..Danskeren« T Lust-as den 24. Juli, 191e Blatt-, Nein-. J fidsxc Uge omtaltes det, at Bladetås Redaktør og hans Huftru var rejft til Gayville, So. Dak., til vor celdste Søns Zvigerfader, Jens Junkers Begravelfe Det var Mandag i sidfte Uge, jeg fik den uventede og overrafkende telegrafiffe Meddelelse, at Jens N. Junker Var dad, tillige med An modning om at komme derop til Begravelse noeste Dag. Meddelelien overraskede af den Grund, at den afdøde egentlig ikke var nagen gammcl Mund (64), og han gav Jndtryk af at være rask og stcerk. Men han var pludselig bleven angrebet af Hierneblødning Gemarrbage of the Brain): det var Lørdag, han blev syg, og den bedft mulige Lægehjælp blev tjlkaldt, men alt iorgceves. Næste Mandag bade han Næste Tags Morgen rejste min Huftru og jeg med Tog til Sioux City, brer der saa var Automobil til at tage imod os og befordre os Reiten af Vejen, da der ikke var Jernbane Forbindelfe til Gayville i rette Tid. Naar Begravelfen Var bleven be stemt alle-rede til Tirsdag, var det sket af den Grund, at deres yngfte Son, Armut, Var hjemkaldt fra Camp Funston til Faderens Dsdss leje, og man frygtede, at han ikke kunde være med til Begravelsen se nere. Veqraoelsen fandt da Sted Tirs dag Eftermiddag under megen ftor Deltagelse: Jens Junker var vidt kendt Jig ngtet og afholdt af dem, der havde kendt ham og haft Om gang med ham i en lang Række af Aar. Heke BegravelsessCeremonien fo baade i Hiemmet og i Kirken Jeg og i Kirfen Et Sangkor fra den norskslutherfke Kirke i Gayville viste os den Venligbed at lede Sangen bade i Hiemmet og i Kirken JegH boldt ngrirwdiken i Kirken ud fra Pauli Ord: ,,At leve,er, for mig Krisxus, at do en Vinding.« De to maa Helges ad; fkal Døden blive en Vinding, saa maa Livet leves med Kristuå Jens N, Junker var født i Zless vig U. Jan. 1854. Han kotn til Amerika da han var omkring lss Aar. J Ilpril 1881 blev han giftJ med Wiss Anna Logan, deres School Teacher; hun var Amerika ner, men leerte as Henfyn til Man dens Fcrwldre, fom var hos dem, snart at talse Danfk; hun gik sta dig med til deres danske Gudstjes nein-, og hun, (hvis Foroeldre var Baptiftery blev døbt i vor lutherske Kirke, streng jeg var deres Prcest. Den afdøde blev ftedt til Hvile paa den danskilutherske Kirkegaard Syd for Gayvsille Han efterlader Huftru, 6 Born (4 Døtre og 2 Sønner), 13 Bornebsrn og en Bro der og to Søftre De fleste af disse bor i Nærheden af Gayville Hjemvejen faldt om ad Bettes-« ford, hvor vor celdste Dritter, derf er gift med G. N. Larfem bor.( Lin af vore gamle Benner ved Gan-( Uns Mr. Henning Hausen, var newjzg faa god at tilbyde di en Automoxltur der-wen Bi var fuldt Les, forudeksI Hemüng Wien- Hu« stw og Sm, »vi to gamle og sag loor Ssn Anders US 3 Tf dere Vm. sen-den voI DIE-Eier msd M W vi »Es-WI- s W X IT K ( M Das kjrte vor Soigetsn ·- tn Sie-ne Ein-, hvcr vi Im Mission-S Zelskiibs Tjeneite Tom Zy-: geplejchke i Indien og er lljer paa Genuemrefse til Tonmark —- til Bornene Der blev sunget Sange af det lille Zia11gshefte, man dar ii Siøndagsskolen. Zangen faa vol Isom sliele Ledelssen var paa Engelsf, men Frøken Poulsen talte spaa Dunst — Legen svarede til TideILJ Dct var Krigsleg Mr. Skov Niet sfen var Generalen og