D I »-L-tnfanq stmr vi i Lordan brant ISn Festes-se »M- Habt-« nf M. September Den sit-edi- ns nnge Mcend, som i Inn Eos ts) Glnr Osiden ssamledes i den inkre Missions Lotnler paa Lin-rathen for iVøn til Und nt be gnnde et Jst-beide blandt dereis Box Tnsjndet as mtge Mtrnd tcenkte nxrnxde den Gang Wa, at de dersmed two-.- («’irnnden til et Arbede sotn ftntte san en snn stor Bemdnina i sooft Land-J on nor Kittesks Liv, stom »den mageløfe Fort-trinkt« alt bar inst oq ved Otndii Direlp dg snn 3!«entt·tdiq skal fon. Ttsi den M. September et· en. Festfnq i nor Mirkesd Historie Net on eng den Tid, da Fritcenteriet on Fri»sm·c«iet Mte sin feit«5itfer, dntter den Esvire op, der »mere end mutet nndet bot-. stottet Kir ten«:- mtlende Mure«. Te, der ten det- »Und-J ijlp tm deres Lin, vjl dofoo bert te lbans aode og ni te Lmsom for fine Vorn og for tmnirs Eng: i det rette Øieblit »lod hnn Fe. F. U. M. komme frem. Lm ;’lt·bejdets:s Vcekft i de It) Aar on detcs ettertmanden belt tolosfnle et Vor Tal, — K. Fa U. M. et· jo blevet en Verdenslnsvcrgelfe, bot-J fsis re Bonsmver tendes ovemlt pna Jordtlodem boor en nnn Mond reitet ben i Verden, vil itmn fin de Ferenjnaens Stilt, der indbyder Jom txt godt Zelstasb, og Forenins sen-J Virtfombed For-den over bar leenqst ftnffet den en Aatelfe og Respekt, som ellers innen Fore t41«(17 ttlkvnrende Art tan qlwde ded. On ogsou berbjennne er der mder, der tsatter Gnd for hint Je den »i. September og for det laade Grunden tit: hvor ngc Rom-Idee bar ifte nted bæi .tde Hierter tendt dereLJ mme Sen El din Itore BU, anaft tot-, at bnns -Mod5mndstraft oversor de nmnge torsorjste Mittel-sen Ztorbnen tum nter, ttte vilde flaa til, nam- Hieni metcs bestottende Arme jkte naar bimn tasngerez on kmor bar de itte tottet spsnd for K. F. U. M» naar de sit bom ten og fund nun Sjasl og Lege-ne tilbage isten Mange stnlder n. F. U. M. mere, end de ton neu-: ber dar de oplenet det» der nun-r for dem sont det bedfte i« Sinkt on de glemsmer itte at tattel derfoe Den Veltignelse, sosn K« TH U. :I.l(’. qennem sin Zoldcitertnisfion bar Teredt nd over det nanste Lenth er n:n.tate1ig. Modet den m. September 1678 lededes of JndreMistione dnoceren « de Rennnnd, Pnitor Rud. Frimodt, og Kerne-d er det Wo 5ksnneste Man-te sagt, at Fl« R. U. M er LIEexnabedenH regte Warn, om end et Vorn, der bar dokset tin fna sen-et ot den nn er nde over ,,Le:tnnetalderen«: men scadisg er den leoende Forbindelse med Me nigbeden bevoret, stmiltet fes bedst deraf, nt en Nackte af Meniqttedengs bedfte .I.!Leend, aandeljn tatt, er Born a« ·,.itrjscelia Forening for unqu Mas:1d.« Samarbejdet med den, in dre Mission viier sig t, at Inder Mjsttons Formand, Poftor C. Mee. tilliqe er Fcellesbeftnreltene Formnnd oq t, at Generalsetretase Festen er optaget i den indre Mis sion-I Besinrelse Te to Manne, der ; Don ftal nnsvnegz er C. Bongett og Oli. Nimtd Kontotchef Bangekt er en af de jaa Stifter-C der endnu er tilbage: fsørst var han Næftformand, sent-re en lang Aarrætte For-entn gens Zormand tndtil han for. et Poe Aar siden aftsfws af Paftor Mund Hans ftne negennottige Ar bejdisnmade vil nlttd tntndes nted Tat t K-. F. U. M. Olf.» Ricards Nani- er til-Mist knyttet til K. F· U. M; ham er det, der —- mennes stetig talt —- mere end nagen an det stampede de unge Mænd trem at Jorden og ftt dem op i K. F. U. M» Sovor 'ban med ualmtndelige Evnek forftod at bringe dem det qlasdelige BUW paa en Mande, der netop postede stor dem; mang windes hanc VtthdW med u endeltq