.,Danskeren« Oysdag den 30. Oktober, 1918. Blsiy Nebr. Mr.T.J.Eye, tidligcrc Fornmnd i Trykkericst her, kom der igennem for sleden part Vej sfra sit Hjem i Eiser Rapiids, Ja» til Nyman Groch Nebr. Han bavde sauer Bud, at Gans Dotter der, Mr5. Luni-J Ol -1«en, var ntseget fyg as Jnsfluenzm og da hats kom herti1, fik han Bud, at lmn var dad. saa han tom · der-nd tj«1 bendses Begravelfe i Ete -dct for at se hende i Live. —- Ogs saa bang Dattser ber, Mit-Ia MøL ier Mund har haft Jnflusenza Hun var i Hufet bos Barber Henry Pe -tersen og plojede Hin Bestände Akt-T Peter-few da hun Var sog, og faa blev Mer Musik ogssaa tagt-i ned Dig muntre vac hos Pestersensx J midlcrtfd høric vi i Guar, at hun er appe. — Mer Sam Christenfcn under gik i Søndags Morges en Opera tion paa Nicholsons Hofpital i Om oha Operationen blev vel overstaas et, og bun befiinsder sig saa oeL jom det under Omstændigskwder kunde Mutes-. —- sDer bar jo nu allerede i no gen Tid været Karantwne her i By en og or det for Tiben sover hele Statm Men City Mayor Mr. Ro berts vi-! i Morgen Aften efter Raqdfsrfel med Byens Lcegek lade Bot-us Præfter M, om det er tä madeljgt at aabne Kirkerne paa Essai-Ag — Vi er af Past. Berthelsen i Omnha og Medlemmer of hans Menighed opfordret til at heule de Opmærksomheden paa Dr. Ma rie Anderfens Avertisfement her i Bladet. Dr. Andersen har efter Patientcrs Opfordring besluttet sig til at aflægge regelmcessige Be fsg i Blair (fe Avertisemcntet). Past. Verwaler fkriver, at Dr. Andersen med særligt Held har bedandcht et Por alvorlige kronifke Sygdomstilfælde i bans Familie. Dr. Anderfen er eksaminerende Læge for Pella Menigbeds Syges «forening. — Nu bar Vi Taaet Bade i Jor den. Ftedwg Eftermsiddag og Af ten spaaede man Sue, og ganske rigtig, Lørdag Morgen var Jorden dækkek med Sm, og san vekslede det med Sne og Regn Lordag og »Zøt1(dag, saa det Wes, vi bar faaet ra. 3 Tommer Von-d, i hoert Fald kn« god Wide. En bet Frost bar vi vgsaa hast, men de sähste Par Da ge hat oi atter set Solen, og Zue en er forfUUUdem Græsplænerne i Byen er after arm-ne san vi gæts ter par-) at der ogsaa bliver en Del Esteraarsgræsningz Vinderfeeden hat nu Leflighed til at faa en god Statt - Fei for diu egen Tor. Lgsaa her i det frie Am rjk0, i den demokratika Newble Ujsir der sig af og til autokratjske Til bøjeligbcder« Teddy Roofevelt saa Llar "tilbagc slige Tilbøjcligheder j sit Parti: hakt vom-de sin Trøje og fejede for sit Partis Tor. Efteraarsvalget staar for Deren, og da er der Anledning for hvert Parti til at feje for jin egen Dok, feje de mttokratiskses Tisndenser til Zide ... Republikanerne i Iowa hat m Anledning til at vise Guvcsrnsr Hat-ding, at de ikke taaler hans autokratifle Sprogdekrct, og De mokraterne her i Nebraska hat Anlednjng til at vise Gov. chille noget lignende: thi det var jo ham, der stod bag ved Stabe Council as Defenfe’s Sprogdektet her i Nebra ska. Oq saa vor ellets faa noble oq dygtiqe Præsident Willen, der nys lis et optraadt fom Diktator oq vil befiemmr. hvad Slags Kongres, yi N We —- dkr er Anledning for Meist-til at vife bean, at um , Heu end er Mstkommanderende Cet M i Arius-M san er han Sold-stets fta Dana· Collenr. Zidfte Foraar blev der her ved Skalen indviet et «3ervice Flag« til Ære for de unge Mænd, sont engang hat freksventeret vor Skale