Danskeren. (Neenah, Wis.) 1892-1920, June 28, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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    L , periylland
Osten trug dein til at tiggr.
ZU Koncr fra Hader-Am Ente
Moll-est der sidder nwd -l Børn
i en Jlldvr sra 2 til li Uhr oq
Oder .:1 niaanedlig llndcrstotnsllc
If YOU-« Mark, 031 dient-U Pfui
Lukan-»Du ins-is Mund er ::::t.-.Ldt,
sosn Er s Tini-n ": cri ;’l Ixr W
TH- tiå is Flur U n:i.)::- -.«:: ll.i
Wisswlkx If 108 Illig-E .·.:! Illu
IIDHZL Tor-Cum r-.-:-r-l.,; Ils«
prellis Ded- leiiüderixsjtxn i in
Berg-los Jud Einer en Nod-J ikn 5
sinkt äsr L:!-.srtr«.1-deiio as Qui-»Er
ndnime cg Inn-i- d THOS- Jasnx
s F
fl ist gjggcri. V April Man-nd
havdc IV mrrot Pan Beim im
page-Indis- til Zkoobn Reden Inn
Ie wimxxct dein til at tiggc sont
smnedksmidlen Nimdarnion Rande
Wer dom. Ved Revisionen var du
Ue i Befiddelse af noget Pai-.
segge tilftod og bad om en mild
Stun- JInitsadvoltasten andran van
Sie-dickfer ai Boden og l Dngs
Hengst-l ior Tiggeri. Tet var
Imfkeliqt under den lwrfkmde Dor
Id at flaa »sig igenncm med en
Ist-an linderstøttelfe med en saas
san Vorneilot Retten dmnte i
Mnsftetmnclfe beer og be
Iuttede at indftille dem til be
hagt Madning, lwad Fængs
Miraffcsn angit
Raat Faust-ne flygtek. »Es-sehs
Iladet« offentliggør i Jlnledning
C nisfisfke Fangcrs Flngt im Fiel
24. Bataillon bar faaet Anviss
sing tisl at trække alle for Tiden
Cdnu i Fieldftrup Kommune væs
Inde Fanger til-boge, for-di Ar
Iejdsgkverne ikke bar forstaaet at
Mindre Fangernes ZMdagss
Eil og Siebe. Beværterne saar
It kun leveret Halvdelen of den
Wenig-de smn konsumeredes i
Handel-stammt i Flensborg bar
smadet den kommanderende Ge
spal for Kovpsdistriktet om at
Myde But-gen af Vilewietter
III Hoteller og Gcestgiveriet.
Mad« man vil spare Siebe til
Fall-ne Nitdfleövigetr. Ziden
site Meddelelfe er der død of
Paa Vestfrontem Brot Bu
Oardt fra Toftliunix Jpcob Geoer
sanken ira Tsjlgaard og Brandt
I- Klsjeng, begge Rette Lygum
Span, Ahrend Bruhn fra Stoy
Ugaard i Felsted, Martin Dahl
Ia Awlem Carl Bleshsj Jessen
It SMdevborg, Jolef Peterfen
Ida Kajnæs Oftekby, Henrik Rut
In fra Augustenborg, Fritz Lar
II fra Agtrup ved Ewi, Hans
Iarkusfen fra Klangsbsl
J Misland er død Jver Hausen
O- FTW i Oft-by
If Sygdmn er djd Womsild fra
Merslem Hans Thimfen fra
III-d og Mels Melfen fra Uge.
