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About Danskeren. (Neenah, Wis.) 1892-1920 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1914)
gib nderiullandt 1- ists-.- III-f 1 M Is Sitte-blas Es W i Wisse-. Bek B- S. Februar J det preusfiske Fett-W hat Grev Nmtzau ogj Dr. Ideal-eh understpttet af teil-J kkge Medlemmer. indbtagt folgen de Interpellatiom Bad den den l Januar 1907 Mem Preusfen og Donmakk af Mde Overenskomft ankjaaende . Opiantbskn bar begge Landes Re geringer forpligtet sig til indenfor set-es Landes Loves Nummer at medvirke til Fjærnelfe of den Urv der stvldes Nationalitetskampcn i Norm-Essig Jkke desto mindre er der fiden da netop fra danfk Side bleven pustet til Jlden i denne M, faul-des at de Forboldsregs kei, som den preussiske Stntsreges ring hin- grebet til i Jndlandct for Sittstedelen bar vænst virks Mast-se Vi anmoder nu den konselige Statsregering om Oplysi ning om, bvad den bar foretagek sig for at foranledige den danske Regkrinq til Forboldsreglrr. der er egnede til at medføke en Jndfkrwnks niug i demw Agitation, bViLI Evids er kettet mod Tustbedcn i Nordilcss hig, og som fætlig komme-r im den faokaldte senderjvdske Bevcegelse i Danmark og støttks of officielle Per soner som Officcsret on Einbedss mit-nd En Undtageifkslov mcd danfkc Bladr. Almskirno oq til dun imrer ogfaa Den inffo Nun-nimqu Mænd i? Nordsleåvia, skriver »Amt« , naterI intet nich branduidis Lnskc end at! faa fokbudt Udgivelsmi as alle dan- l ske. wish- og franskc Bindi-, som udgaak inden For dkk mmasrcnde Tysklands Mira-user Efter lwad den reaktiouasns »Ni nifchsWestfälifche Zeitum« misddei let, fkal der oafaa i Reqeringskreds se vcere Plane-r fromme om en »al miudelig Ændring as Presccloven og Foreningsloven med det For maac at muliggsre on ffarvcste Fremfækd imod tvstfjendtligc Fore ninger og Amsel-, uden at disse Fotholdskegler faar Kaki-steten as en Undtagelfeslov intod Elsas-Lo Musen-« Det tyste Blad i Haderle »Schle«5wigsche Grenzpost«, fom sta -diq staat som Gradmaaleksfot tysk Mist-Utah tilfjjen »Li vilde være tilfredfe med, at des bebudede Skærpelse af Fore Iiugss og Presfeloven blev udvidet M hele MAR, altfaa ogsaa til Rotdflegvig.« Dei tret vi not, kære tyske Kul W." Dei et bat-e ikke faa let Wet »Am-« Ali-M Matt til Fimysluingens Jst-U Tet flyder ftadig risk kitzete med Penge til Fortyskningens Frei-me Provinslanddsagen for Mdsmmerne famles jo i Muts Vieles Leitung« bringet en Dei III as Metta Vi nsjes med at We fjlgeude i i »Ti! Fremme as Tnfkhcdisn : Notdarwnsislnndet Mike-:- Ums-unt Makk, til Tybbølilldstjllismcn 1«,—l 000 oa til klkcsttsranfcftisn ved desnne Lejlighed 5000 Mark.« Vi stal altfaa felv værc med sttiver »Mm.