WIND. J de fid ste sat- er det notmätg Gunner Ina btem, der bærer Bogens Byrde oq seh-; tfcer de ttdste 4 Aar hat han tom ,,Ameprwiteni Getreu-« W ttt Land es IM, An Mike es sin Forentng warteter Time stekr . - K. sF. U. M. er en trttteltg For entnh as en Ideen-tun for unge; We hat Matterttevet den t de i ! « m Aar-, og alle, Her tror Paa, at Wild-J Enatmolinnc Dirkelig ihar et Ænindr tjl Dort Full-, Inaba-, at K. F. U. M. vil blivc Isin Fortid tro og fortsastte det Arbejde, den nie-d oirtolia praktifk Sau-J hat« ta got op, sont den lmr bmyndt det. J- dettc Hand us i Fuwiszninq unt, at vor Kirkcssz Frisnttid for en smegot sftor Tel lwror Pcm K. F. U. M» onst-er «vi Forcningscm Hierw lig til Lyffe nnsd de 10 Arbede aari NÄTIONAL LUTIIBBAN GOE MISZION RBVIEWS YBÄRs WORK ÄT ANNUÄL MEPHIS "l’hi- Nutionul lusthisrnn t«onnni«.s siou«s first III-«- of sisrvissis wns risviowisil nuii risisordisii ut tho nnnuul niisistingx which oisi-urris(l in XNV Yole Histole »Z. »lis. This (’onm1ission’s repord for this zwir is onis of intensi- work on hisluilt ot our l-uthisriin Hohi iisr uuii Suilor ltoys« Kontoer uhlis in many risspisists. it shows tluit iill issfort has hison eisutristl orounil this lnitliisriin l)o)«s tut iugx iicsath in thisir (-iuuttr)«’s sor viisis in this isousis ot· lihisrtx unil instit-in This wolferis of those young men, isspoisially theik spirituiil wisll"«1·is. is thi- solis ohsp jisist liisforis this tfonnnissiou i At thi- hisginnintx no one would» si-» for ahead just what was ris quiriscl onii how to Ho ahout got tingz it. Tlnsris wisris no prikisiktionts thut isoulii hi- follow-il The grounel wns all now. Tho- work hitii to hi- i)rii.-inal, first-time .worl(. This hriisf risport ol· this nun-t inix whiish it is possiblo to Livi in puhlii- print ist«-not. ot· isiiursi-, isonvisy un iniisquntis itiisu of the iplun or ot« this work thut luis ihrs-n iloni-. Thi- (’onunission is Tnhout to piililisli in pumphlist tiorm n ooniplisto umsount of the iproisisriiinizs iit this misistiniz in iisludingx reports of this oftiieisrs innil isonunittisiss in islmrxzis ot« thi itsiirious lirxinphiss ok this Not-unis isiou’s work. zinii it plans to sup kily u popy of this pinnptht to cui-h isontrihutor ot« fonds, und to out-h othisr pisrson who is in tisrtsstoii in thi« work this Hun ilinission is iloi112. An)f person who jiioiss not rot-»Wo- n Why ot« this Irpport from hist ohnrikh or through )thi- isomniittpo thut toolc his soli sisriotion to this win- tunci may «I.-i-t o winkt hy writing to the Exiitionol Luthornn Kommission iiit 4537 Pifth Avisiuiis. Nisw York E Cheiman’s Report. l This resport of thi1 (’lmirmnn. Ink. P. It. Kunde-L sit-im »Mi iisulisrly with the various relations sships whitsh this Kommission sus Jtoins, onii shows how thesi« rislus itionships how liimn mode to von ltrihuto to tho suisisisss of this work ithot this (’-ommission hns under Itukou. . ; Ho pointg out the Luct thut ;kor this first timisv in our i·hur(-,h’s ihistory in this country ull Luth Iisrims hin-is isomis to ein offoistive jisoopisrntioik this work having ihm-n found suffiisiisntly nttrni«t Zivo to enlist the sympathy anii sprartiisat assistanise ot· ull the ·l-uthoriin ohurishes in this Unitisii istotett In the Socond plac«is."his von «sidis.rs the relation ok our churnh to other pri)test.ants, citinix «t-ho support that Luther-ins hin-is igiwn to this work ok thi-. Wur time commission of th·1 Pisdisrnl zcouneil of Phurehos in tut-visit Jinzz