st. Feder-« Jleuigheds Icvjmle fort-Hing akltoldt sin aarligo Ba sar den 24. Maj Moden Pinse Clsgj ug da vi hin-de særdelcs smukt Vejr var nmnge Klemm skms til Stock-. Forudisn Meujghoi dem Prasst var Pastor H. N klunsen Milltowu til stecke og holdt m Rot-Male Baade ved Ank tion ng for Icakke ug Lunch 08v. jmlkum en kpn sum, som vil blive iutvondt til kurskellige GO temaaL Smulagen den audcsn Muj holclt Pitstnr Axt-l Christi-Insekt Konkirmatsinu i st. Feder-s Me nigsh(e(l, Insor Sen Urseng Og 4 Pi ser hekrikkttsde der-es Daabss FULL Søndag dem Lö. April var num se al« Jlenighedcus Medlismmpr fowamlecle si Priestehjennnet i Anhalt-ink- ak Pantor A. Chri stiauwns og llnstrus Fzsdsei.sulag Degen for-. Vesd smume Lejljg licd m-errakt(s Mosis-zweien dem en Pisnmsgavcs km Me(llen11n(srn(s og umer Vemusr som mer eller mindkss b(-sgizx(1r vor l(jrke. kl« ak vor-o yngre Menigbeds medlcsmmer Prank sorensen do cle dest- 11. Maj ekttsr faa Dageg» sygoslcsjin Ilun var fkidt j Minncsi spolis 1895, og often-leider Sjg Eutsm og en lille Datter samtl Popusldke og to Brmlra Hans Jokdskisstelse kandt sted paa Hau sttsup Grnvgaard i liaketown Mm H. P. Lin-sen Nord kot Lu(«k dzsde Munde-g den 13. Muj piui Prederiks HospitaL Ilun var Dem-r at· Mk. og MH.Poul Jen sen. Lake-www var ksidt i Ulkjær, Dantnark 1863. llun okterlader sig IIuslmncL to smmer ()g,kj1·el» Døtrey sin Moder og 6 sciskenda llnn bis-v sted til ijle ved si cen ak hendes Pack-r pas West Danmurk Kirkeguarci. Kot-tu l Kristendomsundorvisuingen i skolen· Hist kitsktslixzts I(’:t-ll(s811slval;z. det- 1"--1)t·1t«ss(sut(srisr en lcatskkp kir keligss Sinufundsslutninxzesr End-su lok l(’«lk(skirken, Inn- msdsiit (-.t sk»l(stu1mlg, liesstimt--1Je at« Ppr stelusr(«t- A. A. Amjerscn, Asua, Ovorlusrvr l’. V. Akgsxety Holzin bk«. Wurst T. Biksring. Sie-nie ku1-. Sasminaric-furstutthrjnde A. Blut-ne Aurhus. Provst Johs. Still-»Am f. T. lcmltling, Rekmr Il. Istle llitss, stonhus, Prnvst A. lclz-x"i«)rg, Ist-cgniug(s, Frost-s sor (". V. Przstz ok- Professur-in de l·J. Turm. l.)i«t.t(- skoleudvulg skkL »Natt.’« bar krssmsat følchuje um kjrkeljge Ist-ins Wär-wende Kelejuusuudcrvisningeus stil ling i skuletn l. Dantuukk er et Miste-U- Luka tue-J ist krjsluet Fulk. Dets Sko le er en kriston Skule. Folkets Zøru er Shu at sitz-e alle bat-ne døblch Der-for muu der kremdelcs i skolm net-o obligatorisk Untier risujnix i Episte-ndomskundskab lige til og med mserste Gyumasje klasss:, satt længe den dunsko Polkekirke bestand L· Grundlaget kor deune Un dervisnjng er Bibelen. Der un i Bibclhistorie, Troes— og sæJelicke pag evangelisk luvbersk Grund samt Kika og Mission-z biswer Der kan i dette Fug kun bru ses Bøger, som er unbekalede It et Landemode og godkemite It Kjrkemiuisteriet. s. Der Timeantal, som bru ses tle Undervisning i Kristen·’ comknmlskab, bxsk ikko tot-mind slces. Gymnasiot bør have 2 Ti scr ugeutlig. Den enkolte skole shilles krit II. H. t. Valgot ak Tideth man As køtsste Time- ak Utah-kris uinßstiden bør som bidtil Loko tut-klass lpdtil Koakirmstiovsaldoren et kcget Bksamonskag med aller Iden Icaruktekgivuing. klvor det fix-kos, ken der ogsaa holdes Warnen i de højere Klassen 4. Pritagelse kot- Undervisnjug i Kristendomskundskab skal gi vss tät Børn, bvis Porældke over tor Tilsytwix med denno Untier-— via-sing paavisetz at de ikko or Psalm-mer at den evangelislk Inthouke Polkokirke, og skxikb ligt frismsustttsis Untilcks uni, at cle ros Born kritiiges kur l."n(,· klingt-tu Print-nie Bot-n slinl i Religion-s tinusrncs liiiw iinrlres Skala-sitz 5. Tilsynpj mosl llisligxiunsnsk dervisningisn i et sogns Blinle mlmscss nk skolokonnnissjmion. Dei-sum Pisa-stets ikke et- fodt Medlem ak denntsv summiert-s dm tut-il to ak Meniglusdsraiidet vgl-; tcs Modlpmmet l)et overwtlntsde Tilsyn for-es uk lsislcupknsn 02 Provsfpn säle -i Pollcissknlpn Kinn i den liojcsris lÄlmenslmle »j- (1’·vnnmsiieslc0lon. JTilsynet nnsd smninariornes l«’n dervjsning i lcristcsntlomgknnd slcab fest-es ak Bislcoppon 6. Der give-I dcs vnrdondis Las rere on kyklsssstkzcirendts lfddkuk 11(-ls(- i Kristendomslinndslmb saft Wl paa Somiimritsrncs sum kkilcuL tatin ved Pnivcsrsitet(-t, nie-n tillixzcs bin- dek nitsd Stkitsundop stjjttelso oprettes Hast-like- Kur-sag for Religionslærer0. 