Danskeren. (Neenah, Wis.) 1892-1920, August 14, 1918, Page 8, Image 8

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fifInsdag den Ist. August, 19«18.
« Mai-, Reh-.
J Aste-s holdtes der i Metodists
kirkens Basement en Slags Af
stedesest sor Mrs. FinneL Hun
har sorestaaet Rede Kors Arbei
det blandt Kvindertæ her i Byen
i længere Tib, og nu skal Fa
milien rejse hersta, saa hendes man
Ie Medarhejdere svilde byde hende et
kcerligt Farvel Der var omkring
irt Hundrede Mennesker til Stede.
Mr. L’Hanlon, der er Formand
for det lokale Red Cross Arbejde,
og Rev. Underword kalte, og Meads
Softrene sang. Dansk-:Jlmerika:1er11e
dar godt repræsenteret
— Det var os en Fornøjelse is
Sendags at se sen hel Flok afl
samle Venner og Bekendte fral
Staplehurst var i Kirke her og at»
hilse paa dem. Der var Mels Svend
sen og Hustru, P. C. Zørensenö
Svigerforældre, og saa to Brødre,
Hans og John Mumm, med here-Ell
«Hustrner wist ogsaa nogle Bern).
Den ene er P. C. Zerensens Föon
ser, den anden er gift med en
Kusine til Mrs. Serensen Videreli
var der Tomas Jørgensen og Hu
stru, Onkel og Tante til Mrs.
Andre besøgende var Urmagerl
Johnsen og Hustru fra Audubon,
Ja. Mrs. Johnsens Moder, Mrs.(
Mads Hausen, og en Bruder bor
Der i Plain
Jo, U et Automobilerness Tjds
Ader. Det gaar nreppe an at hævs
äe det jydste Ordssprog lcengere:
»Den, der kører med Stude, komi
mer ogsaa me J hvert Fald kan;
de ikke komme ssaa visdt omkring
at besøge Slægt og Venner. t
— At det er en fund Egn, vi
lever i, det turde fjlgende tages
som Bedie- sor. J Mandags var
Flere as de danske Kvinder nogle
Mjl ude paa Landet Nordveft for
Esyen at bei-ge Mrs. Anders Højer
i Anledning as hendes 81 Aars
Fødselsdag. Og i Forbindelse Der
med blev der mindet um andre
»Don-wer hemmtng, sont er 81 —
Mrij C. Ruder-sen her i Byen og
Mes. J. Lyshvädt i Kenuard. Qg
der er itte san saa andre, der er
tret op imod de 80 Aar, og andre
er derooer, og de er alle rørige og
— Iaa Vorurt, som det var sor
ejge Sendag, da Termornetret viste
In Grader i Skyggeth har det ikte
Æret siden, merk alljgevel tryttende
damit, stevet og tim. Just et Streut
as Regn hat vi saaser as og til, i
Sendags Morges nok til at binde
Steuer en halv Lagås Tib, men
det er det dele. Jorden tsrsster
svcert ester en Fee Regu. En storl
Del, og oel den største Del, ast«
Massen er det for sent sor, menl
iærlig Grcesmarterne tunde Ihjæbl
Ies, om de« sit en gennemblsdende
Regu. —- Nej, heller ikke her er
oi ssitrede mod Misvæksh nlen Gud
ssle Lov for den gode Høst as Zmaas
Hsced, som vi har hast. — Vi har
rletter Dass — Morgen saaet en lille
segn. " f
— Jeg spger Pomiuation paa
den republikanske Valgseddel tilEms
bedet som County Adookat. Jegi
vil scette Prjs paa Der-es Steue
Primærvalg 20. August
Grace Vallard.
. , T
Missionsmøder »Es-NOT- i Eli
Alle er velkommen «
E. C. Kloto,-4.’r1-st
Midn- os Gubstjenestet i Blair.
