Danskeren. (Neenah, Wis.) 1892-1920, June 12, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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U IYlltDss 06 NOTICE-Ess
ILAD soll ka DAUSU
VOLK l MlK4,
uägivet at
Davids Luther- Publishiss Konse,
Ell-ils Nebraska.
»Das-leeren» utlgaar Onsclag i hvet Use-.
Pkis pr. Ast-gang
De Fokeuecle statt-r sl.50. Ucllandet 82.00
Eli-Idol herab-s i Forslcuch
Bestilling Retaling Adressekorsnclring
etc-. med Undtagelae as Zions til
Bladets Indbolcl adtessekes
Rlaitz Nebraska.
Alle Zion-g til Blaclets lnclholck —
Konospondancek, Akhanclliagek og auch-e
Artikler —- Seatles til dets Rede-lust
A. M· ANDEREle Mai-, Nebr.
Ersten-d at Blair Post office u second
clsss matten
Advertisiug rates made known upon
l Tilkælcle ak. Blocket iklce modtases
texolmessigt, bedes man klage til clet
sedllge Postlcontor. skulde dette ikke
hjælpe, beäes man lieuvemle sjg til »Dan
glceten"s Kontor.
Naak Læseme dem-endet- sig til Polle
Dom avektekek i Bladet, enter- kot at
kpbe has dem elle for at fu« Oplystüus
am der Meister-ekle bedes de alt-is out
tsle. at de san Avertissementet i dette
BlocL Det vll viere- til gen-lass stotte.
Angaaende Past. H. P. Jensengs
Heldredstilftand strjvcr Past. J.
P. Jensen, Mindem Nebr., til os
under 5. Juni: »Bei-Agra H. P.
Jener i Gaar. Han er mcget be
dre. Saat-et er lægt, og man har
stort Oaab om, at han vil blive
rast. Men Aarsagen ek ikke Medi
cinen fra Chicago. Det er et meet
keligt Tilfælde, og man tan ikke
lade være med at tro, at det er et
Guds Under.«
Stolciprogct i North Dakota.
Fra Bismark meldes under ö. su
ni: »Statan Zorsparskaad har be
ftcmt, at herefter skal alle fkoles
pligtige Born gaa i Stole, yvor det
engelfke Sprog brach som Tale
sprog. Naar de er kommen faa
langt, at de ser hat en Mening om
Sagen, skal de have Ret til at lære
. andrö Spros, mcn først skal de læ·
re at tale og tæuke amerikanst
Hvis nogen Scolefuperintendent,
Stolebestyrer, Leerer aller Forældrc
ikke adlyder denne Okdre, vil de
blive ftraffet.« —- Tette er ikke me
re end rimeligt og rigtigp Vi hat
perfonligt Kendskab til Steder her
i Nebraska, hvor tyske Missouriere
ved del-es tyske Parokialskoler helt
hat Idelagt den engelske »Eommon
Luther-ff Zunahme-made Ton 7.
Mai holdt hetmed et Hundrede lu:
therste Præster i Greater New
York, rcuræsentercndc ncestm alle
Afdelingcr af den lutherskc Kirte
i dctte Land, et Mode for at dkøfte
Spørgsmaalet om ,,2’uskcligtusds1n
af luthersk Enhed i United thue-J
og Planet for at gennemførc den«
Moder holdtesz i Kiste-m vcd Uml
ken Rev. W. Koechwn thsJioum
er Pasror. Eftcr en indlodcndcs
Drøftclse fort-flog Past. Wut. Scho
enfcldt (Mo.) Tannelsen af en
Konserence til Fortsættclfe asDrøfi
teler af Spørgsmaal vedrørende
Lærc og Praksis: Forslagcst vedto1
ges- enstemmigt.
Sidst modtague Nr. af ,,Luthcr
aneten« giver paa Forsidem i hvad
det kalder en Slags Fugleperspets
sie Kirke i Amerikas geografisfs Be
tiv et Billede cif Den norstiluthcrs
liggenhed. Billedet bestaar as Kvins
destitkelser, der hver for fig repræs
senteker Kirken i en Stat, og paa
hvert Portrait er saa angioet An
tallet af n. l. Menigheder i den
Stat, Portraitet repræfentcrcr. Der
er 47 i alt, men nogle af dem re
præsenterer kanadiste Statut Min
nesota rager højest (1787 Mghr.).
