and at such prices that cannot re excelled in any city west of the Mississippi. , Tne stock is entirclvjnew, and laid. in t from ths best Importins; House'e in the : 1 s -' Eastern Cities. -0-0-0-0-0-C0UKTRY PHVS1CIAXS A1K0JPAAIIUE9 May rely on having tfc'k f r- ?' ders filled promptly and carefully and at as low rates as at any other House. Physicians Prescriptions. Corefully Pre pared. r t j ; i Vj ;. n"7-tf. I'm ACoatl.i'xu'Afloiiti t L O UPE FORKFERR Y. BOAT A'HOY! The Columbus Ferry Company have now In operation, and in good running order, TWO FIRST. CLASS. ROPE FERRIES across the Loupe Fork, one at the old Co lumbus Crossing, and another near Cleve land Honse where tb'y have first-rate, and commodious boats, and careful hands that will set teams over from bank to bank with rapidity and safty, avoidine all such dif ficulties as has been heretofore experienc ed, inese rerries are directly .on the North Platte route, where the roads are fin and well bridged.- Fine camp (ronnd, uniDer, and graBS, Uuargcs as iollows i Two horse or ox teams, each, , $1 50 All other stock, per head, . 10 COLUMBUS FERRY CO. Columbus, N. T., April 1860. : , ; nl-tf CHARLES BITTERFIELD, DIALER IN CR O CERIES ttPRO VISIONS, BROAD WAT, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA, , Keebs censtantly on hand a fresh suprlv ub uiuceiieB, riDviMUQ,, uram anu vege tables, which he offers at the lowest rates N. B. Cash paid for grain and country produce. nl-tr. F. GEES AM A.V, & CO. Two doors East of the Pacific House, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEAL ERS IN Drue;. Medicines, Chemicals, faiEts, Paint Brushes, . ; oils, . ,. Varnishes, Turpentiue, Dye-atufls, Glass, .Glassware. . . i superior auality of smekfuf and phewing tobacco, eigars, Scotch , mod Moeoby snuffs. Fviry t . r . rarictj tf Fancy, v t - Goods and perfumery, toi let articles, axtracta, colognes, TPJXnades, toilet and fancy soaps. hair, nail, and tooth brushes. A lull, and complete assortment tf 1 STATIONERY Milton Rogers. WHOLESALE A3VD RETAIL Dealer in all varieties of S JT.QP V . Jfcj . And MANUr ACT PRER of v . 1 Tin, Copper V u nd: SHEET . IRON. .tl'Rfc.V . v "!- ej. t-;iv Mi t2 ,1. ' Sign of thJ .;. tiuti . COOK t Ovo, TJTPZX BROADWAY, Council Blnffs. Iowa AJUAUOKand complete assorueui pi tovts, Tin, Sheet Ion, JBrass. and Japaned Ware, Also a treat variety of Sheet Iron Stoves and Camp Furniture, or laigraiiU erosalng fhal'IabsarHays on hand aod for sale cheap for cash. Kb. ft, P1IOEXIX HLOCK, - CbVITCIL I5LUFFS IOWA. WHOLESALE A .YD RETJ11L LEdLER IX DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES .rr.v BOOTS &. SHOES, LIQUORS &C. Respectfully directs the attention of Purchasers, to his IMMENSE, VARIED AND ELKOANT STOCK FORTIUS fra27 e Ma u in ism WTlFlf .." H hid has been selected in the Eastern Cities vith special referauce to tha wants of this market. . . - JUy atiorliiul of Fancy Dress Goods :. vf iteaty a.d fancy I catot eh:ies ; coots axd shoes, aTiS JkJSTT CAPS, 'j : ': BOOKSTAND STATlOSiEYi PB0VISI058; LITJ0.0K8, &C, AC, : Is Very Large and Complete. igBUMiicrs Outfitting' Goods, TENTS AND TENT CLOTHS, MINER'S PICKS AND SHOVELS SUGAR CURED HAMrJ, SMOKED SAUSAGE AX. 2U.U00 KU6 HELS OK CORN, 2.000 : . !;,,:.' SACKS Of PLOUtt. .'. .. i- w : - ' - - ' .... . L4000msels of Oats. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- : We will not stop to say anything about prices, for we have every dav proof Hint they are satisfactory to those who do business with us.' But to one and all, we would respectfully say, that we can offiir better inducements to purchase sus than any other Honso iu Weslern Iuwa. . ' COUNTRY PRODUCE TAEHN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Call Woo nl B. R. PESRAM. J. B. WARNER. WHOLESALE AND ry-&ood; Hardware, Queensware, ;f Sloot tlic, Mat s5 (Cups. PROPRIETORS OF CITY JSLTY aT S: ., ' FL0UIl 4, FEED FOR SALE, &. PUT UP' -"A ' K', - nm for mmm FREIGHTING TO, THE S3T. Good Ttrms. TRAINS start BALDWIN', PEGRAM, 4. CO., Denver PERFORMANCE i. .fj.O - 0 - n WILL UCoots, Shoes, . n' C3rorxtlorr enyQ ' 'Cheapei'lj!ai)llheapa'a' W.bovght ,AVi .' : RetaU--th Largest Grolci nVTixxox-'s Boots J '. Ol llTirnds, at prices that will ensure, R! t ALL VND.SEEJ Net dnor to Officer Si Pusev'a iMnkine lioaae, W ver t i -1 1 1. .. , ... -1 ITPKTt 1IROADWAT, n aBniDt&ii Clotliis & Sheetings; our Stocli.' - tf. . ,T. "C ' i J. T. BALDWIN.. . O. K. DdDCS. EETAIL DEALERS IN -- ." jfT'jf 3fet Groceries, ,t,".i MINES - - anJ IaUrjnellM.lVintf, on from COUNCIL BLUFFS, City. nl-tr. COMMENCED !! 