«. til gcnncm vorcs Skattck at bique til Landetss Fur tnfknina mm alle Mondes Mm vi figet som Fötharkerjan i lmnsI Velmagtsdams: Hund kcm dist untre-? Detmed fiqtcde han til den daner Modltcmd mod Germamäfationen. Dette Okd bar Ht Strackerjan nemi liq lcengst qlemt Nu er der tun take om de ftakkels underkuede Ty « skere i Nordslesvig. Tidetne stif iet It II Fetsuuliusshui i de tru ese Esse. Fta Ravsted skrives til Glaubt-ro Avis«: J Lsrdags (21 Febr) folgtes. den nyopbyggede Kirkekro her i By II heb Twngsfalg til en Mond fra Wes Amt. Lag ved Käse-i »U- stod der imidlertid tolv Mænd « set fta Somm- og det er Neningew ils-Jst Orden ital omdmmex til en For-I Wisse-. Dein-ed vic ei tm H M blive ashjulpet J lang Uhr den hauste Befellning haft Wächter med at faa Lokale til Wes-set sg Veso-m var fuldt »Wer-e for fort Til- five-; skslve Les-le til et hausi; lmqge siq til Saugt Dereftet sil vedes dafaa W sandtevner me te sq mete. Im Melke, der i April vilde væte fyldt 108 Aar. var ftdt i Ranttum vcd Husums men hun havde boet her i Flensborg i næsten 83 Aar. Bose-L Dis-sich CI Av.) Almindelig Deltagelse vækker her forhenvasresnde Mejetibestyrer Jakob Jesfens pludfeligc Did. Jessem der var en Mond first i Fortune bluv vlndselig syg Smng Akten den 22. Fehl-. og fsrtes til Sygebui fest i Aabenkaa Her afgik han ved Tode-n Lnesdag Morgen den 25 Februar efter en Operation. Dis-ds aakfogcn var Svullt i Moden og Enrwnzming of Mavesækkm Ktiftiansfclt Nye Udvieninger. To nnzxe Menneskrr. fom fort-eben blier nothrcde af Nendanncix rwd (Immmstikømsllen i »erj«. nur den ZU Febr. furvncdc til Fokhør has Mutsfurftandisr Illanfen i Sillcsruu Ton ems, Ascardcjcr Jcs Rom-S Karl i Not-Mr der er himmelw rsondc i Konqvtiact, bleo udoist uns-d 21 Ihmer VorscL den andm. der isørcr til de luakaldtc Hkrmløfkn slw used en ..Jrcttelasttclse"’ Tegndcn mr csndnu m mdjc of du tun-us Illlxsnnelkcsr en Inn Karl, himmmshønsnde l Heils-. Ich-s Mad fm der Eimer bos Fromsts Ente i Ovindornv til froer boss Amt-Z -"-)rlmndor Valentin i Tykftrw sam nns Tau oh modtog lincledsczs on Umsian nnsd 21 Ihmer Inst »Kon! over og hjælp os!« CFortfat fka Side 4.) sposeiul thanks must h·«1-«- lic zxjwsn t» Urs. Fiel-en wh» tout-h es for-sieh not-klug to 8 olnss of warm-n um«-- onsry month. Thron-Eh this olass ansl the sun (lis)· seht-ol. Mr. FVJIHhiyamm the Wange-list has Laimiil out-sahes tu a number of homes. KPMAMOTM The- past »was-us has witncssssscl km eneonmging imsrtsases ut thss smulay momihg sen-leis. this numer ranginsk from forty t» slxt)--five; evenihg ser vi(«-e. from fiftmsn to Lords-. There ist a met-time for ehildrea in the m()rnimk, and also adult Bihle olasses in Engljsh and Japans-se with S eombiaed atteudaaee ok sixty. 011 Stmday ones-ins then-l is a special Rihle Glut-S taught by one ok the missioaariosx on Momloy esse-tätig s, Similsr clm ok Government sehool teaehers is taught in one ok the missio nary homesx und on Thursdsy evening Rev. Winther tmehesl the Bihle to about thirty »Den-l tives in a spiaaing Ansturz-· Dur ing the year, there were net-sen teen sdmissicms by baptism sncl eunsirmctiou ln addition to the work at thi ehapeL there are two prosperous Bund-)- sehools in the eity sah lurhiz with n combjned attenclanoe of about one hundred and thirty. In all the suøday sehool work the theologieal students are very active. As s whole it may he saikl that the Fast year hss been the hest in the historyok the Kuma