Brf , . M PIOIOSID MACUI OF NÄUOUSU The fourteenth and last ok President Wilson ·s kamous «kourteen points"" reako as kol lowsx «A getierat association of nations must be konned under specific eovenants kor the pur pose ot« akkokding mutual sue-; kantees ot« politieal independenee and teritorial integrity to great and small states alike." Mk. Wilson, it will he noted, does not vuse the term "a League ot« Na tions to Enkokce Peaee’«. He speaks of "a general association of nations." In the second place, the purpose- ok an international association in Mr. Wilson’s thought should he to afkord «mutual guarantees of politieal independenee and territorial in tegrity to great and small sta tes alike.·’ The purpose ot« the international association, then, would he the protection ot« all nations in the enjoynient of po litical independenee and in se euring their territorial integri tzz The aetuaiization ok Mr. Wil son«s plan would mean the hkeak-up ok impekialisni and con quest, since it would gaurantee to every nation libert)-, indepen denee and selt-govemment. The purpose ok the association would be limited to guarateeing to eveky nation its politieal inde pendenee and its territor»v. Bx-President Takt, in a re eentliy published statement ex plains that the original platkorm Hof the proposed League ok Na tions to Entotee Peaee eontains kour planks. 0ne is the suhinis· .sion ok all issues between nations that can be deeided on princi ples ot· law to an international eourt. The second is the sitt-mis sion of all such issues not ea pable ok settlement on princi ples ok law to a eommission ok eonciliation and compkoinise. The this-d is a covenant hetween the nations eonstituting the lea gue, that if any meiner of the league begins a war before re sorting to the methods ok ad jadieation or eompromise thue provided, the remainder ok the league will unite their eeonos mie and militarz« fort-es to sup zness the reealcitrant nicmheis. The kourth ealls for an inter: national congress from time to time to settle definitely and en large the applieation of the prin eiples of international law. IA league ok siinilar purpose has heen formed in England," writes Mr. Takt, «with provi sions «a little moke ambitious, «in that it proposes to enkoree the judgments and recominen dations ot the eourt and ok the eominission of conciliation. A simjlar society has been korwed in France«. Mr. Takt further ex plains that while the President, in some ok hie uttetanees, has approved the principles ok a league to entotee peaee, the konneenth point ok his mess age ok January 8 «d0es not ex pkehsly do it." Ur. Takt kais-ther moke points out that there is» dacht-sitt mahy minds as to the: possibility ok tot-thing a league; of Nation-s to Eniokee Peaee,; involving, as it does, the ahdH settion of sovereignty on thes part of ever-If nation joining the Jst-ge and the transferenee ok fis Witcd sovekeignty to an in—. Wäetdl tribml or commit-: its-. The imst- he sey-, that thei Mk peaeö this-nee- have tin-l Jesus-se ei- åerq allen-de sagt dsi , Mk ein denn- Sck, og wegetl .