Danskeren. (Neenah, Wis.) 1892-1920, May 10, 1912, Page 2, Image 2
Det, der bestaar." Bot Guds Otd besiaar evindelig, ass. 40, s-. Salig i fm Getniug. ( Mcn den, fsum Fkuer insd i Frichedsens fuldkomne Lov og holider ved txtan faa han ftte blwer en glemfum Tilhw ret, wen en Gernjngens Gid rek, hasn jkal være saijg x sin Gemin. Jak· 1, 25. »Don Wut være falig i jin Ger Mns« —- Det er meget jagt. Guds Ord leerer klart og be ste-mit, at intet Mermcske kan blwe retfcevdiggjort, frelst eller saligt vesd stne Gernjnger. Men fordi et Mennesske, en Syns det, M kasn blive frelst og saligt vod feine Gemiwger —- dermod er tkse sagt, at der ice er For-fiel paa Gewa. M mindes, da en Soldat, der var Mden i Mark sidste og ulyb Ujse Krieg, og Edet i Arledmäng af et Brev fm hans Kapvajn takes am den falsdwes Dyder Vsscmx Sol dat, at en getan Kristvn sagde: »Ju, wce gsoide Gemmger Lan ikke frekfe os, mon de onde can sor dsmme os.« Jo, giode Gernmger er gsocde Get ninger; Jesus figer j«o ogjam »La dex Noli-des eders Lys skiwne for Wes-teue, at de maa se oder-s gode Gernsimer og ære eders Fa den som er i Hixmlene Dei er blsot som at spre, at Ger msngevm er as den rette Judas-, og sast de awbringes ma rette Steh. Nmr et Menneers gsode Gewin ger fortastes smn Mit-del til Satis 7hsd, san com-mer det sdels dem-f, at B er Wdtkonme og sywdbesmiitw de, Titels af, at dir-tells gode Get ninger er Frugter as »Trer ogsmtsaaisdesikkegaafomd for Om. M —- saljg i cfsin Gern-ing. Roger Haadmvt kan dickeng fiqu Stet- i et Mennefkies Liv. Wen shvom er da faTig i sin CemingI Mtelen Tiger: »Den, fom fkuec sind «i Frihefdsns fubdskomne Lov og W ved West-A »Ja-Medeas DIE-komm Sov« — Wd og Los-! Er det iskke Mod Famian W iWes fmlsdes for mange Wer-. Loven er jso en Rette fwt. Den TM III-Wer for et Mem-Wes Hmdlsnsgvt og Ord. Mmsætnu,atdetergaaatsaas Jedes, at C Mennefke er bleven 5in Ostp M Mus jkriven »Im glæi Idek mig M Gnds va elfter det MS Me« (Rom. 7, 22). Dei et Este egenklig MS Lav der Dinger Mem-Liset; det got drin-ob .,en ansden Lav«, fom Pscms M striver i sum-me Fowindelse MMHMMWV somit-ri Mar en Syndek faa hat set Lo M W vg this-sing givet i W for hans og al Ver-dens Synd, -og han tiilegner sig sdet j Tro, san er han fti for Lunens Trusel da Sims nctar Der Tau NOT-re Haar vedcwmxmmde som det gis en gam mel Fwne derhjcmme, der sag-Ie: ,N«u er jeg og Loven bleveu gode Benuer Hm san ihan begmrde at ter ow, Friihedens fuldstsomne Lim« W Foer og Krav stem mer med dst nyc Mennejkes Lyst oq Bier, mcd »mit Sinds Lov", kusn er den absolut fubdsksommem shvckd Siwdets Lov ikke mdnu kan Wes at verte. Hvor herljgt at ikue icwd i Fri W fulde Sov, indd i den Sov, der er Mdsommem og fom Akt tromde Mennieske frit stiller ssq Mkdelc Ost er et hebt ntyt Syn pqa sten —- sn Wut-r for den we- fri Pilliiel Men her figes visdere »og M bsd WI· Der et Frist-el He Mk til at hulkde op sdermed M osu den, der holder ved der Mch- stock Spät-ten videtu »Ist-M Mit-er Its en gcsmiom Bill-wr m en Meist Osterf for tvoensde Msetmefcet alisaa i ncer Forbsiiidelse nie-d Evangelist Guds Lw oo Evangelium er jo VII-W absolut aundsenige, oo den» M oiver det, den andm tin-ver sion Bodens Krao oprevholdes asf Evangelist Do jusft fordi Loven krwvek kun gso dt