M Weit pet« wart sto- cis Me ——l L ---. Lamms-l » han ikkcs lmj ak Vsiskst - fix ai fna en kigtig lang sam mlci um lVispmti(lsinl8igt(sisncs. lslan Viltle1 da san inilwlizx Hist-no have Lov til sit komme iml pnxi MislT lssmskulcsn im for sit imshesnsclss Qig fil Reniinnrisst Krmwile vi, at lmn gosmismgik on Opmiiiliun Tisi· Hi list-heilte Ali-mitten liclt Ins nd. kein iililis liiin unrlcsrkinfo Fig -l--«. list-Ek.l(li«.s inwi- wissin Nil-L jtsg l«--I’1iill« limit. iil tlssl wi· niin Plixxt ist Jst-ins lil »Hian slusxvsn«. »Z- iil ils-i iiplnp mi- i Uns-n »in-.- sluililis lil alt-i; tin-n tlol nu· ji) giili inml Familimis Il·-l hist-ils llixlisriih niz olM niiiiillcs »Es-L sixxsziii Qlcrivssp (lt«i Ylilsits hiin nslc. nwi um its-: (li1 ihlip ssihhs hiixlikh sit li;III x«il(l(- sit-Hi- iilt in«l piiit sit fu«-i ist ii·"»«i lllinl inil i iltsii Hist-»Hm liiin Wr c-! irmsnilis Messi iit·«l(t,s cis- lmil Yililp vtiglo sig kni illlss tlts lsilxxxnssislvslc IlN· (D"il»l:l-;x-» , - . i Hist- lxiuislicsrnp »g- sliippisis sit-il si;iis·l«sxsiis-n. sit-i unge- JltsiiiipslwW i Nin-Wiss lhhlisis sisis ils-n for-i di« Hinlllsb « llnn si« lcuinnnsii lil iil H» li«-lii livlig ug isinlc uol i ils-i siilglpl Piu« Amt Its-z Wil. ils-i« csis Hi lli-l silu ist hiler »g- (lnj,x vililo ji«-J gprno l»-(l(- esn VHL sslltsis Hi Ska i--- al« Ymiiissi·: vil I ikke noli hjælpe ham til at studiert-? sin liismziH ji«-.- (-i« hist-. skiil jpg nnk mitzin unsi- hiinss llsslhrcsslztih manch sim gmlt im han« sog for Eksempel hin-o han« grunilig nn (l(.»rs«csgt, on Gan-.- um Aal-et ng ins-i han« ml i Fisilnitsiirhizjde um dssk sknlilis vinso niinilsie Ein-e paid Paris-le Don Spi-(·ikili.s;t. ilesr im hin- hilft hin-i mich-i- lieh-uml ling i to Aas-, sixxokx at shsr or iiigksn Panz sit liiin (-i- sliisrk nok til at Lohns-nimm Akt-hat« Dei han« sit-rot mixz uinnliixt iif fiiii skhsrsst for. Vil l ikkts nulc mgc clist uml» Onskvesjolse strakg, . og er der Hugo-h ilisis hat« Mml nok »z: Kissislighml nuk og Tko link ok- (le»i·iil litlt I’·-ii;.-(-, skriv san til mixx sim hurtig sum muligh km- nt vi knmle fim (l(-t ordnet til April Jog sen-der clcsttis lkksev til Pu stor Nielssen for Genuemhtssning og Mkenclelse. Ilion ondnu Hin« skok jeg at Sige kun dorte: .Jk-g tror ikke, at Davon er stokt støkä re kot- Olmohsi end kot- enhvor anden uug Mund i hang Miit-H selvkcilsgelig, vi skul nok Apis-k sgo bit-get godt til Romis luden Hosen engentlig lkeslustning txt-« »ges. - Mocl hjemslige Uilsenok og ind irekt-gestickte Bøn om hurtig III-nd ljng « Bders eigen llilsckciiling, I. M. T. XVintheiy Kicmsam0w, Japan. o—0 ZMØVIR VI IT sNCsLsK WKIZLAU Det or sit-tilgt Post-or I. M. Wanst-us Artikel angauende det te Einho, clcscs frisior til Gemme lh tshi klar og overhevisendo som file-n (,si-, er ilen flog- jkkc (letsi(1 ste 0r(l pag clet 0mraacle. Ifølge hnnsi og aclskilliske nn dres Meming skulilts vi ikke he hjivc et engclsk IcirkehlmL Der Imn maasko nok viere-, skulde de ws synspmikwer hakt-e vor Frem .tiel; mon riet kommer de vist nwppe til. Thi vi et- naaet etTids pimkt i vor Uilviikling, hvor Pisa-· sterne« iksko hehitver sat drive sport mecl Problems —- 0psejlin get-, — der besät-get Honig-he iter-ne Selv —, og chmd vi sum nicht-I til-le smre Krmkster jnd pas et- et kølge mod, at svä ikke