-eissllvitsegt here ogsw deetmentingedel -MDek.m-iveklodstok; — led is no reason wl1)· the attenipt; should not he made onee more, in order to make peaee perma-« nent throughout the world. Now that the l"nited states and the Allies are vietorious zover the Central Powers. another askmet is given to the proposetl plan for a Leagne of Nations to enkoree Peaee l)·v the fact that Great Britain and the- l"nit. ed states together isxert a dotnik nating inklueneo in the world XVith (-igl1t)" per eent of the merehant shipping and a pre ponderanee of the kighting iiaval power of the world in their possession, it is elear that the United states and tlreat liritain are the unqnestionahlzs sur-reine powers in the world. They are strong enough to eonipel the suhmission of any other nation or anz- possihh allianecs of other iiaticnis. They are strong enough to eonipel all nations to render ohedienee to their will and anh mit to their (lietation. There is no question ax to the eompeh linsz author-itzt and power of the Anglosaxon raee as representml by England and the Unitedstates A Leage of Nation-s to Enkoree Peaee would then simply he the organization ok these two Pow ers, together with wealier nationa who might join them. for the kormal and judieial governanee of the rest ok the world. No natjon would dare kor a moment to question the authority of these two Powerq eombined llenee. whether the Lea-Um ok Nations to Enforee Peaee is organized or not, there will he peaee in the world so long as the l’nited States and Great Britain agree that- there shall he peaee Their preponderanee in niilitary and naval power. in wealth and man-power and in all the origin esz of warkare on land and sea, readers these two nations vom hined paramount and their die tates authoriative for all other 11ations· Their partieular cons tru«·tion of international ethies would he determinative in spite of anything that might he op posed hy any other nation or eomhination ot· nationa. ln the final anal)-sig. th world would have to snhrnit to their diserees regarding international adjusts inents and aeeePt their ruhan in matters of international frietion and eontroversy. Whether the world at large is ready and willing to aiseept Anselosaxon paramountey is not the question. lt has got to ins-ON it. For it is supreme over the earth. So long as these two powers stand togetheir Na turallx, then, for the sake of good order and the good emin ion ok mankind, a teague ok Na tions to Enforee Peacse would serve as an instrnmentality through whieh these two nations eonld exereise their preponder— anee of power. Possibly such a in -los«ph«s dreatn howed to his lity for the enkoreement ok peti ee that the world can hope kor, but. under all (:ireumstaiiees, the eombined will ok Great Bri tain and the United states is final and eompelling upon all other nationa, whether they join such a league or not. « The over-shadowing historjeal kaet resultant krgm - the great war is the estahlishinent ot Eng land and the United states as the two dominant Powers ok the world. These two nations are now in a position to impose then-« will upon