af os, bei-for kan et Meinte sfkey naar det er blevct frigjort i «Kvisstus, være saliot i Ein Gernmg. Oft-er Lobi-n. Nu hmsde her saa videre fort »scvmes med at peoe ma en del LIcwngde gotde Gewinner-, som et TMenneske kasn være soliot eller Ink feliot i; men vi Pol ntjes smcd et Pat, som Apostelen nennten cg Jan kan Læseren seli: fortsætte med Mragminoen i den Mino. Jakob nævner i endet Vers efter M mrffrte »O bei-ge Enket oo foderlsfe i deres Trcknossel og lhol de Eig Felv uplevtet af Ver-den« Det et Hari, at han ncwnek dis ie Tom Etsempler pasa den »Er-en Gewinger", fvm han komd hat bot W paa, oo her koldek han dan ikke qkenie gode Geronner men »en ten oo ubesniiivet Gndsdyrdelfe for Guid oo Faderen«. Da et lykkeliock oo faliot at væs re sbeskceftisget i skioe Geminoer. ABOUT POLITlcs AND Tillsss (By s, votekJ Seveml gentlemen are scrorded the honor these days of being refened to as »Oui« next President". since, how ever, hut one man at u time von hold thot office, the fest must he content with seid complitneat. l An actusl question lootm lctge on the politiecl horizon just now: Ha Tukt Ins-de goodl Does he desense a ke-ele(-tion?—"l·here he those who thinlc so, the writet, how-even not being of the number. This prevent eontnhution is not vpolitiml "dope" in the Sense of being inspide, and paid for, by any party heodquckteks. 1t is the opinioa mete ly of o eltizen who ht- tried to keep ehre-List with the time-, notiring wish-s tksnspirins as the years pu- hy Thue. any reader is welk-eine to tulce exeeptioas to what is here seid. Xo-T-it is not the nun of the hour, or of the future-. I any he wrong, but l should indes-d prefer s eektoin Liou Huntek, even se dietctot tot life, u tgsith miothet Toktiun term. For the Linn Huatkt is the friend of the com-non people-. whitsh the Fot One most osauredly is not. lndeed. even kind. genial. old Ohnka Clsrit would he prefer-hie to Takt-, «let hisn e hundred time-s he I- Demo krat Eis eslihek is of sue-h dimensions thut the hig office muld not tun swsy with hin-, sue-h IS undouhtedlzs it would do with then like st’ollett», Wilson, Harmon, etc Tskt has repeatedly shown hin pre djleetion, snd se s kule it gruisitates tot-Ird- «ssfe« wendete-. thut ie, to our moneyed sristoomy, the intereste. Just tot-all such anme- us Roma-zog Lotto-I, shekwon the of mislitail pro elivities), Aldrieh, Nod-, und that stikf«neelced, hskdsputed old sog-il, Uncle Joe, who-(- gfectest mvmplish sent seen-s to he u- lnhokn incliastion tot coeli-s ln the wrong direction. All these are emineutly »gese« men. Tustk Ist-within roxlatiws V« Ih-- Izu iff is visllknoth Th« umer ij distssrmjms uhchnssx i« Mosis- »Hu-»n. H- 1-I"--1111-«— ssjuzr.kts Wilh hi-· Inst-sur nun-·-«-—. or not. Hin rshicif tr»ul,l« is( hiss unlink-los »sich-ins sur dumm-instit dtiuuljnzz piit »wun- -I«-«·ting still. Fuss-km Cis-um«- prugr·-—s. u ytisudy than-·- csf Histing lind ssnsnjjlinns I» var-IS risskl jugtiws tin-il Fplitiml right t««II-«t-«. This Stan(lp0tl-er, war-sc hule ni- hin-« With uSI ulvnxysx Th--»V Its-ro in disk-ri-ysing evident-« at thi timss of the- nxvolt against Ring Gmrgsu Ewn a man lik« Dr. Fkanklin hud to Aulis-I- tbp humiljation of hsving a gon prof» standpstism by dir-ging to