The huntsman's echo. (Wood River, Buffalo County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1860-1861, June 14, 1860, Image 1
aVjU" V: "1 f ; i ' ! , j r A i I '. ..' Ml it " ' , ! ' : . , '-Z , ' II. . .. ' ., t, U .! . U . .... ..(r...L .1 , .,,"' t ' . .iifMfii i.' 9 :t s II 'inirm '- n 1 . . . v: " " 11 . ' II ... wilts. THE HMIOMAJN. S EUJID. JOB. WORK W hart as excellent and esttnaive - WW WMm tr-wu as wvHLuuva j 'onaMted with the "Echo'' Office, where, at seasonable rate,, trill be don wilt neai n ss and dispatch Potter, Bill; Vircu- vlars, Buiinttt und Fwitin Card; Blank ?U kind; Letttr and Bill Ueait,Pm w ' fUet tic tfC. tfgrCnl f all Jslsos d ; Wilt Bordered Cards. Card-board. 'j ale and Fancy Paper for Sail ticketa 8, and Circulara , Mourning Cards and Note Taper, Tlaln. Cap, ana1 Letter Taper, for Blanks. IfrjthtPlitin. Gilt, or in Color. T1I2 HUNTSMAN'S ECHO" ' " IS TO BUSH ED 01 Bivta, Buffalo County, N. T., ' wverj Ttiur-wt-y- Mornine terms $2 00 V . ir la advance tor bix moniueiuu ! fcuigle copica 10c. Tho l'latta T alley The Home for Millions and Highway to the Pacific. VOL. 1. WOOD RIVER CENTER, BUFFALO CO iN. T. JUKE 14, 1860 NO. 7. On square,! 2 lines r lean, 1 insert r.acn subsequent Insertion, Same, one year, . . - " six months, - . ' One column, ene year, . -' . . " alx months, - three months, . . . . Half column, one rear, - . . " " air months, . . . . Ot. fourth column, one yenf. ' '. . " " six months,- . . -" " thr' monfis. - . TERMS OF SU88CR 'THIS! One Copy, one year, ...... " " six months, ...... Invariably iu A.lranc. 45 9(1 t!S Of I 40 01) as oo 1100 A , J. E. JOHXSOxX, joiiisosii.4ivciii:, lT ' Woodltiver, If. T., WlLt lted to all calls in his profes- t ta 8r.yty.U1S rlatting, . Dguwaring Healer la' .erles, ProTlslons, Bacon, ' VAT, COM, BATS. ' J g tabling, Water and Wood-r-also Hotel uirnoit)H. Opport't JJojrr W Aland, van TS"? JrM ttoy1 axBitorw IV. T. nl-tr. i Wholesale and Retail Dealers in '.ry Goods,, Groceries, Provi ions, Uacou and liquors. HAT, OOJtN, OATS, MCAL, ETC. t FUklitig ond Ifcitol aecommodfttions at- n Hkabea to tne etora. iv una auu wuivr r ecu. X.EAB.NEY" CITY, N. T. m'I' mot "cr h'carmy, Ojiputitt Jack OMtitvrt. nl -It. ( JtCHICAN A CIIC JI0ME fOB HIE WEAIlij. ' I w. p. roitCi 'j'iVi ' constantly n hand a swppl of ia 7i.. .,. IVovlS, Garde Sauce iVIrult of t11 kinds. Liquors. Cigars, ek r auoatb. ; A fm f" i -m a4 fine plac to ajidieast r-Sprinffs,y.T stock. Entertain aiept Everything reasonabla Uaji an moiy oro west you all alika.w; , T--2i miles eaat of Oot J(wlor. Bprin;. '? ' ' : ' nl-tf. im )if" n ti -. .. TalX aaiawlgned have aovf in operation AaV Excellent Rope Ferry. laarosa tfca tOOPE FORK, atGenoa the r4aing on tha old Mormou Route. This is te arst and bent route, and always ITtkargeaaaow as at uny ferry on the tiwnarVwr wpt fir rnioTnu rr . " xdjsid, jrncjgiut, OC j W oa, japru o, innu. nl-tr' Dkaleri i , ' "-. rr ninA n.rr 1 . THE SLEEPING MAIDES. it a. o. css. LIQUORS, r OAT3. HAT, CORN, AND Two Biles west of Fort Kearney, on lb MKE'S PEAK, UTAH, A CALIFORNIA ROAD. . ......... . . r ' . emigrants win rmrt tnp jjcB r Acroniaioda tion gsff" wood and water ' 4. TREE. tf. Mia. R. C. JAKER Proprietor.' j -o-o-o-o- .