all other-nation and exact obedienee to their de crees. They- are in a position to place theils interpretation upon the inne- in eontroversy between nettes-, pau jadgmeut and en tom obedienee to theik joint demer. Napoleon tried to hkeak the dominatjns posit ot Enk— lind and Mod. Wilh-un II Its pted the same tatkmä has · It W little whetser tsiple ok the survival ok tlte wrong-est As the. eleven slteaves in li)sepl1’s dream bowed to bis sheak. so the nations ok the world from this day on will how »in obediemse to the- Aug-loszu ons. Eu praktist Julegave for Birn. Pan vort Forlagsbns er netop ndkommen Valcslevs Vibelhistorie i engelsf Lverfættelse, illustreret. Balsjslevs Bibelbistorie behøver in gen Anbefalingx den er kendt og del-til kær og dnrebar for alle, der bar lcest den fm Varndonnnen Net op derfor vik den forelsiggende, godt overfatte og fmnkt illustrerede Ub gave,»hilfe-Z med Gliede af mange. Her er en Julegavc for det lili le Vorn, du gerne vilde give en Haandsrcekning om Knndfkob til Saligbed. Zelv Bern, der lceser Dansk, eller rettere leerer at lasse Dansk, vil have stor Nytte af at læse den ved Ziden of den danske. Lg san er det fo en Kendsgermäng, at intet i den Grad vcekker Var nets Lasselnst sont pæne Illustra rinnen Det eneste, der kan være at nd sætte paa denne Udgave af Bals lesvs Bibelbistorie, turde viere-, at Priscn 35 Gent-T ci- al tfor lavt sat for en saa stor og smukt nd zfmrct Bog. H. B. Vink am Julegtwein Julefcstem den storc ledrsfcsd imm- nn for Don-n. Gud gav oc fin scnbaarne Zon, vor Fressen Dct er band ftørfte Juli-gove. Dei-for er vi gladc og givcr nu lwcmndw Gover. Den bedstis Gabe H Bi belen, Bøgcrncs Bog. Den var vor m)lig afdøde fjortenoarige Søns kærcstc Eis-A hvilken han te stamenterede til sin lille Søster,. som lmn holdt saa megct af. Bi bislen er Herrian Kærlighedsbrw til jin Brud her i dct frciniiiedc. »Vinf for Gennemlæss iiing af Bibelen«, af Pastor G. V. Christianscn cr en yppeklig Veilcdiiing til at læse Vibclen med dist roth1 Udbytte. Den er Vink af rette Art og verkker Lyst til at gaa til selve Kildeti Den er fort dog opbyggolig Den er konservativ og grimdig. Ton nandcr af Kærs liglicd til den guddomnwligc For fatter oq lmns Vcrrt Den vil derfok udgøns en fmuk Jiilc- ol Ilck Nytaarsgavc til gamlc og unsc, ika inindft til unge. J. K. Jenseit. . , Tit Lieds-W Nebr. Krebs: Euclyjng Milch Nebr» 840.25. Minden, Nebr» Menighci den 81()..30. Frau-and Mehr-, fm Søndagsskolekommitemsdet 831.00 Pottm Nishi-» Menigheden 817.55. Symptom Nebr» Kvindcforeuingen 82900 Cordova, Nebr» Menighedcsn 822.()U. Verona. Nebr» Menjghedpn 31150 Name Eo« Nebr., subj læumsfest 8600 Platte CO., »Mehr« Meijighedcn 85.6(). — Til sammcn 8179.—4(). IUOahut Japanmisiionem Før kvittcret se KsbL Jkr 481 ....................... 83435 28 Audnbou Ja. (Vy(»n) Hedni ngcmisfionsf .. ........ 21 m Zalmouinh, Mc, Emaug Mgb .. .. .............. 8..-s0 Broisom Mont, Mel-s Bismsen .. .. .............. 5.00 Brule Colo» Win. M. Haufen og Huftru .......... 10.00 Cisdar Falls, Ja., A. G. Harfe-: RO: »Mit? Nicoline Nielfen 85 .............................. 