Nest efter komme-r North Dak.
(1190 Mghr.). Wisconsin kommer
ins som Nr. 3. (878 Mghr·). South
Dakota Nr. 4 (641 Mghr.). Iowa
et( Nr. 5 (387 Mghr.). -Qg, mikr
keliq not et Sastatebewam Can«
Nr. S (322 Mgbr.). D C, Con
necticut, Georgia, Rhode Island-,
«Misiana, Ohio og Vermont hat-J
Is» s. Tat-, B. Vtt., Kent» N.
L '-—I
« Prcesident Wilsom idet han hævs
chr, at den-te Krig et en af Nas
ktioner, ikke Vlot af Krigshcere, heu
stiller han, at cnhvcr af vort Lands
Hundrede Millioncr Jndbyggere
maa iiidrette sig økonomifk og indu
striclt cfter Forholdene, hol-is demu
Nation skal spille —sin Rolle i Kon
flikten. Lg hvad han faa færlig
slægger os paa Sinde er at und
gaa alle mwdvendigc lldgiftcr, bl.
a. for at undgaa at lcrggc Boslag
paa Transportmidlerne til attranss
portere, hvad der cr unødvondigt,
men særlig for at opspare, lwad
enhver kan og købe ,,War Saving
Stamps« for det opsparcdo. Han
slutter med alvotligt at appellere
til enhvcr Mand, Kvinde og Vorn
«til at spare-, hvad han kan og for
pligte sig til den 28. Juni oller for
at købe saa Inange Regeriugsobligai
tioner fom muligt.
,,Preu—5sen skal have Krig, og me
re Krig, og mere Kris, indtil sclve
Tanken om Krig er bleveii afstyes
lig for Preusferen!« sagde vor
Udenrigsminifter Robert Lansing
forleden, og det vil rimeligvisz
euhver tro Amerikaner, hvordan han
end var ftemt forud for Kkigen.
tilstemme. Verden er syg af Kris
men den ded, at Helbredelse ikke kau
ventes, før Preussen er kureret for
sit Krigsgalskab. Preussen er byg
get op ved Krig, ved Lin-bringet
Forkæderi og Voldsmagt Den
preussiske Rand er saa omtaaget
af Krigsgudens Tilbcdeife, at den
set intet andet. Den ftore Militccrs
silofof Bernhardi skriver forud for
Krigen: »Nam« denne Krig kommst
maa den føres hensynsssløit og
»frygteligt« i den Henfigt at ede
lægge Magibalancen i Europa og
uden Hensyn til Traktater eller veds
tagne Rettigbeder. Belgiensz Neu
tralitet bebt-ver ikke at refpektere5.«
Lg videre: ,,Krig bliver en uundi
gaaelig Regulator, fordi der uden
Krig ikke kunde gøres Rate- eller
Kultur-Fremstridt.« Dorf-am Bern
hardi er ret paa det, saa vil United
States gøre Preussen en itor Tie
nefte, mener Omaha Bee, thi det«
vil ikke bete ov, for Komplotmagi
iterne i Potsdom tim- faaet not as
Krig til at tilftedsstille dem oq
der-es Eftcrkommere, menss TVerdkn
l -.--- . COO D- —
Tor sich, at Zamsundct handl.
de ucerligt i Fior, da dct ved Ums-:
msdct i Necnah iftc fern du«
al Zamfundctö Gasld nd of sit-I
men, der var sudslrjbrret til No
forittationsgavcm men lud de ca.
Hilf-»Um der Var over de Nil-»Hu
danuc Brgyndclsm til ct Pol-wild
Tor jin-« at EubsrrWchJ :l
Nuformaxiu-1-:sg».!U-.sn var tun d:ud.;3
de paa den Bctingclfe, at al Zum
fundcsts Gckld blev bot-alt. iwordaxi
er det?