this old ordpk—-nsy, to malte the tin-Mun- kulL Spur-Ding this Ist-d of liborth und mignting w Engl-nd in order to be- nkak the very sonnt-gin hecd of nochhery, and to enjoy the undiluteel flivok of koyalistm the im· herile Georgian one tt that. The itsmipsttm Im allwo tmj day-, wo, It th- gkeat Reform-tha, who-, with iuckcdsble your-gez Dr. Luther has-I pope end vom-eil- anck sll the hon- hats terrible pemcutfon which Ist theiks to instit-t, hie-hing with the Mich tshufch, Ind, thetehy, slvins to ths world toll-lon- lihmy. Uhu-by the Itsutlpstteks Im la Mem-e Moses ihn-las soc Ists- our tut-Mc avll Ist-, when m stut, los-as heut M the set-m- os s tue smpecl in Ists-ty. Th- mndpsttm, tut-d you. They Ilssys III-teil to Nova voll Wh Oboe-J thst well W which la sset Das tu truth Is- hstl gwash Wheu the an Bat-ts- Iu tu th Wts M, bis hast-O- Ibpt ou s links-l stumm The stunk W Unmittmosttgtthsythey III-K oh sucht W site-, just M psy this Imilv met-, O"U, Ists-Pt- Wz III l— peave to take in theik various whe ofis, Ind, iacitientslly, grot- kat. The trouhle was thut a certain sue-mou Imrty Wouid provide none of thut dort of peauu He set his tecth, Schust ed hie glassesy helle-d hie Ast-, nnd wes-It after them—those mild, hin-i geritten-en who lot-ed peaee those very thing eise. No, with Roooevelt It the heim there wohl he no per-ce. some thing doing all the time, in the right dir-indem too. Amt the pook ma, the working man. kaew that- he M s spie-nd in yoodek white msnsioh hy Lakøyette Filum-e Nmky reach-h do you get the kecl gignificsancss ins what huppetieti shoktiy after Tastls osstahlishment in the suicile exeeutivel A Seletst mterie of the old grier mohle Fund-wem thesi-U hohl a little pieoshnt los-siehst, It which the keynote for the new odministmtion was sont-steck such vms the note «1«et us hsve »oui«-Oh pesee is Ia inestimshle Messing- No douht, they had reasoa to know why they dessted it so very skdeatlph Takt mme in, snci heholci the cis-ass 0penly,. he commdetied with »so-ed enemies of the Roosevelt policieos the poljcies he wo- to consy out. A clevet outoonist mught the hie-, Ihm-ins Takt end un sttemhmt "mering out" those policsies on a stketehek u - detti hoch-. emsciated with starr-then Reeently, s hienle gentietaoa Glied tht »I- resl progressiv-, intelligeatly alekt to the public- welfske." Also-, ask-il- s-r-—the trouble is- thst only the »von-zweit triutoemtsy is ahle to vie him in that licht. With them. he M usian is s «sss.fs" mon. A ml W Stets-ist« iotsooths A man is known by the comptmy he leis-PL. ist« he! Well. stscokckltls do that »in-klats. Tast. -It heut, is so Unmut nristomt. Only that nacl no thing more. l-et’s quote a tevent ot tertmee ok hig. »Du-re ske those who lclo not believe all people are fit kos populdk govern-vent. The fort le Ie know they are not. some of us elect slare to any so. hat l do. IVCI sfe volles upon nowv to sey whethcsr we me to «e-ontinue the judioiaky indepeadent of the majority, or of all thi- people."