gam pan Akta-gst, mode-us andre hol der Uns i vort- SM At vi ikske akulde bobøvo et angelle Kikkehlad i et sinds-und, ilwor man rask var-it undervisek Bist-neue i de aller fleste Mooigs badet- piui Engels-h konkirmerer pap- Bcisgelsk, pripdiker pas En Oolslg kiver Indklydelso pas mindst ligwus munge Menaesker Adonsor com instit-Ufer Menighe demse, kwok svoke Opgasvok er vcd St vokse on over Umson se, dot hegt-Eber jog iklce. Man kunsjskske bediimme »Frau ·kou dertil nd tm onlile ist-ers anägwdetz ilwor man bar kun txck holde sommorslwsle ok under svist i daz Qual-o spxoc. Jos or Hat den For-moving, at søk svii l i i s KIND-; —- os do sk i dot oval-— ’ " . - » Æ—s yisjende Flor-feil —-, livor Ameri kaniscsringon m- i knld Gang nkx link vnsrth ilpt i zulslcilligo Ank. (ln sejlisk Yi snnrl i »lk1·nlckanon" mod vie fleste af vure Oxigawtr l)(-i- N- ssn Tondian l vurp Alt-sule llnqlptx limi· jcsxx H- kssnle lil ist ins-Use- anrp Jlnsnsl in(l i ROHR reslwtk lnillipl ihm-. nt (l(- er Tini-Inn chin Ist-I Sinnlnncl Vll snxlrl l«««s.-«x«n(l(- itl sss l«z·s(-l »g san! Jan-z misnssr il(l(«-. nl wiss- Juni is» Mit-nd rilial til Eil ..r·-n«l(-" Sei-ni·1ttsil—111-1-lilnoriest; tlii ·("l(sl x·il(l() vth ilclcn Ist-nd ltoleligh nnsn ·EI-:.s nimmt-. nt Titlpn H- lmnnns-n. iln Innn nnd-s lil in lyllis usw«-i nnd-(- lll llwlnis tnl Its Nin-infi (l(«n. Yi klinlilks Wim- nnsd nl l:t-n !-:x- jskin Frosnilnlcn indtil Vol-( l(-n-l«sl.s.-lmrlpr viskwT ncl. Jn. (l(1f ijisnlcs miin i l«’«in-upn. inklfil Haj iisnsnss vnlomilsk Inl. ng diskpnn lccnn Slcisnlilssi. Nu. nnsn nuan vi lustlsns visi lLirlip um pl »n:x«sl«l( lälxnl til nt lijnslpcs m i vufl Ärlnsjclm sit-i -—lc«-1· (l«-t. furdi vi link TM lil l’n;.-«linnn-(-n. Vi lnns ssst Linn i slosnss anix Vi lnn- ipt llnngesistsn »R» l"(llt««x»l( Hm ·l(-t Bin-»L, ds fntsstnins l«-(lst km del-es Bin-n (lis1nsk-l(0ch. not-up furili der-N Fur nsldrn lnns Hin-of knissiinmnsligpl i nt let-n- (li-tn Hansle -l(-;x lntslcon (sn·lnn. lwur Inims l«’»1-nslslrp iniinl änisn(luin.—ticl lmsmlck i .«.Vo.j-l lolmnstm«n(1.«’ Jlnn iklas vor Uns-i (l07n i vor ’I«i(l ijrnsnxxtsr like-Saal ins-got til l"(ltr)"l( for, hvntl (ls-r leis-is i dism - - cher Punkt-r ng ’l’r-i-n;xslisr. km dort-s sinnticlige, sinnt miss- Furnslclm gjmscle dist. .l)pt furolcinnnnsr mig sogssaih at l’1·n-sts-r. smn iklcss mag-»Ur Lan disls Stil-»H- sna g0dt, som do link (l(s, knndss ges-se »Und Ist-up- ak et pnzxelsk Kirlcelpliul .ln· vi lposlniwr et sandant Blad og lntr ti-;s«ngt til ils-i lnsniga Men Spnrgsmnalet bin-oh imn vi kan mag-M- det Og dort er jo smrligt cllsnmk at Paslor l. M. Ilsansen nillinler sig san klar-t. , Vi knn nmgtc det kinnncielH naar sfmsst vi lpliver rigtig klarti ovser Presse-is Bety(lning. Vor-l lflykke kot- Tiden er vden, at- vo-l re Opgmser sit-at ikkc Rod i deni sitt-gr, der » vol-set op pas A-I met-Hm with-ich tot-di vi hak! iklce sorgt-met viol- Pkessos Betyckl ning. Pot- mangc Aar siden, hat jozz ladet mig fort-Elle ak mine Menixxsbmiskolk, war der for meT igen »t;ilperagtig" Debat i Dan skeren, hvibket de blev læde ak og sngde Bladcst Op. Jeg er ak den Maning, nt Danskertsns nn vusrssnkde Rodelotør Inm- rigtiig fnt paa vor Kirkepresses Opgavm man lnm law ikke ene skabe Bla (l(«t; lnm maa ihm-o Iljmlp km dcsn Kirlccsv lmn arbejder kor, og