7. Etlivmst Oplag nm ist ledigt Ltkkerpmbisdo visd de okktsntlige slcoler skal fremtidiix indcslmlde Von nk ksilgenth ()plysninkzk-k. on tcsn » a Undervisning i Kristen(l»ms kundskab — eller b. lagen Undervisning si Kri stetidomskn11dglcnb, idet den-ed op11aas. ut der ikkes øves sandelig Tvang mod Lippe r(-, som ilclce msslcok at nimmst-« Sig dette Fast-. Dersom en Last-er, der liar sägt et Ernlmde Ins-d Plikzt til Untier visning i Kristendomskundslcab ankørt i 0pslaget. underviser i Paget paa en saadan Mande, at der ektets det Stedlige Tilsyns Opkattelse mod Grund klagt-s der-over, slcal Tilsynet lienvise sagen vil Biskoppen, som ekter Hast-more Undokscigelse akgcskx om Undervisningsen Mr ovcsrdrazzes til en anden ak de ved skolen ansatte Lærerkræktor. I sna Puld koretagek Tilsynet en Omlmgninsz ak Pagkordelingen og Time-pla insti. s. Den private skoles Rot til krit at vaslizcs sit Lærerpersona le anerkendes under den Parad sksstninjz. at d(-ns Undervisning stam- Msal mod den offentlige Skolcss. Der ydes den private skole en kursvnrlig statsundemtøttelse, nuar den opkyldesr de til Ende-r visningen stillt-de almindisligp Ich-un BÄOKWARD NOTBS ON THE scIIOOL QUBSTION To mlhssre strietlzs to wovon tion l shonlil (-onnn(sn(«t- m«v kir ti(«h- us the mnltifarious sustiehss on lthe- sehool qmsslion’ hinst lnsen intrmhnsml h·v stating that l inn interested or thut this proh lem ifsmlk is Interestingd Nur hun l unz- scsruples in complying with hot h regulati()ns. As it Dann ahnu nns l have « speeinl interesst in «our s(«hool’ und un itrtlcsnt desire to perpetnnte Drum jdeals untl to do niy litlle hit not onl)f to preserve her prostixze among our people but to greatly increase it. Certoinly the various present-i tjons ok the different viewpoints in regard to our future poliey with our one eollege and semin ury have been interesting. Nu-» merons points ok vier have been! put forth. But even at that we? have not solvecl our enigma Its is not to be regretted that so! much has been saht lt is, rat-her, jto be regretted that so kevv apia liona have been advaneed by the young people. This is really to he resxrettech I any, — but not with the implieation that much prudeuee and szdsom has neces sarily remain-ed 0bseured, not that reason so mneh as kor the reason that an absenee ok ex preaaed opinions is a warnte-Ita tion ok a laelc ok interest or at least, as in this ängtanee,s an in dication o! a laek ok proper zeal in further-ins one’a own good. Ok the many artieles publishs ed a few have eontained novel and for tlhe most part original ideas· But in by kar the greater number there has wert-hy been a statement ok the writerh sub —— , seriptskonto this or that view, or, the writer hasf taken a new standpiiot sinnen-here lsetween two opposeil views. Ur. again. the attempt. has heen maile to eonstruist a proper attitude and a working ««-liitic)ii h«v gleaning from a nun-her ot« previously expressed opinion.s. By this time most ot« us have eonvineed ourselves of the proh ahilitzs of something heing done in the near future. Ansd indeed tthis ,ten(lene«v to do something ’has already amonnted to an addi tion to l)ana«s enrrieulum. — hesides an estimation of the value ot« eertain propert)f not to tot-get the planinxx and eonsideration in the ahove mentioned artiisles, tokzether with the opinions formed hat« never puhlished. and the worlc ok this and that hody of -investi«.-ators. All this has heen done as a begin ning to the improvemsents heing attenipted in order that we may serve ourselves hetter edneation allz« and espeeially that we might lceep more ok our present wealth of youthkul energy within our own ehnreh to prepare kor a ku ture more prosperons even than our past. J l?