Danskeren. (Neenah, Wis.) 1892-1920, January 29, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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    »VAN8KERZN. ’ ’
Onsdiig den Lil. Januar-. 1919.
Bis af wir lkys giiuiliu agtvius
dige Burgen-, Freid H. Mundlo
sen. lilev stellt til Hvile pas-i Kir-«
kegaarden hei- i Ein-dass Den
aktlude wir fmlt ji«-in Als. son
derjxilaini. LI. Miit-IS ils-H. l
1869 kuui liiin til Amerika, nieste
Aar til Blai1-. Her begxndte han
Icalimandsfisrretning (General
Moreliandidej samtnen med en
Mr. Lugan. l 1880 trak Mr. Lo
gan sigx tilliage, og chr. Bis-Unle
sen triiudte i lians Sted, saa For
retnjngen siden drei-es under
Naan Jliittliiesen Brus. sit-Eile
des drews Purretningen til i
Halvleinserne Da opgav Bud
drene lTurretiiingeih Fred Mat
thiesesns san Bdward begyndte
Hekreleviperingskorretning, og
Faden-n Sammen med andre be
gyndte Bankkorretning. I klere
Aar bar den akdpde været sw
gelig og messt opholdt sig i Los
Angeleg, ca1., hvor lian dpde den
20. -lini. sonnen var rejst der
ud for at se sin Paderpaa Optis
lejet. og iian ist-irre saa Faderens
Lig med sig hjem, hvor det saa
Fredakx den 24. ds. blev kørt lige
til Graveu, hvor Episkopalpræ
sten Rev. Marsli udkørte Begra
velscswcermonien ekter sin Kirkes
slmnt Fred Matthiesen kundi
tale Dank-ic, regnedes han, og
regnede sig seh-, for tysk Han
ekterlader Hustru, en søn og tre
Dorne-Eli Broder til hem, M.
Matthiesem døde her for nogle
Aar siden. Chris Matthiesen le
ver endniL
I. Ä. Im
Exelusive Undettalcdw Lady
Atti-might Auto Heu-sc. Both
— Pastnr Bertelsckik Noah-«
aklagde 08 Besog i claim »g Past.
L. Jensen km Ruskin var ogsaa
her i Byen, nien vi gil( glip ak
den Poriijijelse at hilse paa nam.
—- «J. B. canpbell.—l«’urtn«tnre
snd knicken-hing- successor tc
B. c. Pier-ca »
—- Den svensk·lutlierske Priest,
Bev E. Eil-Hund« km Omaha vil
tale paa Dann (.’nllege Fried-is
Akten Il. s. Zum-: ,,’l’he pr0-’
bleins conkronting the Luther-an
Chor-eh ot« tin-day Adgangen kri,
alle velkom11e.
Tabitliamode Onsdag Akten d.
29. Jan. lms P. C. skikensens.
Sondag d. 2. Febr. Sizii-lags
skole Kl· END-, Gudstjeneste Kl.
10:30 og engelslc Gudstjeneste
Kl. 7:-«30.
Kvindetnude d. 6. Febr. hos
Isldsopsigsliut Paa Grund ak.
en mulig Adskillelse ak de to»
Menighedisr j seltna og Dei Rey,
Cal., saa der i siedet for eet
Pastorat vil blive to Selvstien
dige Priestekald, bar Pastor
Karl M. Bangen opsagt ein Ger
ning som Priest kor disse to
Embestyrerituie Wes
Bn proper dere Pige eller
Enke kan Las en ged, Zeiss-sten
djg Pluds Dom Embesatyrerjnde
pas en Darm i Nebraska. Knni
to at koge tor. Kan godt have
et Bat-n hos sitz. Billet miet
Let J. J. End-es til ,,Dangkeken"o(
Arn W Its-W.
Tidljgere trittst-et tot 8187J
Min- Pslls, Ia» »J. P. Bengel-«
CZ, Usrmoth Hausen 82, Ken
mte, N. D. Trin. Ugh. Kvt sä,
Umkin Nein-» »J. P. Westh og
« Instru- 85, Zustän, Naht-» Aug
Ius Werth -82, Meine, Wis» -c.
«, D.« W Os, Daseins-, Wis» O.