Tor-das d 15. Aug m 8 Af- I
ten Tabithamøde i City Library. l
Søndag d 18. Kl. 9,15 Sau-l
dagsskole, Kl. 10, 30 Substjeneste
·g m. 7,30 Aftengudgtjcneste ——’
Hat pm Sud vit. (
«0II- soll-DER FOR
By Rev. E. P. Rydon
The word- vsko written over
tin Iisnstnn ot »Ist-» P· Ku
h,Co .,D Ughi-so M Both-!
III-A I M M mo, such
I- nsti-. W seen-d slmost
II, out m Ist-I
«- Ik I- tsq sm- .1
lt has been the most im
pressiw eveuing I have yet ex
periestuted in Paiin lvadsworth
The spirit of God was trul)" pre
sent among us. The men seeanecl
stirred und iuoved as men sel
dom are. 0ne regiment had left
during the day; these men were
to leaw on the morr0w. The
Y. M. C. A. was all astir and
hustle Some were writing let
ters hon1e, others were sendEng
their surplus helongings. But soon
the hour for my special service
drew on, and the men took theirl
placæ. About 300 soldiers kill
ed the room.
«Tell me the old, old story,"
we sang. and then I began to
pro-ach The men seemed to be
hungering kor the old Gospel
stoer and I tried with the help
of God to tell it to them. They
listened ach rapt attention.
·«Seek ye the Lord While IIe
may he found; eall upon Him
while He is near« was the Word
of God that seemwl to make its
deep appeal to this men·
I hasl itrranged to hold a pri
vate serriee in one of the class
rooms after the main meeting.
Two boys had been prepared
for haptism, and a third for con
firmation. During the day we
had also notified our men in
the regiment about to leave that
all who desired to receive the
l-ord’s Supper would be given
the opportunity that evening.
Just three days before we had
held a communion service in the
adjoining Y. M. C. Ä. building,
and I did not look kor more
than a dozen or so communi
eants. Instead, sixtytwo soldiers
crowded into the class doom,
making it necessary to throw
open three rooms instead ok one.
Twenty-three other men erowd
ed into another room to sign
the Y, M· C. A. war roll, and
-,«ight of them told the Y. M. C.
A. secretary that they had never
before professed Christ
Never will l torget our little
al·ter-1nath servicel The rooms
were so crowded many of the
men had to remain Standing.
Both ok the men baptized hadä
recently been in the hase hon
pital· 0ne was a lad from Maine,
whose mother had died in his
intancy. and he had never bis-l
longed to any ohuroh. The other-l
was a Norwegian from Wiscon-(
sin, who told me his rather was1
Luther-am hut his mother a Cas»
tholic, consequently he had net-er
been baptized When I found
him siek in the hospital and
broaehed the subject, he want
eicl to write to his people first.
Then I lost sight ol« him for a
while until a few nights ago,
when I found him in a Y. M. C.
A. huilding. He was so overjoyed
at meet-ins me asgain he could
scarcely restrain his tears. His»
people, he said, were anxious
that he should he haptized, and
he himselk was so eager he could
scareely walt. l
After the baptiam and the
confirmation service we held a
hrjef contessional sen-ice sixty
two men, including as Luther-an
Y. M. C. A. seoretary krom Ball-i
more, knelt with me on the rough
pine floor and joined in the con
tession of Zins. Oh, that our
people at home might have wit
neased the gripping etwa-tue
and unkeigned aineerity ok these
ment There was nothins in their
hour ok strei- that could give
thun streth and eomkort ex
eept the old, old Goapel message
of a Mcikied Busoni-, Eis body
given for us, Eis blood shed kot
us. Yet there m those who
M ot a l«now relision" after
the watl
When the ««Mgiving»had
been said and the man were sayo
them sto its- theit W on altv
of M. can- M ten- in
M yet is they M las-II
lt eatne entireLv unsolicited I
ut the writer, and perhaps I
shall never see him again. But
the mutt- messnge he lett he
hind han that njght made an
indelihle impress upon my heart,
net-er to he forgotten That one
testimonial was worth a whole
1it«e«s ministry.