- This is a omfertahle and commodloas Pablic hiusa where every com fort wijl be bestowed pau ita ' Cueets. j Wood Stables, ," '. ; Nay and gijiin, and Yards for. Stock, Attention laid to the wants of Eeif grants thares ns moderate as T ; 1 -tould be asked ,' A ' ' n4. ) . ;f .tfi : 'A jrardaa arbor robed in flowers, ''f-1 ''ScndsVara sleeping maiilcn; ' i' HJf ebeek With roce is orient, ' : lior fee With smiles is laden. , Slid Smilet bare never tarnished bein, , . .. By the; artful brush of mortal sin ; .' flicl r08 bnth never felt tbe breathy Of pale eaBFumption kin to death ; j Her rose And tmilet) Iuh blending, seon Ihe Lttaguuge of ber passing dreatu. tv: ' Mlliv. : :'..' ' There ara. verses on brr.lips, ' From lor tranquil heart tbey'vo eUilc, ''' Aad' tha tell in numbers sweet, ' ,i. Wlt'ls Mifflin C in the soul. ' Ifu O'er ber bosom mooLbenms fall y, r Silver spirits, drcomy, thin, . , , 0a bar eyolids seem U play, ,j fAmlitbey strive to steal away The precious cyolight abut within. . ,A starlight 'cross her forehead Hoc, Waiting tbe opening of her cycu; And Venus poop the roso-vincg through, Just like a lover como to woo. Guardian angels near bor etay, . A-ehasing danger far away ; ' And though slar-beains full from fnr-offpkies, ThoT Bfi'nr can nut-ri'ul b(;r maiden eves. . F. O. BEECIIEIl, fc CO'.. Wholeiile i Retail Dealers In' Dry-Ooods, I For the Echo. THE HEART Feller Citizens, Elco!! me to Con gress, an' I'll abolish mad dogs, mus keeters. an', bad cents, an' go ia for the teetotal annihilation of niggers jails and enmp-mcetin's. I'll rpnudint crous, an' flustify hen 'hawks. I'll have barn raisin's every dav. fSundav excepted,) an' licker enough to swim a RKunii. ics, feller cilizeas, elect me to Congress, an' I shall bo led to exclaim in the sublime the tprriffin angunp-e of Henrv Ward 13eechor. i . . .. WDen jireaeiunp; m the wilderness. "iiehard ' himself agniu !" On, then, onward to the polls "gal- op apace, nery looted steeds." an' make tho welkin tremble with anti spasmodic yells for Daily. Cock yer muskets I am comin'. "Hence ye, Brutie, broad-uxo an' glory," Let's licker ! u ironerms. , ProvisiOai .Baeour, , ti-'it vijAquiiT etc., etc. dcii atab'iig and hotel acqti'ornea'la. ' linn. U tho o.. ' arid water Free CoWmlir',X, T.' I r n3-tf. ! : 1ms por taunt to Immigrants i A aw-acT to th QdLD 'MIMES. f'-witti WtJPJC TOJIK FERRY, at Co Vmt been transferred InA i .J f.t 'u5-?"" Purpose of estahlifljfjn,, i lVaf.WatPolDt' wb'cillbe re ' ? m fixed oyjfaw, t.tWO'ftrta from ' feat are fjiiy ioua Delays be avoided, is now in ' ' oonpleta rtJLiag order, aad in charge of f r- emo of th Jj ctora of tha Company. The ' abllc nay lt,asenred that everything will - k. 4 to eJra to this ' ' I i V. LOirt'B PORK ' '.FKbLRY S3 I I 'f pabUcpatronao and support. For , ru-tff- ! a P. HUUFOKD. , JP. J. SSIAUOS.,, COUlitlL LAf8, . ....... --- "ii i !i r STATION, ' Ybi RANCHJ, Two tnilesjabove Charlie Edgarton'i, (Lone Tree.) - . keep, always on kand,'IIay amdOitiv, m'-Adi 1.4' -. f'r J. B. J. 4WwJ. i , i.,...i.t .,i t:t : ,.'