og sont nn tjener i Hasren Ved Skoleaatets Slutning havde vort Flug tre og tresindstyve Stierne1-: saa mange Navne vidste vi den Gang sont med Zitkerhed Nn er mange flere af dem, svi regnet med til vore, gaaet ind i Herren, og vi Uilde gerne have en Stjeme paa vort Flug for lwer eneste af dem, om det var mnligt. Vi vil derfoH bede alle Stolen-Ei Venner onl, at hjælpe os. Enbver, sum kender Soldaten der engang bar været indfkrevet som Elever paa Dana College, bedesis om at fende os Navnene paa saadanne Sau vidt muligt vilde vi gerne have Solda ternes fulde Navn og Adresse-r (Hjem), samt deres nuværende Op holdsfted, ocs den Afdeling ved lwilken de tjener (,,Navv«, »Marine Corps«, »Aviation«. ,,Jnfantry«, »Medical Corps«, ostL Venner, bevis os denne Tjeneste og gør det nu. Send os blot et Postkort med de Norme, J kender i Dag, og send os andre Nonne eftersom J faar dem opfpurgt. Vi, som gaar i Skole her, regnet as Iom en stor Familie, og vi vil ger ne i Tanken folge dem, der i ster lig For-stand her-er til vor Kreds. Pan »Sewioe Flag« Komiteens Beque, Anders Jøtgenscn « PLEASE THE WOBU « Opening sermon at the Anna-il Ueeting ot« Jojnt Conterenoe ot Luther-an Missions in Japan le -I. P· Nielsens icontinued from last issnel The Buclcllsists have imitated our s. s» linilt modern «Chapel.s«" in some plaises and are now ap ing us in doing street preaching even t» the extent of han«-ging up a hig lautern written on in large characters In a eertain Rense they yet have the power and the people. and sometimes when we hear about their lartze kl. s. and other asstivities. we feel a little qniverinzr about the Its-art. But we net-er want to kor gxet that they have no Worcl for the people and espsscsially for the little ehildren Fve want ever to remeniher that no lautinxx results ssan he attained through mere korms and s«ounterkeits. Ahove all we must ever keer jn mind that the Vcord we preaeh is the word of God’8 eternal power, and therefore it is up to us to plans onrselves kirmly upon this Wortl. «s'or it is the power ok Gott unt-o salvatjon to every one that bcheveth.« Akt-er hearing ssertain form-S ot« preachjng.Ul11-is tian so onlle(l, people have been known to extslaim: «its all the same,« meaninzx that- there is no slikkerenee hetween our message and that of Buddhism. If we preaseh in that way, we are sure-. ly not preaehing the IVorcL but drasxginkr the «et-ernal Gospel« down into the mire ok humnn philosophy end common morali ty. How dure any Christian preacher present the Goiipel in weh a way that it appears as nothing digtinet or extraordi inaryl A book like the Bihle could not hy alt the ingenuity of all great minds he eonstrneted ont ot all the religions literstnre ok hea thendotn Nor can anything re semhling the Christian God be eoneeived by were hauen thoasht There is no other re lixion in the world with s era oiiied und rioen soviotn The whole world oelobrotoss christ sos, hnt how many thinlk about M Myi Tot Oslsorz nnd not Bothth is the contes- ot sont Christi-n schrie-h lt is It ing fast of L’l1rist«s religion is isompuretl with what hnppenetl to snkura sogore till nien get the ixleu that the oan clikkerenee is onl- ok senkte but not one radieaL lzs und ftuulan1(-nt8ll)« different. m- iire not preaehing the Werd of the (’,ross. God forhicl