M ,,Dsssmss, « Onsclsux ils-n Bli. Miit-IN Mill. Eli-UT HERR. FRAle IXpr 1 slslskp lffzc heililt I"·:U. Kl. Xslkusr ·-l«l«l· Inili III-disk l skTYskH .:I.s un llixksxs (")l lssgcc lliin -;u. lurmnl vi. inn mmlist tsm zi! i«·-t·-.-(lkskims csllkscs fur tusllcs »in e-« ngik l«Ji«l«;«-ins.«s1« ishr-k- (-;-l.-xislwu i Hi Als-umska Alslsnts j AsssssxsEkJ lhn bis-THan mexl at l·-.-1·l:k-ll-— um Htslil l«-- li uiann »k: U riiniltvigx i Ries eln-gen. l)(- nn- gnunlfssxsskislliksss i det vitsiisntligix ins-n Just traf Eis-. iit Je var pda sinnt-p- sjtlss i en isnkislt Raps-. Du sem dimt intmf csn Hans-, sinnli Grumllvig til l«k-li111ii:111: spH mis des ti(lt, nie-n folg-es sjwlilpn."’ Sand-im like-miet- ikike situ Esel-l den i LiWL san kciktiilto heut om tu andre Msisml — slcat Rot denn un Villk Reile De var ens ge j ilet xscisststltlixxm mon skilf«"s paa et Sich-spukt Dcst var ikke saa sleiiit som (let sinds-L Sag ekter llesnvisninsz til Hug le skrjktstesleh snsrligs til tlette Herrens Ord: ..l?w,ler. og I Akt-l le fau, sogen »g- l sknllo finde-H banker. »k: ils-r sknl lade-; »I) fur edek" gilc lmn over til at for tælle Trask km sin Pisa-Sieger ning, snsklig i Elk link-n. Vi skal ilclce komisge at referen dette, men blnt Zige, at dist vat Trtek, som pas en skon Mai-de viste, hvokletles Herren aklusjcler med, 02 at Fuchs-Des Tjd ikke er; korbi. Det- knrekom ogsaa ikke sag liclt, som appelerede til Til horerne om at vogte sig for Und-» sk)·ldujnge1·, nam- Herren kalderJ —- J. B. campbell.—l·’urnimrel Und Undankin successor tcl v. c. Piave-. l —- l slutningen af sidste Uge hat-de vi et kort Besng ak Sam kundets Pormanck — Dana College hat- i de sids ste Dage hakt Besøg at· en so Itek til Laster-en i P()rret11ings skdelingen, Mr. M. Kirlcegaard. Iliss Kirkegaard hat« oggaa en Indes Broder i sten, Mk. L. Rübsen-C meci Familie-, hvem Kurs ogssa besøgte — 0gssa Mk. Rasmug Land, som kot- et Pak Aar siden kreki ventekede Dass College, wes matte pas Grund ak Tikrisg tot-lade skoleu og rejse til Co loksdo, hat« i de siciste Dage besøgt Skolen. I- I. Im helssive Usdemkiss. Leth Attesässd Lnto Redne. Both Fliege-. — Silss c. Andersen, vor sen, som var mecl Hist-en i Dankt-is - et kot- en Ugestid sideu kom « mes krisk og sund tilbage til Northkiold, Minn., livor dass Ils etks bot. Des anden ak voke segnet-, Ruthves c. Andersen, com er i Marinem ligger enduu i Newport, R· Isl., men vestek It blive akmønstret og komme hjem indes liesse — Vil minde vol-e indenbys Iiæseke om at sysslket staats kot strem det er køkstkommende M, des I. April Og saa Or d k det et bemærke, at i Aar Hu- lcvisäerne Ret til at gas. meci og etc-male Lsd os luulte pac, et hvsci Jagd Orden vj skel kss i Byen, det eilt-enger sk Embedsmændese, Byrasdet, og ByMet bliver, sots vi vielget set us vi i Grundes alle er · -. stodsssvsklise tot-, hvotclas riet ekkestlise Liv gestaltet six i .Ueä W tizlget W m set etiiskes like« FUL- ssi, ou vi solt-set i Visite-M of Gott-set ritt-Okt, el » » Itzt vi im Jst det. — set-sie DIS- Attes Gips Les 1 Mi) hat vi Wenig-. - - » i· voi- cissslcslatlnkskoj Pfe- åes ital tustsökosl t l W tjenestcn — Tit-Häng d. I. Asss Klj 8 Akten holde-s- i Kirkens Kissldesksal det Gewidmet-MEg·-F’(ik ristningrin1m10. lusuistsl alle Mod 1Hnmcsr heiliss Livi- Jlmlu Onss ihxx J. LI. Apile ’l’:1!