— Nimm let me for the selte- os eompletes nesg Supplx the cklaleotio konnt-erstatt of thut statement Ben- you have it: »Du-te ne those who slo not believe all juclges Ire llt to sominlstsst the law. The tatst is wo know thcsy un not. some of us don’t das-e to sey so—-hut e eektsin Lion Illmtet does!" Do you get the til-ist soel treu-l ok the Tostioa Bei-, dest- Mt. Votetl Ave you fmäy to subscribe to hls statement shovet The mojoklty lust fit to kule saynoke. The will of the majority. konsequently, no los-set k lan-. This. too. in s eountky who-e very found-tim- ls populat- govekmaeny o rule hy the people-. for the people. The majority no more under-titul Ihst’e good los- the vom-try. Fortun stely. our jurier eitel moneylkinss so! Theoretlmlly, the only sovekeisvty reksogaized in onk ist-te- is tlut of the people. Only dotkt tun owoy wink ing thi- moneyesd otliitoerucy eotdiolly subscribe to thst doctrine; they dont They would fsia be rules-I in eigene is- they retteinly urs- in fort. M do you lcnmv ahyj Revenge they Ike nur«-teil on the tout-est that money samtle a mon, mal-es him something upan that if s man has money he is sit to rule, to komm-nd to interpret the- lavn sit to he wonhippecl, to leotl other-; thst the possession of siche ·-lH-utes the passe-tot above the com mon people-, makes hin imtmme from the konnt-on law, invest- him with I mrt of insmi-(livinlty, with Mity snrl hoc-oh thoush he he use-o sml sitt-est ahle in heut. loos- about you, leinei keuley svtl vetlsy vhst here is seid. f Not but- Ulst l Im Iwan- ol the lugnlprimts ji«-i that weist ist-uni- us Hin-n- ur« lisd by th« now-« fusing gekisimi lizs is jahrz- (i»ll-»«. or tm-. lint i hsslieve the msjokity -0unci to thi- (-«n«. and kritiscle uMs to Jiytjip kais-h hetwssen right unci um«-; Ho who denje- this. wiss-»- timt pupnlnr «;zmsssnm«-nt in impmdishli«. T» sitz that the majority is unfit to rule is im insult to Amerimn pitizenghip Why. is Tsft hsti sieliherathy set about mai-eins himselc imptmgible he csoulfi herdly. it wouici seen-, have ac-— mmplished this in more sites-tin- fussh— tot-. Many voters see-I tkouhied with shokt then-orie-, end s las-i- os positiv-l perspektin Their want of korrekt, historic cikmtmspection, indes-C amounts tin-est to tm ohsessioo. Henke, they hin-e do sey ele» pekeeption of the soll-at poiqts ia sny given eue. Al so, okkice·holtiing kkoquently see-m- w cease politiesl Its-hinaus which is sn liability to see thing-· with hoth esse, politietlly. One eye will he vg ling the oiigekchy tmiie hy few) while the other squiuts in the direk tioa of the dest- «peepul«-—-Vot so with the Ist 0ae, howeve- lle is vholly with the Unmu- Ami no dacht thi yesn eiection will he s knelstion w com-My Nom Ihy not thkov old, many-, sie-hinglei- ptowient to the wind twi elect the Ums sitt-ten se hu out hinaus- os feil tspe tu hi- tim sehuthossaseofths vorhin-clai »etwas«-illimiton hsve,stmliitl hin-kost- u Mth m Iisstmsy polle- shtsi. seist-, III im, ist ess- sssissæ hu Ut- i- th- — so, - -—. mokeoven is lot-: the lustig-tle Refer endum, and KOCH-for he know-s Use. majotiey est-n be depends-d ou to sonst tlses right. the squate desgl. Not- that lie is Fried-auch as it book-eas, this old world lin- no use kot- o perfecst mon. But be ls Itksiglstz unlng as a lauer-, mentallzn Als sdvemkies klingt-, tlut the lnltintlve Roteteodum Hand Recell dre- ol sodsllstic orisiu Isud should, as such, be komd-tuned But no mottet whot the-it blklliplscsez they »k. good thing-. Also, be it uotcsd, rekorm new-er lmd its iaceptlou wills tlus greul- and mighty. but always with Ums-.