15.00 Elk Horn, Jai Kni. .. .......................... 20.00 Wild NOT-e, Wis , Mary Jenseit .. .. .. .......... 2,00 wHazelmood Minn,«va. ... .. .. .. 10.()0 Eli Horn, Ja, Haus Jensen ..... ? ................ 20.00 Saxeville, Wiss ., Ehatly Petersen 815;Emma Peter-sen IS er anvnt 82 .............................. 22.00 Monrshead ;sa., Mrs Johanns M. Hausen (Takosfek) 5.00 Scmntom Ja» Jckorman -tougard Sö; Mrs Stougard 8250. .. 7.50 Dann-Ihrem Nebr» Mr-:. N:el: Søtensen .......... 2.00 Socnccn Ja , St. Panli Mgh s va .............. 5.00 Froid, Mont., Mai-je Rasmussen .................. 5.00 Eli Horn, Ja.i H· C. Henriksen .. ................ 20.0() Ellendnlcy Männ« Mrs. E. Newgard .. ............ 3.00 Rutbtoth Minn, Mrs. Niels Oler .. .............. 15,()0 Audnbom Ja» LICan N Schmidt og Huftru ........ !0.00 Eleeoy Eve, Mk nn» St Job Mgb s Kof .......... 5.00 Ilukubon Ja, Ebene-Her Mghs KM 850; Mgb.s Ofscr 825 75.00 Eczad, Neb» Banne J. Somecm (Takoffer) ........ 5.00 Zhmädam Mk ch» Elizabeth Jakobspn 81; Niels P Larsen og Haftru 85 ............................ 6.00 Rusan Nebr, Lars zcsperscn .. . .............. 10.00 Albert List-, Minn, Elizabcsfb Anna- og Jnger Raben 3.00 Tilsammen . . . . . . . . . s371578 Udbctalt til Dato 5881 00 Underfkud 82184 » 22 R e t t e l fe. J Kirkebladct Nr. 88 til Japanmissionen er der kvitteret 3322 7m Allameda, Cal» fknldc Dærcs SM, der er Summe-ringen som nu noteret i dette Nr. s O t t o. H a n se n Judianermissioneu: For knitterct Te Kbl JLL 49 .................... 898180 LIroYson,J-120nt.,Ncls Bentfen ..« ................ 5.0() Brusb, Colu Wxn M. sanft-n og Hustru .......... 10.00 Elk Horn, Ja» Kof. ............................ 20.U() Cedar Falls, gxasp Naznriths Mgh s va .. .. ...... 10.00 Sazelwood, Mun, Kos- . .............. 5.00 Elk Horn, .za, Hans Jcnfen .. .. .. 1().00 Coultcsrs Ja» Mrs. Christ Anderfen .............. 1.00 Zaxevillis, Wi5»Cl)gr1ie Lästerfcn sk-: Emma Peterer 81.50..... 6.50 Scmntom Ja» Mrs Zahn Stuttgart-. .. .. 2.50 Frost-, Mont» Marie Nasmusfen ................ 5.00 Elk Horn, Ja, H. C, Henriksen .................. 20.00 Ellendale, Minn Mrs. C Newgard .............. 1.00 Nutl,ton,Min-1., Mrss Niels Olsen .. ............ « 5.00 Lludubom ;sa., Henry N Schmijt og Hustru .......... W.00 Sheridam Mich-, Mctor Jacolssen ................ .50 Ruskin, Nebr» Lars Jesversen .. .· 5.00 Moorhead ;za., Mrs Johannes M. Haufen (Takoffer) 5.00 Tilfammen 81103.30 Usdbetalt til Dato 1235.98 Underskud. . 813268 Jahre-stufenw Fsr kvitteret se Mit Nr 49 ..-« .................... 81697 27 Atlantic KredsW den-) P. Ragmusjen .. .. ««. ........... 49.69 Brust-, Tolo» .ä Hausen oq Hustru .. 10.00 Hazelwood, Minn, f. . .................. s.00 Ell Horn, Za» H. c. Dem-Wen .. « ............ Z.00 Ellendale, - inn» Urs. ed. ........ 1.00 Arg-käm Ja. Met- Ugh» ty R Sehnsde tu ................... 10.00 Mu, Mr« Lak- Jesperfeip . .. ........ « 5.00 , s Manna-n 0178206 — - M M M »Is. St i-« s-.- " , W Its-G Skoletqssem . For koitteret sc FIIII III· . III .. ................ VIIIIIIIO Norma, N Dak» IIoIIs MIle Posit. Hausen, JaIIIes ElIII, Kafl Smer Jenes H. RoIeIIdalIl IIv III-: Jver H Moos III-I; Johannes Jenser Christ AIIisderIeII Jenki J Mortem P. :ILIelseII, Mathiesen III-. SI; Peter Stesi , feIIiJ so: Christ Petersom sen-s Hausen, Theo Jen sen. LIereIIlIIIrd Pidersem Jens D Lan-d hv.81«37.0() VIIIle, Colo, WIII M Hausen og HustrII .......... « 10.00 Blairs Nebr» Mrsi Marens Verk, Jabe Ll GibIoII Pr, Lve T-. AIIderIeII Past. SelIIIltz, Post L. Il. Laut-sen . E. T. PeterIeIh Nellse III. III-all, iIv söx Past. Il. M. Anderser N. T. LIIIId, M. Ls Hausen, Andre-w Lat sen Mri":-. Anna Beck, Miss: Caroliue JIILIIIIeII TlIoi mais LkIriIIeIIseII, JIIlIIIs Petersen lIII 83: WIII JolIII sen, Anna Llertelsem Theo. AnderIcII, P. PmIlIeII Viktor RassIIIIIsteII, seen-J Andersem J. C. Hausen Han seII kaeIIlIoldL Miller MIIIIk, Christ II JolIIIIeII,:1I’. P KIeIIseII CHriItoIIerPaIIlseII, H. J Hausen, H Eø reIIseII, C M EhristeIIIeu (TøIIIreI-I Niels C. Jenser Mec. Anna Marie CiIriIteIIIeII, ZtiIIIIJ S LoIt, J C. Fischen C. MølIIIIIIrd JeIIIeII. Andre-w Einw, EIIIIIIII Hultberg lIv. Isl: WIII. BeetIIstrIIII, Andrer Beet, P E. SøreIIIeII, Var-J HIIIIIeIts Christ F. Jensem L. H. illIIIIIl Otto Hausen, Christian :’lIIderseII, J. P. Mel sen, ClIIiItZaII AIIder rIeII III-W II. P. Zimdahi. L. P. Raik Inn-: Ii:II, N. C. LlrorIoII Louiöz I oben-time Otto Nielsem Meis. LIIdIII CkIriIteIIseII, :I’Iel—:i Jensem E. M. Christensen H. Zlov Nielsech Fred Enger, E. Jen Ien IPIIIIIteU Jakob AIIdI«eIIsI-II, l.Iv Ist-: HIIII seII 83.50, Past. P. S. VIII 82..1)O- Carl LIIIIthseII , seII PIJIIL Mrs TiIoIIIcIsJ JlnderIeII III Gent-is ...... MPLW Warten, Pa» MIIII .. « .............. Iz.:-I·3 Ellendale, Minn, LW Mido Cimle oII Idde Hausen 1.«« Nord Iur Eva-need Ja. Et. bIIIIli Malt Meg- «. Il. Tarsen, Carl LI. Wesen IIII HIIIII·II, Hans ««arseII og Hustru, MiekelIeII og HIIItrII, bv s-; »i. -.H HIIIIseII og Hustth Rodt Ruder III-II og Hustru, B. H. Beet og HII III-II, N. ThoIIIseII, Thon-I TlIaIIIIeII lIII. PL; Nielis An «derseII, Meis. P. TIIOIIIIeII, D. A. Thomsen og Hu stru lw. Ps; P. R. TIIoIIIIeII og Hustru PL: JolIII J. Anderser Christ Petersen og HIIItkII tIv. st; Past. .H. —JI. Hausen sog HIIIIru 83 .. . .................. 4800 Mast-II City, Nebr, Zions Mah. Edvin LuIId M; III gen Nielsen M; Heut-II A Nobertsem H C Petersem Lars Rasmussens Mrs. Laks RasmusseII, Mrå N. P. NielseII, Sei-en Nielsen, Henry Mein-, Jens Zoi reIIIen, J. P. NielIeIh Past. C. H. Schmidt «lIv. SZx MIIZ 0lIIIIII Rasmussem Carl C. Nielsem HerIIIIIII Sten deI«, Mel W. Peterser Meiss. DlIIIIe Zarensens H. G. Arn, Mai Z· M· Thau-, C. J. NelIeII, C. P Peter Ieu, M. A. NelsoII, P. Eimer Peterser Alsred M. PetekIeII, Mel-I M. Etenderi Søven Madsen Im. st; Miss Marie Näelsen, Minuie Nielsen Nie-Iser Etat-en ce Mehr, Nels Madsen, Edward JeIIIeII, Makius Nel sen lIv Pl .. . .................. 44.00 STeemL Eye,1lkiun, Et. «on MglI .. ............ 19.50 Ell Hom- Ja., H. C. HeIIrIksen .. ..’« .............. 20.00. Ellen-dele, Minn» Mes- C. Newgard .. .. ........ 8.00 Nuskim Nebr? Lan-s Jsesperien .. ................ 