ishaplains kor the urmy nnd tnavzn and in such othikr work as could be done better in eonjunet— ion with other Christi-ins thun it could he- done by denomiimtion· al ekkort. This-d, he reports the Commis sion’s relation to laymen’s or ganization-, toten-ins particular Ily to the Luther-n Brotherhood sot America, Yoimg Meut- chiti tiea Association end the Knighis of colambus. In disoussjnq this relation the ehqjxman particular ly points out the neeesgity ok de nomiuotiouel effort emoag the wen ot the erwy end navy in order to propsgate the ist-thust hs Protest-unt views ok religion, u perheps- no intersdenomim I ational organization isoulil pos lslhly do. l ln this fisiirth and fith sikctions ot« his risport this Uhairmnn isxs plain-sv this (’ommission«s rislution to our own Niitioual (liivisriiiiiisiit, iiiiil thut to othisr mithin-. Treasurer’s Bayern llon. Bruisst bl. lsilisrh Treus urisr, prissisntisil his risjiort for the perioii isniling Sispteinhisr ZU, 1918, showing thi: total ri.si«eipts ot« Pl,214,2364.29,f (ini:luiling interst on ilisposits, isti«.) anil experim turiss of 8498,77;5.553. Balancis ou hanil P7l5,590.76. TO illls rispiiri is titliliscl ii Ist' hul statement isovisring t«i- time Im to Ui«tohi«rlo, lUlö, Juni-ins -«i- following l«igures: Bill-umh ;isil. N,:357,541.40; l’iiiil, 8133129 quh »so-»M- i)ue, Juki-sank z Exisisutivik Sei-isotary’s Keport. This rikal olijiiistivis work which this Commission is cloing is- set forth in ilistiiil in this rtsport of this lcxekutive si-isri)tar·y, Kot-. «l.i A. U. still-. lf spaite would per-; mit wie certainle would seh-ist this risport for publication word for woril, beisause it tiells as islear ly as words can tell what hien ikfit tho Luther-in hozss iirie deriv ing from this work the Commis sion is iloinkr. Held sei-rannten This Commission hiegan its work with a mitzrts slcielikton ex isikutivik organization anil so rap iilly has this work inisreaseil in volumik that this organization has grown isonsiilerahly in size. somis iilisii of its volumrk isan he grsispeil from the fact that thi Commission now ismploys four fiislil si«i«ri-tiiriiks in this prosisisik tion of its work. Camp Pastors. This (’amp Post-or is not a iiiilitar·x« min: undisr thi- pay of this tlinsisrnmiknt as the-, Uhaplain is, hsit is a isitiliiin Silpportikd isistirsslzs hy thts Uommisktion It woiilil his ilitfiisiilt to ovisr—rate this iinportiinisis ol· this work thissis nasn hin-i- ilonik among our linthcsrkin hixss in this, isamj)s, anil almost zis- iliffiisult to enum i,sriiti- this -«rii,iis things they havis iltsnc for thisir guidaiiisi1, wis!t«;iris anil i,ons.fort. Of io:irsi,s, they hold regular risli»ii-iis- sisrviiOcss using the Luth i:r:-.-i fi rm of wirship and kireachs in-,- Ei Hisri.iii.i, ailministikring thes siiisriimisnts of this l«oril".s( Zup pisr :rss1 Raptisnk and admitting into i-l.iir.«h iiii-icii)isrsliip hy con firmation missi. who ii·liili- in i-,-m-). reach this Clikikision to izomis into full -sisli«iiis«i«ship with the islsitki«h. lkiit Olissis thing-s, thongh of first iisinipi-t·in«is ari- not all that tl i- i-·sii p pastors -lo for this. hon «l’hi: follinssinss (»-:trai«t from the li:tt«si« of ei isiiinik piistor report ing his work lurinkx this wisisks vhisik tl.is isksiilismiis of influisnza wasi ist its liisszzl.t, i,-ivi«s an iilisa of one oth» «.si.-rvii«i- whiish the »in-m pastor risirlikrs His. writiss: «"l hon- hisisn wirkingx from 15 to 18 Luni-H n iiiiy. Witliin the hist wiisl l tuvis Hinz-ed iit the li(sil.