-2211n!11(n1s« i Ptsnssnsns lljsstn Mk um Uns-l sil. TenYeas nearjhe German Rom-er The IVasisinatjnxx Sturz- of an Amor-spukt Diplumiitk Tken Years in the "l.i»-!e:-ning Uallerzs uk Euroka " By Haut-ice kravcis Bgan. Former Minister tn the Cum-r of Deumark Price 83.00 net. Danish Luth. Publ. Konse, Nah-. Nobr Læs dettes ARE (l-·1« lnaiittij mtske ist Iljmn i Nitsrhedon nf tlamk lnthcsrsk M«snj;.shts(l, anmotlcss um at sog-sc- fil disk start- dunskis »S(-tthsmont" nsd Pmm Yan. N. Y. Vi hin· til Rai-z gnde Land Zsjismlnmmes nat-r visil Kirkss, Sko sle ng .J·,-!-nhikmjs. som til Eiss. :i"«.)1;.-emlex« : ’ J» 100 «x. kaxk H Mit km Pmn quk tnml 4 A. skovland "og 10 A. --El)lehav(s. Hus med 16 Yes-rohen star, kin stam. Pris 525.000. l1v()rak P5,000 kun tiinL i En 105 A. Parm, 4 Mit krka Penn Tat-, mvd 4 Ä. SkuvlandT og 5 A. .I-Jl)1elmve. MAX-stan Hus mod Bade-kaman varmN og knldt VIMCL (·entralvarme oxz .,a(,«(.-t)·lene" L3«8. 2 ,.kxan1bkel roof(-d", Stahle og et. Smedevasrk steck Pkis 816,000, 84,000 kon tant. Reste-n paa Äfhetnling til( 5 pc!t. Icøb nu! For nærmere 01)l)-s ning skrjv til Hans Andenken, Blufk P0i11t, X. Y. The Vietory Uberty Lean. Treuery Depmment Weshjnxtou seht-W 22, 1919. Rev. G. B. Ehkipitiansen7 l’1·es.« lfnittsd Danish By. Luth. Umkeh es in Aniekiee. Route No. 5, Auduhon, Iowa. le dear sit: Within a short time the Ums-» ernnient ot« the l«niti-d Statesl hegins the eampaign for the Fifth zwar Lein-. whieh very properly ihkis bei-n name-l the Victoky Isi berty Lean. The wonderkul and preis-· worthy eoopekation ot· national organizations (hoth eivie and ehurehi in the eampaizzn tot konnex- Liljerty Los-is, through direet stilsseriptions as Weil as through patriotie tappt-als to their stil)-lodges or ekfiliatcsd organizations and individual menihers, is sukkieient pro-if that our Goverument can sately expeet sueh organizations to show in the eumpaijzn for the next l«oan et leimt the same pa tkiotie ectivity and eooperation. However-, ginee the last (Pourth) Liberty Lean, eireumstenees have skisen which will demand inJ ekeased efforts end new methods.1 We wish to impkees you withl the very important teet that the Vietoky Liberty Loan MUST be e sueeess and that no sueeess een he ettained unless all the people ok the United States, ne tives es well es koreign hern, do ell they poeeihly een tausede that ehjeet. The Seel een not be reeehed it all the eitizens end residente ok this country do not ikeelize the neeessity that they Imusf make e Fupreme effort to felly ekeund the vietorious klug et our country, by generously subscribing to the been et Vie toky, demenetkstihg there-by thet they stand by theik country in pesee se well es in wer. The wen-bete et your organ isstiotksve are sure-In loyal end petrletiez et the seine time we helles-e thet they ere wen sie-ed to Ieok upon their erken- » liessen les-Iet- tot seid-ne- entl: M M muri-H to Wiss h lese w ti— BE sei-K » preparjng yourselk kok c Itksus uous aml active odmpaign umZug your memlxsks and ouois staktksdl not to lot up until zour organ« szation has take-n a fis-m sslaoe in the kanks of our patrjotiss bodigss of Ins-n and worum-. wltitslx appro -sla!t) this List-at sen-ZW- ouk vonst nxv lms runtlsskcscl the world in tlm