thut- any man trainetl in our Luther-in thut-eh should ever, even in thonglm compnre the death ok Uhr-ist to thut ok General Nogi llow nun-h there is in this lentl ok drei-ging clown Christ’8 deeth upon the (-ross. clrnkxxxing it down into the mire ok hunmn akkairs. lf we (lo not in nll onr preaeh ingx hohl it liipzh above every other event that ever took plum in liistorzs. we im- 11nws)rthz,f to he trustetl with the preaehing of »Go(l’s Gosptsl to n dying world. What the Japanese need is not more mornl precsepts hnt reel selt· ssonqnerinpz poweir Whut they need is not only u «(lol(len Ruh-« hut a regenernte heart nnd the power of the Iloly Christ. Their neecl is a full neeeptnnee of the word of wliieh Christ saldt «Th» word- that 1 have spalten to you are spirit end are lite.« A Japanese pastor of one ok the leeoling Churehes in Japan reeently leeturetl to u gathering ok Jephnese christians on Ges nesis in whieh this book wiss hroken up into many pieees end then jumhled together in the kont serap-heaps of E. -l. D. P., whissh kour symbols might kittingly he read: Bkkronter)·, -langling, Death Perdition and pleeed es an epi taph on the tomh ok all suish theologiens. On the same oeension the story ok the Fall was tslcssn as an- old kairy tale." Another lectnrer at the same meeting leetured on Philippiatis, but eonhl see nothing of (,’-hrist’s divinity in that epistle Our Christi-ins hear too tunc-h of this kind ok tallc end too little of the livine Word ok Gott «- sk ; When we insist on the prencsli Eine of the lVorC we are not fighting a speetre, but powisrs ,(-lothe(l in klesh and hlood. We are up against powers which woulcl roh Christ ok Ilis divitiity, ,the Cross of its power, the Worcl of its clistinetive truth, end meu Hand women ok their heeven-sent -lvatjon. We are up against s. form of Christinnity which, hold ing the form ok goclliness. but having denied the power there ok," is only another form ok heuthenclom We have nnclouht edly all often kelt this, hut list us, in view ok the times, giv« still more diligenee to our high coll ina to preaeh the Word ok (j;o(l’s power. Only in this way shall we ever he ehle t·o Sey what Paul saicl to thr- elders from Ephesu8: «1 am pure from the hlootl of sll neu." This he isonld ssazs because it eoulcl Usan he lsaid of him while he was in lEphegus that he wes «reusoniug claily in the sehool ok Tyrannus. And this continued koc the spat-e ok two years; so that ell they that dwelt in Asie heut-d the Wortl, both Jews unt-l Greelcs." And because he could sey with-» out kear of eohtreclietion thetz he hacl been "testikying both to; Jews and Greci-s repeutomse to-l warcl sod, end kaith towerkl our Lord Jesus Glut-ist« Unless we cko this end do it ones-using ly we need loolc tot nothing hat regt-et- end en evil eonseienee when all is over. " In our delibekations et this contes-euce, we will he ooeupls ed mostly with questions ok the machinery ot mission-, end e mong these come ok Frost momnt will isomcs up for onr sorions con »i(,l«-rati»n. hut if all ihn-s not unwier to this komm-. this all important worlc »t· gettinzx Go(l«.