Der sigst faa til fjd51, as d.t
vil blivc vanskeligt at indianer d;
100,0«» Toll til Pensionsfondt
netop for-di Prasfteme tilstcmte lig
de ca 815,0W.
Dctte For-hold fortscounuek dct
mig, bar klares iaalcde5, at cnhver
kan forftaa det. Osg der maa ogsaa
være noch, det særlig paalwilek at
klare det. Forgribe sig mod Kassj
sen, eller hcevnc sig mod PrcesterneI
—- ja, beggc Dele er flemt not. l
Er saa cllers tilbøjelig til at
tro, at det er bedst, tUarsntødet i
Aar tager tilbage, hvad del sagde i
denne Sag i Harlan og Nemah,
vg« at den Gæld, Samfundet hav
de i Fjor ud over de s60,0()0, lzcz
tales af Summen, der tilfaldt Pen
sionsfundct, faa at fom Dr. Peter
sen udtrykte sig forleden —- der
ikke engang skal være Skin af, at
Priester-ne ad en·Omvej har tilvendt
sig nagt-L
, Jeg bekannt-: »den GEW, Sam
fundet havde i Fior« og ifkc i Aal-.
Thi det er vel ikke Meningem at
Prcsterne fkal blive ved at betale
den Gæld. der Tid efter anden bli
ved ved at der f. Ets. er Mah» iom
Aar efter Aar tun giver lldt elletj
W til Stolekaistw ellek Wenig
Wiens-am der albrig glverJ
W til Mist-um- s
U. E. Bienen
lt will he ot« interesst to this
friendst of the soliliers looatetl sit
(·ainp Funston antl Fort Rilk-)f to
know stunk-thing ahont the-si
·«amps. Of course-. even a Its-r
t"«-(«t pen Furtan ot· a military
stainp will com-OF onl)f a ver-)
iniperfeet iclea ot« the organization
known as thi- oantomnent. A
short visit to one ot« our national
ariny canipsi will give a tnmsh
hatte-r antl far more correctitlpa
as to wshat a oantonment com
prisiek than the tnost detailml
tlesoriptioir However I am Surss
it will interest all of us to know
somp things ahout the pla(«-«
where those «l(-ar to So many ot«
ns are trained to fight our hat
tlcsss in this world war.
l shall trzs hriefly to niention
winsi ot« the-s things that will eu
alsle you hetter to understand
this csamp in its reslationship ts
l·’ort Nile-Jst Thon l also purpos
to clisserihss Zorns-s of the phasiss
of inz· work as csamp knister
Ensry visitor to the can-is
innst he imprpsmsil witsh the Hist
nisszii of our Governtnent"s entpr
kiriso here. Damit Funston is a
ssity of· ahout 7ll.000 soltiiors
when fnll. To the south west sit
l·’unston and womit-owed with it
lies Port l?·:l(s«t·.. whicsh ma)f lu
(-on-i(l(-re(l a suhnrh it« you lilik«.
ot« ahout IZOIWL That a (-it»v ot«
sur-h magnitutlei ooulcl come into
Miste-nei- in los-« than a year-.
with onst-F eonveniencses for it
inhahitants. is a thing that only
lI H. csonlil ar(-onipligh. Amt then
(·a-tnp anston is only one eamjo
of the Here-at nnmher of eatnpg ot«
whioh the Same things are trncni
The ti.s)()0 huildings in Dunstonl
ing states are also kamiliar with
streets and ask-umso As in somi
Hsitiesk too. sonn- atreets« are par
«k««l antl others (lirtroa(la. Fort Ri
liszs emuprises ahont l.000 hinlä
ings not so well arranged with
itisksets as in anstotL
Properl·v 81)ealcing. kamp Pun
erun is t.he·National Army can
tontnent at tihia place. Fort Rilozs
Es an olsl military poet which has
luden the ctation of the FUM
Regular Army camlry. Nie na
tional gnarila from the umwund
ing states are also kamiliar with
kn- kilaee as their catnping
Aphis-ils Pnnston ia ibnilt on the
l«"t. lliley reaervatiotr This reger
jsatson ssompristss 20.000 sqstlare
sisilsss of territorzs with the Kan
sas- liiver running through its
Huthisrn part. Punston and Ri
ley are aituatecl in the hasin ok
this river, while the hills and
leoinsi to the north and west
t·orin tlus verz- hest drill grountl8.