·v some it has heen t.hou,(.kht» that we might move our eollegei to a new loeation and that withl some monetanv Hain — whieh faet l have not heen so fortn nate as to see elearhf and unques tionahly demonstrated Othersi have thongxht it of importaneet that we at least improve our present situation h·v huil(lin-gl modern ils)rinits)ries. lahorator ies. elassrooms and leeture halls, liesisdes a modernly equipped huildinzx for physical exereise. To this we must add. with emphasis that one ok the partieularly great needs is that for referenee lihraries and a eareknllzf seleeted gener-il libr ary. To Some tshe idea ok patehinkxv onto the old hnildings still seems reasonable. But hten, it is also itnaginahle that one might find an individual who would he per keetLv eontented should everzss thing hut the main ofksiee and thing hut the main ofliiee and the klag poles topple over. FVhatever may he said ot· the profitahlenesg of working with inadequate supplieg and ok patehs work we must sometime eome to the realization that eheap ed ueation eannot he good echten tion· TVe must realize, tot-, or the realization ok our utter de terioration will he foreed upon us that where Lood edueation is oftered eheaplkv it is given at a saerikiee; and, ik we are oh servina and thinlcing men and women, we must already know that human saerikiee eomes at last to he endnred unwillingzlzf and finally eeases to he endured where there is reliek at hand which is not okkered no matter show soul inspirik lse saerifieing may he. So in the ....-· esheap ed ueation is an unreality· Purthen more, we may as well take into aeeonnt the real student. sak kiee it to say that he is going to get the hegt ok knowledge in the hest form. He will usually sae rikiee iik neeessary to get the ad· vantages ot« the hegt instruet ion and lahoratory and library kacilities — which is an indica tion ok his possibilities and good sense. ; But my present purpose is not lto enter a disenssion ok the rela tive met-its and sdeknerits of dear and seheap education. It is to merely remark on Zorne of the opinjons on my subject and then» to So on to eoneider a view that has not been dnly stressed This view arisotz directly from a Con sideration ok the advantages and the advisability crk a change from our present location. It is a re snlt ot a abalaneing ok the pos sibilities ok financial gain as over against seltrospoet, —- the halaneing ok the desirahlenesi ot sueh gain as over against the shonor ok an institutjson that has strngglod through adverse eit eumstonees to a place ok real power and sann-ones lt has heen l«itti11ng" saiil Tsziat we must not let tender l«1t-7I-«l«ll»s illitl Fund itssuplitllJiH -: steriuints our view as t-» llitnifs .!««-tiu·v. lt has- l)e(-u saiil with wunle good juilgztnent tliztt the l-·«-«sti su should not remain the same with speeial consideration t) thust- uear the present loca tion. Yet sonn- of the atlvoeates ot« this last view have suggested twith txt-out itnpartialitH that tshe wills-ge he Inoved across the rivtsr. l«’or what reasoan For thel reason that there happens to hel a lara-er eounnsunity ot· person tpresuinahlv interested in heiug .ei.litcatetl or in haviug their ehild ireu edueated at Dana, a territory lricher in prospeetive students Jthau the region on the west sidts Hot« the river. lf we are reallzf to he impartial would it not set-m reasonable to Inove, — it« the old location has hecouie unen durahlzf tircsome and productive ot« real disa«dvant—ages, —- to a location eentral with regard to the actual spread of the Danish spopulationt If that point com cides with one on the east sidc ot· the Missouri well and good, — at least we would in this case he impartial. But l do not propose even to sog-gest a new location. On the other hand I do want to oppose tihe idea of a change ok location for the financial gain said to he t«orth(s,oming as payment for the use ot· our name for advertising purposes hv a small city in lowa. Even were the money in deposits at the Citizen’s Bank in Blalr the idea would still he denkst ahle. since our problem is not one of inerely arranging inanitnate materials, and, since it is one tied up and involved with per sons and groups ot« persons it would seer entirely rational to suppose that the permanent so lution is determinahle by talcing into account certain fundamens tal tendencies or characteristics ot" the human mind. The ten -denc·y or oharactcristio