. i.i 'f ile locked up clopo and tight; 0 Pat should its treasures oil unfold, ' 4 And bring its gems to light. ' it ebould be cheerful, wuxm,a'r.d gny, And sing with iho.'o that eiug ; VJie pure and sweet like flowers of May, And lovely as tlio spring. FhoulJ einilo with those that emilo for joy, Aod sigh with thoso that sigh, A ad every righteous nMsi employ To wipo tha tful eye. ' O fElould succor those who staad In needT .' J ejiOfeloUiinx, brsajd. fr "4imafc'ii -' ' A nd eveTj righteous eau se shOahl l)'Mid, :Aad pity thus, of " ' GOOD STABLING, JTD READY HOSTLERS, . Also hotel acOjn"ntodationB, and every lux ury aid covifort that care and at tention can prodnce, pre vidsd for the Guests. If you appreciate Home and Ease, stop .. at HILL'S 'n3. - , tf. A. I. WtLlAm. HURT SrRINSEIl.. . ; WIJILIAMS, SPRINGER, &' CO., AND Fort Luptoa, N. T. Will Ranch e .Stock on more favorable terms than any other re7)oni6Je firm in tli. cnmitrv. Sliir.lf nnd mprcliandilie boutilit and soil at all times on favorable Urms. iii-tr- R. II. Wlt.f.lAMS. ATOIWEY AT LAW. efflco in Sond Btory James' Blook. Council Bluffs. Iowa. al-tf. vv w.. 'U .Vi , . 1 J ''it - . .. . , T1. , taddle iV 114 Harness tfaker, -. . . :. Jj . ' -v !- : couirt ?x iiv'rTB, Iowa. f 4 r v ! MAWfanCajl bj UiliM, aa)d keeps es kand everything ai-tr. PACUFlaV UOI7SE, Breadwalv.betwoalt Mala aad Seott iiraaiSjl ?!. Wufls.Jow.,-,,. Afix JOfti--. . 'Proprietor. THI8 Scsi l situaUd eentrally te the ika Borti" 'tbeeitr ita apartmeuti Std well T"'"i r.ei jriumg rt k&s a& a Vol oomiort and eonveni. i-u. MUM. ;- . r w. t. Ums. i ,HorfsatLa,CfcBi!U3'rs,Iowa i r einWEER-WOOli EUflOEiiV. ftpJT rundor ind Bltit Book uaaa- uriy'i.C"!' Hurl's, Iai. prepared u si utfirimeci oi I sx"'"'- " 8;,, Vinhagen Sc Hornbostcl., WHeLK6ALB and Retail Dealers in Fancy Groceriet, liqaora.fruita, cigars,etc rii eecoua aireet, bt. Loui tj 1 no 4I. nl-tf. That beats gal '7;- Asd tiiat from which no blei.iBg flowiy- ; Nono can by it bo known; y;! ' ' Dick Daily's Stump ' Speech. " Rulesor Health. Imprimis, never L'O to bed with your feet sticking ont of the window, particularly when it is rainiag or free zing. more man mree diits leet and a alf a mince pie eaten at midnight, win not cause the eonsumer to dream f houria, paradises, accommodatinar uanker.i, and other trood thinirs. At least, they ore not apt to do so. Never stand in a min barrel all night. It checks prcspiratlon, nnd spoils tho rain water for washing purposes. JNever spank your children with a band-saw, or box their cars with the sharp edge of hatclret. It is apt to effeet their brains. .. Never stand in the hallkJwith the door open, with nothing but yours-ise or she rnise on, talking to a mend, more than half an hour ut a time. To enlarge the muscle of the arms and legs, climh up and down the cfeifmrey, specially if the house is a fouf or "fiva Ptory one, three or fouv timea bef oro breakfast; Is a chstrr - crcise, aa4 gires a 'Tpwaoioiuj appetite Jt-aj-a-he in cbudvtr . eouutea ip.4..Tc,jatioi9 coinpUlnt,, Eojeure.t at onco, pore a noii in me ijrnpanura wiih a timlei, anT Wur ''a. oil nel just Uereit of a mother's care. See them as they gather at night around the fireside, where they were wont to receive their good-night kiss from her, wno can nil that mother's place I If spirits are permitted to hold commun ion with their friends on earth, it must be, a mother will watch over hpr little ones she left behind. Her last prayer on earth is for the welfare of her children, and wiih what anguish does she bid them the last