Un til-M- gronntls wi- find an in
triiutss systssin of trenches with
»in-goals and wiroentanglennsnts.
llsns seience has made it poss
»il-li- to has-e the soliliers gasswi.
ltlnml ulci til-linke is Still til-li- l»
xxitsinixle auffieient inoisture to
give hiin the necessarx experientsei
ol« standing in mutl and waret-.
The eol(lier’e training is intensive
and real. Tshe soldiers all Seein to
realize that the training must he
taken just as serionaly as the
kighting will he.
As we look upon Camp Nun-tot
from a oiatanee we see noIiinz
hut hart-geles. There are many
other lmildinga than these, how
ever. ln the eentral part of
Pnnston is a seotion known as
the neue-. After retreat this is the
husiest place in eatnp. lt is herge
ly an ainuaemont seetion. Bein-les
the theatertz and 1novies, then
are also Saft-ji« stotea and ahops
ot· all tleecriptions. lt ia often a
Iscsry eonvenient plaoe for the sol·;
dier to go; hut it is also unlink-I
where many eoldiera spend toojx
much of th-eir money. This Zone
is not operated by the govern—
ment, but it is male-r eontrol. Can
tieens are operatecl hy Unele Sam
throughout all part-g of the eamp.
At tilde-e plaaes the neidier get-g
everything he want- in the line
of reitest-mont- ano Lotsen-. The
zkovernment does weist-hing to
Ein-he the solcher like as com
;»-Loktsh1e mä Meiste as not-into
III-n se Instit-In other haik1.
Zins-M est-MU- ta W the-n
M M the Use sont-dates
with the-m, we must not korget
the- sevcsntoeu Y. Jl. C As and
this two Y. W. hostess houses.
Thss Y. Ils. han- hoon sukficsiont
ly atlyortisoil as this homo for
tllo lmys They Ell-U Ali Ell-it is
claimui for them from this sooial
poitit of Vi(,«W. Thkosv »di· litt- Ys.
are for the- spooial use ot« tsolonstl
tkossps. This ons- hostoss houso is
also kot- t«hi« npgm solcher-s and
thsoiis fri«niis. lf this Y. Jl. is
lthi- home for the la)y8. the Y. XV.
Hut-»Li- is the homes of his Visit
)ing fricsnda Thi- hostess houso is
this only placo in oasmp where
latiios may owns-, oxcopting thi
first anil thini satuniuys of tsaoh
month which Aro spotsial visit
ing days. Ät the hostoss houscs
mothosiss and tathtsrs Ins-ist thisir
von to soo him out-(- moro hokons
he loavos for-» this t«t«ont. XVinssss
ismhkaots the-it husbnnds as a hist
tat-(«wesll, and swtsesthoarts ins-et
hon- in a place whier thoy an
invittstl to comtn XVhihs onsrything
is 1)itlilio. tiiprss is no kostriiint in
kthn oxohangts of umher and
this-es You may think it is
itwfuL almost impkopon You
won·t thinsk so visisy long. it you
jworks horc-. XVhon you also ro
Hnintloii what such a tatst-wish
ins-ans those- H·il diin your
imiticisms will stilisitlo. XV« who
work hist-·- iirts thankful that tin-ro
is u hostfsss houso for Hut-h
got-herhng Wo know that lonsm
will hes togcethestx The- quostion
woultl ht-: Whtsiso will they tut-est
it such a plagt- haol not lasen pro
titlsstl kot- thun.
l must lozins Funstou anil taki
you to Nile-y. the oamp to whi(-h
l am ot"t·it-iully »Mit-noch Port
ltiloy is r·-ully a motlioal Muts-.