«,ii,li3 of ovir sltl dying men ji«-il o«·l«·s-r .l thisni thid only is0m tth isi ileiitli Christ. the liiving Bin-irr I hat-is hatt :li-svotions with as iiisssiy usi xsosxdshliz arounil 100 clailzz it is s-."in(li,srful to know ho.7 the-Dis iiiisn tsmbraiki1 this flos I-i-’ when the-:- arc Hii«k." Chaplain’s Beginnt-sent Ast this- initial iexhisnsiis for an arti-)- offi(·ssr is ahont .s;55t)t).00 and for a navzs offiisisr from S300. to 8400 more it hoc-time neues kmry for the Oommission to hear outrikxht a portion of- this ex pisnsäis for ishaplains’ isqiiipmeiits, nnd to ailvanike loang to the miin to help isover the halaniki-s; this equipmisnt in mosta case-i includ ing a poisket ieommunion set, a ficld (-ominunion set, Army and Navy serv-ice Books, stationery for himsolk and the men, a co rona typewriter, and in many cases a motoriisyole with a nickt car. All of this equipment is essential for the efficient per formances of the ishaplainfs dntioit Atti-Bilds tc Ischl Chuwbss la many case-is near the large eantonments, the looal Luther-an (’hur(«hes iire not verz- well equip peil in eoniparison with the other Protest-tut (lenm«·««-«Ions. nnd ixn order to streng-then them for tlse lnrzreis serviise in taki-mehre ol« our Luther-in hoxs in those entitoinnents the («oniniissimili«ss isesspssinstletl it expeslient to make loims or ;rit"ts ot· funds to im prove the ishnreh plants nnd otherwise to ennhle these eongres giitions to do sneh work for the hozss as the (’oinniission desireil to have dont-. Daring the period eovered lw this report sitt-h loans ninl gilts to loeiil ishurehes nniounteii to R11.()5t).t)t). soeial Icctms Near cemps. Raums ihr ixossizil ins-Hein tmeni lltltts lot-en esttildllsliistl es peeiiilly in towns innl eities neul whieh the einlmrkiition eamps sit-e loeiiteil These rooms are espeeiallx needeil beenuse the ho«ys always go to town on their hist kurlongxh before they em l)urk. Up to Uetoher ist, SMAL 61 hacl heen expendetl in the nminten.u«-e ot« sueh ro(nns. Eome serv-ice Sind-. These eluhs are, like the so eiul roonis. loentetl in the eities nenr whieh there ure Hub-aka tion eanips. for the reason that the men when on their last kur lonxzh before enilmrkntion usual ly visit the eity near whieh the eamp i loeiitetL As New York is the «Meeea" ok emhiirkation kor n large seistion, The Oommission openekl on septeinber 7th its first serviee Clnh for soltliers, sailors und marines lt is loca ted at 312 West 72nd street. It hegen with ten beds. but now hns 50 lsecls plaeecl in very spaeis ous, ais-r isoonis A nominal priee ot« 25 (· .«s" n night is elinrged for sleepingz aeeommoclations A hrenlcfast of eoffee nml rolls is serveil for 10 echt-s and in the eveninss 20 or 25 eents will huy all n fellow enn eat of (1eli(-ious, honieseooked foo(l. The kulmini strntion of this sen-iet- th has been nnilertnken by the lnner Mission soeiety of New York s’it)«, whieh has knrnisheil much ok the equipment of tho Home. Other eities under isonsiilera tion for the loeation ot« siteh serviee Cluhs nre l)hilii(lels)hiii, Baltimore and XVashingztoir » Werk of The Luther-an Brother hood. The Lutherrm Brotherhood ot« Ameriea, organized shortly he fore the (!oinniission einne into. sexisteneev is work-hur Gordiallys inncl ekfeetively with the Pom kniission, nml partienlnrlx with lthe view of los-Mitte the net-es stiry isrotheqhood Bujictings in Sturm-DE « The first hnildinkz