M. BL. Dane Vaner Mont.. Eben
Ezer Mglrs III-k. sm. blinden.
Not-U en timevnt Höll Tllsank
meu P27;3. E
Hjertelig Teils til alle (Jliveme.
P. S. fix-.
i den danslce Kirke i Aucluhon
By km den 4. til clen SI. Pelpmutx
state ot Nebraska
IDepMment of Realtlx chohx
The state Department of
llealth hold its reeent winket-—
enee to deeide 1)1-iiieipallz- two
Pirst: Ave the various coun
tie;, eities aml villages safti
eiently organized to reader ekkie
ient alt-l to their health (lepart
ment in pntting clown this epid
Seen-Kl: In the event that the
state Depaktment ok Heulth were
to declare Influenz-i an abso
lutelzk quarantinahle disease.
would the (-ounties, eitles and
villages see that the quamntine
was promptly enkoreecl ancl
vStrietly maintainedt
The first proposition was un
ahimously mtswerecl in the ak
kirmative, the second almost So,
hy representatives from almost
every eounty in the state. The
State Department of Health has
uceordiagl)- made this an absolu
tel)- quarantinahle disease and
it is expeetecl that the eounties,
eities and villages in whose jur
isdietion enges oeemy will see
that the kegnlations are ohexed
and violations promptl)- proge
Nebraska state Depart-mem
ot lleslth
During the wuc- kire formeri
Das-a stmlents (lie(l in armx
Jerviee either on the hattle fieltl
ot· France or in armx einujnx
At Darm a memoriul program
was preparecl Five hlue stars
will he replaeed hy gold.
This program was to have
been rendered Sunday after
tioou, January 26. This, how
ever. was hindert-il hy Spanish
ltit·lueciza. Again we have- ei few
pages-. At present all the patieuts
are improving Poless we get
more eases we hope to he all over
it soons The program will he
reinlered at some later date.
Nearly two wes-los agi-, Frell
H. bund, the past four years a
Deine student, spent several
days with its. lie hatl just re
eeivecl hie discharkze from army
servieec He hed eneouraging
things t» tell about the work
ikarried out hy Luther-in Bro
therhood at Camp Doclge where
he wes stationecl. Mr. bund i
now taking up work at the Uni
versity ok Nebraska preparutory
to theologzc
Martin h. Kirkegaerd, teaeher
of our eommereiel depsrtmetit,
returued sundey krom u trip to
l«in(·olu. At the University ok
.’ehr88ka he took hin last est-mi
tiation before he reeeives the
Ä. B. degree from that ins-titu
Marias sørensen is buek from
over-Sees sen-ice- Pirst he serv-ed
on the Mexiesn traut-leis, later
ou in France-. Mr. serenseu is
the first oL our over-eng boys
to visit Den-.
Our young men who are retur
ning from array serviee have
sbown that they are inferior to
vone. The Same, we believe, hold
true for Darm College students
in gener-L The young men st«
this institution are preparing
kor a like work. Many are pha
nlng on taking up a speeiql worl
iu our chareh Our time is c
—st»:·, ANDINAVtAN
l"gi«1411i;.-·s Afgixngstislus
fm .x·e-u. ank
XVI-LIC- OLÄV February 8
Ost-AK- II ’ March 15
stund-e Oplymässet It- actmste Azeut aller Hovedkoutoret
MERMAJlLLMDI unde- til sicut-Osaka hurtig os til billig Pris
WUDMAW mUcUl bis-, 117 s. Deckbett-, st., chicagm
I steckst-, In- Yor1c. 230 sit-aller Ave» limitation-, Mai-.
time of keen emnpetitioih Tu
nieet this sueeesskully the, hest
training is necessarzx XVe see
no reason why we in onr ehureh
work should lnI inferior. We Sre
not content t« he inferior in
this important work XVe will
lu- mithin-.- lcsss than tnen of
first mle eapahle and uble of
holdinxx onr places along with
the liest. Jolfn (·. Komet
leortsat sra .·). side.)