moto Held. having the best at tendsnee. the lot-gest oommnnions, und the largesct number of hup trittst-. As s memher of thss United Synocl Mission, l should like to offer Joy siheere appreoistion to the Rev. and Urs. J. M. T. Win ther, and the Rev. and Dir-. Bd vnkä T. Hort-, jr. tor thle con stsut resdiness and williagness ps- to Ossitt is Akt-horch work at the Kumamoto Statiotx Wo ist-met these Wege-. how ever, not u reader-ed to the Uni ted syvod Jspwsse Uhu-Ich, but rather s- mtriduted to the one M Jst-ums chureh it Ihois interest- vs ill. is our se— ver-l where-, m cis-ins our thue and our Its-Instit , Mitw: The Kur-me stu ßxsu dem to sahst-in its via-l l l l « l But this does not met-n that- tka work it- leks hope-ful. Besidps this Central miwa there tm two other preuching plmxes well af tpndeck Advertizing is done by items-ins tragt-I at bomes with an invitatioa written on the back After viewing-, Christian liteer Ist-e is distributed nnd New Te« Ihr-ent- otkered for scie. Al If sure are tbreo sur-day kw Ists-ide- the one It Un chopeh hsvinx s oomhinod It temioaoe of one hundred chit dre11. There is also s Linde-Jok ten with thirtyckivo ohiidken. As. a result, interest has been sit-ons eci among the pakents ice-ding. in some« essen to est-liest inquiry. At Hicia. the work is under the eure of Mk.M-tsumoto. There the- evetiivg sen-ice is better st tendeci than the morastig There is ais-) pkeaohiag onoe each wedelt in a different part ok the- towa from that in which this chapel is imsatesit The most enooumgiug kentuke about this work is the sumin sohooi with a regulat uttcsndance ot· geltend-two la addition to the work in Kam-, me-. nnd in Miit-. kegular bi msekly meetiugs are held in two small tosen-V somi- miles in the ihn-sind Includinx Rund-cy- Rchool and Rinde-warten ehildkpv. umdu dants at Wams-Es Iwetings and thr- kssgular churcsh Knie-DE wi may tkoacsludm then-kier that approximattsly fifteen hundrpsl persoqu wes-ist« kegulor wes-Ich m- mnnthly instmcetinn in »m varjous Nation-i Add to tin-Sc those who Sitte-nd this sppcjgl »I «K0g55hcs" meetiugm and we have a total of nhout twss thou sand Inst-sonst who heim- the Go— spol msisry use-eh through the ef forts of this thriw mission-; cum pnsing this ennffsrpneo. This tu tul aumbpr of haptisms onil mu firmaticms durfnjx the-« zwar is »Nun-one KYPSHP GAKNX "l’hssol»gical l)isp»tm-sm: Pin ynuug mpu tm- rocpiving this miss oad year course- nf Hauch-. Pin Othesrs an- in various state-IS of prepsmtion. exporting tu guts-r the- sssmimnsy from ums t» An yean hist-ca In this mosntjme it is hoped thut others-I will com forward. Thdge in the krönt-at ehs- mse version-. how-working your-g nie-n. and we helin thut they will develop into Mich-ot oval-FULL Middle scheut Depart-upon The Hiddle school Depart-heut hu thkese hundred Pius-. The hist sina is Ihm-C which is doathess correct. thut out ksculty is·one ok the very hegt in South Japan in iutöllectual smiamsats und Cis-u ist-sag Isoladjng the- mis sion-nies. there ske- thirtpea chri stiaa sacl sever- uoa-0hkittsa