J Fangenslab er dein Lorenz
Inder fra Lundsbæk i Wir-up
q Martin Mader fta Skaft
Uden nærmere Angivelse et M:
Mias Koth og ergen Schmidt
Ia Hadetslev, Peter Raben fra
W, Betthsold Koch sra Ga
Ijl i Pisistrat-, Jst-gen Schultz fra
sonder-up i Fol, Jtrgen Lassen
In Allemp og Peter Rwismd km
tosenden-w bogge Tosttmkd SMJ
M Wlen fts Glied l
Iqerikoty V. Aalkov fra Gesang
Iek i Vol-der, Albett Fühl fra
IMM, SW www-Mc
Ianleth Blok og Chr. Mten fra
bade-, W Ihowckld sieber
keligt Stagtekivæxx nil der, efter
lyvad «Flensburger Nachrichten«
Makel-, blive skredet til Ekspros
Dytkniugen af Boghvcde kommer
sum Folge ai Krisen more sog
merk- i Brit-; i Jcrtugdømmerne
Tilllcrcdsc i stor blos der tilsaaet
et stark-: :’h«c.il send de nirrniekx
Esrogaacnfu Ihn-, og i Aar blivcr
But Ums-: flinan
Ost«-:«s·«.sisr«:s:9.s:: Hei- llsginscdsr kni
lezic .,«Z».sj:uI.-i."" i 191s)-—is’s
mir-et zuij Eictxidrlig, og Bedo
vpt »der ists kinmct dirkkckx
Priien Nu Bogjirscde er sit-get
magst instit J Zur betalrcås 62
»s» Miit-f Or. LW Bund nin on
MIJMPUJ as ZU Mark for Krigctr
fliexll B. -J. Rothwein-)
Frin Indianapolis, lnd.: «The
institution is non«sectarian, but
thorough moral and religions in
struetion is given, especially on
the sabhath, the nature of it he
ing general and such as is ac
cepted by all ereeds and char
ohes. The law reada, «No see
tarian tenents ok religion shall
he tanght in the inatitntion to
any pupil thereok.«
A few say that they use «The
International sunday sohool Les
The answer krom Northamp
ton, Mass» is exeeptionah lt
reada, «Christian, to the majorii
ty of our pupils; a few jewish
ohildren are given special in
strnetion. The ehildren are taught
the tenents ok the ehnrehæ ok
their parents — Protestant and
Roman Catholios, hoth.«
The one from Providence, R·
I., is very exeptional, l am glad
to say. lt reada. «Catholie ohil
dren receive instrnction hy a
oleisgsyman ok the Catholjc
Ghureh assisted by teachers of
the sehool." .
The answer from Berlkeley,
Cal., is: «General-in.gtruetion in
morals and manners."
Prom these anewera received,
we See that some religious in
strnction is given in nearly all
the schools, it is of exoeptiona,
the one looking out for the pa
rental ehnreh oonneetion ok the
ehild, a way that is ideal; the
other sohool making the instrnes
tion that is given catholic.
The situation then is kar bet
ter than in the ordinary public
sohools, and it may be that a
certain superintendent ok a state
Sehool is right in aaying that
the deak children are better ac
quaintecl with the Bihle than
the average hearing ehild. still
it falls kar below the Luther-an
Standng ok religious instrnetion
and the eoneionsnese ok thia
ahonld create in all Luther-Ins an
earneat deaire to reach the deak
with the same eBoient religions
training, that we give our hear
ing ehilslren
llow many lmtheran ehildren
have we at these achoolat lt is
imposaible to learn axaetly with
out mahins a personal visit to
each institution and then malte
a per-oval investigsation. Out ok«
the twenty-konr schoola question
ed on this point and two person
ally visited, we get this result
when dahin-g »New many pu
pils ok Luther-an par-antago, do
you havef"
Pive mperintendents answer,
«None,« or «None at present";
two answer that they do not
know ot any; one tax-s he has
no data. W ohildren are
ty. The Mtntion at which the
III-I- W at« W
Church. The other kour hold ser-(
vioes only, some very irregular
ly, the Luther-an ehildren are
negleeted by our Chureh.
This is far from satiskaet()ry.
Periuit ins- t» state what we
are doing in Farihault as an il
lustratiozi of what csau he dont
ii issioh missiouary tu th« dont
Ihn-l n proz-iser limited sieht l
nie-set the (i--;i!· for instrutstiuu on
Niturklny t·--r·-11ss-n ein-D- ins-sit
l hinw- 40 link-ils- .·1t Inst-sent diri
«l·-(i Jn this-sc- islzisses. They ur-:
instrmstosd in th« llilsle hiiturzst
the «’iit·-ohism ansl I·prlniiat;uii.
