which Mr. Wes-tmpr hoc-me pas-tote lle translated many Cospcsl hymae into spat-ish, which are still used in the Mexjmm ghmsohisa Ali-us Rot-km ton ask this time- jisinmi htsr for ces . with thus« ur« W(gt,tsispp, and much esvangtsligtiis work was dom- in Montkresy and vicinitzq befun- tukv organizml ilssumninip tional esnteskprism wen- und-»mi ken in Mexico. M Zsptists in W. huwuruscu w tm- vuni uc the- psouems Uuptwtsy Mk.lucko)« M Mk. H worum-, sue umhe Yssmonaky society at Ums deu mumutmu hegt-u n- woui m dient-o m les-u The ohuwh ju dlvuwrcy wu- koorkuutzou ou other Chors-he- wcko wwhlishcu in seh-erst aim- ol the statt- ot« Unschule A oivjl war m Mexico nmj sorer dikticultjcs hindert-d the soc-ichs Lot- u few years-, hat thc work still Wcut ou, und ju 1861 now mission-ric- M Majas-u pas-ton- were umwme Since thut time- thik work has Frei-th prcsporod, and May members uk thu- unocsuon un- pretwhtng Un Uuspcsl throughout all Mexico, u work which is also sher by the- suuthern lsuprist Cum-cou un. Ä lurgie share of this work has hat-u Juno by the Wut-den« Bhptjst Humo- Khission BosrtL They have flouriahing schont in Mooren-H Miste-» and other sit-ig, uns-l tm- susking onst-) ycsnr sum-s- tunl mun- t» fnllfil thi- Inotto of the »oui«-ty, '·N(«sth Kunst-ich sur Uhr-ist." ln 1909 tin-n- wsss more than « thousand Isaptigts in Mexico, with stund-)- schmls, day Scho olxk and nomi- t-m-11t)«-fins Mex imn pro-sehen Principally this Worts is hising musrhstl on in va DREI-» Sau Las-I l’(pt«mk-, ans-i Diebs-, du« use-U mc in thi- ieitieg asrksdy montionoc The work dom! by the-iu- kais-I Umriss is seen not only in thesi ohnwhos foundmL hat in othr instit-nagt The out-e of echte-st ion evekywhoke has been Nearly Minos-tout As an oxsmple of fehl-: A biet-sou- putms went to s plus-e where there m no mäool iu, all, and soon euch IM one. The Ost-holst- print-, not lilcing this-, Maul anothcsty and the authoritios of hhe plage, not choosing do he lekt behind. starrt-i anthetg so thut there wes-e wen Ihre-o flonrinhing jedoch-, where the-so would have hocken name at all but km- - mis skon wart-en nnd this make thing has-ppan in nun-)- ist-hast« place-. In Un- ssisy us bis-»Um- Usos »uqu täsifs hin-(- quitis qui-il Inikmiuns prop»rt)s, ineludictxz a vlsunst zpummmjko ums s Isriming offiws with Assnsml mit-Linn Nation-H undis- tlns Hin- tif this tat-Insekt Furtbcsnnons tin-F publivh n paper then- oallesl Um Im Las-: FHIC UghtR Pbss lkkisstista’ mission-s slm du much wurk in; New Misxieo. which nor-cis mich diMonltiisA nn- kzmksh Uns sams sw Anw- ssk Uns Mssxissuns in Jsssxica Consnsstioasl Mission-. ln 1872 thi- Ampricim »mude sun- t-m) tniwcimsut-iiss. lcosxzs J. T. stopfte-n- umä Icmx U. Its Wut-Hing ti) bei-in work in Un (-if)s of Gun(lalujnm, Uns pupi tiil us th- stutp of Juli-cum UMI a oity of sighty thousand inha bitsnt«. A obmsch of sowntcsssn mismlmrit mu- iwm org-animal. la that munt- year tin-. swphtsus wss so sum-MA« in hin work tbst oppositiua Wi« nmuseck A f Ckstholic print inteitcstl I must cgsinst him. and be was Was-si ndthd Uns-they- witlt one of hi Uotiosn Nimm-, The work ww, however-, in spite of the Mem-sont Now Mission-Pio Iske sent out and the work pWoCl Ia 1882 Rev. Jobn Basel-ad and bis wikp weint « UND- M bcve bist-n lahm-ins is Miso-I und this Sar kmuuliak fällt-u Mo III-o you s now mission M owuos is Chihtuhns. ff Rot unt Un. Junos D. Bat-on. At that tsmo that-o wiss no Pro tosttot Amt-oh so vorm-entom Knie-m nnd stets Ins-K Is- dom Zu til-at sog-km by the Gut-one Gan-oh. It non-sei - pro-obso flolcl hat that-s u swhommmä oppositioq las M them-. M Mo is now out-Mas- on its M ja the fon- ehtst of Js Ism, Mit-day Sodom s Si· I- as- Zis- Im- sum-s « fis-i- ist-»W- s miser-, and the people are til-i lowetl to Chemie what music-n lthoy please-. Trhere arc many pun- Indiens in this-m- states. who have no reiigiuus man-no ition, and no Hiucsutimx Thom knsulpits ist's-· Limi tu Pia-visi« tits missi(mat·ies. Än important- schosii »i« thiss mission is this thesohpkhshl tin-mi-J nsry. which. aktesr wwricl mi -grati()ng, has hwn sssmhliSheQ in Grind-Imper This Gift-II Bi)xst-(Iitm-stgiis)uls sit Phihnmhumiz Cis-Malasan ins-l Pan-as are iloing « III-ist important works Ahn in spisssrnl Hilan we kinck sieh-»si- t"«»- girls. and the-ro is h Ums-ink- dmmmd Töt- more. This mission ahm psshlishey zu las-ge famjly paper calhsd El Testigv THIS Wählt-Si, which »i- one of hhe most influcsntisl 3Pts0t05thnt paper-g in Mexico. »Hde by«Rc-v. llowhmcl T This mission has especially Tlonp mnoh in this linss of schmil Iwork We find that they have twpnty some Mai-claim tauchen-, kom- Mexicsm Pistoja Akt-sen ?mis«i0nmsies. Twenty abstrakte-» Ttwo of which are isutjkely Sols-i Rappen-fing Ansl Sundnysohooh »in somo of the-it- maia wirk. ! biswede Mission-. : lh 1673 Ur. Williiuu Bqur jwus sent out- us bho first tujss spiouurzi ot« this hoc-M to Mexico YOU-. llo thou the- oity tillesd Hosihh ohnnehcs und htuhustckiw which wun- t.ln«u in tho- hin-ch-l uc the gonsx-ut-n«-11t. lle at- Unec« bog-m to search fut- sujmhlc huildiugs in which to begin work, but was cloxuxly watuhoih and many himlriuscm were put »in hi« way by this- «Iesuits. who were demnaij to keep out Probe-staut missi()naries«. Piaally act-ot- a hight visit to the mous stek)- ok san l·’r811(-i800, through Un- lcinsl help 0k u (.’-nvholjc Iris-stumm he was abh- tu pur ehasoe this huikljng and Näh-. on the very spot where- onee atood the okl pslsee ok Monte zutns, mal after-wards- s Kmaish convex-oh ums- stsnuls s heuutiful Methodist ehrt-sch. A little la tet- wokk was begmt in Pia-blit, when- thss oxsminöng ohapol of the for-met- loquisition was Hm eurml km- the Amt-oh Altdough there was nomine-L ly krcseclom of religiuu, W Pro tmtant missiotu were pmukcted by govern-heut, there was still much ps-rse(:uti0n nml many hsiudmnmsn hnt thts work weht im. The- )li-t.hu(let Dom-J has unw work m nan Juli-wiss H tiis.n with gislcmils uml wills-»m Nu »Hu- dumm«-Instinkt in sman in km »an par-n uf Jlssscicsn ins nnmkusrps s» ist-m) Ninos-is in its- (-hnn-hs«s. Th« Mosxisuin Ist-us ple- t.ln-m8i-lnsu an- givink mwh in anppmst »t« thi- wisrk. mal tin-ro is a very holst-hu mitlmk sm thes future Thi- Misthmlist Mimäon Pius-s pubkjshcs u wmskly »Nun-, eulled blu- «lllustt-utostl Hiristiun mi sztte«", sind many Itz·tsstts,l)imks, nun-chme nnd resligiuun its-urte nns html-M t» Uns ji«-pli thrsmsxh this work Wie-, worin-III work in Un- Mc« that-ist churohps iif Jlssxitsu is extra-ins