f.irejwell. as her spirit is about to take its flight no me wninea world, laen for the sake of her who is rrone. be kind in the motherless little ones I " For n. mother lost in childhood, srrieves t.hi heart from day to dav." Or even if her days be prolonged ill the "evening of life," how hard it is men to give her up. That dear form, once erect, is now bent towards i. . r i i. . . .. , mjc uer iiair is silvered o'er with age, her step is falterins- still we can hardly believe her growing old, or uiinjc we can ever nart with her. liut ere we are awnro of it, she is gone forever from us. Yes! those dear hands are folded peacefully across ucr ureasi ; uiose eyes, whose delight waH w gaze at the flowers she loved so well, are closed in death. And now as we visit the sacred mound, wucre reposo tne remains of a dear mother, may vc try to follow in her looisteps, to he guided by her ex4prs, we may then rest assured that when we are done with this world it will be well jejth us. ; . pr JfED RTTLER Fbllkr Citizens rrThis are a day for the poperlation of ! Boonville, like .. . .-11 H i 1 1 1 a boo lulled punet on n ricteriy iieu roost to be looking' up, up ! ...A crlscis has arirven an somethin's bust! j Where are we ? here I is, an I'd stand here an' expirate from now till the day a' synagogues if you'd whoop, for Daily, teller citizens Jerusa lum'u to pay, an' we haint got any pitch. Our hyperbolical an' majeslie canal o' crcatim has unshipped her rudder ; and 'he Captin s broke his neck, an' the'ock 's div to the depls o -ihe 'vasty oeap ' in senrcao ut muns I Our viigwViu's torn to piec Yes, lik a shirt on a brusk? fenco, an isiy oi tnese art laiaues is a vanun in' in a bluo flamo ! Are such things to be did ? I ask you in the name of the American haine, who whipped rsAiuf STBBjrr, Ws S, fHAWjrOBB. 8TREE7 & CRAWFORD, ; ,8 . .y ..d .,.... , m ..r" ' Counetf 'fluff; mw. . ,, rf,:,-,-j 'mt lAf.r- the nhsggy-lieaded Lion o' Great Brit- (a shot gun with them, put the muzzle ain, and now sits t roostin' on the against your itomuch, and pull the mnjnetic telegraph, if sich doins is a trigger with your toe. It saves a golrr to be eongroniprafedl ; I-repea great deal f djsgust to tho gmllot, and it Itfyoti in the iame o' Uiat f eaeocka paa iasw ia your mourn .a. a. ."T j . . e.OW -1 i. t J "iirts. II tiiecuiia seeps oacryin other ear. - ''" ' Corns may be easily cured.- The most torturing corn can at once be ex tirpated as , follows : , Take ' . sharp knife, find the joint of the toe where' on the corn reside, insert tho knife in tlio (itnioulation, pry off the too and Ihrow it dwaji iwwill never returo again, unless your dog brings it back to you in his mouth. (Patent applied for.) , The habit of drinking can be cured 'by giving the drinker all the liquor ha wnnU to drink all the time, u e know of two, in our experience, who were cured in three weeks. One jumped out of a four story window, and rar a curbstone into his head ; the other didn't tret up one morning, and had lis universal curbston growing oat of Us head in theTrraveyard.-, y j The best way to take pills of Bran ileth'8 description, if you have twenty or twenty-five to take, is not to make them into. hash and eat them, bnt load " Distance Tables A correct Table of distances between Oma- na and Denver City, giring all the prin cipal camping places on the rou'.e : Omaha to Little Pannillon 7 Thence to Creat Pappillon 5 To Spring Creek" 4 Klkhorn Bridge . , (i Rawhide Bridge " . 