«« Wortl hiskoris this Jukninoso pro islis in all its fort-(- iincl I)iirit)«. »m- deliherations will hi- in vaiiL Hur idepas incy- (lit"ke-r on many points as to wiixs mnl means, hut on this one point wo must iill he only und l sinusrolx hohen wis sitt-. Vill- notsil only to stik np »m- spirits to streute-r efforts and to roiiew our (lot(-rminiition to go forward in (’hrist’s name to pro (·laini this livinir Vcorcl of thcs living Uotl to n (l)-ing people-« This ons- tshurizis to protmh the XVorcL given lizs a man who know not what moment ho would lic- oallcsil forth from prison lo lkix down his life- for his Masker, and Lin-n to his most trustod ilisciplo and («o-worlcisr, has the stromxost possihlts spttiiig. Ue terms-, and it is like- the words of a thing mitn: «I what-gis thee in this sight ot« Uml. und of Jo xng (’ht·ist. who shall juilgxo this livinkz anil tho- (l(-a(l, nncl by His appearing antl His kingcloni: proa(-h this Vcord; bo urgent in geasou, out of season." Wheu Satan okerecl Jesus all the kingdotns ok the world with all their know-, Jesus klatlzy ke jectod it. Immecliately after that, »it saysx «I'rom that time bog-on Jesus to pro-oh and to any, Ko pont yo: tot the Wom of hon vcu is It M." Jesus ohose the hurclest way, hut the- real IVon the way we all are eallecl to go. Satan has always okkerecl Month "(-rs a multitude ok kinkz(ioms. ik" they would only rekrain kromj proz-thing that one- thing about respentanoo and salvation by kaithi »in Jesus Christ. lZnt Clirist’8 re-! Jligzion has heieome the rcsligion, Hilfst-aust- His Spirit has now und sage-in ruised up preacehors who have prestshed the Word of ro pontonce and th- isenrness of (io(l’8 kingdom of grause. There is no other way for us. AS preis-h ers we how no other all-import ant duty to God and our follow mon. Missiongss og Ungdomsmødet l Omalia aflyicsii indtil videre paa Grund of Julluisnze Epidemien Lmaha, Nebr, d. Zi. Nov. 1918. — H. Bei-theilen l i Rettelir. » J Kontoring for Gavcr til Pen lsionsfondet fra Jan Francissea Cal Jifoan Ansgarxllenigbed 8100, skalz zværw En imævnt i Zinsgut Mth 33100 l , Krcdsmtdr. Kredsmødet i Pacific Krebs er Pan Grund af Jntluenzastkpedemi i Zelma udfat til December fra tt til R. O. Rye Olfcm l p. T. Kredslormand Uasdsmsmsde for den nordlige Del af Minnefota Krebs afholdes i Luci, Wis., fra Nov. 8 til lOde begge Dagene ibcregnede. Alle de unge indbydes paa det hierteligste til at dcltage i disse Msder Meld eders Komme i god Tit-. Pan Ungdomsforeningens Beque. Anders Hausen Von Mel-k- sit-us at Its-Ums ZBIWTOKII toroligger tm 147 sich-. Tsltiko Bill-nist soliclt shirtingsbinc Pritsscts M Luther-a publ- sont-. sjoiy seht-. BLIMOI. A Goocl Tioket to Von-. Nov. 5th, 1918. Republioan Nomineos. For CongresHALBBBT W. JBFFBRIS For Stute Seuators—BALPI-I WEAVBRLING. For state BepresentutivPA II. Ell-DER For County AttorneyVBAcB BALLARU For Connty Mark-EOWÄBD B. FARR For County Treusurer——B. G. ALLE-N For county shorikk--A. A. OOUPTch For Oounty Commissioner Dist. I-—c. F. PULS. For County Oomwissiouor Dist. HOIIN F. WEITB Vi onskcr Denk-; Hand-Eh Verlor et set o- slvd mithin-sehst st welke von VII-et M Ums-s Its-to sofort-II os III-c let ums-s leveke Dem riet deckst-, äu sind-I i Luni-litt It Do tm til-rede es It von into Its-se loose-, 0 stili- s-- , Ists- os. c- De ril sit-ne os et seit-. m V! IAN »Ah-EIT- IVAD Vl IAI MU. sAs Bat-s Zkai Dem Ei Biem i nærhecten as Blain l7nhortoxxmsdo lmr til salg flerp størko og minukxx J()1·dst.)