aml ts-»e»m-Hkking, Txm limian heut out Isy Um Wusan lkonsiuu Mist-Lumer- soc-My. Mini- snsms Wut-tust- unil Mist-; Mut-)- lluistissgn, tjpesmsd u sie-html in tIus rupft-il in IHN with 12 »Hu-u gis-IS inulosr tin-dir eure. The number 90011 Margaqu nnd in 1905 the sing-spat sinis buililing of blu- smsnh L Keim Colle-ski wait ers-onst sinms that time them shas been minnt-unt growtih nnd pro-ma- in this sohool in mtuy way-. Max Pucbls Nomml Some W erst-VII by UN- Methmkjst Mission. hu the Ughi-it sgmäe of all the sit-IX anliaikscbmän in Maxim. and this and others are doiag stand work kot- the onligbteameat und Nenn-km of ritt- women ok Kotigen The Methrldist have a0 les tban 68 als-who- witsh 5651 manchem uns mon- thaa 4000 pupily ia the day schont-. In pro-W M. Mu- Pngbytorisa Boot-d ok jtch North bog-n work ein 1872. IMma fouk Mission-stieg sad III-eit- wins- weut to Mexico ci 3ty. They found the-re s number vk imäspomiont Frost-staut con jkdsstiods, may of whbh soo inmtl III-Miso- to the differ evangellstio zeitl, is still a lad ing Pritsche-· of this mission Wie work was organized at first As two Septas-te missions in unt-Mon- mul soutliern Mexi· »i-. Tlus wosik wes thein divided ink» tin-w- prxssbywth but in lIIUl Hu- Syuocl of Misximp was l«mn«ls-(l, uuiting all the work »l« this two limile tin- North-m inul sonilspm l'ri«.sil)«vt(si-inn. Thus tilgt-ius- thes Äms-ritqu mis sion-krieg and thi- natiiws Alex-i um pagtors on eqiuil knoting as ins-Indem of the synmL with Uns »m- itisn uf linildjng up u Oelk suppnrtiug and soll«-esxt-(sn(ling Pswshytisrian Chor-oh in Mexico Tliis Bosrcl sha- itsi lass-ost aml most pro-permis mission in Mexico City. including Unrec o()ngreikstjons, Ave presst-Mag shall-m formt-km Christian Enden vms Miptim and schoola ok all kindis. Rmides the paper «l··’«l Pia-M CWITI bigbthmud they have al— so publishod a liymn book. which Elias been found very helpknl in the work Frost-samt spuoopu malen-. Durjug the- religious rckurtn which hegtm undeu- the Mutwi stmtiuu ul Froste-It Just-oh many "l«JVauge»-hcul" wogt-ego tiutw, us they were cullexh cui-u siutu Mist-euch Many ot« the-m weht tu extra-mes. lluwcvup thaer was u litt-h- omupuuy ot· pur-umt, onlighteuekil Incu among sthcm whom EIN-idem Juiusez Quid others encouraged und sup part-»J. At the time this work was he gittuing, the lcmc Munuel Agu mi was the most popular pro-wh ksr iu the Unthodcdl of the- city of Mexico. lle was a Domini Mu friutx and s- violcut perso Cutor of this new her-Ave Its-« was thtsksckore appointed to reuck Uhc pamphhst Called ""l’he Ttsuosf lziherty", and to answer ut sann-l ismhlic meetith But hin-ins readl it. he tnkutsd to hi- Bihle, uml, after much prayer and Muth-, was truly convert-Ah and bog-m to erach the kaith which onec she personan Ho was hinnelk penecutech forscht-n hy his fripnda and exoomtcumicuted by the uhnrch Puder hin Fuishmoe »Wu- CIhUroh of Jesus« was k(z()rganizwl. and he was ehscted this first hishup Thus hi- lahm ml Mithfully Imtil ht- (li(-(1, hnt fifty years of ask-, graut-U ha hnwl and limli by all. Akt-»t- ihis (103th. this Missgij chcl not pro-spot- uu was expisctssc ln 1904 liess-. lltsury Awss was umwsorntml n- lsiiilmsh mit l"»r this Mcsxlcmssk hnt for thos. Ame l«i(-.mln in Misximk nnd in Ulle nt this reqncsst »l" thi- Jlssdcimsn (-.lc-r2)". lhssir ishnrislnsu won- Etl ao risse-sind uml» his «jnri.