ke xulsk tescheks ooanected with hoth Gewalttat-. So ksk it is known. nones of the- not-schri stica text-eben show any anti psthy to Christi-usw and several of them attead Phrigtian sen-insg nmkts or les- resolut-IX »t- scmslny sum-Imm. a cis-Him iss li--l«l in ims- »7" tlsp islispss www-« ist tliss Splpuul k·-ir kltims ilsonnl sur-v lmys xllm il-- mit »Im-n f» Ali-ir- lnsnsiss un Nisus-hy-. uns Widlnsssslny «l’ts-»«»-«, flic-» ist-»F Eil-los plkmssss »mng by tlns Frist-I ( c-lhul Jnil msxisml »l« flu- («lirjs«ti-OIIJ ( f·«m·l»-r.s-. wills »i- ««nmllcns-nf »f. »wun- mnl »I- Hffssmlmusss isfl als-sitt fifty Ausban mnl »n! Tltumslny innl Hahn-Mo »Hu-« nun-sh« tmrsls 1«-n-««mll)" Nu Plast-l mss at my h-»n·-. lmvkng an »n rnllmssnf of flssy sunl tlns ntfisn l Jäle luslllsz BUme llllHJUlthc All kittosnslnnms ist Inst-samt is nol ntstnkv. Lust April. flink-«- min flktwn appllpations for link-thun elqlit of wlmm min- rcwslswl Tlissy won- tlu1 first Rost-( Duk -ing tlio pro-sent scademic year-. wi- pxpmst las-stet- rmnltir -’l’lms. while s meaner of Inc »m-ss lms bgen nttaimstl we- »t Tfnr from bei-I- utisssed win the« prevent efforts und religions Ipqnipmeut kok reaching the stu ltlent-. NU- sres ooavivced, how pvissz thut« littlo more can be done tmtil - als-Idol is built for the Scbool The-se are kelstions Und interckelstions that can not well be dikected and used without tlw sid of a chapeL Up to the pres ent practically evekytlsslag lis developecl socokdiug to s.previ oule sckopted plus-, hat, from this time on, it will require ps tismkc svd wstelikulooss to iu suke final anwes- sad etc-pp from the evil of indifferent-e sml mi— into-used armes-U , We should like to anstim hske thstz Wiss to W weiss-l from In sinkst-tin wars-, the Maus at Kynslsv Gott-its is M to be the M W M of sit-ils- Mo ji- khis est-n As the statement W M s sie-Wi Mo di Q WHAT-s W gis It M CI M M M W pt M M v-« m iess is theils Isck of discipliae, the school accepts with then-Its this compliment Ins hope-I it may be trug to Lust ln closiug this koport of the Rath l would make the au nouncement that th« General Potmoil Rost-d of Mission-I has assumed a part of this wenig-« moving expenses of th·1 Sehr-ol. this omouut to br- distcskmined immmähs upon the begin of a lpndgtet to be submittisd by thi Kchonl This support will like Lv simmmt to nmimximatohs one-thin! the kegnlsr Nyman Sonst-II Kommt-. Tnming ask-in tu th·- pure-Isi ssvanxephstio sichs of »Ist- work Ohms-s is tm more- proz-Ring proh Issm than the supp1)« uk ssfsitsipnt Japans-so wes-hers. man Alls-d with a pas-Zion for sunhd nnd n knowlssilgo of the Wurd. hnt, at this sinns- time. mpn ushrigp Unin nincz will admit thssm tu this so «-ix-t·v nf the strohg. This ihr-» Als-ihm composihg this hndy han« imsitting hinslssmcirtssn tm «-hisI«.