allnde to is that of the individual to love and to strive for and to support that thing that is his by earnest endeavor and accotnplish txt-ent, that thing that is his hy painstasking care in adjusting its Ininute detail with a lovinig hand, tshat thing that may properly he said to he the child of his genius, — an ohjcet that is the expression of his very soul. But l need not take the single pro duet of a single individual. For groups ot« psersons —- society has a great soul that kinds expres sion in various institutions. And our little part of society, our Danish people has produced an institution in America — «our’ church with its several interests and its one great purpose. It is- in taking into considera tion the individual’s deep feel ing for his own production, in taking into consideration the feeling ok the artist for his art vohjee-t, that of the thinker for his «true’ concl-usi()ns, and, in s«hort, that ok the individual kor the product of his lahor, wheth er he has tshe genius to produce a «Para-dioe I-ost.,« a Panama onna-L a per-kectl«v conetruotod cernent walk, or whether his kin "est art is that ok shording shesep that I come to the conclusion that we cannot sell our name at any price nor kor any purpose and keep our selkrcspect, our honor, our wide-just pride, which gives usNa sense ok being in reality an institution and wshich holps us tso maintain a proper iattitmde toward other groups ot per-ons. Purthermore, in this oonoideration ok the production-s sot the artist, the winket-, or the poet, the engineor or the Ihm-der, it is well that we con sidor what made these what they are. And here we find that one ot the kactors is this very «pride’, this heliek in onesclk. Whatovon there is ok native talent there must he present this «pri-do’ to aid the individual in shis «art’ and to help him assume a right attituäo toword the mass ok material ho sho- to work with, L— FOR HERRBNS ÄNSIGT Pemten korte Taler ak Dr. 0.11«Hi(-sb),1iiies— i- ved Meniighedskakultetet i Kristiania Es Inei- sig til U; ) xesnic so- ved Kvinde- og Ungdomsmøden Da di or korte med kizirt kremsatte Tanker, er de Jppeklige til l-: i. xed Syg( lojer Per i 0mslag, 40 Cts. Danish Luth. Publ. Konse, Blair Nebr To Beger kor den unge lcvinde. Den unige Icvindes synd Et Foredrag holdt ved et at K. P.U.K.s store Møder i Bethesda. l vor Tid, da de unge Icvinder saa stærkt kristes til Frivolitet og letsindig lieflen med lnvets dybeste spørgsmnah rissen-ges der til Wels kende og advarende Rost-en »der kint og kærligt, netop som Læge Karen Andersen i dette lille skrikt, maner til Alvor i alle Livets Kot-hold Eæktet er pas 20 sider, i smukt 0mslag, og fass kot- 10 cts. En Kristen j Kammeratslcab og Ven.skab. Bn livlig og letkattelig Mandling ak Oda B. Knudsen, Rei sesekvetær kot- Magdalenehjemmet. Forkatterinden sammenligi ner Ejertet i dets stillting og Pol-hold til Mennesker med Jedemes Tempel. Der er ,,F’ovga-arden", hvor de mange ,,t-il kældige« fikrdesx det ,,I«Iellige", hvor kun Tenno-· lukkes ind; og der »Allerhelligsste", hvor Iløjalteret for Herren er rejst og livor man kun ak og til luleker op for en og ansden Sol-tro lig kristen Ven. skriktet seger at kalde krem det ædleste og bedste i den unge Kvinde, og giver gode Rand meid Hen syn til Omgangen med dem, hun møder paa Idvets vej. 34 sider i 0mslag. Pris 30 cts. DANISE LIM. PUBL. Eollsz Blei-; Nebraska-. and, in fact in the kirst place to make him dare to attempt the work he does. so it was by re ceiving this heliek in themselves that a certain small group of meu instigated by their religi ous conviotions estahlished ·our’ ehureh We may well honor them as men having a vision no lese worthy of honor than that of tshe found-ers of our country. To the casual ohserver and to the mildly interested all this see-me hesisde the point of our diiseussion But to those vitally interested in the permanent suc cees of our sehool they will ap pear neither foreign to our prob lem nor irrational. For such persons must know tshat the per« manent solution ok any proh «lem must he based on things permanent and endnring — where-as a hargain is a meres temporary advautakze so it be eomes elear that we cannot with sprudenee weaslcen in ourselves that quality eommon to all per sons which I have referred to as ·pris(ie’, «honor’, and «s«elt’ respeset.