That we herehzf ask the Pore
nin Mission lkoard ot« the United
Luther-in (’hnr(«h in Ameriea to
est-seh if possil)lss. a relationship
with the Poreigxn Mission society
ot· the l"nited Danish Bxc Luth
eran (’hnreh of Nin-rieth where—
and the tnissionaries of the
Pulte-d DanlSh EV. Luthekxm
Hin-seh of Ameriea in Japan
and the moissionaries of the
United Luther-in (’hnrt·h of
Ameriea in this- kield, may ht
o n e l)o(l«v. eng-aged in one uni
kied work-. irrespective ok dis
tinetions in supportinkz Boartls«;
and. further-. he it
That we do herehy most cor—
dially invite the Mission ok the
United Danish Brangelieal Luth
eran Church ot· Ameriea like
wise to take sueh measures as
may ekkeet isontisnted eosoper
lation, and. if possihle. some- ar—
Trangemenhhy whiesh it may be
-(«0me an integral part ok one
Japan Mission. «
c. R. I-ippard. Pres.
L. S. U. Miller, Seeh
Japan Mission ot« the United
Synod -
F. A. stnitls. Pres.
Bdmird T. Horn. set-IS
Japan Mission of the General
The missionaries of the United
Danish Brangelieal Luther-an
Chitreh ok America. in apöeiul
gessiom held Semiramis-, the Idme
day and plus-e, toolc the- follow
ing actiom «
Whereas it is our deep iron
vicstion that the interests ol« the
Luther-an Unsre-h in Japan are
hegt sen-ed if they are teilten
eare of hzs one organization: he
it ’
Resolved :
That we, the undersignssd re
presentativea of the United Dan
ish Evangelieal Lutheran thun-h
ot« America, express nur willings
liess and desire to entei- into
full and integral union with the
representatives of the new United
Luther-an Chureh of Ame-klein and:
that use-ask them to urgcs their»
home Board, we will urge our-VI
to agree to this solution »t« thel
new eonditions ariaing from thel
met-get of two of the hodies rep-l
resented in the present Joiuts
Conkerenee of but-heran Mission-«
co-operatinkx in Japan; and. he,
it further !
Regeln-d- l
That we suggest l
(1) That the United Luther-ar-1
chareti ok Ameriea invite one or
more representatives ut the
United Daniah Ev. Lutherin
Ohureh of Ameriea to sit with
their Japan committee, dem-sk
etiug and deeiding questions cop
eerning the work in Japan
2.«1’hat the United Danish Is.
Luther-m chureh o! Ameriea ems
tinue to meist-ais the Same re
lations with the work in Japqu
supporting the same persoas and
the same statiom as hitherto, l
akad as many additional person- or
statioas in the kriter as may be
pessima for then-; and :
(3.)«1’hst thue all verlier-, yet-J
only the Japans-e u hithsrtos
but sahe the Itzt-ists here-stets
he Me- the time controt sad
subject to th- esi-o rules Ms
Wissen-, Why molk-it
M Mit Ihieh se decm Mist
M Fee thgs W iutemts «
m mai-se W owj
Matt-«- M et Mhiås M
l). G. M. Bat-h.
annn Mission of the lknijI
Ihnsish isGC Luth. (’hnrch of
BE lT lllisuhfbllh f
(l- That wo, all the Luther
on Missiomiries from Änissri(,sn.
repl·i-»-(ssitiiig thi- lkoanls hither
to («»-op(-rating in the -loint Con
kensnise of Lutheriin Missions in
iliipiuk here-lo- moxt hearlilzf aml
utmniinunsl»v« record our cleep
grutitmlp tommls our Lord antl
Plastik- for thus letitliiikx ns to
hinein-s- of lis--irt. niinil sincl pur
(:.’- Tan m-. inclivi(lunll3« oml
·«c)lle(«tively. urge our home
lkoimls to tulce soc-h austion us
will leasl to the speedy reali
Zation of this nhove stated de
sinss kunl plans.
lll.- That wis. out-h nnd all,
ploilgo out-sele to unhold thi
III-ineile nnderlying thi- ahow
instioim praxi-IF- nml hilmring to
the en(l that thex mitz- he tsarritstl
out tu the knllest possihle ex
I (signed:)
l. Ill. T. Wintlier.