den Iljnslp nmn bei-ims- i Dkøktolse ak vom kirkolsige Anliiggenddn samt i lldtrylc ak vort incer Aandgliv, paia en uporsonlig og sagsg Maa de. . Sau Finart vi rigtig blivser kla re over, lnsilken vælilig Mast Presse-n pr. da skal det- nok lilive arbejdet for Tore Blndes Uti -b1-pdelse. og da gkal der nol( bli W Midlek til et kornsnftiixt Pore stagend0. Du vil Porlsagslmsets dy re Kinskinek oig Arbejdskkakt kørst sog fromme-sit blive aflienyt stet til Gnds Rigs 0x)ly-ggelse ililandt os, ak hvilkcn Grund sam knnsdoit 4vel noli betalte del-s Gæld Der imaa dvivos Mission i vo re Mensche-der osg 11denk0r. Vi mai-ne jo viere blinde spasa beg ge Øjne, oom vi ikke Runde So, at dest «l)ol1øves. Menge ak vol-o Menighoder or korrevne og Mon ger til Missionsaand og sind. 09 det skeder vist heller ikloo, om ivi Wnder at spekulere en sma le pas-, Ilwasd Aar-sagen er til, at vi liar sasa rings lud-gnug iblandt vort Polk Fin Ting man sigos4 act-tei- og txt-ter, indtil den Mike-s, nemlig: Pordi Wisse Zum-le Pras ster og Meaiglhsdskollc, kam-e og wilde-, vom do or, er Wirt trmt i sliivskampem akuldo Uns-dom knen da ikske have l-ov og bej 1iipliod til at vove on Dyst pas lziwts Vaiplwds paa en Man-de og med acad-an skyts, som den nu meiner, det- maa tilf’ Aa, hvojs eher vi dog ikke i mango Aar øst nd at vor-r til andre Ich-kein Vor-o Falk Her ble wn alct bot dystiss risl at Wo ) .’· H fromme-de Grksssganga Kosten et blcsven afbenyttest mod Plid haa dsk over-for work Folk og vore Pisa-stot- (Il(smm cin Enden Gang). Et RkntsspiL smm def. der er Moan opfcsrt mml III-C Ixittle I«1tt"ltm·an« sor nagst betamksligt nd. Men jcsg trat-. at den Blags sin fua den Sau-Ins- ModtågelsG lau-m de tykikss Hakntms FAM fussmksse fik. —-— (1(-t ..nngo Ame-— i -jl(a ’ (1(-nmnstt«s-rm·. lYursf-aa«-"k,jeg Nntidsaandm r(-t, vil den ikke ;i·o»j(- u«(.1, mm Snmlo msssl al Kraft, hvaid der et- WPL pxm hegge «sI)t-oxx, Rom bodst xi kan ! Dot Hu san ilrst Ins-get svigth ge Rcsilnkt(-ir Sp(ir»ss11aal, dek! stam- III-M Dagsmilpnpn Jog skal ikkss gis-m mpgot (1(-1»m. da jeg H- bang-(- f()r. at der m- bleven spnkksst for met-et Dim. hvem der kan Engoli.81( n» hnsm dor- kan l)-1nck. stil pn sniiilnn Grad, at wrt Fulk vil sum-f so Apis-Zel sets vtsd Mile kl)a,(z. Dsst Mystng miml Mist-s 1101c. mmr hat-e den -i-Mcp » km- mpgtsn Tpndrsns til stah- fjl at gctms Its-vest-siigelixxp ijrgn nk smim Mnldviusxmskucl l)(-t unm- ilanskp Anmrika vjl sum-f mag-no njk Oig imar det« Mmt gis-i- den nvcskmskende Op (.Iagol.so, at. sdot knap er san km ugtigsh som der m« blown kor t-a1t, da skal der nolc tilklyde et ekngplsk Kikkeblnd Linsestnt llvml midvendige sprogrettelser ansagt-. kinder vi nok paä Rdad läge saa vol som andre For-lags base. Der unge dansko Amerika vil stsre Al(1(-r(1rm1men, bvillcet det link bmsist vesd at die san.k;int stille paa vom Aarsmødey san lwnge Aslderdommen ærek sjg seh-. Men nasar Alidevdommen Mrsst begynder at spat-Im til sitt oget Askonk soc-, da man den kin de Sig ä, at der bliver sparket igen. P. C. Paulserh n—0 TIIB swsvlcpqllssklodc ONCE MOZIT By Prok. P. s. Vis, Blair, NebXO ln thsoso oventkul tim(-8. when h-ist-or«y is nmlcinsg from day to day at sa paoe almost too thielc for anybody rto follow, —whon sit would seem that materiallsm sitt sleast sin i-tssnn·ljstx1r·v