The last ten days here have
cannot even rentember the kaoe
hcsen tuinsualhf hlessed days. I
knew we had many of our Im
theran boys from Minnesota and
XVisoonsin in one ot· the hig re
giments, hnt that they had been
movecl so rapidLv krom place tol
leaee very little opportunity was»
Jgiven to work among them. Twoi
Tweoks ago they eatue haek from
the rifle rang(.-, and then rny
schanee eame On Monday I he-:
rsgan a systetnatio eanvass of the;
iregiment On that day I discover-:
ied kortzssix Lutherans in Com-!
spany B. colling them togetheri
i»in a mess hall. l hold a hrjef
devotional seervioef gave eaeh a
copy of onr Army and Nat-F
Serviep R«)-«)k, and tinnonnoed onr
eommnnion servieos for the fol
Iowing Rundazc Bach day I fol
lowed the same program, ealling
the Lutheran men together for
devotional serviees in the mess
hells, and urging them to eomssl
to eommnnion on sunday. In
Company C there were twenty
eight Lutherans, Ootnpany D for
t)·-three, Company E forty, and
Company P twenty-seven.
On Thnrsday 1 found thirty
two Lutheran boys in Company
G nnd ijtystwo in Company H
We had those two Comspanies
meet together for a devotional
serviee, and the but-heraus in
these two eompanies alone num
bered almost 100 men. so we
eontinued until the end ok the
week and then prayed that the
Lord might give ns a hlessed
sttnday. Änd Ile did
Chaplain c«hest(«r gnve us his
honr in Y.M.C.A. hnilding No.
Oft and when the time of ser
rins arrjved..the men hegen to
swurm in. This in spite of the
tatst that- the regiment was en
gagpd in paeking up for den-art
ure and unable to attend. We
estimated there was hetween 400
and 500 men present.
The first part of the servieel
eonsisted of haptism, two sol
diers having requested the holy
ritt-. The-n follows-d the confirm
ation of a elags ok eighteen men.
lt was an impressive thing to See
those stalwart men line up in
Inilitary fashion before theireon1—
rades and make their profession
ok faith in the Lord Jesus. Änd
when l asked the usual questions
the answers eame in no uneins
tain tone· And the men them
selves were moved lt was no nn
eommon sight that morning to
see men in tear8. No donht it
reminded many others present
of their confirmation day. It was
my privilege to preaeh the ser
mon, after whjeh Pastor Wind de
ljvered -a most impressive com
munjon address. About 200 men
remained for the eommunion ser
viee and every one ok them
knelt on the kloor daring the
eonkessjon ok sing. Even Chan
lsin Oberster-, wemtomed to many
sights in the army, was moved
W teilt-s.
b «The most impressive thing I
iever gaw in my lib," he de
Jolared after-wurde 1
; When the service was over;
che men, too, express-ed their de-;
klightz -«I never thonsht there
»was so mttoh rellsjon in this
)oamp,« 1 overhosrd one soldier
Isy tmhd eompsnion «Did you
see IU these man so to com-H
mnnionIm Anothor one come to»
nie and ukod me to write to
hi- mothscc »Don hsr IZvo been
got-M sit-II bo, hoppy to
hou- it." still snothor one, who
M abo. M Mk M
good work got-IX u how-«
our ear beok to Spaltean,
where we held a second serv-ice
of the morning in the little Lu
ther-en ehnreh. In the evening
we held still nnother serviee,
especially kor soldiers.
On Monde morning we were
in eitme again, where we dis
eovered several men who had
been nnwble to attend eostnmnnion
the previous day-. Two ot· the sol
diers who should have been bep
tized and one who hed desired«
confirmation ihad also been de
tnined. They were leaving on the
morrow. There wes nothing else
to do but arrange a servioe, so
on Mondny niight we met in a
little dass-Dom in Y. M. C. A.
No. 96, where it was our pri
vilege to receive three more sol
diers into the ehureh and to
give the Lord ’s supper to eleven.
