If S-- d UEOOOTOUO IOOUUZZ o Litgssgravenr. Fra Zundved stri ges til »leb. Av.«: Zorn hvert Aar til Pjnse er det ogsaa snmkt : Vlar at se de dødes Have smyks ket med Vaarens Blomsterflor. Paa Ins-er Kirkegaard i Zfovbrynet, ’· Mark eg Habe samt ved den al jare ng slnmrer de faldne Hel te fra de slesivigske Krige deres Søvn Unge Piger bar igen smyks ket den-? Grave, de glennner dem sy. Btvdtationcm Eiter Forlydende Im dedsxe Kilde, fkrwer »Hmd.,« Ju« den Ecrleden bcbndede Afkortels sc as Brødratiunen ikke komme nl at rcnnme Llabenma Kreds. itandmcid Ziemon bar nemlig ver te: sag Eorsynlig i Tide at sorge Tot-, It en yderlågere Afkortelse vil kunnc chrebygges. Te bjcinløfk Folgende Meddei Oelelse : »Hmd.« viser, hvor Dan fteligr «.-: Zpørgsmaal Stark-tots iorboldcst Inaa være: »En Lptantsøn i Daler Zogn Nev ifl ,,Vestsl. Tidende« i Be gnndislsen af Halvfemserne natura ljseret som preussisk Bergen En Son, som var født et Par Manne Tjer for Faderens Naturalisation, Egger nu i Felten som preussisk Soldat Ved en Gennemlæsning as Natnralisationsdokumentet op dagede man, at der stod, at kun de .anumentet ncevnte Personer ZMandesn og Hustruem optoges Tom preussiske Statsborgere J den Formen-sing at den for Naturaljs Zatåcnxn fedte Søn som Folge of dem Ferkehold ikke var Preusser. indgcv Rederen et Llndragende om at Haa sonnen l)je1nfendt fra Hak Fcrlcden sit Faderen en Be sied tm Landraaden i Tonder, at MUTLT If ll i den tyske Ind ssdsrxstsLiJ maatte Sonnen anfcis go- a: rat-re Preussisf Ztatisborgen Iftcrixki »Es-ter- denne Paragmf do umk-:Ifxs;3 Born delt.- Indsrcns Und-:z«7·..:.«.:-:-suri)led, altfaa natura ,is-3reds;:s :ned Faden-n Hr der nnidlertid koinntet den stät .:::O-"T.::1»- ziendelfe fra Regeringizi — i Zlesvig, som Wer var biemlegs og forst i 1916 red- Traktaten med Damnarf var ich-en danfk Ztatsborger. Tom Folge heraf kan Sonnen s:::fendt frn Fehan . l . Jll« Ism. ;» Falduc Ssndetjyden Exan fid rtk Jckstcgnelsc er døde paa Josa :e: MsspaldneZ lu. Jena«-I Boysen, Jakob Gotlx Mel-Z- zdorsem Chr. Nygaard Scymtdt, Peter Ravni og Hans Hinricy-«"i.-::.. Hader-Heu NE- Ma thtese:;, Feesrrup Hans-. JuhL Z. Bilstrun Sorgen Zlesgaar, Kel Tup Anders Bertelsen Andersen og Hans Ponlsen Anderfen Gra dxed, Insel-Z Bilon, Hejfager. An dxeas Asmussem Rand. Nis Jvers Kn, Hvinderup. Niels Chr. Faaborg Høkelbjerg. Knud-Truelse11, Favs strap. lehelm Lytje Tyrtrup. Flaus Rissen, Jst-rup, Hans Jun ker, Ripe, Martin Kær, Leert.» Viel-i- Gormsen, Skrydstrup. Chr. FULL-ek- GabeL Chresten Gram Rnstrup. Jes Raun, Oder Jelst1 August CStoltenberg, HennekesdamJ Peter ther, Brcendstrub. Bernt Peteriem Petex Claust og Peter Beet. Rødding, Rasmus St-tt,j LückupI Theodor Gaul-erg, Meil IQ Jens Mu, Hygutn Hans »He-usw« Endmpfkow Peter Nissen,« Zeiss-up stets Themata-; Ursliznd Hans W, GM. Peter Melsen Lauritzen Rump. m Appel, Brot-betup, Anders N. Mem Dei-by Samt-neu- diew wd Karl Bunde-- chr. Wen, W, W Tuxen ca Hugo Marias Hans-m, Rugbjerg. Jobskc1 Chr. Bosh, Hovslund Jep Bcek’ og Anderas Raun, Kirkeby. Lauritz Rissen Treffen Barsmark. Hans Nielfen, Nøsby. Thomas Molletv N. Eulen Hans Greve, TumbcL Carl Andersen, Vaknæs. Hans Melsen,-Søgaards Mark. Frederik Haufen, Bjemdrup. Mathicfcn og Chr. Petersen, Graaften. Adolf