2 Freemont 12 Barbers 0 North Bend.,,.,, .,..,..10 fbe!Crelt'''',i', 'J:' ''! -.' Ruasopa JL . , . - - - Skinner'.. , V . . . K 'im-.ihU'yvai.L 11A -i 3 9 --'. w a conversi ' " V- J J - - - - - w pj.Sne Creel; , . 1 u BALDITLirila DODCE, ' BANKERS & DEALERS IS EXCHANGE, Collections made at current rates of Ex change; Exchange on all the princlpa Cities in the Union Bought and Sold, Gold iSlouBtataa, i'.iWeeoitt-xiejnpai-an- u eeusjf tiogyoggei m this fRship t,',,i Ic-wo1Ib! 1 -A .4r -a. Aftw . eL.ll t . - - t a. M ' XTo. icdn-wallBg. l fial all., your Irainein tfie.hu0A j-! .. r.;-';- . '." ,'' Umktkttm avct-fc;,iil,.!5r!tnD. i . NcTcr,sST5v.i,cstf whiskers With a Dust Bought, Land Warrants Bought and old, aad Enterel on Time. Council Bluffs, lows, , nl-tf. SAMUEL EGtJLESTOJV. JUSTICE OR THtVTEACE AND " 'WOTiRY-PTBlIC, - Cresclnt City,' Iowa. .' ' ' , nl-tf. .. tkUVn CUMTOlW ' .CALEB BALDWIN CLIHTOa BALD WIH. ATT0RNEV8 AT LAW, TTtriLL practlclin all the Courts In y V Western lowi and Nebraska. Council Blutfit JJwa, nl-tf .- At Shakespeare lays. "Shall we bamboozlefied with such - unroitiita 4 oudaciousness? Me thinks I hear-yon yelp "No, sir boss !" Then 'lect me to Congress an' there will bV a revolution, Feller Citiiens, if I was standin' on the adamantine throat of Jupiter, an' the lightnin' way thomas prricia.; . w.ii.m.posxv. OFFICE1 & P118EY K-EilL ESTATE BROKERS, tad Dealers ia laid Warrants and Ex. ckaagf. . .. - '-coueiu.iiiis,zow. r W ILL attend fr aeleetlon and Loca tion of land Vweetera' lowr m,i n'uk awbstartii Airsa,Uie p&rvii oi .tages 0 land lntf , aa4 low I 01 rion-resiuenia an. in ai-U. un-urce cr ciaiqi, clashin' around me. I'd continue t spout I I'm full o the bilin' latlidf Mount .tnv. an t must howl Jtk a bear with a sore Bead. Flop together I lump in to the ranks an hea' ma thro'l Feller Citizens You ks'o'w me. an rip my lungs out with agnail grab if J wouldn't slick to yerjjke brickdust to a bar 0' soap. Where's my oppoaent 7 nowhere ! He ain't a catbird ' in a garret to me I I was brought up among you, feller cittsetts an' he was papped in a school hem, 1.. - u:. i.: .i.- out 110 ma n gel nits nun iio ulju(- lootin' words. . Mictum, atricturaal broanlo, catnip urazil TaglooneyJ it' Baffin's Bay ! What do jou thiik that 7 ' . Go it, J'orky ! root bog, or d-l-e! As Shakspeel said whea Caesar stab- - 1 collection am! oeu aim in me iioumo 0 ivepresoou tirfs.' laichet.. ..Ulie best method of trim. mna' to rss a redJiot iron gentl over am. i'l he operation smooths lcenjregulariy, giving the end of each hair Smooth, crispy appearano. t -MiaforHiR Hew many pleasant assediioBi tluster sround the hallow-tdl'-iBiaaof Motber." Everything opo ad holy seens entwined areand tha yrd.f Years may huve passed siuca ne wept to rest; tall grass may & erwWon her crave yet, with rrtrj.q,wjDuld wo cherish hermem orr.rlt aeems but yesterday that we werMiJrntop;sther, witliout a mo Air t oouujbcIus and guide our feet ia the' ath of duty. But she is gone, etna "( total Yinish oup journey; with- out hr smil to gladen our pathway. Te'iiomeanwe now look with