Refoke our oountisy outsstsoti thts
war, there wes-o only stonts hinhi
ings here-the lsarracks unit ist
sidenoes ot· the- eavalry stationsstl
then-. The-st- harmoks ans now»
cslianged into hospituls. limitan
those stonp strutstnrmL sisnsml
largo fis-ann- builtiinjcs hin-c- boon
wogte-d and are now use-il for
lu)spitals. Fort itilksy has a hoss
pital oapaoity of about Ihli antl
it is constantly being eitle-Weit
This is the- has-s hospital of
kam-) Punston isosidos being s
base hoojiitah Port Rile is also
tho training owmp kot- medic-il
office-T ambulanoe cotnpanips,
fielcl hospitolm hospital trainsp
evaouation hospitula, etc. This
spring a now sieotion has been
added to the hospital, known
as the convuloscont section. ltis
a teompltsx ot« tcsn large two
flook buildingi4. surrounsiing ou
tho thnIo sidog u Rock (’ross
huihliux5. This stsotion is to he
uns-d for tshks tiisnhloti from thi
l)attlot’iohl. Botoris thesy an- dis
oharjml from militisry dsuty, tin-se
nnkotstunoto one-s will bi- taught
Osmi- tmslcs holst-. Not-hing is bo
ing lett undonis hy Hielt- Rom.
Port Kilesy tun-org about tho
snmo »Im-m ot« grounsl as Faun-.
Funstom namoly almut 16 squkms
l know that this-i gis-total tits
Seisiption has to many morely
sagst-Miso a Art-at something
without oiiahling them to form
say ides as to what that some
thing looks like. Makr- a visit
to one of our cantonments this
oummer and see how U· s. is
using your money. Espöoiolly
tot eveky kicker tske that- trip.
But don’t go it you want to
remain c hielten «
When l out-posted to give s
desckiption ot my work, l platz
ed Inwa to o task dikkioult to
denktin because it is so varied
Find undefined. A good idea of
a outnpspostor’si work will he
oonveyed to many when l like-n
it to the woisk of u oity mission
ary. He most kinit his partiouhns
people, but he- is not Satistissd
merply to have met them; ht
wantn u ohanoo «to pro-oh the
saving Word of Lifo to them;
hat he has no meeting place to
whioh sho can invito the-m to
come- snsi hear his preise-hing,
so he makes the host mas- ot
oveky opportunity to imsske hi«
visit- oi real spiritusl wart-h.
Phi- io larsely the ohnrsotiek ok
s otmpspsstok’s work smonk hi
m mon. But this desskiption
Hm not ististy very may-. l
will be more explicit.
T Ih- wkk umz- hc divideii us
lgenersal sind specific-. By general
lwork l rote-is ti) iii)" work amongl
Ithe hoys isegiirillesi ist« theil
kehniseh eiiniiisetiois. Evisiw Y inl
«i«;iini) has two siinilnzs sisisxsiikes
Iein-h weisk nnil ons- inisliwisisk
lseisviegk Thi- eiinilppastor is gen-l
lisisiilly this spenlceis sit these Y
iiiisetiiigs. lt is ii l· ineisting kinil
oins pkiistiisnhiis ilisnoininskit«iniiil«
«i-oloi·s must here he lett oiitsiiile.
After stieh ii ineetiniz l iimyj
ishiinee to meet n few hiist
tot in«iv liaistiisiiliir ehnisish with?
whoin I then hun- a littlis visit»
läiit l have no siieeisl ineetiiig
place so l i«iin·t invite them to
come to nix Chiusi-h. l get their
kiililress skinil keiin in toiieli with
thismx lint time will not Just-mit
iis to visit them very fiseisiieiitly.
