, sonder-Zustand Gurt-fernsten skiftm Den 15 Juli reiste de tyske Tropper, der siden Midten af Februar hat for rettet Vagttjenefte ved Grcenscn fra Vesterhavet og til jSlzvro, til Ha derslev, og samtidig kuni Llfløiz ningsstropper Syd fra, furinentlig fra Hospitalerne l t I l s l En Tyv fta Sinderjylland For e luden Akten Kl. 8 korn der ifl »Ri-; be Etiftst« til Ribe Byfogedkonals tor telegrafisk Anmodning sra . llmtsforstanderen i Rødding um at efterføge og anholde en Mand, ! der bavde itjaalet et ftørre Belehl Politiet satte sig straks i Bcoægelsc, 7 og i Lobet af Aftenen lykkedcs det at finde Personen, der tilstlod ai! have iijaalet 1000 Mark fra enl Medtjenende, hvorefter han straks var flngtet her til Landet. J Ribe bavde han faaet Pengene byttet og ais-nennt en Del af dem til at ewi .,uere sig for, men han havde dog endnn ca. 380 Kr. i Bel)old. Ty vcn dar rquisk Undersaat. Den spanfke Sygdotn er ifl. ,,.Hmd.« almindelig udbredt i Aabenraa Den varer tre Dage og forløber mildt. J wrigt breder den sig aq iaa Paa andre Egne af Zønders W. nnd Ltkderfodttj. Til «Flsb. Av.« sit-wess, at Borgernes Forfyning med Lcederfodtøj saa godt sum vil opyøre. Man bar gemme, l)vad man endnu har, og i Sommer gaa med Træstøvler eller Zandaler. Dsdsfald. J Søndags Aftes, stri vcs der forleden, døde i Haderslev tisdligere Gaardejer Lanst Jlnfersen Dette Dødsfald vil blive miodtaget med Teltagelse i vide Krebse; thi Laqu illnkersen var en Mand, der var kendt og fkattet hele Nordsles -1:.1 »wer, skriver Hader-Zion »Dan neoirke«. ( Zaa stilfærdig og bramfri end liaiis Optræden var, ejede han enl Dunst-zwei slærlighed til alt geht« og en ualmindelig Virtetmng til at luælpe sine Medrnennefker, en Vil lie, der undekbyggedeg af en dyb kristelig Livsanskuelse og betydelige Llandievncir Da han desnden var’ en uelitaaende Mand og i jin Hu ern Tjaode en ligesindet og trofafi» Eil-zic, lykkedes det hanc trods fitk Lag-» Helbred at føre et sjceldent virksonit Liv, der har sat Zpor i »u; aandelige Udvikling. Zehnter-« :-«. Blau Anterjcn tun licp ile Llar sammel. Klædek nden Foer. zur at spare paa de knappe Foerstoffcr bar Rigep s össflædningsstedct i Berlin anords , net, at der fkal spare-S paa Zuerst; til Llcandsklædec Ved Jakker, til; Mænd «og Drenge, som er knappede yelt op i Hallen, maa tun Ærmers ne fores; undtagne er saadanne spie-re Vinterjakker, der breites i Ste det for Vinteroverfrakker. J Ryggen paa Frakker og Jakker samt i Mands- og Dkengesovertøj maa der overhovedet ikke anbkinges Foer, Vesierygge maa kun fyes med el« Lag Foer Kapper oq Overfrakker til Mænd og Drenge maa kun fo res til den nederfte Kant as Side-· lommerne. J Frakker og Jakker for! Mænd og Drenge maa der ikke vak Ie flete end 4 Sommer, i Beste los tBercklædec Use flae end s. Ists der, anvendes Foer af rent Papirs I stof, maa der bruges saa meget, jom der trenqu til. « 7 use Oeuestet duan pu en Both-un Forli-den Aften sejlede W. »Gew« 3 Marinefoldatet og 4 unge Piger i en lille Baad Ined We Seil fta Wand til iølge med til Skærbæk for seiieres It blive ført ,til Flensborg i For äøc « Værft var det med Studefors spandet. Det kunde jo ika blive» ftaaende paa Landevejen. Kommans . danten i Skærbæk gav derfor Lov til, at Studene og Tørvene maattei føres hen til en Kro Jmcns var det blevet Middag, der var kom met Barme i Luften De taabelige Stude satte da pludselig Halen i Vejret og løb i fuld Furt med Læsset nordpaa. Men da Lede-. ren manglede, kunde de ikke holde. Balancen. Omsider tørnede de mod. en Milepcel og blev ftandsede De blev derfor fkyndfomst internerede, før de voldtc more Fortrced ved ats gaa for løse Tøjler