5.00 Tilsammeu 8178295 Udbctalt til Taro 2277.055 Underskud . . . . 849410 . Utahmiiiionem For kvittcret sc Kbl.- Nr. 49 .. .. ................ 8841150 Bkorsom Mont» Nels Bentsen .. .. .. ............ 5.00 Vrufh, Colo» Win. M. Haufen og Huftru .......... 10.00 ElkHorm Ja.,swj. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20.00 Hazclwoodi Mjnns Kof. .«. .. .. .. .. ....s ..... «0.00 Jamestowm Kans» Mka Peter Ajtdersen .. ........ .5() Saxcoillcy Wis., Carlics Petri-sen 85; Emma Peter-fett 8150 .................................. »Hu Erst-M Mont, Max-je Nasmussen .. .............. .3.UU ElkHorn,Ja.,H.E.He-1rifsen .. ............ Ziou Ellcndale, Minn.- Mrs. E Newgard .. .. ........ 2.00 Ruvhtom Minn., Mrs Mel-J Oler .. .. .......... 5.00 Ruskin, Nebr» Lars Jespersen .................... 5.00 T:lsammen 8915..(50 Uodctalt til Tat-J 193(j·1d Understud ........ 81020 58 Til stärken i Kumme- Japan. For kvitteket je KbL Nr 47 .. .. .............. 8571161 Fwid Mont Maric Romas-sen .. ,« 200 Audubon, Ju, Ebenezcr MgLI. Henry N. Schmjdt og Huftru . . -. ............ 5.UU Dmaha Nebr. Willeka Eikersem M:sg Anna Llfcm ho. · Pl; Lydia Grobeck 25 Cents .. .. .......... 2.25 — « 8573042 Til Missionen blandt Soldaterne: « For koitteret se KbL Nr. 47 .................... 812531 67 Froid,slliot1t,Mm-ie Rassmusscn .. ............ 5T00 leiotnmen BUT-sitz 7 Tit JapansBsrnencs Julotræ i Japan. For fvtttcsret se KbL Nr. W ...................... szki TJ Brot-sum Mont., Netz-s Ventscsn .. ...... ..... . . . .. fu« stimm, Colo., Paris Llndcsrscsn .. .. .« ............... JU« Samt-Stumm sinnst-, Mys. Peter Jludcrsen .. ........ »Is Ellendalcs, Minu« Bad-J, Midi, Ch1«aly, og Jddo Haner IT Froid, Mont» Marie Umstande-it .......... .- ..... 2·ms Audubon, Ja» Henn) N. Ecbmidt Oa Huftru ........ IM« Spornen Ja, MkI. Fred Vuagew ·. .. .......... Hm Audubmh Ja» Nicls E. Petri-sen .. .............. Um , » « · ·Tilsa·mmen .· WSJZ Ttl Juli-me Ued Und anemussmnen : Lots- Okla Før kvitterkt se Abl. Nr. 49 .................... 81700 Vrorsom Mont., Nels Bentfrn .................. 5.00 same-Stumm Kons» Mrs· Peter Anderer .......... ,50 Ellendale, Minu» Einbo, deo, Charly ou Idko Haufen M Froid, Mont.i Marie Russmusüsn .................. Um Audubon, Ja» Hean N. Schmidt og Huftru PL; Niels S. Peterscn 81...,.... ...................... Tilfammen 82836 Til en Kirke i Dich Japan. « For kvitteret se KbL Nr. 49 .................... 8791«18 Wild Rose-, Wis» Mary Jenseit .. .. .· .......... 1,00 Damiewa Nebr» Mrs. Nels Strensen ·. .. .. 5»00 Froid, Mont., Marie Rasmusfen .. .. ............ 4.00 Ell Hokus Ja» H. C. nriksen ......... ; ........ 5.00 Audubom Ja» Hean . Schmidt og Hustru ........ 5,00 Elk Horn, Ja» en unævnt .. .. ................ 2,00 Albert«Lea, Minn» P. Raben ·. .. .. TM Ulfammem . W . Tll en Arke i Pomello, Ihr-hu » » r bitterer sie Köl. Nr. «49 .................... 8118481 - Mahom Ja» Mels S. Peterer .., .............. 2.00 tllsammen.. AlsCsl Usbetalt til Dato. 2956.00 - Undetsiud 1819.19 Naiv Nebr» den 6. Dec., Ists. s Dieb tat Landtages Otto Haufen, Kais. f. d. fere. d. ev. luth. Mes- i cum-ists i