-kliis«» til-n. Ho l» this tin-i- this work shml lasen lnrmsly mippnmsil liy this Woman’s Pisistrat Form-sittsa whioh lmd (l(ms- much in raising fimclg for its Stipport. unsl nro still hol-sing in lin- worlc. At Mexico (’it·v they hinsc- n trniw ing pas-html for lmys nnd »von-M misn for Iloly Orden-. In thi omnns («il)s the-)- alim ihme a mehr-il nnd orphnnnqis l·»r girlsk whinh hin-i nrontl)- Atronjkthssmsd the Clhrintilm liws »l’ many Misxican sirlsss unilosr its nur«-. ln this your Of llllfl thier wu nlmnt 750 Froh-stahl Untat-»M tinns in Moxirsk with Ilslcl min 8i0nniriess, nml more thun 600 as many Yonnik l’(-01)lo’8 Zwie tiwii. ans-l sinnt-thing lik« 12,000l ohildrosn in Protest-mit day schmilzt Thi- whol·- l’r0tmsit4mt oommunity has bei-n csstiinatock at not ner than 80,000 out ok. n population of nimer 15,000-» W. The Ymmg l’ot)plcs’s con vcntions are among the- must. intorestinsg and stimnlntinc of all Protest-unt mocktinskn yearly shtsld in Mexico, and on thr whole, the prospocsts for the ku tnrc vms very hright The wur. which has ragt-d in Moxioo now for quite a periocl of time. un (l0n-l)t«lly has lhumperml the-. work there. « ’ Contrtl Äms-lot It will hart- hcs possiihlo to Ein-I but- s fis-w words Conoerning the-» histury ok Central Ame-riet Ak-; ter the coming of mhiite peoplel it was. like all of South Ameri-! est and W of North Amen-fehl s spsnish pokus-Sinn Glis litil tlo ropubllas gulnoel theil- lade-I pondonos in Mo esrly part otl the nluotsonth osnturzg at til-es same tlsm und nun-ed sby Use ums impalicM M th- Mi« Als-klug W to Mj The wholo ok Central Ame rioa is almost as olosely relgs ted in lang-unge, onst-ums nnd roligjsous as the different states ok out- mvu Union. Tlics area ok these six countries is about its lukge as soul- stkltess tlne size Of Nisw York, While tin- Imtuhcr ot« posmlo in all is sur losss than is foutul in New York (’it·y allow-. Uni- t«hir(i uk the population is Istsrn.l)l()eycles(l luilikstis. wlsilos tlus number of whites hus bei-n iusti mkitml almut Mit-U «tltuu-·mu(l. Wu- otlusr two and n half mil li(ins, are- meetizoxt Almut thirty lmliuu languasges im- spuken, liut spanish is uniwsrsally un domtmui liy tiie alnnsixkjuiss as well M thr- mjxidci met-« Plus elimate ok Votum-l Ameri (:a has a very lwl risputatiuu. Mhieli it Sen-molk (ls-msrv(«sg. for while- the ooast in place-H is very nahe-althan and umlnrimu to dlm last (legkee, lmt txhe high lands, where kot- tlte most part tlus kmoplss livkx can lmrclly be unmnssod for Amätilsfnlnoss in any part of tle worlil Thi- nocmmts Vlmt ist-nn- to us ol« this sovial oomliliunss of thi (’·-utml Allwissend possiplps nn- not nimmst-agiti-. FVp km- f(-l·l tlmt t-l1(- pur-es lnsliims on- sltsmlily in serisnsiclg. This-, kommst-. may not lu- minssdfsrtssl un cser sm- wi nn« t.ol(l tlmt tlte hInn-«- lmlikms urs- Ist-s-l’oml-l(« to tlns «s(-.-·ltlzos. in uslmm nn) sionkmtmtpd klu viisisn of hol-h met-s. nsnsngis llntl frssaohisry combimsd with luziums mnl cowanlico". Rom-m Patho ljojgm is like prevafling and pri clomicmnt fast-b, mixwL how-very with many remnants of aneipnt hisathenism In many pliwss dolls nspnwmting the kodi- ok the konssntlmks of tolle lnillxms km hiddesn under blu- altnrs »l. thi olntroliefh nnd sby tshis Jovis-· lmth ilivinities an- sinInlt.