Praetiezilly as well as hoarinkz
itshilxlren are. lslwsry third sun
(lay regulath anil often two
Rundsin out »i· tliree, 1 have
serviee for the deak in my ehnrch
in the city. In order to find time
for two other services ou the
same day. l have the seist-ice for
the deak at 8 0’eloek in the
morning. Here the Gdspel is
preached and the Sacraments
administered. The sign-language
is used entirely in the aervices.
and hymns are also «sung" in
the signa by a few who memo
rize the hymn, and render it in
unison. These servieee are at-.
tended by all Lutherans and
many other Protestants from
the institution and by a few
Prosteatant deak living in the
oity. One hundred and twenty
nine deak-mutes have been con
firmed at this institution since
The question might arise it
other superintendents would let
sueh work be done among their
pupila. 0n being asked concer—
ning this, none of the atmet-in
tendents to whom I wrote aaid
that they would object to work
being taken up by Lutheran pa
stors. Some promiaed their as
sistance; one haa arged me per
sonally to come We have the
«open door« also in this wonk
Let us oonsider the other kield.
When the deaf are in aohooL they
are among their tellows and are
happy. It is another matter when
they must make their way in
the world. It is very diktieult
for the deak to find work ex
oept in apeeial linea. Bmployera
do not want to be bothered with
their handle-an ln chureh like
they are entirely out-idem, un
less they are ao kortunate as to
be where they can gather kor
worship with their own kind.
Ik that ehanoe is not given, they
are in great danger of loaing
whateyer apiritual intereet they
have received in sohooL We all
need the atimulua ok oongregatio
nal worahip, ok the aermon and
the use ok the saorements, and
the deak not leaa than we. Lan
guage is the oroaa ok the deaL
The Bible is eatremely hard Lor
them to understand because of
their dekieient knowledge ok
worda and their diktieulty in
understanding the peouliar lan
xuage ok the Biible, as it ditkers
in that neapect krom other book-.
It is not to be expeeted that
they should be able to under
lstand the ordinary paator. some»
are taught lipreading, that is,
by the motion of the lips ot the
speaher they can know what is
being said. But only about thir
ty—two pereent have learned this
art, and very few are able to
read the lips ok any speakeL
To follow a aermon ja very dik
lt the deak shall be won ior
the Kinkdom ot cod, therekore,
resular mission worlc must be
earried on among the adult daet
also, by men trainod kor that
The kreateat obstaole to this
work and the reason why so
little is dene, is evidently the
isolatod eondition of the doak.
way ok active mislon work
sany ot osar inner- Iisaion Held-,
money and lasbot in those solch
and even Standt- with other
ohnmä hodiei tot sauber-.
There are no denominational
seliools heaidea these.
As kar as I have been ahle to
aseertain, the so-called Missouri
synod is the only braneh of the
Luther-an (,"hureh doing any ex
tensive worlc in this larger fielel
among the iulult dens. They han
»i«-.s-ht 1«·«n in the l"ii-!(l. Ineeting
the deaf in 57 preist-hing place-s
u-liE(-h Ins-u as a rule. in the lar
Lser eitlem This Synml ils-sons-§
nun-h leit sur its« ji«-new- wurle
um«-n- ian (li-;ik««1"uut" l«;iith. imil
Ist is il kliskippuinfmosnt l« U( that
ne can not hun- ii risprssspntns
Tin· »l« lllctt ludtiF ill illis mill
v«-1Iti(-n. theil- rmmsn l«--r not
purtieipkitmg heilig thut: ""l’hosree
is n» union either in «lo(«trine or
praetiee" lustween the ehurch
lwliea invitetL We regt-et that
they eunsikler this old-stack- to
»technis- piirt in a mere cliaeus.
;sion of how to further the spi
lritnal welfare of the denk; and
we cannot appreciate that stand
pointz hut still we eommend
their work and extensive efforts
in bringing the l«ig-ht into the
ideak mnte world.
, The kaet that something is
»dem-, however, does not and
Jonght not aatisty us. The ques
Jtion still remains, ean more be
ldouee The work or me Missou
!ri s)·nod must of a neeessity he
Jvery scattered, and henee very
lsparae to the den-f. eonaidering
ithe large territory eaeh man
must ooretn One of their pastors
is given the Whole Paoikle coaat
as hia territory.