Tuesday we leerned that an
other regiment was about to
mon-; and that meant another
hurried oanvnss. That night we
mirs- loolcing for men in Y. M.
(-’. Ä. Lvuit 97, when both Fas-«
tor Wind and myselk were dell
ksd to speolse We both get-e im
promptu sermonettes to an nu
dienee of some 300 men, among
them many Luther-ne- 1t wes
on the morrow that we eomplet—
ssd the eanvess and armnged for
the service mentioned in the be
ginning of this artiele. lt was
agreed that Pastor Wind wes to
take cere of the weekly Wedness
day evening soldsiers’ Seele in
town, while I eondnoted the ser
vjee in eemp. That was the eve
njng when sixty-two more men
received the seerament.
In konr days we has-d beptized
six of our boys, confirmed twen
ty, and given the Lord’s sup
per to about 275. Who will sey
that the old Gospel story does
not still appenl to the hearts of
men todayt
Bogftker spore.
En dygtig og paalidelig Bong
rer — Mund eller Kvinde s— kan
faa Plads straks i vort Kontor.
Danifh Luth. Publ. Haufe,
Blair, Nebr.
Illinois Krebs af »Den fore. d.
ev. luth. Kirke i Amerika holder,
vil Gud, sit Kredsaarsmøde i Eben-«
ezer Kirke Chicago, i Dagene 12.l
til 15. September 1918. Krebsensi
Ungdomsforbund holder sit delegeij
rede Møde i Forbindclse Arme-di
Menighedcr i Krebsen og ligeleii
des Ungdomsforeningerne bedes er-«
indre at sende Delegater. !
Kredsmødcts Forhandlingsetnner«
1. Den hellige Nadveres Nsdvens
dighed og rette Brug.
2. Hvorledes kan man være og
vikke til den mest mulige Velsigs
Herren velsigne Msdet med
Strømme af Rande.
L. Pederiety Kredsfommnd
Ebenezer demske ev.-luth. Wenig
hed, Thier-go, Jll., indbyder herved
Venner fra fjern og nær til at væs
re iblandt os i disse Dage for at
uyde Guds Ords Velsignelse lam
men med os. Tilrejsende bedes i
betimelig Bd at melde deres Kom
me til undertegnede as Henfyn til
Paa Menighedeng Vegne
L. Pedetfeu Wah- Ptæst
Rau- De er i Thimss
bei-g M krijtelige Ungdomshtem
1652 North Nockwell Street, lige
overfor Ebenezer Kike. -— Dansi
Madlavntng. s— Rimelige Prifet
— Godt Selskab j hyggelige Om
giveller. -— Telefon Armitage 8738
Tlls AM. 40 Amt Ist-I O. CI
Ists III til ds- ttemsktlcksstls s
tate-h MI» sog- ek hell-gerat- i Oes
Itkmn tf st IM skuulltuvlsk sitt
Hlsstetm M lalkiss Urku. sit-lis- es
slijotlskz soll- Vih Dis hist-Ist It
sc sollt s VII-oben Its-s spssllhs
xsusz satt IIan slaltl Ia- III
Inst-sm- svdt Ists-l- oyblss s
In Inst Wer-eh W Vmäz H
m It W thut a ls M. es
W u lot It M. JMMI C
Vi oyskcr Dei-es Hat-»ich
Doktor et set u sltis mstpsujqesis st
ask- voko Vita- tü Dosen- uvssto Rom-ins
os Ins set sum-c lenke Dem
set deckst-, du- llvdos l Enkel-III
It p· like slletede n If von into make knacken t- mso tot
sAs Sees
Skai Dem et Mem i
naerheclen at Blain
Entlortegnode lmr til Salg klere større og mindre
Jor(lst)«kkcsr i eller tæt ved steu ——- alle mod Bygnjn
ger, ltvomf noglo ganske 11)"o.
Skriv oftm- Priser og nærmere Oplysninget·.