sueh fm(i.tnc Tv To whom ean we feo with all rt trtaU and troubles ? . Suraly to no eartll friend. Tbefe i vacancy wbiAtt-eV'r 1,8 ,Wen7 v,.r frionds.. and their loss be ma.! un to us. in a raeusure, hut 'what 1. hnra widiout a mother there ? , If thr ia a ercue here at which angels would is a group of little ones, P.uste ils! Sua Camp oii PLitte " Slough' Parkor'a Edgartons (Lone Tree) Staee Station Hill's Rauche fiKoesaakcr's ' ' Grand Island City CrosBirigj.WMod River Lambs , V... . y ' Moores :-' ' 'j'-s Wood River Ctntr Peck' r-- 4tj Henry's do.. ' ! ( Y, To the Creasinf (Ford) Kearne y Kearnev fiitw.i V Camp Sydeiihaui's Rnnahe . Bnakespearea'-. p;, , ...... Camp - I'lum Creek Catnpotf toad . v French's Camp ' ' ' . '' '.,' ' r Llvvatcr statiojj . Camp Fox iVpriugs Cottouvtooil do., Box Elder Jack Morrous Biehopa Fremont Springs ' Bob Williams' Ranchs Mail 8l,i lion Lower Crossing (Platte) ' lri)Dur CroRNin"' Lillian Kprines Camp on Platto Beaver Creek Bijou "' . ' Kiowa , - - , v . f , ; 4 'ivjaAniViClKnU ' Fort t. Vrain -VUliaIng, RancU Denver City TABLR OV DISTAMCXS CONTINWD , - Via Genoa Ferry. A Gams IIorsb. Once on a'lime a Yankee who was traveling through Kentucky, had a line horse, vn& no money. lie had taught the Minimal . n 1' .1 . a. . . iu lie uumi or Bii on iiis naancues when the bridle was pulled 1 pretty hard. Our traveler saw no wayf of re plenishing his purse but by selling hi-t purse but by selling his horse), and this lie resolved to do tho first oppor tunity. As he was going s!owlyafong ho saw a hunter at some distance from the road, whom ho rode ud to and'iac- costcd. In the course of t e con versa tion he told the latter that he iad an invaluable horse to sell a horse that would act precisely like a setter, when he was in the vicinity of game. Casting his eyes around, at the same time discovering some fresh . rabbi tracks, he gave the bridle a jerk. The docile quadruped immediately lay down. "There are some rabbits here," said the rider, "I know by bis ears." The Kenluckian, curio as ,t test tho reputed sagacity of the hvVse, ' searched '-eround, and sure enough, started three or four rabbits. But the Yankee took the affair as a matter of course. To make a loai? sterv short. (he worderlu horse changed hanA?-.: on the spot, three hundred dollar. IIm- ing tho consideration. Hi new o'n- er mounted him,. nd with character istic hospital-?! the Yankee agreed to accoevjany him home. They boon ., csme to a Efreaui, which they had to cross, and which was rather deep for horsemen.. 1 Judge of the Kentuckian'a dismay, when, on pulling the bridle iii h the middle of the river, his steed sub sided ia the running watereasifhe . was a hippopotamus . "How is this?" i he roared out, nothing but his head visible. The Yankee who was mount ed on the hunter's other horse, was not disconcerted in the least, but re- plied, coolly, Oh, I forgot to tell you he is as good for fish as he is for rab- 1 bi(s VS l ' :;' : t -'A Jkw Road ok th Rovt to thb j Golb) Mikb.Wo : had , the jploaaa. ' ;-;-7l 9 7 3 1 1 10 7 . 7 2 8, iJc aure, to the upper cros 1 ing. ir cm iui ciaun tnaiDyuus . 1 road there7 ill be a great saving of I distance over tte old road on the south,, - side of the Ue, which follows the,"' . bends ofMhe fives, whereas the 9 ' 8 . 