Knowing the diffieulty of
reaching and inklueneing the
ideak, l cannot have much kaith
in anything but thut-mich work
in this line as well as in other
tields ok religioua endeavor. We
»mnat not let the work of any
Synod heoauae ot ita priority in
the Held, be our exeuae for the
»inaativity of the other synoda
in thia work. Wholeaotne com
petition has often been a posi
tive good in the spreading ok
the Kingdonr
Should not the deat have
elaim enough on the aervieea of
our chureh to aalt for at least
one pastor kor erery State where
are any Luther-In denk, and two
or three paatora in states where
the largeat eitles are konndt l
agree with the author ok «'The
Denk« when he any-, «’l’here
ia mneh yet that can he done
»in tnany eommnnitiea of a soeial
Hnature for the deast and in Inans
lkold form-s can like he made
more ahnndant for them. Bat
«rnoat important of alk, there
should be no longer in any place
a negleet of the ministrations
for the eure ok soula, and it
ahould he Seen that all ot the
deak are made to know the ke
ligion of the Man ok Galilee,
with ita untold blos-ing- and
oonsolationa. ’ ’
We need more paatora for the
denk. and it should not be dik
kionlt t» get them. lk each
braneh of the lmtheran ehureh
was given a certain territoky,
sand an appeal was made to its
body of theologieal atndenta Lor
volunteers to care for the deat
mnte aoula ot its given Held
there would he a ready responae
by earnest men enger to follow
the Maater among the nnkortnnai
te- ok mankind Jndging from
the inaetivity ok nearly all lin
tiheran synods, l dare say that
no auch appeal has been Inade
in these synoda We have, then,
no reason to any, »Ohne are no
men to take np the vorh« We
do not laelk men, bat the wen
want the oall tor this work.
Warst-er God haa ottendod a
oall tor sorvioo, ther- hu al
ways been the W, «l-ord,
how atn I, send IneP
Money is also neodad in this
vorh. Wherom a Wosation
ot doat ot okdinary aiao oan he
satherech there they might to
have a ohnroh ok thoir own·
They cannot share Mo in kons
ral with the hoarinsz they
should not so hoskins kot- a
plaoo to vor-hin sonnt-X as are
apt to looh W at th- insti
tntional ohnrolh hat I am oon
the inflenee ok the Werd ok
God. It should not be diktieult
to raise money for sueh a pur
pose. It appeals to our people
when proper-h- 1)re9ente(l.
()l(l peoplels lIomes for the
Jesus should also hi- lmilt in a
seu« essnwuient wittert-L
ln orilssr to ein«-ji« ou thi- hies
swl work osilieienlly unkl seini
lslzy tlhsise mule to l«- an tin-ler
sluniling throughout this Äms-Isi
Hin Luthersiu ihm-eh ;«-(--u«-li1-L
l» Hilf-W up (---nl«l nurli in hin
ins-up il« ji«-! «u itni««. l"li«- spr
!-lti«-«v out-sitt l« lis- ·livi-l-«·l in .i
juslieious witz- xnscl inasxsiml ts
thcs various s;»·Ii·«l-s. Thetis uwull
tlieu lse no overlapping uucl »so-ji
synocl would he more thun alsb
lo titlie enn- of its kiplsl in is
thorouixh mannser auil woulsl
tuka il Pklde jn so tlolnsL
lt might tu pnslsllplosf Als-« ti
have an advisory lkoanl of lleaf
Jlute Mission-L eonsisting of re
presentatives from the various
aynods eng-aged in the work.
This would not he a «aint"ul
unionism," hut a practical, God
pleasing work to the glory ok
God and the eternal welfare of
our deak hrothers and nisten-L
There is another want that
eould he met in this way. We
need a Luther-an religious publi
cation for the deaf. The Mis
souri Rynod publishes «The
Deat Luther-um« it has four pa
irea and is published monthly.