form. has got-ten n (leath-l)low, —- and when the eyes of tho world are turncsd in hope to the oongress ol« re presentattves of nations now in gis-Mian in Paris, I(’ranoe, it is but Imturol that the tshouixhts ok all sennilhmvjmis oentor about the slosvligcksnesstiotk for sslosvig is un sontpost townrtls the Las-t, ansl hsoth hin-e for n tinmv lasen sah mevgod hy their mighty world power 110iighler Slcsvig. or sont-h Jntliunh as· its old name ·i«, —l)y Prussinnjzul Germaan und Pisnlmul hy slin·je-«l’sartiI1-io Muse-la Aml th(- jntention oktfth great suhmorjxcsrs were- most ver-« tiiinl»v,—«as all tho world now! lmows——thusl the-so outposts wen-« only the first 1n()1tit-lll«uls, below-« this rest wisro swallowml l Pho oumosts just mentionml wire the first to learn hy ex-· Just-jeter what it means thut might is right, but they were sil so the first to onst-r thejr pro tost against thust Mit-hohe (loo »Um while the rest. ot· the world Meine-d to he -us-leep, to walce up only when tshe same fate stored it »in the keck-, end the «Mi(l HAVE-D worin« was about to ehoke the whole world in its slimy embnwo Aml it seems re nnt-kahle, to me at losst, that wshen old Burope hail oome to the end ok ther rosourees,——kor such was really the fett-it was lsluropean emigrants and theil (lesoon(lents from tshe now world from heyontl the see thut stop pocl in aml sit-void the day, und Hin-Al, the world, as wo kondly hope, for a better day! Yes-, Almorica was the yotmg «Ut"l"e« who suddeuly stoocl up and lellod sthe German gjant ouoo more. » We have hear-il it seid, time «) Porksatiteren ak folge-le Art-. sigmy at Tau-lieu var at kau dens·puhliserot i et mnerikatusk Msagasiw Mem ido Tickcm er for langt kremskmäeu dort-il, sah sen der hats den tisl »Dan-koren.« Red ansl again. from thi- other sitle sit« the ist-enn. sthat tshe eniigxration ti) Ännsriea was a los-z a. fearfnl li-« to l·J1n·«pe. ancl it might hy all tneaiH tu he gtuppetl It iq to l«- hupml that lcnrope hy this tin-» has tunncl unt that what lloplci likis a los-s may in finis lturn unt tu he a Hain, alnl at EIN-Eil »n« klt tltill’. anninkz now to slcssyizz it Wmihl got-in t» me, that the lissntss are entirely too motlest in theils islainn in regartl to this olsl part »t« their eonntry, ancl a part that shag «playo(l so im portant is role in the history ot« this people as- a whnlsh They ask fut- a pleshiscsite of thi- popula— ils-« nim- in Riewigx atnl sleelnre thismselwss trittng to ahicle hy the resnlt ot« Hin-it. That- nteanHu ak·s--r Ihrs Pritsgian governinent ihn-Zug II years of poåsossion hasv Clonss all in its pomsr to drin- the Hans-» unt ot« their entnitry for ssxknnple ahont JCWUO yonnxx In« nnsl woinen to the l"· Äs ansl impssrt anil (l-«ne»«ti(«at«- tier ns«tn—i. is-«p(-««ially in the tun-us link the Dank-s out in the country itlistripth anil import Germans in their pla(«.(-,—forcecl the peo ple to sen-d their ehiltlren to Ger man siehools and korhistltling them to ·--tahlish private sehe()18, vhold l)ani-.