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - r f- SELL t i. fi. An BQay, in Council Bluffs--Wholesale and Stock in thetj.u M H r.".......i.Al.' stni. .'"' 4 fj f'j i,t '. ' EKOW.. ' II .s .A..II018Kltv..v. tlOBERT WILLIAMS k CO. Uke the X t, present method of Informing the trav- '!'HrV,,!!,Uc t,?at '' established, at illiams' Ranch," OFallon oxtensivej Pinith-shop, where shy Work in that lino will be executed ou the shortest possible ridlicp, In a workmanlike manner. Mid nt rcafionablj and honest prices. They have also connected with their sliop a trading post, where all manner of sup plies may be had- Cattle, horsesj mules, and wagons, 'bought, sold, or exchanged and, home and accomodations gcneiaUy, ftirnishod the traveler . nl7-tf . Baker & Evans! GKOCEKS ' AND COJIMISSION MERCHANTS ! llaiing purchased tho entire stock of GROCERIES, AND PROVISIONS of W. C. Andrus. on Middle Broadway. We. take Jiltfasure' in informing the people or uounoii jJiuna ana surrounumg coun try that we have now onliand a A LAUGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GROCERIES, yNES dV LIQUORS, , TOBACCO i CIGARS, ; TEAS, WOOD AND I ."WILLOW 'WAKE, And cverjfthirlg elaoi usually tcp't in a WIIOLVSALK A) It ETA I L Grocery House ! Wdwill in a few days recoivii lurgo dditions to our present extensive Stock. which WE CAN SELL AS LOW AS ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE Western Country ! UAKEU St EVAN. ( i Muf. kvfc. i.. tl. UNION; HOTEL. COUNCIL DLUiTE, IOWA. W. I. EKiG. PK0PKIET0R; Tnforms his friends and thetravelinic eom- X. munity cenerally, that he is Dronared to entertain those who favor him with a call in a comfortable and agreeable manner. His house is well provided with all the et cacteras required to keep a good hotel, in cluding large and convenient stable, for those having teams. ..A share of, public patronage is respectfully solicited as no hiug will rem.ln undwne ttiat Will tend to ne comfort of nfs guests, ' ' . ; : ivoutieii iilulfH. lowa. ' v noltf H.A.TERRY. Crescent City- - - - ' . Iowa . ' NuBSEttTMAN, SEF.riiMAN, AND FLOIIIST. Seeds, Shrubbcrry and Fruit Trees. Everr varietv of Garden n,l Finor SeeilS. iliauv (lu;int.ll v whi, naa n.,,1 rc. tail, or furiiished to sell on commission. inese secus are or ray own raising and war ranted fresh and tramline, ami fmn in nnm Also for sale. Fmif t pnruDDerry, ooio ornamental and uaeful i iue iowchi possiuie price. C3rO To For the finest assortment of clocks, watch e and jewelry, iu the West. Tbe bervices of a competent workman bus been secured who will irjve btrict at- teiition to repairing of watches, jewelry, el., ftc. Remember the place. One dour from the Pacific House, Council Blulis, iow. Hay and Stabling! J. IL Johnson has Good Stables, and Best of. Hay. Keep horses for 50 cents per snan, over night and. sells hay at 50 ctnts per Near the cio Office, Wood River Cer. - ter. nl-tf. JIISO.VS PAfftJIE, WOOD K1VKR CENTRE frludlnsr. .f A good Gorn Mill is now In eperation, and ready fur corn and buckwheat, at Joiiuson' Kauche, Wood R I vur Centre, Cora In tho ear ground likewise, Do you wanf your' horses vr oxsu shod, or anything dwe iu tbe above line, go to Johnson's Katicho, where you can be serv ed on the shortest notice and in the best manner. " t ,-A- ; Entertainment. ' ' " ; ' . ' . 'We want but litihj bere below Good acemnmodatien for nan and beast are now prerared, at Johnson's, ' JUppsr Crossing of Wood Rivep-' J Hay, grain, and stabling, plenty, and charges Jow, j ' ,'r. '" .. -s Einfgraats and settlers can get supplies of potatoes, groceries, liquori, provisions, clothing and many heceutry articles, at prices a shade higher that sold on the Missouri. River. If you wajt anything, call there and your wnUiua be satisfac torily supplied will! articles of almost ev ery variety to be bad at Jolisou' Store JVood River CsuUre . , .T. i r ... . Fur-Stilt rifcit Cob-mill, at John sou's Ram he.- Ale a Uressipg Plow, ul-tt. Wl I.LETT HOLSE, G. F. KENNEDY, Proprietor. Tills House has been thoroughly reno vated and repaired, and Is now open for the reception of guests. Every ffort will be made by the proprietor, to establish a rep utation for the willrtt House, as one of the best Hotels in the Territory. The pat ronage of my friends, and the traveling public in general, Is resitctfully solicited, nl-tf. w. d. Jon ftscn, Dealer In Ktonln m,1 ?..... r..