(-·. K. Uman
s. J. stirewnlL
l«. s. U. Minos-,
P. A. fsmjtlr
J. P. Nie-kein
Btlwnrcl T. Horn,
(«’has. W. Ilepner
Mai-the B. Akurth
.lohn li. Linn.
M. M. Icippn,
s. U. ’I’liorlalcssons«
D. G. M. Batle
clurenee E. Norman,
The Ghin-eh couneil of the
l"nitetl Danish Evangelieal Luth
eran chureh ok Amerika was in
seh-sinkt Not-. ch and 15th., at
thi- parsonngcs ot· Our sen-innr·s
si-;in. Luth. (·hnr(-h, Post-teil
lKluft-. lowix
l (·»mnnini(sntions in the form
lot listigthy letters from onr mis
Isiomiries in Japan were read and
The 14th of November This
General s)«tis)(l, General Conneil
and United sznod south of thes
Ilnitheran Chitreh were in sessionl
m New York City kor this pur-l
pmo of mnsolidutinx the Three
llkmlien into one: «Th( lsnitetl
Ilnitherins («hnr««h of Änieri(«n."
» simse 1909 the General Conn
»oil. l’nit--(l anotl sonth anil tho-l
;l"nite(l Danish Luther-in (’hnr(«hl
inne norliul together in the mis ;
sion kitle in Japan us u joint e-on
kerenee Nov that the ahnu- suitll
ehurehes are eonsolidatecL it is«
tlns iiitention to nnite the last
«three mentioned ehnrehes in Ja
pan to one Japanese but-heran
Uhureh Anstalan by this home
ishutsehes nnd governml hy a
nnitcsd hour-l of konsign mission,
on whieh our l’nite(l Danish
Chureh should have at leagt one«
After serious consideration the
following resolutions were pag
sed: .
; l. The book-d is grhteful to
»God und our mission-krieg for the
splendid wole performed in our
mission Fiel-l in Japan her-sto
fore us also kor the»(«o-opekation
with the General Conneil and
United Synod Rath-especially
the seltool work.
2.’l’he board give-Z its hearty
approval ot the unitieotion ok the
churehes in the mission kield inl
Japan to—w1t.—«’khe United
Luther-on Ghin-oh of Americas »
end »Die United Daaish Luth
lers-m chareh of Amerim" to be
jeoneolidsted into one Japaner-De
Luther-m Ghin-oh ou the ground
lot all our mission-rie- united and
lau-nimmt- proz-each
l 3 The bookd reeomwejids these
lpkopositiom to sdoptiov at the
United Dsuisb Bvonseliesl Luth
mu Chor-oh - next annual meet
4. The bosrd elect-s s repre
sent-tin to meet stid wntor Ilth
th- llaitsck Luther-n Cis-roh
somit-m on takes-n W in
sow-. »;;- «
Z. Bev. I Gänse-h W
M m eleoML
Vi oyskcr Dei-es Hande«
verfoc ei soc u sind mstpuliueose It
also vors mG til Das-Im Isqu spurlos
os ans set Ists-se lenke Dem
set deckst-, äu- timios i Kandel-a
It VI Ikki tlleksso es sl von fut- Inssse cause-, ss Ihlcs «
IUO Os. m De sit til-us os et sein«
Skai Dem et Biem i
nærhecien ai Blain
Entlorlegnodo luir til Sulg flier Større og mindre
Jor(lst)·1ck(-r i »Ur-r tivt Ved Byen — alle mtsd Rygnjs
ger, lnsoraf uuglcs ganske ihm-.
Skriv ckfttsr l’ris(-I· og umrmprcs ()p1)·miing(sr.
K. P. HUNDAHL, Blair« Nebr.
ing- luzksn (-0mpcs"(s«(l to bin-mu- a
lakgc sum of music-)- of the other
minsimm——nnr missioan part
8120.00. Um- missinnuritss tlus
nun-d the sum, and on this request
of tlns missiutmrieg the lvoanl ap
provmsk to show ist-»Unsle law-.
G. B. (’l1ristiansssn.
ok.t). cpeehses
Hnnlnsms znnl koskzisjmsml
country oalls day or night
a speist-hy
ll. s. Army Voterinarian
ja 1918. .
Zuth Nimm-.
Zum, NEM.