K. P. HUNDAHL, Blaik, Nebr.
Hjælp fsges.
Vi søger tre gede, palideligc Men
ncsker, en Karl og to Piger til at
IJjælpe os ved Stolen fra l· Novb.
P. Rasmussen,
Grant, Mich.
Et Par Falk, Mond og Hustru,
kan faa Plads sttaks paa Dann
College, Blaity Nebr. Skriv til
L. A. Laut-fett
i Ferndale fra 4.——9. September
Mission-· og ngdomsmsdet for
Student Hajme Juadomi
i Minnefota Kredi.
Ellendale, Minn., den 16. Aug.
om Aftenen og de andre Wenig
hedet i samme Kalb den 17.——18.
Albert Lea, Minn., den 20.
Sleepy Eye Kaldct 22.——25.
Jubilæumsfest og Missionsmøde
Ssndag d 18. August i Livermore,
Cal M C. JenfensEngholm
Mirfiotwnmdk: Ell .··1.1 Ja
1:: 15 Zept. ·
llnqdomsthe: Sonnen J I, 272
29 Sept. Und r Lkdklse af Iowa
Kirch-J llnadomsfmlumd
omahas dayske Rot-et ·
14th G Away st.
Engelng Iyse oL net møkJ
leise-de VuTclsksk Um- mczder De
sttid 1,skxds»«»-«-J km de damka
Menigbcder j errdeetin Mode-l
rate III-Esset M mnl jg Tjenstij
Ughi-d vises fzxksternss Alle Spor- i
vogne stand-der wesj Døren ·
Obst-. C. sit-entom Bist-. l
Julius Peteksen.
Dmk sit-donn- konnt-N
Indes-let- ssg med Mr denkst-gnäd
Iltlr. seht-.
Geo. Christian-en
Fuksendet over alt, Repakstjonet
KOOM 402 Rose ZICC»
Umriss-h NUM
sinkst-: W S. 22 st»
Tsl« T. S Cl: M ,
XOITOI Ist« N OW Nicmlsst W :
Dr M. j. Jensen s
Osnsk i.age og Kikurg
tout-on M l)(-«-I(1senllu«dtcss .
7des Gsde A Unions-( Ax«n-:-.
Ed. Mattyiciew
sit-, sei-.
hin-c. R. mean.
Inst- Is We stillst-s
svede ·..... ok. Zushsl KR
dlsjs. Nk.(. ..«...... —- IJO
Ein-te . . - .s«1
list-. -
sys» .................. «
Syln.'1«op ......... li.25
Iollkll Unst
stucl·. good cotnked ....... »l7.75-—17.0
choice Fee-let- ....... ... »Hu-UN
Brit-» . . ls.l.-IOO
svede ............noI-Iusl
Auske- Ih. Nr s. «ls—.s9
Ali-.- . us hu
Zsktoclok ..
stude.cholcecoknie(1 ........... 1s.II
svln ......... ........17 DOHRN
Hvorfok -
Stute Bank?
Deth Fand W he
Dollar as W, che
Kontm endet W es
citlms state Bank,
shik seht
t heran-Hex
J. H. Institut-,
Jabe B. Cissic
Kofckckcskcsz cccksks
che san-un Heu-e
ol Ica- met-:
stsbleket WIL
lskotporetet cost sitt-but 1III
Cnuulkssitsl 100.M«.
Our-Ins 25,000..00
Alt til Banksorretninc heu
hsrende um«-res. Reuter be
tales paa fiste ladskud
Schwert Indus-nd i cis-so sssk
» sit-nat under Hlaton Nod-III
Ptøsickisnt Au t. (’4-Uu
swpstossss )
N. c. BRORSM s
MM «
Blshg Nod-.
Sikjv ps- Dsssi z
z stu- Iael Do mit-. T
-- - h-«
- nomi- ums
- M Im MM
« Puls-Wi- vW h
, set It Ill· sllqtm k— sys
Ms s, LI
-";, W— W kühn-M
Musi- hjissto Pfli