The deak are entitled to a much
langer paper, rioh in deisotional
and instruetive literature. It
Should be finanoed in such a
way that it could he sent to all
l-utheran deak wheuher paid for
or not- Sueh a paper would he
a missionary to many deak who
are aeldom or neuer reaehed by
paetom They need a publica
tion ok their own as the style
ot language must he adapted to
their oondition, and because of
the greater intereat it would re
ceive as a per-oval message-·
The liutheran Chureh should
eare for ita own dest, they must
otherwiae aeek eisewhere for
spiritual nouriahment as they
are now dolus-. But they are
aatietied that thle pastor is
Luther-an without any further
deaignation as to the particu
lar hrand. They know little or
not-hing about the different-es
and it inikormed, would hardly
appreoiate altem, especially not
it they understand that these
differenees stand in the way of
giving them the blesainga ok the
Goapel of christ.
Priends and brothere, let us
unitedly work tmvard the full
realization of the propheay ok
laaiah: Ansl in that say shall
the deak hear the words ok the
Den daufksluihetste Oel-at i«det
fydlise Col-usw
Striv i Dug om udflrlig Ovlyss
ning Waaende Smmecekstursios
nerne, som ctfgaar hver Tirsdag
tii Costilla Eftatei det lydliee Eo-»
parado, hoor Former-e tjener ftoreY
Mk ved at dyrte Alfallfa og
Maria-riet oq ved at fede M,
Faak og Shim Giv mig en Lejiigs
ched til at fette-le Dem om vote
Planet for en dankt luthetsk Kit
te den-de og Kompagniets Ljfte
om 82600 til dette Øiemelt Kolc
nien ttlbyder en Wlig Anledninq
for eilt-ver til at blive Selvejer of
et Stykce nett-W Land· Sælges
nied en lille Udbetalinq og lang
Mtand paa Reiten. Jdeelt Minute
Skriv straks til
Olaf so a di,
Special Rein-Milde
537 Mc Bullding, Ma, Nebr
Des tolle must-its til
Dent Tat-hier oq Ueie tilllqemed
as what over W Meint om
case-ists oq NUM
Dantii sattix Insc. sont-,
Jssr kvittetet, le Abl. Nr. 24 ...................... 831050
Ell Horn, Iowa, Fondløvcret ...................... 36.0()
St. Paul, Minn» Miss C. Strauch .................. 1.50
Audubon, Jowa, Ebcnczer Muh» Niels is. Schmidt .. 5.00
stfer ved Aarsmødet j Darum, Ja ................... 211.00
Easston, Calif., Enmmnurls Mglh Esndagsllolens Osfcr 9.05
Selma, Calif., Plslla Muh» L. Lautitsm, M. J. Schultz,
H. C. Nielsm C. Jenseit, .x. J. leblcm C. Svends
seli, V· Tobiasem N. N. Panlsem L. senken, P. Mel
lem Paul Petersen Im ski: M. J. Jmtl sllöox Niels
Niolftsm Thomas Haan sttor mepscm Jvns P.
Vetcrsen lw. M: J. P Ufern Flam. Malo lm. «2.50:
Nev. Karl M. Hand-m O. J. Kmldsmt, LIer Jenseit,
N. Jømensen hin III-V H. C. Jenseit Blick M. J. Jen
seit Mrs. J. C. Jcnfcm Null Mosc, N. Tlmmsen bo. sl 100.00
Coultcty Iowa, Kvindcsorenitmcns Fodüslssdagcilasje« 30.00
Cl)ic.-go, Jll» A. Anderscn ........................ 3.00
Tilsmmncn 8706.05
For kvittcret, sc Mol. Nr. U ...................... 85640
St. Paul, Minn., Mifs C. Strauch ................ 1.50
Ossscret ved Namde i Hin-lan, Iowa ............ 210.73
Castom Calif., Jnmmmusls Mah» Smdaqsfkolens foer 8.00
Duca-ho, Rohr» en ukcsnsdt .......................... 6.00
Albert Lea, Minn» Missionsi. Ephatas ............ 5.00
Chicago, Jll·, A. Anders-m ...................... 2.00
Wzsssssw « » , » — « —-—-—
.. ·« Tllfammen ...... 8289153
For bitter-eh se Kbl Nr. 24 ...................... 818335
Offer ved Aarsmødet i Hat-lan, Iowa .............. 49000
Tilfammen ...... 623.35
Flr bitter-eh sc Abl. Nr. 24 ........................ 821130
Cedar Falls-, Iowa, Nits. Martin Keller ............ 5.00
«W(mpaka, Wis» Oelligamrds Mah» (:)l-lle Mrs·) G.