sites-it war We ponfidoutly ksxptsist you t« ngtow this it;);sn«si;1tion lszs »Ums «i-ooxsesmtjon in the drin-. kot- The Yjsstory Lilksrty I«o:-m. liincllzs lest m lmves at tlko Forli-M oppor tunity im aizlcnsmslmlermont of this lottgsk nnd an ontlims of the-. speisjnl work your organization Ywill mal-davor to (lo among »von-· mssmlnsrs l·pon the n--«(-ipt, of« zsmns liststsr wo shall lit- ploasml to kraus-mit to »von further jnsl Htmistiong its to this details of« the (,·iimpni(,m. I You-« for tlm Violory lewrty I-oan. l Hans Ril» :( bis-f PoreiCsn Lang-nong Division l ! · Man-h 8, mig. lMsc disku· liess-J U.l3.(’l1rjstinnsen! The following letter-, issued byl lRev. Il. U. Stolz. Prositlssnt of thel Nation-il Luther-an (’0un(.-jl, is Golf-explanatory l Youk lusitrty kooporation jn the campaign for this Viotoky Liber .t·v Loan will be ltijzhly approeias tod. lctsspcscstkullzs Toter Frank R. lesmty Director of Publjcitx Au Appeal To The Luthmni Ihm-eh People ja Leg-arti to the« Mth Liberty Los-n ot «Victory Los-TO This ijth Liherty l«oan, or «Vi(,-t»r)· I«t)mI," is at hund. Our Gcwenuntsnt has arge-I the people ok our eountry to do theils best in order to reach the goal, us in all for-met- le)ert)· Los-m Osin Arn-online to eotmnunieations from Government offi(.«ials, we kimw that out- 1«utheran (’-hukeh las dom» its share in raising every tot-unst- Ljheth boun, and our Chukch uin not hold hsck when the eall kot- the Pikth Loan contes to its number-E As President ok the Natioiial Luther-n C()uneil, eonsisting of the lakge majority ok Luther-an Chureh h()(1ies, l ukjke all those who belong to the Nation-il Lu thekan Conneil to do what they ask-. Brei-F pastor and ever-) mismhcsk ok ever-s synod und con Lxegdtion should take part. The Ghvemment would not have is sued this eall it it were not ne eessar)-. But the gkeat reconstruei tjon work and the assistance needed by the people-H ok Europe, require that we do us much as imx psmsjhly can I II. G Stuh iPrex of the Nat. Luth. CounuiL Our Patriotio Osteon and Contauiow Nur (’ut(«chjsm. It read-s as kul— ll0w8:—— ; 1. Demoermxy is our mitiunal soul. 2. Justice is our national cscsns sssjenee. Il. Ljherty and right is »m- na tional characters-Ue and privjlisge 4.· Humanity is ourhnivisrsal .10)·kulness· 5. The stets and Stripos are out- old, old Gloky. Whyl Behau Se they symbolize Demokrat-L .Iustlce, Libekty, Right and Hu— mnnity and it is for these prin· ciples we Americsns are kighting in Lavot ok all mankinck . With such high and nohle ideals God can and will he with us and by Bis might and our soffs-klug W nk man-poss» and monezsspnwer m- shall win the war-. «(’(sn-iu:-r we must when mir nuon it is· just." l«et this im nur muri-« "ln Und XVe "l’ru»-t." Uni« l"««i".-sstnn· lt reian list kul lUWXI — l. W« luns »m- nreat nnd Umnd -«Iii.ti««".«. this hilfst-il Stab-H illi« k«--—t x«.-ci-iil--rfiil lind lilssssissl lkuiil in nur glsihe I. Wi- lssns uni· pinsstitntimL "j— s-»n—t!«n(-ti»n. ilsv (-·«nt(-:itx nnd Jss —Ii«i-Zt us equnlitzv tin-l frisc l l l Essi. ? :;· Wes luvss nur Max-. thi- Statt lau-i Apis-M lkersnniio it sinni spissss l.ilsei-t«v nnd llixxht uf indi «E—lnkili in wisll as tit« iiiitiong cis-»in knitl small. l WI- lnve mir inutt«): «ln s;.