Rose, Rinkences, August Gauner sen Vilhelm Vogler, Daniel Grimm, William Christener og Rasmus Jørgensen, Zondcrborg. Andreas Hdgkx Dynt. Nis Ander sens San, Gammelgab. Chr. Jst gensen og Hans Jørgensen (Vrødre) Broager. Hans Jakobsen, Saa trupfsoa Jørgen Mathiesen, Maus-. Valter Schlig og Scheefeldts Svis gersøn, lenbøl Jens Clausen, Klinting. Hans Nikolaiscn, Ulkes bøl Kirke. Herman Otto Jeser og Claus Clausen, Ulkebøl Chr. Johnsen og Hans Mølletz Hørup. Chr. Staats, Høruphau Peter Danielsem Kejnæs Frage Jørgen Hausen Nat-, Lysabild. Markus Fratik» Auguftenborg. Hans Clau sen, Hclved. Chr. Sprensem Not markskov. Sorgen Fogt, Broballe· Peter Jacobfen og Jens Hanfens Son, Nordborg. P. Widding, Har råslea Carfken Carjtensen, Havrup. Peter Johanns-am Oylleruzx Car sten Mejer, Ellund. Max Tacke, Jarpslund. Carftensen, Sankelmark. Karl Thordsen og Karl Thom sen, Stab-L Nikolaus Carftenfen, Skobølhus. Bahne Jacobsen og Max Bull, Lyngesaa Theodor Han sen, Sillerup. Heinrich Eggers, Store Vi. Henrik Jensen, Valsbøl. Alfred Christianer, Chr. Peter-sen og Spuke Gerdfen, Medelby. Pe ter Hinrichsen og Hans Hausen, Braderuv. Th. Peter-sen, Karlum Henrik Petersen og tre( Brødre Wolfsen, Læk. Nommensen, Halt ager. Broder Peter-few KlægsbøL Laster S. T. Tange i Ø. Heda-» i Eiderstedt i Sydslesvig kundgør i -,Flensborg Avis«, at nu er ogsaa hans anden San, Peter Peter-sen jTanga falden. s Tallet paa de faldne Nordsless vigere er nu 5144. »Kr. ngl.« AMBRIOA FOR ÄMBRICANSKH c. II. Wellen z Ä »so-n« ;-1·:««l-·i:«.sifls«. l-·x« the Governo-s of Towa, kordjds the « cl-, . "« . s . s ? ;::-·x Jung-«- than ’l.-«-« « . Engle in ;il’ ;-«xl-l":r- -n—--«7in;zs through-us tlisn Amt-« Thi« »r iler has come visrysuddenly and «-«-·1··.· l-« HEXan sw nncsh from F«3«'·ss-Zi- ".!«lt- l-« s- Y« "« llsskli isml —«:-«-(l in « k·--1-»«,s.-n funguos and III-. ·«.7 Its-H n sw. Ein-l lusm s-u— oonraged to oontinne the same Nun-»vor llsiq slssfinItks actlon may spnly xusswp ins-thust zugenczf that kwjll noslp to stimnlate Äms-Iri zsrnus ci- tltink mun- solnikly and ;tu fokmulate a safpr future po— sljoy for America. It is only natural for ppcople who come to Amerjea from an s-thet· Fountry and who will con txnne to read and think in theil natisve tsmgne the thought and scintiment of thesi- natjve country, to also lean-towards thsat coun-l tkzs in theik sympathies at su! tlmes and more especially so lnj the event of war,. and now thatT we have this kact brought homel to us so foroefnlly through thel events ok the present war-, it! should both inspire and directl us in promoting laws that will sen-e to oonseot this error by Zorne prooess that will instilll Amorde tlmnght a«nd sentjmentl into the hearf and mind ok all who come to this country to make it their place ok rosidonoe. — Not should this apply to any one longnage alone, bnt to mryj langnage and every one alilto. who oomes sheko to make thisl thoik plaoo ok Moos-. Whyl should we enoonrage ok even per-l mit a littlo Ghin-www how orl »a list-the Italy, or Gut-many orj iswsdotn etc-, in Iowa other plus-o population in thought and sen tikment into so many groups, each one more or less antagonistio to every other and sei-sing to breed diseord and aisohief.