Phis visitinjx the lioxs in thisir
Imisisaislis is »m- spiseitie work.
lt is the most ilift"iciilt. lslvenings
is almost the only time yon isiin
make such visit-s. That wiis n
umz- gooil time hist wintek when
the hoxs were sure to stiix in
ilooiss; hut now we nin spenil
many eveninjxs trotting from
hart-sieh to hin-Hieb hiit fiiiil no
uns-. The wiix in whiish onr inisn
often kiise tisansleriseiL nlsomiikes
it ilit·l"ii-iilt to keep in person-il
time-h with a gisesit nninlier ot·
l!« ii paistor is nnxioiis to ilo
something »i« reiil siiiritniilviilne
to the iiiisii«----iiiiil thiit is wli)- he
is sent liisisis«—tlii«is he feels keeni
lxs this neeil ot« n Lutlieising til-use
for his men. Ever sinee l he
«--::ii·- ueqiikiinteil with the winle
ll hkiw nilvoisiiteil tshe nisisil ot« ii
Hinisisting phiee for oiiis hoys in
;l·’imston miil llili-)·. ln this
respiset I have now Hierin-ed the;
use ot· the Port Rilezs (’hapel
t«oi· iny exehisivis iise every sun
ihizs nttisrnoon Ähout thirty wen-«
present sit inn- first nieeting
Jliix 26th. liil·«iiiist()ii arrange
iiient has hisn iiiiiile with Illig-.
sont-i stiioil for the iise of the-it
hiiililiiig in Amiy (’it«v for al—
terinite sizrviees Hund«-se This
hiiililing is known as link-heran
Renten lt is open at all hours;
tghe so dier may come here to
fes-il anil wein-; hie Xriendsmny
viskt with him here. lt lies out
siile of comp, biit soldiers may
go there without pass, so it
sen-es oiir purpose very well as
a place for public meeting. lt
iler not sen-e the sooisl need
ok the soldiek so well, since it
is too tei- swsy from most of
Wlien we now get new nnmes,
we iit onee iiiitit"«i,f them of our
iiieetiiigs. We can then use our
time in loolciiig up those who
fail to responil to our iiivitiitions.
Most ot· every afteknoon is
nseil in visiting the sieh at the
has-e hospitsl This work must
l» iitteiiileil to very (liligentl)·.
The isiiiiiilaiii in ishiirge ol· the
heiss- hospitkil has iiiviteil the co
iipeisiition of the isgiiip-iisstiir in
this gtseiit woi-k. While we help
him, his attitnile towtiisil ns
gretitly help-; us in finiling our
own men.
Religion-; ineetings sit-e con
ihieteil iii eisery seiktion of the
hospitul evesz sunilszI aktemoon.
The email-pessimis- "hm·e eher-ge
of the-se sen-ims
dloy l insge that putors nnil
others send in the nemes end nd
(li-esses of solilieiss to the Com
Ymission as neeukately as possible.
lt is ahsolutely heiser-seyn lt
huppens isuite oft-en that we eall
upon s man as sooii as we get hit
iiilili·ess. hat kincl that he has
Yheen in thi- seisviise six or eight
iiiionthsc The-i we know that
same Fast-ji« has neglxsistisil to ilo
Lwlnit he hiiii bei-« iislceil sind
Hut-geil h klo- l invitik pastoiss
»aus-l frleiiils of soliliers to send
Ythe immes ol· soldietss to me per
Jpzonallzu Only two ok our pustors
Jhiive shown the speiaial interest
Hin their hoys of writing ine s
Jsbout them. You sutely all can
juppreelste that it will help me
iveky much to knows someoliing
kahout the boys hetore I esll ap
Jon them. Perliiips l- will have
einne- to make only one coll.
llow helptul it would be to sey
to s boyg «l tmiveil s letter
from your part-oh ot- tisoiv your
inother or tat-den« Let us do
Herz-thing for our boys now
while they are gjving Mehl-Ist
for us. .
l hope that I have suikeeeded
in gis-ins information about
sum-s things hy which tin- great
eint-u- fms whicsh l am hist-e may
p n) fi t.
Witli kincl (·hristian Hreets
itqu from
Mit-m M. Haus«-u,
820 Polorailu Hur
Jlatihiittint. Kaus.
-— ..--—..—
Oplssningen ai Papste
enickusic n.