«n(-ons ly krummme ’l’ln- Nimmt-ed lind rullng glas mss band linksle lost full-h in all religiom and in ons- ri«pitl)li(s flu ikodilcsns Minerva, lmn lwsn set usp as patron Salad. Thus it will las sei-n that. if not-il konstitnttss s- oall, aml if vhe opportunity of sen-ice oomtitntps an olpligation upon the Protest-eint World, cea tral Amt-flog lnm n stmng claim on all truo fkbrlstiongk The minsionaksy societisss now at work in Central Amen-sen imslutlcs foms from vlm United States. Tlies llihle society, thi (’c-nlral Amorimm Mission. thr Pnsslszshsrian and thr« Advent-b lmy Ach-Hilfst lkosidsss the-M- wo ilml lour Missionary sooft-tim from Ort-at RrjmitL The Wiss lesyan Moskhodlgt Home- and For-! ’piqn Mission-Ihr society of tlsml Msst ballt-N nnil others-. ! Saum-UT Chiusi-»ala. th-« hcrgexst tuni most populous »i· the Central A Imsrican i-»I«sl-li(es, com-ins mein ly half of hhks popnintion of cou tral Anietsiiski. Juni its Gespitzt-Gua t,«11181n, is thi- tinost eity of thi iivis tsc«puhiic«s. siucts 1882 this Mitiiieuit post has hist-n hold lpy (i(-vot(s·i missiotmricso of this Pres hytsstsinn isounh who have orga nizosi ohsnsulnsg of spemth Apoch ing ins-i lcnjxlish AussiMng wo j,i--, nnd hin-i- t.he·r(s. istitnhlinhcsil mshoois for imys Juni Kirhh "I’.h(-·v hin-k- hnunshosg unt into the ro gion orsnnui tihes csnpituh which. from thi- hsijinning, shas htseh the-its immiqnartors. This Vom-d sha- pmctimlly haci this lot-ge Held t-» itsism Moos-h the Gen trsl Amoriomi Mission has em ployed an Evangelist among tho Quiohi Midian-» nnd the Amt-ri oan Bibl-s sooioty has dove good work in vhcs distribution ok thi soriptureg. Honduru llunilmsim is this upxt of the small lcsspnlslicss ulmnt Which l shall sponli Inst « leu- w(«·(ls. ll lim- kmnnsthing uns-- lmlk u mil li»u inlmlsitiintisiv lccsligimmly lslkpnclnrzm is mun- lmt-lcwanl thun any of this »Hu-i- Iscspnhlics, as lit fle- Frost-staut wmslc is as yet ho— its-; nttssmptml within its lmnlmw This milme nf lkritisli nomin ms is fmunl tu lu- (lil·fcsn«nt.. Thi inkhnhitanfu of this small tragt of laml small-»- nlmnt forty thou sand. Hort- ms litul three mis sionary scmicsty’s at work. Phi Woisleyan Missionnry Mietys flhe sooioty kot- the Pmpagaticmf ok vhcs GospoL amä this Gamsioa Baptlst Mimäonary society. Butl s« yet only about- two thousand of the-e people ihm-o how Chri Isousåz still Brit-ich Hosåprss Midas to; bi. MWMW Iy evangelized ok any poktion of Central America. Montagna-. Very little can be Zahl ok titu socjal »i- educational Mandat-ils »f· the- p(-»ple, which are at a lim- ists-. However-, a hright sput is fmunl un fshes «th-tntic wagt nmncsly fhis Musqnifn Rom-»n ti-)n. This han«-. how-may nul Ostsin from thi- pcsgtjfmsmts in spot. hilf from Un- trilus »i« lu (ii· z who inhnhit it. not-(- thi Mormsinnn has-r- fnr a long thus musried on niissinnary woth, and have pksisstjeally pmngelized thi sgkeat mnjokity of the people-. Until 1860 the Mosquito Reser vation had been under the pro tpetomte of Great Britajn, but was then oeded f-0 Nioaragna, of Miso-h it is now a