« If it is within hounds ok Ameri ean principles to require certain property isalue from the koreigner who seeks to make this his howe, is .-it any less Ameriean to ke quire from the same at the time of his entnanee regardless f of country, language or creed, that hse himselt must seek, as much as possibe, to learn the anthoriz ed Ameriean language and that all häs ehildren shall he edueated and trained in Amerioan instit-n tions in the Asmeriean language first and thus qualiky them to read Ameriean thonght and sen timent to make them intelligent Ameriean ein«-us lk we have learned an)f one thing so kais during this war, it is the faet that we should make Amerioans ok all those who come here to ltve and share our rights and so make America sake for Amerieans and for American principles In two things we Ämericans have been too ins-lnlgent. We wel eome every strenger to our shores regardlsess ok language, eustom or ereed and without askcing them to gut-reader any thing that may he contrary to our established ensstoma This ap spiies equally to his tin-Ameri ean language and hie open place ok husines on the I«ord’s Daz-. If we in Amerioa have any fun damsentally Meriean Leustoms which we eherish because they have been sank-ed through hlood and the sackikiee of our fere fathers, then we have the first nisght to say what shall he the standard to; which ever-Je one,« who dwells in America, shall subY serihe by their surrender, whom they come here. of every ouatomil that may he contraiF to it. Byi s» doing we make America, in-; deed. a great melting pot and· rekusing to do So, we will kind unrseI-ves to gradnally yield our sum kixed cnatoms to those oi othem and thue repudiate the judsment ot our sorgt-ther- and the ordiinsneea of our Sod Ik any man ensuring to these shorea to make Americ- his howe, los-es his native language or his oustotns of sundtazr opening more than he does our eustoins, let him. go baolc to sthat country where those onst-Time prevail, but Tlet us make Hmerica safe for lAnnerioans and Amerioan prin Ieiples out df respeot for those ithroogh whose saorikiees we loossess them and the aake of those who shall come after us. l »T! l IT FUHITI NO Cle I' ’ LAIN E. E. Its-klu 4 l they-lah- Kmsnsr has l·-t"t’ us. It was uni- »i" thp ismslyl days in May whisn I stood hy! th( sich of redoubtnblcs cshap lain of the old ——st Camln on the- vostihule of the dazl com-h which was to carry hjm to some port of embarkation· The «F’ighting Chnplain« wol had playknlly wallt-d him» especially when he was in »in-· of his more belligerent moods. - But now-r did the appellation seem more fitting than m th: it· moment when I said goodhw to him. « ! l can soc- him yet as hn stand there, the vetemn ok many years of hattling kor his Lord. His hast« was almost whitci his faoe tun-owed hat« the-n was a yoathfvl look in his kindly, sympathetio brown syos, oyes that could also klash fire on Wich. It hardly seemed right that n man ok hjs advanoed years should be sent noross the sog-s to Quinte« the hnkdships nnd dsngers of in owol wen-. But «his bog-; Lwore going over and they grown dssk to the «Pighting chsplsin." M so ho, too, hnd to so--hnd to follow them into the very jun of deutli, it noocl