-h itiiststiiigs, sing Danisll sont-Ist pnhlish Danish new-Spa -pers (-t(«· aus«-the Danes are willing to abide hy tshe results of a plehiseite ot· a population that Print-la has tlone all in its -a11t-«·1·atie power to Gernnniize, anil therehy really sanetion the dotstrine that’ might is right! ln other worcls: if you use might long enongh and strong enongh, it l«-eo1nes right! Mutlesty tnay he a virtne, hnt streng-heil «too far it would seem to he tihe opposite Daninh mod esty has beeome a hysword »the world over, «but even that ean go too far, and insstead of satis fysingz the enemy it will only sen-e to eneonrakge him to press shsis elaims in the future. A few sgrains ok selk asgertion would Ase-m to he in place here. Whait W Vanish iin 1864, let that he eome Danish nsow, and let the, importecl German population de eiJe whetiher it will remain nn 4lek Dann-h rnsle or igo somewshere (-lse. sneh would seem to he the only kair aolution of the qnesition lk a« nation does not sagt-seist its right, nohody else will ido it Wthy are the Freneh people aihsolnitely opposed to a plehis eite in .-Xlsaee-l-orraine? Of that they lud-e long ugo informed the world, as we all lcn-ow. lzeeause it Wsoulck he nntair after nearly 50 years oleerinan propaganda in the-se old Frone-h 1)r()yineeg,— eertainly not more highhantled tihan that »in l)-anis-h sie-wißt Änd Hlesvig is a far· ol(ler Danish muntry than Alsoeeborraiue is French Or can it he that he mmse Deninarlc is only a small tsounctry. while Franc-e is large, that What is right in reget-d to .stlsaee-I«orraine, is wrong in re gnrcl to slesvigt Thea, eertainly, might must he right, any-how. The great question here is real ly this: Gan the worlil effortl to saiisetiion that (.loetrine, even if the Danes are modest enongh to ahisde shy it as kar as slesvig is gener-malt But is slesvi-g, then, a Dan ish sonntrsyt By «Slesng« we here mean the ountry between the «Ic«ing’s River"——the present artikiesial hobdek between Den smark and Germany san-d the By der. Going through that country from North to Sontsh, and from Hast sto West, we find that all tihe name-s of towns and loealjs ties are ok Daniah -(lerivation, al though the Gernisans, since 1864, have done all in thle power to GermianiZe them, qui-te often in .very Yidieuilous smanner. Only in the extreme Muth-weist we Sind Frisian naives. But Dan ish nwmes indicate that the emin try originallyshad se Danissh popu lation, and as kar as we can traee sthe history ok that coun· try hack, it testifies to that fact. —Asntiqni.ties, Hing out ok the gwanä, and rnnie sit-ones, of which riet a few have remain eck still this —(lay,—-1n«ost ock them » c hin-e been taken to Berlin, l understand-——testil")" that the lan xxnage used in Ri)ntl1—RleSx-ig, was l)nnish, and Dnnissh only. The old divisiuu ok the eoniH tr«xf in regnrd to knlministrntlon is Danile We lind Hein in well n-« the regt ol· Jntliuuh kli« Yided int»««R«v.s«-(sls«", nnd the st el into "llerr·-ils«"— or ««sllnnd«ils" its they wer-« nam ed in this olil lhinissh distriets in lEntslnnd Ue find lso that this eourts of justiie in aslssrie as in l)(-n— mark. were the «"I’hin»s.sss«’, also well lcnown in Dunish England ng ewer well r« nd lnw·n-r litten-s. Xnd appealsf iom the ·«l’hings" in Rlexxigs wie lahm-. not to Horn-in ein«-M liut to tshe Dan .i—h «l«itnds»thing«’ in Yilnsi-;.-". Nin-tl1-Juiland. lst l"ln(l. furtlnsrnnnse, thut thi- olilest lcnown laws of Klos Vifx were l)nni.—ih. c-. gi. «The Jul lnnd l.nw·«« of andemar th» s2nd i«l·.’