-«. just csikht msntisseslists Of this-is- mw is ahwulv inmpacsii mir-d hy age. this days of thnscs iithssn km- numhme whle two mor-1 arss pas-tian thp links of fifty Kyughn Haltuin was Himb Iischml h)· thcs Unitpd Rykmd thst this prnhlssm mfsth ht- Sols-Ich Ist-f. in the- hist annlysz thp in stitntisin will fail ssf its primus-) tmci mtpwme ohjwt nnhssg we as individual-I and as a kennten-nec lunxk nnd pksy und work to the ssnd that you-us mcsn Ohnma- th» Phrintian Hinistry mit n life wnkk: not man wh« hin-e- kniltsd nt works-thirt- tshw nnd who cimncs with drohe-n hoche- nnd fortan-s- nffering them-gespei- s n Use-at kamt- to this Wittfrau-. but ymmq tue-a who hsw keslt the- hnrden ok tin and who would help others to esse-pe- kmm its muss-. Kfy course-fiska is that if wpky month-I- os this contes-enc mäll phsdgcs hin-solt to dsily paym- sml constant effort with kommt to this matten Ged. in llis Providenoc, will hem- ons ais-. Ä list-I pro-sing ppkhsps. hat yet highly important questism is that of the mission-IF- tot-ca Not-o- we can not malte oak esls out-rings in tem- ok the present ot- in terra- 0k«'sh0kt Ave-you pekiods. We most eteteud the hasc- hne over- dssttsnces ok from twcnty to twovtyssive yesn Of thi- six mission-sieh aot includ ing Wisse-. of thss United Synocl nnd Dank-h Rom-d- who cum-. to Japan mors- thtm tm- yuks Iso four pk two-Mini- ol them how nstunwl f« .h-z--ri»si. thrws »t· thssm ps-rnmni«nkl·v. Thcs futur« «f thi- finirth disk-sinds sama-h Ispssn thts »Nimm-« Of u EIN-ich unmitqu nppmtism. Of this nix who »Im-« t« Juki-m In this spe unsl tssn yoer sif this Missinnlls lti-t«r)«. invhnhng thcs konnt-il Missi--nmsiss.q. miljx two have hart 1)" isycescimhssl Aw- x«i-sr’a Ists-ishan in Jame nnd »m- of thpisis is now in Anwricssi through dann-Ir mm fnmily ilhnsgsi Of this »O hminninjk fuhr. km- htiws list-d in Jame list-is than siws year-. nnd tu-» may hss pas-Eil tn hnws just nrriwsck Thi« fucst hs that thi avpmep mission-»H- liko in Jn Isfm is Minnighingly Ihm-t. and, fi n-» sm- ahlcs t» rot-in- sifty per pas-it of »m- mm »wi- a per-End of fu«(-nty—siws Vor-. we shall do «ws»". ) Thon. arc- m- prepaer tu meet this rmkmcmihilitiea of out fhshl km- thss nisxt twesaty years without « does-Im innrem of »m- miigioaary tot-act Bot-fing in mind the likolihood of s Ak ty pet- cent loss, the neige-sitz tok fortan-by nnd also the tsct that the thust tot-m of s sank setsvice is very largely preis-ts toky of future effort« it is tim eonviction that the- tot-as in Ky miha should his- inckeued flktys per Cis-at in the nost- tntmsoz unl.l if the- Geneml Dass-mit Rost-d isJ to wvnpy mach of the ten-ika soath of Tokyo, they should Im tm time in Uns-th- sag-mont iag thei- uumhek o! mission-rie We ander-nnd they lass sl remiy M ovsry effort to ig ekeiao tbotk kam-. As s Cor temcs, we shoaicf pay tot thei- W. The United syn od ass- aot be ssked It this time to stunk-Us- iackcm tin- num bot-X at · St- -mistioaskiss Mond M two Italie- tlvo nett yet-, wiss to täe pro-tin- Ists- of Ist-Ins Sah-ja in M Ist-)- of WW M must Hi Wi W m W W i this dikeotioo would like-e to he provided tot- st present by those Boskds not hesvily lo volvecl in the school We lau-e but tlnsee Ist-Commen Ostia-IS l—·l’hst tlw mcsmlusks ok. tltis Dunkel-enga- addrpss them-ehe tn