hat-de arran geriet et holt Felttog med modsatte Krigshære Der blem kcentpet, vuns det og tobt Slag, taget Fanger o. s. o. Tor var ogsaa Rødse Kost-: Assdeling til at tage sig af de faarede. Der faldt ogsaa en Del, men de stod up igen. Der var san galt Skyttegrave Det var no get, Vørnene rigtig tun-de være med til. Sammenfomsten holdtcsis i dct sgrønne under Træerues Skygs go, paa Mr. J. L. Peterskns Fsarm en god Mils Vej Vest fsor Byen. —- Iøndag Eftermiddag holdtcis et fjældcnt danst Bkyllusp her i Bym Det var Mr. Ehr. Trands berg og Mrss. Sine Jacobsfem En kemand og Ende, 85 Aar begge to, der ægteoiedes. Den ene var hieni 1øs, og den anden tursde ikke leve ene, faa de var blesoet enige om at prsve tat danne et Hjem jammern Dist. finster dem Lykte dertil og Her rens Belsignelse X JMandags reiste der atter et stort EKyntinzgent her fka Byen til Hasrem 55 til Camp Dadge og 3 til Canw Faust-Don Disse tre stulde sfylde Vakanseh som var apstaaet Dad, at tre var bleven tasseret De flsfve af dem, Isom reiste denne Gang, var fra Luni-et En Masse Men nefter svar kommen til Byen i An ledningen, Hovedgaderne var fuldeJ .af Asutomobiler. Interessen for Kri skken og Heeren synes at have gre-( Isbet alle. I ! Msder og Gsdstfenestet i Blei-: I Iøndag den 2d2 Juli Spuk-age th1leK 9,15, Gindstjeneste Kl. 10,30 om Formrddagen og Kl 7 ,30 om Aftenen Torsdazq den l. August Kvindes møde shos Rosenbeckå Torsdag Assten Tabitimmjde THE ORÄUTÄUQUÄ IS A COVZBNUZNT ACZNCY lt woulsl cost the Government million-I of dollars to do inde piknihsnth what is now hisjng done free through the Chautanquas. lilajr (’l1antanqna. Ang. 1——6. I Hinsde how-· hail (·h-autauqua.s Imtil after tohe war- hegan. she is now coveised with Uhautauquas »Hm « win- mksasure or csecessity. l Atti-nd Blair ChantauquaAug ’ l - c. H o German propogandists would lzmt a stop to chautauquas, »un Illl after the war-« Do not he in flueneed by such talk. ; Our Chautauqua, Aug. 1——6. J jhautauquas are dojng more to Ypmreote the Spirit of patrjotism than any other siugle ageney. Attend the patriotie program under the bjg ohauteuqna tent et Bleir. Naht-» Aug. 1-——6. . Dr. Baylis, two years on the Freneh Ist-only Sergeant Woyman, who saw sekvioe in the crenoheiy Dorothy Prooks, dojng speejel work Lot- Uaele som, are s ttio ot« war opeækers that will give information and juspiwtion to our people At the Blair Chiarenun Aug. I-—6. . PMM VII-soll sAYs: »Ehe work that the ehemaqu is doink has not lost Empor-konst beoouse ot the wer-, bat rot-her has — · ed new opportunäties tot set- ee. lset me express the hope that you will lot no Cis-owe ment wes-Lea your ostivjties and that«the people will M hil in vhe support of o potkioio its-titu tiou«thot tat-» be ist«-d to be a W pok- ot the mäoml öd EM« « s : Mist In M »Im-ji o W M THE DICHTEka GHAP LAIN COontinuod krom page 6.) sum-k- hs am, ssu it viu Hielt- yon II- ia your vork, you may tell the men kroin me that the hest soldier is the soldier with a religion«. — Rest-ver is "high ehurehly" He believes that everything that art ean eontribute to the wor ship ok God should be utilized by the ehuroh He deploreo the tendenoy to look aahanoe at such things because they "look