i i I i Syttaad paa Snkkkrkort. Magi ftraten i Aabenraa bekendtgør, at der fta den 12. Juli af kan faass linned Sytraad mod Fremlceggelse af Sukkerkortet. J forste Raska tages der Hen fyn til saadanne Forbrugere, der i Denk-old til dercs iskonomiske og fo ciale Stilling og som Følge af stækkt Slid paa dekes Tøj, s. Eke ved haardt Arbejde, særligt behøis ver Traad til at gøre deres Klædss ninger i Stand. Cndvidere kan kun. Husholdningcr paa 4 Personer vgl deriover faa Traad Iorlmdt SekkBirkfomhed. Den ftedfortrcedende kommanderende Ge neral i Altona bekendtgør. at det i den vffentlige Sikkerheds Inter esse forbydes Tilhængerne af Sek terne »Ernste Bibelforscher« (Al· vorlige Bibelforskere) og ,,Vagtturm Bibel- und TraktatiGesellschaft« (Vagttaarns, Bibel- og TraktatsSels ital-) populcert kaldet»Millenniste1-s ne«, atsudøve enhver som helft Hversl vevirksomhed, ifcer at fioranstalte Møder samt at udbrede og udstillel Skrister. -Overtrcedelser af dette Forbud strafer med Fængfel indtil 1 Aar eller, naar der foreligger for-mil dende Omftændigheder, med Arrest eller med Pengebøder pqa indtill 1500 Mark I i Ä PLBÄ FOR- TIIB VOLK-DICH ZORN By G. s. stwndvolck Mit-and For-Its Hemle The page of the forejewhorn has bescsn presst-used to the murt »t« puhljcs npinjuu in Amerika. hnt the Heu- advan- «· d hin· Ins-ir I) all hcsisn on thk part »f· the, plaintiff uhesssnonr th· this-nehmt« atteinpted to smuris a sharin he was derjelssck scsustd at aud· made the tat-List of th« most mi xisssrllz »t· mrelesslz iissultiug re mark-s Her heer in this r:()unt1·y.i Ewer doxz has his (lu), istnck Her th» koresjgw bot-« is eutjlledl m e tair hie-using Mut-h ok the loud talk against the Dreien-how in this United States is based on what-notorisch mjsunderstandiug and let-h of works-set information. Some ok it» is desjguedly maljejous and he-P trays the presence of a vast amount ot· uarrow-mjnded chau vjujsm among- the unthinking elemeuts of the Amt-than people-« Z l I l A Pact Osten sorgt-weg The Jemakk most- frequently hear-d in dispassjon «k the kokejgn-hokn is that they owe Ame-riet- everythjng. This is hat qualikied fmthJ for these people have thejr like, theils traditione, inherited tust-s- eto., Ltom theil native lands. In certain Bumpean countries they enjoy the Same measure ok politjeal and per son-l liberty as people do in this country. This ksot is often lost sight ot, and it is rotely fee-Ill— ed what Amekjec owes her Em mjgrants. It is but right that Europen-s who settle in the United states been-ne eitizens ok this country And yet-how few how very few, Americas-s siehax siwa change thsik citizenshipt so Les-, in het, thst Iheü the Ists W lin- Wclckokt Astok ones sent-s Juno-, Its» beems sum-M Dritt-h eitisovs, s hu soc et vss sei-sei is this emtry M M still be bot-C It is s M M to over-os- st sll M M M W ils W l that exeeedingly few Ainerieansi living there ever change then-; eitizenship, and at hoine they are. praised kor this persistent Amer iean attitnde. Adverae to Display. ,,The iminigrant wh» heeomes a eitizen of the United States paxs a eonipliment to this coun try hx thus showing his utmost -.«ont"itlenee in its iiistitiitioiis. IIe is loyal nnd devoted to America not heeiinse a eertain kormnl doenuient requires it, hnt be·. cause it is a nutural inelinationl with him. The majority ok im migrants in the l·nited state-sit are no more loyal nnd putriotie in time of war than in time ofl 1)eku-e, for even under normall eouditions their l()3«iilt»x" and pa-« triotism are of so high an or-l der that there is rooni for nor further iinproveinent. ! This is not always clearly un-! derstood, for some native Amer ieans are apt to interpret wav ing of flugs, wearing ot! hadges, inneh slionti-1«.