-..; Liquor8,JFruiU, Candies, Confectioneries, Cigars, I ancy Goods.Ysnkee Notions, Jew elry, Tovs and a thousand and two knit knnx, chicken-fixin's, etcetras and se forths:" which ho offers for sale on the mos. easy and reasonable terms ; as be is determined to cIoho out Complete outfits lor emigrants, putjtip, with earo and dispatch, and full satisfau- iiuu uaiaiiivvu-. ni-ll. rioivtT Kceds. A FULL, CHOICE. AND RARB COL- loctiou of Flower Seeds, frosu the Flerat Gardens of Messrs. names & Wasliburii: For sale by the Subsbriber, at Elliedale five miles North Of Council Bluffs, Iowa. This Collection comprises all the Cemssen Kinds, and alsotlia Finest Improved vari eties of Asters, German & french. Stocks, do. do. Puusies, very large & beautiful. Plibxcs, new & elegant. Verbenas, all varieties. Petunias, new & iovely. V pinks, a doteo choice kiada. Pontulacea, new striped Together with Hundreds of Kinds netusa ully grown. Prices ranging frvta Q to 25 cents V package. Will be sent -by mail to spy address, sp ou receipt of orders. Address MISS MOLLIE JOHNSON, n2-tf Council Bluffs, Iowa. VTauts. Wastep An inUlliL'ent, industrious boy, of ago from 1 1 to 18 to learn the printing busi ness in our oOico. . Wantkh Pernio, to buy a largo lot of gar den seed?, which may bo found at Johnson's mid plunt them. Wahtbd A hundred good, industrious farm ers, to take claims and make farms on tbe fin est lauds ever cultivated only waiting tbe duutly. ' ' , Wasted Carpenters, Cabinet-makers, mdl wrights, shoemakers, brick makers, bricklayers and many other mechanics, to open shops aud business here. : ... Wastbd A thousand more paying subscrib ers t tho Echo. ' , Wantkd Moro wholo-soulcd, liberal, money mukiug increhants and tradespeople iu the Plutte Vulley, who con afford to udcirt'uc, pay for it, aud sell nt fuir prices. Wanteu Any number of people who will ftpjirccuite the surviccs of an editor, and, sup port libemlly, their homo paper. rfj?uvenil bluckHiniths ' Wutild find en plovuient iu this uoighbornood. ' t ... IUOSlECTl'8 OV THX "HUNTSMAN'S ECHO." V The IluntumanU Echo Will bo published upon a medium sheet, Wotkly, at $2 V year, in rdratice hi case of delinquen cies, $3 will be charged. The EcIji will be strictly Indejiendent upon all eubjects, andvill jiander to the notions of none (ex cept our own) but labor for tl e intererts of all, by showing to the famer and landless in other regions, the rare Inducemeuts and advantages offerred in the f el tile Valley of this great American Nile, sud so far as iu tie lies, enlighten, encourage, andaasUt, in the advancement of agriculture, arts, sci ence, and stock growing, and In the envel opment of our widespread resources, for the accumulation oi the comforts and necessa ries of life, .. . : Besides these mott important objects, the Ju-bo will be tpiced, with local and genera) news, improvements in Arts and bcience and everything useful or necessary to our readors; 'Situated as we are", .on the far inland rrontiers, surrounded by all the varieties of game (hat frequent the pralres and plains or flies in tbe air, we shall 'rt-teho the exploits and dredsof daring of the unfs man, and give all reliable news of L'mi- . grants enroute, and what is of interest transpiring at the mines. Besides all these we shall serve up a weekly hash of wit and humor, original or othewise and will gladly give "the young folks'' a corner. As a medium of advertis ing, the Echo possesses many advautagss j every emigrant will read it. and we expeet it will be found In every dwelling In tbe Platte Valley, which is ie rapWiy fiHteg up with industries settlers.;, ' J, . ,y ,, I. . job irotkVM--'-- Cardsfirst hundred or Ub, .j , 3 00 ' Each additional hundred , ' 20ft ', Worked bulb sides, half sW pTMf added. . t V j "-t V nnia.UiVtV - , - a - i sheet 100 or lessk , ' ' Each additional hundred,? U sheet 10U or less, Each additional hundred,' W sheet 100 or less. bach additional hundred r . '" Full sheet posters 100 ot UJ Esch additional hundred,. Blanks per quire, Printintf Letter Head 40 "Km-: ids, Bilirye;u'n ' less, i HO saJteJ,.-?- t"; i : i Envelopes, 100 or les 00 Each aduitiouai hui rj '.t'l l 'HI .' '? 'i V if