- at tlie bottom. Thos ntlmk a curious thing. ist-I ltl Fur tlscsnswsesv sodalism may be s world powtsr before we Use oval-e to the soc-L l dtsvoutly hope tlmt tlie tin-a ol Arizokm will Goal s must-h ou tlie Taktik-n wto by insektlng the Rot-all in the-it stott- constitutlon, us o lowkul ums-adman- A judgo who will tbkow ou qpsherwise elem- csse out of coukt by rcsason of a sliglit grommstiml erkor iu tlie iudlcstmeut ouglit to bi remllcsd on the doublcsqulislc. Do you teallze what it meins-, bkotlum that stump- n oouscsssssd okimlkml lu- wallckd out a free man because of sue-l- a «te(-lmlml erkot"! Honor htight, isu«t that about the limitl llul tltls pre« cious syst-ea- Tslt would have pres sekved This golden Opportunity lot quibl)ling, luiksplltting law-you to shou tluslr coutemptible slcill von-tot lu sbollslskd will-out endsngering tlw Mut-Fu Byldontly Takt thian- thut the III-sk- snd judges form a supcks los- eloss of being-, while the eold, loher fort ls that if Uml- rlsuug is not constantly wcltcllod . . . . . enougli Haid 1dls «’lIme-dotmk(st1 Lysusm Use Lfon III-htm- Froposess to aboljsh Roms-weih though nmrdightcsc nein-r hsd any tkouhle is mal-sag out the phiin duty of Zusamment. By way of n stight digkesssiom do you remlleest Uckinlssy’8 express-sieh ot« «our plain day-» tovmtds Gab-. Well, shortly sitt-r Muts sman shle to sec- that du lty qnitp so Haian kos- Some kais-on «or other-. do Soontsr. how-von Ka Rovcisnslt in the Ivhitss llouse than that July was made oxtrismety plain. the kquh fide-r todt- mngths over all thi- mangels-, Imdcskhnmiescl seh-»wes of hig business-, and gars- nutonomy to this Pssnkl of the Amme-, Ilheit much to thi- mzke and music-mithin of var ious and sundry politicsions and «-t8tc»am(-n". Kunz-, Teädy ia a wry hsndzs man st permäving the sitt-plis ploin einty os the Los-eminent. A link from Colcsridge comtss to mind ··Counqze multipliesi thss chanres of sum-»s- hy Dom-stinken sinkt-IS oppor· tuaitieo and always availiog itself of them.« Beke, With fett-stimme ex scstness, the Rooseveltisn tretal of minä i-« express-ed in outline. Opportuaity always see-as to he rot-sing his vix-, nnd for certain usily desined tut-ons Just think of the treuemlous insluencss he exeereisql on the Ist-in of state immeckistely before tnd curios out mit with Syst-h Als Instit-ins efforts in its-hing the sie-et effeetive snd offi csiøatz the womit-Hut opportunities kos esiviliution Und better llving Ihicsh mass to the new mtions with thetk treulos- from the innedibly hast-l Rpsnish rules « — you may no be ins-te of the tust-, hat he hsä mon- to do with these things thut userer not-hing reist-in fort- ia cui-. Or this-h of his quiek remgnltioa os ehs nsv fes-ahnte of Pan-ma. with thi ovekvhcliolng und-mitfu- ot sonst-sup tiag the Frost ums n s direct Iso sulth one Would supposcs that nom hnt steelpltted mouhsrks Should ques. tion the vtluc of that moauwentsl pisqs of Ostwärts-Uns- thp sort of shlef erst-Miso am- muntky stsmls in acad ok. Wfth him. thts wstehvmfck is even «17Ws,kd!" stsndpstism in »D slity II tetmgkeuiom satt is unt-go