6 10 & S 10 10 10 8 6 3 40 17 30 .10 j ua 1 11 0 14 1C 27 Cleveland to Monroe Thence to Sauudcrs' to Gonna Ferry Camp on Loupe Spring Lake Spring Holes to Right Wells in Sandhills Pond tl tha Left " Prairie Creek" Cfooaiiii fif Camp on Prairie Creik f ; Crossing Vood Kivyat Johnson's , , - A TailMaiCjENT, . it "Whore did I como fror Mother dear?'' A-child orled' while l play "'Twin Clod who made iui soutyoa here," . '.Was all that she coi.ld say. 1 .1 . ' ... ; , . "Where decs be livef "Beyond the ky," Again the uiothff said "Then whon I foil, I woiider why t It didn't break iy bead !" If thou 4 friun'. would wish to find, This one thiuy utrictly do Ih.u uilnd J ' - ; ' With goll Ihy purne to 611. Then when a friend you to nct, You'll Dud '0 gold a friend iadeci, To fooJ un every lUL. T . ... - . tinn ni.k r. r.v O C' -.1 . 2 uvii nun v una a. tsnuvu, n moun 10 wmsrioiTLjpBie uuny year's experi ence.. ;wid well Atiowa to all our citi zens. From. him wf learned many things of interests to us concerning the country and the Indians, as they were years ago." But what we wiu to especiuly refer , to as a matter of moment to the community, is the .new road (hat Mr. Smith is having beat1 ed on the north side , of the 1V frnra his nl ar.a at 'the mouth nf il pt'Ache 1 4 7 2 2 3 jo j bends oune fives, wnereas tne new 3 i road foilew8 a direct course. Mr. S. says Jhutfthere is plenty of Wood, wa ter, and grans on the road, and that it1 is .400 from sand , so troublesome on' ilia old road at or about the' Fremont Orchard. Mr. Smith is confident of ' j tie merits of the road, as he has per- . u n : 1 1 ... gisonuilj luapeuwm every rou I II, ye Z 11V ftH uuw-."" -iiwj,.y(iu 11110 traveling poonc.wnicn wm soon UasVe an opnortanily of testing u a-Uanta' es, as tAe road is surveyed afril, biid, es tve being ouiir on tne vanica;. streams it crosscTfc J ' r , ' ' Mr. Smith conteifhilatea an exten.' sion of the road from the Upper Crow ing to the Oedar Bluffa on the North 1 Fork of the Flatte. , T.. . extension will especially aocommi ate the travel ' j.V...og:iae itttssourrmer at any '"f poir t -above the 'mouth of the Flatter '. t as the distance will thereby be mae,,-; rially lessened. ' . ' ' Apvios 10 tuk StaqistepcI.To t ! an ingenious youth who may beuow '. , meditating a plunge into that ucer- -i tain, or rather, certain, "aea of trba- , bles," that shines and glitters in thei f seductive aizle of tlie foot-lights to, uch an one I,woulday : Go la MaT -ia reality ' go to law go tjhyic, go y to preaching ; go to Italy an(J strike a ' blow for liberty (if cause aad oppcr-' f' : tunity offer) ; go to ar)ytbin6r any where that will giye you aa; honest and decent livelihood rather than go I upon the stage To"any young lady ' with a similar proclivity I .would aay Buy a aewlng-macliiae, and t'ke in , plain work, first t so shall you sv yourself much1 awrow, fitter disa j; ; nointmeaL and secret ta. 'E'u 4..' ... from au Jldwy Jfuit Boot' - Ki ; f fm A bxhfui printer refuso4 ? lilxx I. - tion in a jirinhrig-offioejrh" " were employed, aeylngOi'X 'set up" with a girl . . ftirWIan-'90tttot f 8 S 4 10 V 12 . 7 C 9 10 12 walking stick, boJ Mg J' nclej shorter. v v. ' vV' ' ' - V. i V " -: U . . . . k . AX' fKi if a - . v r,' ' . t- 3v A m-v- y" r "ar-.- X