ho. I »Im not writing his ohit nat-y. Doubttsnly h« is one ot I the livest nien in France to tla)". Aud some dasf —- God graut it! — our praver is that we ma»v weleostne him and «his i)o·vs" home again. But a tri hute to the living to niy mind is mueh more aeeeptahle than euiogies over the dead, heneei this hriek ap1)reeiation. Things niove fast-. when a regiinent gets make-hing or ders. There are a few days of hurried paeking. The whole eamp is astir da»v and night. Even-v artiele to he taken a hroad is exaetlv stipulated Nothing else permitted· -(«hap lain lceever hacl just tinished drivings the last nail into his overseas hoxes Ile had just two hours in whieh to rush to Spartanhnrg to have luneh with Inyself and wike, then we rnshed haelc to eamp. As we Ulrove up we found the regi ment aheadv on the move sharp orders tilied the air. The men were marehing! quielch we transferred to the (-haplain’s mail ear and in a few moments were following the cioud of dnst raised h·v the eolumn ahead. It was about a mile to the "I)oint where the men were loaded. And there is no time wasted for formalities when that point is reaehed. In fik teen or «twenty Ininutes 500 nien are loaded the signal is (.kiven, and the long string of ears Inove off. I knew, there t«()re, that there was not mueh time to wagte. «Chapiain," said I, «have «’t »von got a message »von would like to haxse nie give· to our Lutheran (hureh and to our Luther-an I)eopie?" XVI-s were standinjf in the vestihuie of a miserahle dazf i«oaeh. Utiieers as well as men are eonipedlled to fores -.:o all (:oint·ot·ts and einwen ienees in these stirring days. Why should not all eitizens he willing to make sael·it’ices? The grizzled old ehaplain stood thinking for a minnenh «Yes." he said. «I have a message for our Lutheran Chureh. Teil-our people above all to uphold the work of the eamp pas-tor. Ue is the only real representative our Chureh Has in the a rmv oanip. ttTell them also to haek up our hoys who have gone to Franesg and to gin- themj erery («neoura3-rein( -.nt i mFell the mothers especial-i ly not to discourage the meni by pessimistic letters «Urge every Ameriean to. get into this kight with heartl and soul, for onl) thus- willj we be ahke to wiu and havej this thing over with quiokly.«. The train hegau to move,« I swung oLk, grasping his. hand, and then standing byt the side ok the trach, I waved my hat andeheered as long as the train was in sight. ttA good old seout" the men and okkioers of his regiment can-. ed him, and every memory ok three months’ association in eamp hears out the trihnte. i l well rememher my first im pressjon ok the «l·’jghting schup-« lein«. lt wes et s hanquet con kerenee erkenged by Klejor Gen eral 0’Rye.n to djseuss the moral ejtuatjon m the comp. All eortej of remedjes were suggeetcsC Pi aelly it eetve to Keever s tum. I could see that he hed been«l ehekjng kok some time. «l-et me tell you, men," he mpped, «t.he soonek geatles you get some ok the Ipirit of lib-« ereliem out of your preis-oblag end teeeh the wen trae relisjoo, the soonet you will have malt-J I hemä e m the other deyz l who retetred to M se the’ trihol God et the Jesus ellllewuklkeo,lmttoke Myouotthekeetthethe III-y- «Usksd’ the other geht« Whea the time eme tot the Dejor gegen-l to spuk, he vermly eommevded the Luther-v sattpleith «Yon were ktsht, (Covtiaued ou« lett peseJ II thet l « Salinebøger". Spørgszsmaalot om Salmcbøgcr er blevet saa paotræiigciidc. at vi følcr osJ iomnlcdigct til at fronikoiumc mcd ndgle Qplysnins get offcntlig. Dcrfor folgendes l. Udgavcn paa Jndiapaptr kan indtil videre slet ikkc ftaffe5. — Dot stimme girldcr ogsaa donka Biblcr. 