dally. spoeillo prsyek thut flocl will eall into the- Luther-an Ministrzk young nie-n whom lud Hm mslm stmng for Flu- Gospel · 2——Tlmt flu- Fimformce plage itnelf on revnrd as eamestly do niring tm inwan ia tha- number of missionarissg and that the Mission Rost-da be reqaeated not to Cesse the-it- ormstant effort in this dirs-etwa 3—-’l’lmt flu- tcirkitorzs from Moji tmmnlg Halmtn be eman pissd sit tlw onklioat possibles mo kamt Rmpoeffully mibsnittNL P. l«. Ema-n By wtcs us tle Ponfcrksnep it! MI- ilpcklul tlmt tlm abuus n-- Z pokt br- plscml in tlm lmmls of as Committsse on Rosolntloms km-« ecsnsidcskatlou Thi- Roersstnry tlnsn read til-u mlvutcssc of tlns 1912 Conventinn» Kreisen-r op Inmsmx T pommwn « Dr. Ema-n koportswl nn las-E ltnlk of tlns Dom-non sprxlco Re- « wisism Pommittms tlmt certain ppnrling qui-klang n- to proper wonlimk aml tlm ass- of Pläne-so Character-s lind clelaz otl the pub licution of those pottloua of the-l Spkvicp alt-each revjsodz butk that Since sll such questions bad lwsn satisfsotonly spttled the-! publication might lu- pxpkscstocl st: so esle Hatt-. l l I l i l REPGRT OF DELEGATIS TO; PONPERENPE OF PM)ERATM) KIIRRIONS Dr. Erim-n. as disk-Lim- to thok met-time of Poslokatisd Mission-J Inst .7(-ntmr)«. kosp-)rtcs(1 thut hi-! hmä follows-d the- instmctions ofs the Jnint confksronces to opposeT onst-in olsjsscstiimshles mediuan that wokss to hi- pmposecl ut thesi January tatst-risse Thron-eh m-! upisrstinn with other-. fhss obs jiwtimmhlsk mosgnktss wes-se cis-spat- - ed. Dr. Brown also reports-cis that hcs hinl« hoc-n sales-d by thel Exssmtfins committcsp of thi- Pes ·l»st«s(1 Mission-: to act as muss nf th«- seen-Ursein of that hoch-l sitt-sing thi- yonr 1914. REPOKT OF sFBRTÄIN AMIONs TÄKBN lIY DANISH BOARUl «l’h(- Kiss. ·l, M. T. Winthtsr rei kunstorl thut ihn Duuish Mission· Ismml hmä Inn-tut t« its kais-I Zion-trivi- this mithurity to m dain. in («.0ujun(ttion with thi-i nthssr Ins-Inhaer of this Joint Gan-I set-each sll Japans-sc- candidsxrss» km- the Gospol Ministszsc Rmc Winthssr als-) reports-M that. while-- this Dunst-h Brer sinds itzt-If uImhIH in tssssprmiscsl to th« resolutiona of last year-« relatika to profsssxors’ humes st; »k· nom- lcyushn Gnlcuitx tu pur-T ohscss Impd and huild u dwellingJ at- this Ums-. npvcskthcsless they; are qnstcs Willing to hecome Ists-I upon-SUC- kms this cis-It of Iuth s homes if Imilt by nat-thes- party« la this man-Minn. the Revs Bdwsrd TJlorck »fr. also report-’ ed thr- notitm of the- General Douai-il Mission Bock-d so theil -I·«Iolution to pas-chao- s mits lhls pim pl lsnd odjoiuivs the sehool stul to haild there-ou a ldwslliqg for the-it- prokossmc Tlns following ufsicqstR won nssslssc-twl: Tlsts KHL Pros. f’. l-. Ilkmth U l).. Prisgidisnfx Thi lRost Frisle l). Hmitlk si-(-r(stnry; Tin« RNU A. -I. siircswnlf, Tres sinnst-. The sollt-winke in s- Iist ok Umsc kaomscst nt this ins-Hing of thi Joint Dunkel-pack Rom-. Dr. Ist-own, Ilsspncetn nnd Rtirewnlt us thi- Uaitpd Rynocl biisniouz sit-UN. Winttnsr ais-I Nie-litten of the Dunst-h Mission; sml