«, or, we may call it «l’eel ing ok one’s own strength’, or «feelinzr of independenee’. Obvl ously it would he better to strengthsen that quality. The logieal way of aceomplishing a permanent solution ot· our pro-b lem is by appealing to a qualityt in our people no less eapable okl development and eusduranec thans txhe human mind itselk. ; Clearly stated, wshat I proposeJ then, is that we earry out ourl lplan ok reconstruction by our-H selves, thus strengthening ourk beliek in the strength we reallys have, and thus greatening our esapacity kor doing to such an extent tehat we may perform accomplishments in the kuturez of which we are at present noti even aible to conoeive. No ones will eay that we have not tshez men and means t-o help ourselvesJ some may be so keen as to per eeive that since we cater to» temporary advantages we are on the dangerous downward path. Even were we to suceessknlly crhnmereialize our name where ean we reasonably expeet to be when tshe immediate ekkects of a temporarsy sadvantage des-se to be kelts Were shall we move nextt To the lett or to the rightl Or Shall swe endure a slight tem porary jnconvensience to gain a future igoodt To those who would conde— see-end to take advantage ot the «bargain-’ okkered should we move our sehool, tshe acceptance ok this temporary advantage un doubtedly seems a Step toward future proeperity But, sin so thinking they overlook the fact that as soon as they have used Hohe advantage they have lese enecl our eapaeity for helpmg ourselves, and, so have really given us a pas-h down the dau— gerous path and in so er harm esd us. It would be a waste ok time,ot« course, to sey anything were it desired that we beseome dependents. To some our sehool problem has not seemed ok so igreat con zsequeucse We are not ot much importanee, in other words. Well, if we are ok little important-e in the popular eye it is perhapss »0t’ little eonsequenee. But, our influenee is just so kar reaching vas we make it — as far extenidecl as we have the energies to make it. Our sehoal is and will he what we have the «pride’ to .make it—whether we leave it as it is or whether we use he mat erials netually at hand to make it the hest sehool of its kind in the country. At least we should shave the «pride’ to do our best. Pred Ich-ver, .Jr. DIE-T sTOREI sKANDINÄVISKs sBTTLBWNT I LUCK. Polk County, VViSksonSitk Dom var grund lagt i Ame-r 1869 of M. c. Feder-ed (-r nu et nf de Største skantiininsisko Ruttlementer i statem. Der er her es glimrcmde Agenlyrkningsogn mod tat rigo lndsøer, Van(lløb, godo Veje, Te lefoneh l(irk(-r og Skolssr. Farme kalt kobes til magst time-like Priseku Hvis interesse-roh skriv til Feder Land G Lotto compsay, Lack. Wall-· Rom-or i state Bank Näh-g 100 Rat-me i det ststste sie-indiani Ite settlemeat i Amerika. 1 MUS- og Klkmsrlmlteh Bisdstcs Jordbonitet og Marke(1i-r. LlSTB FR1T. Ogsaa consid Pmsries-I«nns1. 30 Aan TM. 810 Rund· rohe-Billet km Minnenpolist til Gunsde for Lands-gere AKERSON, LlNDsTRØM, MlNN. Cotlt sann-Ists i Wisconsin Vi et euch-u i stand It tilbyde Dem godt Land til vors gamle Prisen 820 til 830 pr. Acri-. Godt cutsovekiLand i Esrckwoods distrikteL Vi hat et- Antal nämon 40 og 80 Ackos Stykkek, som vi tilbydor tot 8800 pr. 40 Acke. Vincent-: 8100 kon tsnt og 8100 mastig. Vj hat- et sie-mil .tmvisk settlement, Ca· 60 Familie-h sou .c110 er ganske velstaaencko og hat dor Fegen ny luth. Kitks. De bot- og byggok after Hjemlandets sldk og et- ausst Som leas countys bis-date Fanden-. Bliv en as dem. Meddel os, bvok man-so Art-es Do Inskek at kobes og vi vil send alle 0p1ysninget, »so-vorn O samt-sw- Dept s» sagte Eint-, Wisconsin Mnovsm unm i Pkfce county, Wis., »Im-t- Rost-visit vækst er ulcendt«. Mange- swlges til lcostende of lm rovements. 30,000 Acres uimpkowd od. csseade lot Patming o Rom-hing- imeligc Pri sek, lett-e Billet-Jn- ltriv ester Utts over impkoved Fett-me umt Palast-It s. c. Als- (Pstsoul), Phillipq Its