oomponent part. salvndon This is by for the sinallest ol« the Central American states, hnt in some rospects one ot· the most Nimmst-c Isjslueation is free aml ol)ligiitor·v, While- railwazg tolo Lroph sincl tcslqshono liniso arc lirsinjk lmilt. misl this ist-sourisiss of th» country tliwelopoil li :lms hoc-n Dlmlcon li)- mor« »in-th jqnnlmph pcsrliiips. tlmn any isonns ltry ot« its sizis in t.l«- world. lt lin mai-l that tshes on.pitol «San isstlvmlor". has hoc-n overthrown Tand rplmilt on this sei-mo- sito lno los-s than new-n timcss daring ltckm last thiws opiitnrioi But in lspittk of tho Ninontion nnd pro-op lpprity of this its-public wi- kunl Tthat hut litt-le missioan work lhas been donp among thosis lkveoplix The only people who YhAW donp any work there-. is the lAmprican Bibli- S()cii-ty. This socissty however must hi- ers-sti tml with oftectiw effort. as in the- othssr repiihlies. Costa sie-. Costa llica is the last of tlikssw littlis Statt-sv it is the schallt-st- ot· vhc five rokmblics with thp ex ooption ot· Ralrmlokn This little stati- is rich, one of this most wonlthy of the fin- ropnliliost Quito a little mission-ihr work is heing carripd on in this resp hlic, not only by the Central Amor-icon Missioner society-. but hy the-. Baptists and Wes loyns of the FVeSt Indies. Thi Jamaica Baptist Missionnry So oicsty has been particular-)- ak kresaith and ones of its latet forms of work is the dort-loo mput of this Fhristiun Endo-wol Rocisstimsk sind thi- formdtiml of u vijxorong loonl nnioti. with wihioh ort- affiliastwl more than half A soc-ro ot· the-so org-mi ZotionS. l will oloso then-i lnsicsf resnmrlscs hy u qnotation from Honor («n.stt-lls. «ln (,«(«ntrnl Änusricn thieri- urt l·»uud sit- lenst on« hundred tmnuk with is populutiou ;olI from isight thousand to n hund rHl thousand soula, still to lu oecupimh ius- indisod there un n thousand nnd more Villngtss who-ri- t«h(.- Umpol hns neswr bei-n proolnitmsd, nnd this, too. next (lo:)r to a Britinh eolony, nnd only throo days sniling from Nisus ()c-l(-nns. One can easily find countries in other direc fions that have-. us lnrgtk nnd ers-n lumpi- popnlations qnite ns uns il)f und porhaps more nogl(s(«-ted. lust, wo do not find nnywhssrts n l’is-ld nt onu- so easily rcsncslnsd nnd so krcsply open t-o wiss-long ri(-s. So lrnitfnh and so invit injk as Central Amomen Thus l think it can tritt-h knlly be anid that il« ncscsd con lstitnttss a Call, and ik sopportunis ty of Service oonstitutes an obli gatimi, Central Americas has n strong claim on the Christian world. Miso-s m- 800 kmm thesi- few remoer thut- tihts wunls qnsotetl rby the Lord to shis rliseiplos. Still Mund to mi, ««I’.lm Hakwst is plisntounm lmt the lahm-ers Lin-e IM. Pray zu then-forsc- tin Mord of the Ahorn-St that hi !will send fort-h lahm-ers into Ihis bat-vest. « llp-·l"o-Dste cleakitlg J Useliinery Free. « sisttlssm un nur ritsls clny Inans. Furt-St (·«·-nnt»v lmnls got fru- tusu- us anu ihm rltsnrtüg innrem-seyn crup snilttres nnknuwn lusns . Free wills-»Du us Fromm ; Lin-winke writmsn nmlcsr » state now-»Ricin IVritcs Z for dunklen-L ’ Ists-Ol- Lsnd compsny Grimde EIN-. . -.... - .--.. —.. .