-. ist«-» as trne sisIns og putriotisnk where the fort-inn lmrn v(-r)·. verz- often is iiverse to inaking anz- ostentatious dis play of his emotions. Most Eu ropeans have been bronght up in the beliek that love ok country ia as saered as is eonjugal lot-e, and they reason that they will violate their own trne nature if they stand on the street eor ners diseoursing noisily on the quality ok keelings which are their most treasnreds possessions. Many raees, the sc«andinavi ans, for instanee, feel absolute l»v koreigxn to the idea ot· Alver tising their innermost keeliugs to the world at large. Änd yet it is a faijst whieh has beenl proved again and again in timesl of peaee, as well as in time okJ war, that these verz- rat-es arel in no sense lag-ging hehind when’ it eomes to the test of loynltv to the United states. Todazyl many thousands of these people-J and their sons are bleeding onl the hattlefields under the Stars·l nnd stripes, and they bleed aai willinksly and as readily as sol-j diers of older Ameriean stockt They simply kight—and don’t talk about it· The)f give theirl all-—and expeikt no hroadeast ad-l vertising ok the taet. They-laws Ameriea—and insist that out-. ward show is no indieation ok the» uenuineness of the passion do minating their hearts. Repression ot Language-. i And still there have heen seen instanees in this eountry when-I methods are applied whicsh wonle put feven the most reaetionarilzs" hureaneratie Prnssian state ok kieial to shame· The eatnpaign which is just now being wag-edl (with no government approval, however) against koreign lan guages in Ameriea is more Pros sian than anything ever atteinpt ed in Prnssia. In Gern-any ok to day newspapers are printed in koreikxn languages (I(’reneh, Dan— ish, Polish), and the authorities plead no exeuses for not being able to eontrol this part ok the press. They employ the very oh»z vious and ekkeetive remedy oks appointing eensors who are faL miliar with the lang-nagen But in America the amazing plea is made that it is impossibla to oontrole the · drei-n- Language presc beeanse it cannot be tin-l derstood. . The governor ok Iowa has pro hibited the use ok toreign lan guagea in ehurehasJ Iohools, te· lephone eonveraationa and rail road trains. A lively agitation aimilar to this, although not. qnite so extreme, is apparent inj North Dakota and elaewhere,s and it is ot soIne interest to note that much o! this unhealthy and nationally dotorioratink Insoan sanda Lind- its most tat-til- soll in nation- settlad and Wut-ad lot-als by the toraiknpborn WWW" ,In W they do thing dichnntlyztbostadyoccomn bbeinkiawalloverths CW,MMM-proiak mm WatsthoFsvkt - universities for the study okll He rman latitstiaves and literature. s ihe university of London hasl :·eeentl) estahlished neu ehairs ioi the study of the three Bean tlinavian languages, and in« l·’ranee, stifkering from German lirutality more intensely than any other eountry in the world, exeept Belginm, the study ok German and other-,- koreign lau kzuages goes on with even innre interest than ever before. The British and Preneh do not ?oolc.at this problem from a; purely sentitnental point ok view. They judge praetieally, and they Z.now that the inore languages sheir people are kaniiliar with he hetter they will adapt them wtves to meet the prohlems whieh will result from the new sra soon to dawn upon the world. ln Ämeriea this is, however, istscsrwlielmingly a matter ok sen 7inient—-as a rule, of misled sen «i:nent. It is not realized that ihe niatter is ot· the utmost im portant-e from a purely practi ul Wint of view. and most peo ,»le tail t-) see the intelleetual .