catholie". When it eanie to our Lutheran oominunion serviees at »camp Wadsworth, I always lasked the «Pighting ehe-plain« to be with us. 0n sue-h ooeasions he was nevser satiskied to wear shis uniform of first lieutenant. lnvariably he would don his olerieal rohe, and then he would adom that mit-h a stole, beanti fulle embroidered with the col or appropriate to the season. We told him he looked like a onrdinal, to which he would retort, ««1’his is proper«. He also insiated on all the appointments being aa eorreet Iits a military eainp would per mit. A portahle altar ok hie own design was set up at our com munion servieee. Deoked with a white eloth and with a goid eroes attached to the hack, the altar always looked beautikul and charale He also invariah lly made the sign ok the eross in ldisniissing the eommunieants. I An Dpiiseopalian ehe-plain one sunday watehed our Service from beginning to end. Ät the vonein sjon he did not atteinpt to con eeal his admiration kor the beauty ok the servioe. Fle ex pressed special snrprise over the faet that Keever made the sign of the eroes. «Wh»v I didn’t know thnt »von Luther-ans were high ehurehly« he exolainied «You djdn’t7" rejoined Kees ver .«Well you kellows have a lot to learnl« Th-- «l«’jghting Phaplain" was’ nniwsksally arlmirpsl by the ok tjeoks and mon of hls rogiment because »j« what thssy terde his «Gam(-ness". He was willing to attempt any sent. no matt-er how dikkicnlt. Last winter Governor Whits man of Nim- York name to Camp Xfadsworth to revjtsw this New York National Guard. lt was a hie ««-x«-.snt ansl the ooloni.«l of Keetcth regiment ordercsd his» Essntiri Statt to l« on hand and4 mnnntssxl This colonckl was quitez a horseman, and hjs stahles can-l tained some splendid thorough hre(ls. Among thesi- was «Crusa d(«r", a fjne hokse, but spirited ans-l hard to contkoL A yonng lieutcsnant essayod to rjde thi .·«-L.na! hnt nmyizuiolihr »mho1-—«4«j. There was no other Stecsd aval able, and the othcer wonlsl not venture a Sccond triaL Koessccr solved the dilemma hy offer-Zug him his horse. «Bnt what will »von rjdes« asked the lientenant. «0h, I’11 got somethjtjg,« Xeever replied. A few moments latet- Keever joined the other omcers, mono ted ou «0MSadet-l« All went well durlng the tax-jew, hntl when the offier started back to theik wartet-, «crusader» aa was his custom whenkkvssr the oolonel kode him, took kor grantod that he onght to Iead the procession Now it is distlnob ly jmpmper in mihtaky otiqnettiu for an inforior okkioek to Sol ahead ok a anperwa Bat »Org sadok" had dmädod to lead, and thongh Kot-var tuggod at the keins as hat-d as he could, thel stkong—heade(1 animal stretohed out hi- M and pas-ed the! solch-L M Konst- kot him ander sont-U and waitod mittl( the dolonal koda up. «1 has yam- pakdmy volens-U» pvkiad Kasse-h «but Its-how i- hasd w W«. «I ho- lt," W the Gol oaah M the sitt-atta has-h. As want-all tot aCaw min nt« M »Ein-du« acad san-to totho M that hb phaaars atssa M et U l l l l 1)roeession. He had no sooner arrivecl at this eonvietion than he proeeedecl to carry out the Idea. Keever gave a last de perate tug, hIt it was no use. The eolonel and his whole statt was passed in a flash, and