nistie to tme progress satt humani døvclopment, positiv-L wish and em not-sie J The dissj(-ult)" in thi- piuls Of Hon jchss lim- in Un- Ins-lit«·-Is«l)· fu«-L Ums Um tut-ch- nss·-1"-« int- lsiunkusrossl h) zirkoisely Ibtms tsmnljlimm Abs-»I- lpig business in Hinsqu smaillmg t» addile c’l««arl)·. »inn- monch j- pmwh millions of muer bring depends-m of Use monpycksolutecy it is usxumi thut Use-it- voltss should bi- more or lssvs un der the kommt of the- "u«bip-huudg". But then- is suc·1- u thing us ken(«t-i0n, though woe to Un- jslle«. supe·keiliouv ricsh Uhr-n it Inst-nic- loouk in nimmt Aml vix-h in this (-una-s(-tiuu. i- mein-I Isy wies-sont Wole Izsnvlpluw is one sokm of sanktion, an inclignunt prutmt apiast s- pkevakimtiqg und ist-Finst satiag judiciskzq nt bottom. s, Dort of wall. But risvolution is the- kesl thing. kaut-es- oncse its-sei that sit-ist« kømedpu so dick more rockntly, und in theik own stumbling msmaer. Portugal nnd chinm The Maximu- Iml sont-h Ame-lata- Iro in s ottssmsy oi thei ovm They Iris just stoss- edit-treu who Mk Genick-. but dokt- thiak our kepubllc l- itt-music from such a umso-h sum-n patieaee und enduks suec un matt but s cost-in Its-in— Inil th- kmlsion II stumm-m Alkmäp its the unsp of the idle rich, Mel-It has notimä tlu outs yom matt-stinkt, sorsbocklas s Cassius sm-. bei-th, It s ists- s Its-l M — s womit-g to bis Wulst-ins how Orest-mit of Uni- chr. llc Ist-Ist hu- Ins II W: W Im not unser-Its TMLCYBÆL ZHLTCBZEM SMAPALT H- öes IIIqu Consdssfkifsffve Mr er lljeanaJot soff-List- Inindrp bemalt-sät Mnnck Dykliet 02 uopd rket Land til law Prisisr oq lotte Vilkaan UND k.ingt-k scsncles erne. s riv, pas enqelsk isftck trykte Pumslisttesn Vi »Ob« retu- lil Cans In, Uulov cUsX Ottawa Dankes-. III-DER UND COUPANL swikt current. ssskstchewsth can-etc c. s. NIELSEN tidligere i Dcxterville store bar nu etableret en PØRSTE KLÄssEs KØDi 06 KOLONIALVARE llANDEL Tidssvarendc i enbvcr Henseende Tværs over for Posthuset Wem unthconpmsoe vsmssonmn En sæklig Indbydelsc til Lands-wend. jtlse («0m1itions of their asagesslsvesz Ithey feel semke behind theik sach- of «gold; they have theit wins, wag-ev, and ssongz what more is need-säc- Csnuot Eil-« usokkingclus bcs satisfiedk Ah, the pity of it all! The Mr, Itoiling honte- ok humanity have but one eonceny just ouesssto be ensbletl ito keep body und soul tagt-Unsr- Yet, Ithey tot-, akt- capcble of n desjke for sltbnt whieh is besutifulz they, til-of Ist-et u longing for the joy of life. thst primus-l instit-et of nun-; thes-, mo avulck hin posses- tbst which elemtes the mind, ennobles the denkt, buntf fies existeach und einifies the gene «rul ask-M of life z la worin-tots, any to your-deli, des zMr. Votesz that Takt lau shown just Hei-It he can and will do. So hu 1two-even- The letter is act kais-et, dexeept it be perfect-h bot-est and squutr. But 1 aus-not look It thut ;stetn, eumest fuoe without involuas lakily set-Uns thut this is s man withl se purpose He M studietl the philoso lphy of like ou Moder Une- thun hul the dig trailer-. Moreovek, smilings does not, in s very emiueat desto-es muduee to s protouud etpekiencse in, or gut-q- of, thut which vom-em- tbej Ave-list- oi s- mtioth book over the: Inn-l- ok binary, und vekiiy that no( emiaeat lud-r of wen vss s plus-ist« easy-zwing, smiliug soct of know-; indeech such s obs-steter would be suj wonach-. Roosevelt Ists-. I ist-cy, bog-H in too elose mntset with the stets-H sinke-Jovis keclities of list-. the pch thetie wudittons of the muer to; flntt much use sol- bsntekihs. j But sctiom fefokny stkenuous endet vor in the üsht sm- kesl progress, in stit-sing its thust the wol-tin tbeke’s. your Rot-Ah nickt-t- ; —- —-.