Juki-d Honiin til, yvad andern-g
ncdc nylig yar strcvct i »Quinte
ren,« at Bestennnelfen oin Lpløss
ntngcn af Entokaisicn er ndcladt i
Aarsberetningen fra i Zion hat jcq
privat faact den Meddclclsc, at Be
slntningen finch paa Elde IZIL
Tor lasse-J under Zondislaisscns Bi
lovc: »Vedtagct, at de PUng der
cr i Prccstecnkekasscn l. Jan. 1918,
overgives til Pciisionszikassscn.« Zein
folgcliq er sing-sen ndc af Stand til
at virlc, nam« den yar niaattct nd
lcvcre sinc Midlcr; nien oin selbe
Lsplogsningcn udtalcr den Befluts
ning sig ist-tu
Og Forboldct blivcr cndnn dunk
lcrc dcrvcd, at paa Eidc läs; i sam
mc Llarsbcrctningcn lasse-Si folgende
Aatsinødcbcstonnnclsc: »Nun-macht
ndtaler sin Tat til alle Gibt-nas
ydcrc (til Prcrstccnlcfagscni og on
inodcr alle vorc Menigtnsdcr og
Moindcfonsningcr win) usdulivcnde
at ydc Vidmg til Præstceiik".sk.ii.-sscii.«
Der staat intct om, at den Jud
famling kun sknldc forcgaa til Not
aar Hle
ch ser ittc vedrc, end at disfe
to Bcslntningor itillet siq saadan
til l)inanden, at der cr Grund til
at spat-ge: hvad er Mctiiiigisit? hvils
ten as disse Bestcnnncslscr gældcr?
Lg for at tysc op i dcnne Dun
kelan or dist, jeg sont-sä» at Ilarss
inødet i Aar bot satte en Beste-ni
melfe i Stedct for den der or ndcs
ladt cller glcnit i Fior, saa onliver
lan vid(-, at Saminndct liar be
sluttet. at fta Nytaak 1918 eisi
sterer Presteenkekassen ikke mete.
J. M. Hans en.
Were om Stdn-gingen
Følgondo lldklip as cngolske Bla
de vil rimcligvis interesse-re voke
Umster felv om noglc of dem munt
te finde dct lidt bissvcrrligt at faa
Moningen nd af dct cngolskct Dct
er san alligevcl en Tilfredsksftilslclsc
at faa dct origiimlt. — Førit om
Forboldct i Iowa efter «Tlie Des
Moiucs Register«:
This gs-ns-r«l Iwnsitsnstis of
ispixiisin with isosgnnl tsi fu«-mits
hingznngis unt-si- »t« this girsssrnnr
is- snnmnssd np l-·v Mr. Jahr-sein
of th(- lau-« (’it«i« l’it?-.-«n. a
staunt-h iiclminisitsntiun now-i
««l’h-« Unile («itizisn ilnsss not
inul·«---itnml tihnt this giesst-nor
»t« tun-a is nntshokizisd t-) torhid
thi- nsis »t· any tot-visit linignage
within this Hutte-. This might he
dun» hy this lisgislatiirp. hnt not
us we understand it by the
gen-mut- nnlesssi under extra
oisslitinI-)- zum-wiss conkwnsd at s
timcs us isiot or was-kuts- within
t-ln« hordssrg »t« the- statt-."
Eis-n in txlnk nmttisr of keuch
ing Uns-nun. tshnt liess- Wholly
with the« cssmstitiittsd Seht-alon
tli»1·iti(-s, nnd wiss wttlsnl hy
tin-In nnd hy pnpnlzus cis-mund,
Mths·1« thnn lw thi- UtfissEnl dik
(-?-»-ntis-« tin-In thss zziirssrssssiR »f
Hut Wiss lisw litslissw nin thut
this Linn-muss will tisy t) intssks
list-i- witsh this im- uf t-h-- t«c·i(-nd
ly Inngnugcsu in thi- wimmeln-s of
this statt-. nnd it· he should ty
tn interkptscs nnhody hellt-wiss he
will lu-, siistuinod
ln any csisent the nmtteisshould
tm lnsoukkht to n -tpst. for vhe
present sit-nati0n is intolemhlo.
lk vhe goveknok hy u simple or
der can Itop dhe speslcing of
Franc-h ms ltaliun in law-, he
can olose all hat- thss PreshyZ
teriaa or the Mothodist ohmsobos