the spirited borgt-, hearing the «F«ighting Chaplain« went tear ling down the reod unt-il the stahles were reaehed Of eourse Keever had to listen to many julce at lisi ownexpense during the days whioh kollewed, but seerets ly all the oüleers admired him for his attempt. lceever is not an emotional preaehetx Rather he is of the toreeful type that appeals to the intelleet and the will. At times, however. his ki11d1)« sympathetie natnre would not he denied. and a flood of emo tion would emne sweepingin tu his diseourse, deeply mov ing all his liearers. l shall »wer tot-get the last set-viee we held tue-other not long he tore he left us. Three soldiers were con firmed that morning and ak terwards we eelebrated the vllord’s Sapper. Keever invit Eisd «all Christian men» to seome to the altar. «You know,« he said, «we will soon he going «0ver IThere’. We may be divided Ein our religious views, but ;«0ver There’ we will have to itight together and even die itogethmx But ik eod shouid Irequire onr souls of us, we »know that some day we shall Ywe shall meet again «0ver Therec There we shall no longer he divided, hut all nnited in one blessed family with God as our Pather and Jesus as our Brother." In. referring the second time to the words «(«)ver There". he pointed heavenward and paused There were few dry csyes in the audience that mont ing. and we were gratitied to see every man come kor ward to eommunion—all but one-. lvhen the serviee was over we were startlecl to see that one soldier—-a grizzled old sergeant-—rise to his feet and with a loud voiee begin to address his eomrades. «l suppose »von notieed," he said. «that I was the only man who did not take com munion. Let me tell »von why l didn’t eome. I didn’t eome heeanse l did not feel that I was tit. Fort-v years ago, I too, was confirmed. I made the same promises that- you hoys did today.« But I did not keep them. Daring these kor ty years I have not onoe gone to the Lord’s sapper, and to day when I eame here I did not feel worthy to receive it. Don’t you hoys do as l have done —« His voiee broke and he hnrried out ot· the au ditoriurn. It was a seene never to he forgotten. 1 eouldn’t help hnt feel what a wonderknl grip our Lutheran confirmation and eommunion has on the hu man heart, and how that me mory of it may bring more than one prodigal haelc again to the koot ot« the gross-. We were all deejdly moved by the old sergeant’s unexpeetecl testimon)·, and as we lett the handlan Keever rennt-lied «!1’,he hoys may tot-get what I said today, hat theydl never tot-get what the« sergeant ssiass Daheka inne-. En danik Pige i Aldec fka 35 til 45 Aar isges iom Husholderfke for en enliq Mond oq hans gamle Moder-. Nennen Oplysning ved Hennendelle til MU- A. L. Peteriom 1407 Ock St., Bratnerd, Minn. sur De er i This-s Hss M Mit-TM erm 1652 North Rockwell SNEL- like Mel-for Met- Mtr. -—- M Mal-Wut — Rimeliqe Priser. —- Godt selfkcb i Melis- Om siveller. —- telefou Its-Muse 8788 Vi oyskcr Der-es Ray-Ich Doktor et set os altis mstpuquass It stolz- voki Vcok M Dis-ins Inst- Note-ins cs used set staune lesen Dom dot deckst-, sit sinds l End-lett It do Ek- sllekecke es It von satt III-se III-sey s- IIIUI Ist