Grill, P. Ma, J. P. Ratmussem F. Jtrgensem
Illde Johnfem Matt Jenfem Kirftine Nasmussem
Waltet Ren-land, Peter Mal-few H. Bettlick Ew. si;
Jens Bille 82x C. Muthiofem J. P. Rasmusfem Al
fved Peterfem C. W. Niolth ank Streiten, Jens
Leusberg, L· Mal-few P. Johnfen,.Oscar Embretlem
Fved Jenfem F. Gnehlke, F. Ereig, Mary Fabricile
Andrew Miller, Andre-w Haufen, Bus Betre, H. E.
Luni-, John Hausen, L. Anders-m O. E. Inder-few J.
Mordenseth this Jsbnfsm Martin Hmrlen hv soc-: J
Peter Rasmuslem Jchn Nielfen hv. 25c.; MS Stina
Mit 50c.; Mr. Jolyn Dorffler sl .............. Also
Polter, Reh-» A. Ruder-sen ........................ l.00
Tilsammen ÆSDO
steckst-Inn ·
Jst kvittewt, leid-bl· Nr. 24 ........................ MAY
Sesselon Man-, Jrnnmurls Mah» Hans J Ander
sen 82.;00 Adolph Messen Hö; Jens E Andersem
J. Ward, Rasmus Willen Andrew Mel-sah Mels
Haufen, J. M. Wen, Ws Willen Andrew Si
rwiem Peter Bot-up- Mads Anderfem hu slx Andmv
Bat-sinds, Magnus Her-feu- Jsrgen P. W ho. Zor· 18.60
Tilfammen NOT-to
Fst W, fe W. Nr. 24 ...................... 8477270
Wort, Josua, Johanne M OB; July-me Pe
terfen 87; Arnold Petevfm 810 .................. 4200
Mtet Gm, Wo» Alvilda That-sen .............. 10.00
Nimmt-plis, Wu, Dr. M. J. Jenseit ............ 100.00
W- M, Mlchems Nah Mr. Gtsnbech Mk
Thomas Mem-IN 8100; Christ M MS; Peter
Henrichssu M artmJolwien øg en umwnt hv
810 ........................................ 746·00
Wollt-. Jll» T. Spaer ........................ 12.00
Brindisi-, Juw, St. Paulsi M. Ungdomsforminq . . 75.00
Redne, Bis» Elmer Morden .................. ALOO
Wien-m Kans» Peter Atrderkn og Hnstru ...... 25.00
lelammen WJO
Bleir, Nein-» den P. Juni «1916.
M tat modtcssetl Ott- polit,
Miuaessta Medi.
Dverskud ved Missionsmøde i Owatonna .............. 81270
Overskud vcd Missionsmsdc i Haselwood og Farmthon 9.75
Fra Windeforeningen i Albert Lea ................ 15.00
Werskud ved Missiottsntjde i Genioe .............. 19.35
Oversstud ved Missionsnmdc i Albert Lea .......... 64.88
Kollekt i Ciufhing, Wis» .......................... 9.10
Kollekt i Luck Englifh Luth. Cbukch .................. 10.79
« Paa Krediens Vegne TakL
L«I P. Clauien, Kredskasferer.
klcsssz OC VII-VIII
skiläkiskok tr- Uissiowksn. Ost-tut It W Us
elst. Pri- luC sc Cam.
Nu hohka Pisa-tu cl- ikko lsukm It vsko Ums-Use
i LIM- sk Dmssbokoas list sk skkmt Its-o til o
kisu. os ele- ct like Is- Iowjiolis as trink ioo Dank-M
« (Do Unk- Blut)
M hatt-. publ. Ins-,
Ists-, III-.
BeiLHnr .
ca a udqm as Las- sen-c- hemnte qu »Den dur« et
uyliq udtonmteni Dammtt oq findet nu m Los-I hoc W
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