ereeted by. the Brotherho(;.l was thut at; SCunip I)o(l(.re. Des Moines. l;i.,s thieti Mr its-zweiten -»«1 is; ihn-one the liest known eiimp: «hnil(lings in the (-onntr)-. lt is» srentlerinsz grent serviee s The Brotherhood ereeted al-l Zso n hnililinsx iit the Great linke-e anviil Trnininsz Rtation in Illi-: «nois, eostinLf P15.000.00 This hniliiinxr link1 heen a Lreat sue-s eess from the day it was opened« lund before the reeent epidemiej leame into the eamp there wereå ’(listributed at this huildingz a-» lhout 10,000 sheets ok writing: l Zpaper every dazu which qives sen idea of the number ek boysz Iwho visited it dank-. Buildingsi set a number ok other eknnpss have been plneed in serviee by «the Brotherhood. Direet serv-lee One of the methods employed hy the Oommission to reaeh the Luther-an boys with what it:r want-s to sey to them is by mail direetly from the okkiee. Beginnine September lst e sermonette, with eolleet and hymn, ealled the «War serviee Meseage kor The Day" is being sent weekly to every Luther-an man in the serviee whose name and address is on kile in the office. The number et those mes sage-s sent out wes-By approxims etes 30,000. , Public-»etwas l The litereture that has been prepare-d by the commission for the hoys in the army and nevy includes the following- Arms and invy Service Hymn and Prayer Bock, the Soldjer’s Cate (el1ism, the Poeket Memorandum eontalning a list ok the Luther-in (’-l1ur(«hes in Paris and other valuablss information, the War ’l’imss Sorvisse l)k0,tzmm, a small cic)lleesti0n of limrgieal parts and C()llo(«ts: booklets entitled «(Jl1rlst. the Physi(sjan« and «.«Cl1klst the N11r80". and a little book (-ntjtl (-(l «·’Pls(- Solche-Es Text Bo()k« the last a homily of Bible verses publislusd by tlns Andern-an Truist sor«ie1«v. Arn-knien. Et tny Vidncsbntd. Eom lwkendt bar Stifter-en af »Den tnskc Orjv11«tntisfimr,« Dr. chs sinss nndvr Kriaicn tmkkct sia Alba as Tia sit vgusl LIasrL Uæfuntligst sordk Imn maam got-e unsre for Amusnicn end det var hanc muligt at ndrotte paa tny Grund da sont Fumnmd for th tufke TleiHsiuanscsl Halt Don tyskc Opfattclse af Binnenk crnc var -iøv1·igt før Krigen nagen lundc den fannne Lon alle Kcndcm Im A. n. Dudbcschr skxw fanledcs fort For Kring uwd nd: »Da vi sur set-J Aar fide-n genuemrejstse vor Arbcjdsmarh den store MulschiSleti te mod den-I manqe Lands-hoch III-ev dct soc; arirfnldt klart, at vi arbede de blandt et døksndo Rost Hunnen r:7-’-eiacsninsd, al Staats Utmdcsrtmkkeli scs oa ulmrtc Stattepaalwa hande ainrt Fnlkot til, lwad dot var-. — —- Hund vor-of sZTjne faa, overgik not-o oasrste Ilncslscsn Virkeliahedcn var faa for-widest at vi kun i Be oidftbeden onl, at vor Vej var bie «st(-mt as Wid, kundo vovc at slaa os ncd hor. —- —— Den førftc og sidste Grund til Zolkets Lidelfer er, at de holder fast ved Jer Vidnes bnrd De ibar nn i Aavhuudreder lmaret Krifti Forfmædclse midt i Jelam - — — Jca bar 3 Mufch og Omegn kun set ccn Armxniety der Var gart nsver til Jslam Hatt var i Æro og Vwrdiglwd, bade en an sot Stille og kendth insgeu Samt Hdan ’bavde i Dødsfare rcddet sit Nin vcd Fornasgtelfe, og nu hav Ide han det godt — men bans Lands jimasnd saa med Gru paa yam: IMsanden havde miftet fiu Sjcel, dct stod fast for alle.