—--,l Wo ’l’mst." lsixspnnse trnxt Ei l-’»·l is- tlus only siilmtinn ni Isilivisiuiilss and nk mitinnxx l«et six im with (lo-,l, then Und will l:« with its-. ki. We luw »Ur einmle her-angi tlns «-liur(«h of flml is this foun Tiiin »t« life-. light. Inn-ice nnd hinllinsssq t» ein-h other. The phunsh of Und is- the medium »Meine-h which all lilessingzsicsnme unt» us like strenms nk livingi weiss-h- n«ith powssr of deilef re :»nei«.-iti»n nnd rohen-ing- in nur« visit-s- ol· Und and innnkind il. We lnve onr sehnle ins-( muss- our eonnnnn sphools and hiszh sehnan und uniwrsities are giremisiss nf a strnng nnd Stahle Demokrit-Je Tiliiisatiun nnd tkne l«hi·i«tikinit»v in ennneetinn are this rssnl found-stinkt of Demo pmcszC . 7. We lon- nnr heim-H hoc-enge »m- li()i-ies——sweet homes——ai«e thel fundamentnl coriiek-Stc)ne of hakt piness end jny and nnifientinn nf n trne soviel friendship and( ist-til Amerieanism lkpon e tknet Christian kamilydike depends our« future M e nation. R. We love our Ged, because Uml. our Trinne God. is nur ere atnr, redet-met- end senetifietr The Sonn-(- ftsom whom all Mess ings flog-, hoth Mem-dingte our soul and hody and of time end eternity. « Only love. true los-ex to our country, constitntion, flag. »mitt to, ein«-eh, Rehools, homes end to our Almighty and mekeikul Und. can malte us reel Ameri eeiis. not koree hut powek of lon- will nocomplish it. Love ok( l oms eonntry has already wronght that transformetion of liearti among our Danish Amor-icon eitizens. Glnry be to God for it! s Dev. C. s. Christian-ein Audnhom law-L President United Denish Evan «-geliee1 Luther-en Ghin-eh ’ spoojel Appetit l If thut kind of los-e fut- out ledopted country, The United lstetes ok North America, which goes through the eatechigm nnd contes-Sinn mentioned ehnve,.el— »so fills our heartsz then we will lhe ready to meet the request-I that come from our governinent, Hhoth When mun·power and money-now» is needed. « We Danish-Amekiean eitizens tun-e given evident-e of loyelty,J both by wokds and deeds, evekyl time out- govemment did sendl us e eall for help. Reel Amerieenism or tkue de movreey is our national soul. As pro-idem o! our United Dei-ich Luther-en Chor-eh ot Ame-ie- I arge ell out pro-eher evd membeks et our wagt-eke tions to do yhet they can tot the kifth Ipibekty Loen or »Vie toky Libekty licen« Bev. G. B. Ohristiensen. — Til ok in kr- New York sew York »F Ums »Ur-Denk vmss p. Ap S oo ,,osc.m 11" 24. Aka 9 o· . »Hm-Ue ouvss sam tktocljs litt-Ie. »IIZDZUIK Vll" A. Usj . III-Me- til Isvilkeusomhelst sutjov i U. s. es css Bin-tm in tac- sstl«. such-me Bill-tut Un, ot- Iuskss, tote-niere scAspllUVUs Ast-ichs plus. 117 I. Denken-, st» edle-so 1 stets-IV sur Yak. Iss sit-onst Aw- Ituupolls, sin. 544 Untat Bis-I cis-BE col. 702 Sei-nnd Anz» sum-, Wust-. Vi oyskcr Dei-es Ray-Ich « Des-for et set o- sluc stumm-sovi- st ists-· von VM M Dakota Ins-to Rom-ins as meet set ums-te lesen Dem set bedin, äu findet i Kandel-u It do like tuned- cs It von tun Ins-se Kunde-, is III-so tot Its« u, un De vu til-Ue os ei liess-. at Vl IAN ZTADEÆZTI HVAD Vl HAR GIVE sAs Sees-. T —«l l f Missionsnmde 2. til 6. April i Ilicthimia Kier Des Maja-est l Missi()nsm(iile i spm(s0r-lcal ils-It i Dagcsne 3.s—6. April karme til salz. Jeg hat-Tor Salg baads opbygs gede Kanne og Print-je «l«and· Hin-iso- Mel-am Box Bl, Uc- Cabe, Mont. le Hals-. " ; Jakob kanussens Furt-I i disk? ilunskp Spule-meist votl Kimnks (·010.. 