Reva. Ilom und smith of the- General Fonncil Mist-ist« Dr. Brom- vss elsoted dolo qsms to the consermms of Fe dtsmtncl Mission- t0 meist in To kyo un Jan. Ath, 1914. The liess-. Horn und stikewslt were est-steck by this kaufen-nee to seka s- thtd Committes on Resolution-. The Dankes-mep- wusncljourned with pkayek by thi- liev. Prok .l. M. T. Wir-then CTo lu- continukclJ Ekel-respondan Bn III YIGMICR »k. tot-In IEJFHHMOFSUKS Icl Isi Japans-Unsinn Ftk bitteres, ie Kbl Nr.11..- ...................... 8278501 va Sippi, Wis, Ofset i Lazatug M gh .............. 8.05 Malta-, Jo, Leim Jakobs-In Esel Jacobfeu hv. st .:00 Viktor Stude 60c., Lev. Anderfem Elene Ruder-sen Esllma Inder-sen ho. Löc. .......................... 335 Minnefotq Krebs vcd P. Elauien til Kirkcgasldcn i Ku tmne ........................................ « 150.00 Den-mirs Wis» Hans Hausen .................... 2.50 Rokinc Wis» »E. M.« ............................ 1.50 Caston, Calif, Jmmanucls Mgh. Koindcforkning 10.00 Westen, Iowa, P. N. J Dokter .................... 5.00 Chiron-V Jll., Ein-. Weder-sen .................... 4.00 Sakevilltn Wis» Mifs Emma Peter-sen .............. 2.00 Callendm Iowa, Kvindesorrningm ................ - 5.00 Bega, Wash» Jens- Evcnth ........................ 500 Hanslim Jowa..Mrs. Maine Pedetfen .............. 200 Eedat Falls, Jo» Til Kirtcgcvldcm Nazareth MAM Usmdomsfokming .............................. 25.00 Tilfammen 83008241 TilEjendommen i Hide, Japan Fsk Miit-rot sc KbL Nr. 10 ...................... 8126.84 Surcmllc Wis» Misss Enmm Pein-sen .............. 1.00 --——---· Tilsmnmen 8127 M Jadianekmisfionent Fsr kvittcret ie KbL Nr. H ...................... 8155 . Von Sivpi. Wie-» Osfisr i Lazattss Malp. ............ Costa-L Calis, Jnmmnuels Mahs. Kvindcf. .......... Weste-L Jowch P. N. J. Haufen .................. Ebicaao. Jll» Clu-. Vcsdcrsm ...................... Saxovillc. Wis» Mkss Emka Petri-sen .............. Hcmlith Inton. Max Reginv Boden-sen ......... , ..... NHJPDOC ZZZZZZx Tilsammcn 81582 isii Jndkemisfionem For wittert-i fis Abl« Nr. 11 ...................... 82757 27 Wriwm Iowa, P. N. JI Hausen .................. :z.00 Chiron-n Jll» Ehr Weder-sen .................... 4.00 Bega, Wash. Jcns Zvimli .......................... 10.00 Hanslim Jowm Miss. Nmincs Bedo-sen ........... s. .. 2.00 Tilsammen 8277027 Motmoumissionem Fsk winkte-: sc th. gek. « ...................... 8171325 Eufton, CaliL Kvinder i Jmumnuclis Mah. sAllcs MrsJ J. Q. A. Jovis-usw« Murg-etc Hirt-, Eli-. Nie-lieu vam Leonatd Petersm Louis Jakobsem Georg Pilcgaakd, P. Rasmusfem P. san-mond, J. P. Smidt, Hans Jeppcfem Sau-n Verk, Caroline Jeniem P. U. Pilegaard, Otto Ssrknfrn, O. C. Hausen, Sam Peter fcn. Olc M. Olsm Kaj Panlfem H. P. IMM, J. P. Lonbcta, A· Potersm A. P. Hausen, Raömuc Nielicn, C. A. Pflegaakd, Hand Haufen-, Hobert Jen seit, P. A. Smitlh G. I. Inder-sein John Smith Pe ter Christmsrm J. L. Vog, Peter Jenirw N. B, Niet fem Arme Heithmam Katoline Matteniem T. L. Verg, Gram Christmicu. Ehr. Thomiem H. MarthadaL Jens Petctscn ho. sum; Ehr. Meliem P. Hause-m Otto Nielfeth Mads Nie-Um C. Verk. L, C. Kringeh Mai-ice Petri-few Chr. Fries, Maky Quem Rasmns Jepfeiy Jakob Hausen, Frev. Christenfem Ellen Jen seit. L. Christofferim. Einilie Messen hu 50c. 47.50 West-m, Iowa, P. N. J. Haner .................. soc Tillammen 8176276 Stole-kasten: Ist kuittckct fes Abl. Nr. 11 ........................ 