« Vogt Dem for ,,claim« Ageuterg Krigsdepartemenbet autoriferer følgende Mel-Welle Slægtniüget af sOfficerer og Sol daten fom har Krav paa Unber holdningsbidrag eller Abfuvance i føTige War Mit Jnsuvanoe Losvem behøver ingen Hiæpp fra udenfors stauen-de Personer til at indkassere deres Tilgodehsavende. Finansdepars tementets War Risk Jnsuranee Bu rean føkger for alt vsedrørende dis fe Zasaer og ndbetsaler alle Krav u den Gebyic Udenforstaaende Agens tier, som benytter fig af Officeeernes oa Soldaterness Slægtninges Ube tensdtskab smed For-holdem, ier hjem faldne til streng Straf. Opnnlsrkfoniheden heuledeås Paa den Kendåsgerning, at en Del n denforftaaende Agsenter fremdeles forsøger ulovliat at bist-an med Jud tagsserinasen as Kraoene, og at disk-s jsesJ Hiælp ei- nnødvendig. Med hver ;DsødsfaldL--MeddeleIs-e fra Krigsde partementet folg-er Oplosning oin, at «:’lnoendels«e as juridifk Bistand til Jndkassserina af Aöfnrance er ooeeilødig Ved en as Finansdepar tencentet istandbraat Ordninsg med zioiniteen for War Service-, Ameri »ran Var Association, kan man staf: ife sig saadan jnridifk Vejlediiiiig, sont man maatte finde nødvendigt, oed Henoendelse til Udskrivningde strikternesz juridisfe Rand-giuere (lo ;cal legal aduiforn ward-ist« Looen oin War Rift Jnsurance Ilieitenmieiz at en Zugs-vers Gebyr for Udjærdiaelse as de nødoendige Tokninenter ikte skal overftige 8300 »i nagen enkelt Zag. Jngen ,,clai1n« Hxslgenter eller Ziagførere anerkendes lai War Nifk Jivsnrance Bin-emi, und itaasen i Tilfaslde af opstaaede Stri ldjgkieder nedwrende AssnrancesKon Erkalten Inellein Vnreanet og en Ar Ioinkh i lioiltet Tilfælde et Gebor Ipaa ikke over 5 pCt af den ind taIferede Juni kan betaless til Ilsen tsn, dog itke niere end l Tiendes del af l)ver Afbetaling, som tilfal der den Tilgodet)aoendie, indtil Sum men er fuldt betal"t. War kliifk Lotsen bestemmer vided 1«e, at enlwer Person, sont direkte eller jndirekte anknoder om et Ge lnn«, der oveksriger det lovlige fast fatte, aør sia imldig i en Sodom-r trasdselfe nnizdemeanor), som for inwi- enkelt O11e1·t1«ædelfe niedfører Straf paa ikte over 850000 Mulkt euer Jtraiardejde i ikke over 2 Aar, eller beggse Dele. Kriasdepartementet og Finanzde "partementiet sainarlnsjder mied at be flytte Awinger af Officerer sog Sol daten sont er afgaaet ved Døden el ler ialdne i Kanne, mod ivisse «clai1ng« Ase-stier, fom foger at be drasge de afdøde Heltes Slægtnini ·g«e, og anmoder alle amerikanfke Borgere om at gøre disse Fakta be skendt for einlyved For at korltinclre spild ak Faden Brug- (-n ,.1nt(si«1mii()1ml" Kraftfodor Kværn fut nt Umlgsim Tab al« l«’()(1(-1·st»l«j«(sr. M(«(1 (l(-nn(- Kmkrn lciui iil Steig-H Sind indbofnltentlp Majs Dem Kommt og i Ilzlslcsrct malt-s fint ellcr grovt, eftorsom man maattts cinskis (1(-l, mu! forholdsvis lot Kraft l)(-nn(- Naskincs fabrikores i Use Modellcr lqmr Mo clcsl i furskelligo Stcjj«1«(·-.ISOI’. B Modellon mnlpr Kot-n ug Majskolber og kan faas med Ci, 8 ug 10 ’l’()nnn(-1« Hader-. U Modellen nmler kuns Korn. Den or en hur tiglølmntlp Mkiskine 1n(«.(l 6 og 8 Tummel- Pla(l(-1·. MHl l) Modollssn nmlos Miij i Hylstoret Den hat« spiral t«0n-I(«t Skitsrcstæncler og S og 10 Tommksr Pladmz All(l »lnt(-1«nnt.i0nal" Kvknrno fabrjkenss at« godt staal forstærket hvorsomhelst det findes nødvendjgt. Dis H- forsyncst mpd alt nødvendigt Tilb(sbm-. og er indnsttmäo paa san vidt muligt at nndgaa Bripk og Skmlm l)(ss«som If)1-ivkmften forsyncss vtssl Brugon af im sfcstlcjbssndm økonomisk International Mofor knn l)(1 ilckts fan Don-s Kraftfnder bpdro ellpr billigoro malot Skssiv pftssr Katalog. INTBRNATIONAL HARVESTDR COMPANY CHICAGO, (1ncorporated) U. s. A. Champ i ot)—Deering—McOormick-Milwaukee Osborne.