-—-— O IT 1s true that Ivory soap is used for laundry pur poses. But the kind of F laundry purposes for which it is used is just another proot ot Its excel lence for bath and toilet. For Ivory washes safely the ex quisjte linens and laces, the gossamer-like silks, the delicately colored mate rials that you would not date risk to the average teile-« soap. , In other words, Ivory soap is the mildcst, « purcst, best soap for thesbath and toilet that can be made. woRY soAP 9932 pURE « cil koniirmatissest I · · ( ( Nxtstr I)(s kkstl wislgts Kutttirtttntiutts (E.-tv« r. sIu »IstttI( kk(· tltsn Hittnkkts »k: i stllts Ilcsttmsestnhsr hst Aus lis« »j- gis- I pstskitancs Gut-einig »Ved Skillevejen« IIettms Ist-g itnchhuldisr origitmles Isiclmg nl l';t.-i «1 C. sknvgimnl I«(st(-rs(stt. Finst. ()ll". RitsitnL l’r(-I" l'. S. Yig ng Andre. Uesn tsr Stisrdcsltss stttukt utlstynw Smtstth l"(l gave sur Ort-»ge- ug sur Fig-m lsttlctsllprisut tsr 50 Cettts. Spusitsllts l'.« iz tjsrr »Is give-H pait lknrlxtttgkstnlu Dan. Luth. Publ. Hause-, Ists-, Nebr I I I ) ) I I I ! ) i leE Mk BMEIL S. I. olsex : Sn Rom-. llisturitsn um Jnhn Kniix. skutlmnls ResurtnkttuL Ell est-m livljg Skiklringx sit tlrn luqsgslesr Hm! nnptsn Nimm-L iszz du« lsistm«j.s-k tr« ng korrekt. 216 Sich-IN Smukf it«ll«nnle-t. .. . .. .............. ... Pris— NOT »Es-essen- Uilhelm«: parackisets Haw. D« ung« llj·-m jäh-»Ernst Pilgjnst us Uummr Eng I)·-r;»s. smukl in(H-tnnh-t. ..·.. . . . . ..« ..... . .. Pris 60 chr. cmlwigs Salme og Sang. chn thntsko Sstlnnshng Hg JmIskcs sislnnwlfgtcnu 1.2 Si(l(-r. l ()sIIsl-sz. .. . . .. . . . .. . .. ........ Frist »O 1. m. ch. Muthes-: be sitt-te ii Aar i Japan. Mislnns Sj(l(«r. l()msl«g Pris .30 llmsjsh lum. Publishing Hause leitx Nehkssltr. Ny danfk Læfebog. lsus Tcl nj Nu Tnnsf Lasfplmg furclsznor nn snsrdiq. Den er pan M deksr tmkt nnsd Tkslsrs lntinfkr on Dtslii notifies Tnppcr i Here Etørnslsisk P r i s kn r t u n n e r c t, 2 5 C is n t As Bogens Jorord hjdfwttcs følnendcx Førfus Vol of »Na Dnnsk Hirn-innr- er lnsfnsmt til at bruges bnadcs i dan dnnfkts sZinsrdimstkuns un i Zøndngsskolon Vi bar Inv mst on snndan Von kmardt. Ofdtil hnr tnnn sprungcst lim- fra A V u til Kntcfisrsmns on Vilnsllnswrics: dct tnrdo oner for lnnat et Spring for do jlefto annbørn Men lnsr or on L(1-fc-bpg, sont netop or nfnnsrssxst jnr den Periode i llndcsrvissniwcsn,. fom likwsr molk-m anndulsisn nn dtsn music-lich Lassnsxin. Lad den nu blims brIUk hor, on Untnitchn ist« Dis paa, nt cht nil nife sin, nt Vogt-n kle man god chncfm DANISII LUTIIBBAN PUBLISIIINC PURIST Blut-. Nebraska DKINCI 00 DIE-Nos skildkivixer km Missionsmnkesu Med lllustratioacr Ovenmt sk Kaki-n Rmdpr Ind. 50 Print-L hist er m Bog. som ajkkmst vil fromm-s Missionslnprliskfns den blandt de onst-. Don sitt-»- ips rnncst til Vkinlismi for-lass lixstg Ekms us form-Hel- sna friskt mn Unsmxtsmss Kost-s Uns-mie -— om soc-te Nesterdrenmk ——- brum- Arnimkdrcsneo — hin-nas i Indien pas Ppyloth i Kinn. Japan im pas Amerika- Pmsrs ot- —— um den-.- I-ege. den-s Evas-tu ils-ris- Lyut isg cis-ros- Ost-n —— Bose-v bin- man-e kritkp Rilke-klet- ug vil Wiss-. ein teml Unv til Arbeitser i Rändastsskole ssq Ifnmlomsnfclolinm msn for-n os licht til —- thsnixe. Ins-nah MissiisnINinH pas-h Lutb Ist-L sont-. Mit-J Isbk i-« , iiii ---———---A-—-A---------------------«----------4-«