83611.64 Ell Horn, Jo» That Medic-tu Laust Poidcrfety W. Not tcussokg hy. MML Hans Brustme Nitslcs List-n. Madg Petri-sein Mads Madscn, N. Haus«-tu N. Kkoth J. P. Melme Peter M. Rassnutdfcsh Waso. Form-T Johannes Lange tw. HEXEN-, R. C Naenuthfmk Miss M. Petri-sein J. «.It. Bote-rieth Ehr-ji« P. Lin-few Maric Hause-L F. T« C. Thomion, Anders Aaqaatd, A. P. Juki, Folmer Sanft-it Jemns Tot-ol, Modi- Lntmes, Las-o Jolmsech Njele Ihr-lieu Christian M. Hans-Im Jus Lange-, Z H, Atenkicl tm 81»«, Z. C. Wedel-sen 8500 ...... 50.00 Colle-»den Ja» Nollkmd Townshiu d, e. l. Ulkcnialnsd L. P« Oansm Julius- Petri-few Pom- Ruden E. Muc Leuiom Geomts Eint-rieth R. P Brandt bo. stät-, H. P. Peter-fein L. Hans-In tw. SICH-, Jolm Haufe-n 82.50, Auquft Vrandt,F.Vt-nndt, A. Kiküsaaard, Peter Brandt Albisrt J. Brandt, Chr. chrikfcn Im SU« Louisi andh William Hausen bv. 75c., Max-n Petri-son Emma Petri-sin, Jens Mortensm Rose sanft-m Carl Hausen ho· 50c. .............................. 2550 anfin Nebr» Martin Hin-lieu ................... 5.00 Ebtcago, Jll» Chr. Vedvrsm .................... 300 Platte Co« Nishi-» Bethania Malp» Anders Peter-fett Pastor A. Rasmusscsn tm. NOT Marias Nie-lieu tf200, L. P. Hausen, N. C. »Motme Ein-. Petri-im P. J. Weder-sen ho. sl.00, E Andekscn 50c. . . . . . . , 2.50 Sau-Mach Wis» Miss Cum-a Votekfksn ........... . 1«00 me Wollj- Jcns Svintb ......................... 5,00 Tilsamnusn 33713134 Plain Ncbk den IV. Mart-.- WH. Otto can f en, Kost f. d. f. d. vix-lallt Mike i Amerika In Minu. stets til Afbetaliss In Arles-lie- i Ins-. Ved Ungdomsmidet ved Kredit-now i Cushing 830.52. St Peter-s MADE Ungdomsiorening. Luek, Wis. 815.00. Ung dqmsfsirening, Ulle Lea, Minn. s«l.00. Unqdotctsformiug, Irrtums-wen Minn. s5.00. Wiss Levinfen 82.00. De uuqe i Luci, Wis. ved Pastor Bondoz Rev. Bonho, Notwig Jenien, Rag delene Mel-h Martin Lassen, Petrus Petersen,·«sennun Petekfem Lunte Peteksem John Petekieth steh Peter-few Lillie Petri-fah Rose Worten, Zuge-non Marter-, Mark-rette Pein-few Eimer Heil-, Lotto Bosh, Mist Indes-sen hv. soc. De unqu kristelig Fore ning, Milltowm Wis. 815,00. Unqdomsforeningem St, M Nah-, Mus, Minn. s10.00. Sceew Eve, Minn. Hö.00. n defsreninqens Ftdfelsdagsbjsfr. Owatonncy Minn. HEN. Ia stor Beistand Owatmmm Minn. s1.00. Jmmmmels Ris Ungdomsforening, Superior. Wis. Q10.00. Mknighedku i Am« date, Minn« Osmia P. C la u f e n, Kredskadiekec Tit stets-Bisses Dakota FUon Inffebehold Nov. lö, 1918z OÆJT Offer i Trinitatts Ugh. ved Krebs-Ist 876.70. Offer i Bethauic Was. READ Mir I ion Ugh. MED- zjz of Oktober Offerct i Mk Ich-II . Substkspttonccmaui MahJIQAL Juli Höltsz - - «Itd cui III-OW Lars Pein-leu, credit-if « pox 472 Titus-w Ihm.