—ll»i ist«-hielt wiH in fort-e tilli sist usidel w the Prnssssinn gut-Un « nnsnt alt er 1864. The old eit)-el1i11stcs1ss of Slessp vigs ins- Danissh such as «"he l lpnsklsokis ( hat-tei« ol· 1284, nnd thut- ot linderle ot· 1292 nnd oit Anlmnrnn, ist-Zo. Althongh the last mentioned is in Latin, it eontains «Iniin·v lhinigh icli0nR. for wlii(-l1«no Latin equivalent uonlsd he found. Md sueh sslinrpses ok the an eient histotv of the eonntrz that haie eome doun to us- all testikz that Slesvig nas Danish up to the Erden The renowned Danish historian of the middle ages, saxo Gram -matiens, has present-ed several old tales ahout wars hetween the Danes and ("iermans, and all of these te—stif·v, that the Byder is the old horder hetween these two peoples. Prom the 9tlh Ohnisstian een tury we have a tezstimony to tshe same efkeet from the great Ang losssaxson hing-, Aslfved the Great (l). 901)· In his gesograpehy he satys about the harhor ot· Rede -hy on the Slie (-now the eity of siesvig): «It «lies between the Wen-ds, saxons and Auge-I and shelongs to the Danes." Adam of lBremen (11th eentury) says in shis diseriptjon ok Denm-ark: «’1’.he Jntlanders live all the way, from the Byder 11iorth.« And Adam might to know, tfor he was a eanon of the are(h-dioeese of Bremen, and Denmarlc was un scler the areh-hishop ok Bremen till 1104. And in this way we might keep on hringing up Mr ticsyes, hnt it is not n«eeessary. The history ok slessvig from 125 0 till about 1840 js, more or less one eontinuous history of negligenee and niisrnle ot· this old, not to say oldesst part of l)enmarlc, from the side of the Danish government, as far as the lhusish language and Danish institutioin ure eoneernetL the country heing dividesd and sub divided hetween the Uanish Rings, the dulces of Slesvig-Ilol stein, nnd I don·.t know what not s—eaeh landlord introdnes link; whnt lansgtiage he pleased in ehureh and seihosols, without asking shis people or Sulijeets, so it is more than wonderkul that- any remnant ok Dianish lan guage and Danish nationalisty was left in tshe people. But in spite ok all divisions, all high shanided misrn-le, the plueslky Jot 1andsers stuek to their native soil and their home language, learn .ing how-German enough to gest alonsg and understand their lords and superior-s, waiting for bet ter times to oome. Wie hist-erz- of slesvig sinee 1864 under a fsoreign government that shad no right whatever to this integral part ot« De11111ark, not as much as to eover the tip ok a monkey’s t«ail, either moral, pol-itieal, eivilizatisonanJmt the right ok eonqnest and koree only, —the hinterh- of slessvsig in those 55 years are too. well known to need repetition shesre Only this: the SonthiJntlanders have kougsht tiheir battle for shsome, languaige and right against tearknl odds, and in a quiet, insostensive way, but hold thteir Freund in spito sok all and even made hoadway, ,»— ps so that they nevek desspaired ok final victoryJ and have kprovel to the world that right is might and that kight against langusags and home hy foikee is-« hsopeless because it is figiht against Ina ture. But l)(1nn1aisk» did not take part in the woisldwai-,——I Des-r wisiisslnnly sith The siniple answer t-) this is-. that Denininslc koiight alone against the world-t«vrant when the regt okk tihcs world was sound asleesp, and torgot their solt-mit