-,«»«. ««.s,,.s-.-.. « · J, » .,, . « .- ». , · « «
I)r. Wilhsslminu (’!srist(stts(-n j«
Osteophatio Physik-jun ;
stut« Bank Izu-.
Mast-. Nebraska T
Te1s.: stack 31. Ash 1681 Z
cui-hu Mike soul.
Utb ä llmsy st.
llyggelige, lyse os net msb
lekede VII-reisen Her mode-« Ue
Altid bund-muqu km de dsnske
Menighodek i Nordvoten. Mode
rate Print-. AI mutig Heu-tril
lighod vjsos Gwstome. Alls spor
vogve stand-et- ved Dis-sca.
Clas. C. Month tin-.
sum, sum
Pius-te Potognticr til I
malen-te Frist-In l
kotoztsierisz fes kunstig Lys ps
mstks Dis-.
. Room in Mayle Building .
. Phone 76. .
habet-let- sig mcd alt benim
konde til Bunkkorkettsjng. — God
Behandliug og besten-te Frist-k
c. A. UNDme Pros.
Mos. PETRENZ Studien
Vor-am De Junker Ema— euer
Preuss-M, Kaki-AM
tiklcm sat, Uns holt Ist, Vul
sslcko alles- Tukey bot-let- dot·
sig at kjbe ttt billige os Mute
Ort-or bot:
Ed Matthiesen
- eBowDLL muss-B
kahl-Willst os velassoktotot la
k sc alle sls Tit-met
IF msM10,oRulosF-OIIZ
Mo —- ijsk alle Kot-aufwi
tll pas-I- Wiss-.
F—--—-—-- -—.-—..- —
Hvedk .. .. »v. fis-sus- Ijnl
su- Nr. ..... . LU
Ist-vie . . - 60
III . . . ·
syst . .. .....
Spin. Tup. .. . .« U Is
Stati- IW rot-used — III Issc
cbolcc see-lett » . .. ll U Ists
Svis .............. III 17 sc
cchAGC t
sfcsc .... . .. .. »· vpmsuss
flsvterb Nr ! . «·7- u
bis-'s« ·. . m- tm
III-tolle- pk such . .
stude. Chotce Lock-soc » « . IIJV - is U
svln ..·....· ....lIsI-17 Ic
-.:E —-..-- .-4-——-- -. -
»Hu (·«ik1?7mxsnx
z Pokskndet over-U, Repsutiotset
I instit-Lottei
? nwm 402 Rose mag»
0m«hs, Nishi-.
Tlllc lka KlNlI IlUUsbJ
of A. (.’"-Asl’ll"l"l’lsli
lukmpurenst fcum Sustnlsank 1890
Grundsatz-ital 100.000.00.
Uversknd 25,000.00·
v Alt til Bunkkorrctuing ltcns
lnmsnilcs11(1t«0ros. Konto-·
hefulos kmu koste lndskud.
Uhu-n hiclstkud i denms Bank
ssr siknst nnslisr Rufs-n Sehr-Ihn
F. li. Unide Usty cock,
l’ri--i(i«snt. Axt-T Hishi-Un
BOPÆL 2700 E. 22. s'k..
Tel T. s 61104
Kontok—1’el.ll. W Nicollet 1305
T. s. 3204(.
DR. M. J. «11·JNSI«JN,
Dunsk bit-gi- og I(irug.
Konto-: 303 Don-lösen sollst-I
Als Gute ä Nicollet Ave-ne
·- main Nebrask-.
sicer pas Das-It
etter bvad De imskstn
Julius Peteksen.
Dansk Rakdware-korrotnjvg,
nnbefulests nig Ins-d alt heult-Freude
State Bank?
staton Nebraska-s Bank
Gakmsti-F’0n(1 Sikrcsr on
hvek Indgkyder j en
»stnto Bank« mod Tab
Dette Fond beskyttok
liver Dollur ak lndskuch
enhvor Konto, onhvek
I«’okdki11g ak hvilkon som
holst Art paa on saas
slnn Bank.
Er dot ikkes vægtigo
Grunde nok til at tu
Dem til at benytte on
Sand-m Bank — vor
cui-ea- stste Bank,
Bleir, Naht-.