«lvantages ok European train ins- whieh results in teaehing s«hiltlren foreign languages from «heir sixth and seventh year up. The Question ot« klome Lotto-· There is aother phase ok the problem of the Lakeien-horn They are expeeted to sarrender their feelinkrs for their home lands entirely. This is exaetly parallel to asliing any Ameriean man who Inarries to fort-et his mother’s home, hig ehildhood home. It is rarely iinderstood! that the enltural and other im-! xressions gathered in the native ! sountries of the koreigzwhorn aret funslamentnl and ahsolntely kor mative as far as eharaeter is con «-erne(l. To demand that love ok «·the old eonntry" he quenehed, innounts to the same thing as Mariae out the foundation of a isig huildinj.-, and it is an exists-d anly well known faet that good Ämerieans are net-er developed out ok people who have not iearned loyalty and love of eouns try before they eame here. lt has been repeatedly stahl-among others hy ex—l-’resident Theodore Rimsevelt who now has joined the ehorus of oiieilanguagze ehatn pions—that the hegt Ameriean eitizens of koreiyn stock are those who retain their own national traits and Inaintain their love for the native eountry. You ean lot-e your home land as intenses ly as ik you were aetually there, and yet he a glorions example ok Ämeriean eitizenship. lt has heen seen in millions ok eases, and will eontinue to he Seen kor years to come. Value ok U. s. Athen-hin The Ameriean in Europe is proud and glad that Ämeriea is his home. Generally that kaet does not interfere with his feel ings toward the esintry in whieh he has settled. The Buropean in Luneriea is proud and glad oi the country from which he eomea —exeept in a few eines-and there have heen produced con spieuously few prooka which-tend to ahow that hia love kor his native land Uimjnishes his love for the United states. That this claim does not hold good in the eage ok many German- in this country-, does not disprove the assertion, for the people who hail from Germany are plaeed in a most pitihhle and diktienlt po sition in eonsequenee ok the out hreok of a war in whieh they had no part. . lt should he remembered at all timeHven now whenx sen timent flattert in its highoat pjtohdsthat it there is a djotinos tiou betweon tho Americas- horn abrmä and the Amor-icon- horn hon, it rather tavors the tor nor because they rooliso what Ioorifloos they, in many instance-, have hroakht in order to ottsin to the rlchts and privilosos ok Antorioon eitlsoaship.1’heykaow tho value ot it hottorthoa com of thooo who have hod it oons M upon thosa by hol-s hora ist-ta- vsaut ans-. f Krittetinger. Jndreniissionem Jst svitteret se Kbl Nr. 34 ...................... 8982.08 Iowa Krebs ved P. Bondo .................... 88682 Nebr. Krebs ved L. Vedsted .................... 41.97 Staplehurst, Nebr. Mrsx LIlnne J. Phillipsen ........ « 5.00 Vermillion, S. Das-» Christian Hausen ............ 5.00 Tilsammen 8112087 Udbetalt til Dato 1011.9.3 - Overslud.. ROHR-L Jndianermissionent Før kvitteret se Kbl Nr. 34 .................... 8388.02 Albert Lea, Minn» Trin. Mgh .................. 3260 Minden, Nebr» en unævnt .................... 2.00 Staplehursi, Nebr., Mrs. Anne J. Phillipsen ........ 5.00 Vermillion, S. Dak., Christian Hausen ............ 5.00 Tilsammen 8432132 Udbetalt til Dato 45598 Underskud ZEISS Utalnnissionem Før kvitteket se Kbl. Nr. 34 ...................... 41160 Minden, Nebr., Jens B. Andersen ................ 