2. Andre Salmebøgcr kan skaffes meu tun mcd stor Vonstcligbed og de abnormt storcs Forscndclscsomtostningcr samt den betydcligo Forøgclfe i dcn danske Pris bevirkcm at importcw de Salmcbøger her vil komme til at koste ca. dobbclt saa me get som tidligere. Under chsyn til dissc Forliold bar vi bcsluttot os til at lade Tremstille en egcn Udgave of d en n t) S a l m e b og hcrovre Den bliver trykt og indbundet bog andre og ventcs fcvrdig i Lobet of Sommer-en Trods de ogiaa her mcgvt forhsicdc Fremstillingsomkofminer vcsntqr vi at tunne smlge dennc vor egen Udgave til nogct iicrk de gamlc Priicr. 4. En mindre Forsyning of Salmcbøgcr er nylig modtaget im Tokikuni-l Ton er imidiertid saa aldelcg utilftrækkelig til at mode Kravct, at vi scr os nodsagct til at begrcvnse Salact til EntcltsEksoniplarer. Pna Grund af den ulmrc Prisstigning tan vi heller itle clspcdcrdchenliggcnde Ordkes, føk m) Be stilling indløbcr. — De for Haandcn værende Udgavcr er som sslgen U Konventg Salmcbog: Prosaform Lcrdcrbind 8200 Versforin, Wagrim Guldsnit 3.50 - N y S a l m e b o g: Versform,- Læderbind 8200 Betstun, Chagrim Guldsnit 3.00 s Navn kan kun paosættcss de to dyreste Udgaver. Ordres ekspederes paa ovennævnte Vilkaar. saa længe For-sy ningen vorer, i den Orden, hvori de indlsbetr Dsuifs Luthms III-listing Hufe Vlait, Nebr. ji« spunnkr H finrm»rxti« Ha N rier Mmmcuker i der vküliqr Kam-da L- r T- f rz fix-« qodt Fami lcnw im sle til Hm Dr. istrtc « ...« -:.. ito til ikp Einmen- ni st- Nscok or Um s" -:s -«« - lil' - Or s tin H» » is l » ; - .-- « isowspksj c - . — s .. . .. · :U sompstsakis fis-is M saftig-« - s -1 sxc Ewrsw . s! - f- - . . . »Ein-· AM. Lin. Mund-u Inn-Ihm- ’1»« - !«!«:t" ·-.:: It «:»·l. nur ?«-: .«t-k :- rot-: i-·s. l «- :--«:« frn.-.k k m : 1111 Lsmmiurt u :s, Eu..w«x5c1n.,u1(sts.l setnsiinsvisn bepi. of Ihm-Mai- kevemmoah sk« Jus-schon sit-» ht. Ist-II. III-Im d . ( - Lnfkcs ,,3ksct«iun" Fummnd, Von Sislllllj zscr LIL.!.1110d, set-Hirn for LM·(1rln-jde, sost Llnsasttolso. —-- Lako 12 Arbede Ucctlonsts lmnddk You Lille Pcr Time. Inn-l Elmdagisarledc udlsn l Not-Stilmele Forbjndclfk mcd den nor danskr zwlum Lied Busjalo, Wyo. Lcjliglvcd til at dannc cgst Man mcd seen ellcr flcrc Lllcres Jord pan sammc Bctingclfcr sum til )d;110111s9(cr. Lgsaa srcmtldm :«lFIlcsd11i1143 til at uptage Jurdbrug -.«llcr undcn Etillmg -— Tilligc ksnskeg Sen ,,Bmkcnmn« straft-. Eundt Klima, swrljgt for faadannv fmn lmr Llnfasg til Hals ellcr Brystsvaglwdor. Skriv stralgs til Halt-J Llndursnsk cllcr til E« C. Riddle, Zum. Wyoming Ny, C B11ffalo, Wyoming W now-E BLA1R, NEBRASKÄ. Skalen-»Ist 1918-—«1919 Disgzsndw l. OktoIJHU l·’(jlgckn(.le l(ursuse1": Äkadcsxnisk To Aar-S Colle-ge Nonnul Fortsetniugskursus Proseminarium for vordem-le Priester Musik· Skriv ekter Katalog. L. -4. LJURSEM