·.s·.--- -. Fm Kinas Judic. Eu danfk Ingenier Bebt-ist Fka Pekmg et der kommen Med dricslfe am, at en derboewde dankkj Jngeniør August Lund sammt-n med 4 ansdtc hat fortstaget en dri Estiq og farefnltd Ekspedistion fva Pe fing til World-Wiss og Mvngos zitt: Nmnskn bvot en Vol Mis .«"jxma·rer var j Fort-. Qm denne Eckspedition bringet »:)ii)ng-stc·d Zvlketidende« nebentspaas ende ret udfsklige og meaet interes sante Wrctnit1g, sder er nedfkrevm saf en i Peking bomde Wissin efter Innern-r Bunds Tibvat og Ifendt hinn. I Inn nat vi wg used sc qu led omtsale W August Luni-. Han M W for K. F. U. M. were alw, idee han her hat ud Wetftottslvbejldeog bl a væs ret pradtifk Leder for Sommerfei ren i 1910 san et nu 84 Las gaxnmec og er W i Witwe-ihn Senere jharhmmetisAariJapanog M as for et Par Nat fiden Mars M. Nu er Land Professor ved Unsi vetsjtetet i Peking, hvor hans Fag er Mmmmtit For Tiden et Der ganssis vist slet ingen Student-Eh da de unsde lesiglyederne bar for ladt dvres Læremkfralt, men de kommen- io not irgen. Endvisdvre hat Land samtnen med m Kollege en større Jngrsnsisrsors rvtning i Pcfing Jugend-r Land har derovte i del fjernc Osten udtetbet et start Ar befde for Missimm, isdct shan paa alle Mandel- hicklper og its-Mk Mis sionæterne, lendt fom han er mad de vmvsselsge Forhold hwrutrdkr der atbekdes. — —- — Vi lllktjl drwftet gen cbe Wen om EIN-editio nen im Pekiing til Samtsi fauledes fom den foreliqgcr eftek Enge-tin Lands cgne mundtlige Moddølels fer. Planet Uden for Den mittels-Te Was sitt-e msdte jeg Smdag den 4. Fe bruar en SVMWL Ntystrmh du- er Professor ved et af Unbersitetkrne heut-de, og blw af fflmm spqu om im vilde qaa med ma en Essen ditison op til Mongvliets Grænse for at M nogile Missionæwr, der var i Fare dem-pe. Der havde lcmgc værte ftærk Um oppe ved sde Egne, og den iden lke Gesandt, H. E. Wallmberg, -havde faaet Oride hjemmefka til at Time at bringe Hjælp til Missio næreme, der fad den-we vod Sa mäs Nemle of Samt-den var, act vi aftalve at reife Onsdagen denk. Ekswditionens worin-P Medlcms mer var Professor Lang fm Zoo tinskfu, Mission-U Fairburu samm fteds fva samt K. F. U. M.s Sekte tær Kidd fra «Sinan«fu. Foretagendet var dog næk gar-et i Mel-, da den engelkke Gesund-i Ecke vilde give fini- Utodersmäet Reisetillasdelse. Men Ratten fst Afreiien ital-de finde Sted kom der dog et Brev med den Bein-T C Slr. W Lande Willqu at de tog as Stsd for egen Risiko. Der Tunde Mk W nagen offi eiel Tilxadelle Preise-. Onssdaq Morgen trog vi san af Stett Vi var 4 Mond vg Thal-de i Knan tret-He den feinte. M. 6 om Mienen naaede vi Kal gan og tog fnd i den Auen-sie Kro, Mk vi sit VII-a asf Gesteiner for det wenltmdske Mr. Gemmn sdet W WMWW var der netan Mit-set Ome M Genemäon i Hase-an un at W o- oq gbe os Wie sum-n de fertige M