200 White Niver, S. Dak., Peter A. Petersen og Htistru .. 32.50 Greensield, S. Dak» Kos. ...................... 10.00 Staplehurst, Nebr., Mrsx Anne J. Phillipsen ........ 10.00 Vergijlliorh S. Dak., Christian Hausen ............ 5.00 Tilsarnn:e11. . . . 8471 .1s) Udbetalt til Dato . . 1054508 Underskud 8583.48 Japanmissionem Før kvitteret se Kbl. Nr. M ...................... 8135658 Milltown, Wis» Mah. ........................ 26.00 Bone Lake, Wis» St. Pauli Mah. .. .. .......... 13.80 Nance Co., Nebr. .......................... 7.25 Brooklyn, N. Y» Salems Mah. .................. 40.0() Moorhead, Jowa, Vetbesda Mgh., Kvs ............ 10.00 Minden, Nebr. Jens B. Andersen .................. 3.00 Minden, Nebr., Past. J. P. Jensen .............. 2.00 N. Dak. Krebs Ungdomssorbund til Underhald as M. Kante-yama 8290, Rejsehirelp i N. Dak. Krebs for Stud. Jnadomi 8100 .......................... 390.00 Minneapolis, Minn., Jmmanuels Mah. .. .. 19.40 White Niver,S. Dak» Peter A. Petersen og Sustru .. 32.50 Moline, Jll., E. A. Sparling og Sustru .......... 5.00 Offek ved Stud. Jnadomis Moder i Ellendalessdaldet, Minn« .. .. » .,. .. ...................... · 24.38 Luck, Wis., St. Peters Mghs Ungdomss .......... 10.00 Audubon, Ja., Ebenezer Mghs Kvs., Overskud fra Bazar 70.00 Albert Lea, Minn., Tritt Mgh. .................. 48.90 Minden, Nebr. en unwvnt .. ·. .. .............. - 3.00 Wetstbix Mont., Marion Paulsen ................ 15.00 Staplehurst, Nebr., Mrski Anne J Phillipsen ........ 10.00 Verwilli0n, S. Dak., Christian Hausen .. .. .. 10.00 Tilsammen ........ 82101.31 Udbetalt til Dato ........ 2461.00 Underskud ...... 8359.69 Stolekassem For kvitteret se Kbi Nr. 34 .................... s420.50 Moline, Jll-; C. A. Zparling og Hustru ............ 5.00 Staplehurst, Nebr., Mrs. Arme J. Phillipsen ...... 10.00 Verwillion, S. Dak., Christian Hausen ............ 15.00 Tilsammen. · s450.50 Udbetalt til Dato ........ 808.17 Underskud. . 835167 Til en Kirke Wut-ums Japan: Før svitteret se Kbl Nr. 29 ...................... 8528511 Racine, Wis» Vor Frelsers Mahs Missionss .. 10.00 Tilsammen 85295.11 Til en Kirke i Hida, Japan. Før kvitteret se Köl. Nr. 33 ·· » ................ 867968 Weschn, Mont., Marion« Paulsen .. » ............ . 5.00 Tilsammen ...... 868468 - Jodemissionem Bermillion, S. Dak» Christian Hausen .. ·. .. 85.00 Til Missionen blandt Soldaten-ne Ftr kvitteret se Kbl 34 ........................ 812496137 Staplehurst, Nebr» Mis. Anne J. Phillipsen ........ 5·00 Verwillion, S. Dac» Christian Hausen .. .. ...... 5.00 Tilsammen 81250667 Reformationsgavem Fsr witteret se Kbl Nr. 33 ...................... ZEISS-do Hutchinsom Minn» Walter Hausen .. ............ 25.00 Penn Van, N. Y. Chr-· Peter-sen .................. 2.00 Tilsammen ...... 87801550 Musik«-user Jst Wut se Kblthc 29 ...................... M.00 VermM S. Dak» christtan Hausen ............ TO Wand Blatt-, Nebr., den 29. Aug» 1918. Med Tal modtaget, « Otto Hans en, Kass. s. d. f. d. ch. liab- Mrke i Imer. MS DM for. ei. gez-Luth. Kiylmq Ren-ne « Hem. b’ør kvitteret, So Bbl. Nr. 29 8161·74. Greuukield, s. Dak» Kvindef. 840. Den mark, Wis., Kvindek. MO. Brownto, Minn» Franc-is og Anker Niolsen 83.50. Westbrook, Maine-, Pigomes syioroving 810· samme- til at Baderam i Waupaoo Hjemmet 810. Ente-hinsan, Minn» Urs. Mikael Jøkgensen 82 Den-rieth Wis., Mys. R. J. Rasmasson 82. Wams-, Wis., Ofkor vod en kwllos Gudstjoaoste vod Børaohjemmet 870.50. Ue Nabb, 111., s. Skolar-s chrtals Ottok- 01.25. Groonkiolch s. Duk» Kviudok. OW. Bon son, Nah-, N. U. Kout Ils. — Tilsammon 8332.99. Blaitz Neb» d. 2. Aus. 1918. Uod Tat modtagot l cito Etwa-h