·kker i Hier tæt ved Byen — alle med Bygnjn ger. hvomf noglks gunske ny0. Skriv pf’t(-r Priser og nmrmens ()pl)"sninger. Ic. P. HUNDAHL, Blaji. Nebr Ykødekalctcder Ccdar Fall-is, Ja» Nazareth Me uigk)cd, Missionsmode 23.—-—27.Okt.! Faslles llngdomsnmdc i Elk Horn, » Ja., den IT. og H. Nov. ! l Missionksnmdot i Gruen Ba1),; Wis» or udfat til den 2-1.——2(’-.Y Nov. paa Grund as »Zpanifb» Juslucsnza.« Nan De er i Chimgo bcspg det kristcligc Ungdomshjcm 1652 North Nocfwell Strect, liges overfor Ebencchr Kirkc. —- Dansk Madlcwning -— Nimclige Priser. —- Godt Selssab i bnggeligc Om qivelfcr. Telcfon Armitage 8738. W HONI- UND Omshu Miso Kot-L lsth O smsy It. s llyggelige. lyse og ost- mpdsj lerode VIII-eben Her Mot- ljej sltid lpamismævä krs de cito-IN Menigheder i Not-dreien Mode-! koste Prim. Al mutig Tier-tril-( lighod vite- GWrne. Alls spor-; voxne stand-er ved Ost-eu. F Clas. C. sinnt-m tin-. H ! ohkstchs 81 u)10 l ZLAXR, NEBR . F inostcs hjtnssmkoring til much-tim- l’ risms. ! Fotogkafekjvg veck hungrig Lys pu ! wirke Dage. I — -- ...-—»-·- -, —, , - —- .., Manns-print ILÄUL III-J Ave-de . »v.l)ut1u1 2.()() Ist-is. Nr. » US Hin-ke- . .. - H RII syst — Svis:. Top. - , . 17.00 WITH OIJ " « studi. Iood cmnked ..... - »Es-J fo cboice Fee-Lei- » . . .. 10«s 12.00 svln .. . Its-I 1790 clllc400: svede .. . . .. . nomine sing-tm Nr 2 . . »Es- 70 stig- .. . .. 127 lJf Isttolls pksmslc III IJI stude,c oice comleci » WITH-Eli Svfs ....... -..... 1022 Ist-s ..-,, z I Hvorfor Stute Bank? Statut Oceka MQ kmäszondwachveksk Wien »MMIOP widest- stmd W ps Douqk as 2Wd aste hvitteu spm hegt Ist m s W W. Er ve- ikkk dem-is- Gras not m at km Dem is « ds uom en W Hm —- »p. Mr I — - this-m state bun, Izu-. seit t.·dekmqs«s, W. J. c. Institut-, Aether-. Jede V. Eisfel kcs CI Of cckcs Of- III-VIII che ssnuin Houu of II. can met-: Izu-um« »Ur lsko sent Dom sitt-M Ist-« tin-sk- itsl ZW«. - over-II DOMAIN Alt til Zaultsorretninc hea hsrendc nett-res. Reuter be tsles pta kastc lndskucL kun- s« hist-kurz ; des-e Ists-« s. sit-net umle- Sutoa Nehmt lsanksanmmot F.R.(’Z-lefl- Isty tkokss Pay-idem «- t Isidor »so-sc IIOCUCUC »so-I IS « OOOOJOJC Doscxoscsc IO -.k.k.s’.s’.kss·—’«k.c OWOII N. c BR —"« XII-J- Tss music now-Zuz " nun-, Nov-»k-. L skkjv psa Dunste .-, oft-ot- tmut Do sinkst-. WIO" « VOM J etc-tu- titu ; m IIAII Um J Mtsw I W la - set It alle Abs-. III-·- I sy slo I-. lass-a uis »Ist-situ M Dost- ijots »li- J M um ; W- ..«-.-- .--. .--....·.-, »M Staie Bank - U.s.VIPOs1’-l!027 habet-M- sjg meä alt heult tendo til DOHRN-thing —- God Bekundung os hemmte Pein-. V. A. OW, PM. Mos. W sichs-, BUT-, MI. - --.- I-» »s- ---—- - Julius Petersen Davslc Hardware-korretnjng, ! zinhssfnlssr Hig Ins-il ich lustilumsnilss BLÄIR, NBZR Cec. chkimanun UHAMAGEK s-. JUVELSH For-endet over sit. Raps-umwo meidet-net Icoom 402 Kote klug» Hut-lu- hel r. - «2« Li.sÄ-« »(-»«rns.’kst N. W Ntccsuk l· « T « «L5m. Dr- m. j. Jensess J Usmk Lege 03 Kiruks Los-tm- M nun-tosen Unmut-I 760 Sitte « bitt-alles Ave- ass. IIIIIAPOLIS. - — III-I l Rot-Its SM« I-? .«.- sc l Ver-on Do jusket Herko- aller Drangedthen Boklodningsap til-ler, Ect, kluc- belt sat. fod ssskko aller Tut-eh bot-ihr Tot si« st W tu hause o- heim-n W nos Ed. Matthieicu ZW, ME. br. Z. K. meaa Dentisi Ins- III We IIIICIIS Ist-os- w