phsdkxes to Denmakk when the day of trial csame,—let Prnssia take thr- Iciel harbotzI and theisiish«v take the first stop in its prepamtion for worlä supponiimzz In other wards, the world-win- whose end we now have sepn c«t)n1menc«e·.i in sie vig after the 15th of November MAX when hing Predericlc the 7ih of· Dksnmark died, and ended the llth of November 1918,-——55 years after. Ali-d ik France ans England had stepped in in 18649 and kndeemed theils solemn pledgs m l)e,«nmin·.l(, it would Seem that so much prooions blood of the world could ihave heen savecL But, certaian tshe kate ok the world would seem to have bee so elesely conneotesd with the fate of little slesavig—-«those few square n1iles« as Glasdstone used to sa3s,-—t-hat. it is to be hioped that the representatives soik the present world oongress fior peace will take Such mea sures in reger-d to that- Soandis navian outpost against Gernan that a new and wol-se world war shall not spring from Gep— many hsaving possessionok bot-I sidses of tdhe Kiel Canal for the sake of which Prussia, led bz Bismarok, hrought about- its ty rannioal war against Denmark isn 1863——64. The world would Seem -t-o have paid demsle enough for allowing the diabolio des t,1-ine, that might is right, pro «vail for those 55 years. 0—o——-— LIDT ÄP EVBBP - Bn ak mre ældke Proz-Stet skrev korleden Dag stjl misg blamk anden kølgende . . . »Man — by tihe way —- visl du sastoter i Ant fokud For Aarsmødsect stille Fos sslag Om, at Nort- Samkund viol sgor esn Kiomite til at forth-Indi med en dick-to fra Den den-Ork Kirke opm mulig sammenslutninx Jeg er inde for-, at mi skal tagt -(len Rasg kat. paa den enesste Mas -(lse. tim- er Klening j, eller ogsss »li-(-lt lsasde den falsle Tlii .de·t, des lile «ve(lst-nget i Pjoty forsliaar ow tiscsnt saa mieget som at rasle ·l’ung()n nd af Vimlusot.« « Mit svar Ima ovcsnstaaemjle Sjnsrgsmaal Or (st rient Ncsjl Les stiller inrtet Forslng i san Hen sCsenth i Aar. Tlii kut- (let knis sto staar mit Forsng vel veck Klingt en(1nn, ug for det andet ivil jeg overlasde sagen til dem, .!(-1- unrlnis sichs-te Aarsnnnle uCl vistss sksa stor Nidkmrlied i cles l·’:i1-ltiin-(lling. Icnn ztnskek jeg, disk man ske i nahe-It Mmir. l)e-t:(s vjl vi ncsise lmclst tjmtt smes i l.i1-ng(len. Bn Dryinm I DHg kmn (l(11- til Inig ed Jlinnl mod spzirgsmanleh .,I«lvok ins-got hat« Pastor i liønt" Da jeg lisavsde sagst ha1n, livzll jtsg vjtlste desm1gaaen·(le, fort-Il tcs lmn føligsende: ,,.Ieg idrømitt i«Nat. at jeg »Wir i Byen . ·l(sg gik fra statisonen ned ad Un(l(-1sne, lwor der var plsanwk Tut-ei- nen begge sicler. Endelis kmn jisg til et Ilns med on diej lig Hum- Vieid lndsgsangesn stos« l’I-:1--sten. som jog shilsitie paa. Ha hmt Inig ind, og i Kyilclcenet hil stts sz Iyua Ernen. Pisa-sichme ne lnnl mig stil l?0v(1s. Bordest Var gmnlct disslckset mecl Dug og Ta l:1s1-lc(-11(-1«, men spaa liver Tal-kr lmn lim en Sodclel med en Paa sliritt vom jeg dank-läg kunO lass-ex Inen endelsig fand-c jog us, sit dei- stoscl skkevct: .,1-Ivem, smt wil spisn tier, miau sei-v bringe Jlii(le-n." Iler er nn NO, Sok l)·- knn sen-do hsatn at« Herren l’r0(:entor; tlii han man visselig uns-nasse til dem, sidcn Herre paa sclcsnne Maade twgesr gis II sit-ins sag-« f Pengene bar jeg allons-do sk gsensclst i Dog. J. J. Kislsäsiz