Mogwbevüsllsueosetsest m VI IAI UUIMI IVAV Vl IAI UN sAs Sees-. Skai Dem et Hiem i nærhecien as main Entlprtognmlcs Imr til salg flere störte og mindre Jor(lst)«kk(sr i uller tæt ved Byen — alle mod Bygnjn ger, hmmf nogle gimske nycu Skriv oft-gis Prisor og nirrmcsro Opjysuingen K. P. HUNDAHL, Bleib-, Nebr. NMødekalendets Ungdomsmsdet ved Student Jagd-ins Trinitatis Mah. 28. Juli. Kenmare By (Asten) 21., 28. Juli. Missionss og Ungdomsmsder sot Student Haime Juadomi i Minnesota Kreds Osakis, Minn., den 30. Juli. Nelson den «31. Juli. Elmdale den 1. August. Minneapolis den 2. August. Hutchinson den 3.—4. Aug. Miltown, Wis» den 6. August. Bonelake, Wis» den 7. August. St. Peters Kirke og Luck Kirke den 8. August , Cusbing den 9. Aug. Juverior og Dulnth, Wis., den Il. August. Farmington, Minn., den 13. August. s Ha.zelwood, Minn, den 1·1. Aug. Nortbsield, Minn., den 15. Aug· Ellendnle,'Minn., den is. Aug, om Astenen og de andre Menigs hedek i samme Kald den 17.—18. Aug. F Albert Lea, Minn, den 20. August ) Stecpy« Eye non-et 22.—25· usngust W NOT-L BAUER I Omahu dmks Kot-L s 14tn O Umsy st. I Ungesng lyse oik net umb lekede Viere-last Net- mMer De altid Landsmmnd km de dem-ice Menjgheder j Not-detem Mode kste Print-. Al mutig Heu-tril lighod sei-ges Ost-sterne. Alle spot vogne Its-miser ved Deinen. Mut-. C. Ist-entom sitt-. W s« -» , Julijis Pdteksdns Dunst sudwm - komm-s. atmet-I» mg med sh. henhjkende-’ Blut-, seht 6eo. chrisiiansen UHRMAGER 84 JUVLLER Fotsendek over sh, chakstionck Indhefsueh Room 402 Rose mag» Uns-ihm Nest-L »Ur-Z« -'»« «««. k-. T" Tit-« ’l« .-.-’-1-.«s« thisTutsUzL N W Nimm-: III T. H VA« Dr M. J. Jensei; Dis-II Lage og Kinn-g Konto-: M Dur-umset- Hund« 7de Sude O- Nlcslltst Ave-ass« EINIZAPULPI III-It W De miser den-ei aller Pren qedeattet, Basledningsaktitler. dat, w, hat See-, sagde suec ta Iet,bm1ekbetsigatksbetllbillise oq bestem Mex- hat: Ed. Mattyieiew stir- sei-. pr. Z. R. meint Dentist Ins- lis III-sie statt-s III-o n. Meinst-print ILUR Esc llvesde . . . pr. Both-l Its Hof-. Nut. .»....... — 1.IO Esska — sks KII — Syst ............. .. — sym. Top. ...... tsc. IOllTll OIAILY sind-. sood ern-nieset ....·.. «1750-:s is cliolce Ferse-t- . . .. . W-« Ili« svia loss-·l7ll cllchOO Ende .. . ».........nm-lsct Anste. sb. Nr. l cis-II Ist-ji« . Los Mc Inmle ....... Gnade Cboicecmnseil 1s.sc svln .. ......·1700—17,1I — Hvorfor Stute Bank? Stute-I Nest-Ists M kautiszm me- eschvek Jst skyder i en .MM Ins Tab. M Fand W M Doklst tkf W- M Konto, enhvek Forde is hvilken fom helft Irt m » fanden Bau-. St det ikse Muse M noktllstfaqdethsikk— MMWM-m Mk cltlsms state Bank, Ihn-. Ich-. t.0etmauses, Mdekn I. D. Maitsiesesh Dies-W. Jede O. Dust-, Meter qu Okcikckcsfcskdkckcchsk che Ianking heute of Lea-micr Itsbsskpt Mslt lskorponeket com sume its Grund-tschi 10,M.U. Our-III YOU-Oc Alt til Bankkorretnfng heg hstende nähn-es Reuter be tales paa fuste lndskuüs hnvpkt statutka j des-s III-« » All-rot nackt-r Hut-u Hohn-Er lsunkwmnsslov F.!1.(««H»-- Isky ou. Pfennian AuMMI YCUO«Ic-IC UOJOJCIOOOO .« Ccscxcscdccscsc scxc C Oksksksksksksfsff W W « ss v n If , tät cs ZRGÅIZHJrP å DADFSI ÄPOTW. « «1 stric- pus VII-h J oft-r Ins-I Do fis-Ist ? Blut, NTXCDL