400 Äonss tut-d alle »Zw 1)rm«(s111(-Ists" Bis-Z pok- A(-ns. For onst-men- 0plysning denn-nd edel-l til Anclrtsw -1en:-i(-n, 129 Penn: Dem-up (’»10. l l H Husholderske søges, ll«j««m i lkzsssIL l MINIHCLIIEIUVU i lilnitx N Ist-. l The llmhrown sfone An spie Poem by MXANDBR WZLOWL Prjoe 81.25. Danish Luth. Publ. Hause-, Mai-F Nebr H Luxus-N s nom- But-m El - vmk queri El anboknler sig med pkj zu tiI ragst Damm-. IF s- mair . - Nebraska eg kadfomijßsjsksxsßn UHRMAGZR s JUVILZK. l Ferse-ele- ovenly Icpustioaet « iqadetstter. I i l Z l I Room 402 Rose Bldg., Omshq seh-. OI«I(JSI«IN’S sTUDlO Butte, Nskm Pius-te kotogwkicr til mode-rate Print ! · kotoztsietivg nd kaut-ti- Lys Ins I l wirke Duka. ! ----.—-.—.... ! OOOOOOOOO I) . 30 K. O. n. MIMD O . DENTIST . . Room in Mayle Building O . Phone 76. .’ . . . O . . . . . .I THE sTME BMK U. s. VBPOZMOKY Anhalt-let- sig med alt heult made til Revision-etwas — Gocl Behandling og bestemto Prisetc C. A. ZCMDK PM MOS. IMKBLL Cuhlstz ZW, MZL Donom Do jin-Im- llm ollst Ungew, Zahl-Ew tlklsr, sat, lluo holt sat, Vul wkks sun- kukct, bot-Ist clst Its It kjhs tll W ok Wi W bot Ed. Matthiesen ZW, ms OROWBLL LWBBZ AND GBAIN OOUPM MWUOI vsWt h sok ss slls slsst Tit-met latis III k Mo W MÄRXEDSPRISEK. . Bleir, seht-J llwtltz pr. BusheL . . . 2.00 Mitjs . . . . ............ 1.56 Hin-re .. .. .. ........" .70 lcug .. .. ........ ZHZ........... Svim Tnp .............. 18.50 soutb dato-ba Sttulss,g»ml isnrnfisel 17.00—-17.50 Hmims Peche-Hi . . . .13.00-14.00 svjn . . . . ........ 18.50-——19.05 Chjosgot llvodc ................ nominsl lluvro wh. XII 3 . . .67——.68 III-US . . · . ........ 1.50—1.55 Icaktofltsr pr. sank . 1.50——1.70 Sfuiles.sklt()i(«p cornktsd 16.50——20.40 svin . . . . ........ 19.25—19·46 -·-VUX--t«-H-«)«--V--k"«æ-x3-11 XVI Dr. D. c. Peeblest bracht-up and 1c(«shtere(1 Veterinarian country osllis day or njght a specialjty U. s. Army Voterivarisn in 1918. Both l’hs)nes· BLAIR NEVR. «:-«-H-Hx-e—-næ-scxx55« . THIS BANKING HOUSB ; of A. CÄSTPJTTBR s Buhlen-d Hist loskommen-: sum ststsbtnk 1890 H Grundkapitsl 100,000.00. l 0scrskuel 25000111 Alt til Bankkorketaing hon 0 Muside udkøros. Beut-or betnles paa faste- ladet-nd But-etc indskutl i äsnne Bank » nikmt mutet ststoa Nebnslms Umsicgarcntilov. k. li. cis-Use, Ist-f coch Presidenh Lock-. Stil-ist« si zk J ; »F S-: äc Sk W . .-.....--. p-» VOPÆU 2700 Z. 22. s?., Tel. T. s. 61104. Kontos-Tel. N. W. Nicollct III T. s. 320((. DR. M. .I. JlslelclsL Dunslc Lipge og lctrug. Konto-: 303 Doosldsen stille 7tle Csele sx Nicollct Ave-sue bllNNchllUlJA - — - - UlNN. N. c. BRORSON DANSK ÄPOTZIZL Blatt-, Nebst-lo- - skriv pas Deutl ekter hvad De Anker-. . Julius Petersen, Danslk llardwarwkothinh » unbekalek sig mecl alt beuhøkends ZW, ABBE-. state-n Nebraskas Bank Garanti-l(’ond siktor on lxver lndsltyclek i on »state Bank« mod Tub. Detto Pond baskyttok hver Dollar ak Indsknch enhver Konto, onhvok Pordring at hvilltov som holst Akt pas on sac dan Bank. Elt- dot ikko wgtigo Grunde not til at ts Dom til at bonytts ou acad-tu Bsuk —- vor Bank. citizeus stät-Itali. Blairzs Nest-. JABD Iz. alt-son, Mc. s